Chapter - 1 Introduction of Shree Cement Limited
Chapter - 1 Introduction of Shree Cement Limited
Chapter - 1 Introduction of Shree Cement Limited
Shree Cement Limited Registered Office & Works Is Located at Beawar(Raj.) And Cor orate Office at !o"kata.
S#R$$ C$%$&' LI%I'$( is an energ) conscio*s & en+ironment friend") ,*siness organi-ation. #a+ing ten (irectors on its ,oard *nder the chairmanshi of Shri B... Bang*r/ the o"ic) decisions are taken *nder the g*idance of Shri #.%. Bang*r/ %anaging (irector. Shri %.!. Singhi/ $0ec*ti+e (irector of the com an)/ is "ooking after a"" da) to da) affairs. 'he com an) is managed ,) 1*a"ified rofessiona"s with ,road +ision who are committed to maintain high standards of 1*a"it) & "eadershi to ser+e the c*stomers to their f*""est satisfaction. Shree2s rinci a" cement cons*ming markets com rise Rajasthan/ (e"hi/
#ar)ana/ 4*nja,/ 5ttar 4radesh and 5ttarancha". Shree man*fact*res6 (i) Ordinar) 4ort"and cement (O4C) (ii) 4ort"and 4o--o"ana Cement (44C) Its o*t *t is marketed *nder the 7Shree 5"tra Ordinar) 4ort"and Cement2 and Shree 5"tra Red O0ide 8*ng Rodhak Cement2 ,rand names. 'he rod*ct was we"" recei+ed in the market and toda) constit*tes a"most 9: er cent of SCL;s sa"es. 'he com an) has o+er << er cent of the market in the northern region. 'he com an) osted a to "ine of Rs. =>=.?9 cr and 4rofit after ta0 of Rs <9.>@ cr in 3>>9A>@. 'he com an)2s market ca ita"i-ation was Rs @?> cr as on %arch 3>>@. 'he com an)2s share were "isted and acti+e") traded on &S$ and BS$.
Cement (emand(mi""ion tons) Cear #igh .(4 growth of <> ercent 3>>9A>@ (act*a") 3>>@A>D4rod*cing %ore 3>>DA>= 3>>=A>: <<B.B= <93.:> <@D.?: <=>.D=
T$+le 1.1 Pro'e*#ed de"$nd o *e"en# $# di eren# ,DP gro%#! r$#eSe""ing %ore
9 Rein+esting %ost
Sett"ing 'ime (mins) Initia" Eina" Com ressi+e Strength (% a) 9 (a)s D (a)s %in. 33 3B (a)s
Shree Cement Ltd has de+e"o ed three c"ean de+e"o ment mechanism (C(%) rojects F a) O tima" 5ti"i-ation of C"inker ,) 5se of Biomass for )ro rocessing c) B %W waste heat reco+er) s)stem