1. Reserve Bank of India's functions are classified as supervisory, regulatory, promotional, and developmental.
2. A banker is expected to 'Know Your Customer' very well by satisfying themselves about the customer's identity and activities.
3. Securitization is a process of acquiring loans classified as non-performing assets for a transfer price with or without recourse, and to manage the acquired loans for the purpose of realization or hold them as investment till maturity.
1. Reserve Bank of India's functions are classified as supervisory, regulatory, promotional, and developmental.
2. A banker is expected to 'Know Your Customer' very well by satisfying themselves about the customer's identity and activities.
3. Securitization is a process of acquiring loans classified as non-performing assets for a transfer price with or without recourse, and to manage the acquired loans for the purpose of realization or hold them as investment till maturity.
1. Reserve Bank of India's functions are classified as supervisory, regulatory, promotional, and developmental.
2. A banker is expected to 'Know Your Customer' very well by satisfying themselves about the customer's identity and activities.
3. Securitization is a process of acquiring loans classified as non-performing assets for a transfer price with or without recourse, and to manage the acquired loans for the purpose of realization or hold them as investment till maturity.
1. Reserve Bank of India's functions are classified as supervisory, regulatory, promotional, and developmental.
2. A banker is expected to 'Know Your Customer' very well by satisfying themselves about the customer's identity and activities.
3. Securitization is a process of acquiring loans classified as non-performing assets for a transfer price with or without recourse, and to manage the acquired loans for the purpose of realization or hold them as investment till maturity.
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1) Reserve Ba! "# I$%a&s #'()%"s are (*ass%#%e$ %)"+ a) Supervisory & Regulatory ,) Promotional & Developmental () Refinance Activities $) All of the above -$) .) M%%/'/ Ba! Ra)e %s+ a) 3% b) 4% c) 5% ) !one -$) 0) Se( ---- "# RBI A()11203 4%ves s"*e 5"6er )" RBI )" %ss'e ('rre(7 ")es a) "# b) "$ c) %% ) %& - ( ) 3) K8C /eas a) 'no( )our *ustomer very (ell ,) 'no( )our e+isting *ustomer very (ell () 'no( )our prospective *ustomer very (ell $) Satisfy yourselves about the customer,s ientity an activities- -$) 9) I a Gar%s:ee Or$er1 ):e ,a!er " 6:"/ 4ar%s:ee "r$er serve$ %s+ a) .ugement Debtor,s *reitor b) .ugement *reitor,s *reitor c) .ugement *reitor,s Debtor ) .ugement Debtor,s Debtor -$) ;) Se( 101 "# NI A()11<<1 e=)e$s 5r")e()%" )" ):e a) Paying /an0er b) *ollecting /an0er c) Avising /an0er ) 1ssuing /an0er -,) >) ?75"):e(a)%" %s a55*%(a,*e % ):e (ase "# a) 2ovable goos b) 1mmovable property c) /oo0 ebts ) *orporate guarantee -a) <) A (:e@'e %s $a)e$ 1.AB9AB9C):e $'e $a)e %s+ a) "%3#$3#5 b) "43#43#5 c) "%3""3#5 ) !one -$) 2) C:ar4e (rea)e$ " LIC P"*%(7 %s+ a) 5ypothecation b) Plege c) Assignment ) 2ortgage - ( ) 1B) 8"'r ,a! 4ra)s a 6"r!%4 (a5%)a* #%a(e )" ABC & C"1 a 5ar)ers:%5 #%r/1 a4a%s) :75"):e(a)%" "# %ve)"r7C T:e (:ar4e %s )" ,e re4%s)ere$ 6%): Re4%s)rar "# C"/5a%es 6%):% a) 3# ays from the ate of avance b) 3# ays from the ate of hypothecation agreement c) 3# ays from the ate of sanction of loan ) !one -$) 11) D:%(: "e "# ):e #"**"6%4 %s ") ,arre$ ,7 *a6 "# *%/%)a)%"E a) Plege b) 5ypothecation c) /an0er,s lien ) 6uarantee - ( ) 1.)T:e )er/ FCre$%) Maa4e/e)G ("vers a) *apital ae7uacy norms b) Ris0 management incluing Asset38iability management c) *reit appraisal 9 ecision an revie( of loans & avances ) All of the above -$) 10)Ba!&s Asse)s are (*ass%#%e$ % )" s)a$ar$ asse)s1 s',s)a$ar$ asse)s $"',)#'* asse)s a$ *"ss asse)s1 ,ase$ " ):e re("//e$a)%"s "# -------------------- C"//%))ee a) Rangara:an b) !arasimham c) 6hosh ) ;anon -,) 13)T:e )%/e )a!e )" ("ver) (as: %)" ra6 /a)er%a*s1 se/% #%%s:e$ 4""$s1 #%%s:e$ 4""$s a$ %)" (as: 1 %s !"6 as a) ;rae cycle b) *ash cycle c) <perating cycle d) Revolving cycle - ( ) 19)A ("/5a7 6:%(: 5""*s /"e7 #r"/ %ves)"rs a$ %ves)s % s)"(!s1 ,"$s1 s:ares %s (a**e$ a) A ban0 b) An insurance company c) /ancassurance ) 2utual =un -$) 1;)Ba(ass'ra(e %s a) An insurance scheme to insure ban0 eposits b) An insurance scheme to insure ban0 avances () A composite financial service offering both ban0 an insurance proucts $) A ban0 eposit scheme e+clusively for employees of insurance companies - ( ) 1>)J": & Ja/es are #r%e$s a4e$ 13 & 19 res5e()%ve*7C T:e7 6a) )" "5e a H"%) a(("') % 7"'r ,a!C 8"' 6%** a) Allo( them to open a :oint account to be operate :ointly b) Allo( them to open a :oint account (ith operating instructions >ither or Survivor c) Allo( them to open a :oint account (ith operating instructions =ormer or Survivor ) Allo( them to open a :oint account (ith operating instructions Any one or Survivor -a) 1<)MrCA)/ara/ as $%re()"r "# a L)$ ("/5a7 e=5%re$C Ba! re(e%ve$ a (:e@'e s%4e$ ,7 MrCA)/ara/ as $%re()"r "# ):e L)$ ("/5a7C T:e ,a! a) *an honour the che7ue only after obtaining confirmation from other irectors b) *an honour the che7ue c) *annot hounour the che7ue d) ;he company shoul issue a stop payment instructions to the ban0 -,) 12)Te*e ,a!%4 serv%(e %s ,ase$ " a) ?irtual /an0ing b) <nline /an0ing c) ?oice processing d) *ore /an0ing - ( ) .B) I a se('r%)%sa)%" $ea*1 ):e r"*e "# a S5e(%a* P'r5"se Ie:%(*e -SPI) %s a) ;o ac7uire large !on Performing 8oans @!PA) ,) ;o ac7uire such loans from a ban0 or financial institution () ;o ac7uire such loans for a transfer priceA (ith or (ithout recourse $) ;o manage the ac7uire loans for the purpose of realiBation or hols them as investment till maturity -$) .1)Se('r%)%sa)%" %s a 5r"(ess "# a(@'%r%4 ):e *"as (*ass%#%e$ as a) /oo0ebts b) Performing ebts c) /a ebts ) !on performing ebts -$) ..)T:e /%%/'/ 5er(e)a4e "# Pr%"r%)7 Se()"r a$va(es )" ,e /a%)a%e$ ,7 #"re%4 ,a!s % I$%a a) 4#% b) "$% c) 3%% ) &#% - ( ) .0) L"a #"r #%s: rear%4 %s ("vere$ '$er Pr%r"r%)7 Se()"r as ----------- a$va(es a) Direct Agriculture b) 1nirect Agriculture c) Self >mployment Scheme ) Allie to inirect Agriculture -a) .3) Cas: B'$4e) %s a s)a)e/e) "# a) *ashC!on cash funs b) *ash receipt an *ash payments c) Another name for cash flo( ) !one -,) .9) I ,a!&s 5ar*a(e (re$%) r%s! % *e$%4 %s a) Default of the ban0er to maintain *RR b) Default of the ban0er to maintain S8R c) Default of the ban0er to release creit to the customer ) Default of the customer to repay the loan @) .;) T:e a5e= %s)%)')%" 6:%(: :a$*es re#%a(e #"r a4r%('*)'re a$ r'ra* $eve*"5/e) %s (a**e$+ a) R/1 b) S1D/1 c) !A/ARD ) S>/1 - ( ) .>) L"4 F"r/ A'$%) Re5"r) -LFAR) %s 5re5are$ a$ s',/%))e$ ,7 a) R/1 inspectors b) 1nternal inspectors c) Statutory auitors - ( ) ) *oncurrent auitors .<) As 5er FIMMDA&s 4'%$e*%es1 ):e M%$-O##%(e %s res5"s%,*e #"r+ a) Dealing activities b) Ris0 2anagement c) Reconciliation ) *onfirmation of eals -,) .2) I)eres) %s (a*('*a)e$ " a()'a*A0;9 $a7s ,as%s % res5e() "# ):e #"**"6%4 5r"$'()s1 e=(e5) "e + a) *all 2oney ,) !otice 2oney () ;erm 2oney $) 6<1 ate securities -$) 0B) D:%(: 6as ):e #%rs) M')'a* F'$ s)ar)e$ % I$%a+ a) S/1 2utual =un b) 'ota0 Pioneer 2utual =un c) 1nian /an0 2utual =un ) !one of the above -$) 01) T:e re4'*a)"r #"r M')'a* F'$s % I$%a %s+ a) =122DA b) A2=1 c) R/1 ) S>/1 -$) 0.) FIMMDA&s 4eera* 5r%(%5*es a$ 5r"(e$'res are a55*%(a,*e )"+ a) =i+e 1ncome 2ar0ets b) 2oney 2ar0ets c) Derivatives 2ar0ets ) All of the above @) 00) 8"'r ,a!&s ('s)"/er J8K L)$1 eH"7s a CC *%/%) "# RsC11BB1BBBCBB T:e CC a(("') s:"6s a (re$%) ,a*a(e "# Rs11B1.B9CBBC T:e re*a)%"s:%5 ,e)6ee 7"'r ,a! a$ J8K L)$ %s+ a) Debtor3*reitor ,) *reitor3Debtor () /ailor3/ailee $) /ailee3/ailor -a) 03) T:e r%4:) "# se)-"## %s+ a) *ustomer,s Right b) *ustomer,s <bligation c) /an0er,s Right ) /an0er,s Discretion -$) 09)D:%(: "# ):e #"**"6%4 #"r/s "# ,'s%ess are 5er/%ss%,*e '$er BR A()+ a) /orro(ing b) 1ssuance of 8etters of *reit c) /uying an selling of bullion ) All of the above -$) 0;) A C"-O5era)%ve Ba! "5era)%4 % $%##ere) S)a)es are re4'*a)e$ ,7+ a) State *oC<perative Societies Act b) /an0ing Regulation Act c) 2ulti Dnit *oC<perative Societies Act ) /an0ing 8a(s @applicable to *oC<perative Societies) - ( ) 0>) I res5e() "# Re4%"a* R'ra* Ba!s1 ):e s:are :"*$%4 5a))er %s+ a) *entral 6overnment 5#%AState 6overnment 35%ASponsoring /an0 "5% b) *entral 6overnment 5#%AState 6overnment "5%ASponsoring /an0 35% b) *entral 6overnment "5%AState 6overnment 35%ASponsoring /an0 5#% b) *entral 6overnment 35%AState 6overnment 5#%ASponsoring /an0 "5% -,) 0<) La6 "# *%/%)a)%" %s ") a55*%(a,*e % res5e() "# + a) Avance against plege of shares b) ** grante against hypothecation of inventory c) ;erm loan secure by mortgage of Plant & 2achinery ) /an0 ;erm Deposit -$) 02) A ,a! % I$%a1 6a)s )" '$er)a!e (a5%)a* /ar!e) a()%v%)%es1 %) s:"'*$+ a) <btain special license from A2=1 b) <btain special license from =122DA c) /oth a an b ) Register (ith S>/1 -$) 3B) FIMMDA s)a$s #"r+ a) =oreign >+change 2ar0ets an Derivative 2ar0ets b) =i+e 1ncome 2ar0ets 2oney 2ar0ets an Derivatives 2ar0ets c) =i+e 1ncome 2ar0ets an Derivatives 2ar0ets ) !one of the above -,) 31) T:e Ca5%)a* A$e@'a(7 Ra)%" %s + a) &% b) $% c) 4% ) "#% - ( ) 3.) E=(e5) "e "# ):e #"**"6%4 "):ers are !"6 as N" F'$ ,ase$ #a(%*%)%es+ a) 8etters of *reit b) /an0 6uarantees c) *oCacceptance of /ills ) ;rust Receipt -$) 30) FIMMDA&s 4'%$e*%es ("ver ):e #"**"6%4 5r"$'()s1 e=(e5) "e+ a) *all 2oney b) *ross *urrency 1nterest Rate s(aps c) *ommercial Paper ) *ertificate of Deposit -,) 33) E=(e5) "e "# ):e #"**"6%4 "):ers are 5ar) "# P',*%( Se()"r Ba!s+ a) State /an0 of 5yeraba b) *entral /an0 of 1nia c) Regional Rural /an0A sponsore by a nationaliBe ban0 ) 5D=* /an0 -$) 39) A ,a!er %s e=5e()e$ )" :""'r ):e (:e@'es 6%):% ):e s5e(%#%e$ ,a!%4 :"'rs as 5er Se()%" "# NI A()11<<1 a) %% ,) %5 () 3" $) &5 -$)