Group 2 Bsis 1 1 Curriculum Reform Project Proposal
Group 2 Bsis 1 1 Curriculum Reform Project Proposal
Group 2 Bsis 1 1 Curriculum Reform Project Proposal
Submitted to
Faculty of the Department of
Development of Social Sciences and Humanities
Submitted by
JANUARY 10, 2021
There are individual advantages to learning science, far beyond potential scientific
breakthroughs, such as improving the ability to ask questions, collect data, organize and
evaluate ideas, resolve problems and apply what you learn. In addition, science offers a
powerful platform for building trust, developing communication skills, and making sense of the
world around us, a world that science and technology are increasingly shaping. In the
Environmental education connects people to the world around them and shares knowledge of
the current situation and nature's future prospects. It raises awareness of environmental
issues and also teaches people to explore all environmental-related issues and engage in
Youth development is a phase in which young people are prepared to navigate puberty
of youth development that promotes child’s development and awareness in the ever-changing
world. It focuses on the growth of youth: the ability to assess their own strengths and
limitations, set personal and vocational goals, and have the self-esteem confidence,
encouragement, and ability to carry them out including the ability to build support networks to
engage completely in community life and affect meaningful social change) and the ability to
do so.
This project proposal is specially designed to serve the particular need to concentrate
youth resources on meaningful activities, leading to improved self-efficacy and skills growth
related to adult and professional success, such as decision-making and working well with
the school systems especially to the developing countries such as, the Philippines. Currently,
the Philippines has enhanced curriculum for K-12. According to Hagos and Dejarme (2008),
the world is changing so fast that in order for schools and universities to cope with new
innovations, they should keep at pace with the tempo of societal changes and technological
progress. The schools of today should participate in the educational and social revolution.
Thus, the curriculum in Philippine schools today has to be geared to the rapid societal changes
and the new responsibilities for the new breed of Filipinos. Therefore, the curriculum should
be re-structured with a likely shift towards a more meaningful course of study and also to the
global sustainability. In doing so, through the reformation of curriculum it shall have a more
stable system in undertaking its goals and mission so as to make the underlying programs
efficient and effective to its major concern – the students, and shall shape not only the current
laden and community-involved. According to Avanceña (2018), Philippines has the best
environmental protection laws in the world. However, these laws are often not enforced, and
as of 2013 a policy paper on Philippine solid waste practices states that human activities
and segregation, recycling, and composting as mandate by law and also through teaching the
youth environmental education. Along with the teaching of environmental education, the youth
should also learn moral education. According to Sari (2013), teaching moral values is
important to create human resources with characters for it isn’t only the government’s
responsibility but it also concern the nation. This project emphasizes the need for the
evaluation of existing curricula and for special considerations to be given to the implication of
the propose curriculum to achieve a sustainable environmental and moral education to the
Filipino youth.
The United Nations implemented the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that
includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed in the general assembly that
happened five years ago, September 2015. And as the researchers were tasked to create a
project proposal, they decided after assessing each goal to choose a timely and the thing they
can all relate into, the quality education. Manifesting the principle behind SDGs, “leaving no
one behind”, researchers deliberately determined the core problem of today’s education
system which landed into the curriculum and a solution to reform it, add and change some
things to make it much better. They aimed to construct newly developed subjects that will
address the chosen goal as well as help in attaining the environmental sustainability of one’s
society. Researchers believe that it has a much higher possible effectivity rate than the
traditional one, as its approach is focusing more on application that are adjusted based on the
range of age the year level has. It also includes sufficient coverage of each topic that is
considerate enough to be easily absorbed by each student that will take the subjects. As for
the necessary resources to conduct the class, researchers will be the one to provide
everything. Starting from the teacher’s handbooks, coursebooks as well as the digital file
copies of each lesson included in the subject. During the trial phase of the proposed project,
it will be tested out by the researchers in some relevant learning institutions. Where will the
project be further observed and criticized to improve some aspects. After the trial it will proceed
people when it comes to the specific field and has adequate knowledge to share in order to
The revised curriculum based on the alterations imposed after conducting the trial
phase will be submitted into the respective institutions with prominent people who are legally
allowed to approve and set forth the proposal unto further discussion, review and
recommendations. When the project proposal is approved, researchers will now prepare for
the training of faculty personnel (e.g. teachers, exam proctors) to be able to implement
necessary things needed and explain all of the lessons in the class properly. After quite a long
process of preparing for the revised curriculum, it is now time for implementing the project
officially in the relevant learning institutions throughout the country. But in spite of that, the
proposed and approved project will be needing to have a mandatory evaluation from students,
faculty and such to assess whether it is making any difference. As well as to track its
performance at different stages to be able to justify and claim its accreditation in the field.
Table 1. Sample Syllabus from Pre-school to Grade 3
GRADE 7 • The Land, The Air, and • Backyard Soil - Making an own
The Water Identifying the version of a food web
o Soil Types different types of Jar of Food
12 o Minerals and soil (the students Preservation
YEARS Mining must bring different Air Pollution Model
OLD o Air quality types of soil and
o Air pollution write down the
o Urban and Rural difference between
air quality those based on
o Transportation their observation)
and The • Research Paper -
Environment Research about
o Health Impacts issues regarding
of air pollution the Ecosystem and
o Water and water think of your
pollution solution. (Essay)
o Causes of water • My Own Food
pollution Chain - Build a
o Categories of model of a food
water pollution chain to show how
o The most plants and animals
common type of depend on each
water other in a selected
contamination environment such
o Effect of water as grassland
pollution • Water Filtration
o Preventing Experiment- In the
water plastic cup, start by
contamination/p lining the bottom
ollution with the coffee
• The Ecosystem filters. Then place
o Types of a layer of clean
Ecosystem sand followed by a
o Protecting layer of gravel.
Ecosystem Pour the dirty water
o Basic needs of into the cup so it
Living Things can filter down
and how they through the gravel,
affect the world sand, and coffee
(Air, Water, etc.) filters. Look at the
o Beneficial and difference in the
Harmful water before and
Interactions after!
o How human • Plant Grafting -
activities affect • Birdseed Mining
the ecosystem Activity - Mining is
• Food chain and food a complex process
web in which relatively
o A recollection of small amounts of
food web and valuable or useful
food chain minerals or metals
o How the transfer (ores) are
of food can extracted from very
affect society large masses of
and the rock. This activity
environment? will illustrate how
o Vegetarianism this "needle in a
o Pros and Cons haystack" process
of Becoming a works. Divide
vegetarian students into
o Food groups as different
Preservation mining companies.
• Adaptation Pour pounds of
o Introduction of birdseed into each
human pan and add the
adaptation in the beads that will
world represent the
o Adaptation, minerals. Students
Migration, and search through the
Globalization seed mixture and
o How adaptation, remove the beads
migration, and they find to a bowl
globalization or plate. Have the
affect the world? students count up
the number of gold,
silver, blue and
white beads and
record them.
Students should
also note the
amount of any
damage fines on
the spreadsheet.
The environmental
damage fine is
subtracted from the
Total Product
Value. They will
also learn a simple
lesson in
economics--a less
commodity may be
more profitable
because it is more
Students will be
shown the
importance of
conscious mining,
and that all mining
operations must
perform work to
reclaim the land
when mining is
• How do we
Decrease Air
Pollution? -
brainstorm a list of
what can be done
to reduce the
amount of air
pollution. Hold a
class discussion in
which students
share their ideas.
Discuss which
ideas are easy to
implement and
which would take
more effort.
Discuss, one way
to decrease air
pollution is to
decrease our use
of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are
used for many
energy purposes,
such as
electricity, city, and
Alternative Energy
sources can be
used to replace
fossil fuels with
renewable energy
• World
Environment Day
Mask Challenge -
Face masks are a
great symbol to
show leaders we
want to breathe
clean air. 9 out of
10 people breathe
polluted air. On
June 5th people
around the globe
celebrate World
Environment Day.
To encourage
awareness the
organizers have
invited people to
join the Mask
Challenge. Take a
photo or video of
yourself wearing a
mask to post on
social media. Don’t
have a mask? Get
creative and make
your own! In your
post share the
action you’ll take to
reduce air
pollution. Tag 3
ns/companies to
challenge them to
do the same. Use
ntDay and
in your social
media posts and
don’t forget to tag
• The Colors of Air
Pollution Relay -
Students will
investigate air
quality by using the
Air Quality Index.
Students will
between healthy
air days and
unhealthy air days
and how the Air
Quality Index gives
us important
information about
air quality.
• Idlers: Please
Stop Your
Engines - In
groups, students
will research
information on the
main air pollutants.
After collecting car
idling data at
school for one
week, students
make graphs using
the information and
create slogans for
mock no-idling
bumper stickers.
The class will
discuss the idling
and why it's not
good for our health.
• Water Pollution
Experiment - This
activity allows
students to get up
close and personal
with water
“pollution” and
explores some of
the simple ways we
can tell if pollution
is present. This
activity is excellent
because it
engages many
senses. The
activity involves
giving each
student/group in
your class a cup of
clean water. You
will then go around
the class, adding a
few drops of food
coloring to each
cup of water. The
kids then stir the
solution, making
note of the fact that
they can see the
“pollution.” The
same process is
repeated, this time
adding vinegar to
the freshwater.
This illustrates how
sometimes we can
smell “pollution”.
The third time
around, add salt
and the students’
mix. This highlights
that not all
pollutants can be
seen or smelled
(once the salt has
occupation, first by Spain and then by the US. The education sector’s development has
mirrored the changes in the country’s administration. Today the focus is on expanding access
and ensuring more Filipinos receive a decent basic education, as a means of reducing poverty
and improving national competitiveness (Oxford Business Group, 2020). Though there has
been several proposals and reforms throughout the country, the system and the quality of
education in the Philippines still doesn’t feel right to every Filipinos especially to those who
are under the education institution. Since there has a lot of existing problems in the current
First, the congress must consider the financial capability of the new subject that the
project needs like modules, teacher’s guide, etc. It’ll be one of the primary problems that
makes it harder to implement especially when the allotted education fund wasn’t already
receive a major breakdown in this project, teachers and other staffs in the educational
institution would also need to attend multiple seminars, extra classes and study the modern
issues and trends in the world. Teachers will be the one who will inform their students about
the things that can affect their future. Teachers will also feel pressured since teaching about
the environmental and moral education can easily change one’s perspective in life. That’s why
people who will teach this program need to have a better knowledge and understanding about
what the topics they need to discuss. If possible, this program will require the teachers to have
a degree or must have at least a major knowledge about the subjects for them to teach their
students properly.
Third would be the pressure that this project will need to experience once it was
implemented. Since the Philippines already experienced multiple major education reforms, it’s
not surprising if there’ll be people objecting about this. Though the proposed subject was
already interesting and will help the country in several levels, some Filipinos would say that
it’ll just become one of their burdens in their studies and won’t even help them in their daily
lives. Though the subject doubted that thinking since it involved taking care of the environment.
Besides, it’ll help open the eyes of the future – the future children who will take over the world.
Through this subject, they will have enough knowledge about the endangered world they are
Fourth is the thinking that children will attend the class just because they need to pass
the subject. It is not uncommon to students specially Filipinos to have this kind of thinking
because of the system today. That’s why this project aimed to have interactive activities and
lessons so that students won’t feel pressured to study it at all. They will engage more to the
Fifth would be the lack of research and information. Since the proponents of this project
were still students, they still lack ability and knowledge to implement a reformation. It needs a
lot of people who can thoroughly study what really needs to change the education system and
existing problems that's still hasn't been addressed even though this project is for
sustainability. People might see this project as something that is irrelevant because of its
involvement in the environment since the world is mostly corrupted, people often see these
issues unnecessary to discuss and teach to the students. It’ll also cost the state to fund the
said project to make sure it’s success. Some people even make fun of the environmental
Though this study has numerous issues and challenges, it doesn’t imply that it’s
already a failed one. This project still holds onto its objective which is to carve in the mind of
the younger generation the awareness and their responsibility while they're still a child until
growing up to adapt and apply the learnings in the subject in their daily lives. This project is
Project Deliverables
This project renders a more stable, efficient, and effective system in the Philippine
curriculum. It will shape the students to sustainable environmental and moral education. In
1988, Senator Leticia Ramos Shahani's work entitled A Values Handbook Of The Moral
Recovery Program claimed that the teachers of Values/Moral Education should emphasize
the advancement of harmony and social change. One of her aims is to lessen, if not eliminate,
the many enduring social problems (e.g., corruption in the government, colonial mentality) that
beset the Filipino people. Moreover, the Philippines school curriculum must develop a powerful
support system that secures character education in all aspects of the students' life. The
proposed curriculum is more values-laden and community-involved that will make students
improve their capacity to face life challenges at present and in the future that would also make
them mindful of the value of respect, critical thinking, and their social responsibility. Learning
the importance of respecting others even when they are very different from them or make
different choices or have different preferences or beliefs. The youth will learn the concept of
privacy and its implications of it both for children and adults and manage to handle difficult
questions in decision making. It would also enhance their capacity to deal with moral
challenges not only in school but also outside its perimeters. Furthermore, this project would
help students understand disaster-related concepts that would aid them to prepare, adapt,
and be aware of the risks of natural hazards. According to a study conducted by the World
Bank in 2008, the country identified as a natural disaster hot-spot with approximately 50.3
percent of its total area and 81.3 percent of its population vulnerable to natural disasters. In
the 2012 World Risk Report published by the United Nations University Institute of
Environment and Human Security (UNUEHS), the Philippines is the third most disaster risk
country worldwide with a Risk Index of 27.98 percent. This project will develop students that
are aware, knowledgeable, appreciative of the environment, skilled and can make informed
decisions, and take personal responsibility for sustaining the environment and our quality of
life that depends on it. This project will also encourage students to preserve the environment,
devise solutions, and take action to the current and emerging environmental problems.
In Moral Etiquette shape of the curriculum is morally loaded by virtue of what it requires,
what it makes available as electives and what it ignores. Religion and art, by contrast have
been largely ignored and are not even elective possibilities in many schools. As a result,
school encourages a rather more materialistic and less spiritual culture a matter of some moral
significance. Values clarification programs have been widely used in public schools. In this
approach, teachers help students to clarify their values by having them reflect on moral
dilemmas and think through the consequences of the options that open to them, choosing that
action that maximizes their deepest values. It is unjustifiable for a teacher to impose his or her
values on students this would be an act of oppression that denies the individuality of students.
Values are ultimately personal indeed the implicit message is that there are no right or wrong
values. Needless to say, this is a deeply controversial approach that is now widely rejected.
All schools have the obligation to foster in their students personal and community virtues such
as integrity, courage, responsibility, diligence, service and respect for the dignity of all persons
responsibility, hard work, honesty and kindness are modeled, taught, expected, celebrated
and continually practiced. A important resource is the “reservoir of moral wisdom” that can be
found in great stories of works of art, literature, history, and biography. Education is a moral
enterprise in which we need to re-engage the hearts, minds and hands of our children in
forming their own characters that helping them to know the good, love the good and do the
good (Boston University, 1996). However, in environmental etiquette it may create productive
cognitive and affective outcomes and reporting direct outcomes requires advanced planning
unidirectional transfer of information: rather, this suite of tools develops and enhances
environmental attitudes, values, and knowledge, as well as builds skills that prepare
address dynamic environmental issues over time. Because of this commitment to application
and iteration, environmental education can result in direct benefits to the environment and
address conservation issues concretely. Yet, the path to achieving those tangible impacts can
outcomes occur, are measured, and are reported, we undertook a systematic review of
quality outcomes.
A major reform movement that won widespread support was the effort to make
education available to more children. This reform in quality education it may lead to decrease
the number of standardized tests, offer different and easy curriculum for students and shorten
instructional time and lengthen planning time. And it promotes a lifelong easy learning in every
This type of project is expected to have a thorough research, evaluation and trials but
at the same time, it is important to meet the needs of the students in terms of what is needed
to learn. With that being said, an estimated timeline is created. Starting on the month of
November, 2020 the first to third of its week is used for the ‘Assessment’. Within that period
time, determining the defects of the current curriculum is the main agenda. The ‘Planning and
Conceptualization’ comes next. This includes the formulation and deliberate assessment of
the possible reform model. Moving on the to the third one which is ‘Designing,’ the team
intended to start on the second to fourth week of December. Looking at the next phase,
‘Development of Curriculum Support Materials’ this portion would take the whole month of
January because this is crucial for it will be the production of the formulated tools from the
long running research. ‘Piloting and/or Phasing’ would get the month of February and the
second week of March. A ‘Revision’ must be done after the trial if needed. Therefore, the rest
of March would be spent for this part until the first seven days of April. ‘Proposal,’ this means
that the newly developed curriculum is ready for submission to the respective institutions and
the running time would be May. Some places might be a hard to reach area, so that the
duration was put into consideration. After the proposal, the project proceeds to the ‘Approval’
stage and this will take the longest process for the estimated number of years is five.
Depending on the situation of the Government. The latter phases are; ‘Implementation’ which
is predicted to take two years. Then the ‘Application, when it is being tested by the actual
institutions for a whole school year. Lastly is the ‘Evaluation’ wherein feedbacks from the
ones who have an actual experience of the new learning guides would be sent to the
developers for changes that is expected to be efficient. This will run for one and a half year.
Nevertheless, the estimated timeline for the project is still a prediction and that major diversion
environmental etc. that became the determining factor for the people’s movements around the
world, it has also become an integral domain that the population should or must be globally
competitive and locally active. Evidently, the youths and students are the most preeminent
driving force in leading the way by taking actions came from themselves, later on, will be pass
to others like putting serious marks in education. Thus, SDG’s quality education program will
play an instrumental role to help the society in declining the increasing rate of social issues.
In the Philippines, Filipinos are aware that the quality of education in the country is not
commendable. It does not satisfy the needs and wants of the Filipino students. It might’ve
been intriguing but many factors are being discussed such as the curriculum formation and
agency’s negligence. Nevertheless, the researchers see the big possibility of this program to
help students in acquiring skills, enhancing capabilities while upholding values as an individual
and given-take to mother earth. Through that, the researchers come up with an output that will
tackle the process of providing quality education in a way of curriculum reform that will add up
the most important subjects that should embodied and practice by the students from the period
they will step in the school at their young age. Apart from that, it is beneficial not just inside
the institution, but also outside. Moreover, in the process of adding these subjects in the
curriculum, undeniably problems and issues are noticeable. Hence, this is really a long way to
go and to add more, these subjects are a little bit not compelling for the students that they
might find it boring. Definitely, the ending of this is cooperation and participation on hands-on
activities and face-to-face discussions are absent. Specifically, environmental subjects require
experience educators, wider, broader and larger facilities and organize flow of the lessons
under the program. As we all know, at this juncture, because of the advancement of
technologies, many students are way more engage on it than doing an actual school works
that made it more difficult to break due to the adoption and acceptance of today’s generation.
Sometimes, they tend to forget the real world because of the digital and setting aside the
individual’s responsibilities that blocking the way for new understandings, lessons and
knowledge. That it may become the biggest setback of the educators and students at the same
time. In accordance with that, the researchers set a goal that they look forward to be achieve
in this project mainly: (1) The Quality of Education will be enhanced; (2) Subjects will be
Environmental/Moral Education; (4) We can address Global Issues; and (5) Easier and
sensible learning/ teaching style. It is to address the importance of this project that will be
greatly valuable to all. Therefore, the researchers believe that Philippines can still have a
quality education that is free and accessible by all regardless of ethnics, religion, socio-
economic status etc. That school is more than just notes or pens, it is the home of learning
new things, discovering unfamiliar entities, enhancing talents, acquiring skills and improving
the overall self-appearances. Beyond the thick books that we read and the lectures that we
write is the experiences that can’t never ever be replace by another events and times. And
once it done, it is a silver lining piece of yours that something someone can be proud of. Still,
the amount of learnings from moral and environmental education that can bring to the learners
will always been priceless. Aside from that, in this context, it is nice to say, how beautiful the
world or even the Philippines can be if we started our school’s journey in the aspect of being
morally and upright person and a responsible and caring for the mother land. How powerful
the future generations can be if we start anew or even if taking actions for a change. Hopefully,
this project will also set an eye-opener for the people to make way, might be small or big to
disseminate information tackling the importance of these two subjects. Thus, the researchers
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