Chad Michael Rabideau 39 Grissom Dr. Clifton Park, New York 12065 Home: (518) 373-5285 Work: (518) 626-6260

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Chad Michael Rabideau

39 Grissom Dr.
Clifton Park, New York !"#$
%ome& '$() 3*3+$!($
,ork& '$() #!#+#!#"
,ork -./erience&
Albany Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Albany, NY US
o!rs per "ee#$ %0
0nformation 1echnolo23 4/ecialist 'Customer 4u//ort)
&lanned and deli'ered tec(nical s!pport ser'ices in a ospital settin) for 2000 pl!s
c!sto*ers !tili+in) ,indo"s -& and ,indo"s ., incl!din) tro!bles(ootin), installation,
re*o'als, *o'es, syste*s #no"led)e assistance and/or trainin) in response to c!sto*er
1ns!red elp 2es# trac#in) and asset infor*ation is acc!rate3 and t(at data closets are
or)ani+ed "(en addin) or re*o'in) patc( cablin)0
&ro'ided )ro!p and one-on-one syste*s/soft"are applications trainin) to c!sto*ers as
re/!ired or re/!ested
&ro'ided feedbac# on proble*atic trends and patterns in tec(nical s!pport to tea* leads
and/or s!per'isors
4nstalled and confi)!red VA appro'ed soft"are applications3 tro!bles(oot and *aintained all
VA appro'ed c!sto*er (ard"are and soft"are apparat!s and applications, respecti'ely0
Attended *eetin)s and perfor*ed d!ties relatin) to VA 5iaison 6ob re/!ire*ents0 4nstalled
and *aintained Veterans C(ec#-4n 7ios#s per )!idance fro* t(e VA 48 &ro6ect Mana)er
&erfor*ed ot(er related d!ties and responsibilities as assi)ned/re/!ired0
Ne" Yor# State 2epart*ent of 8ransportation 9NYS2:8;/ C4<1= 4NC/ 448 4NC
Albany, NY US
o!rs per "ee#$ %0
01 %el/ Desk 52ent
&ro'ide first le'el &C (ard"are, soft"are and teleco**!nications tec(nical s!pport in elpdes#
settin) 'ia telep(one and e*ail to o'er ?000 NYS2:8 end !sers in a ,indo"s -& en'iron*ent0
2oc!*ented all interactions fro* calls, e*ail, proble* tic#ets and c(an)e re/!ests "it(in
& Ser'ice Mana)er tic#etin) syste*0
=esponsible for *aintainin) (i)( call 'ol!*e, "(ile contin!o!sly *onitorin) t(e elpdes#
inco*in) e*ail /!e!e for ne" iss!es and re/!ests0
8ro!bles(ooted, dia)nosed and resol'ed NYS2:8 standard (ard"are and soft"are iss!es0
Ad*inistered pass"ord assistance for ,indo"s Acti'e 2irectory, Main @ra*e applications,
:racle Applications, and proprietary applications specific to NYS2:80
&ro'ided (ands on &C ser'ice 'ia 5AN2es# re*ote control0 =esponsible as first point of
contact for *onitorin) and reportin) net"or#, blac#berry, cell p(one and telep(one o!ta)es
and proble*s for NYS2:8 and infor* responsible tea* of t(e proble*0
1scalated all proble*s t(at cannot be resol'ed on t(e initial call to t(e neAt tier of s!pport0
&ro'ided )!idance on t(e proper !se and sec!rity of t(e Microsoft -& :peratin) syste*,
Microsoft :ffice 200., Adobe and all ot(er NYS2:8 soft"are prod!cts0
&ro'ided professional, co!rteo!s C!sto*er Ser'ice daily to all !sers callin) elpdes# for

MV& ealt(care/Select Staffin)
?/200> -11/200>
Sc(enectady, NY US
Salary$ B12000 US2 &er o!r
o!rs per "ee#$ 3.0C
01 %el/ Desk 5nal3st
&ro'ided MV& ealt( 4ns!rance co*p!ter net"or# !sers "it( eAcellent efficient elpdes#
s!pport 'ia 8elep(one and e*ail0
8ria)ed c!sto*er in/!iries relatin) to &C (ard"areDsoft"are iss!es, !tili+in) 1C years of
C!sto*er Ser'ice and tec(nical eApertise0 8(is enabled *e to confidently and acc!rately
con'ey "(y a brea#a)e occ!rred and (o" 4 or ot(er tea* *e*bers "o!ld rectify t(e iss!e0
1ntered acc!rate acco!nt of t(e interaction "it( t(e c!sto*er into t(e =e*edy ,eb
elpdes# 8ic#et soft"are,

Co*p!ter Science Corporation
%/200> - E/200>
=ensselaer, NY US
o!rs per "ee#$ %0
Customer 4er6ice Re/resentati6e
&ro'ided s!perb c!sto*er ser'ice to all "(o call into 1M12NY Medicaid &(ar*acy Call
andled all calls in a professional *anner and pro'ided acc!rate infor*ation fro* selected
co*p!ter pro)ra* to all indi'id!als "(o called for eli)ibility and p(ar*acy discrepancies
!pon re/!est0
Mana)ed to perfor* 6ob by learnin) all screen o!tp!ts and to )i'e pro*pt ser'ice0
&ro'ided acc!rate acco!nt of telep(one con'ersations in NY 8rac# pro)ra*, trac#ed 100F
of all calls "it(o!t incident0

11/2000 - ?/200E
Grade 5e'el$ GS-11 Step C
o!rs per "ee#$ %0
0nformation 1echnolo23 4/ecialist
Mana)ed and pro'ided a elpdes# p(one, e*ail and des#side s!pport operation for &C repair,
printer, scanner and ot(er perip(eral A!to*ated 2ata &rocessin) 9A2&; (ard"are repair for 300 US
Ar*y =ecr!itin) personnel assi)ned in C Nort(eastern States0 8(is s!pport re/!ired special
#no"led)e on (o" to 4nteract "it( a 'ariety co*p!ter !sers, no'ice to eApert and (o" to effecti'ely
tro!bles(oot t(e =ecr!itin) soft"are0
Created a rapport "it( all c!sto*ers, by pro'idin) eAcellent c!sto*er ser'ice and by bein)
tec(nically sa''y0 8(is in t!rn created a confidence "it(in t(e a)ency t(e 4 "as called H8(e
Go-8o G!yI for all a!to*ation iss!es0
Maintained and s!pplied t(e =ecr!itin) <attalion pop!lation fla"lessly "it( an in'entory of
e/!ip*ent totalin) BC00,0000 8(is e/!ip*ent "as inspected *ont(ly for ser'iceability and
Mana)ed t(e "or#load of 2 e*ployees daily0 Also trained e*ployees on (ard"are and
soft"are !pdates
<riefed and 8rained Ne" inco*in) =ecr!itin) staff on t(e &olicy and proced!res of t(e
=ecr!itin) <attalion <asic co*p!ter !sa)e )!idelines0
US Ar*y >
@inance <attalion
3/1??E - 10/2000
Grade 5e'el$ GS-?
o!rs per "ee#$ %0
Com/uter 4/ecialist
Ser'ed as t(e Assistant Syste*s Ad*inistrator and secondary so!rce of all a!to*ation *atters for
t(e >t( @inance <attalion0 Ser'ed as t(e, 8er*inal Area Sec!rity :fficer, and A!to*ation 2ata
&rocessin) Syste*s Sec!rity :fficer0
Maintained and !pdated daily 11 ser'ers "it( financial data "(ic( "as replicated to 1>0
personal co*p!ters0
&lanned and de'eloped (o"-to instr!ctions to assist !sers in t(e daily operation of personal
co*p!ters and t(e soft"are installed0 Soft"are incl!ded ,indo"s :peratin) Syste* to
se'eral financial applications0
&!rc(ased necessary office e/!ip*ent "(ic( incl!ded printers, (ard dri'es, and any
re/!ired licensed soft"are, !tili+in) t(e @ederal Go't Credit Card0
&ro'ided des#side ser'ice for rei*a)in) co*p!ters, "(en t(e operatin) syste* beca*e
corr!pted0 Also, at ti*es, (ard"are replace*ents "ere re/!ired0 8(is incl!ded, openin) !p
t(e &C and replacin) co*ponents li#e (ard dri'es, *ot(erboards and po"er s!pplies0
Updated t(e Anti'ir!s soft"are "(en re/!ired and (ad to at ti*es, /!arantined and
eli*inated se'eral 'ir!ses !tili+in) Sy*antec Anti'ir!s Soft"are0
=on 2ia+
Albany Stratton VA Medical Center C4:
&(one N!*ber$ C1>-E2E-E2E0
1*ail Address$ =onald0dia+J'a0)o'
=eference 8ype$ &rofessional
2anielle a'el
Albany Stratton VA Medical Center Ad*inistrati'e Assistant
&(one N!*ber$ C1>-E2E-E2E?
1*ail Address$ danielle0(a'elJ'a0)o'
=eference 8ype$ &ersonal
7at(y C(arron
Ne" Yor# State 2:8 48 elpdes# Mana)er
&(one N!*ber$ C1>-%>C-2>CE
1*ail Address$ #c(arronJdot0state0ny0!s
=eference 8ype$ &rofessional
Keff Morris
Ne" Yor# State 2:8 48 elp 2es# Analyst
&(one N!*ber$ C1>-%>C-?ECC
1*ail Address$ 6*orrisJdot0state0ny0!s
=eference 8ype$ &ersonal

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