I have TWO tables allocated to Aberystwyth Uni Students/Graduates with business ideas.If you would li e to a!!ly for one of these "#$$ !laces% e&mail me ASA' with the followin( information)
*our +ame ,usiness name -if you already have a business . o!tional/ *our $&0ail address In which lan(ua(e you would !refer to contribute at the event1 $n(lish/2elsh
Entrepreneurs Wales 2014 - The big ebate! "ave #our sa# on entrepreneurship in #our lo$al region %ber#stw#th &niversit# - We nes a# 2' (ar$h 2014 )*:4* - +.30p,.eter /aun ers (@PeterSaunders_ ) serial entrepreneur, business angel and philanthropist(www.petersaunderstrust.co.uk ) will talk about his experience as one of Wales s !ost successful entrepreneurs and the work he is currentl" doing to support start#ups with ideas that financial institutions refuse to support. Ti, (organ (@theti!!organ) # as a founder of $ondon % &ew 'ork based (int )igital (http*++!intdigital.co!+ ) , ,i! will talk about the non#traditional !ethods the" used to build ), is leading the trend for craft beer their business and continue to de-elop the co!pan" in fascinating and di-erse wa"s. ,heir !ost recent success .)esk /eers (www.deskbeers.co!+ selection % deli-er" to offices on 0rida" afternoons. %n # (oore (@and"goose!oore ) # disco-er what the for!er Wales rugb" 1nternational 2aptain, founder and )irector of 32, Pathwa" (http*++actpathwa".co!+ processes of top athletes. The the,e is 0,aking Wales a ,ore entrepreneur $entri$ pla$e to o business0 ) has to sa" about elite sport % business and how entrepreneurs can learn fro! the beha-iours and learning
1etworking an 2oo will be available 2ro, *p, with the evening ebate starting at *:4*p,
Entrepreneuriai 3#,ru 2014 4 5 ra2o aeth 2awr! 3#2le i $hi entrepreneuriaeth #n ei$h ar al leol .ri2#sgol %ber#stw#th - #
/"dd .eter /aun ers (@PeterSaunders_ ) " c"!w"naswr, angel busnes ac entrepreneur c"fresol (www.petersaunderstrust.co.uk ) "n siarad a! ei brofiadau fel un o entrepreneuriaid !w"af llw"ddiannus 2"!ru a r gwaith !ae n ei wneud ar h"n o br"d i helpu busnesau new"dd g"da s"niadau !ae sef"dliadau ariannol eraill "n gwrthod eu cefnogi. Ti, (organ (@theti!!organ) "n un o s"lfaenw"r (int )igital (http*++!intdigital.co!+ $lundain ac 4frog &ew"dd, b"dd ,i! "n siarad a! " dulliau anhraddodiadol a ddefn"ddir gandd"nt i adeiladu eu busnes ac i ddatbl"gu r cw!ni !ewn ff"rdd dif"r ac a!r"wiol. (ae eu !enter lw"ddiannus ddiweddaraf, .)esk /eers (www.deskbeers.co!+ ), "n arwain " ffasiwn o gael detholiad o gwrw crefft wedi ei ddanfon i sw"ddfe"dd ar br"nhawniau 5wener. %n # (oore (@and"goose!oore ) dewch i gl"wed beth s"dd gan " c"n 5apten a 2hwaraewr 6h"ngwladol 2"!ru, a r s"lfaen"dd a 2h"farw"ddwr 32, Pathwa" (http*++actpathwa".co!+ ), i w ddweud a! fusnes a chwaraeon elitaidd, a sut " gall entrepreneuriaid dd"sgu o "!dd"giad a phrosesau d"sgu athletw"r blaenllaw. 5 the,a #w 7gwneu 3#,ru8n lle ,w# entrepreneur-g#2eillgar i wneu busnes8 a b# pob $#2ar2o #n e$hrau a, *.4*p, ) "n