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LIFE for birds

25 years of the Birds Directive:
the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects

European Commission

European Commission
Environment Directorate-General
LIFE Focus is the journal of LIFE III programme (2000-2004).
LIFE (LInstrument Financier pour lEnvironnement / The financing instrument for the Environment) is a programme
launched by the European Commission and coordinated by the Environment Directorate-General (LIFE Unit BU-9 02/1).
The content of LIFE Focus does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.
Author: Alberto Zocchi. Editorial Department: Mecomat/Comunit Ambiente. Managing Editor: Bruno Julien, European
Commission, Environment DG, LIFE Unit BU-9 02/1, 200 rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels.
The following people contributed to this issue: : Michele della Rocca, Micheal OBriain, Manuela Osmi, Olivier Patrimonio, Angelo Salsi, Riccardo Scalera, Oliviero Spinelli, Ignacio Torres. Acknowledgements: Yolaine Bouteiller, Margarita De
Paz, Kristina Eriksson, Mats Eriksson, Marco Fritz, Anton Gazenbeek, John Houston, Marita Karling, Federico Nogara, Concha Olmeda, Martina Perris, Stefano Picchi, Geert Raeymaekers, Kerstin Sundseth, Marc Thauront, Alberto Venchi, Lea
Wongsoredjo, Daniela Zaghi. Graphic design: Paola Trucco. This issue of LIFE Focus is published in English.

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Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004
ISBN 92-894-7452-1
ISSN 1725-5619
European Communities, 2004
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged
Printed in Brussels
Printed on recycled paper

European Commission
LIFE Focus / LIFE for Birds. 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE Nature projects
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
2004 48 pp. 21 x 28 cm
ISBN 92-894-7452-1
ISSN 1725-5619

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects

Executive summary
The Birds Directive
and LIFE-Nature / 4
General objective
of the Birds Directive
What is LIFE-Nature?
Key objectives of the Birds
Directive relevant to LIFE-Nature
What is happening
to birds in the EU? / 7
Threatened bird species
LIFE-Nature as part of the EU
bird conservation strategy
A short history of EU financing
for bird conservation / 12
The ACE programme
How LIFE money
has been spent for birds

LIFE working
for threatened bird species / 17
Some statistics
on species-oriented projects
Saving birds of prey
Rare geese to be saved
Restricted endemic species
in Macaronesia
LIFE working
on habitats for birds / 25
Some statistics
on habitat-oriented projects
Agricultural habitats
LIFE initiatives
to manage the SPAs / 32
Important Bird Areas
and Special Protection Areas
How was money spent in SPAs
Planning management of SPAs
Sustainable use
and involvement of locals:
the case of the Comana wetland,
Farming and bird conservation:
the case of the Termoncarragh
Lake, Ireland
Managing multiple uses
of bird sites: the case
of Finlands estuaries and lakes

p. 1

and networking / 37
Communicating with the public
and stakeholders
Networking experience
Birds after LIFE / 41
Funding the conservation
of birds and their habitats
after LIFE
The use of agri-environmental
schemes for long-term
Long-term management
of steppe habitat through
EU funding
General conclusions / 43
LIFE Nature indicators
of success in bird conservation
Appendix / 46
List of cited bird species
scientific names

Executive summary
Since its inception in 1992 LIFE-Nature
has played a key role in the EUs strategy for bird conservation by supporting
many conservation actions for Europes
most threatened bird species. The aim
of this report is to give an overview of
the results achieved by LIFE-Nature for
endangered bird species in the European Union and how it has contributed
to achieving the objectives of the Birds
Directive. Selected success stories will
be used to introduce the scientific, ecological, socio-economic issues addressed and give some insights into the
diversity of solutions that have been
identified by LIFE project managers.

Photo Jorma Luhta

The Birds Directive, which was the

first major EU law to address the issue
of nature conservation at the continental scale, is still, 25 years after its
adoption, the main legal reference for
the protection of Europes avifauna.
While providing protection for all wild
birds, the Directive requires Member
States to take special conservation
measures for the most threatened
species and for migratory birds, also
through the establishment of an EU
wide network of Special Protection
Areas (SPAs) where birds and their
habitats have to be maintained in a
good conservation status.
To help achieve the objectives of the
Birds Directive, EU Funds dedicated
to projects for the conservation of
birds and their habitats have been
made available since 1984. Initially
this was through the ACE and ACNAT
programmes, which were succeeded
in 1992 by the LIFE programme, almost half of which is dedicated to
nature projects. This is at present the
only dedicated financial source for
bird conservation at the EU level. Up
to 2003 LIFE-Nature has invested 367
million Euros in projects targeting
threatened bird species. These are
pilot and demonstration projects,
aimed primarily at establishing the
necessary conditions for the protection of Europes most endangered bird

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 3

Photo Conservatoire Rhone-Alpes

LIFE Focus

From the outset of LIFE-Nature the

European Commission developed a
specific strategy to ensure that the limited financial resources were dedicated to actions aimed at conserving
the most threatened species. This
involved establishing a restricted list
of the most endangered bird species
considered as priority for LIFE-Nature
funding. This list includes all globally
threatened bird species in the EU.
Action plans, that identify ecological
needs, threats, conservation status
and actions to be implemented for the
different priority bird species at EU
and Member State levels, have been
LIFE-Nature projects have made a
significant contribution to the establishment of the SPA network, a cornerstone of bird protection in the EU.
In order to be eligible for LIFE funding
for site conservation actions all areas
already qualifying as SPAs have to be
given such legal status. According to
the latest available assessment, for
projects financed between 1985 and
2001, LIFE-Nature has supported conservation actions in more than 13 percent of SPAs, whose network now
includes more than 3.600 sites.
About 300 LIFE-Nature projects have
targeted bird conservation actions,
representing an impressive richness
of practical experience in a wide range
of fields: scientific research, habitat
restoration, land acquisition, management and reintroduction of bird spe-

cies, testing of new techniques, monitoring and awareness-raising. This is

the result of the dedicated commitment of thousands of people from
public administrations at all levels,
NGOs and private organizations.
LIFE-Nature places strong emphasis
on the sharing of this experience,
including making use of information
technologies such as the Internet. It
has therefore significantly contributed
to knowledge and capacity building
for dealing with major challenges facing bird conservation in the EU.
One of the main benefits of LIFENature has been its capacity to engage interested social groups, stakeholders and local communities, especially
in the forging of partnerships between
them. Many traditional farming, hunting, fishing and forestry activities are
sympathetic to bird conservation.
LIFE-Nature conservation projects
have built on these traditional experiences with a view to providing the
foundations for the future conservation of endangered bird species and
their habitats.
Where this EU strategy has been applied it has already proven to be highly
efficient for many of Europes most
vulnerable bird species. Actions under
LIFE-Nature, for species such as the
Spanish Imperial Eagle, the Great Bustard, waterbird communities, endemic
species from the Canaries and Azores, to name only a few, have signifi-

cantly improved their status. Many of

these success stories are described
in this report.
Last but not least, LIFE-Nature has
proven to be a strategically useful
instrument to support capacity building in many EU countries. It has contributed significantly to the development of experience and expertise in
the evolving nature conservation sector. However, much remains to be
done. The conservation status of many bird species is still far from secure
and the commitment to their conservation must continue. LIFE-Nature has
shown that, even with relatively limited funds, valuable results for bird
conservation can be achieved. It is
necessary to now build upon this experience.

The Birds Directive and LIFE-Nature

LIFE-Nature has been the main Community financial instrument to conserve sites,
habitats and species and contributed much to achieve the objectives of the Birds Directive
provisions of the Birds Directive have
been complemented, not replaced, by
those of the Habitats Directive.

Shakespeares Romeo, in a famous
scene, says to Juliet that the song
they hear is that of a lark, the herald
of the morn, not a nightingale as
Juliet pretends, and so it is time for
him to go: I must be gone and live,
or stay and die (Romeo and Juliet,
Act III, Scene V).
Both the skylark and the nightingale
are now much rarer than in Shakespeares times. Agricultural intensification in the 20 th century has led to a
widespread decline of the skylark all
over Europe and has reduced the distribution range of the nightingale. They
are both now included in the list of
bird species of European conservation concern and are examples of a
general trend affecting nearly 50 percent of the wild birds regularly occurring in Europe.
Recognizing that a large number of
species of wild birds naturally occurring in the European territory are
declining in number, very rapidly in
some cases, Member States of the
then European Economic Community,

Photo Comunit Ambiente

The skylark is much less common

than in the Shakespeare times and is now
considered as a vulnerable species

on April 2, 1979, adopted unanimously

the Birds Directive 1, the first major EU
law to protect nature for us and future
By adopting the Birds Directive Member States committed themselves to
protect all wild birds and their habitats, in particular by conserving sites
of special ornithological interest (as
well as by adopting legally binding
protection measures). The importance
of this approach has received further
emphasis with the adoption of the
Habitats Directive in 1992 2.
The Habitats Directive creates a comprehensive framework for the conservation of other threatened species of
EU interest as well as for habitats. The
measures implemented to achieve
this goal include the establishment of
a European network of protected areas called Natura 2000. However, the

1 Council Directive 79/409/EEC

on the conservation of wild birds.
2 Council Directive 92/43/EEC
of 21 May 1992 on the
conservation of natural habitats
and of wild fauna and flora.

Launched in 1992, LIFE-Nature, the

section of the LIFE programme dedicated to supporting the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives, is the only EU fund primarily
dedicated to nature conservation and
to the creation of the Natura 2000 protected areas network. Together with
ACE and ACNAT, two earlier financial
tools also focused on nature conservation, LIFE-Nature has, up to 2003,
spent more than 558 million Euros on
nature conservation projects. Of this
total, 367 million Euros have been
spent to help maintain and restore
endangered bird populations and their
habitats throughout the EU.
In the following pages the contribution of LIFE-Nature to the implementation of the Birds Directive is discussed, as are the most significant results
and lessons learnt from demonstration projects in the field of endangered
species conservation, the management of their habitats and the identification and management of SPAs.
General objective
of the Birds Directive
The aim of the Birds Directive is to
provide a legal tool for the protection,
management and control of naturally
occurring wild birds and their nests,
eggs and habitats within the European
Union. It was designed to ensure that
all wild birds receive basic protection
from trapping and killing. The Directive
establishes rules for their exploitation,
hunting and trade. For 194 bird species and subspecies, listed in Annex
I, the Directive requires Member States to also identify and implement
special habitat conservation measures.

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 5
Ministero dellAmbiente e della Tutela del Territorio, Direzione per la Conservazione della Natura

LIFE Focus

The map of Special Protection Areas

in the Latium region, Italy.

In terms of in situ conservation, the

Birds Directive requires that Member
States identify and designate the most
suitable sites for species of wild birds
listed in Annex I and for migratory
species as Special Protection Areas
(SPAs). A total of 3.639 SPAs have
been designated, up to June 2004,
corresponding to almost 243.000
square km, equivalent to the territory
of the United Kingdom. The percentage of the Member States terrestrial
surface included in the SPAs network
varies between 1,9 percent in France
to 15,4 percent in Spain. To this one
should add marine areas of coastal
sites. The total marine surface in the
EU is more than 37.500 square km,
with the largest part in Denmark (more
than 9.700 sq km) and Germany
(almost 9.200).
SPAs form part of Natura 2000, the
network of protected areas established by the Habitats Directive to
maintain the overall viability and integrity of biodiversity across the European Union. Natura 2000 includes two
types of sites: SPAs, which are dedicated to bird conservation, and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs),
dedicated to habitats and species of
plants and animals other than birds,
according to the Habitats Directive.
SPAs are generally subject to the
same protection regime as SACs,
defined under the Habitats Directive.
In particular, this requires the assessment of the implications of plans or
projects not directly connected with
the conservation management of the
sites. For developments which will
have an adverse effect on the site they
may only be permissible if there are
no other solutions and are to be considered of overriding public interest.
In such cases compensatory measures must be identified to offset the
loss of ecological values.

What is LIFE-Nature?
The LIFE Programme was launched in
1992 by the then European Community
(Council Regulation EEC n. 1973/92) as
one of the spearheads of Community
environmental policy. It is structured
into three thematic components, with
very different characteristics, namely:
> LIFE-Nature, which accounts for
around 47% of the LIFE programme
budget and has the objective of
supporting the implementation of
Council Directives 79/409/EEC and
92/43/EEC, especially the establishment of Natura 2000.
> LIFE Environment, which accounts
for around 47% of the LIFE programme budget but has more general environmental objectives;
> LIFE Third Countries, with the specific objective of providing capacity
building in third Countries. It accounts for around 6% of the LIFE
programme budget.
LIFE-Nature has been the main Community financial instrument focusing
on the conservation of sites of the
Natura 2000 network and on the conservation of habitats and species of
wild fauna and flora. Even though it is
a relatively small fund in European
terms it has contributed in a significant way to establish and manage the
network of protected areas of the EU.
LIFE-Nature has enabled the realization of crucial conservation initiatives:
the preparation of inventories of sites

to be included in Natura 2000 (Ireland,

Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal), the
preparation of management plans for
sites, which has been included in over
60 per cent of the LIFE-Nature projects, and actions directed at conservation and restoration of endangered
species and habitats. It has also contributed to the identification of guidelines to support implementation of the
Habitats Directive provisions and the
exchange of experiences to raise the
efficiency and cost-effectiveness of
conservation actions.
An updated report on what LIFENature has done for the establishment
and management of the Natura 2000
network during the last ten years has
recently been published by the European Commission 3 and is available on
the Commissions web site 4.
Key objectives of the Birds
Directive relevant to LIFE-Nature
LIFE-Nature has been established as
a tool to support the implementation
of the Habitats and Birds Directives.

European Commission (2003)

LIFE for Natura 2000: 10 years
implementing the regulation.

Photo Kenny Nelson

Photo Jorma Luhta

Above. A LIFE river project in the UK

Below. The Whooper Swan is one
of the 181 bird species included
in Annex I of the Birds Directive, for which
special conservation measures are
to be taken

Its objectives are therefore explicitly

referring to the main strategic conservation issues identified by these laws.
In particular, several LIFE actions are
related to achieving objectives of the
Birds Directive, namely:
> conservation of species in danger of
extintion, listed in Annex I;

> conservation of habitats for birds;

> identification and designation of
> management of SPAs so as to avoid
deterioration of habitats and maintenance or restoration of endangered bird populations, including the
elaboration and implementation of
management plans;
> monitoring and research, including
monitoring the trends of birds populations;
> consultation with the public on
plans and projects and for the elaboration and adoption of management plans.

According to the European Commission 5, there are 19 key implementation tasks related to the Birds Directive on which Member States should
undertake initiatives. At least 12 of
them are tasks that LIFE projects have
contributed to put in practice. Among
them are the identification and designation of SPAs; the implementation of
the EIA directive and provisions of the
Habitats Directive to evaluate possible
effects of plans and projects affecting
SPAs; taking measures to maintain or
re-establish bird populations at appropriate levels; managing and avoiding
the deterioration of the habitats for
birds; monitoring habitats and bird
populations; encouraging specific
research and carrying out appropriate
consultation processes both for the
elaboration of management plans and
the evaluation of possible damages
that can come from plans and projects.
Therefore, apart from some regulatory
aspects of the implementation of the
Birds Directive, such as the definition
of hunting periods or bird species that
can be hunted, LIFE-Nature has played a major role in fulfilling the objectives of the Directive in the Member
States. Projects are most of the time
to be considered as pilot ones, however they had a pivotal role in spreading awareness of bird conservation
issues and of the EU laws protecting
them and in identifying and disseminating good management practices of
habitats and species that now represent a reference point and in the field
research on endangered species and
their habitats. In short, LIFE-Nature
has demonstrated its effectiveness as
a key financial and technical tool to
assist Member States in fulfilling their
bird protection obligations.

5 Handbook for the

implementation of EC
environmental legislation

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 7

What is happening to birds in the EU?

The population size of the majority of European bird species is declining.
The European Union adopted a clear strategy for the conservation of threatened bird species,
taking into account the best available scientific information. The endangered species have been
identified and, for those in need of urgent attention, action plans have been prepared.
LIFE-Nature has then promoted and favoured the implementation of projects consistent
with the EU strategy
A large body of scientific information
on the status and trends of different
species supports the widely held perception that the extent of habitat
modifications and the impact of human activities on bird populations in
the last century has been dramatic.

Birds are very good environmental

indicators and are the best known animal group, studied by professionals,
amateurs and bird-watchers for a sufficiently long time to provide good
data on their present and past distribution and population trends. The
effort of thousands of people who
devote their time to birds has made it
possible to realize works which are the
current reference on this matter. Some
examples include the Atlas of European Breeding Birds 1, the list of Important Bird Areas in Europe 2 and the first
assessment of the conservation status of all European birds 3, which has

1 Hagemeijer, W.J.M. and Blair,

M.J., eds. (1987) The EBCC Atlas
of European Breeding Birds, Their
Distribution and Abundance.
Academic Press
2 Heath, M.F. and Evans M.I., eds.
(2001) Important Bird Areas in
Europe: Priority Sites for Conservation. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife
International (BirdLife Conservation
Series no.3)
3 Tucker, G.M. and Heath, M.F.
(1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K.:
BirdLife International (BirdLife
Conservation Series no.3)

Photo Fernando Jubete

Threatened bird species

provided the basis for the identification of endangered species based on

a standardised methodology.

Due to habitat loss through agricultural

intensification the Aquatic Warbler is now
a globally threatened species

The list of endangered birds in

Europe, including Russia and Turkey,
was compiled by BirdLife International
in 1994. It will be revised and updated
at the end of 2004, however the 1994
data are useful to illustrate the context in which the Commission has
developed its conservation strategy
over the last years. BirdLife has
revealed that, out of 514 regularly
occurring bird species, 278 qualified
as being Species of European Conservation Concern (SPEC). Twenty
four of these SPECs were considered
to be of Global Conservation Concern: birds whose survival can be
guaranteed only by strong conservation action. Such species included

Zinos and Feas Petrels, the Ferruginous Duck, the Corncracke, the Audouins Gull, the Spanish Imperial Eagle
or the Lesser Kestrel.
The picture is however uneven across
the continent. All EU countries (including new Member States) host a number of SPECs with an Unfavourable
Conservation Status but some hold
more of them than others. Spain is the
country with the highest number of
threatened bird species (106), followed by France (98), Greece (95),
Italy (82) and Portugal (77). Countries
with the lowest number of SPECs are
Belgium (45) and Ireland (34) but this
is also related to their geographical

Photo Jorma Luhta

Photo Grard Shmitt

The analysis of the habitat use by the

SPECs, carried out by BirdLife International, shows that more than 60
percent of them are linked to lowland
farmland (116 species). This reflects
both the prevalence of this habitat in
the European Union (about 70 per
cent) and the rapid pace of change in
farming practices. Among the identified threats, agricultural intensification
is by far the most important one,
affecting more than 42 percent of
threatened species, followed by hunting and persecution, affecting more
than 30 percent of them. Intensification of agricultural practices is a multifaceted process including a range of
activities: crop specialization and
improvement, use of pesticides, elimination of marginal habitats such as
hedges and woodlots, cultivation of
grasslands, loss of crop diversity,

Above. The Lesser Kestrel, a colonial

falconet linked to steppic habitats
Right. The Great Grey Owl, a typical taiga
forest species
Left. A male White-headed Duck,
localized, in the EU, in South-Western


position, surface and overall smaller

number of bird species.
The large number of threatened bird
species indicates widespread habitat
deterioration. Birds can help in identifying which habitat types are in greater
danger and can help drive broader conservation strategies.

drainage, etc. The overall result is a

general loss of biodiversity and of the
ecological quality of the most widespread habitat in Europe.
Lowland farmland includes particular
habitats on which some species are
highly dependent. Examples include
low-intensity hay meadows, a crucial
habitat for Corncrake, traditional handcut sedge meadows for the Aquatic
Warbler, diverse mixed farmland landscapes for the Partridge, Red-backed
Shrike and Ortolan Bunting or, again,
dry grasslands and extensive dry cereal cultivations in southern, central
and eastern Europe, habitat for the
Pallid Harrier, Great Bustard and Pintailed Sandgrouse.

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 9

Wetlands too hold a large number of

SPECs, reflecting the biological diversity and importance of these habitats.
In particular, wetland drainage and
land-reclamation is the third most important threat, affecting 28% of the
European SPECs. Some of the most
threatened birds in Europe are wetland
species, protected by the Birds Directive, such as the Dalmatian Pelican,
Lesser White-fronted Goose, Redbreasted Goose, Marbled Teal, Ferruginous Duck, White-headed Duck, Slender billed Curlew and Aquatic Warbler.
The third habitat with the greater number of threatened species is forest.
The total area of forest has been
increasing in Europe since the twenties, due to afforestation of open land.
However, the degradation of the ecological quality of forest habitats is widespread. Intensification of forestry
management, spread of plantations
including exotic, and non native
species, overgrazing, disturbance and
habitat fragmentation are only a few of
the factors affecting the natural values of forests in Europe. Old-growth
forests now only survive in a few significant tracts, mostly in northern and
eastern Europe, and should be strictly
protected. In old-growth forests trees
are taller and with larger crowns, providing nest sites for raptors and other
large birds; there is more dead wood
of a large diameter, with foraging and
nesting sites for woodpeckers and
other species; the forest structure is
multi-layered; gaps from fallen trees
are more numerous, creating habitat
and food opportunities for ground
dwelling birds. These are just some of
the features of a mature forest, which
are now rarely seen in Europe. A number of SPECs are bound to these features, such as the Cinereous Vulture,
Lesser Spotted Eagle, Greater Spotted Eagle and several other raptor
species, Grey headed Woodpecker,
Three-toed Woodpecker and Semicollared Flycatcher, just to name a few.
LIFE-Nature as part of the EU
bird conservation strategy
The European Commission has adopted a clear strategy, taking into consideration the European laws and the
possibility of funding such strategy,

especially through LIFE. In a nutshell,

the EU strategy for the conservation of
wild birds, that LIFE-Nature has helped to implement in a crucial way, is
based on the following main points.
1. Identify endangered species. The
most endangered species have
been included in the Annex I of the
Birds Directive. The provisions of
the Directive have to be applied to
these species, both in terms of
general protection and in situ conservation through the establishment of the SPAs network. The scientific research carried out in the
years following the adoption of the
Directive has supported the validity of the list of species included in
Annex I. In particular the analysis
made by BirdLife International,
ranking all European bird species
into SPEC (Species of European
Concern) categories confirmed
that all the globally threatened species are included in the list.
2. Prioritized listing of endangered
species. Taking into consideration
the threat level of each single
species included in the Annex I of
the Birds Directive and the limitations of the LIFE-Nature fund, a list
of priority species for funding under the LIFE programme has been
defined. The list, a sub-set of the
species included in Annex I of the
Birds Directive, was initially drafted
by the European Commission,
finalized in 1996 and 1997 and
approved by the Ornis Committee,
an official body established under
the Birds Directive and composed
of representatives of the competent authorities in each Member
State. In addition to its regulatory
role, the Ornis Committee is an
important forum for consultation
with Member States on issues related to the implementation of the
Birds Directive. The list (provided in
the application file for LIFE-Nature
projects), includes 49 species and
subspecies whose conservation
status is of special concern, both
for their very limited area of distribution or for the observed rapid
decline of the populations. LIFE
projects aimed at the protection of
these species received up to 75

Many of the species for which

conservation action plans have been
prepared have shown signs of recovery
in recent years, the best evidence of their
usefulness in promoting and guiding
the protection process.

percent of co-financing of the total

budget by the European Commission, instead of the usual maximum
of 50 percent.
3. Elaborate species action plans.
To help in guiding the planning of
conservation actions, the European Commission has financially
supported the preparation, by
Birdlife International, of international action plans for all the priority bird species. As there was
already an international action plan
for the Greenland White-fronted
Goose and a national plan for the
Scottish Crossbill, a UK endemic,
EU plans were not prepared for
these species. The only other priority bird species not yet the subject of an action plan is the Azores
subspecies of the Wood Pigeon.
These plans provide updated information on the distribution, population trends, life history, relative
impact of threats, and identify the
actions needed to ensure the protection and/or recovery of the targeted species. Aspects considered in action plans include policy
and legislation, conservation man-

agement, monitoring, research and

public awareness. All action plans
are available on the Web site of the
European Commission 4. The European Commission has invited all
Member States to translate these
framework plans into national action plans for the species under
their responsibility.
4) Launch LIFE projects on most
endangered species.
Having identified priorities for action and promoted the identification of comprehensive strategies
for their conservation, the Europe-


an Commission has favoured the

financing of LIFE projects that were
consistent with the identified priorities and actions to be implemented accordingly.
According to these strategic lines,
LIFE-Nature has been conceived to
provide the best possible results in
terms of the conservation of habitats
and species of EU concern. As can be
expected from a practical and operational tool such as LIFE, its contribution
has been concentrated on the conservation of species and their habitats
within identified sites (Special Protection Areas and proposed Sites of Community Importance, pSCIs). However,
there have also been projects to protect species outside sites, both for
wide-ranging species that cannot be
efficiently managed solely within a

restricted number of sites and to favour

the maintenance of those landscape
features that allow the ecological linkage among protected sites. Examples,
among birds, include the Lammergeier
reintroduction in the Alps or the conservation of wetlands for migratory species along the Adige and Brenta rivers,
important flyways crossing the Alps.
The Commissions strategy has helped in optimizing the use of the limited human and financial resources
available, contributing to the conservation of the most endangered species and their habitats at the EU level.
As a result, almost all of the priority
species have been addressed by LIFE
projects, as shown in the following
table, reporting the present distribution and the number of LIFE-Nature
project carried out on each of them.

List of priority bird species of Directive 79/409/EEC considered as priority for funding under LIFE
and addressed directly or indirectly by LIFE-Nature projects
English name

Latin name

(where the species is breeding)


Feas Petrel
Zinos Petrel
Balearic Shearwater
Mediterranean Shag

Portugal (Madeira)
Portugal (Madeira)
Spain (Balearic Islands)


Pygmy Cormorant
Dalmatian Pelican

Pterodroma feae
Pterodroma madeira
Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus
Phalacrocorax aristotelis
Phalacrocorax pygmaeus
Pelecanus crispus
Botaurus stellaris


White-fronted Goose
9 Greenland
White-fronted Goose
10 Red-breasted Goose

Anser erythropus

France, Greece, Italy, Spain

Greece, Hungary, Italy Slovakia
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
United Kingdom
Finland, Sweden

Anser albifrons flavirostris

Ireland, United Kingdom

Branta ruficollis

11 Marbled Teal
12 Ferruginous Duck

Marmaronetta angustirostris
Aythya nyroca

13 Stellers Eider

Polysticta stelleri

14 White-headed Duck

Oxyura leucocephala

Austria, Germany, Greece, Netherlands,

Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands,
Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Sweden

15 Lammergeier
16 Cinereous vulture

Gypaetus barbatus
Aegypius monachus

France, Greece, Italy, Spain

France, Greece, Spain




LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 11

17 Corso-Sardinian
18 Macaronesian
19 Lesser Spotted Eagle

Accipiter gentilis arrigonii

France (Corsica), Italy (Sardinia)

Accipiter nisus granti

Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Islands)

Aquila pomarina


Greater Spotted Eagle

Imperial Eagle
Spanish Imperial Eagle
Bonellis Eagle
Lesser Kestrel

Aquila clanga
Aquila heliaca
Aquila adalberti
Hieraaetus fasciatus
Falco naumanni


Eleonoras Falcon
Sicilian Rock Partridge
Italian Partridge

Falco eleonorae
Falco biarmicus
Falco rusticolus
Alectoris graeca whitakeri
Perdix perdix italica
Crex crex


Purple Gallinule
Crested Coot
Little Bustard
Houbara Bustard
Great Bustard

Porphyrio porphyrio
Fulica cristata
Tetrax tetrax
Chlamydotis undulata
Otis tarda

36 Cream-coloured Courser
37 Slender-billed Curlew

Cursorius cursor
Numenius tenuirostris

38 Audouins Gull
39 Roseate Tern

Larus audouinii
Sterna dougallii


Columba trocaz
Columba bollii
Columba junioniae
Columba palumbus azorica
Dendrocopus major canariensis

Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece,

Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia,
Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia
Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain
France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia,
Spain, United Kingdom (Gibraltar)
Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Spain
Greece, Italy
Finland, Sweden
Italy (Sicily)
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland,
Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
United Kingdom
France, Italy, Portugal, Spain
France, Italy, Portugal, Spain
Spain (Canary Islands)
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Portugal,
Slovakia, Spain
Spain (Canary Islands)
Passage migrant : Austria, Cyprus, France,
Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland
Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain
France, Portugal (Azores, Madeira), Ireland,
Spain, United Kingdom
Portugal (Madeira)
Spain (Canary Islands)
Spain (Canary Islands)
Portugal (Azores)
Spain (Canary Islands, Tenerife)

Dendrocopus major thanneri

Spain (Canary Islands, Gran Canaria)

Acrocephalus paludicola
Fringilla teydea
Loxia scotica
Pyrrhula murina

Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland

Spain (Canary Islands)
United Kingdom
Portugal (Azores)



Madeira Laurel Pigeon

Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon
White-tailed Laurel Pigeon
Azores Wood Pigeon
Tenerife Great Spotted
Gran Canaria Great
Spotted Woodpecker
Aquatic Warbler
Blue Chaffinch
Scottish Crossbill
Azores Bullfinch

Source: BirdLife International /European

Bird Census Council (2000) European bird
populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife
Conservation Series No. 10).
European Commission LIFE database:
ife/project/index.htm, with modifications.



A short history of EU financing

for bird conservation
EU financial support to assist the implementation of the Birds Directive pre-dates LIFE.
Two major funding programmes, ACE and ACNAT, were, between 1984 and 1991, dedicated
to the conservation of nature. LIFE was launched in 1992 and co-financed about 300 projects
that specifically addressed threatened birds and their habitats
Left. Dalmatian Pelican
From: Naumann, Naturgeschichte der Vgel
mitteleuropas: Band XI,Table 2 Gera, 1903
Below. Cover of the European
Commission report on the ACE-Biotopes
projects. ACE was launched in 1984
to promote the conservation of
biodiversity in the EU

The ACE programme

The ACE programme (Actions by the
Community relating to the Environment, Council Regulation 1872/84)
was the main EU financial tool dedicated to funding nature conservation
projects in the EU before LIFE.
ACE was a programme specially conceived to support the implementation
of the Birds Directive, providing a
financial contribution to maintain
threatened biotopes that host endangered species of particular importance for the European Union. To
achieve these objectives, several sectors of actions were included: the promotion of actions for the conservation
and restoration of sites, the identification of threatened priority sites and
the establishment of a European network of Special Protection Areas. Projects were co-financed by the European Community at a 50 percent rate

or exceptionally, under specific conditions, at up to 75 percent.

Between 1984 and 1991, ACE spent
half of its budget (the total of which was
more than 30 million ECU, the European Currency Unit, predecessor to the
Euro, with the same value) on 92 projects dedicated to the protection of
biotopes. Nearly two thirds of the funds
were allocated to 60 projects aimed at
maintaining, restoring or improving wetland sites. Specific actions were undertaken for the management and restoration of a number of other habitats,
including the peat bogs of Duich Moss
on the island of Islay in Scotland and
the dehesas of the Serra de Hornachos
in Extremadura, Spain, which host bird
communities of international importance. Many of these sites are now
classified as Special Protection Areas
(and also designated under the Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance). Thirty-eight new

Special Protection Areas, with a total

surface of 3.400 square km, were designated during the lifespan of the programme and 22 more were added soon
More than 500 sites benefited from
the projects, covering a total surface
greater than 17.000 square km, equivalent to more than half of the territory
of Belgium.

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 13

The ACE programme also carried out

conservation actions on 73 percent of
the 144 bird species listed in the
Annex I of the Birds Directive at that
time (the list was thereafter modified
and, since May 2004, includes 194
species and subspecies).

EC ACE-Biotopes programme, the

project resulted in the designation of
five Special Protection Areas covering
more than 30.000 ha and of one natural reserve. The actions to improve
feeding opportunities for this rare and
declining Mediterranean bird of prey
led to an increase in the number of
juveniles and in the re-occupation of
an abandoned nesting site.

Several projects focused on the conservation of specific bird species or

groups. Cinereous vulture and Griffon
Vulture, White Stork, Greenland Whitefronted Goose, Common Crane, Dalmatian Pelican, Bonellis Eagle, Capercaille and Roseate Tern are examples
of species which were the focus of
dedicated projects. The range of actions carried out varied according to
the species: the realization of feeding
points for vultures, the elaboration and
implementation of a recovery plan for
the Roseate Tern at the European
Union scale, cultivation of arable land
to provide food and compensation for
damage to farmers to favour Cranes
wintering populations, captive breeding and reintroduction of birds of prey,

A review of the conservation of biodiversity in the European Union promoted by the ACE Biotopes programme has been published by the
European Commission in 1994, including an in-depth analysis of the
functioning of this financial instrument
and data sheets for all the 92 financed
projects, country by country 1.
The ACE programme ended in 1991,
when the EU was planning to expand
its competence in the field of nature
conservation through the Habitat
Directive. In December 1991, it was
decided to adopt a separate financial
instrument for nature, ACNAT (Actions
by the Community for Nature, Council Regulation 3907/91). Through this
programme, actions for bird species
and sites considered of importance
under the Birds Directive continued to
be supported but, in addition, funds
were also made available for the conservation of other endangered species
and habitats.

From 1989 to 1993 the French League

for the Protection of Birds (LPO) carried out a project to protect the
Bonellis Eagle habitat in the southern
part of the country. Financed by the

Photo Fernando Jubete

Trapping nets in Helgoland, Germany.

Scientific research is often included in
conservation projects so as to provide
useful information to tailor the actions and
to monitor project results

With the adoption of the Habitats

Directive, in May 1992, ACNAT was
almost immediately replaced, by LIFE
(Council Regulation 1973/92), a financial instrument aimed at helping the
development and implementation of
the Unions Environment Policy as
outlined in its Fifth Environmental
Action Programme. The first phase of

1 European Commission.
Promoting Biodoiversity
in the European Union. The ACEBiotopes Programme 1984-1991.
Luxembourg: Office for Official
Publications of the European
Communities. 1994, 152 pp.

The Whimbrel and (in the middle)

the Slender-billed Curlew.
The latter is the rarest and the most
poorly known bird in Europe.
From: Naumann, Naturgeschichte der
Vgel mitteleuropas: Band IX, Table 13 Gera, 1903

LIFE lasted from 1992 to 1995, with a

budget of 400 million ECUs.
One of the environmental fields addressed by LIFE I was the protection
of habitats and species. Actions undertaken in this area were intended
specifically to help finance projects
which worked towards, and provided
an incentive for the implementation of
the Habitats and Birds Directive. In total ACNAT and LIFE I, contributed 149
million ECUs to 176 nature conservation projects out of the 893 proposals
A number of projects continued to be
dedicated specifically to endangered
bird species. A few examples of the
bird conservation projects that benefited from the ACNAT/LIFE I funding
are listed below.
> For Slender-billed Curlew: a globally threatened species, probably

funded WWF Greece to carry out a

project for the management and
wardening of the Reserve, as well
as the development of ecotourism
with the preparation of an operational management plan. The population of the Cinereous Vulture increased from nine pairs in 1988 to
20 pairs in 1994.
> For Feas Petrel: another globally
threatened marine species with a
known population in Europe of only
150-200 pairs in the Deserta Islands,
south-east of Madeira. The management of the Nature Reserve of the
Desertas Islands received financial
support from the EU during the period 19861996 through the ACE,
ACNAT and LIFE programmes.

The Corncrake is declining due to

agricultural intensification. ACNAT has
funded since 1993 actions to involve
farmers in its conservation.
From: Naumann, Naturgeschichte der
Vgel mitteleuropas: Band VII,
Table 15 - Gera,

the rarest and most poorly known

bird species in Europe. This was the
subject of a wide range of activities
carried out during 19921994 across
much of the European species range, under the ACNAT project Preparation of a rescue plan for the Slender-billed Curlew.
> For Cinereous Vulture: this very
large, tree-nesting raptor threatened
by the use of poisoned baits and
the loss of old-growth Mediterranean forests, extinct in much of its
former range in Europe, has benefited, in the Sierra de Gata (Extremadura, Spain), from habitat restoration and food restocking.
> For Cinereous Vulture: In the Dadi
Forest, Greece, in 1992, ACNAT

> For Dalmatian Pelican: a globally

threatened species, which has declined dramatically since the nineteenth century due to drainage of
wetlands. The larger European population is situated in Greece, where
about 500 pairs breed. Actions
aimed at creating a new breeding
habitat at Lake Kerkini were funded
> For Corncrake: declining steadily
due to agricultural intensification
and mechanization which destroy its
habitat: hay meadows subject to low
intensity farming. Voluntary schemes
providing payments to farmers for
Corncrake management were introduced in 1993 in France, when 6
million francs (about 900.000 Euros)
were invested in management of
about 6.000 ha, where 1020% of
the national Corncrake population
lives. The schemes were funded
through several programmes. ACNAT/LIFE funded the measure in
four areas: Marais de Carentan,
Basses Valles Angevines, Val de
Saone and Valles du Nord-Est de la
France (Meuse, Oise, Aisne, Chiers).
1996 marked the start of phase II of
LIFE. This phase covered a period of
four years from 1996 to 1999 with a
total indicative budget of 450 million
ECUs, almost half destined for nature.
The overall objective remained the

same: to promote the implementation

of Community policy and legislation in
the field of the environment. As in LIFE
I, nature conservation actions financed under this instrument have contributed to the implementation of the
Birds and Habitats Directives. In particular, the actions proposed were
aimed at maintaining and restoring the
habitats and species listed in both
Directives to a favourable conservation status.
LIFE II started after the deadline in the
Habitats Directive for proposing sites
under Natura 2000 had passed. It
therefore supported measures aimed
directly at maintaining and restoring
the sites which had been proposed as
SACs under the Habitats Directive or
which had been legally designated as
SPAs by the Member States under the
Birds Directive. It also assisted actions
likely to have a significant impact on
the conservation of the species listed
in either the Birds or Habitats Directives.
During its four years of implementation LIFE II Nature financed 309 projects out of the 849 presented. The
total financing committed for those
projects was some 200 millions Euros.
In 1999 LIFE opened its doors for the
first time to accession countries.
Romania was the first country to participate: fourteen LIFE-Nature projects
were submitted by various Romanian
institutions and NGOs. Seven of
these were finally selected.
LIFE III, which runs from 2000 to 2004,
has allocated funds amounting to 640
million Euros to continue the promotion of pilot projects for the conservation of habitats and species and the
management of the Natura 2000 network. Moreover, in 2002, the Commission has launched two accompanying measures, called Starters and
Co-op to promote international initiatives and favour the co-operation
between different projects. In 2002, 12
Starters projects have received 30.000
Euros each to prepare international
LIFE Natura project proposals to be
submitted in 2003. One was aimed at
the conservation of the Lesser White-

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 15

fronted Goose on its migratory flyways and another at the preparation

of an action plan for the Bonellis
Eagle in Portugal. Moreover, four Coop projects have been approved to
encourage LIFE-Nature projects to
exchange experiences on specific
issues. Management of grouse and
tourism and management of wetlands
in Finland were two such projects targeting bird species. In 2003 only the
Co-op measure was launched and six
projects were financed for a total
expense of about 634.600 Euros.
These included a project aimed at
preparing a handbook for actions to
promote Bittern conservation in Europe and an evaluation of Bustard management best practices.
How LIFE money has been spent
for birds
All LIFE Natura projects can potentially have a direct or indirect effect on
bird species and their habitats. However, only data on NA2 and on NA3
projects (see box), which are clearly
aimed at bird conservation will be
considered here. Therefore the figures
reported below on the number of projects and the relative financial data are
Out of 777 LIFE-Nature projects financed up to 2003, both in the EU
countries and in the candidate ones,
at least 295 had a direct relevance to
bird species and their habitats. This
figure includes also the ACE and
ACNAT projects. 41 percent of the
LIFE-Nature projects had birds as
their objective, confirming this group
of animals as a leading one in terms
of interest, significance and value as
umbrella species, through which
important biological communities and
entire assemblages of habitats can be

LIFE projects fall

into three categories:
> NA1 aimed at the conservation of
one (or more) natural site(s) proposed by Member States as Sites of
Community Importance (pSCI) under
the Habitats Directive;
> NA2 aimed at the conservation of
one (or more) natural site(s) designated by Member States as Special
Protection Area (SPA) under the
Birds Directive;
> NA3 one (or more) species of
fauna or flora of the Habitats Directive annexes II or IV and/or of the
Birds Directive annex I.

mum of 48 million Euros in 2001

(Graph 2).
Spain, which has the highest number
of endangered bird species, is at the
top of the list of the beneficiary countries of ACE, ACNAT and LIFE-Nature
for projects dedicated to birds. The
money spent, as can be seen by the
graph 3, is not always proportional to
the number of financed projects.

The average cost per project (Graph 4)

has been higher in Finland and France,
while the less expensive projects, on
average, have been carried out in
Public administrations, at national,
regional and local levels, are the most
numerous LIFE-Nature benefciaries
(Graph 1). This indicates that LIFE has
acted as an incentive to public
investment in the establishment of the
Natura 2000 network. Among public
authorities, the regional ones, which
are often directly responsible for the
sites, have taken the lead with 29 percent of the projects, followed by
national authorities (generally ministries of the environment and/or agriculture) with 16 percent of the projects. Local authorities (provincial or
municipal administrations) have also
played a significant role, with 8 percent. An important share of the budget has been used by NGOs, often
managers of protected areas. NGOs
are often involved in LIFE-Nature projects also as partners, to guarantee
public administrations technical and
operational support.

Graph 1. Beneficiaries of LIFE-Nature funding for birds

private industry

public body

local authority
national authority

The total expenditure for bird projects

has exceeded 367 million Euros, cofinanced by the European Union at a
cost of almost 200 million Euros, representing 54 per cent of the total.
Since its initiation in 1992, annual
LIFE-Nature expenditure for birds
increased from about 10 million Euros
up to 40 million Euros, with a maxi-

national authority

Graph 2. ACE, ACNAT and LIFE-Nature expenditure over years (million Euros)





















total budget
Eu contribution

Graph 3. Total amount of ACE, ACNAT, LIFE-Nature expenditure per country (million Euros)



















n. projects











total budget














Eu contribution








6,3 6,2 7,1 6,7 3,4 4,4 4,4 3,6 1,4 2,1 1,6 1,3 0,6 0,4 0,4


5,7 4,5 4,1 2,2 2,1 0,9 0,7 0,5

Graph 4. Average cost of LIFE-Nature projects per country (million Euros)























3,37 2,24 2,09 2,08 1,65 1,56 1,37 1,28 1,26 1,19 1,17 1,00 0,99 0,95 0,84 0,73 0.71 0,70 0,49 0,49 0,34 0,23

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 17

LIFE working for threatened

bird species
A number of LIFE-Nature projects has directly targeted threatened bird species
and addressed the specific conservation problems that led to their decline.
Birds of prey and aquatic birds have been a favoured objective of LIFE projects but LIFE
has funded projects on most threatened species throughout Europe.
It provided a major contribution to the identification of the most efficient management
methods and to their protection.

Among freshwater birds (taken as a

very broad category), the Bittern has
been the favourite, with at least 8 specific projects costing 14,5 million Euros.
Other targeted species have been
Aquatic Warbler, Common Crane, Dalmatian Pelican, Slender-billed Curlew,
Purple Gallinule, Marbled Teal, Whiteheaded Duck, Greenland White-fronted and Lesser White-fronted Goose,
White and Black Storks. For these a
total of at least 40 million Euros has
been spent.

Marine birds are another important

group that has benefited from LIFENature projects. Corys and Balearic
Shearwater, Zinos Petrel and Audouins gulls are just a few examples
of endangered, localized or endemic
species considered. About 23 millions
Euros have been dedicated to the
conservation of their nesting sites and
to address the main limiting factors
for their survival.
A special group of projects has been
implemented to protect a number of
endemic species of the Macaronesian
Islands (Canary and Azores), namely
the Azores Bullfinch, the Blue Chaffinch, Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon and
White-tailed Laurel Pigeon. Conservation of these species has meant
actions for the sustainable management of the laurel forests of those
islands, with an important impact also

Above. The Egyptian Vulture, the smallest

of European vultures and the only
migratory one.
Below. In the Iberian peninsula,
the dehesas, a fascinating mixed forest
and grassland habitat, host a number
of threatened birds of EU importance.
Photo Comunit Ambiente

The top-ten species-oriented projects,

as for number of projects, dealt with
rare species of birds of prey. France,
Spain and Greece have been especially committed to the conservation
of their populations of endangered
raptors. Bonellis Eagle, Cinereous
Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Spanish
Imperial Eagle, Lesser Kestrel altogether account for at least 23 specific
projects, with a total budget of at least
31 million Euros. The Imperial Eagle is
the main focus of two projects being
carried out in Slovakia and Hungary.
Reintroduction projects for raptors are
another important sector, including
the well known reintroduction of the
Lammergeier in the Alps. Eight projects, with a total cost of almost 9 million Euros, have focused on the conservation (not only the reintroduction)
of this species. The Golden Eagle is
being reintroduced successfully into
Ireland since 2001. The total expenditure on raptors is more than 53 million

Photo WWF Gabriel Sierra

Some statistics
on species-oriented projects

Saving birds of prey

LIFE-Nature expenditure for species-oriented projects


meadows birds

steppe birds
forest birds

water birds

marine birds


in terms of awareness raising. The

budget spent for these species is
about 6 million Euros.

LIFE projects involve a diversity of

actions. Some of these are illustrated
below. The case studies are obviously
not exhaustive, but refer to species
that need a specific approach rather
than a more general management of
their habitat. Other cases referring to
species in relationship to their habitat
will be reported in the following chapters.


Continuing among species-oriented

projects, forest birds have concerned
mainly woodpeckers (especially the
White-backed Woodpecker) and the
Capercaillie, both of which are good
indicators of habitat quality. In seven
projects 13,5 million Euros have been
spent. For steppe birds, like Little,
Great and Hubara Bustards, 9 projects have been carried out, mostly in
Spain, where more than 10 millions
Euro were spent. Finally, for the Corncrake, dependent on traditionally
managed meadows, 5 projects have
spent 4,5 millions Euros.

Below. The Purple Gallinule, a tropical

and subtropical species present in small
numbers in a few EU countries, Portugal,
Spain and Italy

Raptors are, among the species considered as a priority for funding LIFENature projects, the most represented, 13 species out of 49, due to
their special ecological role. Eagles
and falcons are good indicators of
what is happening in the ecosystems.
Being at the top of the food chain and
often requiring very large areas for
survival their conservation status is an
indicator of habitat modification and
unsustainable land management. Therefore, birds of prey are good examples of flagship species: their conservation implies the protection of
large areas of suitable habitat.
This explains why several case studies illustrated below refer to birds of
prey. LIFE-Nature projects aiming at
other species are illustrated in the
chapters that follow.
The Spanish Imperial Eagle, a majestic bird living only in the western
Mediterranean and breeding almost
exclusively in Spain with about 190
pairs, is one of the rarest birds of prey
in the world. The main populations of
this bird occur in Sierra de San Pedro
(Extremadura), Sierra de Guadarrama
(Madrid) and Montes de Toledo
(Castilla la Mancha). It was brought to
the verge of extinction in the 1960s,
with only 30 pairs left. This dramatic
decline was due to the loss of its habitat, the Mediterranean oak woodland,
for agriculture and the development
of irrigation schemes as well as the
use of poison to control predators in
the hunting reserves. Juvenile imperial eagles are especially threatened by
electrocution from deadly contact with
power lines.
In 1986 an intensive conservation programme was initiated by the Ministry
of the Environment (Directorate-General for Nature Conservation) and the
regional governments of Castilla-Len,
Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, Extremadura and Andaluca. The European
Union supported this programme.
Three LIFE-Nature projects were funded in 1993, 1994 and 1995 in order
to monitor the few remaining breeding
pairs, to provide supplementary food
resources to enhance breeding pro-

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 19


Aong the birds of prey to which a particular effort has been devoted, vultures have a special position. Cinereous vulture, Griffon Vulture, Egyptian
Vulture and Lammergeier are species
that can be found in a complete and
healthy European raptor community.
The Cinereous Vulture is an impressive scavenger bird with a wingspan
of three meters. Its powerful bill allows
it to open dead animal carrion, paving
the way for a vulture feast: Griffon Vultures eat the offal and flesh, Egyptian
Vultures focus on small pieces scattered by the larger species, and,
finally, the bone-eating Lammergeier
finishes the job. Cinereous Vulture and
Lammergeier are priority bird species
under the LIFE-Nature programme.
Some of the factors affecting vultures
are the loss of nesting habitats (old

The conservation efforts surrounding

the Spanish Imperial Eagle are a good
example of the practical difficulties
encountered in nature conservation.
At the same time, they highlight some
of the most common threats affecting
birds in the EU. Habitat loss, most
commonly due to agricultural intensification, is the most common cause
of decline of the bird species now
considered as endangered. However,
the list of threats includes many other
factors, often not as obvious as habitat loss. Some of these are hunting
and poaching, disturbance by tourists,
disturbance by bird watchers and
climbers, collisions with power lines,
acid deposition, oil pollution and even
human influences outside Europe,
affecting migratory species. Even climate change may now be a factor
already affecting bird populations.

Photo Juan Jose Snchez

ductivity and to modify power lines in

critical areas to minimize further electrocution cases. The conservation
efforts, including those carried out by
LIFE, have resulted in a population
increase to more than 148 pairs by
1994. However, since then the increase has been slower, due to both
the continued poisoning in hunting
reserves and to the spread of a viral
haemorrhagic disease in the rabbit
population, the main prey species of
the eagle. There are now 193 breeding
pairs, including two in Portugal.

Above. A LIFE information panel

on a fence made in the framework
of the management of the rabbit, the main
prey species of the Bonellis Eagle
in the Ardeche, France.
Below. Cinereous Vulture nest in Mallorca.

Mediterranean woodland for the Cinereous vulture, undisturbed cliffs for the
others), poisoning of carcasses, loss
of the traditional breeding of sheep,
cattle and horses, illegal shooting for
the commercialization of stuffed specimens, and electrocution. LIFE has worked to halt a widespread process that
has already led to the local extinction
of vultures in most of Europe.


Currently, the main stronghold of vultures in Europe is Spain, which is why

most of the LIFE projects aimed at
vulture conservation have been carried out there. Examples include the
work carried out on the Cinereous Vulture in the Sierra de Gata (Extremadura), on Mallorca Island, or in SPAs near
Madrid (Encinares de los Rios Alberche y Cofio, Alto Lozoya and Monte
del Pardo). Actions of these projects
include monitoring breeding performance, using advanced radio-tracking techniques to trace birds movements during their search for food in
order to better understand their needs,
providing supplementary food sources and involving stakeholders (mainly
hunters) in the management of the
sites to avoid the use of poison in the
hunting reserves. Where these actions
were implemented, the results are
almost immediate. As an example, in
the Lozoya SPA, near Madrid, at the
beginning of the project (1997) there
were 42 pairs of Cinereous Vulture,
while that number rose to 53 pairs in
The same degree of success can generally be obtained for other raptor

Bonellis Eagle is found in Southern Asia,

Africa and Middle East. In the EU it lives
in Mediterranean countries, being the
main stronghold Spain.

species by reducing mortality factors

(poaching, poisoning and electrocution), by ensuring appropriate food
sources and by safeguarding nesting
sites from disturbance and destruction. This has been the case for the
Bonellis Eagle, an endangered priority species of the dry grassland and
garigue habitats of the Mediterranean,
breeding mostly in Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Spain is the
European stronghold of this species,
with about 700 pairs out of a total of
about 1.000. This species declined by
between 20 and 50% in the years
Eight LIFE-Nature projects have been
carried out in the EU with the aim of
ensuring a good future for the Bonellis
Eagle in critical areas. One of these
projects was carried out in Navarra,
Spain, between 1997 and 2000, where

the local population had declined by

60%, with only three pairs at the
beginning of the project. LIFE-Nature
funded actions to face the most common threats affecting the species
(habitat quality, electrocution, shooting, etc.) plus a peculiar, but ever more
common one: the impact of climbers
on cliff nesting raptors. Disturbance
by unaware climbers during the
breeding season very often leads to
the loss of the clutch and to the abandonment of the nest by the pair, possibly for years afterwards. The main
objectives of the project were achieved. The population decrease was
stopped, and currently there are records of individual Bonellis eagles all
around the Navarra Region. The collaboration obtained from different
stakeholders, especially the electricity
firms and climbing associations resulted in a decision to prepare a widely
disseminated booklet for climbers and
a booklet on power line modification
to support the implementation of similar measures in other Natura 2000
sites. This is a typical case of how
LIFE can prompt action well beyond
the geographical scope of a single
When a species has become locally
extinct, oftentimes the only chance for
its return is through reintroduction
programmes. Reintroduction projects
supported by LIFE have been carried
out for the Lammergeier in the French
Alps: currently about 70 birds fly again
over these mountains after almost a
century of absence and recently the
first pairs have started to breed naturally. The Cinereous Vulture has been
reintroduced successfully in the Gorge
de la Jointe (Massif Central, France)
and the first successful breeding
attempt was reported in 1996. A LIFE
project was financed in 1997 to support this long-term activity. At the end
of the four years the population was of
38-50 birds, including 9 juveniles born
during the project implementation:
today tens of thousand of visitors
enjoy watching the Cinereous Vulture
fly in French skies once again.
In 2001, a LIFE project was started in
Ireland, in the Glenveagh National
Park in Donegal, to reintroduce the
Golden Eagle, where it had been

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 21

Photo WWF Finland

LIFE Focus

Obviously, LIFE has supported conservation projects for birds other than
raptors, even though they seem to be
one of the preferred subjects.
Rare geese to be saved
LIFE projects aimed at the conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose are a good example of the importance of an international approach to
the conservation of a migratory species. This goose, a priority species for
funding under LIFE, breeds from northern Fennoscandia to eastern Siberia
and has declined rapidly during the
second half of the 20 th century, especially in the breeding grounds of Sweden, Finland and Norway. This trend is
partially due to local threats, such as
hunting at staging and wintering areas
(complicated by difficult identification
in the field) and, perhaps, red fox pre-

Above. The Lesser White-fronted Goose is

a globally threatened species, breeding
from Fennoscandia to Eastern Siberia,
addressed by several LIFE projects.
Below. The Red-breasted Goose world
population winters almost enterely in
Romania and Bulgaria. LIFE has helped in
managing the critical wintering wetlands
in the Techirghiol lagoons, Romania

Photo National Administration of Romanian Waters

wiped out by poison and shooting,

and considered extinct since 1912.
Due to the very limited chance of natural re-colonization it was decided, in
collaboration with the Scottish nature
authorities to take six week-old chicks
from the nests of the Scottish population, in order to raise and then
release them in the wild. Currently a
few dozen birds have already been
released and the first courtship behaviour has been observed at some sites,
giving hope for the first breeding
attempts in Ireland in the near future.

dation on nests, caused by this carnivores expanded range towards the

north. However the major impact is
believed to be that of hunting in the
wintering areas. Apart from a major
site in Azerbaijan, current wintering
areas are largely unknown. Formerly
they were located in the steppe areas
in Eastern Europe and southwest
Asia, which have now been reclaimed
for agriculture. In particular, wintering
areas of the EU population are not
known and their identification is crucial to allow for a sound conservation
strategy to be put in place. A LIFE project has been carried out in Finland,
and among its objectives this project
aimed at the in situ conservation of
the known 50 breeding pairs. Twelve
birds were tagged and equipped with
satellite transmitters. Of these, only
three did their job and followed the
birds to the wintering grounds; the
others either did not work long enough to reveal wintering areas or the
birds were killed along the way.
Even with the difficulties of this project, important data about migration
routes and moulting areas was
revealed and the importance of Northwestern Kazakhstan as the most
important staging area for the main

a priority under the LIFE programme.

These include three species of pigeons, two of which live in the Canary
Islands and one, the Long-toed Pigeon,
that lives in Madeira. Moreover, the
Macaronesian region hosts the Blue
Chaffinch, restricted to the Canarian
pinewoods on Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and two endemic subspecies of
the Great Spotted Woodpecker, one
on Tenerife and the other one in Gran
Canaria. Finally, the Azores host the
endemic Azores Bullfinch, a further
species linked to the laurel forest.
Considering their conservation status,
all these species have been included
in the list of the priorities for conservation, as well as the endemic pigeons treated in the following lines.

In the same way, the Red-breasted

Goose, has benefited from LIFE in two
projects in Greece and Romania. The
Drana and the Techirghiol lagoons are
wintering areas of these species that
suffer from hunting, disturbance at
roosting sites and feeding grounds
and scarce availability of food during
the coolest months. Important measures are being carried out to address
these threats, including farming of 30
ha with winter wheat and maize, to
ensure effective and efficient freshwater circulation from the lakes to the
sea and increase penalties to prevent
deliberate poisoning of feeding geese.
Restricted endemic species
in Macaronesia
The Macaronesian Islands, Canary,
Azores and Madeira archipelagoes,
host a very rare, primitive habitat, the
laurel forest, which is home to several
endemic birds whose conservation is

Above. Some of the awareness raising

products financed by LIFE through
projects for the conservation of endemic
bird species in the Canary Islands.
Below. The White-Tailed Laurel Pigeon
is one of the endangered bird species
found in the Canary Islands, Spain

Photo Pedro Felipe Acosta

Lesser White-fronted population has

been confirmed. The main western flyway consists of several separate
routes that direct geese like a funnel
between Nordic countries and Central
Taimyr in Siberia towards Northern
Kazakhstan to the main staging area:
from there the routes divide to different wintering areas. The westernmost
native population migrates via the
Nordic countries-Kanin peninsulaEstonia-Poland and Germany-Hungary-Greece. The main eastern flyway
from east Taimyr collects the geese to
China, mainly to Lake Dongting.

The Macaronesian laurel forest is the

remnant of the humid thermophile
forests, which in the Tertiary period
covered Southern Europe and North
Africa. It hosts an exceptional diversity
of endemic plants and animals and is
considered a priority for conservation
under the Habitats Directive. The
largest extent of this laurisylva can
still be found in Madeira and has been
declared a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO. The endangered White-tai-

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 23

Photo Pedro Felipe Acosta

LIFE Focus

of the White-tailed Laurel Pigeon

on Gran Canaria at some point in
the future.
4. A wide awareness campaign was
held, involving both the general
public and specific interest groups,
such as hunters.
But work has still to be done: notwithstanding an in-depth research and rat
eradication programme, the breeding
success of the species remains low
for unknown reasons.
The work on Tenerife is however undoubtedly an unprecedented step forward in conserving the pigeons. The
information obtained has proved to be
essential for re-orienting many aspects
of environmental planning in the Canaries, impacting several topics, such
as defining some Sites of Community
Importance, drafting plans for protected natural areas, drafting reports
on environmental impact assessment,
evaluating plans, etc. The LIFE project
has also played a pivotal role in bringing forth complementary research and
had an enormous influence on the
social groups most directly associated
with the conservation of these species.
led Laurel Pigeon and the Dark-tailed
Laurel Pigeon live only in the laurel forest of the Canary Islands. The former
nowadays occurs on the islands of
Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El
Hierro, while the latter only occurs on
the islands of Tenerife, La Palma and
La Gomera. Both species are affected
by a number of negative impacts:
poaching, forest uses, rats and other
exotic mammals, water scarcity, and
habitat scarcity. Moreover, reasons for
low breeding success have been
Two LIFE projects, starting in 1993,
took into consideration the condition
of these two species and of the laurel
forest in which they live in Tenerife,
with the aim of consolidating a large
and viable core population both in the
Las Lagunetas Protected Landscape
and in Las Palomas Special Nature
Reserve. This effort generated an unprecedentedly clear picture of the distribution and ecological needs of the
two species and of the relative impact

Two subspecies of the Great Spotted

Woodpecker endemic
to the Canary Islands are a priority
for funding under LIFE

of the pressure factors on them. This,

in turn, allowed for the elaboration of
an action plan that became the basis
for future conservation measures.
Moreover, several threats were directly
tackled by the projects and actions
were successfully undertaken:
1. The use of forest wood for agricultural purposes (poles for vine
grapes) was stopped, finding good
alternatives that were accepted by
the farmers.
2. A culling campaign of rats, with
innovative methods, allowed the
halt of their predation on pigeon
3. The analyses identified suitable
habitats for possible reintroduction

BirdLife International is currently carrying out a revision of the conservation status of birds in Europe. As the
previous assessment was published
in 1994 it will be possible to document
the changes in conservation status of
species that have taken place in the
intervening decade. Among the first
results of this revision it is worth mentioning that out of the 23 globally
endangered bird species for which
action plans have been elaborated, 12
have shown signs of recovery. This is
really an encouraging result which, at
least partially, is due to the implementation of the conservation strategy elaborated by the European Commission.
Priority bird species, i.e. those whose
conservation is especially favoured
under the LIFE programme, have been
addressed by the majority of the LIFE
projects: in total 322 of them included
actions beneficial to these species

Photo Sergio Socorro

A view of the Macaronesian

Laurel forest, Canary Islands.
This forest is the remnant
of the humid thermophile forests
which in Tertiary period covered
Southern Europe and North Africa

(see table, page 10). This means that

the management of the LIFE programme by the European Commission has been highly efficient in canalizing the limited human and financial
resources available towards the more
urgent conservation needs.
The list of priority birds includes species that are linked to extremely diverse habitats that range from Mediterranean steppe, northern tundra to

marine islands, and with different geographical distribution. Carrying out an

effective conservation project requires
the identification of the most suitable
actions according to the species, to
the threats to be addressed, to the
sites of intervention and to their socioeconomic assets. Tailoring the actions
according to an in-depth knowledge
of all these issues, even though demanding, has clearly been successful.

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 25

LIFE working on habitats for birds

As part of the Commission strategy, LIFE-Nature has focused on the protection of Europes
wild birds and on practical actions for the conservation and restoration of a wide range
of key bird habitats, ranging from wetlands, forests, steppe and agricultural areas to marine

LIFE-Nature has focused, as part of

the Community strategy to protect
European wild birds, on practical actions for the conservation and restoration of a wide range of key bird habitats. The list of habitats that have
been managed or restored for the
conservation of rare and endangered
bird species is remarkable. It includes
wetlands, one of the most endangered
and therefore frequently targeted habitats, coastal salt marshes and lagoons. Forest bird communities that have
received assistance from LIFE projects
include boreal, temperate, Mediterranean and riverine/wetland wooded
habitats, both in the lowland plains
and in the mountains. Also Mediterranean shrubland and steppe habitats, coastal habitats for seabirds, island ecosystems and semi-natural
habitats, such as traditional farming
areas, have all been addressed by a
number of LIFE projects.


and coastal zones and ranging from Mediterranean arid lands to the Arctic tundra

cies, and they play a pivotal role for

wild birds during breeding, migration
and wintering periods. Moreover, due
to land reclamation and drainage,
wetlands are one of the most threatened natural habitats.

Even though classification of the main

habitats benefiting from conservation
projects is very difficult, due to overlapping of different habitats types in
any single project, a general analysis
reveals some major trends.
Undoubtedly, wetland is the habitat
type most addressed by LIFE projects
aimed at bird conservation. This category includes a wide array of habitats, from mires, to wet meadows, and
from lakes to rivers and lagoons. Conservative estimates indicate that more
than 120 projects benefited wetland
habitats, upon which more than 160
million Euros has been spent up to
2003. The reason for this high representation of wetlands is clear: they are
rich in biodiversity, about one-third of
the European birds are wetland spe-


Some statistics
on habitat-oriented projects

Above. The Lesser Kestrel habitat:

mediterranean steppe in Aragon, Spain.
Below. Artificial nesting sites for Lesser
Kestrel were financed by LIFE
in Aragon, Spain

Projects focusing on bird communities linked to coastal habitats, including dune systems, have been carried
out especially in northern Europe.
More than 7 million Euros have been
spent on these habitats.

Photo Jorma Luhta

Islands and marine bird communities

are also favoured for bird conservation projects. At least 15 million Euros
have been shared among 17 projects,
in this case mostly in the Mediterranean region: Spain, France and Italy
are the countries with the largest number of projects. However, the UK, Ireland, France and Netherlands have
also carried out a number of projects
for the conservation of these ecosystems for birds.

Forests are another habitat to which

LIFE has made a major contribution.
More than 21 million Euros has been
spent on the conservation of forest
habitats that range from the northern
taiga in Finland, to natural deciduous
forest in Denmark and several forest
habitat types in the Mediterranean.
The Monte Arcosu Mediterranean forest in Sardinia, covering 3000 ha and
hosting the endangered Corso-Sardinian Goshawk, has been bought by
an NGO and is currently being managed in order to protect this bird species. The management of the Dadia
Forest in Greece, a site hosting 36
species of raptors, has been the focus
of three projects, starting with ACE in
Conservation of mountain environments has been addressed less frequently, but there are important projects including those at Mount Athos
in Greece, the Valgrande National
Parks in Italy or the Ardennes biotopes in Belgium and Luxembourg. For
these projects about 4 million Euro
have been spent.
Spain and Portugal have dedicated
their efforts to the conservation of
steppe habitats, important for a community of endangered bird species,
including the Lesser Kestrel and the
Great and Little Bustards. In Spain
several projects have been carried out
in the Extremadura and Caceres regions, while the adjoining Castro Verde

Wetlands are among the most commonly

addressed habitats by LIFE projects.
In the picture, juveniles Whooper Swans
in a Finland wetland

An examination of the contribution of

LIFE to the conservation of three
broad classes of bird habitats is given
below and illustrated by case studies.

area in Portugal has been the subject

of several projects. Finally, in Hungary, several projects are being carried out on the pannonic steppe, a
peculiar habitat type almost exclusive
to that country. At least 10 million
Euros have been spent on these habitat-oriented projects.

Wetlands, including rivers, lakes or

marshes, are an astonishing reservoir
of biodiversity. In Europe, according
to BirdLife International, inland wetlands are the main habitat for more
than 102 endangered bird species
(one fifth of the European bird species), more than half of them with

LIFE-Nature expenditure on habitat-oriented projects







LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 27

The sustainable use of wetland habitats can also favour economic revenue opportunities. This is one of the
reasons behind the large amount of
money spent on this habitat type by
LIFE-Nature and its preceding financial instruments, ACE and ACNAT.
Between 1984 and 1991, ACE funded

1 Tucker, G.M. and Evans, M.I.

(1997) Habitats for birds in Europe:
a conservation
strategy for the wider environment.
Cambridge, U.K.: Birdlife
International (BirdLife Conservation
Series no. 6).


Avoiding a further loss of wetland

habitats requires action from a range
of legislative, social, economic and
ecological sectors, which in turn
requires a comprehensive strategy at
the international, national and local
levels. The elaboration of these strategies is linked to the identification of
the best work methodologies, the
realisation of repeatable experiences
and the demonstration that viable
alternatives to the destruction of wetlands do exist. The case studies that
follow illustrate the strategic role of the
EU funding for the conservation of


small or strongly declining populations

in Europe. Among the eight main habitat types present in Europe, as identified by BirdLife International in its
seminal work on Habitats for birds in
Europe 1, inland wetland is probably
the one that in recent decades has
seen the most rapid contraction
across the whole of the continent. The
destruction of this habitat started with
the onset of the agricultural revolution
10.000 years ago, but the rate of
destruction has greatly accelerated
during the second part of the 20 th
century with the drainage of huge
expanses of wetlands, especially in
Mediterranean Europe. Other threats
that require action to counteract their
negative effects are the destruction of
riparian habitats, development of
tourism and recreation infrastructure,
pollution, over-abstraction of water,
only to mention a few.

Above. The Ebro Delta, Spain

Below. Organic rice fields in the Ebro delta

59 wetland habitat oriented projects.

ACNAT financed, in 1992-1996, the
initial phase of the Med-Wet (Mediterranean Wetlands) initiative, which is
probably the best known international
wetland project it financially supported. This initiative represented the
first co-ordinated action for the conservation of wetlands in the Mediterranean basin and was launched in the
Grado symposium in 1991. At that
time MedWet consisted of projects
aimed at developing methods and
tools for the sustainable use of wetlands. A Mediterranean Wetlands
Committee was later established, in
which the basins states were represented, and MedWet has become an
important regional collaboration and
networking mechanism. In 1999 this
initiative came officially under the

Ramsar convention on Wetlands. After

having been financed by ACNAT in the
first years of activity, LIFE financed the
second phase of implementation in
sites requiring urgent action in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria and was a catalyst for the continuation and enlargement of Med-Wet, which was then
supported by other mechanisms. Currently, the MedWet initiative has spent
more than 23 million Euros on projects
of conservation and management.
Through these projects it has been
possible to identify wise land use
practices that have been widely disseminated and represent an invaulable resource for wetland conservation
projects, including those funded by
Similar catalytic contributions have
been provided by LIFE in several cases. A significant one is that of the
Friesland Buitendijks salt marshes and
mud flats in the Netherlands.

Photo Conservatoire Rhne-Alpes des Espaces Naturels

50.000 foraging, nesting and resting

birds per day, and even more during
migration periods. The population
density and population size of bird
species listed in Annex I of the Birds
Directive and of migratory species
makes it of exceptional importance.

Photo Jorma Luhta

A LIFE project was therefore financed

by the European Commission in 1993,
which came to a successful end in
2001 when the beneficiary was able to
buy a significant part of the Bildpollen area and to complete the saltmarsh restoration project in Noorderleegh.

About 10% of Europes salt marshes

occur in the Netherlands, with Friesland Buitendijks contributing to a large
part of this, with remnants of very rare
priority habitat types according to the
Habitats Directive and harbouring 40-

Above. Habitat restoration work at the

Rhone River, France
Centre. A Crane in the taiga, Finland
Below. A White-backed Woodpecker.
This species is linked to old forests rich
in decaying trees
Photo Harri Miettinen

For centuries the salt marshes and

mud flats along the North Sea coast
from Denmark to Calais were slowly
enclosed by dykes, drained and converted to land. This is how the Dutch
created much of their country. In front
of the sea dykes, mud flats and eventually salt marshes would form, which
were then enclosed and drained and
the process would start again in front
of the new dyke. In the mid eighties,
the remaining 3.000 ha of salt marsh
and mud flats were to be drained.

LIFE financing of this project has

prompted co-financing by the Province of Friesland and the Ministry of
the Environment. Without the first
tranche of the EU co-finance, this
would never have happened. Furthermore, as a consequence of the prestige of LIFE-Nature and the EU a number of difficulties at the local level were
overcome, including the adoption, in
May 1997, of the site management
plan, officially laying down the reflooding targets. In the absence of LIFE
funding the land in question would
have remained as private property,
and it would be impossible to convert
any farmland to salt marsh. The project has also had a further effect: a
parallel campaign by WWF (1994) raised 270.000 Euros in donations in
addition to the LIFE-Nature funds to
implement management actions.
In some cases wetlands have a relevant economic value, especially as
agricultural areas. Linking nature conservation and relevant socio-economic activities is a challenge that is
ever more often being addressed, as
it was in the case of the Ebro Delta, in
The Ebro Delta is one of the main wetlands in the Mediterranean area, designated as a Special Protection Area,
Natural Park and Ramsar Site. It is
about 33.000 hectares and represents
a critical area on bird migration routes
with over 180.000 waterfowls wintering there and around 40.000 pairs
nesting, many of them species included in Annex I of the Birds Directive.
Most of the area has been given over

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 29

In 1996 LIFE funded a project with the

objective of improving the management of the delta rice-fields, marshes
and lagoons system. Best habitat
management models for nature conservation were identified and promoted, comparing the effects of setting aside rice fields with traditional,
agri-environmental and organic rice
growing. These environment-friendly
techniques, despite having slightly
higher production costs and lower
outputs, are economically viable, provided they receive subsidies or that
products are sold at a higher price, as
in the case of organic rice. Thanks to
the wide awareness-raising campaign, these practices started to be
considered as real alternatives and a
company was set up to continue applying organic farming methods in the
area after the LIFE project ended.
About 80% of the farmers were applying at least one of the five measures
included in the agri-environmental
scheme that was approved in 1998 for
this area.
In general, the promotion of organic
and/or agri-environmental farming
improved the feeding habitat of bird
species. Seventy species were recorded in the rice-fields during the monitoring. Among them, 36 regularly used
the ecological plots. Breeding of rare
species was confirmed: among others, seven nests of Purple Gallinule
and 19 of the Black-winged Stilt were
found. Finally, the SPA was enlarged
and 61 hectares were purchased
(against 16 charged to the project) and
included in the SPA.
Forests are one of the main habitat types in the EU. LIFE-Nature has funded
237 projects for the conservation of
forests and their natural resources,
with a total cost of almost 316 million
Euro 2 with the objective of identifying
and spreading sustainable and naturalistic management. These projects,
always have a positive impact on the

Photo Birgit Beckers

to rice farming although large natural

areas do still remain, such as coastal
lagoons, marshes, springs, dunes and
riverine woodland, many of which represent habitats of Community interest.

The habitat of the Corncrake

in Germany

protection of birds, even when not

directly targeted. A number of LIFENature projects have been explicitly
dedicated to the conservation of threatened forest bird species.
In Sweden, the western taiga, characterized by firs and pines (Picea
abies and Pinus sylvestris), is the main
vegetation type in large parts of the
country. Today, only 1-2% of virgin
taiga is left, the large majority of it having been exploited for commercial
purposes. Western taiga has been
identified as a priority habitat for conservation under the Habitats Directive.
In 1995 a LIFE project was started
with the main aim of preserving the 10
most important areas of the western
Taiga that still host populations of the
White-backed Woodpecker in southwestern Sweden. The protection of
this bird is dependent on active management to provide old, dead or
decaying deciduous wood, that are
required by this species To achieve

the objective the project foresaw the

purchase of about 625 ha of land, to
be declared as nature reserves. Management agreements were made with
private landowners to maintain or restore the conservation value of the site
and financial incentives were provided
within a further 475 ha to encourage
foresters to use more expensive but
nature-friendly commercial exploitation techniques. The latter action was
particularly important to avoid further
fragmentation and isolation of the
remaining pristine sites.
The key elements needed by the
woodpecker will now be provided at
the ten sites. The majority of land will
still be managed primarily for commercial forestry and timber production, but sites of high nature conservation value will be protected in the
long-term as nature reserves. Agreements with landowners allow for the
adjustment of the land use to the benefit of the White-backed Woodpecker.
For the moment, the target species is
only reported in seven of the ten sites,
and it is still too early for a definitive
evaluation of the project success.
However all the sites have been
included in the SPAs European network and the perspectives of success
are good.

European Commission. Natura

2000 and forests Challenges and
opportunities Interpretation
guide. Luxembourg: Office for
Official Publications of the
European Communities, 2003

This LIFE project prompted, as a side

effect, voluntary agreements for environmentally managed forests. Without any economic compensation, and
without any legal status, the agree-

ments do have some political status,

making it more difficult for a landowner who has signed this kind of agreement to escape his moral responsibility afterwards. The total land area
for these agreements was about 3.400
ha in the ten sites; therefore this
potential additional benefit must not
be overlooked.

Agricultural habitats

steppic habitats to mountain grassland. A rich bird fauna is linked to

these open environments, including
more than 100 endangered species.
The loss of the ecological quality of
agricultural land and grassland is the
main reason of the reported decline of
many common species, such as the
lark or the swallow and the near ex-

Agricultural land and grasslands are

the most widespread habitat in Europe, covering about 50 per cent of
the land surface. This broad category
includes several habitat types with a
relevance for bird conservation, from
arable grassland, pastoral land and

Mitigation of infrastructures impact

jects. One of them started in 2000 in
Italy, in the Po river delta area.

dents has made possible to identify

the most hazardous power.

The Po Delta Regional Park, covers

part of one of the major European river
estuaries and the most important wetland in Italy. The area is of great significance for the presence of 27 species of nesting birds on Annex I to the
Birds Directive. A further 23 species
listed in the Annex winter in the area or
migrate through it. The park area is
crossed by 340 km of high and medium voltage electricity power lines,
120 km of which are in areas particularly sensitive in terms of birds. Data
collected have shown that power lines
have a severe impact on bird populations, causing a high death rate through
electrocution or collision. A comparative analysis of the distribution of the
power lines and data on the number
and territorial distribution of fatal acci-

The LIFE project focused on a total

of approximately 91 km of electric
power lines. The action, to be taken
in 23 areas identified on the basis of
scientific analyses, consists of burying or modifying power lines in ways
(such as using Elicord protected
cables) which eliminate or substantially reduce their potentially negative impact on bird populations. Disused pylons will be adapted for use
as perches and nesting sites.
This is the first large-scale project
to tackle the problem of power lines
affecting bird species in Italy. Its
importance is also underlined by the
commitment of the national electricity company, Enel, as partner of
the Po Delta Park in carrying out the
project, that it will extend the action
to Special Protection Areas throughout the national territory.

The steep slopes of this artificial channel

in El Hondo SPA, Spain, were a deadly
trap for Marbled Teal chicks. Ramps were
build successfully to stop unnatural mortality of this very rare species.


Landscape restoration can assume

a less traditional shape when coping with infrastructure development
and its damage to the environment.
Power lines are a typical case of
structures that can have a negative
impact on birds due to the physical
collision with the cables or through
the so-called electrocution, the
deadly contact with two cables and
the passage of high voltage electricity through the bird body. In order
to mitigate the impact of the power
lines LIFE has financed several pro-

Another very interesting action to

mitigate the impact of human infrastructures was carried out in El
Hondo SPA, in Spain. Here an irrigation channel (Azarbe del Convenio) was a deadly trap for many
Marbled Duck chicks, that fell down
in the channel without being able to
get out any more. In 1998, six
ramps, 5 meters wide were built in
the most dangerous parts of the
channel and the channel walls were
re-modelled reducing their steepness. These measures allowed the
chicks to get out on their own. Monitoring carried out one year later
showed that the corrective measures were effective and no more
individuals of that very rare species
were found dead.

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 31

tinction of more localised ones. Some

of these rare species have been used
as a flagship to promote conservation,
restoration and sustainable management of open habitats.
The Corncrake was once a common
and characteristic part of the countryside. Its numbers have fallen dramatically in western Europe as a result
of agricultural intensification and now
stand at only a few thousands. A LIFENature project launched in 1993
involved all the 26 remaining core
sites in France, Ireland and the UK. At
these sites the recommendations of
the Corncrake action plan were implemented in an effort to reverse the
decline of this species. The actions
included advising and persuading
farmers to use more Corncrake friendly approaches, devising new management techniques for their conservation and monitoring their effects. As
a result of these actions, many of the
areas would become eligible for agrienvironmental schemes.
The results of this international project were significant. In the core range
of the United Kingdom, numbers of
singing male corncrakes increased by
30%, from 449 in 1993 to 584 in 1996,
and the total British population was
estimated at about 615 singing males
(the project target was to reach 600 by
1998). Annual monitoring suggests
that range extensions have occurred,
especially in Orkney, in parallel with
the increase in population size.
In Ireland, the decreasing trend was
stopped and the population had returned to pre-1993 levels with 186 singing
males in 1996, although there have
since been continuing problems in one
of the core areas along the floodplans
of the river Shannon. In France, actions
to halt the rate of Corncrake decline
have been successful in 5 of the remaining core areas for this species.
Project managers established clear
solutions to the threats to corncrakes,
based on agricultural land management, particularly the timing and
methods of cutting silage and hay
crops and establishing a scientific
basis for Corncrake conservation actions in north-west Europe.

Steppe habitats projects have been

numerous in Spain and Portugal, to
protect and restore the typical bird
communities, including the Great Bustard, the Little Bustard and the Houbara, just to name a few. Information
on these projects and their results, as
well as on all LIFE-Nature projects, is
available on the web site of the Commission 3.
An unusual steppe habitat type, which
is a major contributor to the biodiversity of the EU, thanks to the accession
of Hungary, is the Pannonic steppe
and marshes, considered a priority for
conservation under the Habitats Directive. LIFE financed in 2002 the
restoration of this habitat type and its
exceptional bird community within the
Hortobagy National Park.

The landscape of the Pannonic steppe,

the pustza, in Hungary in a painting
of 1853: The Puszta (Oil on canvas,
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest)

The Hortobagy National Park, in eastern Hungary, is a hotspot for birdwatchers from all over Europe. Here
the Pannonic salt steppes and marshes are well represented. They are
wide, open expanses formed over
tens of thousands of years by the
combination of a continental climate,
flat topography and the regular spring
flooding coming from the Tisza river.
In this habitat, grazing of local breeds
of cattle and sheep contribute in avoiding vegetation encroachment.

360 km of artificial dykes and irrigation

channels, recovering the original landscape. The necessary bulldozer works,
which are to be done by a local company, entail moving more than 400.000
m 3 of soil. The restoration work includes the removal of shrubbery from
400-500 ha of degraded steppe, the
restoration of the natural soil topography on more than 1000 ha and the
creation of a shallow 200 ha wetland.

During the communist period, a vast

network of dykes and irrigation channels was laid out over several thousands of hectares, in order to create
endless rice fields and grassland irrigation systems. The experiment eventually failed, but its earth-works are
still spoiling the landscape and disrupting the natural surface hydrology.
Consequently, the steppes and marshes mosaic is now largely altered and
the populations of steppe birds are
much lower than they could be.

The landscape restoration work is

accompanied by management actions, the first of which being the reestablishment of a traditional farming
and breeding system. This involves
the purchase of traditional cattle breeds (such as Hungarian grey and
flecked cattle, mangalica pigs, racka
sheep and goats) and the building of
shelters. Land is to be leased to cultivate the winter fodder so that animals can be kept on site year-round
and maintain high grazing pressure,
vital to obtain the optimal vegetation
structure for the bird community.

The main objective of the actions

financed by LIFE is restoring a total
area of 6.650 hectares within the
National Park through the removal of


LIFE initiatives to manage the SPAs

The protection of birds in their natural habitas is one of the strategic approaches
of the Birds Directive, for which the SPAs network is crucial.
Even though the main objective of SPAs establishment is the conservation
of bird species, economic activities are not off-limits.
On the contrary, SPAs are areas where nature conservation and socio-economic issues
can often be combined. LIFE-Nature projects have demonstrated that conserving
birds and their habitats may also be the best way to improve our life quality

The Birds Directive provided the impetus for the preparation of the first list
of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in the
European Union in 1981, which was
financially supported by the European
Commission. The identification of the
IBAs is based on clear ornithological
criteria, which are also necessary for
the selection and delimitation of SPAs.
The most comprehensive lists of IBAs
have been prepared by BirdLife International (and its forerunner ICBP,
International Council for Bird Preservation) in 1989 and 2000 2.

Above. The IBAs inventory made

by BirdLife International is now
a monumental two volumes set
Below. Purchased and signposted lands
at Villafafila SPA, Spain

Member States are obliged to classify

as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) all
the sites which, applying ornithological criteria, appear to be the most
suitable for the conservation of bird
species listed in Annex I of the Birds
Directive. This was the key conclusion
of the Court of Justice in its landmark
judgement, delivered on May 18, 1998 1
Different scientific references have
been established which identify bird
sites of high conservation value for
Annex I and migratory bird species.

1 Case C-3/96, Commission

versus Netherlands, supported
by Germany.

Photo Ignacio Torres ATECMA

Important Bird Areas and Special

Protection Areas

2 The latest edition of the IBAs

inventory is a two volume work:
Heath, M.F. and Evans, M.I.,
eds. (2000) Important Bird Areas
in Europe: Priority sites for
conservation. 2 vols.
Cambridge, UK: BirdLife
International (BirdLife
Conservation Series No. 8).

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 33

LIFE Nature projects carried out in SPAs

Share of budget dedicated to each project section

public awareness
and dissemination of results

preparatory actions,
elaboration of management plans
and/or of action plans

of land
and/or rights

project operation
and monitoring

non-recurring management

These publications have been used by

the Commission in evaluating the completeness of the SPA designation by
Member States in the absence of similar national inventories. The EU Court
of Justice, while accepting that they
are not legally binding references, has
recognized the high value of the IBAs.
The progress in the designation of
SPAs by Member States is closely followed by the Commission that provides regular updates. The barometer of Natura 2000 sites is published
in the Natura 2000 newsletter and in
the Commission website. By these
assessments it appears that, 25 years
after the adoption of the Birds Directive, most Member States have still to
complete their SPA networks.
Initially, LIFE I projects required that
sites be designated SPAs before the
end of the projects, however, since
LIFE II, designation has been a prior
requirement of LIFE funding. The legal
commitment of Member States to
ensure long term protection to the
sites is carefully evaluated by the
Commission in the selection phase of
the projects.

How was money spent

in SPAs management?
Even though the range of actions that
has been financed within SPAs is very
diverse, a general assessment of how
LIFE money has been spent is possible by considering the share of the
budget dedicated to each section of
the project. The graph gives an overview of the results.
Land purchase has taken up one third
of the whole budget. Even though the
acquisition of land cannot evidently be
considered the solution to the problems of the whole SPAs network in the
EU, it has been widely practiced as it
guarantees the direct control on the
sites of intervention and ensures their
long term conservation management.
It has to be underlined that LIFE beneficiaries are requested by the Commission to guarantee that the purchased plots of land will be destined
to long term nature conservation and
uses not compatible to this objective
will not be allowed. As a general rule,
land purchase appears to be a cost
effective solution when compared to
lease or long term agreements.

The direct field conservation management has taken up another 38 percent

of the budget, with non-recurring
management (actions to be carried
out once) requiring almost three times
the budget of the recurring one
(actions to be repeated on a regular
base). This is because LIFE money
has been spent to create conditions
that ensure a less demanding day-byday management. As noted previously, LIFE is intended to finance pilot
projects to be followed up by a long
term management strategy supported
by other financial tools.
A good share of the budget, 7 percent, has been dedicated to public
awareness and dissemination of
results, activities that are crucial for
the involvement and participation of
the local population and stakeholders.
Finally, the management of the project itself, has taken up 22 percent of
the whole budget, spent on administrative duties, project implementation
planning and payment of manual and
expert personnel, the latter representing the largest expense. Carrying out
conservation projects require structures and personnel in a measure that
is not easily appreciated by the general public and is an important source
of nature conservation employment
and development of professional skills.
Monitoring is included in the overall
project operation section. Monitoring
is defined as the collection of data on
bird populations and habitats made in
a standardized, scientifically rigorous
and repeatable manner at regular periods of time. This is of course an essential part of any project because it
permits the verification of the effects
actions had on bird populations and
habitats. The future collection of comparable data, with the same methodologies, will enable to verify trends
over time.
Planning management of SPAs
Sites designated for bird conservation
are often subject to multiple uses,
which are to be complemented and
managed within the framework of a
comprehensive strategy. Management
plans are the most frequently used
tools to address this objective. The

on the activities that can be put into

place in the SPAs. The only requirement is that the species have to be
maintained in a favourable conservation status. How to reach this objective is a matter of good knowledge of
the local ecological conditions and
needs of the local population, combined with ability of the managers to
actively involve the stakeholders in the
present and future management of the
sites. Diplomacy, inventiveness and a
solid scientific base are the main
ingredients for an efficient management of the Natura 2000 sites, including the SPAs.
Sustainable use and involvement
of locals: the case of the Comana
wetland, Romania
LIFE-Nature provides several cases of
the successful identification of management options that put together
nature conservation and continued or
revived land use by the local stakeholders.

Management planning is a measure

that has been included very often in
LIFE-Nature projects: more than one
third of them included the elaboration
of similar planning documents. In
order to facilitate the work of preparation of the management plans several guidelines have been elaborated
at the European level, which now represent a general reference. Two of
these guiding documents are the
Eurosite toolkit 3 and the recommendations emerged from the workshop
held in Galway, Ireland, in 1996 on the
management of the Natura 2000
sites 4.


Photo RSPB

collection of scientific information on

habitats and species to be protected
is obviously the basis to identify the
best nature management practices.
However, proper consideration of the
human activities affecting the site is
pivotal to elaborate a long term, effective, conservation strategy.

Above. The Ebro delta, Spain

Below. Creating a pool in Tichwell saline
lagoons, UK

Designated SPAs are often important

areas for bird conservation, which
host several traditional, or non-traditional human activities: e.g. agriculture, hunting, fishing, wood collection,
water abstraction, etc. Even though
the current importance of bird sites is
often linked to traditional land use, the
management options needed to ensure the long term presence of viable
populations of the species may cause
some conflict with the local interest
groups if not carried out in a sensitive
and transparent way.
Both the Habitats and Birds Directives
do not impose any specific constraint

The Comana Wetland System is

located in the south part of Bucharest
and includes the largest natural lake
(about 800 ha) on the Romanian plane. This wetland area is a designated
Ramsar site, and is partly protected
under national law. This area was a
delta ecosystem of 1.900 ha that suffered dramatic changes due to artificial draining measures taken in past
years. A disastrous effect was the
decrease of the underground water
level by 810 m.
A LIFE project was launched in 2002
to restore the water table and manage activities carried out by the local
communities, land farming, livestock
breeding, reed cutting, fishing and hunting, guaranteeing their sustain ability
and economic value while ensuring the
conservation of wild birds populations.
A few examples help in understanding
how local activities have to be considered in detail to achieve the desired
results. On the northeast side of
Comana Lake there is a 50 ha fish
farm that, thanks to the presence of
constant water with fish and vegetation, attracts most of the birds from
the surroundings, with an impact on

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 35

the economic revenue of the farm.

Improving the habitat conditions for
fish and birds populations in the lake
will decrease the birds pressure on
the fish farm area.
The Comana wetland is an important
tourist destination, being only 60 km
far from Bucharest. The tourists access in the area is not restricted and
their impact on birds is a major one.
Thus, besides habitat restoration, the
LIFE project is focusing on tourism
and regulation of intensive hunting, in
order to guarantee sustainable conservation of the area.

Photo Jorma Luhta

Cattle grazing is a further activity in

the area, mainly on the drained parts
of the lake, which become meadows
with low economic value. The activity
is disturbing the birds, especially in
the nesting period. By restoring the
area, the impact of this activity will be

Finally, forest is the only source that

provides wood for heating in the
houses. Wood collection affects the
600 ha of forest around the Comana
Lake, with a direct impact on birds habitat. The project tries to implement
suitable management of the forest,
making its exploitation compatible with
the conservation of its natural values.
The Comana Lake LIFE project is an
example of how nature conservation
and restoration can combine with the
establishment of long-term sustainable use of the nature resources in a
largely traditional land use economy.

Right. During courtship the Ruff males

shows a striking neck plumage,
with several combinations of black,
white, cream and brown.
From: Naumann, Naturgeschichte
der Vgel mitteleuropas:
Band VIII, Table 23 - Gera, 1902
Below. Cranes in a Finland wetland

Farming and bird conservation:

the case of the Termoncarragh
Lake, Ireland
In several cases LIFE-Nature has been
successful in linking nature conservation and farming needs, identifying
best management practices and
establishing the base for a long term
sustainable management.
Located in the Mullet peninsula in
western Ireland, Termoncarragh Lake
is situated in extensive machair grassland (machair is a Gaelic word that
describes an extensive low-lying fertile plain). The coastal freshwater lake
and surrounding areas are of importance for breeding waders and for
wintering wildfowl, including the Bernacle Goose and the Greenland White-fronted Goose. The Corncrake also
uses the area occasionally, and there
is a high potential for the restoration
of suitable habitat for this priority
species. The nearby Annagh Marsh is
a small coastal machair and wet
grassland site, just south of Termoncarragh Lake and within the SPA. It is
an important breeding site for several
water species and, until recently, it
was the only regular Irish breeding site
for the Red-necked Phalarope.
The prevalent economy in this area is
low intensity agriculture within small
properties. It is essentially based on
subsidies with low returns on the sale
of farming products. An estimated
75% of farmers are in the national
scheme for EU agri-environment subsidies, called REPS. Paradoxically this
scheme seems to be hindering rather
than encouraging the conservation of
the local birdlife. This may be due to
a number of factors: a lack of awareness of species needs, negative attitudes from farmers to site designation, inadequate linkages between
farming and conservation and a lack
of indication of good practices to be
spread and repeated.
To address these challenges LIFE has
funded the purchase and development of a demonstration plot of land

outside the SPA. At this site best management practices for Corncrake are
being implemented. Moreover, management agreements have been
signed on 100 ha within the SPA to
spread more environment-friendly farming practices and to demonstrate
potential measures with a view to their
inclusion in future REPs schemes. The
project is rapidly getting a national
reputation for its work and the experience gathered through the project is
being considered in the mid term
review of REPs. The project site has
been visited by over 200 farmers as
part of an awareness raising exercise
on conservation friendly farming practices.
Managing multiple uses
of bird sites: the case of Finlands
estuaries and lakes
In southwestern Finland, the process
of bringing together the interests of
several social groups, together with
nature conservation and habitat restoration has been realized in the area
occupied by two river estuaries, Mietoistenlahti and Oukkulanlahti, and
three shallow lakes of Koskeljrvi,
Otajrvi and Omenajrvi. As grazing
declined significantly over the past 20
years, the meadows that once surrounded these waters are now overgrown. This has led to a decline in
populations of bird species such as
the Ruff. The gradual overgrowing of
the shallow lakes has also posed
Anglers, boaters, hikers and birdwatchers frequent these areas but
there have been no restrictions on
their use and no infrastructure to
guide visitors movements. LIFE gave
the opportunity for reconciling the
needs of nature conservation, fishing,
hunting and tourism. Since the project areas are used for a variety of purposes, it was considered vital that all
parties concerned were committed to
participating in project planning and
management. The main objectives of
the project include the elaboration of
new management plans for each tar-

get area and the revision of existing

plans, in an effort to resolve conflicting pressures. In particular, ensuring
that growing ecotourism in the area
will develop in a sustainable way was
a special aim.
This project has provided some interesting hints on the process of the
elaboration of a management plan. It
has become clear, for example, that
even though the project managers are
doing their best to speed up the work,
they generally cannot accelerate the
participatory planning process: stakeholders need time to understand,
trust and be involved. When this timing is respected, positive results will
According to the projects managers,
the projects sites have been used as
models in preparing management
plan guidelines for Natura 2000 sites
in Finland. Additionally many other
similar projects have been asking their
advice on the management planning
of wetlands.
LIFE-Nature has proved to be a key
tool for demonstration and pilot projects for SPA management. Requiring
SPA designation as a condition for
project financing has promoted the
expansion of the network. LIFE has
also provided many examples of reconciliation of potential conflicts among different interest groups and has
demonstrated that birds and nature
conservation are compatible with
socio-economic development and the
long term sustainable use of natural
resources. LIFE-Nature projects have
also contributed in the identification
of best management practices, which
can now be adopted at sites throughout Europe.
Finally, projects aimed at birds have
increased EU citizens awareness of
the importance of Natura 2000 and,
in particular of the SPAs role in bird

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 37

Communicating and networking

The success of a LIFE-Nature project depends in a crucial way on the involvement
of the local population. Letting people know why a nature conservation project is carried out,
with which objectives, by whom and, most of all, what consequences it will have on them,
are pivotal issues to consider when a project is launched.
Therefore, LIFE-Nature strongly supports communication and public awareness raising.
Exchanging the experience gathered in one project with other similar projects (not necessarily
funded by LIFE) is also an essential part of the programme

These issues are constantly addressed

by LIFE-Nature projects, which include
a specific provision for actions dedicated to public awareness and dissemination of results. About 7 percent
of the budget of LIFE-Nature has been
spent in this field. The most common
measures of awareness raising are
placing information signs at the sites
of intervention and distributing leaflets,

Above. Exhibition at Villafafila

visitor centre on Lesser Kestrel
and Great Bustard, Spain
Below. Information panel
on an experimental plot to assess the
evolution of non grazed
Lesser Kestrel habitat
in the Crau Plain, France.


Environment ministers from all Member States, included the then 13 EU

candidate countries, signed the El
Teide Declaration in 2002, committing
themselves to tackle the problem of
biodiversity loss in their respective
countries. The El Teide Declaration, a
joint initiative of the European Commission and the Spanish Presidency,
recognizes that the success of Natura
2000 will require the support and participation of the European citizens in
the conservation and management of
Natura 2000 sites. The Declaration
recognizes also that many of the valuable EU habitats are the result of traditional land use and their conservation
is dependent on traditional practices
and skills. To obtain citizens support
and involvement, Member States have
committed themselves, among other
things, to promote awareness and
understanding on Natura 2000, to promote the development of partnerships
involving a broad range of stakeholders in the conservation and management of Natura 2000 sites and to support the sharing of experience and of
good practices in managing the network.

Photo Ignacio Torres ATECMA

Communicating with the public

and stakeholders

These actions are aimed at informing

the general public on the conservation problems being targeted in the
affected sites, raising awareness of
the stakeholders and favouring their
participation in nature conservation
actions. Moreover, through these activities, the public is made aware of
the efforts and the commitment of the
European Union in nature conservation and sustainable development.

Awareness raising is a critical part

of most LIFE projects. Here a presentation
is made to a school class along
an educational path in the Canary Islands,

Networking experience

exchange, establishing a networking

system among similar projects or
among experts in the same field. To
this aim a special, limited sub-fund of
LIFE, called LIFE Co-op, supports
actions to establish an operative link
among similar projects.

Available LIFE funds are limited, if

compared with other EU financial
tools. Therefore the maximum effort
has been made to optimize the use of
the funds, avoiding useless duplication, and helping people facing similar problems to find the best operative solutions without wasting time,
human resources and money.

Among the Co-op financed projects

there is one aiming at producing a
handbook for actions to promote Bittern conservation in Europe, another
planning to evaluate Bustard conservation best practices in Western
Europe, one dedicated to the problem
of the conflict between the grouse and
tourism in Natura 2000 areas and
another aiming at identifying and propose best management practices in
Finnish wetlands. All these projects
take into consideration the experience
gained in several LIFE projects across
Europe, identifying good results, best
practices, solutions to common problems and producing documents that
become a reference in the specific
field addressed.

Sharing experiences among managers of LIFE projects and allowing

people to know what has already
been done in their field of work are
crucial tasks that are actively promoted by the EU Commission. With
the ever spreading use of the Internet,
for example, one of the mandatory
tasks of LIFE beneficiaries is to set up
a Web site to distribute easily accessible information on the project sites,
the main project objectives, techniques adopted, results, awareness
materials, and available expertise.
Apart from this kind of passive sharing of experiences, many LIFE projects have carried out an active
Photo Nicols Trujillo

brochures, booklets and videos on the

project objectives and realization.
Almost all the LIFE-Nature projects
have prepared similar materials. It is
also common to conduct more complex campaigns, with meetings of the
local population, school lessons,
preparation of books and regular reports, films, videos, organizing international seminars and meetings.

LIFE-Nature projects often include a

networking action, generally aimed at
improving the actions performance
through exchange with other projects
of documents and reports, the organization of workshops, meetings and
conferences or through an exchange
visits between project sites and countries. Most of the results of this activity are then phisically distributed to
those who need it or through the Internet.
The following case studies illustrate
how this work of dissemination has
been carried out.
The Capercaillie is the largest species
of grouse in the world, with its main
distribution range in the woodlands of
northern Europe and Russia. It is an
old-growth forest dweller, whose conservation is closely linked to proper
forestry management and low disturbance of the courtship arenas, (called
leks). Illegal hunting can be a further
problem. An EU-funded Caledonian
Partnership European LIFE project,
started in 2002, has helped Capercaillie conservation through predator
control and habitat management and
monitoring. Identification and spread

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 39

of best practices has been supported

by intense networking between experts and project managers in Sweden and Latvia. The networking has
included visits to Sweden and Norway
in order to obtain direct knowledge of
the experience being gained in similar
International cooperation is the form
of networking that has been strongly
supported by LIFE, and applied in several cases. Management of ecosystems at the transboundary level is a
case in which efficient networking can
lead to fruitful results, as in the case
of the Austrian floodplains.
The floodplains along the March and
Thaya rivers, which form the boundary
between the Slovakia and the Czech
Republic, are among the most remarkable wetlands in Austria. Here, a LIFE
project has been carried out to implement a river regeneration plan. Considering the relevance of the transboundary dimension of such a project,
a first trilateral conference was held in
Vienna in 1999, with representatives
from the transboundary river commis-

Photo Jorma Luhta

Photo J-F Seguin, PNR Corse

Left. The Bearded Vulture is the subject

of a large scale reintroduction project
in the Alps made thanks to an efficient
networking effort
Below. The Capercaillie conservation
has been the subject of an international
intiative funded by LIFE, in Northern

sion (GGK), river management administrations, nature conservation administrations and NGOs. In 2000, an international conference on the subject
Nature conservation in a boundary
area chances for dynamising the
Danube-March-Thaya area was organized by the beneficiary at DeutschWagram. The conference was attended by participants from Austria, the
Slovak and Czech Republics as well
as from Hungary, and conference proceedings were published.
Trilateral communication with the beneficiarys partner NGOs from the
Czech and Slovak Republic has continued since May 2000. The trilateral
March-Thaya-Platform of the beneficiary and its Czech and Slovak homologues were adopted by the Ministries
of Environment of the three concerned
countries. On the third platform in
2001, the Ministries signed a Memorandum of Understanding about collaborating on the protection of the
March-Thaya floodplains. In 2003, the
5th platform was held, aimed at the
elaboration and implementation of a
trilateral management plan for MarchThaya-Auen. International networking
could not have been more successful
and were appreciated internationally:
a grant of the Wetland Conservation
Award 2002 was accorded during the
Ramsar meeting in Valencia.
International cooperation is very useful when similar projects are being
carried out on rare and now localized
species as in the case of the Lammergeier.

A LIFE project aimed at implementing

a recovery plan for the Lammergeier in
northeastern Spain has promoted a
major exchange of the experiences of
people working in almost all the distribution areas of the species in Europe. Periodical meetings with other
LIFE project beneficiaries have been
held in Crete, Nice, Corsica, Greece
and Aragn and the resulting documents have been made available. They
represent an important step forward in
the sharing of knowledge of the species
conservation status and in the experience gained in the conservation programmes all over Europe.
A similar approach has been adopted
for the Bittern, a reedbeds mimic
heron that has often been the subject
of LIFE projects across the EU. In the
UK, one of these projects was aimed
at developing a strategic network of
SPA reedbeds for this species. A good
level of coordination between the central operations and the sites addressed was guaranteed. A high quality
web site was created in 2003, providing links to other similar projects in
Europe. Several meetings have been
held to allow site managers to share
their experience and encourage better
networking within the UK. Finally, the
project manager has established contacts with organizations and projects
with similar remits, including the National Trust, the Norfolk Naturalists
Trust, the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust,
the French Ligue pour la Protection
des Oiseaux, the Brandenburg State
Agency for Large Conservation Areas,
the Hampshire County Council and

the Finnish Department for Conservation. These networking links were efficiently developed and the contacts
led to the submission of a LIFE Co-op
application in 2003.
In its history, LIFE-Nature has undergone an important evolutionary
process, with a progressive recognition of the critical importance of communication, participation of the local
interest groups and sharing of the
accumulated experience between
project managers. This process has
been influenced by the growing use
of the Internet, which allows immediate exchange of information and
experience. Moreover, the creation of
web sites, which is now mandatory for
each project, provides a great deal of
useful data for citizens, interested
people and new project managers.
This availability of this information
allows to build on previous experience, especially on selected issues,
and increase efficiency in project
management. Often this has led to a
formal link between projects, as it has
been the case of the action for the
conservation of the Lammergeier.
Recognizing this potential, the Commission has increasingly focused its
effort in promoting networking. The
Co-op measure has been created with
this aim.

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 41

Birds after LIFE

Obviously, a single project lasting four or five years is only a first step in the long-term
management of sites or to protect endangered birds.
The Commissions strategy is to insure that there is a commitment to continue when needed.
The results achieved with LIFE have to be maintained in the future.
Other financial instruments can be tapped to ensure the long-term conservation
after the LIFE project end. These can be own funds from the sites management body
or supplementary resources from national institutions or from the EU

There is an increasing focus in LIFENature project selection and monitoring on the issue of the long term committment and sustainability of the
conservation actions taken. However,
as yet there is not sufficient data for a
systematic overview available.
DG Environment has commissioned a
study to verify what happened in nine
different cases after the end of projects 1. In all cases, LIFE was shown to
have been the starting point for further actions aimed at reinforcing the
achieved results. Continuation of project actions is favoured where there
had been a good project design, capacity building and a good relationship with the local community. However the critical issue is, of course, the
availability of financial resources that
can be sought from different sources.
Three of the above projects, for example, were able to continue their action
with funds linked to agri-environmental schemes.
Funding the conservation of birds
and their habitats after LIFE
Funds made available by Council
Regulation 2078/92, established in
1992, have been used to pay farmers
for farming practices that protect and
manage habitats and species linked
to agricultural habitats. This Agri-envi-

1European Commission. Life after

LIFE. Luxembourg: Office for
Official Publications of the
European Communities. 2002

The Great Bustard population of Villaffila

SPA, in Spain, and of Castro Verde SPA,
in Portugal, have significantly benefited
from LIFE project and the subsequent
agri-environmental schemes. In Portugal
the population raised from 400 birds
before 1998 to 1.022 in 2004

From: Naumann, Naturgeschichte

der Vgel Mitteleuropas: Band VII,
Table 5 - Gera, 1899

ronment Regulation is part of the EU

Common Agricultural Policy, a sectorial policy that has a very important
effect on the land use in the EU with
potential for both damage to biodiversity (favouring agricultural intensification) and benefits through environmental protection.
EU Structural Funds are another main
option. They are the main instruments
of the European Union to achieve
social and economic cohesion and
serve six main objectives related to
industrial and economic development.
Of these, Objective 1 covers the regions where development is lagging,
Objective 5a is specifically related to
the adjustment of agricultural structures and Objective 5b widely addresses rural development issues. Even
though the use of these EU funds has
been criticized due to their frequent
negative impact on biodiversity, if
properly used, the Structural Funds
can provide long-term financing for
conservation and socio-economic
activities, as is illustrated by the following case studies.
The use of agri-environmental
schemes for long-term
The Varde river valley is the only
remaining large river in Denmark to
have escaped from regulation through
dikes and locks. The estuary and the
surrounding meadows however have
been subject to agricultural intensification and become a major centre for
the production of grass feeding pellets, through the draining of wet areas
and a heavy use of fertilizers. With the
crash in grass pellet prices, the Varde
farmers Union began exploring ways
to change agricultural practices. They
found that the areas would be ideally
suited for agri-environmental schemes, which would give them at least
a 20-year span of activity. However,
for these schemes to be eligible, the
fields would have to be restored to
their former wetter state. The Ministry
of Environment recognised this to be
an ideal opportunity to improve the
conservation status of the areas as
well. Therefore, in partnership with the
Ministry of Agriculture and the local
farmers union, a LIFE project was

launched to restore the SPA. The objective was to determine the best
hydrological asset for each of the 13
compartments in the project area and
to construct an extensive system of
sluices and dams to allow for the
rewetting of the areas. Once this was
done and the farmers agreed to several restrictions, such as a ban on fertiliser use, then they were able to access
the local agri-environment schemes.
The final result was that around 260
landowners joined the agri-environmental agreements by the end of project: 2.488 ha, or 92 % of the initial
target of 2.700 ha, was restored to a
level where it could enter long-term
agri-environmental agreements, securing its conservation over the next 20
years. Each agri-environment plan follows the prescriptions appropriate for
the conservation of the area. Moreover, even the landowners outside the
project site were interested in joining
the agri-environmental agreements.
This project represents an excellent
case study showing the potential of
LIFE money to favour long-term management agreements within agri-environmental schemes. The LIFE funding
allowed the crucial restoration actions
necessary to recover habitat quality,
while the long-term management was
ensured by the EU Agri-environment
Long-term management of
steppe habitat through EU funding
Another LIFE-Nature project carried
out in Spain can be considered a pilot
experiment that encouraged the promotion of traditional practices to be
supported by agri-environmental programmes, and implemented a formula
that may be the best solution for many
cases of SPA management.
The Great Bustard, a priority species
for conservation in the EU, is one of
the most representative species of
European steppes zones. In the Castilla y Len Region in Spain, and
especially in the Reserva Nacional de
las Lagunas de Villaffila, the Great
Bustard finds its best habitat in the
cereal pseudosteppe, where extensive cereal fields are the predominant

landscape feature. The area has been

declared an SPA and contains a subpopulation with the highest density of
Great Bustards in the world, estimated
at 2,000 individuals, approximately
8% of the world population.
The main threats to this species are
habitat loss due to the irrigation
schemes and the disappearance of
the traditional crops, mainly the dryfarmed alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on
which the bustards rely, especially in
the breeding season.
A LIFE project was funded in 1996 for
the conservation of the Great Bustard
and it was assessed that a minimum
of 8.4 percent of the SPA area needed
to be sawn with alfalfa to avoid conservation problems. .
The LIFE-Nature project was linked to
the agri-environmental programme
with excellent results for the Great
Bustard population. The regional government, beneficiary of the LIFE funding, managed the acquired plots by
following the agri-environmental scheme, particularly by promoting alfalfa
cultivation. At the end of the project
the area sown with alfalfa covered
2,622 ha (8.5% of the SPA), with an
increase of 80% in comparison to the
initial area, and reaching the needed
percentage to guarantee the Great
Bustard presence. Moreover, during
the four years of project implementation, the beneficiary invested 168,000
Euro, outside the LIFE co-financing,
in actions related to the species and
the project. Likewise, Great Bustard
population trends in the SPA are
showing a slight increase. Implementation of the LIFE-Nature project was,
therefore, exemplary for the conservation of the steppe area.
A second phase was also financed by
LIFE-Nature as well as a further project for the conservation of the Lesser
Kestrel in the same SPA. Other European funds (Structural Funds, INTERREG, LEADER, etc.) were also invested in this area simultaneously. This
is a further case in which LIFE-Nature
has complemented EU and local
funds to achieve several objectives:
the conservation of a rare habitat of
the EU with its important bird com-

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 43

munity and the sustainable support of

the local farming activity.

General conclusions


LIFE-Nature projects often have a

pump priming effect, catalyzing the
use of additional human and financial
resources. Many project managers
have demonstrated that tapping other
financial resources, either local, national or from the EU, is feasible and can
guarantee, if some basic conditions
are satisfied, long term conservation
of habitats and species together with
development of sustainable human
activities. The issue of the long-term
commitment to continue conservation
actions initiated under LIFE-Nature
projects is a subject that merits further

Photo Jorma Luhta

Above. Golden Eagle, Finland

Below. Goosander, Finland

Photo Jorma Luhta

Carrying out a project with clear

objectives, efficient resource management and good relationship with
local communities, is the best way to
guarantee maintenance and improvement of the conditions of the targeted
habitats and species after the end of
a LIFE project.

LIFE-Nature has made a strategic

contribution to the conservation of
endangered birds in the European
This has been achieved because there
has been a clear strategy that focused
on actions directed at the conservation of the most threatened birds and
their habitats. LIFE-Nature has also
made a significant contribution to the
establishment and management of
the SPAs network, as well as in iden-

tifying participatory mechanisms to

engage local interest groups and
The achievements of LIFE projects
can be summarized using some indicators of success, listed below.
LIFE-Nature indicators of success
in bird conservation
Bird species conservation Almost
all the 194 bird species and sub-spe-

Ptarmigan in Finnish landscape

cies included in Annex I of the Directive, have been addressed, directly or

indirectly, by at least one LIFE project.
For some bird species, as in the case
of the Lammergeier or the Spanish
Imperial Eagle, almost the entire European population has been targeted.
All the species, with a few exceptions
that are considered as priority for LIFE
funding, have been the subject of at
least one project. The few, non directly
addressed priority species are the
Corso-Sardinian Goshawk, the
Canarian-Madeiran Sparrowhawk, the
Gyrfalcon and the Scottish Crossbill.
However, some of these species have
indirectly benefitted from LIFE-Nature
projects aimed at the conservation of
habitats, as in the cases of the
Mediterranean forests, the habitat of
the Corso-Sardinian Goshawk and of
the Caledonian Pine Forest, home of
the Scottish Crossbill. LIFE has been
highly effective in implementing the
EUs strategy for the conservation of
endangered species. According to a
recent evaluation by BirdLife International, some of the priority bird
species have shown clear signs of
recovery, which is also a result of the
preparation of the species action
plans and their implementation.

Photo Jorma Luhta

Habitats for birds A significant part

of the habitats most rapidly being lost
in the EU, such as wetlands or steppe
have been targeted by numerous LIFE
projects, with a continent wide impact. Mountains, forests and agricultural land are among the under represented habitats in LIFE proposals.
Even though some experience has
been gained, a stronger effort for their
protection is needed. Agricultural intensification is the main factor responsible for the general loss of bird diversity and shrinking populations density
of many formerly common bird species across the whole of the continent.
SPAs designation The designation of
the SPAs is a mandatory task of the
Member States and is to be carried
out by the relevant national authorities. LIFE-Nature, given its limited

LIFE Focus

LIFE for Birds 25 years of the Birds Directive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature projects I p. 45

resources is not aimed at the establishment of the SPAs network. However LIFE projects have often promoted the enlargement or even the
new designation of SPAs all over
Europe. A typical case is when a project aimed at bird conservation is submitted for an area that is still not designated as SPA as required by the
LIFE regulation. In many cases, SPAs
have been created to comply with this
rule and obtain funding of the project.
In other cases, on the basis of the
results of scientific research or results
of LIFE project, the European Commission has asked to enlarge the SPA.
Where the site boundary did not follow its natural ecological boundaries
the beneficiary was asked to promote
its modification.

fited from the experience and the

achievements of LIFE projects.

SPAs management A major step in

ensuring the conservation of a SPA is
the elaboration of a management plan.
Out of 300 projects dedicated to birds,
about one third have included the
preparation of management plans, in
order to promote the collection of
complete and updated information on
the sites and identify the most coherent actions to be implemented, according to the identified threats. A large
number of the management plans
elaborated have been adopted by the
competent authorities with a recognized regulatory value.

Identification of best management

practices Identifying best management practices for habitats and species has been one of the major contributions of LIFE-Nature. This funding
opportunity has led to the acquisition
of relevant field experiences. Unsuccessful experiences have had also a
positive value to avoid mistakes in the
future. A number of different conservation approaches has been experimented. These include traditional
conservation measures based on the
scientific knowledge of birds biology
and ecology, as well as innovative
management techniques (i.a. use of
traditional breeds of domestic animals
to manage pastures, mitigation of
impact of electrocution cases on
power lines, reintroduction methods,
etc.) and establishment of participatory
processes to reconcile nature conservation and socio-economic development. As a result a great deal of knowledge is now available on many crucial
and frequently encountered issues
such as how to restore the water balance of wetlands, how to manage
reedbeds and obtain economic revenue, how to involve stakeholders and
face socio-economic issues in rural
areas or how to improve the breeding
performances of grassland birds.

Species action plans LIFE has also

directly contributed to the conservation of endangered bird species supporting the preparation and implementation of action plans. Species
action plans are tools aimed at identify and establishing priority conservation actions. They have been elaborated for all the priority bird species
and many of these plans have bene-

Land acquisition The strategy of

land acquisition, either purchase or
long term lease, has enabled the highest level of protection for some key
bird habitats. Thousands of hectar
have been acquired in the framework
of LIFE projects. Land acquisition is
generally followed by dedicated management by conservation NGOs or

Participatory approach LIFE has

been a strategic mechanism to reconcile different land uses with conservation of SPAs. LIFE, for example,
has encouraged the involvement of
hunting associations, through agreements and/or the establishment of
local groups which commit themselves to habitat management of both
protected and hunted species.
Thanks to LIFE, hunters have often
become active parties in management
bodies of the Special Protection
Areas. These results are important for
at least two reasons: the improved
awareness among hunters of the conservation problems affecting bird
species, and the promotion of pilot
experiences in which hunters are relevant actors.
Catalyze use of other EU funds LIFE
projects have generally been aimed at
establishing the prior conditions
needed to allow long term conservation management. Often, actions to
favour the participation of the stakeholders in agri-environmental schemes or other Community funded programmes were included in the projects.
This has led to a greater knowledge of
the various alternative funding sources
that are available for the long term
management of the sites.
Awareness raising and dissemination
of results A great deal of work has
been devoted to awareness raising.
Hundreds of LIFE projects have provided information about Natura 2000.
The spread of the Internet has represented a major step forward in sharing of experience and facilitating contacts with project managers, experts
and local communities across Europe.

List of cited bird species scientific names
Aquatic Warbler
Audouins Gull
Azores Bullfinch
Azores Wood Pigeon
Balearic Shearwater
Bernacle Goose
Black Stork
Black-winged Stilt
Blue Chaffinch
Bonellis Eagle
Cinereous Vulture
Common Crane
Corys Shearwater
Dalmatian Pelican
Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon
Egyptian Vulture
Feas Petrel
Ferruginous Duck
Golden Eagle
Great Bustard
Great Grey Owl
Great Spotted Woodpecker
(Gran Canaria subspecies)
Great Spotted Woodpecker
(Tenerife subspecies)
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greenland White-fronted Goose
Grey headed Woodpecker
Griffon Vulture
Hubara Bustard
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Lesser White-fronted Goose
Little Bustard
Long-toed Pigeon
Marbled Teal
Ortolan Bunting
Pallid Harrier
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse
Purple Gallinule
Red-backed Shrike
Red-breasted Goose

Acrocephalus paludicola
Larus audouinii
Pyrrhula murina
Columba palumbus azorica
Puffinus mauretanicus
Branta leucopsis
Botaurus stellaris
Ciconia nigra
Himantopus himantopus
Fringilla teydea
Hieraaetus fasciatus
Accipiter nisus granti
Tetrao urogallus
Aegypius monachus
Grus grus
Crex crex
Calonectris diomedea
Grus grus
Pelecanus crispus
Columba bollii
Neophron percnopterus
Pterodroma feae
Aythya nyroca
Aquila chrysaetos
Otis tarda
Strix nebulosa
Dendrocopos major tanneri
Dendrocopos major
Aquila clanga
Anser albifrons flavirostris
Picus canus
Gyps fulvus
Falco rusticolus
Chlamydotis undulata
Gypaetus barbatus
Alauda arvensis
Falco naumanni
Aquila pomarina
Anser erythropus
Tetrax tetrax
Columba trocaz
Marmaronetta angustirostris
Luscinia megarhynchos
Emberiza hortulana
Circus macrourus
Perdix perdix
Pterocles alchata
Porphyrio porphyrio
Lagopus mutus
Lanius collurio
Branta ruficollis

Red-necked Phalarope
Roseate Tern
Sardinian Goshhawk
Scottish Crossbill
Semi-collared Flycatcher
Slender billed Curlew
Spanish Imperial Eagle
Three-toed Woodpecker
White Stork
White-backed Woodpecker
White-headed Duck
White-tailed Laurel Pigeon
Whooper Swan
Zinos Petrel

Phalaropus lobatus
Sterna dougallii
Philomachus pugnax
Accipiter gentilis arrigonii
Loxia scotica
Ficedula semitorquata
Numenius tenuirostris
Aquila adalberti
Picoides tridactylus
Ciconia ciconia
Dendrocopos leucotos
Oxyura leucocephala
Columba junoniae
Cygnus cygnus
Pterodroma madeira

Name LIFE (LInstrument Financier pour lEnvironnement / The financial instrument for the environment)
Type of intervention co-financing of actions in favour of the environment in the twenty-five Member States
of the European Union, in the candidate countries who are associated to LIFE and in certain third countries bordering
the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.
LIFE is made up of three subject headings: LIFE-Nature, LIFE-Environment and LIFE Third countries.


with a view to sustainable development in the European Union, contribute to the drawing up, implementation
and updating of Community policy and legislation in the area of the environment;
explore new solutions to environmental problems on a Community scale.

Beneficiaries any natural or legal person, provided that the projects financed meet the following general criteria:

they are of Community interest and make a significant contribution to the general objectives;
they are carried out by technically and financially sound participants;
they are feasible in terms of technical proposals, timetable, budget and value for money.



Implementation National authorities in the Member States or third countries send the Commission the proposals
of projects to be co-financed (for LIFE-Environment preparatory projects, the applicants send their proposals directly
to the Commission). The Commission sets the date for sending the proposals annually. It monitors the projects
financed and supports the dissemination of their results. Accompanying measures enable the projects to be monitored
on the ground.

Period of involvement (LIFE III) 2000-2006.

Funds from the Community approximately 638 million for 2000-2004 and 317 million for 2005-2006.
European Commission Environment Directorate-General
LIFE Unit BU-9 02/1 - 200 rue de la Loi - B-1049 Brussels Fax: +32 2 296 95 56



Eligible for LIFE-Environment are innovative pilot and demonstration projects which bring environment-related
and sustainable development considerations together in land management, which promote sustainable water
and waste management or which minimise the environmental impact of economic activities, products and services.
LIFE-Environment also finances preparatory projects aiming at the development or updating of Community
environmental actions, instruments, legislation or policies.
Eligible for LIFE-Nature are nature conservation projects which contribute to maintaining or restoring natural habitats
and/or populations of species in a favourable state of conservation within the meaning of the Birds (79/409/EEC)
and Habitats (92/43/EEC) Community Directives and which contribute to the establishment of the European
network of protected areas NATURA 2000. LIFE-Nature also finances co-op projects aiming to develop
the exchange of experiences between projects.
Eligible for LIFE-Third countries are projects which contribute to the establishment of capacities and administrative
structures needed in the environmental sector and in the development of environmental policy and action programmes
in some countries bordering the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.


Types of project

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