CCNA 3 - Module 1: - Traffic Flow Analysis - Expected Future Growth

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CCNA 3 - Module 1

1. A network technician is asked to examine an existing switched network.

Following this examination, the technician makes recommendations for adding
new switches where needed and replacing existing equipment that hampers
performance. The technician is given a budget and asked to proceed. Which two
pieces of information would be helpful in determining necessar port densit for
new switches! "#hoose two.$
% forwarding rate
% traffic flow analsis
% expected future growth
% number of required core connections
% number of hubs that are needed in the access laer to increase performance
&. #onfiguring communication between devices on different '(A)s requires the
use of which laer of the *+, model!
% (aer 1
% (aer -
% (aer .
% (aer /
-. What is the likel impact of moving a conventional compan architecture to a
completel converged network!
% (ocal analog phone service can be completel outsourced to cost%effective
% The 0thernet '(A) structure is less complex.
% A shared infrastructure is created resulting in a single network to manage.
% 1o+ issues are greatl reduced.
% There is less bandwidth competition between voice and video streams
.. Which hierarchical design model laer controls the flow of network traffic using
policies and delineates broadcast domains b performing routing functions
between virtual (A)s "'(A)s$!
% application
% access
% distribution
% network
% core
/. A network administrator is selecting a switch that will operate at the network
core. Which three features should the switch support for optimum network
performance and reliabilit! "#hoose three.$
% port securit
% securit policies
% 12 3igabit 0thernet
% qualit of service "1o+$
% hot%swappable hardware
% 4ower over 0thernet "4o0$
5. Which three features are commonl supported at the distribution laer of the
#isco hierarchical network model! "#hoose three.$
% securit policies
% 4ower over 0thernet
% switch port securit
% qualit of service
% (aer - functionalit
% end user access to network
6. Which two features are supported at all three levels of the #isco three%laer
hierarchical model! "#hoose two.$
% 4ower over 0thernet
% load balancing across redundant trunk links
% redundant components
% 1ualit of +ervice
% link aggregation
7. Which two characteristics are associated with enterprise level switches! "#hoose
% low port densit
% high forwarding rate
% high latenc level
% support link aggregation
% predefined number of ports
8. (ink aggregation should be implemented at which laer of the hierarchical
% core onl
% distribution and core
% access and distribution
% access, distribution, and core
12. For organi9ations that are implementing a voice over ,4 solution, what
functionalit should be enabled at all three laers of the hierarchical network!
% 4ower over 0thernet
% qualit of service
% switch port securit
% inter%'(A) routing
11. Which laer of the hierarchical design model provides a means of connecting
devices to the network and controlling which devices are allowed to communicate
on the network!
% application
% access
% distribution
% network
% core
1&. At which heirarchical laer are switches normall not required to process all
ports at wire speed!
% core laer
% distribution laer
% access laer
% entr laer
1-. Which laer of the *+, model does an access laer (A) switch use to make a
forwarding decision!
% (aer 1
% (aer &
% (aer -
% (aer .
1.. :efer to the exhibit. What characteristic of hierarchical network designs is
exhibited b having +W- connected to both +W1 and +w&!
% scalabilit
% securit
% redundanc
% maintainabilit
1/. Which laer of the hierarchical network design model is refered to as the high%
speed backbone of the internetwork, where high availabilit and redundanc are
% access laer
% core laer
% data%link laer
% distribution laer
% network laer
% phsical laer
15. What statement best describes a modular switch!
% a slim%line chassis
% allows interconnection of switches on redundant backplane
% defined phsical characteristics
% flexible characteristics
16. A technician is attempting to explain #isco +tackWise technolog to a client that
is setting up three stackable switches. Which explanation accuratel describes
+tackWise technolog!
% +tackWise technolog allows up to eight ports to be bound together to increase
available bandwidth.
% +tackWise technolog allows the switch to deliver power to end devices b using
existing 0thernet cabling.
% +tackWise technolog allows the switch capabilities and ports to be expanded b
the addition of line cards.
% +tackWise technolog allows up to nine switches to be interconnected via the use
of a full redundant backplane.
17. Which hierarchical design characteristic would be recommended at both the
core and distribution laers to protect the network in the case of a route failure!
% 4o0
% redundanc
% aggregation
% access lists
18. Which feature supports higher throughput in switched networks b combining
multiple switch ports!
% convergence
% redundant links
% link aggregation
% network diameter
&2. :efer to the exhibit. ;eginning with <: servers and workstations, a network
engineer is designing a new securit structure for the network. Which set of policies
adheres to the hierarchical network model design principles!
% ,mplement (aer - switching on +1 to reduce the packet processing load on =1
and =&. ,nstall all securit processing on +1 to reduce network traffic load.
% #onfigure port securit options on +1. >se (aer - access control features on =1
and =& to limit access to the <: servers to ?ust the <: subnet.
% @ove all <: assets out of the data center and connect them to +1. >se (aer -
securit functions on +1 to den all traffic into and out of +1.4erform all port access
and (aer - securit functions on #1.

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