Report 0
Report 0
Report 0
Group Member Johnson Olayiwola Theodora Udabor Norakmar Hani Mohd Said Rouvin Raj Mark Lazar Muzal Shahabudin Mohamed Abou-Rayyah
Assigned Unit Unit 1: Acetic Acid Scrubber Unit 2: Acetic Acid Recovery Unit 3: CO2 Removal Column Unit 4: CO2 Solvent Recovery Column Unit 5: Light Ends Distillation Column Unit 6: Heavy Ends Distillation Column
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
The main objective of this report is to investigate and simulate the Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) separation sections of the process plant. Furthermore, the units involved in the VAM separation process were identified and their operating conditions were obtained using ChemCAD. The plant is located in Hull, United Kingdom, commissioned by Bentham Chemicals Ltd. and manufactures 250,000 tonnes per year of vinyl acetate monomer, VAM (CH3COOCH=CH2 ) with a minimum purity of 99.95wt% from ethylene (C2H4), oxygen (O2), and acetic acid (C2H5OH). Based on (Luyben et. al., 2004), six units were used in the separation process. An acetic acid scrubber, an acetic acid recovery distillation column, a CO2 removal absorption column, a solvent recovery stripping column, a light end distillation column to remove the light by-products and a heavy ends distillation column to remove the heavy by-products. Using ChemCAD, preliminary simulations were carried out and the operating conditions obtained were presented along with brief descriptions and sketches of the units. The resulting VAM product successfully meets the required demand as well as specification, as do the other by-products.
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
1. Overall Plant Flowsheet .......................................................................................... 0 2. Description of Chemical Process Plant .................................................................. 1 3. Description of Individual Units................................................................................. 3.1 Acetic Acid Scrubber ........................................................................................... 2 3.1.1 Description .................................................................................................... 2 3.1.2 Sketch/ Operating Conditions........................................................................ 3 3.2 Acetic Acid Recovery...4 3.2.1 Description .................................................................................................... 4 3.2.2 Sketch/ Operating Conditions........................................................................ 5 3.3 CO2 Removal Column ......................................................................................... 6 3.3.1 Description .................................................................................................... 6 3.3.2 Sketch/ Operating Conditions........................................................................ 7 3.4 CO2 Solvent Recovery Column ........................................................................... 8 3.4.1 Description .................................................................................................... 8 3.4.2 Sketch/Operating Conditions......................................................................... 9 3.5 Light Ends Distillation Column ......................................................................... 10 3.5.1 Description .................................................................................................. 10 3.5.2 Sketch/ Operating Conditions...................................................................... 11 3.6 Heavy Ends Distillation Column ....................................................................... 12 3.6.1 Description .................................................................................................. 12 3.6.2 Sketch/ Operating Conditions...................................................................... 13 4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 14 5. References ............................................................................................................... 15
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Plant Flow Sheet Description The overall plant flowsheet was based on that of (Luyben et. al., 2004) but changes are made, such as adding a complete CO2 removal system with a solvent recovery column. In addition, the hetero-azeotropic distillation column and decanter will not be taken into consideration design-wise.
The reactor outlet is separated into vapour (ethylene, carbon dioxide,VAM) and liquid (vinyl acetate, water, acetic acid) products. The vapour stream (Stream 1) enters Unit 1 (Acetic acid
scrubber) where VAM are recovered from ethylene and CO2 using water and acetic acid as the solvent. The gas outlet containing ethylene and CO2 (Stream 3) from Unit 1 is then sent to Unit 3 (CO2 removal absorption column) where CO2 is removed from ethylene using Methyl Diethanolamine (MDEA) and water as the solvent (Stream 5). The ethylene gas outlet is then recycled back into the system (Stream 7). Recovery of the solvent was carried out by Unit 4 (stripper column) using steam to remove the carbon dioxide. The MDEA/Water solvent was then recycled back into Unit 3 in Stream 11. The reactor outlet liquid stream and the liquid outlet from Unit 1 enters the hetero-azeotropic distillation column. The distillate which contains the organic products goes into two additional distillation columns; light end distillation column (Unit 5) and heavy end distillation column (Unit 6). Unit 6 removes heavy by-products such as p-Hydroquinone, water and ethyl acetate from VAM as the bottoms product (Stream 17) and Unit 5 removes the light by-products (methyl acetate) as distillate (Stream 13) from VAM (Stream 14). The bottoms product of the azeotropic distillation column (Stream 18) is sent to Unit 2 (acetic acid recovery distillation column) and acetic acid is recycled back into the system as the distillate (Stream 19) while the heavy components are removed as the bottoms product (Stream 20).
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
3.1.1 Unit Description Vinyl Acetate produced in the reactor is first separated using a flash vessel. The gas outlet from the separator is fed into an absorption column which recovers Vinyl Acetate from the gas mixture of CO2 and Ethylene. This allows the specified yield of Vinyl Acetate to be achieved and prevents build-up of vinyl acetate in the process. The Acetic acid scrubber is based on a typical countercurrent absorption column where is liquid solvent, in this case wash acid (Stream 1), is used to recover a gaseous component from the gas phase. The gas outlet (Stream 3) from the column will then become vinyl acetate lean and will be further purified to remove CO2 using a carbon dioxide recovery column. The liquid outlet (Stream 4) which is lean in Vinyl Acetate is then purified to me the specifications using distillation columns downstream. There is mass transfer to the liquid phase as the absorbant is soluble in the absorbent (liquid solvent) and this continues until equilibrium is reached between the rate of mass transfer from the gas phase and the rate of mass transfer into the liquid phase. The column has 12 stages with the Wash acid entering the column at stage 1 and the inlet gas stream entering as stage 12. The unit operates at 8 bar and between 27.2 oC and 30.3 oC. After the separation 95% of VAM is recovered in the liquid outlet (stream 4) that goes into the distillation columns for further separation. 3.1.2 Unit Sketch and Operating Conditions
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Table 1: Data of associated streams with Acetic Acid Scrubber
Temp C Pres bar Enth MJ/h Vapor mole fraction Total kmol/h Total kg/h Total std L m3/h Total std V m3/h Flowrates in kg/h Water Acetic Acid Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Vinyl Acetate Ethylene
1 Wash Acid (Acetic Acid & Water) 35.00 8.00 -63002.00 0.00 154.03 7500.00 7.15 3452.43 750.00 6750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Gas Inlet Stream 21.26 8.00 161340.00 1.00 4243.16 125000.00 339.57 95104.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 2500.00 7500.00 115000.00
3 Gas Outlet Stream 30.25 8.00 175320.00 1.00 4198.79 119931.79 334.01 94110.18 186.74 1318.84 0.00 2476.47 952.96 114996.78
4 VAM-rich liquid outlet stream 24.72 8.00 -76986.00 0.00 198.41 12568.25 12.71 4446.98 563.26 5431.16 0.00 23.53 6547.04 3.26
Parameter Operating Temperature Operating Pressure Solvent Solute Number of stages Packing Type Packing Diameter (mm) Diameter (m) Height (m)* Stream 1 Feed Stage (from top) Stream 2 Feed Stage (from top)
Value 27.2 oC - 30.3 oC 8 bar Wash Acid (Water & Acetic Acid, 1:9) Vinyl Acetate 12 Raschig Rings 70 1.7 8.3 1 12
*A HETP value of 0.9m was used for Raschig Rings of 50mm diameter (Richardson, J. F. et al, 2002)
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Stream Temperature C Pressure (bar) Vapour Fraction Total Flow Acetic Acid Water Ethyl Acetate p-Hydroquinone Ethylidene Diacetate
Parameter Design Temperature (C) Design Pressure (Bar) Diameter (m) Height (m) Number of stages Tray Type Tray Spacing Feed Stage (from top) Reflux ratio Condenser Duty (MJ/h) Reboiler Duty (MJ/h)
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Stream No. Mass Flowrate (kg/hr) Temperature (oC) Pressure (bar) Vapor Fraction Enthalpy (MJ/h) CO2 Ethylene Water MDEA
5 25000 25 1 0 -307350
Component Mass Fraction 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.791 0.700 0.671 0.209 0.300 0.329 0.000
Parameter Number of Stages Column Pressure (bar) Design Pressure (bar) Packing Type Packing Diameter (mm) Diameter (m) Height (m)* Stream 6 Feed Stage Stream 3 Feed Stage
*A HETP value of 0.9m was used for Raschig Rings of 50mm diameter (Richardson, J. F. et al, 2002)
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Table 7:Data of streams associated with solvent recovery column
Stream No. Mass Flowrate (kg/hr) Temperature (oC) Pressure (bar) Vapor Fraction Enthalpy (MJ/h) CO2 Ethylene Water MDEA
9 37875 150.0
10 10588 98.3
11 355676 101.7
4 1 1 1 1 0 -501090 -129490 -414180 Component Mass Fraction 0.000 0.234 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 1.000 0.763 0.669 0.000 0.001 0.331
Parameter Number of Stages Column Pressure (bar) Design Pressure (bar) Packing Type Packing Diameter (mm) Diameter (m) Height (m)* Stream 8 Feed Stage (from top) Stream 9 Feed Stage (from top)
*A HETP value of 0.9m was used for Raschig Rings of 50mm diameter (Richardson, J. F. et al, 2002)
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
3.5.2 Unit Sketch and Operating Conditions A schematic diagram representing the column is shown below.
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Stream Temperature Pressure(bar) Vapour Fraction Total mass flowrate (kg/h) Mass Fraction Vinyl Acetate Water Acetalhyde Methyl Acetate
Parameters Number of stages Feed stage (from the top) Column Operating pressure Reflux ratio Condenser Duty (MJ/h) Reboiler Duty (MJ/h) Diameter (m) Height (m)
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
Table 12: Streams associated with Heavy Ends column data
Stream No. 15 Mass Flowrate (kg/hr) 33000 Temperature (oC) 145.1 Pressure (bar) 1.15 Enthalpy (Mj/h) -115200 Vapour mole fraction 1 Component Mass Fraction (%) Vinyl Acetate 0.993 P-Hydroquinone 0.0060 Water 0.0005 Ethyl Acetate 0.0005
Parameter Number of trays Feed tray (from top) Column Pressure (bar) Temperature of top product (oC) Temperature of bottom product (oC) Reboiler Duty (MJ/hr) Condenser Duty (MJ/hr) Reflux Ratio Tray spacing (m) Diameter (m) Height (m)
Value 18 16 1.15 68.2 152 8016 -23400 3.84 0.610 2.438 15.856
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
In conclusion, by using the ChemCAD simulation we have successfully simulated our distillation and absorption units to produce VAM and the other by-products that meet the required demand and specifications: 1. 251752 tonnes of VAM/year 250000 tonnes/year (Assuming the plant operates at an 8000 hours per year)
Table 14: VAM Product Specifications Met (Stream 16)
Lastly, it should also be noted that the operating conditions and internals of the units in this report are preliminary and, as such, are subject to change should there be infeasibility issues or other unforeseen difficulties that are possibly encountered as we progress to the more advanced stages of Unit Operation Modeling by using the gPROMS modeling software. However, having based our ChemCAD simulation on industrial practices (e.g. the Steam Rate Rule for Unit 4), we are confident that we have laid a steady foundation for our work in the future.
Johnson Olayiwola, Theodora Udabor, Norakmar Mohd Said, Rouvin Lazar, Muzal Shahabudin, Mohamed Abou-Rayyah Report 0: Process Description
1. Luyben, M. L., Tyreus, B. and Luyben, W.L., Plantwide control design procedure, AlChe. J., 43(12), pp. 3161- 3174. 2. Alie, C.F., CO2 Capture With MEA: Integrating the Absorption Process and Steam Cycle of an Existing Coal-Fired Power Plant, 2004, pp. 46. 3. Stewart, E. J. and Lanning, R.A., Reduce Amine Plant Solvent Losses, Part 2, Hydrocarbon Processing, June 1994, pp.189. 4. Kohl, A.L. and Nielsen, R.B., Gas Purification, 5th Ed., Gulf Publishing, Houston, Texas, 1997,pp.150. 5. Richardson, J.F.; Harker, J.H.; Backhurst, J.R. (2002). Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 2 - Particle Technology and Separation Processes (5th Edition), Elsevier,2002, pp. 640.