The Envisioning Method Guide

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Welcome to

the Envisioning Method


What is the Envisioning

It's a process to get you in
a state of flow.
While you're in this state of
mind, you will actively be
using your mind to envision
various objects, feelings,
and emotions that are all
scientifically proven to
create a tremendous
beneficial effect on your
body, mind, and emotions.

There are 6 steps, and they will happen very quickly, not taking
much of your time. Once you're done you'll gain all that time
back, multiplied in terms of productivity, creativity, and an elevated
state of clarity and relaxation.

How important is meditation?

More and more entrepreneurs are claiming that their daily
meditation practice is the single most important key factor in
their overall success.

The Envisioning Method is the precise process that Vishen

Lakhiani uses to train entrepreneurs to achieve peak performance.
“Compassion is that which

makes the heart of the
good, move at the pain of
others. It crushes and
destroys the pain of
others; thus, it is called
compassion. It is called
compassion because it
shelters and embraces the
- Buddha

Compassion, a favorite practice of his holiness, the

Dalai Lama, is expressing the intention of moving from
judgment to caring, from isolation to connection, from
indifference or dislike to understanding. 

Compassion, much like any other skill is not fixed – it

can be expanded and enhanced with training and

Scientific studies suggest there are not only emotional and spiritual benefits to
compassion, but also physical. Compassion leads to an increase in DHEA hormone,
which fights and counteracts the aging process while reducing cortisol – the “stress”

Based on the neuroscience research of Richard J. Davidson, UW-Madison Professor of

Psychology, “alterations in brain function were observed after just a total of seven
hours of training.”

In her TED Talk, Buddhist roshi, Joan Halifax, reveals that “compassion enlivens us
and enhances neutral integration – hooking up all parts of the brain.”

“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need

for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our
temple; the philosophy is kindness.” – Dalai Lama
What makes you happy? Is it family and friends?

gratitude Wealth and success? Health and well-being? Or all
of these?

Whatever it may be, philosophers and thought-leaders

agree that happiness is a state of being which cannot be
attained as an end in itself.
Happiness comes from within, and can be attained with the
simple, yet powerful act of gratitude.

Gratitude is the acknowledgement and appreciation of the

positive things that come our way, that we did not actively
work toward or ask for.
Gratitude is not a mere emotional feeling or response, it is a
choice we make. Meaning, we have the ability to capture
the benefits by altering our own attitude of mind.

Gratitude has the strongest link with mental well-being than any other character
trait. Gratitude increases spiritualism, self-esteem, happiness, and improves your
sleep, increases your energy levels.

Gratitude even makes you more likely to exercise – according to an 11 week study
of 96 Americans, those who kept a weekly journal exercised 40 minutes more per
week than the control group. Other studies with the gratitude journal – writing one
appreciative sentence for five things – just once a week, demonstrated significant
effects. The group with the gratitude journal was more optimistic and felt happier.

"Acknowledging the good that you

already have in your life is the
foundation for all abundance." 
- Eckhart Tolle
Forgiveness, at a minimum, is a decision to let go

3 of the desire for revenge and ill-will toward the

forgiveness person who wronged you. It may also include

feelings of goodwill toward the other person.

Forgiveness is a skill you can hone. Granting forgivness is

more rewarding to you than the person you forgive. It is not
excusing ones past behavior or actions. It is rather a process
which allows you to empower and thus free yourself of any
burden or grudge weighing you down.

Researchers have discovered mentally nursing a grudge

has the same effects on the body as stressful events:
muscles tense, blood pressure rises, and sweating

Another study revealed a link between forgiving someone

for a betrayal with improvements in blood pressure and
heart rate, and a decreased workload for the heart.

Forgiveness can also result in less pain and anxiety,

as seen in a study where people with chronic back
pain meditated focusing on converting anger to

Simply put, forgiveness puts the ball back in your

court, giving YOU the power and responsibility, rather
than someone else, resulting in greater happiness.

“The weak can never forgive.

Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Creative visualization is a powerful practice that
literally allows you to change your outer world by

visualization shifting and changing your thoughts and perceptions.

Studies have shown that human beings over-estimate what
they can do in 1 year, and under-estimate what they can do
in 3 years. When doing creative visualization, it’s
important to not think about what your life might look like
based on where you are at now. I ask you not be to be
realistic here. Remember that realism is “nothing but a
socially acceptable form of pessimism.”

Is there evidence for visualization?

An experiment done by Australian Psychologist Alan
Richardson revealed something quite astounding.
He divided a group of basketball players into 3 smaller
groups and tested their free-throw ability. The first group
would practice 20 minutes every day. The second only
visualized themselves making free throws, but no real
practice was allowed. The final one would not practice or
visualize at all.

There was significant improvement in the group that only visualized; they were
almost as good as the guys who actually practiced.
Another example of visualization comes from the famous comedian and actor, Jim
Carrey. Before his breakthrough success in Hollywood, Jim was a small time
comedian. In 1987, he wrote himself a check for10 million dollars. He dated it
'Thanksgiving 1995' and added the notation, “for acting services rendered.” He
visualized it for years and in 1994 he received $10M for his role in Dumb and

“The biggest adventure you can take

is to live the life of your dreams.”
- Oprah Winfrey
It’s not so much about what we do, but rather how
we do anything. You see, a perfect day is cultivated

perfect day by the quality of our being, our awareness, in the

present moment.

The renowned neuropsychologist, Daniel Siegel, coined the

powerful phrase regarding the effect that our daily habits
have on the synaptic connections in our brain: “What fires
together, wires together".

Meaning the habits we form such as constantly checking

email or social media, rushing through our morning routine
or breakfast, etc. carry on throughout our day.

What results is a feeling of disconnection and a weakened

ability to actually BE fully present. This is because as these
unhealthy habits become deeper and deeper ingrained in
us, they rob us of our daily energy.

Stephen Covey in the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People" paints this quality of character
that we develop, “Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they
are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our
character.” When you visualize your day, you take control of your path. It as though
you decide and the universe by some mysterious way conspires to your demands.

“The mind moves in the direction of our

currently dominant thoughts.”
- Earl Nightingale
I learned about this exercise when meditating with monks
for 9 days. Now, I can't exactly explain what I saw or how

blessing it worked.
But in those 9 days I witnessed some amazing things from
these monks - people who went into states of ecstasy,
moments of pure joy and intuition.

Blessing or harnessing your internal energy is an act

of affirmation and recognition, which is a spiritual or
psychological practice.

It is a process of recognition and awareness whereby we

become aware of the goodness in others or ourselves.

People like to be blessed. Even being acknowledged in a small way, is a powerful

thing. And this is something you can do even toward yourself. Harnessing your
internal energy makes you feel good.

When we bless, we make note of the connection between ourselves and a greater
spirit or energy, which can be anything we believe in.

When we bless a person, we see them, admire them, and wish them well. We make a
direct connection with them and bring them into our sphere of consciousness. And that
is why when you bless yourself or harness your own inner energy, you are able to
reap all of these benefits.

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we

become what we think. When the mind is
pure, joy follows like a shadow that
never leaves.” - Buddha

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