Raise Your Frequency!
Raise Your Frequency!
Raise Your Frequency!
than any other plant source on earth? Interested in which Plant provides over 90% of the Oxygen for our planet? Interested in which Plant is such a Complete Living Food that it alone can susta in Life for Humans? Interested in which Raw whole food tonic contains Full spectrum liquid ionic min erals, vitamins, amino acids *97% absorption *Oxygenates, Balances, & Rejuvenate s cells & pH *Powerful Antioxidants *Ginger, Rose, Frankincense *100% Natural *a nd can Raise Your Frequency? Interested in which Raw Whole Food Tonic contains between 250-400 microscopic se a vegetables? Contains more omega 3's than fish oil? Is 100% natural with no che micals no artificial preservatives, heat or pasteurization? Interested in which Raw Whole Food Tonic is known to balance physical and emotio nal pH? Interested in which Raw Whole Food Tonic is the first and only one in the market to contain Marine Phytoplankton and is WATER SOLUBLE, which means the concentra ted living nutrients go directly into the cells and pass the blood brain barrier in seconds? Still interested?, then watch THE SECRET HEALTH MOVIE at www.secrethealthmovie.c om and share your interest with me and the world. To order and save or join and share go to: http://myforevergreen.org/13602 FrequenSea frequently asked questions: 1. What is FrequenSea? FrequenSea is the most complete all natural whole super food ever put together. It gives your body all the nutrients (vitamins and ionic minerals), raw material s (amino acids and fatty acids), & natural energy (glyco-nutrients & voltage) it needs as building blocks for the stability and better health of your body. It's a synergistic blend of the best ingredients (in its live natural occurring ioni c state ) from the worlds most perfect plant food sources (both land and sea)... all combined into one extremely beneficial and powerful product! If you truly w ant the best for your body... There is no better choice than FrequenSea. It has all that your body needs. 2. Why is FrequenSea so unique and more beneficial than other juices or health p roducts? FrequenSea is a Complete Source of Cellular Nutrition (containing many phytonutr ients, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, and cellular ma terial not found in any other food source), has no negative preservatives like m ost juices, it's all natural, it has marine phytoplankton (the food source that has been feeding the earth, since the earth began), it utilizes Co 2 extraction (cold processing) and AMP technology, it's predigested nutrients (in nature's pe rfect balance) that are ready for the body to utilize, and the vitamins and mine rals come from plant sources that are in nature's perfect ionic form (not man ma de). FrequenSea gives your body the support it requires to function in a normal healthy manner.
3. What are the main ingredients in FrequenSea? A proprietary blend of the following: Marine Phytoplankton, Frankincense, Nutmeg , Astaxanthin, Ginger, Rose, Purified Water, Aloe Vera Juice, Cranberry Concentr ate, Morinda Citrifolia (Noni Juice), Ionic sea Trace Minerals, Orange, Sweet Li me, Citric Acid, Rosemary Anti-Oxidant, Natural Blueberry Concentrate. 4. When I take FrequenSea, what benefits will my body receive? 14 Amino Acids(Essential Amino Acids), 9 amino acids the body can't make and the y must be ingested in our diet to support the body's needs. Omega 3 and 6 Essent ial Fatty Acids (from a plant source) Vitamins A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E M acro Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium. Nutrients: Bioflavonoi ds, Quercetin, Proanthocyanidins. Enzymes: Amylase, Protease, Cellulase, Lipase. Co-Enzymes: Co-Q6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 72 Ionic Essential and Trace Minerals. FrequenSea includes Ionic Sea Minerals in naturally occurring trace amounts : An timony, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Bromide, Calcium, Carbonate, Cerium, Cesium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Gallium, Go ld, Hafnium, Holmium, Iodine, Iron, Lanthanum, Lutetium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Neodymium, Nickel, Niobium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Praseodymium, Rhenium, Rubidiu m, Samarium, Scandium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Strontium, Tantalum, Tellurium , Terbium, Thallium, Thorium, Thulium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Uranium, Vanadiu m, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Zinc, Zirconium, plus the other elements found naturally in sea water. Marine Phytoplankton contains almost everything one needs to restore health by p roviding the raw materials to make new cells that function normally. Results fro m taking FrequenSea with Marine Phytoplankton are often much greater than Marine Phytoplankton alone! The bio-available full spectrum ingredients work synergist ically together in your body. 5. Can Frequensea be mixed with a fruit juice for better taste? A: Yes you can. Frequensea has great taste but you may prefer to mix it with a f ruit juice due to personal choice. It's all up to you. You don't lose any health benefit because Frequensea potencies are not lost when diluted. 6. What is Marine Phytoplankton? Marine Phytoplankton are single celled plants and are the basis of all other lif e forms on planet Earth. They are microscopic, single celled algae that float an d live in the ocean and are so small, they are not even visible to the naked eye . All phytoplankton are nutrient-rich, and as such are the basic staple diet for multitudes of oceanic life. In fact the very existence of the marine ecosystem depends upon it. The elements and electrolytes in plankton are ideal for the hum an body, and are in perfect balance with natures plan to support life. It has un ique and specialized nutrients, not found anywhere else , that have been feeding the world since the world began. Some Whales live to be 150 years old without e ating anything else. 7. How much FrequenSea Should I Order? A: Your doctor has you on a protocol and has given you his recommendation as to the proper doseage for you at this time. 8. Do you ship to Alaska & Hawaii? A: Yes we do. Frequensea sales are growing exponentially in above areas. For you r convenience, we offer both ground and 2-Day air shipping methods. Ground shipm
ent takes 7 to 10 business days to arrive. Shipping rates vary. Please contact Customer Service if you have questions about these shipping optio ns or associated costs. 801-655-5500 9. How much FrequenSea should I take and when? Although it is perfectly safe to drink as much as you wish, your doctor's recom mendation is the best protocol to follow to see the faster results. FrequenSea can be taken at any time of the day, with food, or alone. While peopl e have reported good results from taking it at various times during the day we w ould suggest taking it just prior to bedtime since it is while sleeping that our body is most able to heal itself. 10. How can I purchase FrequenSea at a better price? You have been enrolled as a Preferred Customer and are getting the Frequensea at the distributor wholesale price, and have been set up on a monthly auto order. This order can be changed at any time by you simply by logging into your Virtual back Office and making the change. Here you will also find a shopping cart whic h contains the entire line of Forever Green Products which are also avaialble fo r you to purcase if interested. If you would like to tell others about this wonderful product you can upgrade to become a distributor for only $19.95 you get a free website with business tools too. FrequenSea is a great product. Most people find it effective and feel the differ ence. Thousands enjoy the healthy life because of the amazing benefits of this w onderful product. 11. What is the biggest mistake people make when trying a product like FrequenSe a? Many people fall short and don't get the opportunity to see the full benefits. T hey will only try a bottle or two... or only take it for a week or two and say t hat product didn't help me. They never gave the product a full chance to prove i tself. Most conditions usually take a year or two or even more to surface and wanting the results of a poor diet to disappear quickly is normal, b ut in the real world it takes time to replenish the body's supply of nutrients and overcome the deficits.. According to Dr Tennant... it takes 90 days of continuous (daily) support to reestablish the body's natural stability. There are many temporary quick fixes (usually man made), that mask or hide condi tions temporarily, and most people find out from experience that it wasn't the a nswer they were seeking because it can't or won't last without continually suppo rting the body's nutritional needs. It is fairly simple: When the body's nutriti onal needs are satisfied and fully supported, then and only then, can and will t he body function at its very best. 12. Do you really want to achieve and enjoy the best possible long term health? Enjoying life into your 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond is going to be determined by many factors and especially one... by what nutrients you put into your body. Ju st like putting fuel into your car... your body needs good fuel too and the bett er fuel you put in it... the more likely it will function well or even better)! Your good or bad health will directly effect how much you enjoy life! You are th e only person that can make the decision to reduce or improve the quality and qu antity of your life. Acquiring or keeping great health as you strive to reach yo
ur 100th birthday... is a super goal to have and achieve... but there must be a willful effort made by you to accomplish this goal. Eating good live foods, exer cising, playing, laughing, a positive attitude, loving, smiling and enjoying lif e will be very helpful factors to your extended longevity. How well your body fu nctions during this longevity, will be determined by the quality of fuel you giv e it The information in these questions and answers are specifically for you, to help you understand and gain knowledge that may help you improve the quality an d quantity of your life! 13. Why aren't most other juice products designed to support the body properly? Most juice products are limited, specific, or coming from one particular source. They can give your body some good nutrients, and testimonials may be abundant, but they will not fully or totally support your body's needs. You can not get ev erything your body needs by eating just a banana, or apple, or noni fruit, or a particular fruit or vegetable. To give your body all that it needs for proper su pport, you must have diversity or a full spectrum of nutrients and raw material from plant sources. To get this type of support, it takes many different plant n utrient sources, combined into one amazing product! We believe FrequenSea is the answer! 14. Why is proper form for vitamins and minerals so important? Only plant life can turn inorganic minerals into organic minerals. Minerals are absorbed up into the root hairs of the plant and the minerals are dispersed to a ll parts of the plant. Imagine how small the vitamins and minerals must be (ioni c size) to be absorbed up into the root hairs of a plant. After being absorbed, the minerals become part of that living plant, and the plant gives these mineral s life (energy, frequency or voltage) , and the minerals carry this life with th em, when you consume the plant. These life and energy charged minerals, give you r body more energy, voltage and vitality! Minerals found in plants (are non-toxi c and non-metallic) and are not the same as those found in the ground (inorganic ) 15. Are all ionic minerals the same? No! There are two basic ways to obtain minerals in an ionic form. The best way i s to let nature transform the minerals into the ionic state and then eat or extr act them from the natural sources. The least desirable way to obtain ionic miner als, is by grinding up clay, rock, or other inorganic substances and forcing the m into a colloidal or ionic state. Do you want minerals that come from nature an d are still alive (from living plants) or minerals made (usually store bought in a capsule or tablet (tablets are the worst)) or processed by man (these are def initely dead minerals)? Which would you trust the most, the ones directly from n ature or made by man? 16. What about mega-doses of vitamins and minerals? There is NO animal in nature that takes mega-doses of vitamins or minerals , bec ause it is not possible, necessary or natural. Animals in the wild get all they need from eating plant life (daily) or eating other animals, birds, rodents or b ugs, that eat nature's plant life. Natural living organic vitamins and minerals come from plant life... the way nature intended! Most of the time, when someone is taking large quantities, they are taking the wrong form (inorganic) of vitami ns or minerals. If the vitamins and minerals were ionic, they wouldn't need huge quantities to support what the body needs. The human body needs vitamins and mi nerals that can be fully absorbed and fully utilized ... and ionic form minerals (only from a plant source) are by far... the very best in the world. The best n utrition will always come from nature and plant derived sources... and not made by man (nature is much more intelligent than man).
17. What is Frankincense? During ancient times Frankincense was considered more valuable than gold and has been regarded as the "Mother of all Essential Oils". This milky white resin pro duced by a scrubby little tree called "Genus Boswellia". Frankincense has the ab ility to have a calming effect on the nervous system and is excellent for use wi th stress related conditions. Throughout history, Frankincense has been used for many problems and physical disorders. 18. What is Astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is a powerful, natural, biological antioxidant extracted from the ma rine algae, Hae-matococcus pluvialis. Many carotenoids, such a Astaxanthin, act as antioxidants to protect our cells from free radicals. Astaxanthin also crosse s the blood brain barrier (this is very beneficial), making it available to the eyes, brain and central nervous system. 19. What is AMP (Aqueous Molecular Partitioning)? AMP is used instead of using common extraction methods, such as heat, distillati on, or harmful chemicals (acetone or hexane). Whether its plants, herbs, flowers , roots, or spices, this exclusive technology uses Co 2 extraction, placing the plant in pressure chambers. By changing the pressures, we are able to get the en tire plant liquefied. This includes the essential oils, the resinous materials a nd the water-based materials. Due to separation, our exclusive process naturally emulsifies this plant-life concentrate water soluble. Nowhere else can you find such unique and natural methods of extraction. Water soluble means instant bioa vailability . Even the Frankincense in FrequenSea went from a rock-like material to water-soluble liquid making it so bioavailable that it is literally prediges ted . How does a predigested water-soluble nutritional liquid help your body?... First the body doesn't have to work hardly at all to get the nutrition out of t he liquid, and the nutrients are ready (in the ionic form - and as small as they can possibly be) for the body to be utilized! It doesn't get any better than th at... ever! 20. What happens when I don't give my body the proper nutrients and raw materials? Slowly but surely... your body starts deteriorating (normally at a faster rate t han people that do give their bodies the needed attention with the critical nutr ients and raw materials for support) and problems are almost assured in the futu re. It may take 30, 40...even 50 years or more.... but when critical components (vitamins, minerals and enzymes) are continually missing in the diet, the body becomes unbalanced and starts to malfunction. Supplying the missing critical substances gives your body the best opportunity t o regain its stability and optimal health. 21. Are there lots of testimonials about FrequenSea? Yes, there are many extraordinary and unparalleled testimonials for the FrequenS ea product (some beyond belief) that cover almost every type of disorder (lack of proper nutrients) on this earth. This is bottom line... when you give your bo dy the best nutrients and raw materials to build, repair and restore (from plant sources and in the proper natural ionic form ), the self-healing mechanism in t he amazing human body, has the ability to make corrections and adjustments. The main thing that stops unhealthy people from being healthy, is what they put into their body and/or what they don't put into their body (the critical supporting nutrients). To receive the full benefits of having a truly healthy body, a perso n must make a commitment to support the body's nutritional needs (it won't happe
n by chance) and they must do it on a daily basis (not occasionally). http://aud ioupline.com Has many testimonials by users of frequenSea. 22. Does FrequenSea help the voltage, energy and pH balance within the body? Yes, absolutely... the pH balance of the FrequenSea is between 8 to 8.5 alkaline . Voltage, Energy and pH balance are all basically the same. When voltage, energ y and pH balance are low (under 7.0 pH)... the body is considered acidic... when they are high (over 7.0 pH), the body is considered alkaline. Most health consc ious people have learned that when problems exist in the human body... the body is acidic. What this means, is that these abnormalities are living off and getti ng fed by your acidic body (acidic = breaking down). A very healthy body, on the other hand... has plenty of voltage, energy and the pH balance is considered al kaline. When the body is acidic, it has lost a lot of its voltage, energy and pH balance... and what this means... is the person with the acidic body, has not b een replenishing the body with live living minerals from plants sources. These l iving minerals from plant sources, carry the voltage, energy and pH balance your body needs to be vibrant, energetic and full of life. 23. Who will see the quickest results when taking FrequenSea? Usually people that are very deficient in vitamins and minerals, are the people that have the most health challenges. These people will usually see the fastest results as they replenish the body's missing nutrient and energy supply. People that have made a serious conscious effort to support their health, usually, will take longer... and the 90 days of continuous support, will give them the opport unity to see how a health body can function, when the given the superior raw mat erials and nutrients. Most of us (possibly 99.9% of the people), have never give n our bodies the full spectrum of nutrient support available only in FrequenSea. FrequenSea is truly the most complete nutrient rich whole food every put togeth er and made available for humankind to consume. In fact, some health professionals are already calling FrequenSea ... "The World 's Only True Complete Food" and the most perfect food source available on earth. Never before has anyone had the opportunity (except whales and sea life) to con sume Marine Phytoplankton (the source of food that has been feeding the planet e arth... since the earth began). FrequenSea is more than just Marine Phytoplankto n and the results from taking FrequenSea with Marine Phytoplankton are usually g reater than Marine Phytoplankton alone. There is no doubt... that Marine Phytopl ankton contains many elements not available anywhere else. Maybe you've heard of fresh water phytoplankton like Spirulina and Chlorella... or maybe even blue gr een algae? These algae's do have many health benefits (but are not a complete so urce of nutrients that will support the human body fully), however, Marine Phyto plankton which has 200+ unique species, has the best nutritional profile on the planet earth! Most of us have gone for years, with or without malfunctions occur ring or showing... but without the proper support, the malfunctions become almos t inevitable. Supporting the body properly with the full spectrum of nutrients , is the best chance anyone has available, to avoid unexpected malfunctions! 24. I've heard a lot about new products that stimulate anti-aging Human Growth Hormone production in the body. Is FrequenSea another one of those produc ts? The principle behind many of the products you've probably heard about relates to how amino acids stimulate the pituitary gland to release its own human growth h ormone. While FrequenSea does contain an abundance of these amino acids it also contains many, many more healing nutrients as well. 25. What are some results others are seeing?
Some of the health benefits you may realize from taking FrequenSea with Marine P hytoplankton are: Immune system support and enhancement, Normalizes blood sugar levels, Antioxidan t protection, Supports normal cholesterol levels, Alkalizing - helping improve t he pH balance of the body, Anti-inflammatory effects on membranes - Relieves joi nt pain, Supports healthy blood pressure, Cell wall improvement through increased permeability and flexibility, Detoxification and C leansing (supports removal of toxins from cells & organs), Supports weight loss, Increases energy and vitality, Skin care - such as acne, Neurological support, Supports a healthy liver, Improved vision - more effective than Lutein. Remember if you give the body what it needs it can heal i ts self, if you are deficient in necessary nutrients the body will not be able t o function properly and this results in poor health. Disclaimer: The statements contained herein have not been evaluated nor approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Any advice and/or product's mentio ned should not be used to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your healthcare professional if you are currently taking medication, pre gnant, trying to get pregnant, nursing, or if you have any other health conditio n before taking any products mentioned or applying any information contained her ein.