Computer Applications: Engleski Jezik I

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Engleski e!ik I

C"#$%&e' ($$li)(&i"ns

Leo Brdar 0069065248 Preddiplomski sveuilini studij RA !"AR#$%& ! Rije'i( )6* prosin'a 20)+*

In&'"*%)&i"n &" )"#$%&e' ($$li)(&i"ns

$oda,( 'omputers -ave .e'ome ver, important part o/ various areas o/ our lives* 0ver,1-ere ,ou 2o( 1-atever ,ou do( ,ou 'an see t-e ama3in2 t-in2s t-at t-e 'omputer -as .een doin2 /or us* 4rom t-e time 1e 1ake up( 2o to s'-ool or to our o//i'es( t-en .a'k to our -omes /or all kind o/ a'tivities( 1e make use o/ 2ad2ets and ma'-ines po1ered ., 'omputers* 5omputers -ave '-an2ed -o1 people 1ork and -ave opened ne1 met-ods and means o/ a'6uirin2 ne1 kno1led2e and skills* 5omputers are no1 .ein2 used in almost ever, /ield ,ou 'an ima2ine 7 /rom edu'ation to medi'ine( .usinesses( 2overnment( s'ien'e( pu.lis-in2 and industr,*

C"#$%&e' in e*%)(&i"n
$-e potential uses o/ 'omputers in edu'ation are endless* 8an, 'omputer7.ased edu'ational so/t1ares are availa.le( 1-i'- 'an .e used to learn to read( to 'ount( or to speak a /orei2n lan2ua2e* $ea'-ers use 'omputers to prepare notes and presentations o/ t-eir le'tures* #tudents 'an use 'omputer to easil, 2et a''ess to t-e 1idest spe'trum o/ di//erent in/ormation t-e, need /or t-eir assi2nments or to 'onta't t-eir 'ollea2ues or tea'-er /or -elp* 9t -as .een proved t-at learnin2 1it'omputers -as .een more su''ess/ul and t-is is 1-, numerous /orms o/ ne1 tea'-in2 met-ods -ave .een introdu'ed* 5omputers are used /or 'omputer aided learnin2:5AL;( to develop 'omputer7.ased trainin2:5B$; pa'ka2es( to provide distan'e edu'ation usin2 t-e e7learnin2 so/t1are( and to 'ondu't online e<aminations* 5AL is a t,pe o/ learnin2 1-ere 'omputer is used to assist in t-e tea'-in2 and en-en'e learnin2 pro'ess ., redu'in2 t-e time spent on 'reation and maintenan'e o/ tea'-in2 material :makin2 po1erpoint presentations( 1ord do'uments( /las- media /iles( et'*;* 5B$ is an intera'tive 1a, o/ learnin2 in 1-i'- t-e 'omputer provides t-e majorit, o/ t-e stimulus( t-e learner must respond( and t-e 'omputer anal,3es t-e response and provides /eed.a'k to t-e learner* 5ompared to t-e traditional te'-ni6ues( it -as man, additional .ene/its su'- as= a'6uirin2 ne1 skills at ,our o1n pa'e and at times t-at do not 'on/li't 1it- ,our 1ork s'-edule> trainin2 'an .e redu'ed or( i/ needed( repeated as man, times as ne'essar,> intera'tive( visuall, stimulatin2 and easil, availa.le material en'oura2es to undertake t-e trainin2* ?istan'e learnin2 is a ne1 1a, o/ learnin2 1-ere student doesn@t need to 'ome to t-e institute( .ut simpl, enters virtual 'lassroom ., 'onne'tin2 to a net1ork and attends le'ture like t-at /rom -is -ome*

C"#$%&e' in #e*i)ine
"earl, ever, area o/ t-e medi'al /ield uses 'omputers* $-e, 'an .e used in s'annin2 and dia2nosin2 di//erent diseases or to keep t-e re'ord o/ patients( diseases and medi'ines* Anot-er appli'ation o/ t-em is to a''ess in/ormation a.out t-e advan'es in medi'al resear'- or to take opinion o/ do'tors 2lo.all,* $-e, 'an even provide assistan'e to t-e medi'al sur2eons durin2 'riti'al sur2er, operations* 5omputers are an inte2ral part o/ various kinds o/ sop-isti'ated medi'al e6uipments like ultrasound ma'-ine( 5$ s'an ma'-ine( 8R9 s'an ma'-ine and man, ot-ers* Li/e support s,stems are used to -elp t-e disa.led persons* 4or e<ample( t-ere are man, devi'es used to -elp dea/ person to -ear( and in t-e near /uture t-ere ma, .e a devi'e to -elp .lind person to see* $-e 'omputeri3ed data.ases are used to -elp mat'- patients 1-o are 1aitin2 /or or2an transplants su'- as a ne1 kidne,( liver or -eart 1it- suita.le or2ans /rom donors* 8onitorin2 s,stems are used in -ospitals to monitor 'riti'all, ill patients in intensive 'are units* $-e patients -ave sensors atta'-ed to t-em( 1-i'- dete't '-an2es in -eart rate( pulse rate( .lood

pressure( .reat-in2 and .rain a'tivit,* 9/ an, readin2s dislo'ate or rea'- mis.alan'in2 level( t-e 'omputer a'tivates an alarmin2 devi'e to 'reate sound and alerts t-e medi'al sta//* $-e data is also lo22ed and used to anal,3e t-e '-an2es in a patientAs 'ondition over a period o/ time*

C"#$%&e' in +%siness (n* (*,e'&ise#en&

$oda,( in markets( it is impossi.le to run t-e .usiness 1it-out t-e use o/ 'omputer te'-nolo2,* 8an, .usiness a'tivities are per/ormed ver, 6ui'kl, and e//i'ientl, ., appli'ation o/ 'omputers and t-e administrative paper1ork is redu'ed* 8an, .usiness use 1e.sites to sell t-eir produ'ts and 'onta't t-eir 'ustomers* 4urt-ermore( 'omputers -elp .usinesses to predi't t-eir /uture sales( pro/its and 'osts makin2 'ompanies more a''urate in t-eir a''ounts* #to'k markets around t-e 1orld are in transition* 8an, o/ t-em lun'-ed t-e 'omputeri3ed s,stem t-at makes it possi.le /or sto'k.rokers to do all t-eir tradin2 ele'troni'all,* Brokers and re'eive .ids usin2 t-eir 'omputer 1orkstations or inter'onne'ted 'omputer displa, s'reens( 1-ere .rokers mat'- .u,ers 1it- sellers( so t-at neit-er tradin2 /loor nor slips o/ paper are ne'essar, an,more* #ome o/ 'omputer appli'ation in do'ument mana2ement s,stem is 1ord pro'essin2( desktop pu.lis-in2( repro2rap-i' and ima2e pro'essin2* Bord pro'essin2 ena.le do'uments to .e 'reated and edited ele'troni'all, as 1ell as -elp to produ'e -i2- 6ualit, memos( letters( proposals( reports( ne1sletters and .ro'-ures 1-i'- are used to send .usiness 'ommunit,* ?esktop pu.lis-in2 ena.les to make do'ument in attra'tive /orm ., t-e use o/ p-otos( art1ork and 2rap-i'al illustrations* #preads-eet is so/t1are pa'ka2e used to 'reate a ta.le o/ 'olumns and ro1s used ., people responsi.le /or tra'kin2 revenues( e<penses( pro/its( loses( statisti'al( mat-emati'al and lo2i'al pro'essin2* Repro2rap-i's is t-e pro'ess o/ reprodu'in2 multiple 'opies o/ a do'ument* 9ma2e pro'essin2 allo1 do'ument to .e s'anned and stored in ima2e oriented data .ases* &ne more appli'ation o/ 'omputer in t-is /ield is ena.lin2 sendin2 messa2es or do'uments /rom one lo'ation to ot-er t-rou2- /a'simile :4AC;( ele'troni'7mail :e7mail; or voi'e mail* 07'ommer'e :ele'troni' 'ommer'e; des' t-e .u,in2( sellin2( and e<'-an2in2 o/ produ'ts( servi'es( and in/ormation via 'omputer net1ork* $-ere are man, appli'ation o/ e7'ommer'e( su'as -ome .ankin2( s-oppin2 in ele'troni' malls( .u,in2 sto'ks( /indin2 a jo.( 'ondu'tin2 an au'tion( 'olla.oratin2 ele'troni'all, 1it- .usiness partners around t-e 2lo.e( marketin2( advertisin2 and providin2 'ustomer servi'e* $-e .i22est advanta2e o/ e7'ommer'e is 'ost savin2* 5omputer is a po1er/ul advertisin2 media* Advertisement 'an .e displa,ed on di//erent 1e.sites( e7 mails 'an .e sent and revie1s o/ a produ't ., di//erent 'ustomers 'an .e posted* 5omputers are also used to 'reate an advertisement usin2 t-e visual and t-e sound e//e'ts* Be. advertisin2 -as .e'ome a si2ni/i'ant /a'tor in t-e marketin2 plans o/ almost all 'ompanies* 9n /a't( t-e .usiness model o/ Doo2le is mainl, dependent on 1e. advertisin2 /or 2eneratin2 revenues*

C"#$%&e' in +(nks
5omputers are 1idel, used in .anks /or re'ord keepin2 and maintainin2 a''ounts o/ 'ustomers* 8ost o/ t-e .anks provide t-e /a'ilit, o/ A$8s* $-e 'ustomers 'an dra1 mone, t-rou2- A$8 'ard /rom an, .ran'- o/ t-at .ank :or anot-er .ank; at an, time o/ a da,* 5omputers -ave ena.led t-e 1idespread use o/ 'redit 'ards( 'ards and instantaneous 'redit '-e'ks ., .anks and retailers* $-ere is also a level o/ 2reater se'urit, 1-en 'omputers are involved in mone, transa'tions as t-ere is a .etter '-an'e o/ dete'tin2 /or2ed '-e6ues and ille2al use o/ ' 'ards*

C"#$%&e' (& -"#e

5omputers -ave no1 .e'ome an inte2ral part o/ -ome e6uipment* At -ome( personal 'omputers are .ein2 used /or innumerous tasks su'- as= maintainin2 t-e -ome a''ounts( 'ommuni'atin2 1it/riends and relatives( entertainment( pa,in2 .ills( edu'ation and man, ot-er* 8i'ropro'essors are em.edded in -ouse -old utilities like( 1as-in2 ma'-ines( $%s( /ood pro'essors( -ome t-eatres( se'urit, devi'es( et'* 5omputer 'an .e used to easil, mana2e -ome .ud2et and 'al'ulate ,our e<penses and in'ome* 8oreover( people 'an mana2e t-e o//i'e 1ork at -ome* $-e o1ner o/ a 'ompan, 'an '-e'k t-e 1ork o/ t-e emplo,ees /rom -ome and 'an 'ompletel, 'ontrol -is o//i'e 1-ile sittin2 at -ome* People 'an '-at 1it- /riends and /amil, on t-e internet usin2 di//erent so/t1are like #k,pe et'* $-ere are man, so'ial media 1e.sites like 4a'e.ook( $1itter or Doo2le Plus t-at 'an .e used to intera't and s-are p-otos and videos 1it- /riends or to meet ne1 people* 5omputers -ave -ad a major impa't on t-e entertainment industr,* $-e user 'an do1nload and vie1 movies( 1at'- television online( listen to musi'( .ook ti'kets /or 'inema( make movies or musi'( et'* 5omputer 'an also .e used to 1at'- a live sports mat'- 2ame( vie1 t-e s'ores( improve t-e 2ame( train ,our skills( pla, 2ames and 'reate 2ames* 8an, 2ames are availa.le t-at are spe'iall, developed to improve ,our mental 'apa.ilit, and t-inkin2 po1er*

C"#$%&e' ($$li)(&i"n in g",e'n#en&

Dovernment o//i'es also depend on 'omputers /or its .asi' needs* 4rom simple letters to t-e more 'ompli'ated proje'ts are no1 .ein2 produ'ed t-rou2- t-e use o/ 'omputers* Dovernment a2en'ies and t-eir data.ases are no1 interlinked( makin2 it easier /or t-e a2en'ies to monitor e'onomi' developments* Amon2 ot-er tasks( t-e /ederal 2overnment uses 'omputers to /ore'ast t-e 1eat-er( mana2e parks and -istori'al sites( produ'e so'ial se'urit, '-e'ks( 'olle't ta<es( online su.mission o/ 1ater and ele'tri'it, .ills and /or t-e a''ess to land re'ord details* 5omputer .ased 1eat-er /ore'astin2 depends on a''urate 'olle'tion o/ data /rom 1eat-er stations( airports( satellites and di//erent sensitive devi'es all around t-e 1orld* 5omputer depends on .uildin2 a model o/ -ot( 'old air( dr, and -umid air intera'tion( and -o1 t-is is intera'tions are e//e'ted ., land and sea temperature( season and so on* &n'e t-is is done( t-e data is 'olle'ted on atmosp-eri' p-enomena over a re2ion* $-e 'omputer model t-en 2enerates a /ore'ast o/ -o1 t-e air 1ill '-an2e* Fo1ever( t-e ne'essar, parameters 'an never .e measured 1it- total a''ura', and it is impossi.le to make a per/e't representation o/ all t-e /a'tors t-at a//e't 1eat-er*

C"#$%&e' in l(. en/"')e#en& (n* #ili&('0

5omputerised la1 en/or'ement in'lude national /in2erprint /iles( a national /ile on t-e mode o/ operation o/ serial killers( and 'omputer modelin2 o/ ?"A( 1-i'- 'an .e used to mat'- tra'es /rom an alle2ed 'riminal@s .od,( su'- as .lood at a 'rime s'ene* 9n addition( 'omputers also 'ontain a 'omplete data.ases o/ all t-e names( pi'tures and in/ormation o/ su'- people 1-o '-oose to .reak t-e la1* &ne o/ ver, important appli'ation o/ t-e 'omputer s,stem is in t-e militar,* $-e 'omputers -ave to .e ver, po1er/ul and in order to .e run t-e, -ave to .e ver, a''urate and pre'ise( .e'ause( /or t-e e<ample( in t-e use o/ missiles( ever, nanose'ond 'ounts( 1-i'- ma, save trillions o/ lives on t-is planet* 5omputers are used to tra'k in'omin2 missiles and -elp dire't 1eapons s,stems onto t-e in'omin2 tar2et to destro, t-em* $-e, are also used in t-e lo2isti' and orderin2 /un'tions o/ 2ettin2 e6uipments to and around t-e .attle/ield*

C"#$%&e' in enginee'ing (n* in*%s&'0

0n2ineers use 'omputers /or per/ormin2 'omple< s'ienti/i' 'al'ulations( desi2nin2 and makin2 dra1in2s :5A?E5A8 appli'ations; and also /or simulatin2 and testin2 t-e desi2ns* 5omputers are used /or storin2 t-e 'omple< data( per/ormin2 'omple< 'al'ulations and /or visuali3in2 +7 dimensional'ts* 5omple< s'ienti/i' appli'ations like t-e laun'- o/ t-e ro'kets and spa'e e<ploration 1ouldn@t .e possi.le 1it-out t-e 'omputers* 5A? :5omputer Aided ?esi2n; are used /or displa, desi2ns and .uild produ'tion protot,pes in so/t1are* $ransmit t-e /inal di//erent appli'ations some o/ t-em like desi2nin2 ne1 'ar or air'ra/t( .rid2e and .uildin2* 8akin2 '-an2es to a desi2n re6uires a lar2e o/ 'omple< 'al'ulations* A 5A? s,stem needs a -i2- resolution monitors( input and output devi'es* 5A? use o/ten -as t-e 'apa.ilit, o/ displa,in2 a +?'t and speedil, rotatin2 it in an, dire'tion usin2 'ontrols on t-e ke,.oard* 5A8 :5omputer Aided 8anu/a'turin2; is used to 'ontrol all t-e part o/ a manu/a'turin2 pro'ess* 5A8 so/t1are uses di2ital desi2n output( su'- as t-at /rom a 5A? s,stem( to dire'tl, 'ontrol produ'tion ma'-iner,* 5omputers:ro.ots; are /indin2 t-eir 2reatest use in /a'tories and industries o/ all kinds* A ro.ot is an automati' pro2ramma.le ma'-ine t-at moves and per/orms me'-ani'al tasks* $-e, 'an 1ork in environment t-at are -a3ardous to -umans and 'an per/orm repetitive and .orin2 task 'ontinuousl, 1it-out a .reak at mu'- -i2-er level o/ a''ura', t-an -uman* $-e, -ave taken over t-e 1ork ran2in2 /rom monotonous and risk, jo.s like 1eldin2 to -i2-l, 'omple< jo.s su'- as pro'ess 'ontrol* ?rills( sa1s and entire assem.l, lines 'an .e 'omputeri3ed* 8oreover( 6ualit, 'ontrol tests and t-e manu/a'turin2 o/ produ'ts( 1-i'- re6uire a lot o/ re/inement( are done 1it- t-e -elp o/ 'omputers* "ot onl, t-is( t-ermal po1er plants( oil re/ineries and '-emi'al industries /ull, depend on 'omputeri3ed 'ontrol s,stems .e'ause in su'- industries t-e la2 .et1een t1o major events ma, .e just a /ra'tion o/ a se'ond* 0ner2, 'ompanies use 'omputers to lo'ate oil( 'oal( natural 2as and uranium* Bit- t-e use o/ t-ese te'-nolo2i'al ma'-ines( t-ese 'ompanies 'an /i2ure out t-e site o/ a natural resour'e( its 'on'entration and ot-er related /i2ures*

C"#$%&e' in &'(ns$"'&(&i"n
5omputers are used in 'ars to monitor /luid levels( temperatures and ele'tri'al s,stems* $-e, are also used to -elp run rapid transit s,stems( load 'ontainers-ips and tra'k railroads 'ars a'ross t-e 'ountr,* An important part is t-e air 'ontrol tra//i' s,stems( 1-ere 'omputers are used to 'ontrol t-e /lo1 o/ tra//i' .et1een airplanes 1-i'- needs a lot o/ pre'ision and a''ura', to .e dealt 1it-* $oda, 'omputers -ave made it possi.le /or planes to land in /o22, and storm, atmosp-ere also* $-e air'ra/t -as a variet, o/ sensors( 1-i'- measure t-e plane@s altitude( position( speed( -ei2-t and dire'tion* 5omputer use all t-is in/ormation to keep t-e plane /l,in2 in t-e ri2-t dire'tion* 9n /a't( t-e auto7pilot /eature -as made t-e 1ork o/ pilot mu'- easier*

5omputer te'-nolo2, -as made a lot o/ important impa'ts on our so'iet, and -as made our li/e mu'- easier* 8an, a'tivities in dail, li/e 'an no1 .e per/ormed easier( 6ui'ker and more a''urate( t-anks to 'omputer* Bit- 2reater pre'ision and a''ura', and less time takin2 'omputers 'an do mu'- more in s-ort time t-an doin2 somet-in2 manuall,* 5omputers -ave taken industries and .usinesses to a 1-ole ne1 level* A lot o/ time is saved and overall 'ost is redu'ed to solve a parti'ular pro.lem* Fo1ever( people po1er is 'riti'al to ensurin2 t-at -ard1are( so/t1are and 'onne'tivit, are e//e'tivel, inte2rated in a so'iall, responsi.le 1a,*

0ri' F* Dlendinn2( Go-n 8'01an= &</ord 0n2lis- /or 9n/ormation $e'-nolo2, 2nd edition, Oxford University 9n/ormation $e'-nolo2, Blo2 ( / /!ses-of-comp!ters-in-differentfields.html" $utorialspoint (http://###.t!!ter$f!ndamentals/comp!ter$applications.htm" Dreat 9n/o ( 2/ /%-main-fields-#here-comp!ters-are.html"

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