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Taylor Anderson
406 Morgan St.
Suisun City, CA, 94585 (707)-7!-709 Tayloranderson707"ya#oo.$o% Se&te%'er !(, (0!4 Senior )ort*olio Co%%ittee +u$,ing#a% Magnet C#arter -ig# S$#ool !88 +ella .ista /d. Suite + .a$a0ille, CA 95687 1ear Senior )ort*olio Co%%ittee, My &ast *our years at +u$,ing#a% #a0e &us#ed %e to rea$# %y goals, &ersonal res&onsi'ility, and all around #as %ade %e a %ore inde&endent &erson. T#e &ur&ose o* t#is letter is to gain a&&ro0al *ro% t#e Senior )ort*olio Co%%ittee and graduate #ig# s$#ool to a$$o%&lis# %y goals else2#ere. 3 *eel t#at %y e4&erien$es at +u$,ing#a% #a0e &re&ared %e to graduate and *urt#er %y edu$ation in $ollege and %y *uture $areer. T#e s,ills t#at 3 #a0e o'tained #ere t#roug# ta,ing $ollege &re& $lasses #a0e &us#ed %e to $#allenge %ysel* and *or% ne2 studying #a'its. Also t#roug# ta,ing t2o years o* Art and one se%ester o* )#iloso&#y #as o&ened %y %ind to ne2 2ays o* t#in,ing and #el&ed %e dis$o0er %y $reati0e side. T#e en$ourage%ent and guidan$e 3 #a0e 'een gi0en *ro% %y tea$#ers and $oa$#es #as led %e in t#e rig#t dire$tion and 2ill $arry on 2it# %y a*ter graduation. 5ollo2ing graduation 3 &lan on 'eing a *ull ti%e student at College o* San Mateo and earn %y Asso$iates 1egree. A*ter t#ose t2o years 3 &lan to tra0el a'road and &ursue %y interests in 0olunteer 2or, and yout# de0elo&%ent in ot#er $ountries. A*ter returning #o%e 3 &lan to attend a state or 6C College to *inis# %y degree and de$ide %y %a7or. 3 a% 0ery grate*ul t#at 380e #ad t#e o&&ortunity to attend +CM-S and a$9uire all t#e s,ills and edu$ation t#at #as &us#ed %e to rea$# ne2 li%its. T#ese years #a0e taug#t %e not only studying s,ills 'ut real li*e intelligen$e t#at 2ill 'ene*it %e in t#e *uture. 3 anti$i&ate your a&&ro0al o* %y senior &ort*olio and graduating #ig# s$#ool to start t#e ne4t $#a&ter in %y li*e and a$$o%&lis# %y goals. Sin$erely, Taylor Anderson