Chapter 10: Planning and Cabling Networks

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Chapter 10: Planning and Cabling Networks

Refer to the exhibit. A student working in the lab selects a cable that is wired as shown. Which connection types can successfully be made with this cable? (Choose two.

Refirase a la exposicin. Un estudiante que trabaja en el laboratorio selecciona un cable que est conectado como se muestra. Qu tipos de conexin con xito se puede hacer con este cable? ( lija dos.!

connecting a !C to a router"s console port # connecting two routers together $ia their fast ethernet ports connecting two switches together at gigabit speeds connecting a !C to a switch at %igabit &thernet speeds #connecting two de$ices with the same interface type at 'ast &thernet speeds ( Which three statements are true about the role of routers in the network? (Choose three.

Qu tres afirmaciones son ciertas sobre el papel de los routers de la red? ( lija tres.!.
)hey propagate broadcasts. )hey enlarge collision domains. #)hey segment broadcast domains. # )hey interconnect different network technologies. # &ach router interface re*uires a separate network or subnet. )hey maintain a common frame format between +A, and WA, interfaces.

Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has decided to use packet capture software to e$aluate all traffic from the student subnet on the way to the .nternet. )o ensure that all packets are captured/ what network de$ice should be used to connect the monitoring

station to the network between R1 and R(?

Refirase a la exposicin. Un administrador de red ha decidido utili"ar la captura de paquetes de soft#are para e$aluar todo el trfico de la subred de los estudiantes en el camino a la %nternet. &ara ase'urarse de que todos los paquetes son capturados( lo dispositi$o de la red debe ser utili"ado para conectar la estacin de monitoreo de la red entre R) * R+?
router #hub switch wireless access point

0 A network administrator is re*uired to use media in the network that can run up to 111 meters in cable length without using repeaters. )he chosen media must be inexpensi$e and easily installed. )he installation will be in a pre2existing building with limited cabling space. Which type of media would best meet these re*uirements?

Un administrador de red es necesario para utili"ar los medios de comunicacin en la red que pueden correr hasta a ),, metros de lon'itud del cable sin necesidad de repetidores. -os medios de comunicacin ele'idos debern ser de bajo costo * fcil de instalar. -a instalacin estar en un edificio preexistente con el espacio limitado de cableado. Qu tipo de medios de comunicacin que mejor cumple con estos requisitos?

3)! # 4)! coaxial single2mode fiber multimode fiber

5 Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements are true about the exhibited topology? (Choose three.

Refirase a la exposicin. Qu tres afirmaciones son ciertas acerca de la topolo'.a de la muestra? ( lija tres.!

6osts 7 and C are in the same subnet. # 'i$e broadcast domains are present. # 6ost 7 is using a crosso$er cable to connect to the router. 'our broadcast domains are present. #'i$e networks are shown. 6ost 7 is using a rollo$er cable to connect to the router.

8 Which three types of connectors are commonly associated with Cisco"s 9.-5 serial cables? (Choose three.

Qu tres tipos de conectores se asocian com/nmente con los cables de 0isco serie 1.23? ( lija tres.!
R: 11 # ;7 81 # Winchester 15 pin ;7 < # smart serial R: 05

= 6ow many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the 1-1.8>.1.1 network address with a subnet mask of (55.(55.(0>.1?

0untas direcciones de host se pueden asi'nar en cada subred utili"ando la direccin de red )2,.45.,., con una mscara de subred de +33.+33.+65.,?
-1 (58 # (108 (10> 01<0 01<8

> Refer to the exhibit. 7ased on the .! configuration shown/ what would be the result of 6ost

A and 6ost 7 attempting to communicate outside the network segment?

Refirase a la exposicin. 7obre la base de la confi'uracin %& que se muestra( cul ser.a el resultado de 8ost 9 * 8ost : tratando de comunicarse con el exterior del se'mento de red?

both host A and 7 would be successful host A would be successful/ host 7 would fail #host 7 would be successful/ host A would fail both 6ost A and 7 would fail < Refer to the exhibit. What destination .! address will !C1 place in the header for a packet destined for !C(?

Refirase a la exposicin. Qu direccin %& de destino se &0) lu'ar en el encabe"ado de un paquete destinado a &0+?

1<(.18>.1.1 1<(.18>.(.1 1<(.18>.(.( 1<(.18>.-.1 # 1<(.18>.-.50 11 Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements identify the type of cabling that would be used in the segments that are shown? (Choose three.

Refirase a la exposicin. Qu tres afirmaciones identificar el tipo de cableado que se utili"a en los se'mentos que se muestran? ( lija tres.!

3egment 1 uses backbone cabling. # 3egment 1 uses a patch cable. 3egment - uses patch cabling. 3egment - uses $ertical cabling. # 3egment - uses hori?ontal cabling. # 3egment 0 uses $ertical cabling.

11 A company is planning to subnet its network for a maximum of (= hosts. Which subnet mask would pro$ide the needed hosts and lea$e the fewest unused addresses in each subnet?

Una empresa tiene la intencin de subred de su red para un mximo de +; huspedes. Qu mscara de subred proporcionar los locales necesarios * dejar la menor cantidad de direcciones no utili"adas en cada subred?

(55.(55.(55.1 (55.(55.(55.1<( # (55.(55.(55.((0 (55.(55.(55.(01 (55.(55.(55.(0> 1( Refer to the exhibit. A student is setting up a home network primarily used for extensi$e file transfers/ streaming $ideo/ and gaming. Which network de$ice is best suited to these types of acti$ities in the topology shown?

Refirase a la exposicin. Un estudiante es la creacin de una red domstica usa principalmente para la transferencia de archi$os extensos( streamin' de $.deo * jue'os. Qu dispositi$o de red es el ms adecuado para este tipo de acti$idades en la topolo'.a que se muestra?

wireless access point router hub # switch 1Refer to the exhibit. 6ow many subnets are re*uired to support the network that is shown?

Refirase a la exposicin. 0untas subredes se requieren para apo*ar la red que se muestra?

( #0 5 10 What does the term @attenuation@ mean in data communication?

Qu si'nifica el trmino <atenuacin< si'nifica en la comunicacin de datos?

# loss of signal strength as distance increases time for a signal to reach its destination leakage of signals from one cable pair to another strengthening of a signal by a networking de$ice

15 )o establish a console connection from a computer to a Cisco router/ which cable wiring option would be used?

&ara establecer una conexin de consola de un ordenador a un router 0isco( que por cable opcin de cableado que se utili"a?

crosso$er cable straight through cable #rollo$er cable 9.-5 cable

18 What makes fiber preferable to copper cabling for interconnecting buildings? (Choose three.

Qu hace que la fibra preferible cableado de cobre para la interconexin de los edificios? ( lija tres.!
# greater distances per cable run lower installation cost #xlimited susceptibility to &A.BR'. durable connections #xgreater bandwidth potential easily terminated

1= Refer to the exhibit. A network technician has been allocated the 1<(.18>.1.1B(0 pri$ate .! address range for use in the network that shown in the exhibit. Which subnet mask would be used to meet the host re*uirements for segment A of this internetwork?

Refirase a la exposicin. Un tcnico de red ha sido asi'nado el ran'o )=+.)45.).,>+6 direccin %& pri$ada para su uso en la red que se muestra en la exposicin. Qu mscara de subred se utili"an para satisfacer las necesidades de aco'ida para el se'mento 9 de esta interconexin de redes?

(55.(55.(55.1(> (55.(55.(55.1<( #(55.(55.(55.((0 (55.(55.(55.(01 (55.(55.(55.(0>

1> Which subnet mask would be assigned to the network address of 1<(.18>.-(.1 to pro$ide (50 useable host addresses per subnetwork?

Qu mscara de subred se asi'na a la direccin de red )=+.)45.2+., para proporcionar +36 direcciones de host utili"ables por subred?

(55.(55.1.1 # (55.(55.(55.1 (55.(55.(50.1 (55.(55.(0>.1 1< What type of network cable is used between a terminal and a console port?

Qu tipo de cable de red se utili"a entre una terminal * un puerto de consola?

cross2o$er straight2through # roll2o$er patch cable (1 Which option identifies the primary interface which would be used for initial configuration of a Cisco router?

-a opcin que identifica la interfa" principal que se utili"a para la confi'uracin inicial de un router 0isco?
A4C interface &thernet interface serial interface # console interface

(1 What are three common methods for setting a 4)! &thernet port to A;. or A;.C

operation? (Choose three.

0ules son los tres mtodos comunes para el establecimiento de un puerto thernet U?& a @A% o @A%B operacin? ( lija tres.!
#direct configuration of the de$ice cable color code association cable selection and configuration use of cable testers to determine pinouts # the enabling of the mechanism to electrically swap the transmit and recei$e pairs # the automatic detection and negotiating of A;.BA;.C operation of the port

(( Which de$ice is used to create or di$ide broadcast domains?

Qu dispositi$o se utili"a para crear o di$idir dominios de broadcast?

hub switch bridge # router repeater (Refer to the exhibit. Assume that all de$ices are using default settings. 6ow many subnets are re*uired to address the topology that is shown?

Refirase a la exposicin. 7upon'amos que todos los dispositi$os estn utili"ando la confi'uracin predeterminada. 0untas subredes se requieren para hacer frente a la topolo'.a que se muestra?

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