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THIRD part

Phosphenism and






Light, the origin of knowledge, is the key

to a fascinating inner experience.

Special Issues #4, #5 #6 of Phosphenic

Energy Universe consists of pages that
were created to optimize the referencing of
our website phosphenism.com, in order to
achieve the best search engine ranking on
Google. But these pages generated so
much interest that we decided to enrich
them and to deliver them in these special
issues of Phosphenic Energy Universe.
Even in this shortened version, they will
comment the links between Phosphenism
and many different topics and they will
surely be eye-opening for Phosphenists.
These thematic pages do not aim to cover
these topics thoroughly and we invite you
to help improving them as well as adding
new, interesting themes.
Please, feel free to contact us with any
suggestion or to send us your articles.


Publisher :

PHOSPHENISM Publishing was created to publish the

books and discoveries of one of the most
enlightened master of the past fifty years.
Only one purpose, only one mission :
preserving Dr LEFEBUREs works
for the future generations.


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UNIVERSE can be reproduced
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on litterary and artistic copyright
of march 11th 1957.
All rights reserved for all
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Copyrighted trademark for the
books, the devices, the audio
recordings and the method of


he mantra OM or pranava mantra is the primordial

mantra. Its use is common to various traditions
like buddhism, zoroastrianism or celtic druidism
though they are very distant in space and time. This
fact has been lost in translation.

The mantra OM is a vibration and, in essence, all

vibrations are rhythms. It is interesting to develop this
notion in the light of the discoveries of a French
researcher, Doctor Francis LEFEBURE. Indeed, his
discoveries in cerebral physiology can transform our
understanding of the phenomena responsible for
illumination and initiation in a revolutionary way.
For many years, Dr Lefebure studied the relationship
between the rhythms of the phosphenes and religious
rites. The phosphenes are all the subjective
sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly
caused by light stimulating the retina. They
correspond to what ophtalmologists call images of
retinal persistance or post-images.
Thanks to the phosphenes, Dr Lefebure detected
unknown cerebral rhythms. Indeed, there is a
particular relationship between the phosphenes and
the rhythms of the brain, between light and rhythms.
The phosphenes behave in a rhythmic manner: they
pulse, vibrate, alternate or oscillate. Produced by the
action of light on the brain, they illustrate the rhythmic
functioning of the nervous system. They adapt to the
rhythms of thoughts in a subjective fashion, enabling
their precise measurement.
Nevertheless, the phosphenes also have a profound
and mysterious action on the nervous system. Indeed,
if one thinks while observing a phosphene, it is, on the

contrary, thoughts which are going to be influenced by

the natural rhythms of the phosphenes.
Thus, it is the rhythms of the phosphenes that induce
the rhythms of prayers, chants, mantras or sacred
musics, generating currents of energy in the body that
are exteriorized in the form of dances and postures.
To sum up, it is praying while focusing on a source of
light that is at the origin of all religious rites.
In his book OM and the mantras, Dr Lefebure proceeds
with a pertinent analysis of the mantra OM, describing
many connections between human physiology and the
sound of the mantra OM.
The mantra OM was not developed by mere chance,
and the morphological analysis of the mantra OM by Dr
Lefebure brings much information about the reasons of
its development.

Extract from Om and the mantras:

We are going to study the pranava mantra, first of all
mantras, in its simplest form: O and M. Later on, we
will see that it has another aspect that is spelt AUM.
Nevertheless, let us note now that the sankrit letters A
and OU are pronounced together as the phoneme [O],
and thus, whatever the spelling used, there is no
doubt that the true pronunciation is OM. This is what
Arthme Gallip (the Zoroastrian master who initiated
me) recommended, a fact that has been confirmed
many times by the Indians.

Page 3

We can notice that the vowel [O] is obtained by

forming a circle with the lips and by creating the shape
of a sphere with the mouth, with the tongue pointing
upwards. On the contrary, the phoneme [M] on its own
is obtained by completely relaxing all the muscles
involved in phonation: it is a hum produced with the
mouth closed, the lips relaxed and the soft palate
The sound produced by the lips forming a circle
generates circular waves in the air, i.e. the simplest
possible waveforms. This process ressembles what
happens when a hoop is dropped horizontaly in water.
The circular waves, centered on the point of impact,
take the form of a sinewave, when observed from the
side. The sinewave is the simplest of all possible
forms of vibration, complex vibrations being but a
combination of sinewaves (as demonstrated by the
Fourier series).
We already can notice the oppositions between the
phoneme [O] and the phoneme [M] as, when the latter
is pronounced, the closed lips push the air into the
nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is the most irregular
bone cavity of the organism because of the three nasal
conchae that contribute to air filtration. Moreover, the
frontal and maxillary sinuses constitute oddly shaped
sounding boxes.
Consequently, a vibration rising from the vocal cords
that follows this course, will produce a maximum of
harmonics and overtones, as the vibrations of the
bones will be added to the vibrations of the air.
An interesting experience to illustrate the importance
of the vibration of the bones produced by the phoneme
[M] is to place one's hand delicately on the anterior
fontanelle of a baby who is crying. The sound emited
by crying babies is very close to the phoneme [M] or,
more precisely to the phoneme [N]. It is produced by
bringing the soft palate forwards, forcing even more air
into the nose than during the pronunciation of the
phoneme [M].
When we will study the value of phonemes as
mantras, we will see that air projected higher in such
a way makes the frontal sinus vibrate more than the
maxillary sinus. The former being smaller, it renders a
higher-pitched sound. That is why the phoneme [N] is
very close to the phoneme [M], with the difference that
it contains more high frequencies.
So, when one places one's hand on the fontanelle of a
crying baby, one is surprised by the intensity of the
vibrations perceived by the palm of the hand. Later,
when the fontanelle is closed, the vibrations of the
cerebrospinal fluid underneath are even more
powerful, as their energy cannot disperse through the
fontanelle any more. The vibrations produced by the
sound of the voice are thus locked in the skull,
spreading to the whole surface of the cortex. This very
simple experiment illustrates very well how chanting

stimulates the surface of the cortex but also how the

pertinent choice of a mantra is important. Every
phoneme generates different waveforms that will
influence the cortex in different, specific ways.
The opposition between the simplicity of the phoneme
[O] and the complexity of the phoneme [M] can be
illustrated experimentally by analysing these sounds
with a cathode-ray oscilloscope.
The principle of the oscilloscope is very simple: a
microphone picks up the sounds to analyse ; these
sounds generate an electrical current ; the vibrations
of this current appear as a curve on a screen. With a
proper setting of the apparatus, the curve that appears
on the screen is an exact image of the motion of the
molecules of air.
The aspect of the curve will vary, depending on the
setting of the electrodes. Similarly, the waves of the
sea will appear differently on television if a camera is
placed above them, in front of them or lateraly.
For a certain setting of the electrodes, the phoneme
[O] appears as a circle on the screen of the cathoderay oscilloscope. The quality of the emission of the
sound can thus be monitored, and an almost perfect
circle can be obtained by changing the pronunciation.
For a perfect circle, the phoneme emited is typically an
[O]. For a different setting of the electrodes, the form
that appears on the screen is a sinewave, i.e. the
curve of the waves of the sea.
Now, if we analyse the phoneme [M] (the hum
produced with the mouth closed) with a cathode-ray
oscilloscope, we obtain a very precise square. This is
related to what is call squarewave in the field of
Thus, cathode-ray oscilloscope analysis lead us to
represent the sound [OM] geometrically by a circle
within a square. We thus obtain a perfect ANALOGIC
RESONANCE between the sound and its waveform. Let
us also note that this structure matches the basic
structure of the mandala (a circle within a square).
Practical exercise with the mantra OM
Do a phosphene, by focusing on the phosphenic lamp
for thirty seconds.
Close your eyes.
Chant the mantra OM.
Observe the influence of the mantra on the colors of
the phosphene.
Is the phosphene brighter ?
For more information on the precise way to chant the
mantra OM, check Dr Lefebure's book: OM and the
mantras, the natural name of god.

Page 4

Page 5


he UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) are

phenomena, perceived in the air by witnesses or
recorded on various media, but that cannot be
identified. It is impossible to assert that these
phenomena all have the same origin. There is
absolutely no unity in the testimonies as they come
from varied sources.

travel at speeds higher than the speed of light. It would

thus take centuries to travel across the cosmos. Also,
it is surprising that no material trace (object or artefact)
has ever been left behind by interstellar travellers,
though thousands of people maintain that they have
been kidnapped by aliens, or that they have seen an
alien craft landing.

Unexplained observations can come from different

Wrong interpretations: an object is wrongly identified
as an alien vessel. Generally, these objects are: the
planet Venus, meteorites, lenticular clouds, airplanes,
weather ballons, nightclub lasers, etc.
Optical illusions: sun dogs or parhelia, heat mirages,
Hallucinations: the subject perceives, in a
pathological manner, an image that does not really
Fabrications: the subject lies, in a volontary manner.
False memories: the subject imagines he/she has
seen an object.
Rare natural phenomena: red sprites, blue jets, ball
lightning, etc.
Mental images: the subject experiences a vision that
he/she interprets as a flying object.
Visitors from another planet.

The generalization of mobile phones equipped with

cameras should lead to an upsurge of recorded
observations of UFOs. It is not the case. Finally,
certain scientists like professor Meesen have
analysed the data of military and civilian radars and
matched them up observations of UFOs, particularily
those which took place during the "great waves of
UFOs" like the one that took place in Belgium in 1990.
They have discovered no connections between the
observation of UFOs and the unidentified echoes
detected by radars.

The two more mysterious causes deserve additional

1) Visitors from another planet
Though romantic and attractive, this theory is not very
plausible. First, the theory of relativity does not allow

None of these explanations completely buries the

theory of alien vistors, but one must admit that it is
rather fantastic.
2) Visions or mental images
Visions or mental images are different from
pathological phenomena like hallucinations. They
remain mysterious for today's science. The
discoveries in cerebral physiology of Doctor Francis
Lefebure, a French physician and scientist, have
allowed him to understand scientifically the
mecanisms responsible for the production of mental
images (hypnagogic visions that appear while one is
falling asleep, dreams, mystical visions). His works

Page 6

are based on the systematic use of the phosphenes.

The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of
light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light
stimulating the retina.
Dr Lefebure did a complete study of the solar prodigy
that took place in Fatima (Portugal) on october 13th
1917. Among the testimonies, we can quote the
perception by many witnesses of a ball of light
crossing the sky or the perception of little balls of light
that fell from the sky like snow flakes and that
disappeared when they reached the ground or when
witnesses tried to catch them in their hands.

The diffuse glow, final phase of the phosphene,

presents remarkable properties. It can be
photographed and allows the perception in the dark, of
physical objects moved across it. It has a major role in
the production of visions. The diffuse glow appears as
a whitish cloud with an unprecise edge. According to
clairvoyants, it is within this cloud that visions or
"flashes" of clairvoyance appear. It is also what the
children shepherds of Fatima related. The "Lady"
appeared in a cloud that looked like white smoke.

Dr Lefebure considers that these perceptions are

connected to the rhythms of the phosphenes and
explains in detail these phenomena in his book:
Phosphenism, a New Explanation of the Origins of
"The greatest miracle of the roman Church was the
solar prodigy of Fatima that occured in front of 70 000
people. For ten minutes, the crowd saw the sun
moving in unusual ways. First, it started to tremble, it
then darkened. Afterwards, it started to sway in the
sky, to rotate, its rays rotating like the spokes of a
wheel, then it seemed to fall on the terrorised crowd
before going back up in the sky, several times in a
row. Many persons experienced visions during these
ten minutes. It was raining just before the event.
Nevertheless, the mud on the ground and the clothes
of the witnesses were dried as if by miracle. A
lieutenant took a picture on which appears objects
that did not exist physically. A teacher of science,
standing on his balcony, said: "I have seen something
I cannot explain". The editor of an antireligious
newspaper left convinced and wrote several
enthusiatic articles.
The phenomena perceived during the great miracle of
Fatima match the characteristic rhythms of the
phosphenes: the people in the crowd believed they
were seeing movements within the sun because they
confused the sun with their phosphene. The trembling
of the sun is the rhythm of 1/6th of a second. Its
darkening is the negative phosphene.
The sways of the sun match the rhythm of two
seconds of the phosphene that can often be triggered
by simply practicing Phosphenic Mixing, without
swaying the head. Under the influence of the exercise
of Phosphenic Mixing, the phosphene can sometimes
start whirling or it can give the impression it is moving
forwards or backwards.
These various movements of the solar phosphene can
be produced easily if one focuses slightly next to the
sun, rather than directly on the sun, and if one has
practiced exercises of lateral head sways of the top of
the body, while focusing on the sun.
The crowd perceived these rhythms in an intense
manner, because they were multiplied tenfold by
telepathic resonance."

Photograph of a phosphene (diffuse glow or UFO ?)

In The Initiation of Pietro, Dr Lefebure establishes a
connection between phosphenic phenomena and
"More and more people believe that the extraordinary
occurrences of Fatima should be imputed to UFOs.
There are even priests who maintain that the Virgin
Mary used a flying saucer to manifest herself.
First of all, it is interesting to note that, whatever the
original source of the phenomenon, its connection with
human consciousness was the phosphenic substance
generated by focusing on the sun.
Also, it is important to note that very disparate
phenomena are classed as UFOs. Among these
phenomena, there might be several unknown
phenomena of different nature.
We do have to acknowledge that there are some
similarities between the descriptions of flying saucers
and what we know of the phosphenic substance.
For example: "This object, which had a diameter of
about 25 to 30 meters, was swaying in the air and, as
it was oscillating, it was moving towards us, in
complete silence." Policemen who arrived on the
scene noticed that "the object that hovered at a
distance of roughly 100 meters above them was
swaying." Several other witnesses that had not
consulted each other saw the object move towards
them, "swirling and fluttering about like a leaf that falls
slowly from a tree." Finally, the scenery took on a red
tint and the white walls of the farm became red.
It is obvious that this description resembles, on a
smaller scale, the description of some of the
phenomena described by the crowd in Fatima: whirling
movements and sways, colored light projected on the

Page 7

We can thus wonder if some of the phenomena

classed as UFOs are not actually clouds of phosphenic
The explanations of Dr Lefebure, applied to UFOs, are
closely akin to those of certain authors like Bernard
Mheust who talks of technological fantasy or C.G.
Jung who describes UFOs as modern myths. Indeed,
visions of flying chariots of fire or white-winged angels
are symbols of travel and communication between the
material and the spiritual plane (the sky). A modern
point of view substitutes spacecrafts to this kind of
images, and these visions of flying saucers also are
metaphors of travelling between the planes.

After about 15 minutes, the diffuse glow appears in the

form of a whitish cloud. Concentrate your attention on
a detail of this cloud. The area of the cloud you focus
on will become brighter and sharper. If you stay
concentrated on details in the same region of the
glow, you will probably be surprised by the
appearance of a very sharp though very brief image.
This cloud, called diffuse glow by Dr Lefebure, can
easily be perceived with your eyes open and can be
transmited by telepathy.

Exercise with the diffuse glow

Do a phosphene by focusing on the phosphenic lamp
for 30 seconds.
Put an eye patch on, to create optimal conditions of
Observe the different colors of the phosphene until it

This position will

allow you to keep
your head fixed while
you focus on the
sensitive plate.

Page 8


eurolinguistic programming was created in

America in the 70s by John Grinder, a professor
of linguistics, and Richard Bandler, a
mathematics student. NLP presents a set of models
that describe human activity and allow to operate deep
and lasting changes. Its universality is striking: a sort
of user's manual of the brain, it can be applied at work,
at school or at home. Very pragmatic, it can help highlevel sportspersons to improve their results, parents to
educate their children, companies to train their staff in
communication, sales, excellency.

Humans base their actions on the representation they

have of the world, rather than on its objective
properties: "The map is not the territory".
This famous quote by Alfred Korzybski describes the
fact that everyone builds a subjective representation of
the world and assume that it is reality. Indeed, our five
senses can receive millions of informations at the
same time when, consciously, we can only process 7
items of information at a time. To compensate, the
brain filters sensory messages: it deletes some,
distorts others or operates a generalization, all this
being dependent on the language we speak, the
memories we have, the beliefs and the values we
have adopted.
This inner representation that we build at a given
moment is responsible for physiological changes, and
has an effect on our behavior. The models suggested
by NLP can allow us to become aware of this, to
modify our representations and the responses that

they trigger. They also help us understanding other

people's representations.
The key concept of NLP is modelization. Thanks to
which we can install a new behavior, the same way
one installs a new software in a computer. Besides,
NLP stems from the modelizations of exceptional
therapists like Milton Erickson. Bandler and Grinder
observed his practices, extracted its essential
principles and constructed a permanent model
allowing the accurate reproduction of observed
In the domain of learning, all that needs to be done is
to observe the strategies adopted by outstanding
students and modelize them. Student who do not
experience spelling problems, for example, have
discovered incidentally that it was more efficient to
store words as images rather than as sounds. For
most of us, recalled images are located on the top left
of our field of vision. If the word has been stored in the
right place, it is easy to remember it when the time
Dr Francis Lefebure, a French researcher, had already
found very original solutions to learning difficulties,
mainly to spelling problems. As soon as 1963, he
published Phosphenic Mixing Applied to Education, a
book that describes the action of light on mental
processes. By focusing shortly on a source of light, a
phosphene is obtained, i.e. a luminous sensation that
persists for several minutes. Studying during the

Page 9

presence of the phosphene is more efficient. Indeed,

the phosphene channels the attention on the subject of
study and favors associations of ideas. Moreover, it
stimulates all types of memories. Spelling is the visual
translation of a sound. Writing confers a kinesthesic
dimension to a word. The presence of the phosphene
stimulates these three sensory channels.

Do a phosphene by focusing on the phosphenic lamp

for thirty seconds.
Close your eyes and/or put on an eye patch.
Project the word and the phosphene to the top left of
your field of vision in order to store it in your visual
Write the word several times during the presence of the


Observe the spelling of a word that you want to

Book in PDF version,

available for download on
the website (in French)


At last there is an efficient book, serious and useful to overcome dyslexy:
- With a detailed description of the method and its techniques, concretised by
exercises that can be applied straight away.
- With more than thirty years of professional exeperience, here is a high level
pedagogical process that is based on studies and research in humanities and
- The three levels presented in the book can also help learning reading and writing,
even though one is not affected by dyslexia:
- the first level prepares the background work...
- the second levels deals with actual learning...
- the third level efficiently helps developing a good written expresssion.
A pedagogical book that it more particularly suited for teachers and language
The author: Stephanie Schultze is the founder of the Neuro-pedagogic Formation
Research Unit and the creator of Rational Pedagogy with Images.

Page 10


igong is an ancient traditional chinese

gymnastics which purpose is to achieve control
of the inner energy called Qi or chi (pronounced
tchee). It is based on the following concept: the
energy of the universe and the energy of human
beings interact and combine themselves. It is possible
to stimulate this energy and to make it circulate with
movements, breathing and visualizations.

For the Chinese, all diseases are due to a block of the

chi. Healing comes when the blocked energy
circulates again. Stimulating the chi through the
meridians, the search of the balance of the Yin and the
Yang are the principles on which Chinese medicine
and martial arts are based. Some writers assert that
Qigong is the common ancestor of these practices.
Medical Qigong dates back to thousands of years BC.
Forbidden in China during the cultural revolution, it
became accessible again at the end of the 70s. In
1979, the first National Seminar of Scientific Research
on Qigong takes place in Beijing and, the same year,
the National Institute of Qigong is founded.

Studies conducted in the Kuangan Men Hospital in

Beijing, China have showed the influence of Qigong on
curing cancer. Though it cannot be substituted to
chemotherapy, the practice of Qigong considerably
increases the chances and the rate of recovery.
Though Qigong has unquestionable healing properties,
it is its preventive effects that interest us here. By
favoring the circulation of energy, Qigong prevents the
formation of blocks thus allowing the preservation of
health. The following properties are usually attributed
to Qigong: more dynamism, flexibility and balance, a
feeling of well-being and of calm, an increased power
of concentration and a development of self-confidence.
All these effects are also attributed to the practice of
Phosphenism, a method of personal development
created by Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French
physician and researcher. When two techniques lead
to similar results, their combination creates an extra
synergy. The practice of Phosphenism makes people
more attentive to their inner sensations. It thus favors
the awareness of one's body, allowing faster
progress. Moreover, thanks to the phosphenes,

Page 11

concentration on the exercise is improved as well as

visualization. Phosphenic energy makes the session of
Qigong much more dynamic and results come quickly.
On the other hand, the practice of Qigong creates
favorable conditions for the practice of Phosphenism.
The phosphenes are all the sensations of light that are
not directly produced by light stimulating the retina. A
phosphene can be produced by focusing on a source of
light for a short period of time.

Always take your glasses or contacts off when you do

phosphenes with the sun. They could have the same
effect as a magnifying glass and cause burns on your
You can break your session down in two parts:
First, practice the Qigong exercise as usual, but during
the presence of the phosphene.
Then, practice the exercise again mentally during the
presence of the phosphene. This way, you will work
with the myophene, the equivalent of the phosphene
that corresponds to muscular activity.

Practicing Qigong with the phosphenes

If you practice facing the sun, you can produce
phosphenes by focusing on the sun through a piece of
fabric for one or two seconds.

Page 12


ertain persons are sensitive to the emissions

(radiations, waves, pulsations, fields) that
emanate from various bodies and objects. This
ability is called radiesthesia. It also deals with all the
processes that allow the detection of hidden objects,
with or without instruments (divining rod, pendulum,
etc). These processes involve concentration, the
transformation of a mental reaction into a physical
reaction, and an analysis that leads to the object of
the search.

The word radiethesia means: human sensitivity to

radiations, to the influences that emanate from all that
is. It is a particular way to understand or to perceive
things, different from using the five senses. You cannot
see an underground stream, nor a person localized
thousands of miles away. Radiesthesia can give you
precise and exact informations about an underground
stream (localization, map of its run, direction of its
flow, width, depth, quantity of water flowing,
drinkability), as well as help you locate the position
of a person on a map, even from a far distance.
Vibratory radiesthesia deals more precisely with
"waves of forms" and is connected to geobiology, the
study of cosmo-telluric currents that condition the
"power" of locations. The term "wave of form" was
created in 1930 by Blizal and Chaumery. This
designation was then dropped.
Vibratory radiesthesia deals with "waves of forms" that
come from objects or graphs. According to this theory,

certain objects or certain forms emit positive or

negative "waves" (or energies).
The Servranx brothers and radiesthesia:
One cannot discuss radiesthesia without mentioning
the Servranx brothers. Jean-Louis-Felix, a.k.a. Felix,
and his brother Guillaume-Jean, a.k.a. Willy were
Belgian and used to live in Bruxelles. Willy, the eldest,
despite his fragile health assisted Felix in all his
The Servranx brothers, fascinated by radiesthesia,
released a journal, specialized in that field: La
Radiesthsie pour Tous or L.R.P.T. This journal,
lauched in january 1946, was published until october
1967. Within its columns, one could find consultations,
information on meetings and conferences, as well as
many books and files:
Beginning in radiesthesia.
Reading people's character with the pendulum.
A quick method of personal magnetism.
Radiesthesia applied to business.
Practical lessons of radiesthesia.
The EXDOCIN files: EX-periences, DOC-umentation,
IN-structions for radiesthesia, monthly files, published
from june 1957 to september 1966. The Servanx
brothers employed the most famous radiesthesists to
constitute groups of research. The EXDOCIN files are a
compilation of this research, compiled and edited by
the two brothers.

Page 13

Among the subjects studied: astrological medicine,

graphology, self-magnetism, commercial applications
of radiesthesia, luck and its techniques, designing
artificial medicines, influencing people, the great
pyramid and its influences, the keys to magic,
increasing one's sensitivity to radiesthesia, healing
People's interest in the EXDOCINs has continuously
increased for the last 40 years. These files are clear,
comprehensive, easy to read and to apply. The
practical exercises have obviously been thoroughly
tested by the Servranx brothers. These files contain
very valuable information, unmatched by the secret
initiations of certain very hermetic groups.
Tireless bachelors, the Servranx brothers devoted all
their time to radiesthesia. Felix, the youngest brother,
died on octobre 30th 1966. His brother, a paraplegic,
died on november 13th 1967.
The instruments of measurement used in radiesthesia.
There are several measuring tools used in
radiesthesia. The results are the same, regardless of
the instrument used. The choice of a pendulum or a rod
depends on the feeling between the user and the tool.
To quote only the best known pendulums: the egyptian
pendulum, the Thoth pendulum, the Mermet pendulum,
the universal pendulum, the rock crystal pendulum, the
chakra pendulum. There are tens of designs on the
The most commonly used method of measurement is
the Bovis scale. It is usually graduated from 0 to 18
000 units. The value of 6 500 is considered neutral for
an average person. But, if your vibratory level is 8 500,
objects or places with a value of 6 500 will not be
suitable for you.
Like any other scale, it gives a numeric value of a
vibratory level. One can thus find out the vibratory level
of an apple, a ring, an organ, a person, a room in a
There is also several types of rods, from the simple
branch of a tree, to sophisticated rods equipped with
amplifiers of detection.

Radiesthesia and Phosphenism: testimony by a

professional radiesthesist
"I have practiced radiesthesia for many years, I mainly
use the Thoth pendulum, but also other instruments
specific of this discipline. With this type of pendulum,
I work a lot in emission.
I have noticed that doing a phosphene before using my
pendulum increases its efficiency in a remarkable way.
When I use it in emission, it starts rotating much more
and much faster than without the phosphene. The
emission is much more intense and the pendulum's
efficiency is increased tenfold. The presence of the
phosphene helps, increases and quickens the creation
of a contact with the object of the emission.
The phosphene quickly becomes an essential aspect
of radiesthesia, indivisible from the use of the
pendulum, bringing a spectacular increase in results.
When I teach beginners, there always are persons
who experience difficulties in getting the pendulum to
rotate, when other persons experience no difficulties
whatsoever. To help people overcome this problem, I
used to lay my hands on their shoulders. This was
usually enough to get the pendulum rotating. Instead, I
now use a phosphene.
The student and myself both do a phosphene ; I stand
behind them and project my phosphene on their neck,
while visualizing the rotating pendulum. It quickly
starts rotating.
I advise all the persons who are beginners in
radiesthesia to practice Phosphenism. It is a token of
success, bringing faster results.
For more experienced persons, the practice of
Phosphenism will sharpen their sensitivity and the
quality of their results.
The phosphene is an undisputable plus, increasing the
efficiency of radiesthesia, whatever its domain of
Written by: Alain Richard

The Hartmann rod, is another simple instrument suited

for beginners. On the other hand, the Lcher antenna,
is a complicated instrument for advanced users.
The applications of radesthesia are limitless:
Medical radiesthesia, divination, locating missing
persons or objects, professional choices, business
The only limits are the limits of the user.

Page 14


he term radionics was developed in 1949 in

America. It refers to devices that are used for
having an action at a distance.

Its basic principles are identical to the basic principles

of radiesthesia: its purpose is to control the waves of
forms or emissions, in a traditional fashion based on
In the beginning, radionics was used to diagnose
diseases, with a tactile detector, a device that is
claimed to be more efficient than a pendulum. In the
beginning, radionics was related to radiesthesia.
Then, the radionics techniques were used in emission,
influencing plants animals and, of course, human
Today, radionics develops sophisticated machines
functioning on energy. Nevertheless, it still uses the
knowledge developed for radiesthesia and the art of
manipulating two-dimensional and three-dimensional

Similarly, many persons who practice radiesthesia

use the same razor blade for more than a year, without
any loss of efficiency. After use, they are kept within
a small cardboard pyramid.
The dodecahedron is also used in radionics. Many
authors have designed radionics dials and plates
adapted for different situations. The Servranx brothers
also designed machines for radionics: the Audyne, the
tele REC
Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and
researcher, has designed a revolutionary method of
cerebral development: Phosphenism. Practicing this
method increases personal energy in a significant
way. Radionics devices have analysed the effects of
phosphenic exercises on people. The results are
clearcut: practicing Phosphenism considerably
increases the energy potential of the individual.

The devices used for radionics

The oldest and most famous instrument is the
pyramid. The knowledge the Egyptians had regarding
this technique, at the time of the pharaohs, is still
shrouded in mystery. Everyone has heard of the
mummifying effect of a pyramid on meat.

Page 15


eiki and Phosphenism can be combined

desmontrates this fact. Phosphenism is a
method of development of personal energy designed
by Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and
researcher. This method is based on the systematic
use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the
subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not
directly generated by light stimulating the retina. They
correspond to what ophtalmologists call images of
retinal persistency or post-images.

The object of Phosphenism is to transform the energy

of light into mental energy. It seems rather obvious
that an increase of personal energy will improve the
practice of reiki or any other type of healing method.
We have chosen to publish the following testimony,
written by an Usui and Karuna reiki master, because it
shows the interest of the combination of reiki and

"When I close my eyes to practice healing, I

sometimes see a dot of light appear, no bigger than a
distant star. This did not use to happen before I started
practicing Phosphenism. By a mental effort, I can
make this dot of light rotate through the patient's
energy channel, into the earth, then back through the
patient's energy channel, into space. I do not control
the speed of the dot of light. With certain persons, this
process is more difficult to produce though everyone
feels relaxed during this exercise.
My patients then relate: "I felt as if I was outside my
body"; " I felt as if I was travelling far away."
Let me precise that I do not use suggestion during or
after healing and that these testimonies were
spontaneous. One person told me that he felt his
energy unlock and that his hands started warming up
intensely. After the session, I told him to try laying his
hands on someone he knew. A week later, he came
back to see me, very pleased with his experiments.

Page 16

His wife had pinched her finger in a caliper and he had

managed to soothe her pain.
Since I have been practicing Phosphenism, I have been
able to notice that my healing is more efficient. It is as
if the phosphenes amplify the power of reiki. I attended
a seminar of Phosphenism because I was seeking a
technique that would make me evolve positively. I can
now testify that Phosphenism does strengthen me, but
also guides me and increases the effets of my healing.
I hope this testimony will inspire practitioners of reiki
of all levels to try Phosphenism and to combine both
techniques, as they wonderfully complement each

other. I humbly relate my story, as this combination

imposed itself to me during my sessions of healing,
and sharing our experiences seems to me the only
way to help us all move forwards.
Written by: G. RIPPE. Matre Reiki

Projection of the phosphene in

the hand.

Page 17


n Initatory Experiences Vol 3, Dr Lefebure, a French

physician and researcher, sheds a new light on
reincarnation, the belief of the survival of the soul
after death.
This belief, expressed by the building of tombs and the
creation of funerary rites goes back at least to the
neanderthal era (80 000 BC). In one form or another,
funerary rites have been practiced by all cultures at all
times, a proof of the universality of the belief in the

In the West, the Celtic druids, Pythagoras and also

Plato aknowledged the doctrine of reincarnation.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Essenian and
Kabalist texts of the Judaic tradition, all mention
reincarnation. It was also the belief of the followers of
One of the main thinkers of the early Christian Church,
Origen (185-254), believed that the soul travels through
various worlds and that unlike the earthly stage, the
other universes do not imply incarnation.
The Cathars or Albigenses of the 13th century were
inspired by Origen's notion of reincarnation.
In the Muslim religion, the notion of the reincarnation
of the soul is not explicitely taught, but it is mentioned
in the esoteric teachings (secret teachings).

For example, the great Iranian Sufi master Bahram

Elahi mentions the reincarnation of the soul in his book
The Way to Perfection. According to him, humans have
50 000 years to attain illumination and, within this
time limit, they have to follow a cycle of lives, deaths
and births.
The Indian universities study reincarnation as an
actual fact. Some very young children can give
extremely precise details about a previous incarnation.
According to the Baghavad-Gt, "The incarnated soul
discards its old bodies and puts on new ones, like a
person who exchanges an old garment for a new one.
The soul thus moves on from incarnation to
incarnation: "Because death is certain for the one who
is born and birth is certain for the one who is dead".
Mahatma Gandhi, a short time before his death,
presided over a commission that studied the case of a
young girl and that concluded that her case of
reincarnation was authentic.
Reincarnation is one of the major concepts of
Though the expression "reincarnation" is used in
several translations, the term that is most often used

Page 18

by Buddhism is "rebirth". This implies a continuity

death does not mean that the conditioning ceases.
From one incarnation to the other, suffering endures as
long as the individual has not escaped from Samsra,
the cycle of reincarnations.

patients actually believe they are the particular entity

with whom they confuse their personality. Believing
that one "has been" a particular person is different, on
a psychological as well as a metaphysical level.
Nevertheless, I was cautiously forbidding myself from
reading any book about nautical history to avoid an
influence that could lead me to believing I was a
famous character. Indeed, for every famous sailor,
thousands of others remain unknown; the probability
of marking history seemed minute."

However this "rebirth" is interpreted, Buddhism sees

its only purpose as a means to end suffering.

It is only 14 years later, once this necessary period of

caution was over, that the reccuring reverie led Dr
Lefebure to study the life of Vasco de Gama. His
surprise was immense when he recognised intimately
certain extremely violent episodes of the life of the
famous sailor. Establishing a connection with the
failed initiation he went through at the age of 18, Dr
Lefebure considered a karmic relationship with Vasco
de Gama's crimes. Indeed, the exercises taught by
Galip were wrong, thus creating a paradox between
the beneficial effects of the master's laying of hands
and the harmful effects of the exercises he provided.

Today, the Western idea of reincarnation is an

evolution of the ancient oriental concept.
At the end of the 19th century, the belief in
reincarnation appeared in the West thanks to the
discovery of the principal books of ancient oriental
religions. It spread through esoteric groups, like Ms
Blavatsky's Theosophy or Allan Kardec's spiritualist
It is only from the 20th century that scientists have
started to express interest in the subject.

This is what Dr Lefebure says about this:

In Initiatory Experiences Vol 3, Dr Francis Lefebure
describes the search that led him to consider that he
was the reincarnation of Vasco de Gama. Under the
influence of initatory techniques that a Zoroastrian,
Artheme Galip, had taught him, he experienced
reccurent reveries in which he saw himself as a cabin
boy on a ship.
"The content of one of my reveries was particularly
haunting: I was a captain and a mutiny failed because
of the denunciation of a cabin boy. There was a lot of
violence, a lot of blood spilt on the sea. And the
impression of "dj vu" increased as I practiced the
exercises Galip had taught me. ()
Thus, three or four years after my initiation, a kind of
intuitive certainty insidiously slipped into my thoughts:
I had been a sailor in my previous life. Such an
assumption can be questioned by reason, but not by
feelings. The phenomenon was strange but absolutely
not disturbing as it took place at a time when I
succeded in many exams. To me, this seems to show
the difference between initiatory phenomena, however
imperfect, and the pathological phenomena with which
they might have a few accidental common points.
These reveries lasted for several years but, at the
same time, a very opposed reaction took place within
me, on an intellectual level. I did not argue with the
principle of this imaginary intuition that fitted within the
framework of my metaphysical ideas ; I simply agreed
it was plausible but not certain; I knew too much the
many "Napoleons" that crowded asylums to avoid
venturing on this slippery slope (Note of the translator:
Napoleon is a typical character impersonated by the
demented patients who believe they are a famous
person from the past. The list could include Cesar,
Elvis Presley, Joan of Arc, Abraham Lincoln and
more). It is important to note that these demented

"A mutiny denounced by a cabin boy

After doubling the Cape of Good Hope, the officers
organized a mutiny attempt ; denounced by a cabin
boy, it was aborted. This passage of Vasco de Gama's
story reminded me of an identical reverie that had
been awoken by my failed initation and that, for a long
time, had almost obssessed me. Nevertheless, I
considered this indication as rather vague, as this kind
of incident had certainly occured many times
throughout history. ()
The crimes in India, the boarding and the burning the
Vasco had left with a heart full of vengeance, the
Portuguese merchants of the trading post that he had
founded had been murdered.
When it approached the coast of India, the Portuguese
fleet encountered a ship that was sailing from Calicut
to Mecca, unarmed, full of pilgrims travelling with the
riches they were going to offer to their religion. Sadly,
Vasco was governed by his lust for vengeance:
attacking unarmed pilgrims did not seem shameful to
him. He judged that the deed would be relevant
politically, though all his officers disagreed.
Consequently, this can be considered a genuine
personal crime. Vasco had the boat boarded and
inspected. The recalcitrants were thrown overboard
and the ship was set on fire. The Merri burned all
night. Gama ordered soldiers on rowboats to catch
those who tried to swim to the shore and to stab them
with swords. The sea was covered in red blood !
Gama contemplated this scene from the bridge. All
historians concur in qualifying this massacre as a
shameful stain of blood on the history of Portugal. As
odd as it seems though, it is when I read the

Page 19

description of this crime that I recognized that it was

mine ; this triggered something within me. Reading
about the attack of the Merri and the pointless
bloodbath that ensued, enrooted within my feelings
the idea that I was related to Vasco de Gama, even
though I still doubt it on an intellectual level.
Reading the historian Olsen's account of the attack of
the Merri produced a feeling that is difficult to define. It
is as if both ends of infinity joined within me, a
sensation I had been waiting for for a long time; it was
as if my life had gone full circle, as if I had
circumnavigated time.
I did not feel any indignation nor disgust for this crime,
no fear of consequences for my present incarnation,
but an immense feeling of relaxation, of relief: at last I
knew why I encoutered so many hurdles during my
life, so many conflicts, so much lonely suffering during
my mystical training and the reason for the failure of
my initiation at the age of 18. It was as if I had cut open
the abscess that poisoned the eternal being within
myself, I experienced a sensation of relief, of
liberation. It is this feeling that convinced me, even
though, on an intellectual level, I had to recognize that
I had no proof whatsoever. A strange kind of inner
examination had led me to the following conclusion:
misunderstanding between Galip and myself,
regarding the exercise of ocular convergence. This
idea became a catalyst for the long gestation of
desires, prayers, reveries and research that was my
life, following me from day to day and often guiding

that manages several cells (the foreman), the electron

that manages a function of the organism (the
executive) like the liver, the spleen, etc.
What happens when we are in touch with our electron
"I" ? When it has an opportunity, it receives our
questions. If it can aswer them, it does. If the question
is related to a period of history that the electron "I" has
not experienced, it questions the memory of its
"colleagues". It then translates it into information and
sends it to us.
When an organism dies, its electrons, liberated, are
assembled again in new structures that can associate
electrons coming from different sources and periods.
Reincarnation does not obey the simplistic concept of
transfer of soul from one body to another. The
electrons are the guardians of memory. Each electron
that has been part of a structure can keep the memory
of this structure.
We also exchange electrons by breathing. We absorb
some when we inhale, and release some when we
exhale. Let us suppose that a medium is sitting in a
room, next to an Egyptian mummy. The latter keeps
releasing electrons, slowly but surely. It becomes
easier to understand how can a medium obtain
information from a different period of time.
Certain sentences take on a new meaning. When
Jesus said: "I am within you", what could be truer ?
Those who lived near Jesus absorbed some of Jesus'
electrons through breathing. Who knows, maybe you
have an electron that belonged to Jesus within you ?

Jean Charon's book I Have Lived for 15 Billion Years

sheds a new light on Dr Lefebure's subjective
The basic principle of Jean Charon's complex relativity
theory is the following: the electron, an elementary
particule of matter, could be constituted of two parts
imbricated intimately into each other. The first one is
physical, it belongs to the real world we know and it
is well understood by physicists. The second one,
psychic, belongs to a world that neighbours ours and
is unknown to physicists.
The electron evolving in that space has the following

Complete memory.
The ability to reason.
The ability to communicate with the other electrons.
The ability to act.

Human beings, constituted of billions of electrons,

have one that is more elevated spiritually, it is the
electron "II". It is different from the others. A hierarchy
is established in relation to this electron. There is the
electron that manages a cell (the worker), the electron

Page 20


ince the 1960s, medical research has

demonstrated the strong connection between
stress and physical and emotional health.
Meditation was one of the first techniques which
influence on stress was measured. In the 1970s,
relaxation techniques became best sellers. In 1975,
The Relaxation Response, a book by Herbert Benson
and Miriam Klipper of Harvard university, popularized
the practice of relaxation in the United States.

The interest in relaxation grew in the 1980s, as

demonstrated by an article published in the New York
Times in 1986. The number of people practicing
relaxation increased a lot. Conventional medicine
adopted the concept of relaxation and physicians
started to recommend the use of relaxation techniques
to their patients. Relaxation techniques belong to the
realm of alternative medicine and six alternative
therapies out of ten are based on relaxation.
Relaxation can be used for many different reasons,
among which:

Controling anger.
Reducing anxiety.
Cardiac health.
General health.
Headaches, migraine.
Stimulating the immune system.
Relieving pain.
Relieving stress.

Among the various techniques, there is:

Breathing exercises.
Laughing and humour.

There are many techniques available, and it can be

difficult to chose one.
Nevertheless, there is a simple relaxation technique,
much more efficient than the previous quoted ones, as
well as much more economical. Moreover, this
technique does not rely on a practitioner. You can use
it at home, anytime you want.
This technique was developed by a French physician,
Doctor Francis Lefebure. Indeed, Dr Lefebure
discovered a way to measure the action on the brain
of relaxation techniques, and to evaluate, in a
scientifically objective way, the quality of the
techniques available. It is by using the phosphenes in
a systematic way that Dr Lefebure managed to
analyse the impact of relaxation techniques on the
brain, and to develop his own method.
The phosphenes are all the sensations of light that are
not directly produced by light stimulating the retina.

Page 21

The phosphenes can be produced by focusing shortly

on a source of light.
Simply doing a phosphene is relaxing, anglers are a
good example. Indeed, they spend many hours
contemplating their float, and thus producing
phosphenes thanks to the reflection of the sun or the
bright sky on water. Many anglers assert that this
activity relaxes them more than any other. One can
notice that the simple presence of the phosphene
brings a state of calm of mind. It is thus relaxing.
In the 1950s, scientists discovered the positive action
of light on the production of hormones. Today, it is
commonly used for treating patients suffering from
chronic depression. Light has a major influence on the
production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates
During his research, Dr Lefebure discovered the
educational properties of the phosphenes, and
designed an educational method called Phosphenic
This simple technique is very easy to practice, as it
consists in thinking during the presence of a
phosphene. Thus, to the relaxing properties of the
phosphenes, one can kill two birds with one stone and
charge themselves with energy while relaxing.
Phosphenic Mixing has a positive action on attention,
concentration, memory, the spirit of initiative, creativity
and intelligence as a whole (by increasing
associations of ideas).

Thanks to the phosphenes, Dr Lefebure discovered

certain unknow cerebral rhythms. This discoveries on
the rhythmic functioning of the brain allowed him to
design a cerebral stimulation device that won an award
at the Lpine International Inventors' Contest: the
The Alternophone can be used for relaxation, but also
for activating the brain or treating insomnia. Based on
alternating hearing (hearing a sound alternatively in the
left and the right ear, on a precise rhythm),
Alternophony is a surprisingly efficient relaxation
technique, creating an obvious sensation of well-being
after a single session. After roughly a month of
practice, at a rate of 15 to 60 minutes a day, this
sensation of well-being persits between the sessions.
Certain cases of depression or suicidal tendencies
have been corrected permanently. The device is also
very useful for treating insomnia. Some of the sounds
of the Alternophone have been recorded on the
Synchrophony CD, a simple and affordable way to try
the method.

A portable Synchrophone. Digital display
by LCD, controlled by a microchip.
An alternating hearing device, with
adjustable rhythm and tone.

Preparing exams, improving memory. Enriching the theme of meditation.

Allows to practice all the exercises of rhythmic thinking with a maximum of efficiency
through the introduction of extra energy within the brain, facilitating neurological
Check Doctor Lefebures book Cerebral Development with Alternating Hearing

Page 22


here is no living without breathing ! Breathing is

one of the most important of our vital functions. It
is through breathing that the blood and the brain
are oxygenated. We can consciously control our
A full, relaxed breathing is very beneficial for the body
and the mind. Breathing can slow the rhythm of the
heart, improve the oxygen levels in the blood, increase
exchanges between cells. On a mental level, it calms
the mind, helps controling emotions, increases

Breathing techniques go back thousands of years ago.

One of the eight principles of Patanjali's yoga is
pranayama, from the sankrit prna "breath" and yama
"mastery". The exercises of pranayama send extra
energy into the brain bringing an ever increasing
mental self-control.
We would like to analyse the effects rhythmic
breathing in the light of the discoveries in cerebral
physiology of Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French
physician and researcher. Thanks to the systematic
use of the phosphenes, Dr Lefebure designed a
protocol of exploration of the brain: cerebroscopy,
which allowed him to measure precisely the action of
breathing exercises on the brain, and to create a
scientifically improved yoga: Phosphenism.
The phosphenes are all the sensations of light which
are not directly produced by light stimulating the

retina. They can be produced by focusing shortly on

sources of light.
Dr Lefebure has demonstrated that the phosphene is a
reversal of the sense of sight towards the inner part of
the individual. Similarly, the acouphene is a reversal of
the sense of audition. Actually, there is an inner
equivalent of every physical sense, forming together a
second sensory system: the phenic system. Mixing
thoughts with a phene is the basic exercise of
Phosphenism and probably constitutes the true
meaning of Prayahara or reversal of sensory activity
towards the inside. There is also a phene related to
breathing, it is called "pneumophene", and it can be
stimulated by maintaining a slight "thirst for air" or lack
of air in the lungs.
In his 1966 book, Rhythmic Breathing and Mental
Concentration, Dr Lefebure shows how breathing is
related to our environement. The rhythm of our
breathing is always changing, according to our
environement: slow and regular when we sleep, it
accelerates under the influence of emotions and, in
some cases, it can even stop completely under the
stressful influence of bad news. Dr Lefebure the
notices that "of all our vegetative vital functions,
breathing is the only one that we can consciously
control". Consequently, breathing establishes a
connection between our psyche and the outside

Page 23

Insisting on the importance of rhythm, he demonstrates

that rhythms amplify thoughts: "rhythmic breathing is
the physiological state that is most favorable to certain
mental activities". By synchronizing the rhythm of
thinking and the rhythm of breathing, we can transform
physical energy into psychic energy.
As a physician, Dr Lefebure's first interest was the
effects of this psychic energy on illnesses. He
describes a case of recovery from multiple sclerosis
thanks to this method. But quickly, he started to show
interest in the initiatory effects of rhythmic breathing.
When it is associated to a thought, the phosphene
powers it with a remarkable intensity, so does
rhythmic breathing which fills thoughts with prna,
giving them an amazing density. Thanks to
cerebroscopy and synchrophony, Dr Lefebure
discovered the importance of the rhythm of two
seconds and the role it plays in the awakening of
higher abilities: intellectual, moral, psychic and

around your body. The dot of light can follow the

rhythm of breathing (one full circle in 16 seconds) .
Maintain this breathing cycle until the phosphene has
disappeared (approximately three minutes).
Do another phosphene and start the cycle again.
The value of 4 seconds is only a guideline, other values
can be used, depending on the capacity of your lungs.
Nevertheless, we advise you to start practicing with
these values as increasing the length of the phases is
not the purpose of this exercise. The purpose of this
exercise is to breathe with a slight lack of air.

An exercise of rhythmic breathing: square breathing

Set your metronome on 60 BPM, i.e. one beat per
Do a phosphene.
Breathe in for 6 seconds.
Maintain the air in your lungs for 6 seconds. (Retention
with lungs full) .
Breathe out for 6 seconds.
Maintain your lungs empty for 6 seconds (Retention
with lungs empty) .
Continue this cycle until the phosphene disappears
(roughly three minutes) .
Do another phosphene and start the cycle again.
Visualize a dot of light rotating in your lungs during the
phases of retention.
This value of 6 seconds is only a guideline, other
values can be used, depending on the capacity of
one's lungs. It is the precise regularity of the phases
that is important.
Circular breathing
Similar to square breathing, circular breathing does
not, however, contain phases of retention. It is a kind
of square breathing which angles would have been
rounded off.
Set your metronome on 60 BPM, i.e. one beat per
Do a phosphene.
Breathe in for 4 seconds, starting by breathing very
little and progressively increasing the flow of air.
Keep breathing in for 4 more seconds but, this time,
progressively reduce the flow of air until you barely
breathe in.
Breathe out for 4 seconds, starting by breathing very
little and progressively incresing the flow of air that
comes out of your lungs.
Keep breathing out for 4 more seconds but, this time,
progressively reduce the flow of air until you barely
breathe out.
During circular breathing, visualize a dot of light
rotating inside your lungs or around your head, or

Check the book: THE PNEUMOPHENE or the

breathing technique that opens the gates of
the otherworld, followed by Phosphenism
and rhythmic thinking.

Page 24



assaging techniques date back to Ancient

times; they were used mainly as a therapeutic
system, as certified by Hippocrates, in
circumstances that are probably quite close to what
they are today. Massages and the use of thermal
water constitute one of the most universal forms of

Though oriental methods are quite different from the

occidental ones in spirit, their practical applications
show that are actually quite similar.
Every period of time has its fashion, its style, but the
foundations are the same. Every season, new
methods are designed and it is quite common to see
practicioners who mix freely various techniques:
californian massage, do-in, shiatsu
Nevertheless, there is no philosophical system that
governs the art of massaging in the West.
Shiatsu and do-in refer to the Tao, a metaphysical
system based on the dialectic of the yin and the yang,
creative principles stemming from a unique principle,
acupuncturists call the meridians. The meridians form
a kind of network of energy composed of two opposed
energies, which imbalance would be the cause of all
The object of this kind of therapy, through the medium
of various methods like plants or physical stimulation
of the energy networks (acupuncture needles,
pressing with the fingers, etc.) is to re-establish the
balance of energy within the individual.

The primal massage.

(By Jean Tan-Ham)
-Massage is an instinctive practice among mammals.
Human beings are born blind. They discover the world
with their sense of touch, then smell, and finally with
their sense of audition.
Among mammals, many mothers are unable to
recognize their young with their sense of sight: it is
their sense of smell that serves as the main bond of
But, licking also plays an important part in the
communication between the mother and her young.
Thus, for the young mammal, the feeling of not being
abandoned is connected to a form of body massage: a
hot and humid contact, rhythmic, and associated to
the reassuring smell of the mother.
Massage is thus a way to counter anguish and stress
and, at the same time, a way to re-establish a bond of
communication between individuals belonging to the
same group.
Massages offer two main advantages:
Providing an outside help: it is the masseur who
gives rhythm to the exercise and has the
responsability for its performance, thus liberating the
mind of the patient.
Providing an external stimulus that does not require
movement: the patient is motionless and can thus
concentrate on the sensations produced by the
Phosphenism, a method of personal development
designed by Dr Lefebure, helps understanding the

Page 25

mode of operation of most techniques of relaxation and

meditation. We will study the massaging techniques in
the light of these discoveries.

being only used in the phase of preparation. Squashing

should be used only during a final phase and only for
an initiatory purpose.

The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of

light, i.e. those which are not directly produced by light
stimulating the retina.

2 - Fast or slow rhythm

1 - Brush, pressure or squashing

Should a good massage consist in a simple brush on
the skin (californian massage) or, on the contrary,
should one strongly massage the muscle (sports
massage) or even firmly squash the tissues (shiatsu) ?
A whole range of pressures of the hand can be found
in the various techniques.
We believe the pressure of the hand should be as
close as possible as the licking performed by mammal
mothers ; halfway between the sports massage and
the californian massage. The term "firm brush" seems
to express the idea best. The muscle should feel
slightly compressed (something matching the pressure
of the tongue and the snout of a Saint Bernard or a
Gentle brush can be used during a phase of preparation
to warm up the skin and relax the persons who might
be apprehensive. Strong pressures can be used at the
end of the session if one wishes to achieve a certain
intensity, but one needs to be careful.
Strong pressures are likely to have an interesting antistress effect, if they are performed well. Nevertheless,
this requires a certain tact. It is interesting to note that
some oriental masseurs do not hesitate to litteraly
"step" on their patients, i.e. massage with their feet
and their full bodyweight. This seems slightly
exagerated though it provides a relevant "primal"
In a simpler fashion, one can try alternating pressures
of the palm of the hand, more or less firm, depending
on the part of the body treated. In this case, one should
not perform a "gliss" movement, but rather alternated
pressures reminding the movements of the paws of a
kitten. This technique belongs to a phase of relaxation
and preparation.
In an initatory framework, strong pressures can be
used. The contrasting effect will lead to a state of
tension that is extremely close to a state of trance, the
climax of the session. In opposition to what one might
think, relaxation is not the best way to reach a state of
"illumination". On the contrary, the violent mobilization
of the energy of the muscles is the best way to prepare
Let us also precise that it is the variation from
relaxation to tension that is efficient. There should thus
be an alternation of periods of tension and relaxation.
Simply note that relaxation is a means rather than an
Conclusion: the main part of the massage session
should be constituted of average pressures, brushes

According to the works of Dr Lefebure, the rhythm of

massage should, on average, be of one alternation left
hand / right hand per second. The rhythm should match
the rhythm of licking of dogs or cats.
One should simply let themselves be carried by their
intuition, a feat that is not so difficult to perform as
massaging is such a natural need.
Nevertheless, there is a main point to respect, even
more important than the precision of the rhythm: never
interrupting the rhythm.
More precisely, the contact between the masseur and
their patient should not be interrupted. This point is
raised by certain books and is certainly instinctively
practiced by many masseurs, but it is not necessarily
obvious to everyone.
Without a doubt, if the masseur interrupts the contact
of their hands with the body of their patient, for
example to coat their hands with oil or to increase the
heating, or simply to pass from the left leg to the right
leg, this produces an unpleasant feeling for the patient.
This sensation can be explained by the fact that
abandoning one's mother (interrupting physical
contact) creates anguish.
Consequently, the masseur should strive to maintain
"contact" during the whole session. A session of
massage is a sort of journey performed together, from
A to B. If the bridge between the masseur and their
patient is severed, it will be difficult to reach the goal
of this journey.
3 - Mode of operation:
Do a phosphene with the phosphenic lamp, then
project your phosphene on the part of the body that you
are going to massage. This process will deepen the
effects of the massage.
First phase: - The patient lays on their belly: back, right
leg, left leg. Left part of the back, right part of the back.
Second phase: - The patient lays on their back: right
leg, left leg, right part of the chest, left part of the chest.
Then move behind the head of the patient, massage
both sides at the same time, with a very light
movement, from the shoulders to the chin (5 to 10
times), then from the chin to the top of the head. Brush
a single time the eyelids with your index fingers.
This is a basic way to proceed, it should be
progressively combined with a phase of preparation
then, after a certain period of training, with a final
phase meant to work with "initiatory" perceptions.

Page 26


tress is everywhere. Modern science has

proved that it generates diseases. In a way, it is
the scourge of our times.

We would like to present a revolutionary method of

dealing with stress, designed by French physician and
researcher Dr Francis Lefebure. His discoveries in
cerebral physiology have enabled him to create
several techniques and devices that are particularly
efficient for managing stress. After a brief presentation
of the fundamental factors that govern the
development of stress, we will review several
techniques for relieving it.
We believe there are three levels of stress:
- Stress related to the social environement.
- Stress related to the cultural environement.
- Stress related to what we could call the cosmic

In general, mammals are equipped with two

mecanisms for adapting to the stress of survival: the
first one allows them to optimize all their means of
defence in order to face aggression or to adapt in a
relevant manner to the environement. The second
mecanism allows the mammals to give up life without
Confronted with danger, the organism triggers reflexes
that will help adapting to the situation: the endocrin
glands start secreting hormones that prepare the
organism to function in a state of urgency.
When the animal is attacked by a predator, there is a
moment when it abadons all defenses. The animal
goes into a state close to hypnosis so that it does not

1) The stress of survival

Lethal stress can produce a state of anesthezation

where energy leaves the body. Certain authors have
explored stress as a means to produce states of

Confronted to its natural environement, the animal has

to permanently struggle, spend energy, mobilize all its
ressources to ensure its survival: gathering food,
avoiding predators

Today, the struggle for life is transposed to business,

employment These situations have become a
transposition of the stress of survival though they are
mixed with a form of social stress.

Page 27

2) Social stress
Human being are sociable creatures and they find
comfort in being part of a community. On the other
hand, the fear of exclusion can generate a considerable
amount of stress.
In the past, banishment was just one step lower than
death in the scale of punishment.
Today, there is a new pernicious form of exclusion:
unemployment. In a society that is governed by the
principle of profit and the worship of productivity,
unemployment is often experienced as a violent form of
social stress, as individuals feel like they are not part
of society any more.
Nevertheless, the main source of social stress seems
to be the hierarchic bonds in the community. The
frustrations related to the relationship between the
dominating and the dominated generate the production
of specific chemical substances that constitute a
conditioning factor of social relations.
Relationships of hierarchy produce two kinds of stress:
the dynamic stress that drives the young to challenge
the domination of the old, and the debilitating stress
that affects the individuals who cannot escape their
3) Metaphysical stress
The same way they need to find their place in society,
human beings need to situate themselves in time and
space, confronted by the infinity that surrounds them.
Human beings who cannot identify themselves as
agents of the cosmic processes are desorientated and
suffer from a feeling of isolation.
The Christian legacy that governs Western society is
marked by the belief in the apocalypse and the return
of the messiah. Consequently, modern human beings
are permanently unsatisfied and are always searching
for an illusionary progress. Never knowing if this event
will take place and the culpability experienced because
this event does not happen generate a great amount of
4) The techniques of stress management
These techniques are based on the systematic use of
the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the subjective
sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly
produced by light stimulating the retina. They
correspond to what ophtalmologists call images of
retinal persistency or after images. They can be
produced by focusing on sources of light for short
periods of time.
a) Relaxation
Simply doing a phosphene is already relaxing. Anglers
are a good example of this. Indeed, they spend long
hours focusing on the float, and thus doing
phosphenes with the reflection of the sun or the bright
sky on water. Many anglers relate that this activity
relaxes them in a way that cannnot find elsewhere.

In the 1950s, scientists discovered the positive action

of light on the production of hormones. Today, it is
commonly used for treating the patients suffering from
chronic depression. Light has a major influence on the
production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates
But, why limit yourself to the phototherapeutic action of
light when you can benefit from many other positive
effects. Indeed, Phosphenic Mixing (an exercise
consisting in mingling a thought with a phosphene) is
a powerful stimulant of intellectual activity. Practicing
Phosphenic Mixing regularly improves attention,
concentration, memory, as well as the spirit of initiative
and creativity.
b) Alternating hearing
A principle based on hearing a sound in turn in the right
and the left ear, alternating hearing balances the
exchanges between the cerebral hemispheres. One of
its main effects on personality is to "center" the
individual. A "centered" person is less affected by
stress and control their emotions better. Thus,
practicing with the Alternophone helps the individual to
avoid being subjected to the situations of everyday life.
c) The lateral head sway
The effects of this exercise are similar to those of the
Alternophone. In fact, it is a different manner to obtain
a similar result.
d) The hammock
A third variation of the same principle, the hammock
exercise helps regulating cerebral alternation in a
simple and fun way. The exercise can be practiced the
following way:
- Do a phosphene.
- Laying on the hammock, give yourself a good push
so that you start swaying. Even better, ask somebody
to give you a push.
- Focus your attention on the sensation of swaying.
- You can visualize currents of energy that pass
trough your body as you sway.
- Keep concentrating like this until the amplitude of
the sways has become very small.
- You will be surprised by the sensation produced by
the smaller sways.
- When you deem it necessary, push yourself again
and start the exercise back at the beginning.
- You can also do a new phosphene approximately
every 5 minutes.
This kind of exercise can be practiced in a rockingchair, but, in this case, it is a antero-posterior sway
that is produced. Its effects are slightly different from
the effects of the lateral head sway. The anteroposterior sway tends to transform dreams into
concrete action. It is more adapted to practicing in the

Page 28


odern discoveries on the functioning of the

brain have deeply changed our understanding
of the learning process. Georgi Lozanov, a
Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator, is the father of
suggestology, the science of suggestion. His research
quickly led him out of the traditional framework of
medecine, his main interests were the domain of
sports and the domain of education. But it is his
method for learning foreign languages that made him
famous. Using relaxation, suggestion and music, he
creates an optimal environement for the student and
can preen himself on extremely positive results:
learning times are divided by two or three, long term
memory is improved, all this in an atmosphere of total

In the end of the 1970s, two americans, Sheila

Ostander and Lynn Schroeder, introduce suggestology
in the United States with their best-seller
Superlearning. The idea that one can learn much faster
and in much better conditions than what is usually
admited is very attractive. Later, many other
researchers express interest in this method and a set
of theories is developed.
The basic postulates are the following:
Suggestology not only stimulates intelligence and
creativity, but it can also help neutralizing
psychological blocks.
Learning is produced by conscious and subconscious
Learning must be pleasant, implying relaxation and a
variety of approaches.

Later, the various schools of suggestology stressed

the importance of the complementarity of the left and
the right brain, as well as the holistic dimension of
apprenticeship and the quality of the environement.
NLP contributed to this by demonstrating that every
individual functions in a different way and that
education should take that diversity into account.
In 1963, at the same period Lozanov discovered
suggestology, a French physician and scientist,
Doctor Francis Lefebure, published Phosphenic Mixing
Applied to Education, a book that demonstrates the
influence of light on mental processes. By focusing on
a source of light for approximately thirty seconds (for
example, the phosphenic lamp he designed), one can
produce a phosphene, i.e. a subjective sensation of
light that persists for several minutes. This operation
in itself is relaxing. Also, learning during the presence
of the phosphene is much more efficient. Indeed, the
phosphene channels the attention of the student on
the subject of study and favors associations of ideas.
You need to write a text. While you are focusing on the
phosphenic lamp, concentrate on an image that sums
up the subject of your text. As soon as you switch the
lamp off, ideas start flowing. When the phosphene
disappears, after roughly three minutes, choose the
best idea and keep concentrating on it during a second
phosphene. During the presence of the phosphene,
other ideas will appear, richer and in greater numbers.
Pick the most important theme and concentrate on it
during a third phosphene; more new ideas will come

Page 29

to your mind, more and more structured and

interesting. There are no limits to this exercise. Your
reflection will keep improving.
Superlearning techniques are greatly amplified when
they are associated to Phosphenic Mixing. Moreover,
Phosphenic Mixing creates a positive mood, stimulates

creativity, and eliminates blocks; it connects the

conscious and the subconscious; it is a pleasant
process, as it brings relaxation and mental stimulation.
Phosphenic Mixing has a positive effect on sleep,
mood and sociability.

Page 30


here are two main branches of tantrism: physical

tantrism and mental tantrism.

Only mental tantrism is initiatory, it consists in

transforming sexual energy into mental energy.
Various traditional techniques produce this result. For
example, indian yogis visualize a goddess (or Shakti)
dancing in rotation on one of their chakras (women can
of course use a male image). Through concentrating
like this on godesses, they end up making love to
them in the astral plane in ecstatic experiences during
the night.
This principle of transformation of erotic thoughts into
energy can also be found with european nuns who,
through concentrating on Jesus Christ, end up having
sexual experiences with his image in the astral plane.
The most famous example is Saint Theresa of Avila
and her highly erotic ecstasies.
An efficient way to practice this type of exercise
consists in mixing an erotic thought or a fantasy with
a phosphene. The phosphenes are all the subjective
sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly
produced by light stimulating the retina. They can be
produced by short periods of focusing on sources of
An exercise of Phosphenism
Do a phosphene.
Visualize a dot of light whirling between the mental
image of a fantasy and yourself.
Repeat this exercise several days in a row.

You will experience making love in the astral plane.

The connection between sexual energy and spiritual
energy appears clearly in this pertinent comment by
Doctor Lefebure:
"An astronaut that would travel towards the sun will
first see its light above him. After passing the point
where the gravity of the earth and the gravity of the
sun cancel each other, he will perceive the light of the
sun coming from below him. Similarly, in the beginning
of spiritual elevation, sexual forces seem to be
opposite to spiritual light but, after a certain level of
elevation, the mystic realizes that it thanks to these
sexual forces (transmuted through exercises of
rhythmo-phosphenism) that he/she reaches the
greatest illumination." Extract from From the Praying
Wheel to the Spiritual Dynamo.
The principle of using phospenes to transform the
energy of light into mental energy was discovered by
a French physician and scientist, Doctor Francis
Lefebure. Thanks to the phosphenes, he designed
several cerebral activation devices. One of these
devices can be combined with the pratice of tantrism:
the Gyrascope.
Indeed, tantrism can lead to sexual deviance.
Practicing with the Gyrascope purifies thoughts and
helps avoiding these problems.
The effects of the Gyrascope can be compared to the
effects of a centrifuge. For example, when blood is
centrifugated, the heavier elements are pushed
towards the periphery bu the centrifugal force. As a
reaction, the lighter elements (pure water in this case)
are concentrated around the central axis of rotation.

Page 31

The effect of the Gyrascope on consciouness is the

same: the heavier thoughts will be swept out of the
consciousness of the individual, producing a genuine
purification of thoughts, a token of sanity.

Page 32


hether it is science or science fiction, people

have always been fascinated by telepathy
and a lot has been written about it.
Researchers such as Professor Rhine have
accumulated a lot of statistics which have never
proved anything. Therefore, telepathy remains
parapsychological centres.

Nevertheless, the discoveries in cerebral physiology of

Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and
researcher, allow a better understanding of these
phenomena and the mechanisms which produce
them. His discoveries are based on the systematic
use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the
subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not
directly caused by light stimulating the cells of the
retina. The phosphenes illustrate the rhythmic
functions of the brain and demonstrate the existence
of cerebral rhythms, which can be developed and
maintained by practicing rhythmic thinking exercises.
Rhythm structures thoughts, improving attention,
memory, organisational skills and creativity. During
their research, Dr Lefebure and his collaborators
realized that the phosphenes and rhythmic thinking
are easy to transmit by telepathy.
Experimenting with the telepathic transmission of the
In ordinary conditions of experimentation, the
telepathic transmissibility of the phosphenes is very
important, much more than ordinary thoughts.
If one focuses on a red spot on a white wall for about
30 seconds, and then either looks away or covers it
up, one sees a green spot appear. This spot is a
phosphene and green is the complementary colour of

Mr Delay, experimenting with discs of various colours

that a transmitting subject (the transmitter) focused
on, noticed that another subject sitting nearby and
wearing an eye patch (the receiver), perceived a
phosphene. This phenomenon did not occur while the
transmitter was focusing on the disc, but while he
was perceiving the complementary colour. The
phosphene perceived by the receiver was of the same
colour as the phosphene perceived by the transmitter,
rather than of the original colour of the disc.
It is during this experiment that Mr Delay noticed that
the transmission of the phosphenes does not follow
the laws that are usually accepted for telepathy. The
telepathic transmission of the phosphenes actually
depends on both the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver and their relative position. The nearer
the receiver is from the transmitter, the better the
transmission is. The telepathic transmission of the
phosphenes is also improved if the two subjects are
facing each other.
It is possible to induce particular rhythms to the
phosphenes. For example, if two lamps are placed so
that each eye of the subject only sees one lamp, and
that these lamps are lit alternatively at a rhythm of two
seconds, the two phosphenes produced do not coexist
but alternate at a rhythm that is characteristic of the
On average, this rhythm is of eight seconds per side
and the alternation of the phosphenes lasts roughly
three minutes.
It is interesting to note that the regularity of this rhythm
conveys much information on the condition of the brain
and on the influence that drugs or diet can have on it.

Page 33

But, it is even more interesting to note that during

these experiments of telepathy, the alternation of the
double phosphenes was provoked in a subject who
was located in a different room and who did not know
what kind of phosphene was being transmitted. The
receiver clearly perceived two phosphenes, alternating
at the same rhythm as the two phosphenes perceived
by the transmitter. (Experiment carried out by Mr Raoul
Violay) .
Even though you might not want to get involved in such
complex experiments, you can observe that if you do
a phosphene, it is quite easy to transmit it to another
person located near you and who has not focused on
the light. Moreover, now that you are aware of how
easy it is to transmit phosphenes by telepathy, you
will notice in everyday life, spontaneous cases that
might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Extract from Phosphenism, a new explanation of the

origins of religion

Induced rhythmic thinking has a profound action and

can help unlocking certain psychic abilities. This
explains why certain highly spiritual persons can
trigger powerful spiritual phenomena in others, thanks
to these techniques. This is the true meaning of
Initiation: the triggering of energies that will help the
expression and the realization of the abilities people
truly have within themselves.
The implications of phosphenic telepathy are actually
very profound, as it creates a relationship that involves
deep feelings. This form of telepathy is much richer
than the simple transmission of figures and shapes.
What is involved here is a more complete
understanding of another individual through the
feelings one receives. This goes beyond the
superficial language that we express ourselves with
and which limitations do not allow us to describe
certain of our feelings. Phosphenic telepathy might
even be the lost common language mentioned in
some legends: the famous story of the Tower of Babel
in the Old Testament, for example.

The definition of phosphenic telepathy, or initiatory

telepathy, is different from the definition of telepathy
that is usually accepted. Dr Lefebures research
demonstrated that rhythmic thinking, when it has been
developed by practice, is easy to transmit to other
people. Thus, the term phosphenic telepathy means
transmission of rhythmic thinking.
Rhythmic thinking, induced in other people, will
produce a movement in their thoughts which is not
necessarily equivalent to the transmitted movement.
The perception of this movement can take place in a
variety of ways: either by images (for example the
image of downhill skiing, of ascending in a hot air
balloon, of the movement of a clock pendulum, etc.),
synaesthesian sensations (the sensation of being on
a boat), or by both forms of perception simultaneously.
Experiment of phosphenic telepathy
For this experiment, you will need a transmitting and a
receiving subject (which we will refer to as the
transmitter and the receiver). The transmitter can
place him/herself behind the receiver or they can face
each other. The transmitter does a phosphene,
projects it on the receiver and induces a rhythmic
thought in the form of a moving dot of light. In the
beginning of the experiment, the transmitter can make
the spot move in a lateral pendular motion. The best
rhythm to use is the rhythm of two seconds: one
second to the right, one second to the left. In order to
follow a very precise rhythm, a metronome can be
used. The receiver should keep his/her eyes shut and
remain attentive to the sensations and images that
might appear, especially the ones of a rhythmic

Page 34



here are a number of connections between the

Templars, the Cathars and Phosphenism that
appear clearly in certain documents, certain
traditions and even in the architecture of the time. We
will refer to several of these sources in the course of
this study.

This graffiti can be interpreted as a Templar focusing

on the sun or contemplating a phosphene. During
excavations in Jerusalem, the Templars found a secret
their kept preciously and about which much has been
written. Could this secret be related to the phosphenic
techniques ?

The Cathars (or Albigenses) used to pray while

focusing on the sun. They stated that Jesus Christ had
taught such a pratice. The castle of Montsgur, their
sanctuary, was built as a solar temple, an
architectural fact that can still be observed today.
Indeed, on the summer solstice, the 21st of june,
sunlight goes through two thin slits in one of the walls,
producing two parallel rays of light that the local
legends call "the parallels of Montsgur". These two
slits look like embrasures for firing arrows, but their
location cannot serve this purpose. This particularity of
the castle of Montsgur shows how important the sun
was to the Cathars.

The following document, extracted from Jean-Claude

Flornoy's website: http://letarot.com/Matre-Jacques
relates the social turmoil that was the consequence of
the elimination of the order of the Temple. An exercise
for developing energy (rhythmic walking) is also
described, and we will analyse it in the light of the
discoveries of Dr Lefebure.

Mgr Truchemotte, the bishop of the church of

Bordeaux, published a photograph of a graffiti found in
the dungeon where the head of the Templars, Jacques
de Molay, was imprisoned.

"The tragic execution of the dignitaries of the Temple

on march 18th 1314, lead to two consequences that
king Philippe le Bel had certainly not considered. First,
the Temple was an immense and sprawling
organization, specialized in banking and equipped
with a major maritime fleet. Its true treasure was its
trading posts and its accountants, spread all over the
mediterranean basin and in all the cites of Europe. Its
bills of exchange served as checks. Its navy
connected the medieval world and maintained order.

Graffiti found in the dungeon of Coudray, attributed to

Jacques de Molay.

The Republic of Venice later assumed this role as, for

two centuries, the pride of a king caused France to
lapse into war and misery. The second catastrophic
consequence was the departure of almost all the
companions towards various destinations: Italy,
Portugal, the Middle-East On that fateful afternoon,
the masters of the brotherhoods of companions
understood that they would be the next to burn at the
stake. Consequently, they started the "Great Strike of
the Cathedrals". Within three weeks, all the work on
the cathedrals was abandoned and almost all the

Page 35

crews left for exile. These constructions were only

resumed much later by the Church, and with great
difficulty. The floorplans and the forms of the buildings
were correct, but the science of the energies had been
lost. Building a sacred place of worship can only be
achieved by understanding the underground forces
stemming for the deepest of the earth.
These forces were known and respected under the
name of wouivre or wivern. A sacred site is always a
location that, in its natural state, is tremendously
geopathogen. It is often the intersection of underground
streams that makes it dangerous for living beings. It
functions according to a simple electrical process.
When there is an important charge underground, the
micro-electric balance of the surface will occur through
the attraction of an equivalent force from the
magnetosphere. The forces gushing from the earth are
opposed to the forces descending from the cosmos.
When you are standing in a geopathogen location, your
feet are positioned on the point of micro-electric
balance, but your head is not. These forces litteraly
drain you of your energy, that is sucked and digested
by the earth. The builders of sacred places have
always used these points for their constructions. The
more dangerous, the more interesting they were, as
the force gushing from the earth was significant. The
clairvoyant master builders could visualize the earth's
aura and would build according to it.
This force can be broken down into three layers. The
first, closest to the ground, was used by the builders
of megaliths for their dolmens. The second, of medium
size, was used in churches of roman style. The third
and largest, corresponds to the gothic style. Stones
were used as micro-batteries to build a cage for this
aura while letting the forces coming from the cosmos
flow on the outside, thus liberating the wouivre that
filled the inside of the building. Crypts are always of
roman style and actually are modernizations of the
dolmens. The builders of sacred places felt that they
were installing "machines". They used to call their
works athanors, or machines destined to transmute
people. The bishops of the time were the enchantors of
these machines and conducted immense collective
trances. On the summer solstice, in the city of
Chartres, locals practiced a trance.
The doors were opened at dawn and, one at a time, the
population entered, walking in a line, swaying and
marching to the rhythm of music. A stomp to the left, a
stomp to the right, they slowly advanced towards the
labyrinth and, after exiting from it, they kept swaying
and stomping while crowding under the vaulting. All
day long, stomp, stomp, the swaying continued, ever
amplifying and, when the night came, the doors were
closed in order to let the cathedral vibrate fully. Then,
after a signal from the bishop, the crowd suddenly
stopped and, during a magically silent moment, all
these thousands of people reached a state of trance
and unity with the divine. This is what Philippe le Bel
destroyed when he burnt the Templars at the stake. He
widely opened the door to a religious dictature: the
dark times of the Inquisition started. Platonic
immanence gave way to Aristotelian transcendance.

Saint Augustine was defeated by Saint Thomas

Aquinas. No more could human beings unite with the
divine by themselves, they needed divine "grace" that,
of course, only the priests and their rituals could
induce. The Templars had protected the fraternities of
disappearance left the builders alone in their struggle
against their merciless enemies. The sacred thus
deserted the Christian atlantic Occident.
Professionals of such skill were rare. The companion
builders were welcome, wherever they went. Venice
was the richest, dominating power of the
Mediterranean, they settled there. In Northern Italy,
where the accountants of the Temple gave birth to the
great families of Lombardian bankers, the companions
engineered the Renaissance. But, their integration
caused the loss of their idiosyncrasies, as they
became secular. Overseas, in the Middle-East, and in
more particularily in Cilicia, they managed to keep their
soul and maintain their ancestral culture. The science
of the "pilgrimage of the soul", that had been the
backbone of their spirituality for countless time,
survived, and they managed to pass it on to us in the
The exercise described above consists in marking a
sway by stomping alternatively with the left and the
right foot. Dr Lefebure's research in cerebral physiology
can help us decypher this seemingly odd practice.
First, any alternating walk or dance creates
synchronizations between the brain hemispheres
through the alternating use of opposed groups of
muscles. This pratice is related to the exercise of
lateral head sway developed by Dr Lefebure. Also,
stomping strongly with the feet stimulates what Dr
Lefebure calls osteophene or phene of the elastic
properties of the skeleton.
Repetitive dancing also stimulates the myophene or
phene related to muscular activity. After practicing,
while falling asleep in bed, the participants would feel
this myophene as the memory of the sensations their
muscles gave them during the dance.
This trance practiced in Chartres is a physiological
exercise intended to produce very specific effects,
even though it belongs to an empirical tradition that
does not try to explain this process scientifically.
Thus, it is possible to improve this exercise thanks to
the discoveries of Dr Lefebure, and to practice this kind
of rhythmic walk in a forest, for example.
Exercise of rhythmic walking:
Set the Mantratron on a rhythm of one beat per
second or on a rhythm of six beats per second.
If you do not own a Mantratron, you can use a
metronome or you can download audio files in Mp3
format for free on the website of Phosphenism.
Do a phosphene (ATTENTION !: if you do a phosphene
with the sun, focusing should not last more than two

Page 36

seconds and should be done through a piece of fabric

or through the canopy of the forest, without glasses or
contacts, as they could provoke severe burns of the
Walk following the rhythm of the Mantratron: count
one step every second. Similarly, if you use a rhythm
of six beats per second: you will count 1,2,3,4,5,6,
1,2,3,4,5,6, stomping with your foot on every 1. (right,
2,3,4,5,6, left, 2,3,4,5,6, etc.) .
Do a new phosphene every fifteen minutes or so, if
you practice with the sun. Or every five minutes or so,
if you pratice with Dr Lefebure's phosphenic lamp.
During the next few nights, you might enjoy a fantastic
experience of lucid dreaming.

Page 37



o familiarize yourself with this revolutionary

theory, the best material available is The Elegant
Universe, a three-part documentary directed by
David Hickman in 2003.

The first part is titled Einstein's Dream. It relates the

quest of the inventor of general Relativity for a unique
theory that would include all the laws of the universe.
Convinced that he was searching for something
essential, he devoted his life to the search for this
scientific Grail, kepping a notebook at all times for
writing down equations, in case he found the ones
that confirmed his Unified Field Theory. Meanwhile,
quantum mecanics were being developed though
Einstein showed absolutely no interest in them (hence
the famous quote: God does not play dice). In fact, the
theory of the infinitely large and the theory of the
infinitely small turned out to be perfectly incompatible.
Though Einstein was alone in his quest, this first
episode shows that the legacy he left for the future
generations was his dream of finding an allencompassing theory.
The second episode, The String Theory, fits in this
approach. Its underlying idea is that the whole
universe is made of a single ingredient: tiny strings
that vibrate in a multitude of different ways, the
universe being a gigantic cosmic symphony. This
theory reconciles the two previous ones, the theory of
the microcosm and the theory of the macrocosm.

As for the third episode, Welcome to the 11th

Dimension, it invites the audience to radically change
their conception of space. Brian Greene's humour, his
skills as a frontman, drag us into a most exciting
experience. The boldest animations capture our
attention as the concepts studied drift away
definitively from our everyday lives. Here our universe
becomes a slice of bread ! The other slices of the loaf
are parallel universes. And, of course, there are
hundreds of such loaves. Enough to make your head
spin ! Especially when Brian Greene brings up the
pathways that lay between these universes. And what
if the Big Bang did not mark the beginning of our

An amazing scientific epic, the history of the discovery

of the string theory, from its inception to the unification
of its five different versions by Edward Witten, will
certainly fascinate you, especially if you practice
But let us go back to the scientific presuppositions of
this theory situated at the far end of science.
The universe is composed of "string-like, tiny,
oscillating strands of energy". If an atom was enlarged
to the size of our solar system, these strings would be
the size of a tree. The strings of a cello can vibrate at
different frequencies and thus produce various notes.
Similarily, it is the different modes of vibration of the

Page 38

strings that confer particular characteristics to

particules, i.e. their mass and their charge.
There lays the elegance of this theory, but also its
weak point. Indeed, can we really speak of theory
when faced by one that is impossible to disprove?
There are no experiments nor observations that are in
the position of doing so. Strings cannot be observed.
Does the string "theory" belong to the domain of
physics? Or does it belong to the domain of
Let us now briefly describe Phosphenism, in order to
demonstrate that it goes in the same direction as this
In 1959, Francis Lefebure, a French doctor and
researcher, had the idea to check the efficiency of the
initiatory exercises that had been taught to him, by
using the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the
subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not
directly caused by light stimulating the retina. This is
how he discovered the importance of the rhythm of two
seconds. He realized that when he swayed his head
laterally at this pace, the phosphene followed the
movements of his head. On the contrary, when he
swayed his head faster or slower, the phosphene
remained fixed. Building from this discovery, he studied
what would happen with two phosphenes and
developed the award-winning Cerebroscope. This
device allowed him to monitor cerebral rhythms in a
new, revolutionary way.
Three years later, he decided to experiment with
thinking about a precise subject during the presence of
the phosphene. This is how he discovered the
foundation of what would become his method:
Phosphenic Mixing. Phosphenes and thoughts interact
dynamically, allowing the development of memory,
intelligence and creativity.
Phosphene, rhythm and thought, these are the
fundamental ingredients of Dr Lefebure's "scientifically
improved yoga".

The idea that the universe is constituted of tiny

vibrating strings is particularily attractive to the
Phosphenists, as they consider that rhythm is a
primary component. Also, the fact that these minuscule
"ingredients" that compose the universe can resonate
together to perform a cosmic symphony, can seduce
the minds who are trying to achieve resonance with
themselves and the universe they live in.

Dr Lefebure, and those who walked in his steps, have

developed a privileged relationship with the cosmos.
Indeed, Dr Lefebure used to meditate in the direction of
the constellation of Sagitarius to establish a
relationship with spirits, guides, electrons of a high
energy level.
Some veteran Phosphenists are unwary travellers who
wander back and forth across the cosmos (the
universe lays within us) .
"() one night, I find myself in a scenery that I know
very well, as it is a place where I spent a part of my
childhood and all my summer holidays: my cousin's
farm in the Brittany region of France. There, in the
middle of a field, stands a massive tree. I move
towards it and, slowly, I enter it, as if I wanted to be at
one with this tree and with nature itself. Then, I feel
propeled up into the sky. I am rising. I am moving away
from the earth and it is becoming smaller and smaller.
Above me, I perceive the inifinity of space. Suddenly, I
am freefalling at a tremendous speed. I have just
crossed the spiritual equivalent of the line of equal
gravity, i.e. the line where the attraction of the earth is
cancelled by the attraction of the sun. I have just
entered the "high astral". I keep travelling, and find
myself in the cosmic plane. There, a grand sight is
presented to me.
Myriads of stars shine in the distance () I
contemplate this subjective universe."
Extract from: Preparation for Astral Projection or The
Exploration of the Subjective World, by Daniel

Page 39


rom the latin word transire - "to cross", the word

trance is connected to the notions of threshold or
channel. From the 5th century, the word trance is
used to signify the passage from life to death, but it is
in the 14th century that it acquires the meaning of "a
particular psycho-physiological state". The word is
then used more and more to signify the passage
through different states of consciousness and, today,
it is particularily linked to shamanism.

It is also interesting to note that the word trance is

commonly used in the vocabulary of rave parties, to
define a particular style of techno music but also to
represent the various states of consciousness
produced by the combination of music and the
consumption of psychedelic drugs. Though it is based
on dangerous excesses, the culture of rave parties
seems to be a kind of neo-shamanism or resurgence
of an ancient instinct of transcendence.
The states of trance are often interpreted as states of
religious ecstacy; several operating modes can
produce these states: prayer, religious rites,
meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, certain physical
exercises, tantrism, music, dancing, fasting.
These different techniques are related to the cultures
that developed them and are all part of various
traditions. Thus, experiences of ecstatic states of
consciouness are interpreted within the context of
these cultures and traditions.
Shamanism is probably the oldest tradition to have
practiced trance. Indeed, shamanism is the first
religion and dates back to the dawn of humankind.
Shamans systematicaly use music and more
particularily rhythms to produce states of trance.
Dances are often a major part of these rituals. But, this
type of mecanisms can also be found in many

subsequent traditions which practice trance. The

Sufis, for example, use dancing and music to achieve
contact with the sacred. The animist traditions of
Africa or Voodoo also practice trance induced by
dancing and music. The Eastern practice of reciting
mantras is also based on the notion of rhythm, a
notion that is much more important than the actual
meaning of the words that compose the mantras.
The production of states of trance seems to follow
certain universal modes of operation.
Dr Lefebure's discoveries bring out a new
comprehension of these phenomena. Understanding
the physiological mecanisms that produce states of
trance has permitted Dr Lefebure to draw several
essential conclusions and to go beyond the
empiricism of primitive cultures.
It is thanks to the systematic use of the phosphenes
that Dr Lefebure has been able to study the cerebral
mecanisms that are responsible for the production of
states of trance. The phosphenes are all the subjective
sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly
produced by light stimulating the retina. They
correspond to what ophtalmologists call " images of
retinal persistence" or "after images". The phosphenes
follow their own particular rhythms. Thus, producing a
phosphene by focusing on a source of light also
induces these characteristic rhythms in the subject's
In Phosphenism: The Scientific Explanation of the
Origins of Religion, Dr Lefebure describes the
connections between light and the techniques used for
producing states of trance, the latter being inspired by
the former.
"The study of the rhythms of the phosphenes is of
major importance for understanding their relationship
with religious rites. If one thinks during the presence

Page 40

of a phosphene, one's thoughts tend to follow the

natural rhythms of the phosphenes, though one has, on
the contrary, the subjective feeling that it is the
phosphene that is adapting itself to the rhythms of
thought processes
Focusing on the sun is the basis of all religious rites.
The rhythm of the solar co-phosphene actually induces
the rhythm of prayer, generating currents of energy
within the body that are exteriorized by way of dances
and postures."

An Exercise of Rhythmic Thinking

Choose a repetitive music (traditional shamanic music,
Gnawa music from Morocco, Ju-ju music from Nigeria,
deep techno/trance, etc.)
Do a phosphene by focusing on the phosphenic lamp
for thirty seconds.
Sing the rhythm mentally.
Follow the rhythm with a soft sway of the body.
Do a fresh phosphene every 5 minutes.
At the end of the exercise (15 to 45 minutes), observe
your state of consciousness.

States of trance are thus provoked by the induction of

a rhythm in thoughts.
The techniques based on breathing or prayer also use
rhythms. Their practice can be sensibly improved by
using regular and repetitive rhythms. Dr Lefebure
designed a scientifically improved yoga: Phosphenism.
This set of techniques systematically uses focusing on
sources of light and inducing rhythms in thoughts. Its
results do not need to be proved but experienced.

Page 41


lairvoyance is the ability to perceive information

Clairvoyance takes place in a flash, through the
appearance of very brief mental images which
interpretation is obvious rather symbolic.

Clairvoyance is different from divinatory sciences. The

latter consist in an intellectual interpretation of signs
obtained through various media (cards, star charts,
Since the beginning of humankind, people have aimed
to foresee the future, to determine the most auspicious
moment for undertaking an action, etc. Clairvoyance
has been practiced in all the domains of human
Sometimes, clairvoyance became an institution. It
was the case with many civilizations of the ancient
world, for example in Delphi, where the people used to
consult the Oracle and its priestesses, the Pythia, who
obtained visions by focusing on a fire.
Clairvoyants generally use a medium to produce
visions: a crystal ball, fire, a bowl full of water,
torches, etc. The common characteristic of these
media is that they all are related to light. Again,
clairvoyance differs from the divinatory sciences
because of the nature of the media used.

Dr Francis Lefebure, a French physician and

researcher, made many discoveries in cerebral
physiology. These discoveries explain the mecanisms
of clairvoyance. His research was based on the
systematic use of the phosphenes. The phosphenes
are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those
which are not directly provoked by light stimulating the
retina. Phosphenes can be obtained by focusing on
sources of light for short periods of time.
Dr Lefebure defined a certain number of parameters
that come into play in phenomena of clairvoyance. The
production of phosphenes using sources of light is
systematic. For this purpose, clairvoyants use varied
supports. Placing a candle near a crystal ball, for
example, creates lighting conditions suitable for
clairvoyance. The use of a fire, the moon or of the
reflection of the sun on water produce the same kind
of effects.
Polarized light, i.e. light reflected by a surface, is
particularily conductive, as Dr Lefebure demonstrated.
The light of the moon, the reflection of the sun on
water or the reflection of a candle on a crystal ball
belong to this category.
In Phosphenism: The Scientific Explanation of the
Origins of Religion, Dr Lefebure analyses the
circumstances in which certain clairvoyants developed
their gift.

Page 42

Pentier, the fisherman from Berck

The poetess Minou Drouet

"It was a man called "le pre Pentier" by the population

of Berck (Pas-de-Calais, France). His gift of
clairvoyance was quite famous in the area, and we
were able to verify that his reputation was deserved.
He talked very little, but everything he foresaw
happened. He was retired, but he used to be a

"Everyone in France knows the child prodigy Minou

Drouet whose poems amazed the world, when she
was only 12 years old. She was so famous for a while
that, sometimes when she visited provincial towns,
crowds would gather as if she was a head of state.

According to a custom of the time, he always used to

pray while he was working and he attributed his gift of
clairvoyance to the fact that he prayed to Saint-Cme
and Saint-Damien. He believed that these saints were
particularly powerful because they came from primitive
Christianity. But, as with other cases that we had the
chance to study, and though he actually was a
clairvoyant, we believe that he was mistaken on the
cause of his gift, though this assumption might seem
surprising. Indeed, the two syllables "Cm" and "Dam"
hammered out his litanies : we believe that it is thanks
to them that he practiced rhythmic thinking. Also, he
told us that in the beginning, his clairvoyance only
took place when he focused on water.
It is only much later that we understood why : he
mixed his litanies to the two saints with the
phosphenes produced by the reflection of the sun on
water, and it is only after a long maturation of his brain
by this exercise that his clairvoyance could persist in
the absence of phosphenes.
Let us also quote the case of Mrs. Spique, who since
the age of six has been subject to real bouts of
clairvoyance ; for example, while she was talking
about something completely different, she used to see
a white ball that started whirling. Inside this ball, as it
became transparent, appeared visions that she
described. On one occurence, she gave us many
details about a character that coincided exactly with
our father, who had been deceased for a long time and
about whom we had never talked to her. The precision
of the details was amazing, as she described the
major part of our relationship with our father.
When she was a child, she used to scare the people
around her by announcing deaths or accidents that
took place soon afterwards.
She told us that when she used to live in Algiers
(Algeria) between the age of three and six, she had
such a degree of rachitis of the lower limbs that she
was disabled, and could absolutely not walk. During
this period, in order to fortify her, she was taken to the
beach with a doll and, as she would get bored quickly
by this toy, she used to spend hours looking at the
reflection of the sun on water as a game.
It is interesting to note that this habit not only seems
to have developed her clairvoyance, but also seems to
have had a favorable action on her character as she
developed a great generosity."

All her biographies agree to say that while she was in

an orphanage, she seemed slightly retarded. Her
foster mother took her to a house that was located
near the ocean and, instead of sending her to school,
let her do as she pleased. We have learned, from her
mother, that she used to look at the reflection of the
sun on water for hours, every day, and that at the
same time, she swayed softly her head from left to
right. After a few years of this solitary game, the
people around her realized that she had become a
The process that took place here seems obvious to us
and will be confirmed by another case that we will
quote later. When she focused on the reflection of the
sun on water, she mixed her child reveries with the
phosphenes produced by the movements of this
Moreover, as we have seen previously, swaying on a
pendular rhythm of two seconds is a natural rhythm of
the phosphenes. Thanks to this watery mirror,
Phosphenism carried her along into this rhythm, as the
pendular motion of the phosphenes and the
movements of the waves are of a similar nature :
Experimenting with hearing a sound alternatively in
and the right and the left ear, thanks to a device called
"Alternophone", has showed that these alternating
stimulations are very beneficial for the functioning of
the brain. They develop a stronger attention, sharpen
artistic sensitivity, but also make thoughts surge in a
polarized form, a process that favors the creation of
verses. As does Phosphenic Mixing, this alternating
hearing process simultaneously increases the quality
and the quantity of ideas.
The action of Mixing and the action of alternating
hearing thus belong to the same category of
phenomena, and have led us to the discovery a
previously unknown function of the brain that we have
called "rhythmo-phosphenic function".
Minou was guided by her instincts towards the
phosphenes produced by the reflection of the sun on
the moving waves. The latent rhythmic power of the
phosphenes manifests itself as soon as it has a
chance : Minou instinctively started swaying her head,
another practice which has the ability to develop a
more vivid intelligence by its effects on the higher
abilities of the brain."

Page 43

Exercise : contemplating the reflection of the sun on

Find a suitable stretch of water. A simple basin will
Place yourself in a way that allows you contemplate
the reflection of the sun on the water.
Wear a cap, so that the sun does not shine directly on
your eyes.

Focus on the reflection. You will see various forms

appear : arrows, triangles, crosses, snakes of fire...
These perceptions are your cerebral rhythms that are
activated by light and the rhythm of the ripples.
After approximately three minutes, close your eyes
and observe the colors.
With a little bit of practice, you might perceive visions
of characters or sceneries in the reflection of the sun.


6 CDs
What is clairvoyance and how can it be developed ? Is it true that certain persons have the
ability to perceive, beyond time and space, events that have or will actually occur ?
Doctor LEFEBUREs research has proved that this phenomenon actually exists, but that it is
nevertheless quite rare. The persons who have this gift claim that it has developed
unconsciously, as they never have tried to do so. On the contrary, the persons who try to
develop this gift do not obtain results. This shows that there is a missing key to the
understanding of the nature of clairvoyance and to its use.
This key would allow the understanding and design of the foundation of a genuine
conscious and methodical development of clairvoyance phenomena. Moreover, it is
interesting to note that the persons who have the gift of clairvoyance usually attribute the
development of this ability to elements that actually have nothing to do with clairvoyance.
Without the necessary knowledge, they have not been able to analyse the circumstances
and the conditions of this development.
As he interviewed clairvoyants, Doctor LEFEBURE noticed that certain elements came back
in a systematic manner.
This course on audio CD provides you with a study,starting with the basic experiments,
which purpose is to lead you to the most advanced clairvoyance phenomena.
22 lessons and more than 56 practical exercises.

Page 44


rom the sankrit yuj (union) which gave the english

word "yoke", yoga appeared at least 5 000 years
ago in northwestern India, as testified by ancient
coins representing a yogi sitting in the lotus position.

Raja Yoga, the process is reversed: it is the work of

the mind that produces the energy that generates the
postures. We can thus say that Raja Yoga is a yoga of
the mind, when Hatha Yoga is a yoga of the body.

Written between the 2nd and the 3rd century AD by

Patanjali, the Yoga Sutras constitute the basic
reference manual of yoga. The Yoga Sutras specify the
eight precepts that govern the practice of yoga:

Consequently, we will focus our study on Raja Yoga,

the mental form of yoga. We will study this form of
yoga in the light of the discoveries in cerebral
physiology of Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French
physician and scientist who, thanks to the systematic
use of the phosphenes, designed a protocol of
exploration of the brain: cerebroscopy. The
phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light,
i.e. those which are not directly produced by light
stimulating the retina. They can be produced by
focusing on a source of light for a short period of time.
Cerebroscopy allowed Dr Lefebure to measure
precisely the effect of the exercises of yoga on the
brain and to establish laws of cerebral physiology
applied to initiation, thus creating a scientifically
improved yoga: Phosphenism.

Yama (the moral code for interactions with other

Niyama (the moral code for the self).
Asana (posture).
Pranayama (controlling breathing and thus the prana
or vital energy).
Pratyahara (the reversal of sensory activities
towards the inside).
Dharana (the concentration of attention on an object).
Dhyana (meditation, the contemplation of the true
nature of reality).
Samadhi (liberation, the hyper conscious state of
Patanjali's ancient yoga (also called Raja Yoga) is
opposed to the more recent yoga of Swatmarama (or
Hatha Yoga), developed during the 15th century AD.
Their opposition is mainly due to the fact that Hatha
Yoga concentrates on the purification of the body,
leading to the purification of the soul. In the case of

Dr Lefebure demonstrated that the phosphene is a

reversal of the sense of sight towards the inside, the
same way the acouphene is a reversal of the sense of
audition towards the inside. In fact, to each physical
sense corresponds an inner sense, forming together a
second sensory system: the phenic system. Mixing a
thought with a phene is the basic exercise of
Phosphenism. We believe this constitutes the true

Page 45

meaning of Pratyahara or reversal of sensory activity

towards the inside. There is also a phene related to
breathing, the pneumophene, that can be stimulated by
maintaining a slight "thirst for air".
Rhythmic breathing exercises
Dr Lefebure's first innovation in the domain of breathing
exercises or Pranayama, is the use of a precise rhythm
(provided by music or a metronome).
Square breathing:
Set your metronome on 60 BPM, i.e. one beat per
Do a phosphene.
Breathe in for 6 seconds.
Maintain the air in your lungs for 6 seconds. (Retention
with lungs full)
Breathe out for 6 seconds.
Maintain your lungs empty for 6 seconds. (Retention
with lungs empty)
Continue this cycle until the phosphene disappears
(roughly three minutes).
Do another phosphene and start the cycle again.
Visualize a dot of light rotating in your lungs during the
phases of retention.
This value of 6 seconds is only a guideline, other
values can be used, depending on the capacity of
one's lungs. It is the precise regularity of the phases
that is important.

of square breathing which angles would have been

rounded off.
Set your metronome on 60 BPM, i.e. one beat per
Do a phosphene.
Breathe in for 4 seconds, starting by breathing very
little and progressively increasing the flow of air.
Keep breathing in for 4 more seconds but, this time,
progressively reduce the flow of air until you barely
breathe in.
Breathe out for 4 seconds, starting by breathing very
little and progressively incresing the flow of air that
comes out of your lungs.
Keep breathing out for 4 more seconds but, this time,
progressively reduce the flow of air until you barely
breathe out.
During circular breathing, visualize a dot of light
rotating inside your lungs or around your head, or
around your body. The dot of light can follow the
rhythm of breathing (one full circle in 16 seconds).
Maintain this breathing cycle until the phosphene has
disappeared (approximately three minutes).
Do another phosphene and start the cycle again.
The value of 4 seconds is only a guideline, other values
can be used, depending on the capacity of your lungs.
Nevertheless, we advise you to start practicing with
these values as increasing the length of the phases is
not the purpose of this exercise. The purpose of this
exercise is to breathe with a slight lack of air.

Circular breathing:
Similar to square breathing, circular breathing does
not, however, contain phases of retention. It is a kind


A practical manual describing the
presented in The Initiation of Pietro.
Practicing them regularly is the key to
the awakening of supranormal psychic
abilities as well as wonderful
phenomena like states of illumination,
prophetic visions and phenomena of
premonition and clairvoyance.
This technique is the perfectioning,
based on physiological foundations, of
ancient empirical methods which had
sometimes grand but fickle results.
Generally, as soon as the individual
starts practicing, a deep, genuine
contact with the true occult force is
experienced. This technique is the only
one that can produce such results so

Page 46

Cerebral Develoment and Activation
How to transform the energy of light into mental energy. Using the phosphenes for
developing memory, intelligence and creativity
Individual Development through the Application of Phosphenism in everyday life.
Get a positive effect on your destiny.

Becoming a teacher

Practicing Initiatory Techniques
Practical workshop : Fast access to very advanced phenomena

continuous training
Special training in

We can give conferences and conduct

workshops in English. If you wish to
organize such an event, please send us an
e-mail via the contact page of this site


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