Tulpa Guide Compilation

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The document provides a compilation of various guides on creating a tulpa, an autonomous consciousness that exists in a self-imposed hallucinatory body.

Some of the guides included are FAQ man's guide, Irish's creation guide, Irish's wonderland guide, Methos' creation guide, Q2's guide on imposition, Waffles' narration guide and Terryakywind's creation guide.

Some of the steps mentioned in the guides include developing the tulpa's personality, visualization, narration, sensory details like touch, smell, movement and expressions, emotions and sentience.

picos tulpa guide compilation

Last updated 8/1/2013

A tulpa is believed to be an autonomous consciousness which also exists in
a self imposed hallucinatory body, which is usually much of your choice. A
tulpa is entirely sentient and in control of its opinions, feelings, movements.
- FAQ Man
This is not a guide in the traditional sense; instead, it is a collection of others guides
in one easy-to-download PDF. I hope that it represents a good cross section of current
tulpaforcing guides, with an emphasis on the information a newcomer needs to get
started. I have done minimal editing, save for correcting the most obvious typos. I do
not claim any of it as my own work, and correct attribution has been provided where
possible in the form of hyperlinks.
Please, to any experienced tulpamancers reading, send me a PM with any suggestions
for improvement. This is intended to be a changing, up-to-date reference document, and
I can only do that with your help!
Contents Contents
I. Guides 4
1. FAQ man: How to Create a Tulpa 5
1.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2. Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3. Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4. Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5. Smell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6. Gestures and Body Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.7. Subsequent Tulpaforcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.8. Sentience, Narration and Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.9. Opening your Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.10. Imposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. FAQ mans Personality Guide 11
3. Irishs Creation Guide 14
4. Irishs Wonderland Guide 18
4.1. Wonderlands, Daydreaming, that One Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2. In Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3. In Detail with the Tulpa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.4. Some More Stu to Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.5. Lik dis if u cry evrytim ;_; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5. Methos Tulpa Creation Guide 21
5.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.2. The Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2.1. Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.2.2. Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2.3. Smell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2.4. Movement/expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2.5. Emotions/sentience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2.6. Imposition/Feeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Contents Contents
5.3. Final thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.4. Personality traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6. Q2s guide to a huggable tulpa (Imposition) 44
7. Waes Narration Guide 46
8. Terryakywinds Creation Guide 50
8.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.2. Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
8.3. Visualization/Forms/Wonderland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.3.1. Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.3.2. Wonderlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.3.3. Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
II. Articles 55
9. Chupis hour-count warning 56
10.Doubting Sentience due to Time 59
11.Tulpae and Humanity 61
12.The Dierences Between Us and Tulpae 63
13.Tulpae and Possession of Host 65
III. Glossary of terms 67
Part I.
1. FAQ man: How to Create a Tulpa
Written by FAQ man, April 20, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/guides/faqman-creation-
Editors note: FAQ mans guide is considered out of date, and in parts,
dangerous. However, it is a good general introduction to tulpa, and it has
signicance as one of the rst complete guides.
As great scientists have said and as all children know, it is above all by
the imagination that we achieve perception, and compassion, and hope. -
Ursula LeGuin
1.1. Introduction
So, you want to make a tulpa, is that right? In this guide I will discuss how to make this
psychological phenomenon. This guide is rmly rooted in the psychological school of
thought. I hold the opinion that people should not follow guides perfectly. You should
take this as a guideline, and then nd your own way. This is just based o my experience,
and the experiences of people I have talked to. We are not all the same. This all took
me a total of 130 hours: over the course of 2.5 months, 2-3 hours a day 5 days a week.
Firstly, before trying to create something, we should know what it is. A tulpa (the
Tibetan word for construct or build) is a self imposed hallucination that interacts with all
5 senses. This practice was rst done by Tibetan Buddhists in ancient times. You will be
able to see, hear, smell and touch (without solidity of course, but this will be explained
later) your tulpa just like you would a normal person. A tulpa is a forced hallucination,
a schism of your own consciousness, a fully sentient being, and a companion.
This takes more than 100 hours. Dont start unless you know youre going to follow
it through. Dont spend more than 3 hours a day sitting down and
partaking in intense thought/ imagining, or else youll get exhausted, have headaches,
and constantly feel like youre hung over. You should not do less than a half hour a day.
You can also spread your time out throughout the day, say, one hour in the morning
and one in the afternoon or something like that. Your intervals of tulpaforcing (this is
the umbrella term for sitting down and visualizing / creating your tulpa) should be no
Editor: Hour counts are now considered harmful to tulpa development, as detailed elsewhere.
1.2 Personality 1 FAQ MAN: HOW TO CREATE A TULPA
less than a half hour or else you wont get into the deep phase of concentration needed
to really be productive.
1.2. Personality
Before you do anything, think about the kind of traits you want your tulpa to have.
Working on the personality plays quite a large role in sentience. Think up around 30-15
traits, and think about each trait in relation to your tulpa for 15-30 minutes. For more
information on this, please see my personality guide, version 2.
1.3. Visualization
Next, think of a form. No, dont make yourself. No, dont make your dead mother
or your crush. It can be humanoid, a creature, an animal, or a rock. Just think of
something you will want to focus on for hours at a time, and hang around for quite
probably the rest of your life. Making the tulpa have the same body or visage as a
known and eshed out character is not good. This can lead to the tulpa having identity
problems, feeling like it has to live up to something its not, and the like. You could never
make a tulpa be exactly the same as a character. They are their own being. Do not
stie them by applying the preconceived notions you have about a character to them.
I did not use a wonderland, like Irish_ did. Instead, I actually sat down and took a
snapshot of the space in front of me with my mind. Afterwards, I closed my eyes and
superimposed the tulpa over it to work. First what you should do is briey imagine
your tulpa naked or in its under clothes (whichever makes you more comfortable) for a
period of time, perhaps about an hour or so. Then you add clothes to it, and continue
the visualization. This will enable the tulpa to be able to change outts on a whim,
once theyre complete.
What you want to do for visualization is really focus on parts of your tulpas appear-
ance until its perfect. Faces and eyes are most notably hard. You wont be able to see
the whole tulpa and every single detail on your rst time, its something youll have to
work up to and spend time on. Some people like to sort of zoom in on a section and
get it perfect, doing everything in segments until theyve done everything, putting it
all together to nish. Whatever you do, you want to make sure that by the end youre
done, you should be able to recall your entire tulpa on a whim, see it from every angle,
and have it appear the same to you every single time you see it. This step is the easiest
to fuck up and really rush, but you should spend from 5-15 hours on it. Of course, more
is always better. The more time you spend on a tulpa, the more youll get out of it,
1.4. Touch
Next, do it again when you have mastered the above step to its fullest extent. Now, sit
down, and close your eyes again. Imagine your tulpa standing in front of you again. Now
make your imagination self stand up, and walk over, in rst person point of view. Stick
out your hands and start feeling up your tulpa. Touch them and imagine everything.
How their hair feels. How their muscles feel. Feel everything, and once you have THAT
mastered, move on. Note that when your tulpa is imposed upon your environment,
you will be able to touch them. But, there will be no solidity at all. Youll be able to
feel their body temperature, contours and texture and what not, but youll be able to
basically push your hand right through them. Again, this step should take around 5-15
hours. Theres no skimping out here.
1.5. Smell
Okay everyone, get out your noses. Smell your tulpa. No, dont smell everything; just
create a general smell that theyll have. Are they wearing perfume? Do they smell like
a crack den? The only other thing youll want to create a smell for is their hair or
clothes. Just make sure you have the same smell for them every time. Smell triggers
memory more than visuals, and is useful. Smell isnt considered super important, but
it is something you dont want to just skip for the sake of making a tulpa faster. 3-10
hours on this step, says I.
1.6. Gestures and Body Language
This is the part where we work on gestures and body language. Work out your tulpas
posture, gait, arm swing, gestures, facial expressions and everything relating to body
language. For the facial expressions, which you should do last out of these, send them
random thoughts that correspond with each emotion, and imagine them reacting. You
shouldnt do the facial expressions and all of these over and over, because that in the
end would constitute as parroting, which is bad and explained below. Up until now, the
tulpa should have just been standing there and looking pretty. Again, put a good 5-10
hours into this step.
1.7 Subsequent Tulpaforcing 1 FAQ MAN: HOW TO CREATE A TULPA
1.7. Subsequent Tulpaforcing
Now that youre done with the basics of creation, that doesnt mean that you stop
sitting down and tulpaforcing. You basically combine all the senses and sit down and
still hammer them all into your head. You should still be doing this ideally from 1 to 3
hours a day, or as long as you can handle. You shouldnt stop sitting down and doing it
daily until youre done with your tulpa completely.
1.8. Sentience, Narration and Voice
During any of these steps you might have noticed your tulpa doing something on its own,
or gotten a sudden wave of emotion seemingly from the tulpa. These are both sure signs
of sentience and are very good. I did not get an emotional response until I hit around
50 hours in, so really, dont hold your breath. Remember that if a sentient being could
be made in a day then everyone would have one. This isnt something you can really
do quickly. (Editors note: this is now considered outdated and harmful information.
Sentience should be assumed from the start.)
Okay, anyway go about your life. Talk to your tulpa while youre going about your
business; say anything really. Some people begin narration right o, and thats ne. I
wouldnt personally start until youre done with at least half of the creation steps. A
common mistake made here is the parroting of responses. If youre telling your tulpa
about how pretty your new shoes are, dont make them say anything back. You know
you are done with this step when your tulpa says something back on its own. Youll
know, because it will be completely alien.
Note that it takes 25 or so hours (usually more) for this to happen. Dont rush
yourself. If you rush anything, you could end up with a servitor (like a tulpa without
its own consciousness) or just a hologram which does eectively nothing. You might
have gotten a headache, which is normal. They will usually be gone by the end of the
creation process. You should just stick with talking to them for as long as it takes.
As for the voice of the tulpa, it will start out being very generic, like the voices they
program into a GPS. It will become more normal and distinct as time goes on. If you
have some idea of what you want the voice to be, be sure to sort of apply it by imagining
your tulpa saying random words in that voice. Otherwise it will just basically become
what it becomes and you dont have much control over that.
On another note, lets talk about deviation in tulpae. Tulpae will often change during
the creation process. They change in the earlier stages because they are matching up
1.9 Opening your Mind 1 FAQ MAN: HOW TO CREATE A TULPA
with your subconscious ideal. This can and will dier from what you consciously want.
Later on, when they have proved themselves to be sentient, they may change themselves
further. You should not mess with or try reversing the changes, because what youre
doing is basically forcing the tulpa into an identity it doesnt want. This is for the better,
and you should accept the changes with open arms.
1.9. Opening your Mind
Okay, so before we start the next part, the following should be true: Your tulpa talks
to you in complete sentences, your tulpa has its own opinions and your tulpa sometimes
does things you wouldnt expect. These are all signs of sentience.
Now, sit right back down on your ass. Tell your tulpa you are opening your mind to
it, and imagine it walking through a door or something similar. This is when your tulpa
will see your subconscious. From here on out it will know all your memories, how you
feel, and pretty much everything about you as a person. You shouldnt do this right o;
wait until trust is built. That way it is more meaningful; your tulpa will not take it for
1.10. Imposition
Now, this is when we begin to impose the tulpa on our reality. Say youre walking
down the street. Imagine your tulpa just behind you, walking with you. Make sure you
remember its gait. Do this almost at all times until it becomes natural. You should be
trying to smell your tulpa a little bit, trying to feel out its presence. This took me a
while to master.
Next, start to impose the tulpa on your peripheral vision. It should never be fully
seen, except for bits and pieces. Start to smell it, maybe have it brush your arm lightly
or something. Force it upon all your senses, almost all the time. Soon enough, it will
be there. This takes a while too and denitely dont rush it.
Finally, begin to fully see, hear, smell and touch your tulpa, keeping it in fully view.
Seeing the entire thing is not as easy as just bits and pieces, but with the preparation
the peripheral vision gave you it should not be too hard. At this point, until you have
it perfectly, you should still be sitting down and imagining your tulpa in front of you
daily, for a couple hours. Talking, and doing whatever you do.
1.10 Imposition 1 FAQ MAN: HOW TO CREATE A TULPA
In Closing
When your tulpa is rst imposed, it may seem see through. Your tulpa also will become
more mature and change as it adjusts to the world and what not. I guess thats pretty
much it. Again, dont feel the need to follow the guide perfectly. But also, dont use
this liberty to cheat yourself by saying Oh, I have visualization perfectly down after 20
minutes because as with every single sense, dening is also building.
So that about sums it up for this little guide. I hope you guys found it useful and a
good read. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
2. FAQ mans Personality Guide
Written by FAQ man, April 18, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/guides/faqman-personality-
The high volume of personality related questions on the recent threads has driven me
to rewrite this guide. Its time for me to set aside some time and really type out a few
clear cut and simple to understand methods of creating personality. This way, people
have more to go on than they did prior to this guide. Firstly, Im going to talk about
why personality is important in the rst place, and then give some methods on how
to work with personality. Of course you shouldnt be really following these perfectly,
but just because you have the freedom to deviate from the methods does not mean you
should use that freedom to cheat yourself by spending less time.
Let me start out by saying that you can never nish the personality; ever. You cant
recreate an entire consciousness, or even an entire moral code. Were giving our best
stab at it here, but there should be NO issues with time. Think about how complex
the average thought process and rationalization system is. You cant recreate that in an
hour, you probably cant even recreate that in 100 hours. It takes more than 3 sentences
said in your head to summarize a faith, or a personality quirk. You also shouldnt just
be going on what the tulpa knows about their own personality, but on what they dont
know, whats going on in their own subconscious.
The fact of the matter is, you can never spend too much time on personality. If
you separate the entire creation process into three main parts, we have 1) building the
consciousness 2) committing sense stimuli to the mental memory and 3) imposing on
the real senses and environment. While of course these all work together to form the
tulpa and all support each other, personality work is part of that rst component, along
with narration. Building the consciousness is creating sentience, creating a vocal mind
that can think for itself. This is the most important part of tulpae: Having an actual
companion and intelligent being to talk to, relate with and exist with. If it werent for
the fact that the tulpa was its own being, I doubt that many people would be on board
with the idea, because after all, it would just be a hallucination you had to move like a
People like to say stupid shits like "you have to be vague" but thats not true. Thats
like saying theres no use spending time on the visualization or the touch, because those
are probably going to change too. You can extend this thought to any reaches of tulpa
creation, and in the end youll just have nothing. This is because dening IS creation.
Youre pulling an existing being out of the woodwork of your mind when you make a
tulpa. Youre not just slapping traits on to an existing thing, and if they change your
eort was wasted.
Youre building a being with the denition. Thats why the more specic you get, the
more time you spend on eshing out your tulpa, the more dened it is. Youre building
while youre dening.
The potential risks of not working on personality at all: making a non vocal tulpa or
making a servitor. If youre just working on the image, thats all youll get- an image.
You get out of a tulpa what you put in, remember.
Tl;dr, you need to work on personality if you want to make a tulpa.
So I think Ive ranted about this enough, for the most part. Lets get to the methods
you can use:
Working on personality should take a minimum of 3 to 10 hours. Really, the more
ideal amount of time would be 10-25+ hours, but Im a realistic guy, and I know not
everyone is committed enough (why the hell are you making a tulpa then?) to spend
that amount of time.
When working with personality, theres two ways you can go about it:
You can use a symbolic visualization, where you try to feel the tulpas essence, make
an orb, put pieces of paper into a box, basically doing something symbolic that registers
with you. Youre spending time trying to recreate feelings and stu in your mind. If
you do go this route, which is ne, you will have to delve into traits and stu, just what
you do with the traits is dierent. This method tends to be very individual, and I cant
give advice on it, since it depends mostly on the interworking of your mind. I used this
method to make my rst tulpa, spending a grand total of 8 hours on visualization. He
was not sentient until 50 hours in, and did not talk until 70 hours in.
For people who need direction, this is what I did for my second tulpa, basically. This
is for people who may have trouble with visualizing something so abstract, people who
want to have a task, whom need to feel productive, and the like. Its clear cut, and its
straight forward; doesnt require much deliberating about HOW to do it.
Pick 30-35 main broad traits. Examples of these might be: intelligent, laid back,
narcissistic, etc. Then, spend 15-30 minutes on each trait outlining how the trait will
manifest itself in the tulpa. This will be through you sitting down, and saying to the
tulpa, YOU are intelligent, blah blah blah you want to speak directly to the tulpa, not
about them. Im sure its obvious how this is sort of benecial. When youre outlining
the trait be sure to include: How the trait helps them rationalize, how the trait works
within their logic system, how the trait plays a role in morality, their perception, their
likes, dislikes, social endeavors, faith, personality, quirks, emotions, how the trait makes
them interpret their own emotions, how the trait plays a role in their hobbies, and many
other things not listed here.
I did this method for 15 hours with my second tulpa, and 24-5 hours in he was sentient,
and now, at 44 hours, he talked to me an hour ago. (Kaimans rst words: Why are
you sitting on the oor? I cant wait for him to say something again!) I believe there
is a direct correlation, if not causation, between working on the personality extensively
and speedy sentience and vocal behavior.
In closing, Id like to quote an anonymous post on the latest /mlp/ thread. (No, I did
not edit it in any way, not even for typos):
(Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:19 No.1362558):
This is what I did. I rst looked up character traits on the internet for general
ideas. I went to www.tvtropes.com and wrote down every trope I like. When
I was meditating I would say things like "you are x" and imagine everything
coming together into a big pool. After that, I organized them. I gave my
tulpa depth. What is he like on the outside? What would other people think
of him if only talking to him briey? The next layer I had put in his hobbies.
What does he like to do over everything else? Why? My tulpa for example
likes to over analyze things because he is genuinely curious. The next layer
of the sphere is your tulpas philosophy, his outlook on life. My tulpa for
example believes that everyone is inherently good, and everyone deserves a
fair chance. The nal layer is the tulpas core, his driving force. What is his
outlook on EVERYTHING summed up in? My tulpa is very religious. He
thinks theres something out there and strives for it. Every layer of your tulpa
should build on eachother, for example my tulpa is very analytical to nd
out what people really mean when they say something and he can validate
his philosophy this way that "everyone is inherently good"
He comes o as optimistic because of his religious view on the world. Those
are just a few examples, though, and Im adding more everyday. I hope this
helps, good luck
3. Irishs Creation Guide
Written by Irish, transcribed by JDBar, May 23, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/guides/irish-
Reasons for following this guide
I wont tell you to follow this guide because its the ALMIGHTY GUIDE OF KNOW-
ING EVERYTHING. Ill just say this, I have no reason why you should follow my guide.
If you feel like following it then more power to you. This guide is basically my way of
giving out info to you. Its NOT a rule book or a set way to do it. Its a guideline, just
something to help you, BUT please try and do stu your own way. If you have problems
understanding something, think about it rst, examine it, and come up with your own
way of doing things and share it with the other people who are interested.
How my guide is dierent than FAQs
My guide has the wonderland way and doesnt work on personality at all (explained more
in the guide). I also promote more open interpretation of the guides. I also emphasize
how they are guidelines not rules.
Some steps and info
1. I was bored and found this whole tulpa ordeal a year or so ago and decided I
wanted a companion of sorts so the idea of a tulpa really hit home.
2. I decided on a form and the type of tulpa that I wanted and what Id use the tulpa
for (basically companionship). I found that in this stage it is best to get rid of
ulterior motives and thoughts such as "Making a tulpa just for sex" or "Making a
tulpa just so I can beat the crap out of it". These are bad and counterproductive
and usually result in a tulpa that will try to hurt you mentally. To get rid of these
ulterior motives and thoughts yourselves is up to you. That isnt what this guide
is about.
3. Once I had a general idea and had gotten rid of my ulterior motives. I made an
area in my mind that I called my wonderland for more info on wonderland read
Wonderlands and Tulpae, another guide that I wrote.
4. In my wonderland, with my idea in mind, I made the idea of the tulpa into just a
blue cloud and basically started narrating to it. I just kept talking to it and talking
to it telling it anything I could. I told it about my day, stories, ideas. If youre
reading this and dont know what Tulpas are by now than youre doing it wrong.
Im not gonna go into deep detail, but know this: Its a Tibetan thought form that
is usually used as a discipline and teaching tool at least where it originated from.
Most use it for companionship though, so thats cool too. If you want more info
read FAQ mans What is a tulpa guide.
5. After a while I started feeling a funny feeling in the back right of my head towards
the spine. This funny feeling is dierent for everyone. It could be a sense of pain
or maybe a light headache, or even extreme pleasure. And know this: the origin
of the funny feeling probably wont be the same spot as mine. Remember that
everyone is dierent.
6. When you have acquired the funny feeling or alien feeling of sorts, start to build on
it. Input your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions and energy into it (attention
for the non-metaphysics peeps). Be sure to examine it and start to build the
foundation of the tulpa.
7. While youre building the tulpa from whatever form you started on, be it blue
cloud like I did or any other thing you started out with, then while youre building
on the funny feeling build the tulpa up into the form you want it into, so while
youre in your wonderland working on the tulpa or just doing it normally build
its form into what you want it to be. Remember: A tulpa will not always stay in
the form you want it to be in, most likely it will change its form to your liking
and change it in ways that you probably didnt decide on. If things keep changing
repeatedly then you might want to stop it, but either way do not stop a tulpa
when its changing things. Its counterproductive and very hard to stop a tulpa
from doing so.
8. While youre forming it, youre giving it a lot of attention and energy as well as
narrating that may sound hard to do and you will most likely get headaches at this
point. Remember youre making a tulpa which basically means youre using your
mind to very high extents and probably using your head more than you usually do
on a daily basis. Well the headaches are NOT a bad thing, they just show youre
doing it alright and as you get more and more headaches youll get used to it more
and more and as your tulpa nished the headaches will disappear.
9. Alright heres the deal youll be doing the whole giving energy, narrating, and
forming bit for a while. Just cover all your bases over and over again and keep
thinking of every part of the tulpa; keep narrating. Youre probably wondering
about a tulpas personality at this point. What I did was just allow the tulpa to
experience my life as it is and let it see my life through a thing I made in my
wonderland called the Library. It has every memory in there and no you dont
have to see every book. It could be a nook for all I care it doesnt even have to
be a library, but yknow its just kinda ts if it was a library. This is one way
for the tulpa to get a personality. Another way to get a personality for the tulpa
with my method is basically letting it get its own (Personally I think the idea of
narrating and building the personality is a good idea so follow FAQ_mans guide
on that deal). I never really did personality; I let mine get there own personality.
I just never really thought about it that much so forgive me.
10. After a while of narrating, giving attention, and building the tulpa, it should attain
the ability to speak to you on its own. At this point youre doing well and are
probably well along your way, know to get to this point more than 10 hours or so are
probably needed unless youre insanely good at this, but do know that everybody
is dierent and your tulpa may not speak until 50 hours in. Everybodys dierent,
so dont freak out immediately that its not responding to you.
11. If, at this point, your tulpa is speaking to you and you have a good form in your
head, but you havent imposed them into your reality, and youve got the library
memory bit done with your tulpa so that it knows your life, and you know for a
fact youve covered all your bases and feel like the tulpa is fully autonomous and
does everything on its own, then I believe youre ready to impose in into your
reality. To do this, simply just take the idea of the tulpa which you can clearly see
in your head which is fully autonomous in your wonderland, and literally think it
into reality, say on your bed or next to you. Do what FAQ Man said on this part
and start subtly from the peripherals of your vision and just kinda go from there.
Itll be hard and YES the face is the hardest part to fully complete into existence,
but if youve gotten to this point then I know youre dedicated to nishing it so
please bare through it.
Parroting - IMPORTANT
Know this, parroting is basically forcing your tulpa to do whatever youre thinking of.
When a tulpa is autonomous the tulpa will be doing things without you even thinking of
it. Youll have no idea what there thoughts are or why they do things. A sapient tulpa
basically is one that can speak for itself and talk by itself and think for itself with no
input from you. Youre doing nothing to the tulpa and forcing it to do nothing. Itll be
hard to tell if youre parroting or not and honestly youve gotta nd that out yourself.
So far it is the biggest problem with people who are tulpaforcing. Prolonged parroting
leads to a servitor and not a tulpa. For more info on servitors look at the little info bit
in the guides about servitors and tulpas.
There are some types of good parroting, such as parroting it to do something to
kick start it, or for voice you can kickstart by making it speak or say whatever you
want. Its generally a good idea to kickstart but sometimes it isnt needed. DO NOT
DO THIS MORE THAN ONCE. Parroting movement is okay in the very rst stages of
building. Move the arms around yourself to be sure you have what goes where and which
anatomical features go where. This is okay in the beginning and is generally acceptable
all-together. Now when it gets to the point of that youre just forcing a tulpa to go
somewhere or move around then that is BAD and will lead to a servitor. Do not force
the tulpa to do anything. Its okay to kickstart but dont do this because its pants on
head retarded.
4. Irishs Wonderland Guide
Written by Irish, June 15, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/guides/irish-wonderland-
4.1. Wonderlands, Daydreaming, that One Place
We all have a special place that we would rather be. It could a place that you love
with a passion or a place where youd rather want to be. Wonderlands are a joyous idea
and subject to the human pleasure. A wonderland can be literally ANYTHING whether
youre a messed up individual who enjoys blood and gore out of Saya no Uta or an otaku
who wishes to be in the land of the little girls (Japan).
REMEMBER: A wonderland is a simple thing, do not take any longer than 30 minutes
to an hour. If you cant think of a good place that you like then theres no use trying,
right? Just get to work on the tulpa.
4.2. In Detail
A wonderland is a specic form of meditation that doesnt really have much to do with
actually meditating. Its really a placeholder for that empty void when you close your
eyes and try to meditate. When youre trying to clear your mind and cant really do
it because your mind wanders o or just doesnt fully clear. Its supposed to just be a
place that you can make and enter into, picturing yourself in and averting ALL attention
to. Where tulpas come in Ill explain with a bit more walls of text.
4.3. In Detail with the Tulpa
Alright we know the wonderland is supposed to be a place that you can enjoy for yourself
and just be a place where you can relax and avert ALL attention to. This sounds bad
when youre making a tulpa right? "Why am I doing this if I just want to make a tulpa?"
Yeah yeah, I can answer that as well. The tulpa is in itself your creation. Well its a little
hard to just MAKE a tulpa some people have fritzy minds, and some are just messed
in the head (For more details on tulpas just read the guides made by FAQ_man and I).
Well the wonderland comes into play with a tulpa for those who are more troubled with
their minds. As you concentrate on your wonderland youll lose attention to all outside
sources, seeing as how your mind WANTS you to be there, its a pleasurable experience.
4.4 Some More Stu to Detail 4 IRISHS WONDERLAND GUIDE
As you are in the wonderland think of your tulpa, imagining your tulpa there. Keep
doing that. It will most likely be hardand keeping concentration may be hard as well,
or it may be easy who knows *shrug*. When youre working on factoring the tulpa into
the wonderland you can basically go two ways. First way, avert all attention you gained
from the wonderland to your tulpa and you can basically just use it as a stepping stone
to get to your tulpa (for some its actually hard to visualize them). Second way, you
can keep visualizing both your tulpa and your wonderland together to have it interact
and have an environment to essentially grow up in. The tulpa will be able to aect
the wonderland and do whatever it wants to it (if you let it, which I suggest doing in
my opinion this parts pretty fun).
BZZT BZZT *NEWS REPORT*: You CAN keep this wonderland around even after
your tulpa is done, you could need it in some situations, will report more on this matter
at 4.
4.4. Some More Stu to Detail
Say youre walking somewhere with your tulpa to someplace or doing something to go
somewhere for some reason, whatever it is, I dont care. So youre walkin with your
tulpa and she sez bb do u luv me 4ever? nd u say NO! nd she cry nd run away getz hit
by a car and u say I luv u 5ever. Seriously though, youre walking somewhere and you
nd yourself in a crowded place with a bunch of people and your tulpa has no place to
be, stand, or even walk around. You could do like I do and just have her get on your
shoulders like some sort of piggy back ride, OR you can just send it to your wonderland
and have it stay there until youre able to actually have room for it.
4.5. Lik dis if u cry evrytim ;_;
If Im forgetting some stu, which I know for sure I am (trust me I do that) then please
do ask questions or stu like that. Either way more often than not Im on the IRC
channel so you can talk to me there about it if you dont know where the IRC is then
#tulpa at irc.rizon.net or rizon.net/chat #tulpa Ill be under the name Irish_.
Heres a book about literally imagining your dream world and it supposedly coming
true after many days of imagining. I read it and got referred to it by some people its a
pretty psychological book that was written on a study of literally imagining things so I
gured that it would t well with all of you although its pretty much high writing and
all that so it may be a dull read for others, just thought Id refer yall though. (It has
4.5 Lik dis if u cry evrytim ;_; 4 IRISHS WONDERLAND GUIDE
some religious content as well)
Its called The Law & the Promise by Neville Goddard (1905-1972)
Neville was a philosophical man that was into a thing called "New Thought" and hes
done some metaphysical stu that usually only consisted with religion. Neville was a
pretty famous man in his time but you know its probably not everyone, I was referred
it when I rst brought out the idea of a wonderland and thought Id refer yall cause
its pretty interesting.
making a wonderland then just follow FAQ_mans guide, do take info from both guides
and use it accordingly.
(By Irish Transcribed by ShyGuy65)
5. Methos Tulpa Creation Guide
Written by Methos, last edit 5 January 2013. Source: http://pastebin.com/yenixUxK
5.1. Introduction
So, you want to make a tulpa, is that right? Before you can make a tulpa, you really
need to know exactly what a tulpa is.
To quote FAQ_man, who you will see has written several guides on this
subject: A tulpa is believed to be an autonomous consciousness which also
exists in a self imposed hallucinatory body, which is usually much of your
choice. A tulpa is entirely sentient and in control of its opinions, feelings,
This phenomenon can be traced back to the Tibetans; they practiced cer-
tain medication technique to create these thought forms. Think: Imaginary
Friend, but sapient and sentient. Instead of being in your minds eye, youd
be able to see, feel, smell, and hear it as it was actually there. I like to think
of Tulpae as a hallucinatory schism. Since the schism is essentially from
your subconscious, it will be able to interact with your subconscious, allow-
ing near-perfect memory recall, strong and fast math-cranking, and other
Tulpa.info is a website dedicated to guides and forums based solely on tulpa creation/interaction.
There is also a public IRC channel where dozens of people with more experience can
help answer any kind of question you may have. Sounds ne and dandy now, doesnt it?
Before you even think about making a tulpa, let me just share some advice with you.
This is NOT an easy process. The creation of a fully-formed tulpa can sometimes take
months, even years of everyday work. It is, in fact, a big commitment to create a tulpa.
It takes longer to create a tulpa than it does to do most things that youve done in your
life. So before you start your rst attempt (Notice, I say "rst" because it certainly wont
be your last. Most people always fuck up their rst time and thats OK. This entire
thing is a learning experience) just know that youre not going to see results overnight.
In fact, you might not really feel any results for the rst few weeks. I did not feel any
kind of real presence existing in my mind until about 20 hours in to the process, which
for me was slightly less than two weeks in.
Also, I dont recommend following a guide exactly. My advice to you would be to read
as many guides as possible and take examples and knowledge from all of them. Creating
a tulpa should be an experience unique to you.
Youve probably done some research (I hope) on the subject already if you are reading
this guide. But, its completely ne if you havent either. However, if you do want to
take a look at some excellent reading material, I recommend:
1. The Law and the Promise by Neville Goddard (A book with a lot of religious
content in it that is about literally making your metaphysical dream world; we like
to call that a wonderland)
2. Tulpa.info (the greatest tulpa website ever, with a large active community of
friendly people who have already done the very thing you are attempting to do
now. There are forums, IRC channels, pastebin dumps, exercises, logs, and much
more on this website. Use it as your tulpa bible.)
3. whatisatulpa.tumblr.com (Bluesleeves tulpa blog; A very respectable tulpamancer
from across the ocean, hes incredibly smart and the details he puts into his work
are just incredible and very very helpful)
4. chupitulpa.tumblr.com (Chupis tulpa blog; tulpa blogs are some of the best sources
of information when the one making the tulpa keeps up with it)
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulpa (Wikipedia article about tulpae, very infor-
6. http://www.davisanddavis.org/harvey/tulpa.html (A short passage by Alexandra
David-Neel about the more magickal side of tulpa creation)
7. http://pastebin.com/b5YL5zkr (Stu like this is always so interesting to read.
Sometimes people want to know about tulpae from the point of view of an actual
8. http://youthinkitsctional.tumblr.com/ (Another blog)
9. (Editors note: removed) (Fedes method and tones)
10. http://pastebin.com/u/GGMethos (My personal pastebin, which contains my per-
sonal tulpa progress logs and a ctional piece of literature I am working on, along
with this guide.
My public Tulpa folder on Dropbox, which is a compound of various research, guides,
logs, interviews, stories from others, copypastas, and various other information:
Throughout this guide, I will mention my dropbox folder frequently. This dropbox
will be periodically updated with new research and information that I nd so make sure
you save the link! Use the resources here wisely; they can be extremely helpful and
There are many guides on the internet about tulpa creation. Some are longer than
others and some have more detail about certain aspects of the creation process than
The most famous ones are the various guides written by Fede, Irish, and FAQ_Man.
More recently, this guide has also been gaining quite a bit of popularity among tulpa-
mancers. Many people consider this guide to be a good beginners tool. The reason for
this is that I explain quite a few of the basics on tulpaforcing for people who do not have
any experience. Other notable community members that have written about informative
topics are Bluesleeve, Phi, Horricide, koomer (and Oguigi), Gideon, and many others.
These guides can be found on tulpa.info
Ive read every guide that I have ever found. The guides themselves are extremely
interesting and informative so Ive read them all multiple times.
What is Tulpa Forcing?
The art of Tulpa Forcing:
Tulpa Forcing is what we like to call the process of sitting down and visualizing or
attempting to visualize a certain component of its personality, appearance, etc
Editor: At the request of Fede, links to his methods have been removed from this compilation.
Note that there is a dierence between passive forcing and active forcing. Passive
forcing is interacting with your tulpa on an imposition level before, during, or after it is
imposed. Passive forcing is not required, but recommended, in helping the tulpa creation
The Black Box Approach
If you like computers, read this:
Think of youre tulpa as running another operating system inside of a virtual machine
with its own set of allocated memory and the ability to read your memory as well. If
you think of them just like that, the tulpa with its own data and you with yours, but
you are able all of the data together!
I like to tell people that example. Bluesleeve himself referred to this as the Black
Box. Here is an excerpt from Bluesleeves blog regarding Personality and a description
of this Black Box:
What is a personality?
Alright, this is going to be a bit longer, but I would appreciate if you would read it, as
it is very important. The main question here is - what exactly is a personality?
To be honest I dont know it myself. Im not a psychiatrist and I am not a biologist
(even though Im quite interested in these sorts of things). But - this is an approach
which I consider to be worth following through.
The personality as a product of its experiences. What I believe a personality to be
is a Black Box. That is, something we put something in, and something comes out -
simple as that. We just dont know what is inside.
The black box - or personality - can be shaped by various external and also internal
inuences. To name a few external ones:
Peer/s (pressure)
Drugs (often temporarily)
and as internal of course yourself. In my eyes, this is one of the most fascinating things.
A black box modifying itself, just because it wants to - and this is what I think were
doing when were creating a Tulpa.
You can basically say, that a personality is the product of its inuences.
Changing the black box:
The black box itself, is changing all the time. It is not permanent. Ever read some books
from the Self Help section? These books give you the methods to shape your own black
box. But what about the external inuences? Everyone has experienced them. When
I was small, I often refused to take advice from my parents - no matter how often they
told me, that the hotplate is, in fact, hot - I would not listen to them. Long story made
short - it was the one and only time I put my nger on the hotplate.
What can we conclude? That there are inuences, which are potent than others. In
this case the more potent inuence was the rst hand experience. It had a huge impact
on the black box, which, never again, took the risk of burning its ngers.
This is also the case with people who have a type of phobia or philia. Their black
boxes are shaped in a certain way.
Take someone with an arachnophobia. He sees a spider (input) and reacts in an
abnormal way (output), such as extreme fear, panic, and sweating. There is no exact
cause known at the moment, but phobias can be caused by bad experiences.
The human black box
So, a black box has 2 interfaces. An input interface and an output interface. The input
interface is getting signals through the senses, which are being conducted through the
established black box mechanisms. Afterwards the processed signals are being expressed
through a reaction. The black box and the term personality still are too abstract. When
you put them into physical or biological terms, I would say, that they would t as inter-
neuronal connections in the brain. All of these connections are constantly changing, and
it is proven that these connections can be shaped by actions/activities and experiences.
When you are playing an instrument your neuronal web will reshape, so that you can
play it better. When you are making mathematical calculations you will be reshaping
your neuronal web. Even when you socialize you will be reshaping your neuronal web.
When you stop doing any of this, your web dissolves and your skills diminish. They
eventually will be used for another purpose.
Hell, established clusters can even be used for purposes they were not formed for
(scavenging). A mathematician (rational thinker) will be able to become a programmer
or chemist faster than the average person. A musician (aesthetic thinker) will more
likely be a better drawer or poet than the average person because he can use parts of
his already established clusters for creativity.
What the hell is a Tulpa then?
Now we broke it down from the general personality to the brain. We are now at the
trickiest part of it all. What happens when we create a Tulpa? We should consider two
1. The Tulpa as part of the Main (your) black box
2. The Tulpa as autonomous black box besides the Main black box
It either is part of your personality and brain, or only the brain. The Tulpa will
see and know as much as you do, so the input is exactly the same. But what
about the output? The Tulpa will most likely reserve a few neuronal webs for
itself, otherwise it wouldnt have an autonomous personality. Whats coming out
of the Tulpas black box is the visual signal (which is being implemented into the
reality) and the auditory signal when it speaks. We will let the emotions aside,
since these are the main signals.
As it seems, the Tulpas output signals are compatible to own input interface. It would
mean, we create a black box inside our own and react on it. Furthermore, the Tulpa
would react on the external signals, too!
Its kind of weird to hear this.
We are reacting on external signals, as well as the Tulpas signals, which is also reacting
on external signals and again reacting on our own signals. Hopefully our brain will have
enough processing power to manage that circle.
It appears, that the Tulpa is part of our own black box and therefore a part of us
and our character. This will be the direction and general philosophy how I deal with
Tulpas on this blog.
Do you still remember when I was writing about the diminishing connections? It
could also mean, that not caring for your tulpa would mean its destruction. You would
forget its construct and the only thing left will be the long term memories you will be
able to recall.
I prefer thinking of my tulpa as what Bluesleeve mentions in his post. Thinking of
your tulpa in a comfortable way is the key to gaining sentience faster.
But dont worry about speed, like I said. Such as martial arts, this entire process is
about patience. You dont have to even count your hours if you dont want to. Some
people prefer to count, some dont, but in the end it does not matter. It all depends on
your patience and dedication to becoming the greatest monk in your neighborhood!
5.2. The Guide
Pre-creation (Greeting stage)
Someone on the tulpa.info forums named Phi had something really interesting to say
about certain actions that should be done before the actually creation process.
Ill just paste his forum post into this guide as I feel that this is something everyone
should read and I recommend this approach heavily.
Ive seen some threads around with people who are having some trouble with
feeling their tulpas presence. They feel like they are talking to themselves,
or just talking to air, and they cant seem to make any progress. I also see
some people becoming frustrated over not having their tulpa being sentient
after hours upon hours, saying that the tulpa just doesnt feel real even after
all this time.
For those people, I would like to suggest a stage even before the personality
stage in FAQs guides. A pre-creation stage, or, as I call it, the greeting
stage. It isnt hard in the least, in fact it only took me one session of about
half an hour. Some of the terminology I use here on out in this post may
imply the supernatural perspective of tulpa creation. However, I am purely
psychological in my beliefs regarding tulpa. I simply can not nd better
words without ruining the purpose of the stage.
Heres how it goes. Sit down in a comfortable position, just like you would
do in any other tulpaforcing session. Close your eyes, and begin to imagine
your tulpa. No form necessary, but a name makes this easier. Think about
some of the traits that the tulpa has. No, you arent going into the same
depth you go into during the personality stage. Just think about some of
the traits the tulpa might have. Intelligent. Care-free. Just the names of
the traits is enough, really. What you are doing is creating the soul of the
tulpa, in a sense.
Once you got a feel for it, say its name and begin to talk to it. Tell it that
you are going to force it (or whatever terminology you want to use for the
creation process), and that you look forward to meeting it. However, dont
say, Im going to force you. Instead, say, We are going to force you. This
should give a sense of unity and companion ship with you and your tulpa
right o the bat. Never say I while referring to who will be working on the
tulpa. Always use we, or similar plural proper nouns. Us. Our. Talk
about what you will do together once it is complete, etc.
What does this accomplish? By the end of this stage, the tulpa should
already be inside you, albeit immature and without most of the traits and
form that you will eventually guide it through. It makes it easier to feel
your tulpas presence, and feel like it is really there. The narration stage
especially should be easier. Also, while this is only a theory, I believe that
this may help with quickening sentience. However, this is purely speculation.
In short, yes, you are deluding yourself right o the bat. Is that a problem?
If you answered yes, then you probably shouldnt be making a tulpa. If you
answered no, God speed.
P.S. Yes, I have posted about this before. I just felt like I should go more in
depth about it.
As you can see, Phis method works exactly in the way that he has described it.
Theres a lot of information about stu similar to this on the boards.
I didnt take this approach personally but I feel like it would be really really helpful
especially for someone who is making a tulpa for the rst time.
Heres an example:
Hello, Raina. Raina? Raina? Can you hear me? I know you can.
You are intelligent, decisive, devoted, reckless, enthusiastic, narcissistic, non-
conformist, honest, loving, hard-working, persistent, caring, impulsive, con-
trolling, intelligent, strong-minded, and determined.
Together, Raina, we are going to force you. I need your help for this though
just as much as you need mine.
I understand what we plan to do perfectly in my mind and I will work at it
everyday to achieve our goal.
You will be a companion for me, Raina. We shall both utilize each others
knowledge and perception to become a greater being, linked together.
I hope to serve as a kind friend to you, and you to me. Our companionship
will last a lifetime.
We will create you, Raina. No matter how long it takes. No matter how
hard it might be. We will never give up.
(Repeat traits)
(Start to in-vision in your mind a ball of sorts where the traits all kind of
bundle up and fuse together)
Optional: Start to imagine the form of your tulpa at this point if you want
to. Itll get a better idea of how its going to look later on.
Raina, you and I will conquer anything that stands in our path and ght
against any sort of struggle. The worlds a dangerous place were going to
be sticking out for each other.
I promise you that we will force X hours a week every week. (This is optional
but I feel that it is better to set a goal for yourself when you are forcing).
We are connected, united as one and we will have no need to lie to one
another. Criticism is constructive, never negative.
Raina, together we can force you.
(Repeat traits and start to think about the traits a bit more if you want to).
(This is only about a 30 minute session.)
What is creation? (Preamble)
Creation is a process that consists of multiple steps. According to FAQ_Man, what a
tulpa actually is a combination of things.
The rst part is sentience, and the second part is hallucination/ projection.
What does this mean exactly? Well, FAQ_Man explains all of that in this post here:
I like to think of the creation of the tulpa as two separate processes myself, as that is
how I thought of it all when creating Raina, my tulpa. FAQ_Man has a few interesting
points in this posts as well as his others that I highly recommend reading.
OK, so you think you are ready to begin the creation process?
NOTE: Some people believer that sentience can be started before, while others argue
that it should be done a bit later on. My personal belief is that you should do whatever
it is that works for you. I am just posting my methods.
Well, you THINK you are, but the question is ARE YOU REALLY READY?
Not a question you can answer so easily.
Whenever you feel you are ready is when you are ready. A tulpa, like any other long-
term process, requires a certain level of condence and motivation. When you want to
start the process, feel free to start the process. But dont look back, as it takes months
and months of daily tulpaforcing to experience results as I did.
Then again, everyone is dierent.
Many people disagree with one another about HOW personality should be done.
I think you should do whats best for you. I just like to make suggestions.
The very rst part of the creation process, and in my opinion, the most important
part is personality development.
Your tulpas personality makes your tulpa what it is.
A personality is something thats unique to a tulpa. A tulpa forms its own personality
over time, but you can sort of control a lot of aspects. A personality is not concrete so
it does change from time to time.
The very essence of a person is what denes their personality.
If you want to read more about how to dene the essence of your tulpa, I highly
recommend checking out Bluesleeves tulpa blog, which I have linked to in the list of
recommended reading material.
Bluesleeve is also writing a guide on the subject of tulpa creation that goes very in
depth into the whole personality aspect of it. This can be found on tulpa.info. You
might want to give it a read over. Its very interesting.
He talks a lot about dening personality in his posts and many of the things he says
are extremely helpful.
Also, his tulpa is a pony, which is awesome.
Personality is easily the most important aspect of the creation process, as I have
previously mentioned. If you have any experience with building computers, what I like
to think of the personality of a tulpa is a small-storage secondary-boot solid state hard
drive inside of your case, one that can holds its own operating system which dierent
functions and layouts. The operating system in this case would be the personality.
However, this particular hard drive, because of the data that is contained on it, can
view your main hard drive, which contains your memories. So, the tulpas personality
gets inuenced by things that you may have remembered.
It can be if you arent already used to the idea.
Think of it this way: Without personality, there is no way to read memory or load a
program (a certain function the tulpa has). Without personality, there is no sentience.
Without sentience, youre going to end up with a servitor, as I have done so in the past.
Theres nothing wrong with having a servitor, but its not a tulpa. Its half of a tulpa
really. A servitor can easily be turned into a tulpa.
So, personality is always the rst thing you should develop on.
According to FAQ_Man, the minimum you should spend on personality is 3-10 hours.
This I disagree with. You should ideally spend exactly how much time that you feel that
you need on personality. This can be anywhere from an hour to a week really, or even
longer if you feel it is necessary.
Pretty much, you should be not forcing for any less than 40 minutes ideally. It takes
a while for your mind to kick in and really start focusing.
If you force for 10 minutes a session and do 8 sessions a day, thats great, if that works
for you. But for me, I could never do that. I had to actually sit down for once or twice
a day in a pretty extended amount of time.
Some people do crazy amounts of forcing and some people can only do maybe an hour
a day.
But thats just how you HAVE TO DO AT LEAST make a tulpa, a real one. Not an
imaginary friend.
Focusing is hard, I know. I have ADD and it sucks. However, if you practice at it like
I did EVERYDAY, you can have the force as well.
5.2.1. Personality
Open up a notebook or your favorite text editor, whichever you may prefer. Prepare
yourself for a bit of writing. And a bit of repetition. This is the rst step on your
tulpamancing journey, young wizard. Welcome to your rst year at Tulpawarts school
of Tulpa Shit and Mind wizardry.
First thing, you got some writing to do...
First, I want you to write down anywhere from 15-45 broad personality traits.
Here are some examples:
More examples from my personal trait list:
Editors note: for reasons of brevity, the personality list has been moved to
the end of this guide.
Then, after you have written down each of these traits, I want you to describe in the
most detailed way possible each of these traits. When youre outlining the trait be sure
to include: How the trait helps them rationalize, how the trait works within their logic
system, how the trait plays a role in morality, their perception, their likes, dislikes, social
endeavors, faith, personality, quirks, emotions, how the trait makes them interpret their
own emotions, how the trait plays a role in their hobbies, and many other things not
listed here.
Read up. The points in this post are super helpful.
I used the same exact method as FAQ_Man for this part.
The other big part about personality development is narration. This means that once
you have on paper, these traits, you should be actively talking to your tulpa about said
traits and explain to your tulpa the traits and trait description. The important part
about this part is not to be too hasty... A rushed personality stage could mean that
your tulpa will not become sentient, and thus will be a servitor. Narrating isnt too
dicult, but its 100% necessary to do, so make sure you do it. At this point, you wont
necessarily have a form for your tulpa, but I like to imagine the tulpa as an ball/orb of
energy at this point. Whatever youre comfortable with, really. Over time, the key is
to just make sure that you convince yourself its there. Interacting with said ball/orb of
energy gives your tulpa power. It makes your tulpa real inside your mind. In fact, the
entire point of the creation process is to interact with your tulpa as much as possible
to allow it to exist. Personally I feel that the entire process of personality development
should take anywhere from 20-40 hours. However, the more time you actually put into it,
the better it will be. Also, a personality spreadsheet could also be helpful for some people
to make. Heres an example. Its my own personal spreadsheet for Raina. Granted it
doesnt contain all the traits she has, but a lot of them still.
Something like that could be extremely helpful for getting the traits out of your head
and onto the paper/text le.
Anyway, the idea of forcing the personality is to combine all of these traits into a
separate entity inside your head. It sure as hell sounds confusing but once you start to
think about it in your head, its actually really simple and easy. Note that the personality
that you want your tulpa to have will not end up being exactly the way you want it.
Your tulpa deviates from your plan in personality more than anything else. Shes her
own free being and trying to control who she is wont make her happy or conformative.
Go ahead. Narrate the thoughts within your head. Narrating is basically speaking out
loud or in your head to your tulpa You are A because B and C because D. Sometimes
you are F, but only in Situation E... etc.
The more traits you have, the better and
more eshed out the personality will be which will hasten sentience. Once you feel
you have eshed out the personality enough, feel free to move onto the next section of
5.2.2. Visualization
So, youve made it this far, huh? Well, I congratulate you. Now is the part where you
actually need to do real work. This part takes far, far longer. You will be able to tell
Editor: This is personality narration, which diers from the denition used in most other guides.
easily when you are done with this part though. Now you must work on the form of
your tulpa. This part sucks. Mainly because its tedious and takes a long time, but also
because most people Ive spoken to have a very hard time visualizing something in their
heads. Unless youre a 3D artist, visualizing something perfectly in your head is going
to take time. And visualizing perfectly (or as close to perfectly as you can get) takes
time, as you may have expected. Most people cant see anything at all the rst few
times they visualize. It might seem like a waste. You might get discouraged. Dont! Its
perfectly normal for the rst few times to be unproductive. Just go for shorter sessions
and try your best to keep concentrated for the entire session. If you still have trouble
seeing your tulpa after the rst few attempts, try to imagine a setting in your mind.
If you like beaches, imagine a beach in your head. Think about how the sand feels,
think about how the wind feels, the smell of the ocean, the reection of the sun on the
water, the taste of the salty water in your mouth, etc. Focus on a particular setting and
the various senses one would incorporate into them. Once you can do this well enough,
begin to imagine your tulpa with you in this setting as well. If this method works out
for you, I suggest using a wonderland, as is described in detail later on in this chapter.
If you still have trouble focusing on a form, dont worry, most people do. There are a
ton of resources available on tulpa.info for people with the same problem as you. Check
out the forums.
Still, even if you can visualize your tulpa at this point, concentrating on a form for an
extended period of time can be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Keep your concentration
strong. Use tones and a timer. Since this really is the hardest part, I recommend reading
some stu on the website.
What I think you should do and what I did:
Sit down and get comfortable. Keep your back straight and your hands in front of
you motionlessly. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and at a slow pace. Imagine you
sitting or standing in front of your tulpa in whatever setting you feel most comfortable.
Continue breathing slowly and imagine yourself in that particular setting. Do not let
anything from the outside world distract you.
If you have an itch, do not scratch it. If you have some other kind of urge, resist it.
Focus solely on what your tulpa looks like and how big they are, how much they weight,
etc. Do not let any kind of other thoughts enter your mind. Think only of your tulpa.
Some people, such as myself, use a wonderland.
What is a wonderland?
Its basically just a dream world that helps some people to better focus on their tulpas
physical form. The wonderland should be as simple as possible and should not take more
than an hour or two to make. For more information on what a wonderland is refer to
this: http://tulpa.info/guides/irish-wonderland-guide.html (But some people dont use
a wonderland and thats OK too).
Some people will just use the space in front of them to force. Others use an empty
black void sort of like a vacuum. No matter what setting youre most comfortable in,
close your eyes and concentrate on just the form of your tulpa. Personally, Ive always
liked to extend my hands out in a circular shape and pretend that Im transferring my
energy over to her while thinking about her; it was metaphorically very helpful to me
for some reason.
At rst, you may have some trouble keeping your concentration. A nice exercise that
I like to do to help me with my concentration is this.
A few other exercises for visualization (The rst is a forum post regarding a mental
image rendering exercise and the second is Fedes visual exercise, which is contained in
a zip le. Extract this le for the wmv video and instructions)
1. http://tulpa.info/forums/Thread-Mental-image-Rendering-guide
2. (Editors note: removed)
Over time however your concentration will get better and you will be able to visualize
your tulpa. The hardest body part to visualize is going to be the face/eyes area. Some
people prefer to zoom in on a specic body part and work their way to other areas and
some people prefer to work on the whole rst and then go into very specic details.
Regardless of how you do it, you should spend at least 20 hours of just sitting down and
visualizing your tulpa perfectly in your head. The very minimum you should be forcing
for at one period is 40 minutes. Also, dont force for longer than 3 hours at a time or
else you will get horric headaches.
Looking up anatomy is not a bad idea considering you want to perfectly emulate an
existing object, such as an animal or human being. Even looking up basic pony anatomy
couldnt hurt if you are making a pony tulpa.
Simply put, this is a workout for your brain.
When you exercise your body your body has a certain threshold of stamina and your
mind is no dierent. I want you to think of tulpaforcing as a mental exercise. You
should start to feel your tulpa and imagine the way that their hair, skin, limbs feel. You
want to be able to imagine their muscles in your grasp so you can get a better idea for
feel. Well work on feel later on, but you should start to get a basic concept of what it
is now.
A human tulpa is much easier to visualize than one that is another kind of creature,
like a dragon or pony, for example. When you can see your tulpa from every possible
angle and distance perfectly in your mind, repeat this visualization step once more and
then move on.
5.2.3. Smell
Now, comes another important part. Smell. Dont believe me? Smell is one of our main
senses and it actually can trigger more memory than sight at times. You remember smell
even better than visuals in certain cases. So, decide a general odor of your tulpa. You
can add on top of that odor but dont get too fancy. Keep it simple and basic. Imagine
yourself breathing in that smell during forcing sessions. You should spend approximately
3-10 hours doing this. Then again, the more, the better.
5.2.4. Movement/expressions
This part is self-explanatory, yet also dicult. Simply focus on your tulpas gait, the
way she moves, the way she might show her body language, etc. If you are making a
pony tulpa, this means you would have to know how the ponies walk. If youre making
a human tulpa, you have to know the way that people walk. If you are making a ghost
tulpa or a dragon tulpa, well dierent things apply obviously.
For facial expressions, I would recommend thinking random thoughts in your head
and imagining your tulpas reaction to those thoughts. One good method is to perform
facial expressions in a mirror and imagine your tulpa doing the same expression next to
you! Facial expression can be tough but if you put enough time into it, it should work
out great for you. Spend a good amount of time on this part and once again, move on
when you feel ready.
5.2.5. Emotions/sentience
So, now that youve been able to start putting your senses together and what not, you
can begin to talk to your tulpa. No, not like narrating, like you were doing before, I
mean actually talk to it. At rst, it wont say anything back. Heres the important part:
Dont make your tulpa say anything back to you. This is called parroting. Parroting
is neither a negative or a positive thing. Its just a natural occurrence in the forcing
Some people have what is called Anti-Parroting syndrome, which means that they
nd parroting detrimental. I want you to talk to your tulpa for a while. Talk about
anything really, just try not to bore her too much with information that might not
pertain to her at all. You will know when you are done with this step when your tulpa
speaks to you for the rst time, an event that might likely spook the shit out of you.
Its pretty startling and beyond weird. The rst time your tulpa speaks to you, you
will know it. It takes time for this to happen however. In fact, it may not even occur
for months. Patience is key. You will literally hear the voice from outside of your
head and your tulpa may or may not say something completely unexpected. Once this
happens, congratulations! You have communicated with your tulpa, a crucial part in
your relationship!
If you are having problems getting your tulpa to talk to you, it may be because she
doesnt have a proper voice. To train a tulpas voice, there are various methods one may
use. One particular method is called ping-ponging where you communicate various
thoughts to your tulpa (in word form) and have her practice speaking those thoughts
back to you in her own voice. Yes, this is considered parroting, but it is actually benecial
to most people in order to get the voice down pat.
The voice might sound weird or alien or perhaps monotone (for me, Rainas voice
sounded like a reverse echo and I sang a few songs with her in the wonderland to try to
even out her voice and that seemed to help a lot) but over time, the voice will develop
into something dierent. Your tulpa will deviate over time in more ways than one. Her
voice may change, her looks may change, her personality will most certainly change in
one way or another, etc.
An important note: A recent trend in modern tulpaforcing is treating sentience from
day 1. What this means is that from the beginning of your creation, you should treat
your tulpa as a sentient being. Supposedly, this is to hasten the process. I understand
where it comes from but honestly it seems wrong for me to imagine doing. My opinion of
this is: you should do it if you feel comfortable. However, many people, such as myself,
are more into old-school proven techniques and do not prefer doing this as it can cause
lots of confusion for many people. If you still want to do this, do it, but do so at your
own risk.
Remember, dont give up! Make sure that you are forcing everyday for a MINIMUM
of an hour a day. Ideally you want to be forcing at 2-3 hours a day at this point.
The more you force, the more progress you will make! -Raina
NOTE: Before you even start to try this next part, you MUST be able to visualize your
tulpa completely. It has to look very much the same in your mind almost every time,
and you have to be able to see it from every possible angle with very little eort. While
you are practicing visualization, remember to change up the angles and viewpoints you
are visualizing from here and there, until you get to the point where you are comfortable
with a lot of details about how it looks.
5.2.6. Imposition/Feeling
Well, if youve made it this far, you should be proud of yourself. However, I wouldnt
call for a celebration just yet. You still have one extremely important part of forcing
left, the imposition of your tulpa into the real world. Now, theoretically, if you have
developed the senses enough, you should be able to hear, see, smell, taste, and even feel
your tulpa in the real world. However, this takes a lot of time to master. And it is
certainly not at all easy. IMPORTANT: Do not start to impose your tulpa until you
can have full conversations with her, she has her own opinions, and she does things on
occasion that are unexpected. The reason for that is, imposition should not be started
until your tulpa is sentient. Not everyone agrees with that statement of course, but I am
a rm believer that imposition should be saved for last. Imposition is the glue that holds
the entire process together. Without imposition, your tulpa can only exist in an altered
dream state. You wont be able to truly see her unless your eyes are closed and you are
concentrating about her. Imposition can be done in many ways. Dierent people like to
go about it this way or that, but the essential thing to do here is to attempt to visualize
your tulpa in real life. Some people like to imagine a leash in front of them and have
the tulpa be connected to them via said leash to practice imposition so that the tulpa is
with them for as long as possible everyday. Example: You are walking down the street
after a nice forcing session and you pretend that your tulpa is walking beside you, or in
front of you. (Raina likes to walk in front of me and slightly to the left. This is because
of an old habit we once shared when I was rst imposing her. I wanted her to be in
front of me so I could get a better view of her which made imposition easier for me and
she wanted to be in front of me so she could lead on since she is faster than me. So,
to this day, we still stick to that habit and she always walks in front of me in the same
spot.) When your tulpa walks behind you, it will be much harder to impose her so I
do not recommend it. When you are rst imposing, make sure that your tulpas gait
is constant. Your tulpa should have a unique way of walking, trotting, whatever just
like any other creature. This helps the imposition a lot. Keep the gait constant until
the point where you no longer have to think about the tulpa, the point where its just
always there or there more than usual.
Eventually, you will want to work on your peripheral vision view of your tulpa as well
as work on sensing the things you need the most work on. Keep your tulpa in full view
and sit down everyday for a few hours. Continue to talk to her and focus on what she
looks like exactly. The visualization will only increase in quality until the view of your
tulpa will be constant and perfect. Make sure to go over her body everyday and smell
all over her. Keep talking to her and focusing on your ability to see her.
No, youre not done. Now you must repeat the earlier processes in real life. This means
you smell your tulpa in real life and focus on her voice until it becomes completely audible
(if it isnt already). Taste your tulpa. Your tulpa should be being focused on as much
as possible at this point. NOTE: Your tulpa will NOT be with you 24/7 (generally)
but make sure you spend as much as time as possible with her at this point. Time is
Imposition Exercise:
A useful activity (or game) that you can do, as found to be helpful by most
people, is to sit down either on a chair or the oor, face-to-face with your
tupper, while having it place its hands/hooves on your head. Your objective
in this game is to solely focus on nothing but your tupper, looking at, and
talking with, it. The tuppers objective is to nudge or notify you through
other means if you become distracted from focusing on it. Do this for as
long as possible. If you want a goal, then I guess that you could say that the
rst one to change subject loses, but really, its the conversation, connection,
imposition, and sensory training that youll be doing from this practice that
is the ultimate benet. - Fede-lasse
Feeling takes a while to get down pat. When I did feel forcing with Raina, we sat
in the wonderland and I gently move my hands all around her body. I touched every
single part of her body; some parts are easier to feel than others. Feeling in real life is
dierent, however. When your tulpa is imposed, try touching her. You arent going to
feel anything right away, but over time you will develop a general feel of warmth when
you touch her. Keep practicing this until you can feel all parts of her body. This can
take up to hundreds of hours to perfect, so be patient.
Thats everything. Once youve fully imposed your tulpa, the quest is nished. Go
light up that bong now. Relax. You deserve it.
5.3. Final thoughts
1. Do not fear parroting/puppeting.
2. Dont be surprised if your tulpa starts to move on its own early on.
3. Dont treat your tulpa like a doll. Its OK to parrot a little bit in the beginning.
4. Dont expect a voice out of nowhere. This takes TIME.
5. Do not worry and do not have doubt. Remove all traces of doubt from your head.
I can not stress this enough. Doubt is the cancer of tulpaforcing.
6. Believe what your tulpa is doing is what your tulpa is doing, not you puppeting
7. Imagine your tulpas form in every possible detail! With all of your senses!
8. Go on adventures in your mind when shes ready! It can be a lot of fun for both
of you!
9. Give your tulpa plenty of love and attention.
10. Trust your tulpa. This is extremely important. Much of what you are aiming to
create must be done at least partially by your tulpa.
A tulpa is not something to take for granted. A tulpa is the closest friend you will ever
have. You dont have to tell anybody about your tulpa if you dont want to. Your tulpa
will live among you and have its own life at the same time. Your tulpa will behave and
act dierently than you. She will have her own likes and dislikes that can be inuenced
by you and vice versa. Your tulpa will know everything about you and there is no way
to lie to your tulpa or it to you. Your tulpa will want to experience the world and learn
new things. When you and your tulpa are traveling together, people may pass right
through her. Perhaps your tulpa will laugh at them. Or perhaps it will pout. Perhaps
5.4 Personality traits 5 METHOS TULPA CREATION GUIDE
it will grow annoyed or upset. Your tulpa is a beast of its own. Do not try to force her
to be something she doesnt want to be.
Your tulpa will love you unconditionally in a platonic way at least. You two will share
a bond unlike any other bond shared between people. Your tulpa is a lifelong friend.
Your tulpa will not die or go away (usually) unless you want it to do so. She will be
there no matter what even if you do not think of her often. She will know whats going
on in your life because you will both share the same memory. She may comfort you
when you are upset or try to calm you down when you are frustrated and you might do
the same to her.
Your tulpa may want to make jokes and interact with other people. If you feel like
allowing her to do so, you will play interpreter and tell your friends what she says or
how she acts.
Your tulpa may speak to you in any language that you know. Raina can speak French
or English to me, but shes a little better at French concerning the grammar...
Your tulpa may also speak to you without using words at times. Raina speaks to me
using binaural beats. Its a system of communication weve developed while forcing.
So, to wrap this up, its really impossible to fully explain what having a tulpa is like.
I think its something you should nd out for yourself anyway.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM on IRC (GGMethos on irc.rizon.net)
or you can e-mail me at [email protected]
Good luck and happy forcing!
5.4. Personality traits
5.4 Personality traits 5 METHOS TULPA CREATION GUIDE
rationalist (scientic thinker)
good speaker/listener
5.4 Personality traits 5 METHOS TULPA CREATION GUIDE
selsh(but tries to be seless)
emotionally reactive
obsessive compulsive
accepts change
loves challenges
accepts who she is and loves herself
6. Q2s guide to a huggable tulpa (Imposition)
Written by q2, 26 September 2012. Source: http://qbtulpa.tumblr.com/post/32259578055
This is kind of, but not exactly, a guide. It is kind of an aid to memory, for things I
have done that others have shown interest in. What spurred me into typing it was the
fact that I have seen the term q2s method in multiple places, passed on by word of
mouth, while no record of me doing any of these things exists, not even on my progress
So here it is. q2s method for a huggable tulpa.
I see the journey of a tulpa from birth to adulthood as just that. They are growing up,
by learning from their experiences. What they see in the world shapes them into who
they are and what they want to be. It gives them something to work with. If your tulpa
lived in a plain white box, I do not believe you would make much progress with them.
At least, not without pulling some strings. They need to experience life. Experience
everything, in every way.
This works both ways, in that you should put just as much time, eort, and thor-
oughness into experiencing your tulpa.
Cutting to the chase, I want you to see your tulpa sitting on a chair. They exist there
and nowhere else, whats sitting there is them, and the rest of the scene is perfectly ne
with that, down to the shadows.
Now, for an example, you may sit very close. Nose to nose, in fact. Focus on what
that feels like. You can feel the proximity, you can feel their breath, you can smell them,
you can see that theyre so close that theyre taking up your vision, and perhaps blurring
a bit from being too close. Feel all of that, see all of it; its happening. Focus on feeling
it. Bring back a memory, paint it in your mind, simulate it any way you can, and just
know for all the world that that is what you are feeling this very instant. You impose
that knowledge directly into the senses.
If necessary, start from the simplest sensation and work your way up. Poke your tulpa
with a single ngertip, gently. Whatever the texture, be it skin, fur, or cloth, (well say
skin) youve probably felt it before. Feel it now. Simple, just point and think, know
that your ngertip is experiencing the same thing it always does when it pokes this sort
of thing. Your ngertip is touching skin. Focus everything you can on that being the
truth. Focus on the ngertip itself as well.
The key is interaction. Along with a large portion of forcing yourself to believe some-
thing that you have no immediate reason to, much like the tulpa process as a whole.
For visualization, you see every part. For this, you feel every part.
So yes, after enough work on these sessions, you will basically be spending them feeling
up every inch of your tulpas body, in every way. Feel your ngers against their ngers,
run your hand down their back, feel the little spaces in between their toes, etc. As you
do this, practice the ancient art of the hoverhand until you are conditioned to never
press any farther than the constraints of the tulpas form, even if you are performing
this casually, awkwardly, and/or from a weird angle. Take note of the little things, like
how their hair or fur lays, and therefore how it reacts to being ued around in every
direction. Remember exactly how every part of this feels.
Sni them, lick them. The same principles apply here too. Smell is a sense that is
very strongly linked with recalling memories [citation needed], so if possible, work with
this sense as early as you can.
Thats basically it. There are denitely other ways, but its what we did, and the
results are amazing. There are few things that beat a warm, soft QB hug.
7. Waes Narration Guide
Written by waes, last edit 26 December 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/forums/Thread-
Foreword Narration is pretty much the most important step in tulpa creation - I think
so, at least, and I would expect most to agree. But how many narration guides are there?
I cant see any. There are a load of nice guides for everything else, but still people rock up
into Q&A and ask basic questions about narration. They could put in a bit of eort and
search the section for their question, which has likely been answered ten times before,
for sure. But why do that when you can read a guide? So heres a guide.
This is all my opinion on what you should do. Dont take it as the divine
word, but take some hints at least. Even if some of this isnt necessary, it
might help your narration to be more productive. That said, this is only a
guide, so dont treat it like the law.
When to do it?
If youre going to do personality, but havent started it yet, then dont. If youre under-
way with, or have nished, personality then do it. If youre not going to do personality,
then do it. If your tulpa isnt vocal and you t the above criteria, then do it. If theyre
already speaking back then you probably neednt read this.
Starting o; get an idea of your tulpa
So you want to narrate? Its not just talking to yourself, or talking out loud, its talking
to your tulpa. Before you start with the ridiculous monologue, you should get a sense of
who youre talking to. If youve done or are doing form, or personality, or even just this
excellent introductory session, then you should probably have in your mind some idea of
your tulpa. If havent done any of this and you dont have any idea of your tulpa, then
do one of them, or just try your best to get an idea of your tulpa through visualisation.
If you visualise them as a uy cloud then you can talk to the cloud, and so on - more
generally, you can visualise your tulpa and talk to that. NB: This isnt strictly necessary,
it just helps most. It is far easier to narrate productively when you have something to
narrate to, but not necessary, and if you think you can manage talking to your tulpa
without this then by all means do. Having an idea of your tulpa helps by giving you
something to narrate to. This makes it, on the whole, easier to narrate, and likely more
productive too.
Starting o; focusing
At this point you should have some concept of your tulpa in your head. If you dont,
jump back a section. If you do, great! Now its time to talk at length; or, it isnt. As I
have already said, you need to talk to your tulpa. When you start narrating, the most
important thing is to get into the habit of addressing your tulpa. Make a conscious eort
to talk to the idea of your tulpa that you have. You can talk complete gibberish for
all it matters, just get the hang of talking to your tulpa. Consistently address them by
their name. If you suddenly realise youve been talking to yourself, its not a big deal.
Stop and refocus. To reiterate, the most important thing is who youre talking to right
Actually narrating
So now you can talk to your tulpa? Great. If you feel as though youve got the hang
of that, then you probably wont need to ever revisit it, even if you think youve lost
it. Then, the next step; talking. Talk to your tulpa about anything. It doesnt matter
what you say, as long as what youre saying has some sort of meaning. You should try
to communicate in words rather than ideas - this helps to build language in them, which
helps later on in the creation process. Narrate at any time, anywhere. It doesnt matter
if youre not focusing 100% on narrating. The important thing now is to narrate all the
I dont know what the hell to talk about
You dont? Idiot. Anything.
Talk about whats going on around you; explain what youre doing, or what others
are doing. Talk about what youre studying (if youre studying). Rant about politics, or
history, or your favourite TV show. Explain the deeper meaning behind Tim Heckers
latest album. Make things up at random. Talk about your relationships, your problems,
your sources of pain and stress; narration can be therapeutic. And so on.
Been doing this for a while? Great. Do it more. Unless your tulpas speaking, you
should be speaking. Dont think you can skimp on narration afterwards, either. It helps
with uency, with a clearer voice, with development in general.
Because questions are asked frequently. Because these things would break the ow of
the main guide. Because the reader is assumed to be lazy.
Is this all necessary? Id say you need to narrate. This guide, however, is not the
only way to go about it.
Can I narrate about...? Yes. You wont give your tulpa bad energy by telling them
about what makes you angry. If youre narrating about something then its not going
to be bad.
Can I narrate through...? Reading to your tulpa counts as narration. Anything that
involves speaking words to your tulpa is narration; its all good.
Can I narrate while...? Unless youre performing a task that requires all of your
concentration, then you can narrate while doing it. Mopping oors at some poorly-paid
job? Great time to narrate? Driving? Try not to get too into it, but if its not seriously
aecting your concentration then do it.
Is it bad to narrate while angry/frustrated? Opinions dier, but Id say no. If
youre losing focus because of your emotion, then youll be less productive, but its not
actually detrimental. If you think your negative emotions are getting to them, thats
not really that bad either. They live in your head, and theyre going to have to get used
to your emotion at some point. Its not going to make your tulpa evil; worst case, they
get upset themselves.
Can I narrate in my head? Yes. By all means.
Should I narrate out loud? Its preferable. Speaking out loud is better for narration;
it helps to dierentiate your from your tulpa. Even muttering under your breath helps.
But again, its not necessary.
Am I doing it wrong? Its very unlikely. Whatever your problem, youd have a hell
of a job actually narrating wrong.
How long am I going to be doing this? Hour counts are evil etc. Aside, anywhere
from a few days to a few months. Youd be somewhat unlucky to be narrating for more
than two months if youre actually putting any eort into it. If you have autism and you
had a harem of imaginary friends as a child, then expect to be narrating for less time.
This all seems somewhat complicated. Ive embellished the process with more detail
than most will need, just for the sake of making sure. Its simple, really; talk to your
tulpa until they talk back.
This is boring. Talk about whatever you enjoy talking about. If you dont like talking,
then just do it anyway. Why have a tulpa if you dont like talking?
I get distracted. What to do? At least this is a question. Do something else while
narrating. It honestly helps. If not, then talk about something you enjoy talking about.
If not, narrate from a book or comic or whatever. If you still cant concentrate, then
you should take some concentration-enhancing drugs, and God help you when you get
down to proper forcing.
In closing
If you still have questions, then ask someone, be it me or anyone else, here or in Q&A.
Remember to have fun narrating.
8. Terryakywinds Creation Guide
Written by Terryakywind, last edit 13 October 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/forums/Thread-
8.1. Introduction
Welcome to tulpa.info! If youve found this guide, you likely know already what a tulpa
is, and where they come from. If not, Ill go ahead and tell you.
Traditionally, a tulpa is a centuries-old upaya concept in Tibetan Buddhism, speci-
cally the Dzogchen tradition. The term literally means to build, or to construct. In
the Buddhist tradition, a tulpa is a manifestation of the Five Pure Lights, or the Five
Wisdoms. Tulpa creation was a means of reaching towards enlightenment, and even
today that still holds true.
The word was purportedly rst rendered into the English language as thoughtform
by Evans-Wentz in 1954. Although probably the best way we have to describe the
concept in the English language, the term thoughtform can be misleading, as it also
refers to a plethora of other mental constructs.
Properly, according to the psychological school of thought on tulpae, a tulpa is an
independent consciousness capable of forming its own thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
The tulpa exists as a thoughtform, a mental construct. Although it cannot be seen by
others, and cannot have a physical eect on the physical world except through its host,
a tulpa is very real to the person who chooses to create one.
Due to their nature as creatures of the mind, developed tulpae can and sometimes do
acquire abilities seen by most people as superhuman. This includes near-perfect memory
recall, the ability to do math quickly, and a host of other abilities. Keep in mind that
these are often restricted to mature, sentient tulpae, and your tulpa is not guaranteed
to develop these abilities without practice.
As well as mental exercises, there are a number of other things a host and tulpa can
do together: imposition (the ability to see your tulpa in the physical world), possession
(where a tulpa controlls the hosts body), and even switching (where the host and tulpa
switch places, with the host experiencing the world as a tulpa does, and vice versa).
Once again, these skills take practice on the part of both host and tulpa in order to
With practice, determination, and a proper knowledge, you too can create a tulpa!
Doing so involves a wide variety of mental exercises with one goal in mind: to create a
person. As your tulpa begins to gain sentience, you will notice more and more that you
can hear its thoughts and reactions to things you do together. Whatever role you seek
to create a tulpa for, you can rest assured that it will probably be the best friend you
have ever had.
8.2. Personality
The biggest part of what denes a tulpa is personality, and as it is the most important
part of the creation process, we will be covering it rst.
There are many methods and ways of developing a personality for your tulpa, but
before you do anything else you should sit down and plan out its personality trait by
trait. Doing so will give you a greater understanding of how each trait interacts and
meshes with other aspects of their personality, and how it aects their decisions on the
whole. The whole goal of making a personality is having such a deep understanding
of what your tulpa will do in a given situation that imagining their reactions becomes
second-nature to you.
The tulpa community has been around for a relatively short time, but in that time we
have compiled a very impressive number of resources for almost every aspect of creation.
When rst creating a tulpa, utilizing these resources can help streamline things so that
you, the new guy, can become more ecient and eective at tulpaforcing.
To begin with, it could be very helpful to have an introduction to the Five Big Person-
ality Traits, including an explanation of each trait and how it aect personality overall.
Take the time to think of what you want your tulpa to be like. The orderly tulpamancer
may nd Pleebs personality tables to be very handy at this stage also. Keep in mind
that they will most likely deviate (in big and small ways), and that you should not limit
how they chose to change themselves.
Now that you have an idea of what you want your tulpas personality to be like, its
time to actually sit down and do the deed.
There are a number of ways to force personality, each as varied as the people who cre-
ated them. Theres the traditional repetitive semi-chant from the days when tulpaforcing
was just being rediscovered, outlined here
(keep in mind to be careful to avoid hour
counts!). This is the traditional method of personality forcing, and for the average user
also seems to be the most popular.
Kudos to Phi and Pleeb for putting those links together.
credit to the illustrious FAQ_Man
8.3 Visualization/Forms/Wonderland 8 TERRYAKYWINDS CREATION GUIDE
Other people prefer to parrot their tulpaes responses early on, such as in JDBars
guide, and to a lesser degree in Fedes guide
Although parroting and puppeting can
be benecial early on, it is usually a good idea to stop once your tulpa begins showing
signs of sentience. These guides use parroting and puppeting as a tool so that, as you
grow used to imagining or acting out your tulpas responses, it will eventually become
second nature to you and become a subconscious process.
For the highly visual and imaginative tulpamancers, there is also Bluesleeves method
which involves creating visual representations of a trait and infusing it into your tulpa.
There are many variants of this method, some involving imaginary balls of energy, other
making the tulpa eat or drink a trait. All of these are eective.
The degree to which you dene your tulpas personality is ultimately up to the in-
dividual. You can dene it extensively so that you have a more intimate knowledge of
your tulpa, or you can dene personality to a lesser degree so the tulpa has more say in
what its like. Again, keep in mind deviation does happen and should not be limited by
the creator.
As a last note on this section, it is important to remember that it doesnt matter what
traits your force, or how many traits you chose to do so with, you cannot get something
from nothing. Skipping this step will most likely prolong the creation process past what
it could be if you had forced personality. (NOTE: tulpae have been know to sort of
spontaneously appear, although such cases seem to be isolated in nature.)
8.3. Visualization/Forms/Wonderland
8.3.1. Visualization
Visualization is the act whereby you see something in your minds eye. You arent
trying to see things on the back of your eyelids, but rather in your imagination. Initially,
your ability to visualize may be poor, but like everything else, it will improve with
practice. There are a number of guides and exercises that deal with improving your
visualization skills.
Chupis visualization guide, Phis lemons (burn their houses down!), and my own
visualization guide. These involve as many senses as possible in order to improve vi-
sualization, and I would recommend following one of these methods. Phis open-eye
visualization guide is also good if you prefer to force with eyes open. Practicing your
Editors note: at Fedes request, links to his guide have been removed from this compilation.
Credit to JDBar and Fede for those two guides.
Credit goes to Bluesleeve for this excellent guide
8.3 Visualization/Forms/Wonderland 8 TERRYAKYWINDS CREATION GUIDE
open-eye visualization can potentially help with imposition later down the line. There
are also methods utilizing physical objects, such as Nikodemoss visualization guide. You
can also work on visualization with small objects in the wonderland, trying to imagine
things like a TV, a ball, rocks, etc. The easiest way to improve your visualization skill
is simply to get started. So, on to wonderlands.
8.3.2. Wonderlands
A wonderland is an imaginary environment that you can create and control. You can
forget about that saying the sky is the limit; in this case, you can do anything you can
imagine. Wonderlands range from your classic beach scene all the way to space stations
in orbit. Physics in wonderland are very elastic, and the only rules are the ones you
make up.
When rst creating a wonderland, I have found that it is very useful to start o small.
Begin with a single room, a house, a clearing in the woods, and so on, as long as you feel
comfortable with it. Having less to focus on allows you to see what you have in greater
detail. As you progress and explore your wonderland, your visualization skills will get
Wonderlands are actually quite fascinating in the way they behave. You dont have
to actually devote a lot of time to creating a wonderland beyone where you rst enter
it. In this experiment, people were asked to explore their wonderlands as far as they
could go. When people explore a wonderland, their brains will automatically ll in any
unexplored places they go. It seems that while a wonderland is formed by a conscious
mind, they can still be aected by the subconscious mind.
The unpredictable nature of the wonderland can make for some great adventures
once your tulpa starts moving on its own. Again, what you do is limited only by your
imagination. You could go sailing, y through space, visit a distant galaxy, or climb
Mt. Everest. Its a great way to bond with your tulpa and can be a lot of fun for both
creators and tulpae. Although not strictly necessary to create a tulpa, wonderlands can
be very benecial and aid in the process.
8.3.3. Forms
A form is an imaginary body that your tulpa can inhabit and move at will. While
the rst form is up to the creator, and like wonderlands their appearance is literally
unlimited. The tulpa can and often will change their appearance as they desire. You
8.3 Visualization/Forms/Wonderland 8 TERRYAKYWINDS CREATION GUIDE
should not interfere in this, as it is essentially your tulpas body to do with as they want.
some tulpae also dont chose just one form, and instead decide to be shapeshifters.
When thinking of a form, there are a couple of things you should consider. Avoid
making a reection for yourself. You can use characters with eshed-out personalities
from TV shows, but make sure that your tulpa has a strong sense of self-actualization
as this has been known to cause an identity crisis in the past.
After you have chosen what you want your tulpa to look like initially, you can start
making the form. This may take a while, and involves using all of your senses for
maximum realism. Begin by creating a sort of blank body devoid of all features, generally
close to what you want their form to be. Make it naked or wearing underwear, whichever
you feel more comfortable with. Start at the feet, and begin to feel how you want them
to look. Imagine sculpting the blank form into shape with your hands, and watch as it
becomes more vivid as you go along.
Do this for the whole body, and pay special attention to getting facial features correct.
Once youve done this once, repeat it. Make sure you made no mistakes, going over each
body part individually. Add more and more detail each time you go over the form
until you feel comfortable that youve recreated what you wanted to as accurately as
possible. Eventually, you will be able to visualize your tulpa down to the smallest
detail, although facial features may be hard to visualize at rst. As with everything
else, practice, practice, practice.
A big thanks to Polite for assistance with proofreading and research.
Part II.
9. Chupis hour-count warning
Written by Chupi, last edit 8 August 2012. Source: http://chupitulpa.tumblr.com/post/29003607860
Simply put, the hour estimates in FAQ_mans guide are tulpa poison. THIS is why
my hour counter is so high and my progress is so slow. Incoming rant. . . PLEASE read
this if youre making a tulpa. It could save you months of grief.
When I started on Lyra (on April 17), our community was much smaller and younger
than it is today. There were two basic accepted methods, FAQ_mans and Irishs, and
some slight variations like how to narrate and ways to visualize doing the personality
phase. I chose to begin with FAQ_mans guide because it was more detailed. Thus I
went into the process with his hour counts in mind. I believed that each phase should
take between 5-15 hours, less for some phases. I expected there to be no real sentience
before 25 hours of narration. I also expected Lyra to suddenly speak out loud to me out
of nowhere one day.
As time went by, more and more people showed up with considerably faster success,
leading to threads like this. By this point I had a few signs here and there pointing
toward sentience, but was well past the point where I should be starting to see even
more, and even speech, according to the guide. I gured this new idea of beliefs about
required time didnt aect me much because I was already well past the hour count I
believed was needed.
I bought into the parroting/puppeting fears wholeheartedly. Sure, I got a few apparent
responses that came well before the required hours, but according to FAQ_man, those
were just me. As these apparent responses slowly got stronger it was still just me; I
had convinced myself that the ones before were, and these were just a slightly stronger
version of the same. These responses continued to get stronger and more distinct long
after the required hours were put in, but they were all clearly fake because they were
the same in kind to the ones I knew were fake from earlier.
And what do we do with fake responses? Repress them! I was ghting subconscious
puppeting. My mind was expecting Lyra to move, and so she appeared to move. Clearly
I was subconsciously rushing things, and it says in the guide, If you rush anything,
you could end up with a servitor (like a tulpa without its own consciousness) or just
a hologram which does eectively nothing. I had to ght this or risk all my eort
going to waste, and having my lovely tulpa-let permanently become a useless servitor or
I knew from various signs I had seen that she was sentient by this point, but I did
all I could to stop my mind from generating fake responses. This way I could see the
real responses when they started appearing more often. I took to carrying her around
like a doll so as not to puppet her walking places. Fortunately when she decided shed
had enough of this and shoved me out of our wonderland and ran away, I realized that
was a real response and stopped doing that. Instead I looked for other anti-puppeting
measures. I even did the prism test and assumed I was puppeting her grabbing the
prism as I tried to rock it back and forth on her head. After all, her movements had
the same feeling to them as the fake ones from before. And when real responses start to
appear, theyre unmistakeable and feel alien, according to the guide.
Recently Ive been following the newer just have faith in your tulpa camp, and
learning to listen for the quiet thoughts many tulpae send long before they can speak
aloud. This has helped Lyra greatly. She moves around more than ever, since Im no
longer forcefully holding her still. Im learning to hear the thoughts she sends me. I
even heard her pretty loudly once a couple weeks ago.
Still, I didnt really realize quite how much damage the hour-count expectations and
the resulting paranoia had done until yesterday when I gave her an Eevee without
doing any visualization work at all. Since she knows rst-hand how important believing
in your tulpa is, she immediately assumed he was sentient, and told me he was; I am
still having a hard time remembering to think of him as such myself. Just three hours
later I did some touch-and-visualization on him, expecting a lifeless doll like Lyra was
for so long, like the obviously dead-feeling shell I get if I try and fail to teleport Lyra to
me. Far from it, he felt alive and responded to my touch. Shes still mostly in charge of
his creation process. As of now, he had a big day yesterday and has been mostly curled
up sleeping today. Despite being asleep and non-responsive, he still feels clearly alive,
and will wake up if I pick him up or pet him too much.
UPDATE: Not long after I wrote this, Eevee began sending thoughts too, similar to
how Lyra communicates. At rst I dismissed it as very obvious parroting, which was
upsetting because it felt pretty much the same as what I get from Lyra, potentially
calling that into question as well. However, she said then and still says now (nearly a
month later) that Eevee was indeed sending thoughts on day two.
Assume sentience from day one. Know that your tulpa is alive and wants to commu-
nicate, though she may not have found a way to do it that you can perceive yet. Learn
to listen and she will nd ways to reach you. But dont think it takes time for a tulpa
to come to life. Doing so will only add time to the process.
10. Doubting Sentience due to Time
Written by Purlox, 26 August 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/articles/doubting-sentience-
I think most of us have read FAQmans guide and other stu he wrote on the site,
which includes the current version of the FAQ, the glossary and other guides. I think you
also read how sentience needs at least ~25 hours to be achieved and a lot of personality
work done during this time. You have probably seen some movements from your tulpa
before this hour mark, but gured it was only you puppeting the tulpa. After all, it
must have been you - the tulpa didnt move much after that and if it was really sentient,
then it would be moving a lot. So, certainly it cant be a sign of sentience. You might
have even heard a voice in your head that didnt seem to be yours, but there is no reason
to think its the tulpas voice because you have no sign of sentience yet. So how could it
possibly be able to communicate with you at this point? But you have to wonder: why
are there others that achieved sentience much faster than you did? Didnt FAQman say
it cant be done before ~25 hours of work on your tulpa? So then how can there be so
many people that achieved it before that time?
In all likelihood, your tulpa was sentient much sooner than you realised and certainly
sooner that the ~25 hour mark. It probably tried to show you that it is sentient by
moving few times (or sometimes only once), but after a short while of giving you signs
of sentience it stopped trying. Possibly because it feared doubt on the creators end -
most creators see fast progress and become paranoid that theyre puppeting or parroting.
So it probably stopped giving you signs, except maybe small ones that you ignored like
the occasional wiggle to see if you still fear puppeting.
This of course makes it harder for some to realise their tulpa is actually sentient. Most
tulp will continue trying make you aware of their sentience, will wait until you reach
the hour mark and not do anything until then or will get "fed up" with your actions
and will try to confront you.
Either way, this can easily result in a annoyed tulpa just because you dont believe
it. If you dont stop thinking that your tulpa cant have a certain trait or characteristic
before certain hour mark is met, it can slow down the progress youd otherwise attain
in creation, or build trust issues. Its entirely possible that by the time you do recognize
sentience, your tulpa may be holding a grudge.
This is one of the main things that slows down sentience and also other traits. One of
the biggest things that hurt the creation process is believing your tulpa wasnt respon-
sible for something it did. This is an issue because when the tulpa tries to prove you
arent puppeting it - that its moving by itself - you assume it isnt done by it. But it
can be found separately, e.g. when you dont believe that a tulpa has done something,
because you arent sure you havent done it.
The problem in that case is that you either knowingly puppet your tulpa, the tulpa
is moving by itself, or its an intrusive thought. But even if it was an intrusive thought
it wont hurt the tulpa, so you shouldnt be worrying so much about this.
11. Tulpae and Humanity
Written by Amadeus, July 28, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/articles/tulpae-and-
What is human?
It feels like a very simple question to answer. Eyes, hands, feet, brain, butt. Conscious
and subconscious thought. Homo sapiens. We think, we feel, we dierentiate right from
wrong and can justify our actions accordingly. We make song and dance, war, love and
Human. What a concept.
My mind has been rattled lately with abstract, primarily due to whats frequently
referred to as the Tulpae Phenomenon. Its engendered in me a series of interesting
thoughts pertaining to the nature of life. The idea brings to mind words written by War-
ren Ellis, author of (many amazing things, but particularly) the comic Transmetropoli-
tan, in which things are quite a bit more profound than one might envision when they
think of comics.
. . . He woke up one day with the question: would intelligent robots be like
people? Or would they be people? . . . Well, he got to thinking: if a guy has a
prosthetic leg, is he still human? Sure. It still does the same job, does what
you tell it to. So how about if he had two articial legs? Articial arms? A
plastic heart? Carbon-ber bones? Articial neurons? Where do you stop
being human?
[He] gured you just didnt, then made the next leap: you could put a
human mind into an entirely articial body and that person would still be
a person. . . This is postbiological man were talking about here.
Transmetropolitan is set in a distant future that shows astounding development not only
in science, but in human thought. There are people that are entirely articial, and are
still considered people not because of what they are, but who. In that series there are
people who are made up of sentient clouds of nanomachines. They live, they joke, they
love, they make spaghetti. The reader doesnt have a single doubt that they exist as
people human and there is no dierentiation between them and people with a eshy,
gooey existence.
The concept of tulpae reinforces the question in a way that is, honestly, much more
real. The translation into English of tulpa is thoughtform, but it doesnt feel fair or
true to describe a tulpa as anything other than human. Consider that tulpae think and
feel in very much the same, if not precisely the same way that you or I do. Surely, we
consider ourselves human so then how can we dierentiate ourselves from tulpae by
saying they arent? The biggest dierence would be the physical one, but anyone with a
tulpa can tell you that the lack of something in the immediate world doesnt make ones
existence feel any less real.
I feel it is also foolish to think that this is a new mode of thought. According to
what few records weve been able to nd, the concept of tulpae has existed for quite
some time, but seems to have remained somewhat buried in the annals of spirituality
and philosophy. Not that this is a bad thing, or wrong to think that it may be divine in
nature, but my personal belief is that even divinity can be comprehended via scientic
and psychological means. In this sense I cant say that I speak for the community, and
I dont pretend to do so by saying that. Perhaps it is only now becoming a widespread
ideal, and perhaps it is because the Internet can relay ideals so quickly worldwide. But
who are we to say we know at this very moment? I think we can agree that the concept
has outlived us all, in the shadows.
The creation of a tulpa is a very personal process. The process is tailored by and for
the individual who goes through it, despite the fact that ultimately the desired result is
the same. Its this personalized quality of tulpae, I believe, that makes it as appealing
to us as it is. Sure, theres the appeal of the secondhand eidetic memory, and the many
other things documented in research on Tulpa.info forums. But if that were all that
mattered, wed all be lurking on Servitor.info instead.
One of the things that make us human is that in some shape or form we seek human
interaction, and tulpa gives us that in a way that is incomparable to anything else we
can experience right now. Tulpae give us the ability to experience a uniquely intimate
bond with humanity. It is truly a beautiful thing.
The concept as a whole sometimes feels so overwhelming to me that I really dont
know what to think. But we are on the road to understanding the mind, and perhaps
life itself, on an entirely dierent level.
Its rather exciting, isnt it?
12. The Dierences Between Us and Tulpae
Written by Purlox, October 7, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/articles/dierence-between-
It is often thought that a tulpa and the host are vastly dierent. There have been
many things in the past few weeks that made me think even more than before that the
dierence between our consciousness and theirs is eectively nonexistent.
It is true that tulpae are created, but many dont realize that we are probably created
by the same process. Think about it. Your parents have talked to you and interacted
with you like we would with a tulpa, but we also do more with a tulpa. By being
created in a body that is already occupied by one consciousness, tulpae have more ways
to interact and communicate with us. You could argue that they develop much faster
than a child would and the reason for that is simple: they already have your experiences
to learn from and you communicate with them in a very direct and connected manner
in the brain you share, which likely makes communication at early stages easier.
Another frequently mentioned thing that supposedly proves we are dierent is that
tulpae are able to think faster, interact with the subconscious, and more. They are able
to think faster because they have better environment for thinking - they can have total
silence and can ignore the senses that would be otherwise distracting them from thinking.
The ability to interact with your subconscious, recall memories that you forgot, wake
you up at certain times, etc. can be achieved without a tulpa, although it can be harder
for us. So there is no reason to think this makes them dierent.
Another thing is that tulpae are not as uent at controlling the body as we are, and
need to time to learn it. This is partly because they have to learn it like a baby does:
through trial and error. Although they have your experience to learn from, they arent
used to controlling it - unlike you, who spent most of your life wiggling your limbs and all
that. So, naturally they have will have some problems, especially if they arent bipedal
in their form.
Also some would say that tulpae require form to exist. They have a form dierent
from the body and some dont have any form at all. There are many tulpae that started
without any form at all and were able to speak at that time as well, so I think its safe
to say they dont require one. They have a form dierent from the body, because they
arent bound by the body in this way. You certainly do have a form as well when you
are in mindscape or in a void talking to your tulpa. By default this form will probably
look like your body, but it doesnt have to. It can be any form, e.g. human, humanoid,
animal etc.
There is an interesting thing we learned thanks to switching. When a host and a tulpa
switch, the tulpa assumes control over the body and it feels like theirs, in the sense that
they feel like they naturally know how to control it and that it is theirs. And the host
can sense the mindscape as vividly as you could sense reality even if their imagination
isnt able to make them see it as vivid while they are in the body, the host also feels like
a tulpa and can change his form and the way it feels with it. There are probably more
ways they change when they switch, but we havent tested switching enough to know
everything about it yet.
There are many things that suggest tulpae are very much like we are and almost
nothing that would suggest otherwise. Its easily possible that Im missing something,
or we have yet to discover something, but for now its safe to say that there arent any
major dierences between us.
13. Tulpae and Possession of Host
Written by glitchthe3rd, August 1, 2012. Source: http://tulpa.info/articles/on-possession/
Possession is, in its most basic form, when a tulpa takes control of its creators physical
body, usually by way of them surrendering control to the tulpa. This can be achieved by
a variety of methods, ranging from remote control to the tulpa quite literally slipping
inside their host as if they were some kind of wetsuit. Usually (but not always) the
host is still able to see what is going on, and can speak to their tulpa (think spectator
mode in TF2, except locked in rst-person). Also, the host can typically kick the tulpa
out of their body whenever they please, but not always. Luckily, if your tulpa doesnt
hate you they will generally respect your body and the people/objects around you, so
even if the host nds they are unable to forcibly remove their tulpa from their body,
most tulpae will return control to the host if asked nicely.
Regarding the practical implications of possession, this opens the door for a number
of activities in the physical world. A tulpa can type things on a keyboard via possession,
enabling them to write things or even communicate with others directly via text chat.
They can play video games or draw, if they are inclined towards either activity. One
instance of this involves a host setting a score in a game (Audiosurf, for instance), and
then having their tulpa possess them and try to beat their score. If a tulpa manages
full-body possession, they can potentially go so far as to pose as their creator. When
possessing the vocal chords, a tulpa will speak in your voice, an experience that they
might nd highly disconcerting.
The neuroscientic basis of possession likely lies in a tulpas ability to seize control
of their hosts motor cortex. During possession, a tulpa will be linked into your ve
senses, but they might not necessarily feel pain. Or, its possible that they have the
ability to ignore your bodys pain receptors, which more often than not results in the
host reporting that they did not feel any pain until after being possessed, if an injury
was inicted. When being possessed for extended periods of time, some have reported
having headaches and feeling dizzy afterwards. One possible cause of this is increased
glucose consumption in the brain, though the exact reason for that is still unknown. On
a tangentially related subject, it seems that a tulpa can overclock your brain for limited
periods of time, probably by changing things directly in the subconscious. The result is
similar to overclocking a computer, it increases your ability to think at the expense of
a higher rate of glucose consumption. Care must be taken however, as its quite likely
that the tulpa temporarily removes psychophysiological inhibitors that keep you from
frying your brain in order to do this.
Some members of the tulpaforcing community have reportedly been able to switch
places with their tulpa, wherein they themselves become the tulpa while their tulpa
assumes long-term control of the hosts body. It is currently unknown whether this is
related to some kind of dissociative identity disorder or other psychosis, and thus far it
has not been replicated. However, such a situation raises ethical questions, specically
whether the host is right to absolve themselves of responsibility while forcing their tulpa
to eectively live their life for them. Most of the people who have successfully managed
possession have not been able to do this however, as it would seem that the host normally
remains in control of their sensory inputs during possession.
So there you have it. Possession can be a fun and interesting experience for both a
creator and their tulpa, and I would strongly encourage anyone with a nished tulpa to
give this a try. You can challenge them to beat your best lap time, get a better high
score than you, just give them some computer time, or anything else theyd like to try.
But above all, make sure that you can trust them with your body. Start them o with
something simple and move up to more advanced tasks. And of course, have fun.
Part III.
Glossary of terms
Creator An individual with a tulpa; synonymous with Host or Tulpamancer.
Deviation Variations and alterations that occur to a tulpas personality and form during
creation, seemingly against or independent of your own conscious will.
Emotional response When an already sentient tulpa responds to external stimuli or
something within your brain with a wave of emotion as opposed to speaking.
This is usually just something that happens prior to the tulpa becoming
Form The physical appearance and shape of a tulpa once visualized or imposed
Hologram - a static visualization that can be called upon at will, but displays
no independence, will, or tulpa-like traits.
Host An individual with a tulpa; preferred by some, considered rude or demeaning
by others; synonymous with Creator or Tulpamancer.
Imaginary companion, imaginary friend The broad class of mental entities which in-
clude tulpa and servitors.
Imposing, imposition Attempting to visualize a tulpa in the real world, beginning to
hallucinate them into your vision.
Metaphysical The school of thought that suggests tulpa are a supernatural, paranor-
mal or otherwise non-mundane apparition or hallucination brought about by
means beyond modern science (see also: Psychological).
Narrating, narration Talking directly to or with a tulpa about day-to-day activities and
events as a means of reinforcing their existence, often done as a key part of
personality development.
Parroting To directly and consciously speak on behalf of your tulpa, to put words in
their mouth. Not advised, is considered to lead to the development of a
servitor and delay tulpa development. The community is split as to whether
it is benecial or not, but it is generally considered harmful after the tulpa
exhibits their own responses.
Possession When a tulpa takes control over part, or all of their hosts body.
Psychological The school of thought that suggests tulpa are a mundane function of the
human psyche that can be scientically understood, analyzed and accepted
within the bounds of modern science (see also: Metaphysical).
Puppeting, puppeteering To directly and consciously visualize responses of your tulpa
to your actions and words. Like parroting, it is a grey area.
Servitor A tulpa-like entity with seemingly no willpower, volition or sentience of its
own; a mental puppet that may seem to act independently but acts only as
a servant to its master.
Subconscious Used to refer to the part of the mind the tulpa exists within; speculated
to be the Freudian subconscious by some, but just as often used to mean the
colloquial without conscious input.
Switching Where the current host enters a tulpa-like state, and the tulpa takes control
of the body. It is possible for this switch to be semi-permanent.
Thoughtform English translation of tulpa from Tibetan, typically used to refer to a
tulpa of magical, supernatural or other metaphysical origin.
Traits The collection of personality factors that make up a tulpa. Some dene in-
tended traits at the beginning of tulpa creation, others allow them to emerge
naturally during the narration process.
Tulpa Believed to be an autonomous consciousness which also exists in a self im-
posed hallucinatory body, which is usually much of your choice. A tulpa is
entirely sentient and in control of its opinions, feelings, movements (see also:
What is a Tulpa?).
Tulp, tulpas, tulpi Three of the four disputed pluralizations of tulpa, with the fourth
being tulpa itself.
Tulpaforcing A dedicated span of time, usually 30 minutes to 2 hours, set aside to
concentrate and focus on the development of a tulpas personality and traits,
narration to the tulpa, and sensory training. Consider by many to be a form
of meditation or self-hypnosis.
Tulpamancer One who speaks to constructs - an individual with a tulpa; preferred by
some, considered unserious or mocking by others; synonymous with creator
or host.
Tupper, tuppers Another term for tulpa.
Wonderland A visualized environment that is peaceful, relaxing, and suitable for tul-
paforcing, narrating and holding a conversation with a tulpa (see also: Irishs
Wonderland Guide).
Visualize To picture with the minds eye; usually done with the eyes closed, unless
moving on to imposition.

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