Computer - Aided Design (Cad)

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Computer-Aided Design ( CAD )

-- Mastering CAD/CAM (2005) by Ibrabim Zeid, McGraw-Hill ( 0427088787) ISBN 007-123933-2

2. Software : AutoCAD, SolidWorks 3. Reference

--Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems by Kunwoo Lee, Addison Wesley Publishing, ISBN 0-201-38036-6 -- CAD/CAM Theory and Practive (1991) by Ibrabim Zeid, McGraw-Hill ISBN 007-072857-7 --

Course Description

Introduction of CAD/CAM Chap.1 3D Modeling And Viewing Chap.2 Transformation Chap.12 Modeling Aids and Tools Chap.3 Curve Representations Chap.6 Surface Representations Chap.7 NURB Representations Chap.8 Solid Representations Chap.9 Feature Representations Chap.10 Assembly Modeling Chap.16 Product Data Exchange Chap.18

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Product Life of Cycle

Three steps in making a mechanical product: Design Engineering Manufacturing

Aided Aided Aided


Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Computer-aide design (CAD) is the technology concerned with the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, and optimization of a design. Any computer program that embodies computer graphics and application program facilitating engineering functions in the design process is classified as CAD software. Computer aided drafting systems and geometric modeling systems are the most important component of CAD

Computer-aide manufacturing (CAM) is the technology concerned with the use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control manufacturing operations through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plants production resources Direct application NC, PLC, Manufacturing Cell, FMS Indirect application MRP, Process Planning, Scheduling, Inventory Control, Shop Floor Control

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Scope of CAD/CAM

CAD/CAM System

A CAD/CAM system is a complex application that requires both hardware and software. Hardware Computer (PC or Workstation) and Peripheral Devices. Software - Written in C or C++ Client/Server () Standalone ()

CAD/CAM Software Architecture

Programming Programming Module Module Model Database Geometric Geometric Engine Engine ACIS ACIS PARASOID PARASOID .. .. Application ApplicationModule Module
Mass MassProperty PropertyCalculations Calculations Assembly Analysis Assembly Analysis Tolerance ToleranceAnalysis Analysis Sheet Metal Sheet MetalDesign Design Finite FiniteElement ElementAnalysis Analysis Mechanism MechanismAnalysis Analysis Animation Techniques Animation Techniques Plastic PlasticInjection InjectionAnalysis Analysis Manufacturing Application Manufacturing Application -CAPP, -CAPP,NC, NC,CIM, CIM, -Robot, -Robot,GT GT


Communications Communications Module Module Collaborative Collaborative Module Module


Graphical GraphicalUser UserInterface Interface(GUI) (GUI)

Wirefarme Model

Ambiguity of Wireframe Model

Representation of Curves
v2 v1 p2


S(u) = ???

Given two points p1 and p2, and two vectors v1 and v2, find four vectors a0, a1, a2, and a3, such that the vector

function S(u) = a0 + a1u + a2u2 + a3u3 satisfies: 1. 2. it is a smooth function in (0u1), and its meets the boundary conditions S(0) = p1 and dS(u)/du|u=0 = v1 S(1) = p2 and dS(u)/du|u=1 = v2

B-Spline Curve

p3 p1 p2 p0

P (u) = p i N i ,K (u)
i =0



Surface Model

Surface Model

Representation of Surfaces

CSG Model

CSG Primitives

Boundary Representation Model

Feature-Based Modeling

Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)

Engineering Design CAD CAPP

Manufacturing CAM

Process planning bridges design and manufacturing

Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)

Assembly Modeling

Assembly Modeling

Assembly Modeling System

Align Axes

Align faces Mate


Standards for Graphical Data Exchange





Direct Translators Between Systems

N = Number of systems T = Number of translator n(n-1) = Application system

N=5, T=20

N=6, T=30

N=8, T=56

Neutral Format Translator

Reduce translation costs and improve quality through the establishment of a common format

Neutral Format

N = 5, T = 10

Neutral File Format

2D drawing or 3D wireframe model -- DXF, DWG, IGES 3D surface model -- IGES 3D CSG / B-rep solid model -- IGES, STEP PDM / Product life cycle data -- STEP

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