Take Assessment - Enetwork Final Exam - Ccna Exploration: Network Fundamentals (Version 4.0)
Take Assessment - Enetwork Final Exam - Ccna Exploration: Network Fundamentals (Version 4.0)
Take Assessment - Enetwork Final Exam - Ccna Exploration: Network Fundamentals (Version 4.0)
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Refer to the exhibit. Host A attempts to establish a TCP/IP session with host C. During this attempt, a frame was capture with source !AC a ress ""#".$%&".D'%& an the estination !AC a ress ""%".(#)$.**C*. The pac+et insi e the capture fram IP source a ress ),&.)'(.$.#, an the estination IP a ress is ),&.)'(.&),.&*. At which point in the networ+ was this pac+e capture lea.ing host A lea.ing AT/ lea.ing Dallas lea.ing 01C #
Refer to the exhibit. A networ+ a ministrator remotel2 accesses the C/I of Router3 from PC) using Telnet. 4hich statement is about this connectionThe ata is automaticall2 encr2pte . A Telnet ser.er process is running on PC). The connection is ma e through a 5T1 session on the router. A 67T re8uest was sent to Router3 to retrie.e ata uring this session.
Refer to the exhibit. A router, the table of which is shown, recei.es a pac+et that is estine for ),&.)'(.,.*. How will the router pac+etIt will rop the pac+et. It will forwar the pac+et .ia 9ast7thernet "/). It will forwar the pac+et to the next hop a It will forwar the pac+et to )$&.)'.&." 44hich e.ice shoul be use for enabling a host to communicate with another host on a ifferent networ+switch hub router host ress.
Refer to the exhibit. All e.ices in the networ+ use efault configurations. How man2 broa cast omains are there in this topolog % # $ , ::::))
Refer to the exhibit. 4hich option correctl2 i entifies the networ+ a networ+ that contains host A-
Refer to the exhibit. A host is connecte to hub ). 4hich combination of IP a host to function in the networ+IP a IP a IP a IP a IP a IP a
ress; )$&.)'.%).%' <ubnet mas+; &##.&##.&##.&*" Default gatewa2; )$&.)'.%).%# ress; )$&.)'.%).'% <ubnet mas+; &##.&##.&##.&&* Default gatewa2; )$&.)'.%).%# ress; )$&.)'.%).&, <ubnet mas+; &##.&##.&##.&*( Default gatewa2; )$&.)'.%).%# ress; )$&.)'.%).%& <ubnet mas+; &##.&##.&##.&&* Default gatewa2; )$&.)'.%).%# ress; )$&.)'.%).&, <ubnet mas+; &##.&##.&##.&*" Default gatewa2; )$&.)'.%".) ress; )$&.)'.%).%$ <ubnet mas+; &##.&##.&##.&&* Default gatewa2; )$&.)'.%).%#
4hat information is containe in the hea er of /a2er % to help ata eli.er2port number e.ice ph2sical a ress ress
)4hat happens when a no e on an 7thernet networ+ is creating a frame an it oes not ha.e the estination !AC a The no e rops the frame. The no e sen s out a /a2er % broa cast message. The no e sen s a message irectl2 to the router for the a ress. ress.
Refer to the exhibit. 4hile configuring a networ+, a technician wire each en of a Categor2 #e cable as shown. 4hich two state are true about this setup- =Choose two.> The cable is suitable for connecting a switch to a router 7thernet port. The cable is suitable for connecting issimilar t2pes of e.ices. The cable is unusable an must be rewire . The cable is terminate in a wa2 that the transmit pin is wire to the recei.e pin. The cable simulates a point?to?point 4A0 lin+.
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4hich answer lists the C/I mo e hierarch2 from least le.el of pri.ilege to greatestglobal, pri.ilege , user, specific global, user, pri.ilege , specific user, global, pri.ilege , specific user, pri.ilege , global, specific "#4hich option shows how a router will route pac+ets to a remote networ+-
Refer to the exhibit. A PC is connecte to a networ+. 4hich action will .erif2 that the PC can communicate with its efault gate Ase the pin! "#'.0.0." comman . Ase the ip*on+i! comman . Ase the ip*on+i!,all comman . Ase the pin! "0.0.0.#%4 comman .
"4In a networ+ esign proBect, a networ+ esigner nee s to select a e.ice to pro.i e collision free connections to *" hosts on th 4hich e.ice shoul be selecte hub router switch firewall
Refer to the exhibit. Host A is re8uesting a web page from the web ser.er. 4hich option represents the soc+et to which the re8u ma e(" www.cisco.com )".".".)%" )".".".)%";("
A networ+ a ministrator is as+e to esign a new a ressing scheme for a corporate networ+. There are '" users in the main *" users in the branch office, &( users in manufacturing, )& in the sales office, an * users in the research office. 4hich 5/<! a ressing scheme that uses the ),&.)'(.((."/&* networ+ will fulfill the re8uirements while wasting the fewest a resses),&.)'(.((."/&' main ),&.)'(.((.%&/&' branch ),&.)'(.((.'*/&' manufacturing ),&.)'(.((.,'/&$ sales ),&.)'(.((.)&(/&( research ),&.)'(.((."/&' main ),&.)'(.((.'*/&' branch ),&.)'(.((.)&(/&$ manufacturing ),&.)'(.((.)'"/&( sales ),&.)'(.((.)$'/&, research ),&.)'(.((."/&$ main ),&.)'(.((.%&/&$ branch ),&.)'(.((.'*/&( manufacturing ),&.)'(.((.("/&, sales ),&.)'(.((.((/%" research ),&.)'(.((."/&$ main ),&.)'(.((.'*/&( branch ),&.)'(.((.("/&( manufacturing ),&.)'(.((.,'/&, sales ),&.)'(.((.)"*/%" research "'
PC) cannot reach the file ser.er. A networ+ a ministrator tests the connecti.it2 using the tra*ert comman on PC). 3ase on pro.i e output, which networ+ segment causes the failure of connecti.it2the networ+ between PC) an switch <4) the networ+ between <4) an router R) the networ+ between routers R) an R& the networ+ between router R& an the file ser.er
During the encapsulation process, what i entifiers are a source an source an ::: source an source an estination IP a resses resses estination !AC a
#0 4hich configuration mo e is use to set a passwor to authenticate users that are accessing an configuring the networ+ e.ic Telnet connection5T1 line mo e interface mo e console line mo e global configuration mo e
%. Ta+e Assessment
). Assessment <election
Two routers are connecte .ia their serial ports in a lab en.ironment. The routers are configure with .ali IP a resses, but t cannot ping each other. The s-ow inter+a*e serial0,0 comman shows that the serial"/" interface is up but the line protocol i 4hat coul be the cause of this problemThe no s-utdown comman has not been applie to the interfaces. The *lo*k rate comman has not been entere on the DC7 interface. The interface timers are not cleare . The 9ast7thernet interface is emulating a serial interface b2 assigning it a timing signal. ##
Refer to the exhibit. 4hich two la2ers of the C<I mo el escribe the same functions as the transport an internet la2ers of the mo el- =Choose two.> application la2er presentation la2er session la2er transport la2er networ+ la2er ata lin+ la2er ph2sical la2er
4hich option correctl2 i entifies the interface or interfaces use to connect the router to a C<A/D<A for 4A0 connecti.it2-
#44hich range of port numbers are reser.e for ser.ices that are commonl2 use b2 applications that run on ser.ers" to &## " to )"&% )"&* to *,)#) *,)#& to '##%#
#% A user sees the comman prompt; Router=config?if>D . 4hat tas+ can be performe at this mo eReloa the e.ice. Perform basic tests. Configure in i.i ual interfaces. Configure in i.i ual terminal lines.
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All contents cop2right ),,&?&")" Cisco <2stems, Inc. Pri.ac2 <tatement an ). Assessment <election &. Assessment <ettings
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%. Ta+e Assessment
How can ARP be use to help ocument the networ+It can list each hop on the wa2 to a estination host. It can show the a.erage latenc2 of hosts on the networ+. It can pro.i e a list of ph2sical a resses on the networ+.
It can in icate which hosts are not respon ing to networ+ traffic. #'4hich application belongs to the categor2 of the client/ser.er mo elusing Telnet to access a router exchanging information .ia instant messaging printing a ocument to a locall2 connecte printer scanning a ocument with a irectl2 connecte scanner
Refer to the exhibit. 4hich list refers onl2 to en D,7,9,6 A,H,3,C A,D,7,9 A,D,7,6
#)To sen ata through a networ+, what two flags are use to establish a session- =Choose two.> ACE CRC <10 Ac+ D Port D <e8 D
Refer to the exhibit. Router3 is configure properl2. The 7thernet interface 9a"/" of RouterA is configure with the use of the co that are shown. Howe.er, a ping from the 9a"/" interface of RouterA to the 9a"/" interface of Router3 is unsuccessful. 4hat ac shoul be ta+en on RouterA to sol.e this problemAse the des*ription comman on the 9ast7thernet interface 9a"/". Configure the cloc+ rate of the 9ast7thernet interface 9a"/". Ase the no s-utdown comman on the 9ast7thernet interface 9a"/". Reboot the router.
4hich prompt represents the appropriate mo e use for the *op. runnin!-*on+i! startup-*on+i! comman <witch?'F: <witch?'FD <witch?'F=config>D <witch?'F=config?if>D <witch?'F=config?line>D $#4hich two t2pes of me ia can pro.i e ban wi th up to ) 6b/s- =Choose two.> )" 3A<7?T )"" 3A<7?T )"" 3A<7?9G )""" 3A<7?TG )""" 3A<7?<G
4hich passwor is automaticall2 encr2pte when it is create .t2 aux console enable secret enable passwor $44hat happens when a host station recei.es a frame that contains its own !AC a The /a2er & information is remo.e an the frame is pushe up to /a2er %. ress in the estination fiel -
The host station will cop2 the information to its buffers an sen it bac+ out. The frame originate from the host an will be ignore . The /a2er % information is a e to the frame.
Refer to the exhibit. 4hen computer A sen s a frame to computer D, what computers recei.e the frameonl2 computer D onl2 computer A an computer D onl2 computer 3, computer C, an computer D all computers
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4hich ph2sical component is use to access an perform the initial configuration on a new unconfigure router-
$'To enhance securit2 in a networ+, the networ+ a ministrator uses these comman s; Router=config>D line *onsole 0 Router=config?line>D password /"mdi# Router=config?line>D lo!in 4hat two conclusions are e.i ent from these comman s- =Choose two.> Asers who attempt to connect to the console port of the router must enter a passwor . The entries permit access through the console b2 the use of B)m i& as the passwor . The entries eliminate the nee for authentication. Access through the console will be enie because the console configuration is incomplete. The entries pre.ent passwor s from being ispla2e as plain text.
4hich topolog2 i.i es the collision omain an pro.i es full me ia ban wi th to the hosts in the networ+-
$)4hich of the following are the a ress ranges of the pri.ate IP a )"."."." to )".&##.&##.&## &"".)"".#"." to &"".)"".&#.&## )#".)#"."." to )#".)#".&##.&## )$&.)'."." to )$&.%).&##.&## ),&.)'(."." to ),&.)'(.&##.&## )&$.)'."." to )&$.%).&##.&##
40 4hich router component will ha.e contents erase when the comman erase startup-*on+i! is issue flash RA! RC! 05RA!
Refer to the exhibit. The iagram represents the process of sen ing e?mail between clients. 4hich list correctl2 i entifies the component or protocol use at each numbere stage of the iagram).!AA &.!DA %.!TA *.<!TP #.!TA '.PCP $.!DA (.!AA ).!AA &.PCP %.!DA *.<!TP #.!TA '.!DA $.<!TP (.!AA ).!AA &.PCP %.<!TP *.!DA #.!TA '.<!TP $.PCP (.!AA ).!AA &.<!TP %.!TA *.<!TP #.!TA '.!DA $.PCP (.!AA
4#An a ministrator has ma e changes to a e.ice. The changes i not ha.e the esire effect. 4hat can the a ministrator o t the configuration sa.e in 05RA!Issue the erase +las- comman . Issue the reload comman an respon no to the prompt that follows. Issue the erase start-up *on+i! comman . Issue the *op. runnin!-*on+i! start-up *on+i! comman .
Refer to the exhibit. A user wants to access the Internet from the PC. A part of the running configuration of the router is shown efault gatewa2 IP a ress shoul be configure at the PC to enable this access)".).),&.) )".).),&.& )".).),&.#* ),&.%).$.)
444hich ser.ice is use when the nslookup comman is issue on a computer9TP D0< DHCP Telnet
Refer to the exhibit. The tra*ert comman is initiate from PC) to PC*. 4hich e.ice will sen a response to the initial tra*ert from PC)Athens An+ara /on on Paris PC*
Refer to the exhibit. 4hich /a2er & protocol coul be use insi e newor+ A an networ+ CIP TCP ADP 7thernet 4'
Refer to the exhibit. Host C is able to ping )&$.".".) successfull2, but is unable to communicate with hosts A an 3 in the orga 4hat is the li+el2 cause of the problemHosts A an 3 are not on the same subnet as host C. The IP a resses on the router serial interfaces are wrong.
The subnet mas+ on host C is improperl2 configure . The 9ast7thernet interface fa"/" of router ) is wrongl2 configure .
4hen connectionless protocols are implemente at the lower la2ers of the C<I mo el, what is usuall2 use to ac+nowle ge th ata was recei.e an to re8uest the retransmission of missing ataIP ADP 7thernet a connectionless ac+nowle gement an upper?la2er, connection?oriente protocol or ser.ice 4)4hich statement is true about the IC!P protocolIt is an application la2er protocol. It is esigne to ma+e IP a reliable protocol. It is often filtere out of networ+s for securit2 purposes. If a host oes not respon to an IC!P echo re8uest, the host is not functioning.
%0 4hat information can be gathere b2 using the comman netstatthe efault gatewa2 the routing protocol acti.e TCP connections the locall2 configure subnet mas+
)$&.)'.)&(." &##.&##.&##.&&* )$&.)'.)&(." &##.&##."." )$&.)'.)&(." &##.&##.),&." )$&.)'.)&(." &##.&##.&&*." )$&.)'.)&(." &##.&##.&##.),& %#
Refer to the exhibit. Communication for hosts G an 1 is restricte to the local networ+. 4hat is the reason for thisHost G is assigne a networ+ a Host 1 is assigne a multicast a ress. ress.
Host G an host 1 belong to ifferent networ+s. The gatewa2 a resses are broa cast a resses.
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%# Refer to the exhibit. Communication for hosts G an 1 is restricte to the local networ+. 4hat is the reason for thisHost G is assigne a networ+ a Host 1 is assigne a multicast a ress. ress.
Host G an host 1 belong to ifferent networ+s. The gatewa2 a resses are broa cast a resses.