Motorcycle Steering Controlby
Motorcycle Steering Controlby
Motorcycle Steering Controlby
Road Preview
The main objectives of the work described are to devise an effective path-based motor-
cycle simulation capability and to add to understanding of how riders control motor-
cycles. Optimal linear preview control theory was previously applied to the tracking of a
roadway by a car, using a simple car model operating in fixed control. Similar theory is
applied to path control of motorcycles. The simple car previously employed is replaced by
a much more elaborate motorcycle. The steering angle control used previously is changed
into steering torque control. Rider upper body lean torque is also allowed as a control
input. The machine speed is considered constant but is a parameter of the motion. The
objective of the optimal control is to minimize a weighted sum of tracking errors, rider
lean angle and control power. The time-invariant optimal control corresponding to a
white noise disturbance and to an infinite optimization horizon is found for many situa-
R. S. Sharp tions, involving variations in machine speed and performance priorities. Tight controls,
Department of Electrical and Electronic corresponding to high weightings on performance, and loose controls, corresponding to
Engineering, high weightings on control power, are identified. Results show the expected pattern for
Imperial College, preview control, that information well into the future is of limited value in determining
London SW7 2AZ, UK the present control inputs. Full system performance is achievable with only finite preview.
e-mail: [email protected] The extent of the preview necessary for full performance is determined as a function of
machine speed and performance priorities. This necessary preview is found to be in
accord with conventional wisdom of motorcycle riding and rider training. Optimal path
tracking preview controls are shown to represent the inverse dynamics of the motorcycle.
New light is shed on the relative effectiveness of steering torque and body lean torque
controls. Simulations of an optimally controlled motorcycle and rider combination are
conducted. A typical lane change path and an S-shaped path from the literature are used.
For a chosen speed, optimal controls are installed on the machine for which they were
derived and simulation results showing tracking performance, control inputs, and other
responses are included. Transformation of the problem from a global description, in
which the optimal control is found, to a local description corresponding to the rider’s
view, is described. It is concluded that a motorcycle rider model representing a useful
combination of steering control capability and computational economy has been estab-
lished. The model yields new insights into rider and motorcycle behavior.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.2745842兴
1 Introduction real drivers need knowledge of the whole of the road lateral pro-
Research on the steering control of cars has been reviewed by file within a certain preview distance in order to control a vehicle
Guo and Guan 关1兴 and MacAdam 关2兴. The latter also considered well. Multipoint preview is presumed in 关3–10兴. Unless the con-
speed control. Some research is aimed at replicating the actions of trol strategy is learned by copying a human driver, the great dif-
human controllers, complete with their imperfections, including ficulty in this context is devising a strategy and deriving a set of
time delays and lack of skill but the main objective here is to control parameters, although notably in 关8兴 complex nonlinear op-
devise a control scheme, representing the driver’s function to timization was used. In more recent work, it has been shown how
some extent, which is both simple and effective. Simplicity im- road profile and vehicle dynamics models can be assembled into a
plies ease and speed of computation in simulations. Effectiveness discrete-time system, to which the theory of the linear quadratic
implies accurate path following and speed maintenance through- optimal regulator 共LQR兲 can be applied 关11,12兴. The objective
out the operating range of the car, in the manner of a skilled function, to be minimized by the optimal control, is a sum of
driver. The main applications area of interest is virtual prototyp- squares of path errors and possibly other road/vehicle metrics,
ing, which is growing in importance in vehicle manufacturing together with the control power. Weighting parameters determine
industries on a regular basis. the relative importance to be attached to the cost components
The preoccupation in published work has been with improving included. The optimal control, under the terms specified, can then
path following control by increasingly elaborate use of the “path
be found easily. Model predictive control methods have been
error” at a single preview point ahead of the vehicle, but the view
taken here is that single-point preview, with no memory, is ex- shown to reproduce the results of LQR theory with preview, when
tremely limiting and multipoint preview opens up substantial pos- the problem is set up in a corresponding way 关13兴.
sibilities for improved tracking performance. It is surmised that The control is found to consist of a state-feedback part and a
preview part. The state-feedback part is the same regardless of
whether or not preview is included in the problem. It desensitizes
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Division of the plant to disturbances in general. The preview part can be ob-
TROL. Manuscript received September 26, 2005; final manuscript received December
tained by recursive use of the state-transition-matrix of the closed-
14, 2006. Review conducted by Hemant M. Sardar. loop system and it consists of sets of gains, one for each control
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control JULY 2007, Vol. 129 / 373
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and closely related to the closed-loop system dynamics, to be y共k兲 = Cz共k兲 + Du共k兲 共4兲
applied to the previewed path errors, the products to combine
linearly to yield the control inputs. If y ri is a sample from a white-noise random sequence, the time-
An apparently effective but rather complex motorcycle steering invariant optimal control minimizing a cost function J, given that
controller for path tracking has been devised by Frezza et al. the pair 共A, B兲 is stabilizable and the pair 共A, C兲 is detectable
关14,15兴. This nonlinear-feedback steer-angle controller was de- 关17兴, is
signed based on a very simple motorcycle model but has been
applied to a full multibody simulation model. A rider control with- u*共k兲 = − Kz共k兲
out preview has also been described in 关16兴. The absence of pre- with
view must be compensated by unrealistically high bandwidth in
the assumed controller. Nevertheless, it is expected that, without K = 兵R + BT PB其−1BT PA 共5兲
path preview, the performance will not be competitive against
models with preview. Single-point preview is utilized in the com- where the objective function to be minimized by the control, J
mercial package, BikeSim 共see http://www.carsim.com兲, together = limn→⬁兺k=0
兵zT共k兲Qz共k兲 + TT共k兲RT共k兲其 and P satisfies the matrix-
with a gain-scheduled PID roll angle to steer torque roll-tracking difference-Riccati equation,
control and a user-selectable path-preview-error to target-roll-
angle gain. The user also needs to select the preview distance to P = AT PA − AT PB兵R + BT PB其−1BT PA + Q 共6兲
be employed. Q = CTqC, containing the diagonal weighting matrix,
diag关q1 , q2 , q3兴, with terms corresponding to the number of per-
formance aspects contributing to the cost function, and R
2 Outline of Optimal Linear Preview Regulator = diag关r1 , r2兴, corresponding to the two control inputs, steering
Theory torque and rider upper body lean torque. q1 is set to represent the
importance of tracking errors, q2 relates to the absolute lean angle
The detailed development of the application of optimal linear of the rider’s upper body, while q3 relates to the lean angle of the
preview control theory to vehicle steering control can be found in rider’s upper body relative to the motorcycle. r1 and r2 are set to
关11–13兴, as stated above. In the interests of completeness, an out- reflect the costs associated with steering torque and rider lean
line is included here. The relevant linear vehicle model is trans- torque respectively. High values of q2 promote the rider upper
lated to the discrete-time form, body leaning in opposition to the motorcycle, while high values of
xv共k + 1兲 = Avxv共k兲 + BvT共k兲 q3 restrict the rider leaning relative to the machine.
共1兲 From 关12兴, it is also known that the time-invariant optimal con-
y v共k兲 = Cvxv共k兲 + DvT共k兲 trol given by 共5兲 remains optimal if the white-noise sequence rep-
resenting the road lateral profile is low-pass filtered, to make it
and the lateral profile of the road is considered in discrete sample more realistic, and “full” preview of the road 关11,12兴 is available.
value form, with sample values from past observations of the road It is implied that the white-noise disturbance assumption is not as
ahead being stored as states of the full vehicle/road system. As the restrictive as it might appear to be.
system moves forward in time, a new road sample value is read in As in 关11兴, the optimal control is found by partitioning the
and the oldest stored value is discarded, corresponding to the ve- problem into non-preview and preview parts. First, the nonpre-
hicle having passed the point on the road to which this oldest view, standard LQR optimal control is found. Then, the state-
value refers. All the other road sample values are shifted through transition-matrix of the closed-loop system is applied recursively
the time step, nearer to the vehicle. The dynamics of this shift to the non-preview partition of the solution to the matrix-
register process are represented mathematically by difference-Riccati equation to find the preview gains.
y r共k + 1兲 = Ary r共k兲 + Bry ri共k兲 共2兲 For path tracking, the optimal control solutions can be trans-
formed from a ground-based framework into a vehicle-based one,
where Ar is of the form as explained in 关11兴. The ground-based solution uses small angle
冤 冥
0 1 0 ... ... 0 theory, which requires that the path to be followed remains close
to the fixed line of the x-axis. The transformation allows the track-
0 0 1 ... ... 0 ing of paths for which small angle theory applies only within the
0 0 0 1 ... 0 envelope that contains the vehicle and the part of the path imme-
... ... ... ... ... ... diately in front of the vehicle used for preview. After the transfor-
mation, the tracking potential of the controlled vehicle is much
0 0 0 0 ... 0 less restricted than before. Paths which change direction mark-
and Br is of the form edly, even circular paths, can be followed without special difficul-
ties, provided that small angle theory applies over the preview
0 distance. Such a condition will normally be satisfied naturally,
0 since high path curvature implies restricted vehicle speed which,
in turn, implies the need for only limited preview.
Tracking is simulated by installing the state-feedback and pre-
... view controls to the vehicle, initializing so that the road states in
1 the memory of the shift register correspond to the vehicle having
traveled a straight path up to the present time, and designing a
Combining vehicle and road equations together, we obtain the full road lateral profile which starts with a straight section at least as
dynamic system description
冋 册 冋 册冋 册 冋 册 冋 册
long as the preview distance. As the system steps through one
xv共k + 1兲 Av 0 xv共k兲 Bv 0 time increment, the road profile sample values within the preview
= + T共k兲 + y ri共k兲 distance are observed in the ground-based frame in which they are
y r共k + 1兲 0 Ar y r共k兲 0 Br defined, including a new value that was previously in front of the
共3兲 previewed path, and the position and attitude of the vehicle are
The complete problem is now in a standard form, updated. The vehicle position and orientation are used to trans-
form the road samples into a vehicle-based reference frame, so
z共k + 1兲 = Az共k兲 + Bu共k兲 + Ey ri共k兲 that they represent the driver’s view of the road. The closed-loop
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system is then completely defined and the next discrete simulation The AutoSim model file can be loaded in either of two ways,
step is taken. The process continues until a predefined number of linear or nonlinear. In the latter case, a ready-to-compile-and-link
discrete time steps has been taken. simulation program can be obtained. In the former 共linear兲 case,
For paths which follow the general direction of the earth x-axis, the system is symbolically linearized, for small perturbations
the transformation of the tracking problem from global-view to about a general trim condition, and a MATLAB “M” file is written
local-view is unnecessary. The MATLAB function DLSIM can be automatically, to set up the linear model in state space form. The
employed straightforwardly to carry out tracking simulations. This symbolic MATLAB file can be used for the complete range of
provides a useful check on the accuracy of the more elaborate linear system operations encompassed by the MATLAB software.
local-view code. Such operations include automated conversion of the linear model
to discrete-time form and discrete linear quadratic regulator opti-
mization. The linear model generated by AutoSim has 27 states,
3 Motorcycle Model Outline including the longitudinal displacement from the origin and the
wheel spin angles. For the optimal control calculations, it is nec-
Modeling of motorcycle handling is now a mature technology essary to reduce the model by the omission of those parts that
关18–23兴. Especially, the advent of automated multibody mechani- relate to these ignorable coordinates. Thus 24 state variable values
cal systems software has enabled the construction of high-fidelity are used for feedback. When the trim condition involves straight
models, which reproduce the behavior of real machines over a running, symmetry demands that all the feedback gains associated
wide range of normal operating conditions. Measurements with with in-plane states are zero, which naturally turns out to be true.
instrumented vehicles have confirmed the capabilities of properly
conceived and executed models to mimic real behavior 关24–36兴. 4 Application of the Control Theory to Motorcycles
The model to be used here is considered to represent the state-of-
the-art and it is fully documented in 关22兴, with background mate- The theory of the discrete-time linear quadratic regulator with
rial in 关19兴. The model has provided the basis for the commercial road preview, as described above, is now applied to steering con-
virtual motorcycle, BikeSim, which is routinely now used in prod- trol of motorcycles. According to the conclusions of 关38兴, in
uct and component development, see The which it was established that a motorcycle with fixed steering
symbolic multibody software system AutoSim 关37兴, soon to be system has very unattractive stability properties in comparison
relaunched as VehicleSim, see, was em- with one having free steering, see also 关18兴, primary control is
ployed for the model building task and the code, a commented and assumed to be through steering torque 共not steer angle, as with a
understandable text file, is available at the web site http:// car兲 and rider upper body lean torque may also be included as a control.
The mathematical motorcycle model is considered representa- Solution of the optimization problem requires that a road
tive of modern high-performance, road-going machines, traveling model, of shift-register form, is appended to the motorcycle model
on flat and level road surfaces. The model parameters, see 关22兴, as described in Sec. 2. Then, the standard linear quadratic regula-
are based on those of the Suzuki GSX-R1000, which is fitted with tor theory will yield time-invariant optimal tracking controls, if
the common telescopic front fork suspension and a swinging arm the road lateral disturbance is treated as white noise 关11兴 or as
rear suspension with monoshock spring/damper arrangement. It is low-pass filtered white noise 关12兴 with full preview being avail-
of tree-structure, except for one kinematic-loop-closure in the able. The optimal control has feedback and preview parts, in each
monoshock description. Alternative ways of representing the ki- case. The feedback part is the same as if no preview were consid-
nematics of the monoshock suspension are examined in 关23兴. ered. The preview part represents an inversion of the closed-loop
The main frame is allowed unrestricted motion, while the rid- system dynamics. It can be found conveniently by recursive ap-
er’s upper body and the rear swing arm are pin-jointed to it. Tor- plication of the closed-loop system’s state-transition-matrix
sional compliance at the steering head is allowed by the inclusion 关11,12兴.
of a massless frame with roll freedom and spring/damper restraint Even for a motorcycle of fixed design, there are several param-
to the main frame, the twist angle being treated as small. The eters needed to define the control optimization problem. First, it
steering system is pin-jointed to the massless twisting frame at the can be presumed that the rider has only one control, the steering
steering head. The lower front forks and front wheel can translate torque, or two, the steering torque and the rider’s upper body lean
along the line of the forks, relative to the upper forks, and each torque. Secondly, the machine speed is variable. Thirdly, we can
road wheel is presumed axisymmetric and allowed to spin. Each choose different balances in the cost function between steer
tire has width and the contact points migrate, in general both torque, represented by r1, rider lean torque 共if included兲, repre-
circumferentially and laterally, so that the lowest point on each sented by r2, tracking error, represented by q1, absolute rider up-
tire is taken to be the contact center. For each tire, the motion state per body lean angle, represented by q2, and relative rider body
of the contact center, the compression of the tire from the nominal lean angle, represented by q3. Fourthly, the extent of the rider’s
static equilibrium state and the wheel camber angle are used in the preview can be varied but, since the control is only optimal if the
“Magic Formula” tire model 关20,22兴 to work out the steady state preview is sufficient for full performance 关11,12兴, we will deal
tire force and moment system. The lateral force and aligning mo- only in cases in which the gains fall to near zero within the pre-
ment, in each case, are lagged to allow for the tire carcass lateral view distance.
compliance, with a relaxation length which is a function of speed.
Suspension springs and dampers are defined as linear but sus- 5 Optimal Control Results
pension and steering limit stops are included. A proportional/ In the first instance, let us consider the single control case,
integral speed controller giving a rear wheel spin torque in re- using 500 preview points. Figure 1 shows optimal preview gain
sponse to a speed error is included, so that target speed profiles sequences relating to steer torque for the nominal motorcycle/rider
can be followed. The speed controller has fixed gains, which are combination in straight-running at 10, 40, and 70 m / s speeds with
non-critical. In particular, the speed controller allows equilibrium q1 = 104, q2 = 4 ⫻ 104, q3 = 0. This selection of weights is informed,
“trim” states to be found via straight-running simulations in which to some extent, by simulation results to be shown later. In each
conditions change only very slowly. Steering control inputs can be case, the linearization uses the appropriate trim state determined
considered to consist only of handlebar torque or to also include by simulation to equilibrium of the nonlinear system, and a set of
rider upper body lean torque. The model is considered valid, in a optimal motorcycle state-feedback control gains applies. As ex-
generic sense, for the full range of feasible speeds, wheel loads pected, the only nonzero state-feedback gains are associated with
and lean angles, tire slip angles less than 8 deg, and vibration out-of-plane state-variables. Symmetry of the straight-running
frequencies less than about 18 Hz. condition implies zero gains for all in-plane states. Feedback gains
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control JULY 2007, Vol. 129 / 375
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Fig. 1 Optimal preview steer torque gains for tight single-
control system with 500 preview points, q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104,
q3 = 0, r1 = 1, and three speeds, as functions of the distance
are numerous and not so interesting, and they are not shown. The
largest gains in the state-feedback control relate to roll angle and
frame twist angle. The preview gain sequences are shown as con-
tinuous curves, although they are in fact discrete values corre-
sponding to the fixed discrete-time step of 0.02 s. The feedfor- Fig. 3 Optimal preview gains for tight dual-control system
ward gains show convergence to zero as the preview distance with 500 preview points and with equal weights on the two con-
increases, which is a well-known feature of preview control 关39兴. trols, q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104, q3 = 0, r1 = r2 = 1, and three speeds, as
This convergence confirms that the 500 preview points assumed functions of the distance ahead
are sufficient.
The relatively high values of q1 and q2 correspond to tight
cies and that should be remembered in interpreting results. A new
control 关12兴 and the preview gains are high. With this tight con-
issue is the relative weighting of the two control torques, as re-
trol, at 10 m / s speed, a view of the road extending about 30 m
flected in the value of the ratio of r2 to r1. In Fig. 3, these values
forwards is all that is needed. Corresponding necessary preview
are equal and the control is tight, as given by q1 = 104, q2 = 4
distances for 40 and 70 m / s are 150 and 450 m, respectively. In
terms of time, the necessary preview for full performance in- ⫻ 104, q3 = 0. The steering torque gains are almost the same as for
creases significantly with speed. The most useful information in the single-control case of Fig. 1 and the body lean torque gains are
relatively small. The same pattern is clear in Fig. 4, corresponding
the path ahead is about 8 m in front of the motorcycle at 10 m / s,
to Fig. 2, in which the control is loose.
35 m ahead at 40 m / s and at 65 m ahead at 70 m / s, a little under
The use of body lean torque control can be encouraged by
1 s ahead in time, in each case.
reducing r2 to lower its cost. Figures 5 and 6 show the optimal
Figure 2 shows the contrasting results when the control is loose
control results. Again the steering torque gains are almost un-
as represented by q1 = 100, q2 = 400, q3 = 0. The preview gains are
changed, while the body lean torque gains vary roughly in inverse
reduced roughly in proportion to the change in the performance
proportion to the r2 value.
index weightings and, at each speed, the most useful path infor-
Preview distances necessary for full performance can be quan-
mation is further ahead of the vehicle than with the tighter control
tified crudely by using a criterion introduced in 关12兴. According to
of Fig. 1, at 15, 80, and 170 m for 10, 40, and 70 m / s, respec-
this criterion, we consider the preview information ineffective be-
tively. The inverse dynamics of the motorcycle and rider are ap-
yond the point where, with a very long preview, 99% of the area
parent in the preview gain sequences, especially for 70 m / s
under the total gain curve is enclosed. Results are shown in Figs.
speed. At this high speed, the weave mode of the machine is very
lightly damped 关19兴, having a natural frequency of 3.2 Hz. The
oscillations in the preview gain sequence, converted to a time
basis, are at this same frequency. If the corresponding control is
within the rider’s control bandwidth, it is implied that he/she will
utilize control economically to excite a lightly damped mode to
obtain a desired response, exactly as demanded in the optimiza-
tion problem.
Let us now allow rider upper body lean torque as a second
control, running in parallel with steering torque. It can be sur-
mised at the outset that most real riders will find it difficult to
realize body lean torque controls at other than quite low frequen-
Downloaded 06 Feb 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 7 Required preview distances „99% criterion… for tight
controls, q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104, q3 = 0. Circles show steer torque
and crosses show lean torque for r1 = r2 = 1. Pluses show steer
torque and stars show lean torque for r1 = 1, r2 = 0.1. The
squares are for the single-control system.
Fig. 6 Optimal preview steer torque and upper body lean Fig. 8 Required preview distances „99% criterion… for loose
torque gains for loose dual-control system with 500 preview controls, q1 = 100, q2 = 400, q3 = 0. Circles show steer torque and
points and with unequal weights on the two controls, q1 = 100, crosses show lean torque for r1 = r2 = 1. Pluses show steer
q2 = 400, q3 = 0, r1 = 1, r2 = 0.1, and three speeds, as functions of torque and stars show lean torque for r1 = 1, r2 = 0.1. The
the distance ahead squares are for the single-control system.
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control JULY 2007, Vol. 129 / 377
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Fig. 9 Lane change to the right at 30 m / s, with the upper Fig. 11 Lane change to the right at 30 m / s, with the upper
graph showing the roadway and the motorcycle path and the graph showing the roadway and the motorcycle path and the
lower graph showing the steering torque and the rider’s upper lower graph showing the steering torque and the rider’s upper
body lean torque applied. The controls presume 180 m rider body lean torque applied. The controls presume 180 m preview
preview and weightings of q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104, q3 = 0, and r1 and weightings of q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104, q3 = 0 and r1 = 1, r2 = 0.1.
= r2 = 1.
Fig. 10 Lane change to the right at 30 m / s, showing various Fig. 12 Lane change at 30 m / s, showing various aspects of
aspects of the motions, scaled for clarity. The controls pre- the motions, scaled for clarity. The controls presume 180 m
sume 180 m preview and weightings of q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104, q3 preview and weightings of q1 = 104, q2 = 4 Ã 104, q3 = 0, and r1 = 1,
= 0, and r1 = r2 = 1. r2 = 0.1.
Downloaded 06 Feb 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 15 S-maneuver simulation at 30 m / s, with the upper
Fig. 13 Lane change at 30 m / s, with the upper graph showing
graph showing the roadway and the motorcycle path and the
the roadway and the motorcycle path and the lower graph
lower graph showing the steering torque and the rider’s upper
showing the steering torque and the rider’s upper body lean
body lean torque applied. The controls presume 90 m preview
torque applied. The controls presume 250 m preview and
and weightings of q1 = 104, q2 = 0, q3 = 105 and r1 = r2 = 1. With
weightings of q1 = 100, q2 = 400, q3 = 0 and r1 = r2 = 1.
these weightings, the rider lean torque is small compared with
the steering torque.
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control JULY 2007, Vol. 129 / 379
Downloaded 06 Feb 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
values to those of 关14兴 but a much smoother and, arguably, a more weighting attached to it. Neither is the tracking performance much
realistic, profile. If the simulations of Figs. 9–17 are repeated influenced by the lean torque. It is clear in the results that lean
using only steer torque as a control input, almost identical path torque control is quite a minor issue, mainly influencing the roll-
tracking and vehicle motion results are obtained. This is confir- ing motions of the rider’s upper body relative to the motorcycle. It
matory of the opinion of Weir and Zellner 关46兴, formed by theo- appears that riders’ body motions are relatively prosaic, contrib-
retical analysis, and the findings of Aoki 关25兴 and of Katayama et uting to improving the view of the road and improving the system
al. 关44兴, who concluded from experimentation that rider lean con- dynamics in a very low-frequency passive manner.
trol of relatively massive single-track vehicles is completely sec- With various sets of time-invariant optimal controls installed,
ondary to steering torque control. It is apparent that a motorcycle the motorcycle will, in general, successfully track a defined path.
rider’s movements relative to the machine contribute to improving As the control is made looser, so the corner-cutting and the appli-
the dynamics in a largely passive manner. Such movements can cation of control inputs ahead of the main features of the path
often be observed to occur, in racing for example, even before the change increase. This early application of control, especially in
application of significant steering torque, in preparation for a ma- relaxed driving, is a well-known feature of the real-world activity
neuver and not as a part of it. and is nicely reproduced here. The controls become smoother and
are of reducing magnitude as the control power increases in im-
7 Conclusions portance in the cost function relative to the path tracking. The path
tracking is economical computationally, since the optimal controls
The kind of optimal linear preview control theory previously are obtained off-line and are invariant for a fixed speed. Variable
applied to path following by cars can be applied to motorcycles speed cases and optimal controls obtained for linearizations about
without particular difficulty. The high order of the motorcycle cornering trim states remain to be dealt with, but it is easy to
model used here contrasts with the simplicity of the car models imagine a set of gain scheduled controllers with adaptation to
employed in previous work. The linearity of the model is its key speed and lean angle as extensions of the work so far completed.
feature in the application. Further studies are being conducted to discover how the design
The time-invariant optimal control that corresponds to minimi- of the motorcycle influences the requirement for preview, on the
zation of a weighted sum of path errors, rider upper body lean basis that advantage to the rider concerned with high performance
angle and control power over an infinite horizon with a white will accrue from minimizing the need for planning the control
noise disturbance is of familiar form. Diminishing returns are ob- inputs well ahead of a maneuver. It is hoped that these studies will
tained for preview beyond a certain distance in front of the vehicle bring increased understanding of the potential conflict between
and the notion of full preview applies. There is no point in “see- stability and responsiveness, which is a part of two-wheeled ve-
ing” further forwards of the motorcycle than a certain distance. hicle folklore.
The necessary preview distance increases more than in proportion
to speed and is much greater, for a given speed, than is necessary Acknowledgment
for a typical car. This consequence of the theory accords perfectly
with riding experience and conventional wisdom. The support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
The optimal preview control represents a kind of inversion of Council for the author’s work is gratefully acknowledged.
the state-feedback controlled system’s dynamics, such that an os-
cillatory plant requires a correspondingly oscillatory preview gain Nomenclature
sequence for effective tracking. At high speeds, when a high- A, B, C, D, E ⫽ matrices in a general state-space system
performance motorcycle typically will become oscillatory, the representation
rider apparently needs to employ a gain sequence showing the Ar, Br ⫽ matrices for road model
same frequency content as the lightly damped machine modes. If Av, Bv, Cv, Dv ⫽ matrices for vehicle model
the oscillations are within the rider’s control bandwidth, with high J ⫽ cost function
skill, he/she will utilize control at the eigenfrequency to get good K ⫽ gain vector
response with little control power. Bandwidth limitations of the P ⫽ solution of the matrix-Ricatti difference
rider have not been included in this treatment, so that further work equation
needs to be done to complete the developing picture. q ⫽ 关q1 0 0; 0 q2 0; 0 0 q3兴 weighting matrix
As with the car, tight and loose controls can be generated by for performance
putting more or less priority on tracking accuracy in the cost func- R ⫽ 关r1 0; 0 r2兴 weighting matrix for controls
tion. Loose controls are more demanding of preview than are tight T ⫽ control torque vector
ones. It is implied that, under restricted preview conditions, riders k ⫽ discrete-time marker
will adopt tighter control strategies, which involves working u ⫽ control vector with optimal value u*
harder at the riding task, again, in line with common experience.
xv ⫽ vehicle state vector
Similar steering torque and rider upper body lean torque mag-
y v ⫽ vehicle output
nitudes are typical, but they are very much to the rider’s choice.
y ⫽ output vector
The optimal lean torque can be made larger by placing a lower
cost on its use. The optimal steering torque control is hardly af- y r ⫽ road state vector
fected by the inclusion of lean torque as a control or by the y ri ⫽ new road displacement value, input to
z ⫽ general system state vector
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