Unit-Iii Computer Arithmetic Techniques For Low-Power Systems

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3.1 The logari h!i" #$!%er &'& e!( Conventional arithmetic circuits and low-power design techniques can be applied to realize components of VLSI architectures that implement LNS circuits. he application of LNS aims to reducing the strength of particular operations and to reduce the switching activit!. n % n-" S ##. &-------------'(Logb)') Fig1. )#*1+-%i LNS ,igi al -or, 3.1.1 LNS .a&i"&( he LNS maps a linear number + to a trip let as follows, ' -* -%.S.'(logb)')/ " $ -----------*

0here z is a single bit flag which. when assisted. denotes that + is zero.1s2 is the sign of +. and b is the base of logarithmic representation.

he organization of LNS word is shown in above 3ig". he inverse mapping of a logarithmic triple -z.s.+/ to a linear number + is defined b!. -%.S.'/ -*',' ( -"-%/--"/s b+ 4

5asic arithmetic operations and their LNS components are summarized in able"

he zero flag z and the sign flag s are omitted for simplicit!. In particular. LNS addition requires the computation of the nonlinear function Sa -d/ ( logb -"6b-d/ 7

which substantiall! limits the data word lengths for which LNS can offer efficient VLSI implementations. he organization of the realization of an LNS adder is shown in below fig4. It2s noted that in order to implement LNS subtraction -ie/ the addition of two quantities of opposite sign. a different memor! loo8-up table -L9 / is required. he LNS subtraction L9 contains samples of the function Ss -d/ ( logb -"-b-d/ :

3.1./ LNS a#, Po-er ,i&&i0a io#( LNS is applicable for low-power design because it reduces the strength of certain arithmetic operators and the bit activit!. he operator strength reduction b! LNS reduces the switching capacitance -ie/ it reduces the CL factor of ; ( <ClfVdd4 =

he reduction of average switched capacitance due to LNS stems from the simplification of basic arithmetic operations shown in able". >owever. LNS can affect power dissipation in an additional wa!. the bit activit! -ie/ the a factor of eqn :.

Fig./ Orga#i1a io# o2 a# LNS a,,er 3./ The Re&i,$e #$!%er &'& e!( ? different concept than the non linear transformation is followed b! mapping of data to appro+imatel! selected finite fields. he @esidue number s!stem -@NS/ has recentl! been shown to offer significant power dissipation savings in the design of signal processing architectures for 3I@ filters and frequenc! s!nthesizers. It is shown that @NS can even reduce the computation

load in comple+ number processing. thus providing savings at the algorithmic level of the design abstraction.

3./.1 RNS %a&i"& he @ns maps an integer + to a N-triple of residues 'i. ' -* A+".+4#+nB =

0here 'i(&+*mi # &.*mi denotes the mod mi operation and mi is a member of the set of the co-prime integers 5(Am".m4..#mCB called moduli co-prime integers have the propert! that gcd -mi.mD/(".i(D. he modulo operation &+*m returns the integer reminder of the integer division + div m.-ie/ an integer 8 such that +(m.l68. where l is an integer. @NS is of interest because basic arithmetic operations can be performed in a digit-parallel carr! free manner. %i ( &+i $ !i*mi E he

0here i(".4.#..m and the s!mbol $ stands for addition. subtraction -or/ multiplication. C@ retrieves an integer from its @NS representation as follows, '( 0here.

& Fmi&mi-"+i*mi*m

Fig.3)a+ & r$" $re o2 %i#ar' ar"hi e" $re

Fig 3 )%+ Corre&0o#,i#g RNS 0ro"e&&or

3././ RNS a#, 0o-er ,i&&i0a io#(

@NS can reduce power dissipation since it reduces the hardware cost. the switching activit!. and the suppl! voltage. 5! emplo!ing the binar!-li8e @NS filter structures @NS reduces the bit activit! up to 7HI in -:J:/-bit multipliers. ? different approach to low power @NS is proposed. his approach suggests to one-hot encode the residues in an @NS based structure. thus defining one-hot @NS. Instead of encoding a residue value 'i in a conventional position notation. an -m-"/ bit word is emplo!ed. In this word. the assertion of the ith bit denotes the residue value 'i. It allows for further reducing bit activit! and power dela! 3.3 Re,$"i#g 0o-er "o#&$!0 io# i# !e!orie&( ;ower consumption due to memor! access in a computing s!stem. often constitutes the dominant portion of the total power consumption as a result power consumption of memor! circuits has been the focus of man! research efforts during the recent !ears. this chapter e+ams high-performance random access memor! circuits with emphasis on the sources of power consumption and techniques for low power operation. 3./.1 S a i" ra#,o! a""e&& !e!orie&( Static random access memories are readKwrite -@K0/ memor! circuits which permit the modification of data bit stored in memor! cells as well as their retrieval on demand. he terms static start from the fact that as long as sufficient power suppl! voltage is provided the stored data is retrieved indefinitel!. @andom access indicates that the access time is independent of the ph!sical location of the data to be readKstored in the memor! arra!. S@?C features high speed and therefore is used for the main memor! in super computer or cache memor! of main frame computer. he basic data storage cell which consist of a simple latch circuit with two stable operating points as shown on the fig. and requires si+ transistors per bit -also called full S@?C cell/. ?ccess to the data being held in the memor! cell is enabled b! the word line-0L/ which controls the pass transistors C= and CE. Connection to the "bit S@?C is implemented b! two complementar! bit lines.

Fig 2$ll SRAM "ell

3.3.1./ So$r"e& o2 0o-er ,i&&i0a io# i# SRAM&( he total power dissipated in a t!pical S@?C architecture is the sum of two components active and standb! power .Standb! power consumption is due to lea8age current of the cross coupled CCLS invertors within each cell. Consider a t!pical S@?C architecture -as shown below/ the following sources of active power consumption can be identified, he row and column decoders where power is consumed for driving lines with large parasitic capacitances. he memor! arra! he sense amplifiers which consume the large portion of power he remaining peripheral circuits such as IKL buffers. write circuitr! etc.

Fig. '0i"al SRAM ar"hi e" $re ;active ( Vdd Idd ( VddMmIactNt 6 CptVint/f 6 IdcpO 0here. Iact ( effective active current Nt ( word line activation time Cpt ( total capacitance of peripheral circuits

Vint ( internal suppl! voltage Idcp ( total static current 3 ( operating frequenc! Lo- 0o-er SRAM "ir"$i e"h#i3$e&( ". Pivided word-line approach 4. Pivided bit-line approach 7. ;ulse operation of word-line circuitr! :. Low power design techniques for sense amplifiers


4'#a!i" ra#,o! a""e&& !e!orie&(

he heart of all S@?C cells. consists of a two inverter latch circuit. which holds the memor! value and is accessed via two pass transistors for read and write operations. he onl! function of the load devices in the inverters. whether transistors -or/ resistors was to replenish the charge. which is lost b! lea8age currents. ?s a result. an S@?C cell require four to si+ transistors per bit. four to five lines connecting each cell. including power and ground supplies moreover. most S@?C cells. e+cept for the full E transistor cell. have non-negligible standb! power dissipation. In a P@?C the principle is to eliminate the load devices in each cell b! simpl! storing binar! data as a charge in a capacitor. whose state is periodicall! refreshed. he refresh operation. which is necessar! since the data stored as a charge in a capacitor. cannot be retained indefinitel! because of lea8age currents removing the stored charged.

Fig. 2o$r- ra#&i& or 4RAM "ell 3.3./.1 So$r"e& o2 0o-er ,i&&i0a io# i# 4RAM&( Similar to S@?Cs. total power consumption in a P@?C is the sum of standb! and active power active power dissipation in d!namic random access memor! is due to the following components, the row and column decoders the memor! arra!. which is the dominant source of power consumption in P@?Cs the sense amplifiers circuit bloc8s such as the refresh circuit. the substrate bac8-bias generator. the boosted level generator. the voltage reference circuit and the half-voltage generator peripheral circuit bloc8s such as the man sense amplifier. the IKL buffers. the write circuitr! etc the power sources can be summarized, ;active ( Vdd Idd(VddM-mCdNVd 6 CptVint/f 6 IdcpO 0here. Cd ( bit-line capacitance NVd ( bit-line voltage swing 3.3././ Lo- 0o-er 4RAM "ir"$i e"h#i3$e&(

". Culti divided word-lines. 4. Culti divided bit-lines 7. @efresh time increase :. >alf-voltage bit-line precharging =. Ln-chip voltage-down converter 3.5 Lo- 0o-er "lo"67 i# er"o##e" a#, la'o$ ,e&ig#&( 3.5.1 Lo- 0o-er "lo"6 ,e&ig#( 1. "lo"6 &6eCicroprocessors are cloc8ed b! a global cloc8 signal the largest difficult! is to have fr global cloc8 and to design the cloc8 free for such a frequenc!. his is due to the cloc8 s8ew that occurs in the cloc8 free. proposed solutions are to balance the cloc8 free dela!s while using various tric8s these solutions generall! increase the power consumption. furthermore. the! are not acceptable for ver! low voltage circuits as slightl! Vth variations can change significantl! the dela! values of the cloc8 free buffers.

Fig. "lo"6 ,ri8er& i# he 4EC al0ha /1195

s8ew dela!s on the cloc8 inputs of flip-flops -or/ latches are alwa!s shorter than register-or/ logic dela!s. his can be achieved b! putting alwa!s some logic between latches 3.5./ La "h-%a&e, "lo"6i#g &"he!e(

he design methodolog! using latches and two non-overlapping cloc8s has man! advantages over the use of P flip-flops methodolog! with a single-phase cloc8. as shown in fig below due to the non overlapping of the cloc8s as long as half period of the master frequenc! and the additional time barrier caused b! having two latches in a loop instead of one P flip-flop

Fig. #o# o8erla00i#g "lo"6& i# ,o$%le-la "h &"he!e

his allows the s!nthesizer and router to use smaller cloc8 buffers and to simplif! the cloc8 free generation which will reduce the power consumption of the cloc8 free with latchbased designs. the cloc8 s8ew becomes relevant onl! when its value is close to the nonoverlapping of the cloc8s.

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