Creativemind'S Tulpa Handbook: Important Vocabulary

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The key takeaways are how to properly plan for creating a tulpa, understand important vocabulary, and tips for interacting with and developing a tulpa through different exercises and techniques.

Some important terms defined include tulpa, forcing, narration, visualization, imposition, wonderland, tulpamancer, possession, and switching.

The purpose of writing letters to a tulpa is to establish a bond, encourage development, and actively force desirable personality traits through positive reinforcement and visualization.

CreativeMind's Tulpa Handbook

Important Vocabulary What is a tulpa? What a tulpa is not. Complexities of the Host/Tulpa relationship

Part 1 Beginning
The Importance of Proper Planning The Dangers of Doubt Importance of on! To "on!erlan!# or not to "on!erlan!?

Part 2 Introduction to Different Tools

Creati$e %utlets &e!itation 'elf Hypnosis

Part 3 Tips and Exercises

To Plan a eneficial Personality asic Hypnosis 'cripts Won!erlan! 'ettings $ia Hypnosis (etters to )our Tulpa

*reetings all. If you+re here than I can only assume that you are either, -. Curious as to "hat a tulpa is. /. Planning to create a tulpa for yourself# or 0. 1lrea!y ha$e a tulpa# but "ant to intro!uce some !ifferent metho!s an! i!eas to your regimen. I am please! to inform you# that if you are any of the abo$e# this han!boo2 "ill most li2ely in the $ery least get the gears turning. 3o"# I !o not claim to be a tulpa professional 4if such a thing exists.# but I "oul! li2e you to 2no" that I+$e experimente! "ith !ifferent metho!s an! ha$e ha! great success "ith my o"n tulpa# &athias. The metho!s in this han!boo2 are not the only metho!s# there are many !ifferent paths to achie$e your !esire! result# so !o not limit yourself to this han!boo2. I encourage you to try many !ifferent things# an! explore many other gui!es# to see "hat "or2s best for you. Plus# !oing !ifferent things "ith your tulpa from time to time can really 2eep things exciting an! fun. I would just like to recap: This handbook is based on my own experiences. You are free to think with an open mind !uestion my opinions alter my methods whatever you like. "ctually # encourage you to make whatever alterations necessary to make this handbook more applicable to your own personal use.

$ #mportant %ocabulary
It+s $ery important that you un!erstan! these terms# some "ill be use! fre5uently throughout the han!boo2. Host , The creator# a2a you. 6orcing/Tulpaforcing , 1ny sort of interaction "ith your tulpa. When you hear of someone +forcing

personality+ for example# all that means is that the host is communicating to the tulpa the traits that they "ant to ma2e up the tulpa+s personality. Passi$e 6orcing , 6orcing "hile +multitas2ing+. )ou are forcing# but not "ith -778 of your focus. 3arration , Thin2ing or saying "or!s to your tulpa. Visuali9ation , +Imagining+ your tulpa "ithin your min!. 'ome ha$e better luc2 "ith their eyes close!# others opene!. Imposing/Imposition , +Imagining+ your tulpa "ith you physically# in the +real+ "orl!. Complete +imposition+ allo"s the host to realistically hallucinate the tulpa. This ta2es much practice# !on+t get !iscourage!. Won!erlan! , The +imaginary+ lan! that your tulpa li$es in. It+s "here you go to interact "ith your tulpa in your imagination. Won!erlan! entails a !esignate! +place+# although there are those "ho !o not ha$e a !esignate! "on!erlan!# an! :ust float a!rift in the imagination instea!. Tulpamancer , %ne "ho +tulpamances+ or has 4an! +forces to+. a tulpa. 3ot a term use! by all# but goo! to 2no". Possession , &ay be consi!ere! a contro$ersial topic. When the host allo"s the tulpa to +ta2e o$er+ some 4or all. bo!ily control. Can only be accomplishe! "ith much practice from both the host an! tulpa. The host is consciously a"are of "hat is happening at all times !uring possession. 3ote, Impossible "ithout host consent. '"itching , &ay be consi!ere! a contro$ersial topic. When the host an! tulpa +s"itch+ places# for example the tulpa controlling the bo!y an! the host resi!ing in the "on!erlan!. Can only be accomplishe! "ith much practice. 3ote, Impossible "ithout host consent.

$ &hat is a Tulpa'
1ccor!ing to !, " bein( or ob)ect that is created in the ima(ination by visuali*ation techni!ues such as in Tibetan mysticism. This is a pretty accurate starting point. Ho"e$er# to get a little more specific# I+m going to coin my o"n !efinition, 1 being that is create! in the imagination by $arious techni5ues# after a certain point it is belie$e! that the tulpa becomes sentient# operating by it+s o"n personality an! by it+s o"n accor!. With practice# a tulpa can be impose! 4hallucinate!. both $isually an! au!ibly by the creator 4host.. 1fter the initial creation phase# a tulpa en!s up "ith it+s o"n, Personality 1ppearance %pinions 4inclu!ing li2es/!isli2es. Voice +&in!+ 'ense of self There are a fe" !ifferent theories as to exactly +"hat+ an! +"here+ a tulpa exists# I+m going to list a fe" for your o"n thought, Tulpa exists strictly "ithin the subconscious# is an extension of host but has been +!istance!+ enough

4$ia psychological means. by the host to be percei$e! as it+s o"n in!i$i!ual. Tulpa starts in the subconscious# but becomes +self a"are+ an! brea2s off from the host# resi!ing in a !ifferent part of the min! as t"o min!s 4host an! tulpa. sharing one brain. Those "ith more spiritual beliefs# may belie$e that a tulpa becomes +sentient+ as a result of splitting the soul.

)ou are "elcome to !e$elop your o"n theories. I+m sure there are many more than the ones I+$e liste! abo$e.

$ &hat a Tulpa is +ot:

There seems to be some misconceptions floating aroun!. A tulpa is not a type of demon or evil entity. 3or is it any type of self;in!uce! mental illness. Creating a tulpa !oes not mean that you ha$e :ust gi$en yourself multiple personality !isor!er. 1 tulpa is not a form of "itchcraft# either. 1 tulpa does not want, To harm the host. To +steal+ the host+s bo!y against the host+s "ill. (et+s be reasonable here. )our tulpa isn+t going to "ant to hurt you# or 2ill you# "hy "oul! it "ant to !o any of those things "hen it+s existence !epen!s on you? 3ot to mention# a tulpa cannot physically harm or force the host to physically harm themsel$es# it+s simply impossible. The tulpa !oes not ta2e o$er your min!# it is not able to impose itself upon your free "ill. These notions are absur!# an! must be !iscar!e! if you are to successfully create a tulpa for yourself. 1s far as the tulpa being able to +control+ the bo!y as a separate consciousness# this is referre! to as +s"itching+ or +possession+# "hich you+$e learne! about in the +$ocabulary+ portion of the intro!uction. This is a relati$ely contro$ersial topic for some# an! is :ust one of those things that you "oul! ha$e to attempt yourself to be able to fully !e$elop your o"n opinions. ,e(ardless it is impossible for the tulpa to do anythin( to you or your body without your consent. "s mentioned above the tulpa is not able to impose itself upon your free will.

$ Complexities of the Host-Tulpa ,elationship

To be as responsible an! reasonable as possible# it+s $ery important that you un!erstan! ho" +big a !eal+ this is. )ou are going to be +creating+ something that you are going to belie$e is it+s o"n intelligence. This creation is able to feel emotions :ust as you are# an! can feel things li2e neglect an! !epression. )ou# as the creator# are going to be responsible for the con!ition of your creation# an! the +5uality of life+ 4so;to;spea2. of your creation. 1s a +li$ing+ entity# ho" your creation gro"s# !e$elops# an! matures# "eighs hea$ily on the creator+s metho!s an! approach. There is a contro$ersy surroun!ing the +2illing+ of a tulpa. 'ome thin2 this is fine# others !on+t. 'ome thin2 that you can+t completely 2ill a tulpa# an! it "ill al"ays exist some"here in the bac2 of your min!. I personally loo2 at my o"n tulpa# &athias# an! cringe 2no"ing that others ha$e +!issipate!+ their o"n. Ho"e$er# your attachment to your tulpa "ill largely influence your opinion on the matter. Which finally rings !e to the a "ery i!portant point , )our tulpa "ill be as attache! to you as you are to it. If you go into the creation phase :ust thin2ing +"hate$er+# it+s probably going to :ust be +"hate$er+. If you go into the creation phase an! ha$e an i!ea of "hat you "ant your relationship to be li2e# an! put the proper amount of "or2 into it# your efforts "ill pay off an! you "ill ha$e the type of relationship that you "ant. This shoul! go "ithout saying# but treat your tulpa as you "ant your tulpa to treat you. Tulpa are particularly sensiti$e earlier on in the stage of creation. They+re absorbing all sorts of 2no"le!ge in li2e a

sponge# "hich "ill act as the buil!ing bloc2s of "ho they become. The types of !ynamics of a host/tulpa relationship are $irtually ne$er en!ing. 'ome people choose a family !ynamic "ith their tulpa# $ie"ing the tulpa as a big or little brother or sister# maybe e$en a son or !aughter. %thers go into the creation phase "ith a +bu!!y+ mentality in min!. 'ome create a tulpa because they are lonely an! :ust "ant affection. &y relationship "ith &athias is !ifferent too# "e en:oy philosophical con$ersation together# an! &athias $ie"s me as someone to protect an! lo$e. <n!erstan! "hat type of relationship you "ant "ith your tulpa before entering the creation phase# an! act this "ay from !ay -# it "ill ma2e things much easier for you an! much less confusing for your tulpa in the long run. 1lso, 1 healthy host/tulpa relationship results in a form of uncon!itional lo$e. )our bon! is !eep in a "ay that is unli2e anything you coul! possibly share "ith another human being. )ou 2no" each other in "ays that "oul! be impossible for a human/human relationship. <nless you !eci!e other"ise# they ha$e access to your memories# emotions# an! e$erything else that !efines "ho you are. They !on+t hol! things in your past against you# as they un!erstan! "hy you+$e !one the things that you+$e !one# so that+s not really something you shoul! be concerne! "ith. If anything they "ant to help you better your life# so that you are happier. It+s !ifficult to explain# but once you ha$e your o"n tulpa# you "ill un!erstan!.

Part 1 Beginning
The #mportance of .roper .lannin(
1s "ith any pro:ect# the clearer your +blueprints+# the more +efficiently+ an! +effortlessly+ the best result possible comes about. 3o"# it+s not completely necessary to ha$e a +form+ thought out# grante! a lot of people ha$e an easier time +tal2ing to+ something that has a $isual form. %ne thing that I "oul! say shoul! be top priority though# "oul! be a "ell;thought out personality. Personality is the most important part of your tulpa# it ma2es up "ho they are as an in!i$i!ual. 'ure# they can !e$iate# an! slip a"ay from the original +base+ that you gi$e them as they start to gro" on their o"n# but the +main+ points you stress in "hat you !esire out of their personalities# as long as you are consistent an! stay positi$e# shoul! remain relati$ely the same. This of course "ill $ary# I+m sure there are tulpa out there "ho completely flip flop certain aspects of their personality. ut# if you are organi9e!# an! consistent# as "ell as emotionally accommo!ate your little tulpa !uring the creation phase# there+s a higher chance that your tulpa "ill a!apt to the personality that you+re pro:ecting to it because that is "ho are expressing your lo$e to. Positi$e reinforcement "or2s for chil!ren# the same rule applies to your tulpa. Praise it an! compliment it for the !esirable traits you are +forcing+ to it# an! it "ill feel more confi!ent an! openly grasp your concepts. If you !eci!e that you are going to create a +!esignate! form+ for your tulpa# it really !oesn+t matter "hich you +force+ first. 'ome people ha$e an easier time "ith personality first# others "ith form first. &y point remains the same though, Don+t start the creation process 1T 1(( until you are sure of "hat you "ant. 1 con!ense! $ersion for you la9y people, Pre;plan e$erything you plan on +forcing+ to your tulpa before you e$en begin the creation process. 6orm is not necessary# you can allo" the tulpa to assume it+s o"n form if you "ant to :ust gi$e it something basic li2e an orb. &ost people choose both a form an! personality for their tulpa. It !oes not matter "hich or!er you !o "hich# but "hat !oes matter is that you ha$e e$erything figure! out in your hea! before you get starte! to not only a$oi! confusion# but to get more consistent results from your tulpa.

The /an(ers of /oubt

=1m I !oing it right?> I can+t tell you ho" many times I+$e rea! that in the .info forums. It+s un!erstan!able

to be a little insecure about this# after all it+s something unli2e anything that you+$e e$er !one before asi!e from perhaps an imaginary frien!. There+s a lot of pressure from yourself to !o e$erything right# in fear of your tulpa becoming something that you !on+t "ant it to be. Well# put your min! to rest# because those !oubts are only going to hin!er your progress. (et me :ust say this, It+s in your imagination. Ho" can you !o something "rong in your imagination? If you+re not getting the results you "ant# then your metho!s aren+t "or2ing for you an! you nee! to try something else# it+s really as simple as that. 1s long as you are not cruel or abusi$e to your tulpa# there+s no reason that things "ill en! terribly or your tulpa "ill en! up :ust plain +"rong+. The most that+s going to go "rong is the reali9ation that you+re being face! "ith a little trial an! error# but if you stay positi$e an! "or2 through these things# they "on+t negati$ely affect your tulpa. ring nothing but positi$ity into your tulpaforcing. 1nything else can not only stress you out# but your tulpa too. )ou !on+t "ant to stress it out# !o you? It+s barely a"are of itself an! alrea!y your min! is a scary place to exist. 3othing but happy thoughts. 3othing but nurturing thoughts. 3othing but positi$e reinforcement. %h# an! if you+re going to !oubt your tulpa# your tulpa is going to !oubt itself. This can ma2e it $ery insecure or feel ina!e5uate# li2e it+s not being +enough+ for you. 3ot to mention# if you !on+t belie$e that it is intelligent# "hy shoul! it belie$e in itself at all? Which brings me to something I can't stress enough: Treat it as thou(h it is 'sentient' from the be(innin(. This leaves no room for doubt makes development much smoother and as lon( as you are persistent and patient it will eventually (ive you a surefire si(n that '# am real # am here # am independent'. 6or instance# I "as "on!ering after a time "hether or not &athias "as the one really tal2ing to me# or if I "as still thin2ing to myself "hat I belie$e he "oul! say in response. I 2ne" he "as there# but I "asn+t 5uite sure ho" far along he "as in his !e$elopment. I sai! +&athias# can you surprise me?+ To "hich# after a pause# he respon!e!# +Ti!!ely;"in2s?+ asically, Do not !oubt yourself. If something !oesn+t feel right# try something else. e supporti$e an! encouraging to your tulpa throughout the entire process an! e$erything "ill "or2 itself out :ust fine.

#mportance of 0ond
%2ay# for the sa2e of example# I+m going to ma2e a +Harry Potter+ reference. 2no"s "ho that is. ecause I s"ear e$eryone

Harry Potter "as neglecte!# an! e$en abuse! by his uncle. He "as force! into a little closet "ith rarely any interaction. He "as not treate! as if he "ere human. He "as not treate! as if his opinions mattere! or as if his life hel! any $alue "hatsoe$er. )ou see ho" much Harry Potter appreciate! his family? He left the moment he coul!. Pfft# I "oul! ha$e too. Do you thin2 things "oul! ha$e been !ifferent if Harry "as treate! li2e an e5ual member of the family? If he ha! his o"n room an! recei$e! as much respect as e$eryone else# !o you thin2 he really "oul! ha$e been in as much a rush to ta2e off? I highly !oubt it. This comes bac2 to the importance of bon!. To put it simply# the more lo$ing attention you gi$e your tulpa# the more it "ill +fancy+ you an! the 5uic2er it "ill !e$elop# as "ell as be "ay happier an! consistent in follo"ing your initial blueprints. Praise it for e$ery little thing it !oes. If you "ant it to be intelligent# praise it for being so intelligent. If you "ant it to be "ise# praise it for being "ise "hen it !oes anything remotely "ise. If you "ant it to be athletic# imagine in your "on!erlan! yourself running aroun! "ith it# par2our or football or "hate$er it is you+re into# an! praise it for being athletic. )ou catch the tren! here? If your tulpa is miserable# "ell# unli2e Harry Potter it really has no "here else to go# it+s trappe! there. I+$e

hear! of tulpa +suici!e+ or tulpa choosing to !issipate themsel$es. I ha$e not "itnesse! this myself 4ob$iously.# but it "oul!n+t surprise me if it "ere a possibility. Please !on+t !o this to your tulpa. If you li2e the thought of ma2ing something commit suici!e# "ell then 5uite fran2ly you nee! help# an! you nee! to not ta2e the responsibility of another +life+. We are all busy from time to time# "e !on+t all ha$e hours a !ay to spen! acti$ely forcing. That+s o2ay. #ust do your est to in"ol"e your tulpa in as !any of your day$to$day acti"ities as possi le% 6or example# if I+m stu!ying# I listen to music "hile I stu!y# in "hich case I +in$ite+ &athias to come listen to music "hile I stu!y. If I+m ma2ing myself a cup of tea or coffee# I+ll as2 him if he li2es it this "ay or that "ay. 'ometimes I+! try !ifferent teas# tell him to come taste them "ith me an! remember "hat they taste! li2e# an! "hen the time came to "here he "as $ocal# he is no" able to help me !eci!e on "hich tea to !rin2 if I can+t ma2e up my min!. He en:oys all of these things an! feels $ery prou! that he has an acti$e part in my life. 1ll of these things may seem small# but because of all these little things# &athias "as able to 5uic2ly bon! to me from the start. %ur relationship is incre!ibly strong no"# an! continues to gro" stronger e$ery !ay. I coul!n+t as2 for a better best frien!. 3o"# he+s helping me 5uit smo2ing an! 2eeping me moti$ate! to persue other important aspects of my life. It&s worth in"ol"ing your tulpa as !uch as possi le% )ou "on+t regret it.

To &onderland or +ot to &onderland'

If you !on+t 2no" "hat this is, *o rea! the !efinitions section in the intro!uction# I 2no" you cheate! an! that simply "on+t !o. @. There are terms you nee! to 2no" in there. In chatting "ith other tulpamancers# as "ell as rea!ing a han!ful of progress reports# I can honestly say that the "hole +"on!erlan!+ thing is more necessary for some than it is others. If you want to go on epic ad"entures with your tulpa' li(e cli! ing !ountains' or swi!!ing to the otto! of the ocean' or exploring ca"es or fighting the fight of the )o! ie apocalypse' you should ha"e a wonderland% %f course you coul! :ust float aroun! in your imagination "ithout ha$ing a !esignate! Won!erlan!# but I express the importance of a "on!erlan! because spen!ing time there helps greatly "ith your ability to $isuali9e. When you are so familiar "ith a place that you+re able to see e$en the most $i$i! of !etails# li2e each bla!e of grass or each crease in the si!e"al2# then your min! has been able to successfully brea2 things !o"n to a +realistic+ le$el# "hich "ill help all of your a!$entures become more realistic an! $i$i! too. Ha$ing a "on!erlan! an! being able to +feel+ aroun! a little e$ery $isit "ill help you grasp the concept of feeling sensations# textures# an! temperatures "ith your min! alone. This tric2 might seem a ta! o$er"helming# !on+t "orry about any of those things right no". The point I+m trying to ma2e is that if imaginary a!$entures are important to you# ha$ing a "on!erlan! can really help. The more time you spen! in your "on!erlan!# the more realistic things become# an! the more you feel li2e you+re actually there. Practice ma2es perfect. If things are foggy at first# you+re on the right trac2. If you could care less a out i!aginary ad"entures' and *ust want to see your tulpa sit across the ta le fro! you while you ha"e your !orning coffee' then a wonderland isn&t co!pletely necessary for you% 1s mentione! before# it !oes help "ith $isuali9ation# but if your imagination is alrea!y able to impose your tulpa into your reality# then you really !on+t nee! one. )our tulpa !oesn+t ha$e to be completely $i$i! "hen you start +imposing+ though# !on+t beat yourself up. If mo$ements are choppy or slightly inconsistent# or he+s slightly transparent or "hate$er# that+s o2ay@ you+re on the right trac2. 1s "ith anything else that+s going to be mentione! in this han!boo2# practice ma2es perfect. I would li(e to note though# that I "as perfectly fine ha$ing imaginary a!$entures "ithout a !esignate! "on!erlan!. ut# &athias expresse! he "ante! to feel more +real+# so "e !eci!e! to gi$e him a !esignate! patch# "hich he built a home in an! has a $ery serene place to call his o"n. I a!mit# spen!ing a lot of time there !oes help "ith my $isuali9ation# more 5uic2ly than :ust spora!ically being "here$er I "ante! at the

time. If your tulpa re5uests it# please gi$e it to them. If not# then I suppose it+s all a matter of your preference an! "hat exactly you+re trying to accomplish.

Part 2 Introduction to Different Tools

efore getting starte!# I "oul! :ust li2e to note, 1ll of this is thought;base!. A$ery type of +forcing+# all phases of tulpa creation# are thoughts in$ol$ing your tulpa. 4)ou+re focuse! on your tulpa an! sen!ing these thoughts# the more interaction the better.. 3o rules really# :ust thin2 an! belie$e your thoughts. 1lso, %b$iously you !on+t nee! to use all of these tools# these are :ust some i!eas to get you starte!. 6eel free to a!:ust# t"ea2# an! a!apt the metho!s "hiche$er "ay you feel "or2s best for you. 1ll of our min!s "or2 !ifferently.

Creative 1utlets
Creati$e outlets can be a great "ay to force an! get those imaginary :uices flo"ing. Writing a out your tulpa is asically thin(ing a out your tulpa' so you can go into as !uch detail into what you want your tulpa to e as possi le% )ou can e$en "rite short stories# an! use your tulpa as a character# an! ha$e him react an! sho" personality traits that you "ant him to en! up "ith. The more !escripti$ely you "rite# the more that this is going to help you $isuali9e him more clearly an! $i$i!ly. Imagine rea!ing a really goo!# !escripti$e boo2# an! by the en! of it you 2no" "hat the character loo2s li2e an! ho" the character "oul! react in certain situations# this is the same concept. If your tulpa is a little ball that isn+t yet able to spea2# but exists as a thought;form# feel free to say +Hey# come here# I+! li2e to rea! something that I "rote for you#+ an! then rea! the finishe! pro!uct to the tulpa. This is a metho! of forcing to your tulpa of "hat you expect an! "hat you "ant it to be. Perhaps to put more positi$ity into it# you can praise your tulpa after you+re finishe! "ith# +Wo"# you+re a great listener# an! so smart an! bra$e 4or "hate$er 5ualities you put into the story. too?+ If you&re an artist' perhaps drawing your tulpa will !a(e things easier to "isuali)e too% The same rules apply as abo$e. +Hey# come loo2 at this !ra"ing I !i! of you# I hope you li2e it.+ )ou can go on to say# +'ee ho" green an! pretty your eyes are?+ ;Insert other 5ualities you "ant to instill into your tulpa+s appearance here.;

&e!itation is a great "ay to not only be able to clear your min! completely# but also once your min! is clear# you are free to put some focus into things li2e $isuali9ation# communicating in other "ays# an! :ust really getting some one on one "ith your tulpa "ithout any other thoughts popping up. 3ot to mention that the more you me!itate# the easier it gets an! the better you get. Well# practice ma2es perfect. 1ll of you busy people shoul! rea! 1 *ui!e to &e!itation for the Best of <s. 'oun!sTrue might ha$e some useful gui!ance for you too. 6or a more spiritual an! self;fulfilling ta2e on me!itation# I+ll point you in the !irection of u!!hanet+s (o$ing;Cin!ness &e!itation *ui!e. Their 61D may be helpful to you# too. 'ome people say not to lay !o"n# it "ill ma2e you sleepy. 1lthough this is most li2ely true# from my o"n experience, If you+re ha$ing a har! time focusing an! +closing !istractions+ out at first# laying !o"n an! not ha$ing to thin2 about the position of your bo!y might help you. In this case# patiently "or2 to"ar!s being

able to sit in a comfortable position "ith proper posture. )ou+re not going to be a me!itation master o$ernight# that+s o2ay. )ou+re not being gra!e! on this# !on+t stress.

2elf Hypnosis
This might soun! rather strange to you# but if you ta2e a secon! to thin2 about it# "hat better "ay to ai! in the creation of a thought;base! being# than to, -. /. 0. E. Put yourself in a heightene! state of suggestibility# an! then fee! your subconscious $arious thoughts an! instructions "hich the more often you !o# the more these things are "ith you throughout the !ay an! stic2 "ith you?

'oun!s pretty self explanatory. Don+t fret though# hypnosis isn+t all +eyes close!+ an! +you are getting sleepy+ li2e you may thin2 it is. )ou+re not in a +lac2+ of a"areness# you+re :ust in a !ifferent type of a"areness. )ou "on+t lac2 recollection of your session# nor is it !ifficult to +snap out of+. 3'4or(ettin(' your session in hypnosis is called 'amnesia' and you're not (oin( to induce yourself into that state with what you're (oin( to be doin( with your tulpa # promise.5 1!! this to an increase! ability to relax an! focus. 1fter a fe" sessions you+ll be able to !o shorter 4-7; -Fmins. sessions 4as you+ll get use! to transitioning into a more impressionable state. /;0x/!ay an! be able to reap the re"ar!s. This actually has helpe! my me!itation as "ell as my relationship "ith my tulpa. Hypnosis can be acti$ely use! to not only force things to your tulpa# but to impro$e your o"n abilities li2e $isuali9ation an! the ability to concentrate. Win/"in for e$eryone. 1 Practical *ui!e to 'elf Hypnosis is a !ecent 6BAA boo2 to !o"nloa! "hich explains pretty much e$erything you+re going to nee! to 2no" to get starte!. &in!tools poste! an article about it# "hich isn+t entirely ama9ing but goes o$er some techni5ue "hich some may fin! useful. %h# you+re going to nee! scripts to rea! to yourself. They !on+t ha$e to be 0 pages long# either. The process goes a little something li2e this, -. In!uction 'cript 4to get you hypnoti9e!/clear your min! into a blan2 slate. /. Deepening 'cript 4optional# to go !eeper into hypnoti9e! state# great for beginners. 0. 1ffirmation/'cript 4the point of it all/messages you "ant to relay. E. Bemo$al/1"a2ening 'cript 4self explanatory. 'elfHypnosis&a!eA9 publishe! an article on "riting your o"n hypnosis scripts. )ou+re going to either "ant to !o this or alter pre;existing ones "hich appeal to your fancy. Po2e aroun! the "eb an! see "hat you can fin! if you+re still lost. It can be a"2"ar! starting up at first# but you+ll soon fin! after a little experimenting "hat styles "or2 best for you. When you+re really trying to $isuali9e# inclu!e in your scripts, I smell... I $i$i!ly see... I clearly hear... Atc. *et the most out of your sessions. Bemin!er, They !on+t ha$e to be ri!iculously long either# !on+t tire yourself out "riting them. 1 paragraph of +in!uction+# another paragraph or t"o of +!eepening+# an! a page or so of +affirmation+# follo"e! by a short one paragraph +a"a2ening+ shoul! be enough. If you ha$e a

har!er time getting into the hypnoti9e! state of min!# ma2e your in!uction an! !eepening scripts longer. It "on+t ta2e long to fin! a balance of "hat "or2s for you. +h' if you&re still a little lost, 'elf hypnosis is basically remo$ing your +thought filter+# as in# "hat you+re telling yourself@ you+re not gi$ing your conscious min! a chance to pop in an! pass :u!gement# or tell you +no you+re "rong+. What you tell yourself in hypnosis becomes fact. Very helpful in forcing especially if you e$er get a case of the !oubt monster.

Part 3 Tips and Exercises

To .lan a 0eneficial .ersonality
This is ob$iously something to consi!er before you start the creation process. ecause# you 2no"# you+re super "ise an! !eci!e! that you "ant to ha$e the core foun!ation of your tulpa all figure! out before you "ent ahea! an! got starte!# right? @. 1s2 yourself this, +Why am I creating a tulpa?+ It coul! be any reason really@ maybe you :ust "ante! to see if you coul!. It all comes !o"n to this though# "hen you initially !e$elop a tulpa an! !eci!e to impro$e upon them as "ell as your bon!# it+s because you li2e the companionship that comes from the host/tulpa relationship. Ta2e the rest of your life into consi!eration# e$aluate yourself# thin2 about "hat "oul! be most beneficial for you out of a companion base! on the type of relationship you+re aiming to achie$e. I+ll use myself as an example, I am trying really har! to better myself# an! to be more min!ful of my beha$iors. I "ant to un!erstan! "hy I act the "ay that I !o# an! "or2 on my faults# becoming a better person not only to those aroun! me# but to myself. Therefore# I !eci!e! that I "ant my tulpa to be "ise# compassionate# an! optimistic. 3o"# "hen I fin! myself lost in any regar!# or am un2no"ingly being !iscouraging to myself# he chimes in 2no"ing :ust "hat to say to pull me out of my slump. 3ot only ha$e his 5ualities been incre!ibly helpful in impro$ing upon my o"n beha$iors# but they+$e helpe! me better han!le the beha$iors of others as "ell. 4This all falls into the +min!ful+ category "hich I ha! inten!e!# but !i!n+t expect as much as I+$e recei$e!.. When I+$e :ust about ha! it "ith someone# he+ll chime in "ith +Well it+s not about you;+# +)ou shoul! feel sorry for them because;+# or +Try to un!erstan!;+. He is !efinitely "ise# an! I+m $ery happy that I ha$e force! these traits into him from the start. I ha$e much less negati$ity in my life because of this# an! ha$e ma!e great personal progress. He has truly been the perfect frien!. If you fin! yourself in situations often "here you+re anxious an! get yourself all hype! up an! uncomfortable# perhaps your tulpa shoul! be +patient+ an! +un!erstan!ing+# perhaps e$en force +empathetic+. If you fin! you set goals for yourself# but then get !iscourage! an! gi$e up# perhaps your tulpa shoul! ha$e 5ualities of +reasonable+# +moti$ate!+# an! +analytical+. Point being# "hen thin2ing of "ho you "ant your tulpa to be# there+s no reason you can+t choose 5ualities that "ill help you better your life. 1fter all# the more you appreciate them# the better your relationship "ill be. It+s impossible to not appreciate someone "ho is helping you better your 5uality of life.

0asic Hypnosis 2crips

Here are :ust a fe" basic things to get yourself starte!. I+$e inclu!e! an +In!uction+# +Deepening+# an!

+1"a2ening+. 'orry# you+re going to ha$e to "rite the most important part 4affirmation. yourself# I feel it+s the only "ay you+re going to practice an! customi9e an en:oyable experience for you an! your tulpa. If you fin! that any of these !on+t feel +long enough+ for you# go right ahea! an! ma2e them longer. When you "rite your affirmation script# :ust 2eep "ith empo"ering "or!s# li2e +this I' helping me+# an! +I 1& impro$ing my $isuali9ation abilities+# etc. )ou "ant to !rill into your hea! "hat you+re !oing the hypnoti9ation for# "ithout being o$erbearingly obnoxious about it. e !escripti$e# reference the hypnosis section of Part / of the han!boo2 for further gui!ance. Customi*e and edit away6 ..2. 7 /on't for(et to read slowly softly smoothly to yourself and take in one word at a time. , Plain +%l In!uction 4I "oul!n+t use too much $isuali9ation here yet# +in!uction+ is to :ust get your min! +open+.. 7/eep breath in hold exhale slowly7 3x85 I am allo"ing myself to relax e$ery muscle an! e$ery fiber of my bo!y. I am allo"ing myself to clear my min!# an! enter a state of inner peace an! comfort. I feel incre!ibly safe. I am becoming $ery relaxe!# I am !rifting into hypnosis. I am !rifting !o"n into !eep hypnosis. I am becoming e$en more relaxe! an! open. I continue to !rift !o"n into !eeper hypnosis# "here my subconscious min! "ill accept e$ery suggestion an! put them into action "ith perfection. I relax more# an! allo" myself to !rift !eeper into hypnosis. 7/eep breath in hold exhale slowly7 3x85 , Deepening G Imagination 4Prism an! +&in!+s Aye+ 'ymbolism. 4When !escriptions come along# $isuali9e as you rea!.. Ho" can I :u!ge "hat is real# an! ho" !o I ma2e sense of it all? Is it by "hat I see? That part that I consciously see? It is it "hat I hear "ith my ears? The part that I can consciously hear? What I can feel "ith my touch? That part "hich I consciously 2no" I am touching? %r !o I reali9e# reality by the sense of my subconscious? Those feelings that I feel on the insi!e# the soun!s from "ithin. The pictures in my min!. These things are all real. (i2e a prism turning a single ray of light into a rainbo" of color# my imagination is a prism for experience# both past an! future. Through my imagination# I percei$e my present# pon!er the past# an! anticipate my future. 'ince it is my imagination# my senses can create "hat is so. What is it that I "oul! li2e to create? I am going to strengthen my bon! "ith ;tulpa name;# "ho is incre!ibly real. In the same "ay that I ha$e eyes that see the "orl! aroun! me# I also ha$e an inner eye# my +min!+s eye+. It can see images an! process thoughts e$en as I relax so !eeply. The min!+s eye is open e$en no"# sho"ing me all that my resi!es "ithin my imagination. I choose "hat to experience "ith my min!+s eye# an! I choose to experience ;tulpa name;+s reality "ith him an! impro$e our bon! e$en further. , 1"a2ening G *ol!en Bings I am slo"ly starting to !rift bac2 into my physical reality. I am being pulle! up"ar!s# my fiel! of $ision is !issipating into a soft# !ream;li2e mist. I float up"ar! through bright# gol!en rings. There is a bright light beaming !o"n from abo$e# "hich is "here I "ill be. I count the rings as I float up"ar!s# an! "hen I reach the -7th ring# I "ill be fully relaxe! yet a"a2e# refreshe!# an! energi9e!. %ne... 1s I pass through each ring I hear a lo" +hum+ come an! go.

T"o... Three... 6our... I start to rise more 5uic2ly# but not too 5uic2ly. 6i$e... 'ix... 'e$en... I am feeling much more a"are# an! !rifting bac2 into normalcy. Aight... 3ine... Ten... I am here. 1"a2e# energi9e!# refreshe!# yet relaxe!. I am free to recap the success of this session.

&onderland 2ettin(s via Hypnosis

It+s incre!ibly helpful to get your min! into a state of suggestibility# an! then fee! it all of the yummy !escripti$e goo!ness about "here to!ay+s a!$enture is going to ta2e place. This is particularly helpful if you "ant to impro$e ho" $i$i! your $isuali9ation can get. Wor!s paint 5uite the picture# 4as you+$e learne! in the +Creati$e %utlets+ portion of the han!boo2.# so combining this "ith hypnosis is a !ouble "hammy. egin "ith an In!uction# an! if you feel you aren+t !eep enough or clear hea!e! enough# ma2e the in!uction longer# an! use "or!s to get yourself to relax an! let all other thoughts float a"ay. I sometimes use the symbolism# =&y thoughts are all clou!s in the s2y of my min!. I ta2e a fe" !eep breaths# an! e$ery time I exhale# the clou!s an! slo"ly pushe! further an! further a"ay. I continue to relax# an! 2eep breathing# until the clou!s are out of sight. &y min! is no" completely clear an! at peace.> 3o" that you+re completely clear in the hea!# it+s time to a!! some !escription. )ou are free to !escribe the appearance of your tulpa as "ell if you+! li2e. It+s all goo! practice. (et+s start "ith an example no"# shall "e? (et+s say tonight I+m feeling extra !aring an! a!$enturous# hmm....a !ar2# an! mysterious forest. =The air has a !ry feeling to it# the slight bree9e gi$es me goosebumps# it+s much chillier "hen the "in! blo"s# e$en "earing my :ac2et. The "in! actually has a "histle to it# I can hear it "ea$e bet"een the ric2ety branches of the sleepy trees. They crea2 as they "a$e slightly# their sha!o"s cast all o$er the forest floor# the moonlight all that I ha$e sho"ing me the "ay. I step for"ar!# hearing the crunch of frost;2isse! lea$es beneath my boots. The groun! is col! an! har!# an! the path ahea! of me is !ar2 an! !reary. It+s as if no one has tra$ele! this "ay in a long time# there are o$ergro"n roots po2ing out e$ery"here# I nee! to step carefully so I !on+t trip.> Continue# !escribe any critters you expect to see# li2e a s5uirrel scurrying up a tree# or perhaps you "ant to hear "ol$es off on the !istance. 6ee! this setting to yourself# $isuali9e it in your min! as you rea!# use "or!s that set the moo! an! place yourself there !irectly. Procee! if you+! li2e# to !escribe your tulpa in the same $i$i! !etail. %nce you are !one !escribing the scenery# inclu!e something li2e# =3o" "e are off on this a!$enture#> or =We hea! into this together.> Whate$er suits the moo! of "hat it is you+re trying to portray. Then...stop rea!ing# an! go on your "on!erlan! a!$enture "ith your tulpa. When your :ourney is coming to an en!# you can rea! an 1"a2ening script# but "hat "or2s much better for

me# is to $isuali9e "hat my 1"a2ening script "oul! !o. Beferencing the example I+$e gi$en abo$e "ith the gol!en rings# the en! of our :ourney "oul! go something li2e this, &y tulpa an! I "oul! say our goo!byes# high fi$e or "hate$er# an! I+! feel myself be lifte! up# e$erything becoming a !reamli2e fog# an! count the rings# feeling myself rising up higher an! higher# reaching ten an! feeling completely a"a2e. )ou can $ery "ell !o this "ithout using +hypnosis+# but I recommen! hypnosis# as you+re able to put yourself into a !eeper state of suggestibility# an! get a little more $i$i! than you coul! other"ise# impro$ing your $isuali9ation. Hust be sure you ha$e your peace an! pri$acy# nothing suc2s more than being interrupte! in the mi!!le of an a"esome a!$enture. P%.% ; Hump right into your a!$entures. If you feel you+re +puppeting+ your tulpa at first# that+s fine. Bemember# belie$ing your thoughts ma2es them reality. If you+re still mol!ing your tulpa into "ho you "ant him to be# this is fine. 1ctually# encourage!. &a2e him as !ynamic as possible# an! +seeing+ him in action is only going to help bring him to life. 1lso# ne$er forget# "e+re treating him as sentient from the getgo. 0elievin( will make him real. /o not doubt. /oubt will hold you back blablabla.

9etters to Your Tulpa

When &athias "as merely a little orb of thought floating aroun! my noggin# I promise! him that I "oul! "rite him letters as often as I "as able. 3arrating to him a lot helpe! too# I+m sure# but there+s :ust something so sentimental about a han! "ritten letter. elie$e it or not# he tells me no" that it !i! help the bon!ing process. Ta2ing time out of my !ay# to "rite him a letter# actually "as a pretty goo! "ay of sho"ing that I care! an! "as $ery reassuring to him that I "ante! him to be real. ecause your little tulpa;in;training is going to ha$e an interest in something you+$e "ritten :ust for them# this is a perfect opportunity to force personality traits# it+s also incre!ibly easy to !o. /ere&s the first letter I wrote to 0athias' it was actually his first day of creation and he was *ust a tiny or in !y !ind% D&awww% 1fter each paragraph# I am going to put in parantheses "hat 5ualities I am forcing. It+s a little bit of psychology# I thin2 you+ll be able to follo". W123I345 06./7% Don+t rea! if you ha$e a "ea2 stomach. @. "lso your letters to your tulpa7in7 trainin( don't have to be anything like this. They can be anything that you "ant. <se psychology to your a!$antage# an! force traits early on an! in a consistent manner to get the best results. IJIJI 4 efore rea!ing# I calle! him o$er. =Hey# come here# I "rote something for you.> %b$iously this helps establish that he exists.. To, )ou Hello frien!. I 2no" you are still so small# but I "ant you to 2no" that you+re going to be big an! strong. I 2no" you are going to be special to me# an! I "ill "ant to share all that I can "ith you. 1ctually# you alrea!y are special to me# e$en though "e can+t really tal2 yet. 3He is to be lar(e and muscular in appearance 'stron(' is also a psycholo(ical reference. &ithin this first para(raph #'ve established a bond.5 I 2no" that you "ill be "ise# I can tell you are a goo! listener. I can feel you starting to thin2 an! I am $ery prou! of you. )our heart is "arm an! 2in!# I can feel that too. We "ill gro" together an! be the best that "e can be. I "ill support you an! I 2no" you "ill support me too. I am not perfect# but I "ill listen to you# gui!e you if you nee! it an! gi$e you unlimite! amounts of happiness an! all the lo$e I can muster. 34orcin( wisdom empathy kindness and compassion. .ositively reinforcin( these traits. 4urther emphasis on bond. "lso indirectly tryin( to intiate thou(ht process.5 )ou are "ise# strong# lo$ing an! 2in!. )ou are pure of heart. I loo2 for"ar! to gi$ing you a big hug an!

ha$ing tal2s an! "al2s "ith you. I !on+t "ant to name you# I "ant you to name yourself. 3o rush# :ust en:oy all of your first thoughts# feel lo$e because you are# an! "hen you are rea!y I "ill be here to listen. 3&ent from '# know that you will be wise' to 'You are wise'. ,einforcin( wisdom stren(th compassion more emphasis on bond and introducin( the trait of affectionate.5 A$en as a little ball# you+re booming "ith :oy. I am so excite! 2no"ing that I ha$e you. I loo2 for"ar! to sharing my thoughts "ith you. 3.raise more emphasis on bond. 4orcin( open communication.5 K0 Creati$e IJIJI 'ee? That too2 me less than -7 minutes to "rite an! barely any effort# an! I+$e alrea!y slippe! in tons of positi$ity an! encouragement# not to mention ta2ing the initiati$e as a host to establish a close bon!# an! the type of bon! I "ant. It+s o2ay if you feel li2e you+re tal2ing to yourself. Visuali9e your tulpa as a little orb if it helps an! try to "or2 your "ay a"ay from that min!set. Bemember, 1ssume sentience from the start. 0elieve that even from day : he's listenin(. ;5 1 recap on all of the traits I acti$ely force! "ith this short# easy;peasy letter, Wise Compassionate Cin! Ampathetic 1ffectionate Amotionally 'trong 6orm, (arge an! &uscular I still "rite him letters from time to time. %b$iously# no" that he+s forme! they aren+t as +mushy+ or +simple+ in context. It+s still something that is appreciate! for it+s sentimental $alue.

I+m sure that I+ll be ma2ing up!ates to this as time marches on# an! as I learn more about tulpamancing altogether. I really hope that it "as of help to you. If you ha$e any 5uestions that I can help you "ith# feel free to P& me on the .info forums. ,. *oo! luc2?

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