The Envisioning Method Guide
The Envisioning Method Guide
The Envisioning Method Guide
There are 6 steps, and they will happen very quickly, not taking
much of your time. Once you're done you'll gain all that time
back, multiplied in terms of productivity, creativity, and an elevated
state of clarity and relaxation.
makes the heart of the
good, move at the pain of
others. It crushes and
destroys the pain of
others; thus, it is called
compassion. It is called
compassion because it
shelters and embraces the
- Buddha
Scientific studies suggest there are not only emotional and spiritual benefits to
compassion, but also physical. Compassion leads to an increase in DHEA hormone,
which fights and counteracts the aging process while reducing cortisol – the “stress”
In her TED Talk, Buddhist roshi, Joan Halifax, reveals that “compassion enlivens us
and enhances neutral integration – hooking up all parts of the brain.”
gratitude Wealth and success? Health and well-being? Or all
of these?
Gratitude has the strongest link with mental well-being than any other character
trait. Gratitude increases spiritualism, self-esteem, happiness, and improves your
sleep, increases your energy levels.
Gratitude even makes you more likely to exercise – according to an 11 week study
of 96 Americans, those who kept a weekly journal exercised 40 minutes more per
week than the control group. Other studies with the gratitude journal – writing one
appreciative sentence for five things – just once a week, demonstrated significant
effects. The group with the gratitude journal was more optimistic and felt happier.
There was significant improvement in the group that only visualized; they were
almost as good as the guys who actually practiced.
Another example of visualization comes from the famous comedian and actor, Jim
Carrey. Before his breakthrough success in Hollywood, Jim was a small time
comedian. In 1987, he wrote himself a check for10 million dollars. He dated it
'Thanksgiving 1995' and added the notation, “for acting services rendered.” He
visualized it for years and in 1994 he received $10M for his role in Dumb and
Stephen Covey in the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People" paints this quality of character
that we develop, “Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they
are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our
character.” When you visualize your day, you take control of your path. It as though
you decide and the universe by some mysterious way conspires to your demands.
blessing it worked.
But in those 9 days I witnessed some amazing things from
these monks - people who went into states of ecstasy,
moments of pure joy and intuition.
When we bless, we make note of the connection between ourselves and a greater
spirit or energy, which can be anything we believe in.
When we bless a person, we see them, admire them, and wish them well. We make a
direct connection with them and bring them into our sphere of consciousness. And that
is why when you bless yourself or harness your own inner energy, you are able to
reap all of these benefits.