Question 1: What Are The Industry's Dominant Economic Characteristics?

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Chapter 3 Evaluating a Companys External Environment 41

Analysis-based answers to these questions are prerequisites for a strategy

offering good fit with the external situation. The remainder of this chapter is
devoted to describing the methods of obtaining solid answers to the seven
questions above.

Question 1: What Are the Industrys Dominant

Economic Characteristics?
Analyzing a companys industry and competitive environment begins with
identifying the industrys dominant economic characteristics. While the gen-
eral economic conditions of the macro-environment identified through PESTEL
analysis may prove to be strategically relevant, it is the economic characteris-
tics of the industry that will have a greater bearing on the industrys prospects
for growth and attractive profits. An industrys dominant economic charac-
teristics include such factors as market size and growth rate, the geographic
boundaries of the market (which can extend from local to worldwide), market
demand-supply conditions, market segmentation, and the pace of technologi-
cal change. Table 3.2 summarizes analytical questions that define the indus-
trys dominant economic features.
Getting a handle on an industrys distinguishing economic features not
only provides a broad overview of the attractiveness of the industry, but also

What to Consider in Identifying an Industrys Dominant Economic Features

Industry Characteristic Consideration

Market size and growth rate How big is the industry and how fast is it
What does the industrys position in the life cycle
(early development, rapid growth and takeoff,
early maturity and slowing growth, saturation and
stagnation, decline) reveal about the industrys
growth prospects?
Scope of competitive rivalry Is the geographic area over which most compa-
nies compete local, regional, national, multina-
tional, or global?
Demand-supply conditions Is a surplus of capacity pushing prices and profit
margins down?
Is the industry overcrowded with too many
Market segmentation Is the industry characterized by various product
characteristics or customer wants, needs, or
preferences that divide the market into distinct
Pace of technological change What role does advancing technology play in this
Do most industry members have or need strong
technological capabilities? Why?

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