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Solid Edge Modeling Synchronous and Ordered Features 8
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Solid Edge Modeling Synchronous and Ordered Features 8
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Solid Edge Modeling Synchronous and Ordered Features 8
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Proprietary and restricted rights notice; Trademarks Proprietary and restricted rights notice This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. © 2018 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Ine. Trademarks ‘Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Solid Edge is a trademark or registered trademark of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Ine. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks belong to their respective holders. 2 Modeling synchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Contents Propcietary and restricted rights notice; Trademarks .........6..065 2 Inteoduction 6.6.6 6ce cece cece eee eee ee nett eneneeneeee De Modeling synchronous and ordered features... 4... eeseeeeeeeee Qed ‘Moving ordered features to synchronous 3 Activity: Creating ordered features 4 Activity: Creating both ordered and synchronous features in a model 0 Lesson review 4 Lesson summary 5 Modeling ordered features activities 6.6.6... 6c0eeeeeeeveeneeee Bel ‘Sketching activities 31 Creating ordered base feature activities 3-34 ‘Miscellaneous activities 3-75 ‘spse01535, Modeling emchronausand ordered features 9Lesson ‘spse01535, Introduction Welcome to Solid Edge self-paced training, This course is designed to educate you in the use of Solid Bdge. The course is self-paced and contains instruction followed by activities. Start with the tutorials Self-paced training begins where tutorials end, Tutorials are the quickest way for you to become familiar with the basics of using Solid Edge. If you do not have any experience with Solid Bdge, please start by working through the tutorials for basic part modeling and editing before starting self-paced training, Supported Browsers * Windows Internet Explorer $ or 9 Firefox 12 or higher * UNIX/Linux 0 Firefox 9.x or higher* * Mac: Safari 5.x or higher Java Plug In Required for search ‘The search engine requires version 1.6.0 or higher of the Java Plug In installed to your browser. The plug-in is available (free) in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0. Ifyou need to install the JRE, or an equivalent Java environment, visit the Java download site at http:/Awww,java sun com, Adobe Flash Player required for videos and simulations ‘To watch videos and simulations, you must have the Adobe Flash Player version 10 or later installed as a plug-in to your browser. You can download the Flash Player (free) at the http://get Adobe Acrobat Reader ‘Some portions of the help may be delivered as PDF which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 7,0 or higher. You can download the reader (free) from ‘http:/iget. adobe. com/reader/ Modeling emnchronsand ordered features 4-4Lesson14 Introduction Internet Explorer Caveats + IE9 Compatibility View. The HTML deliverables are fully supported when launched with the http:// protocol or the file:// protocol. However, if you are viewing the files from a local installation e.g, D:/ you may need to enable Compatibility View. In IE 9, do the following: 1. Choose Tools/Compatibility View Settings. 2 In the Compatibility View Settings dialog box, select the “Display all websites’ in Compatibility View check box. “Firefox Caveats * Firefox recommends that users update the latest version for security issues surrounding Java. They do not recommend using older versions of Firefox due to these issues See: http://support mozilla org/en-US/kb/latest-firefox-issues * Most customers install and launch our deliverables via http:// protocol which is, fully supported. However, Firefox has a default security setting that prevents the help from launching correctly from a UNC path (file://). To change this setting, you need to change the value of the security fileuri strict_origin_poliey preference © In the address bar, type about: config, o In the Filter field, type security-fileuri, if the value of the security fileuri strict_origin_policy preference is set to true, set the value to false, (Double-clicked the value to toggle it.) o Restart the browser. 42 Modeling eynchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Lesson ‘spse01535, Modeling synchronous and ordered features Ina Solid Edge modeling document, two environments coexist for creating model features. The two environments are synchronous and ordered. You create synchronous features in the synchronous modeling environment, You create ordered features in the ordered modeling environment. A model can contain only synchronous features, only ordered features, or a combination of both feature types A synchronous feature is a collection of faces that define the feature shape, There is no history retained of how a synchronous feature was created, You can edit the faces of a synchronous feature. An ordered feature is history based, You can edit an ordered feature by returning to any step used in the feature creation process, You do not edit faces of an ordered feature, Opening a Solid Edge modeling document * The Solid Bdge Options® Helpers page provides a setting for the modeling environment to Use when a new document opens. The default setting is Synchronous modeling * Ifan existing modeling document contains only synchronous elements, the document opens in the synchronous environment. * Ifan existing modeling document contains only ordered elements or a combination of ordered and synchronous elements, the document opens in the ordered environment. Moving between modeling environments ‘You can switch between environments at any time during the modeling process * Right-click in PathFinder or the graphics window to activate the shortcut menu, and then choose either Transition to Synchronous or Transition to Ordered, depending on the environment that is active * Ifa model contains both synchronous and ordered features, click the Ordered environment bar or the Synchronous environment bar in PathFinder * On the ribbon, from the Tools tab® Model group, choose the modeling environment to transition to Each environment presents its own set of modeling commands, Modeling smnchroncssand ordered features 2-4Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Feature display In the ordered modeling environment, ordered and synchronous features appear In the synchronous modeling environment, only synchronous features appear. Editing features In ordered modeling, selecting an ordered feature displays the Edit Feature command bar for ordered editing In ordered or synchronous modeling, selecting a synchronous body face displays the steering wheel for synchronous editing, 22 Modeling symchronusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Moving ordered features to synchronous ‘spse01535, ‘You can convert ordered features to synchronous features while in a part or sheet metal modeling file, The conversion performs by moving ordered features into the synchronous portion of the PathFinder tree. This move results in the feature geometry consuming into the synchronous body and therefore available for synchronous editing ‘The move to synchronous workflow occurs only when the file is in the ordered environment, Single features or any number of features can convert with the Move to Synchronous command. ‘The ordered conversion is one way only. Synchronous features cannot convert to ordered features ‘You can also convert ordered features to synchronous features at a file level with the Convert command. Multiple files can process simultaneously. Feature conversion must start at the top of the ordered feature tree and be in a contiguous order All features in the tree above the selected feature include in the conversion, Mirror and pattern features require both child and parent features for conversion to be successful. If any of the parents in the select set have a child relationship to either a mirror or pattern feature, all features above these children features are in the select set. Ifa problem occurs in the conversion process, the Undo command is available A Move to Synchronous dialog displays to alert the users if additional dependencies are found, and to provide any warning message that may affect the outcome of the move. This dialog only displays when warnings exist and/or there are additional dependencies found. Waming message: Feature dependency found. It is recommended that all dependencies be moved with the selected feature. ‘You can click the “Selection only” button in the dialog to exclude the dependencies from the Move operation. It is recommended to recompute the ordered node, and resolve any possible warnings or failures before moving the ordered features to synchronous Moving local dimensions and sketches When ordered local dimensions move to synchronous, Solid Edge attempts to locate and bind dimensions to a vertex, If no vertex is found, then the dimensions become dangling dimensions Once moved, all ordered dimensions, except for dangling dimensions, display along with the synchronous dimensions in the Dimensions node of the Synchronous portion of PathFinder. All ordered dimensions that are driving or driven dimensions move as driven dimensions, When you do a Move to Syne for a feature at a time,Solid Bdge creates a user defined set each time there are dangling dimensions. Synchronous does not support dimensions between a part edge and a reference plane, Therefore, dimensions placed between an ordered part edge and a reference plane move to synchronous as dangling dimensions. Modeling smnchronausand ordered features 2.9Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Local profile sketches in ordered convert as used sketches when they move to synchronous, The profile sketch name in synchronous is the same as the ordered feature name : Creating ordered features Activity: Creating ordered features This activity guides you through the process of creating ordered features. Learn how to switch between modeling environments 24 Modeling symchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Create a new part document When creating a new part document, you can control the environment to begin modeling in. The Solid Edge Options dialog provides a setting to start in the Synchronous or Ordered environment, The default setting is the Synchronous environment, Existing files that contain only synchronous elements, open in the synchronous environment, Existing files that contain only ordered elements or a combination of ordered and synchronous elements, open in the ordered environment > Start Solid Bdge ST6. &® + On the Startup page, cick the “PY Application button > Click Solid Edge Options, > On the Solid Edge Options dialog, click the Helpers page. > On the Helpers page, under Start Part and Sheet Metal documents using this environment, click the Ordered button. Click OK. > On the Start-up page, under Create, click ISO Part Modeling smnchronausand ordered features 2.5Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Create an ordered base feature > Create an extrusion with the cross-section shown, Extend symmetrically at a distance of 100 mm. j+ 30-4] 150 26 Modeling symchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Create an ordered cut feature » Create a cut with the cross-section shown. Extend through all. D 30 7 ; Modeling smnchronausand ordered features 2.7Lesson2 28 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Transition to the Synchronous environment ‘There are three ways to transition to the other environment 1 Right-click in PathFinder or modeling window and choose Transition to ‘Synchronous (or Transition to Ordered). On the Tools tab® Model group, click the environment to transition to, If both environments exist, in PathFinder, click the environment bar to transition to. An environment bar is only available for selection if features exist in that environment ‘Transition to the Synchronous environment using a method of your choice Notice that the ordered features do not appear Only synchronous features appear in the Synchronous environment, In the Ordered environment, both synchronous and ordered features appear Modeling smchronousand ardcred features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Transition to the Ordered environment » Click the Ordered environment bar to transition back to the Ordered environment > Save the file as ordered par. > Close the file. ‘spse01535, Modeling amnchronsand ordered features 2.9Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Summary In this activity you learned how to create ordered features You also learned how to switch between modeling environments ity: Creating both ordered and synchronous features in a model Activity: Creating both ordered and synchronous features in a model This activity guides you through the process of creating both ordered and synchronous features in the a model. Learn how to edit both feature types and how to convert an ordered feature to a synchronous feature, 240 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Create a new part document > Create a new part document, » Switch to the Synchronous environment, See the previous activity (Creating ordered features) if you need help switching modeling environments, ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronusand ordered features 2-14Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Create a synchronous base feature » Create an extrusion with the cross-section shown. Extend symmetrically at a distance of 100 mm. j—85 >} 242 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Create an ordered feature > ‘Transition to the ordered environment, > Create an extrusion with the cross-section shown. Extend upward at a distance of 100 mm. Draw the cross-section on the green face tft ; tT +H ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronausana ordered feauree 2-49Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Edit a synchronous feature face while in the ordered environment ‘Move the green face on the synchronous feature, The ordered feature is colored orange for clarity only. > Select the green face, Notice the face has a locked dimension on it. This dimension migrates from the sketch to the feature, Either delete the dimension or unlock the dimension, 65) 248 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features > Select the move handle and drag the face in an area around the ordered feature. Notice how the ordered feature is recognized during an edit, Press the Esc key to end the move operation, > Select the green face, Notice the face has a locked dimension on it, This dimension migrates from the sketch to the feature, Rither delete or unlock the (225 mm) dimension, ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronausana ordered features 2-48Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Select the move handle and drag the face to the right, Notice how the ordered feature moves with face. This occurs because the ordered feature sketch was dimensionally locked to the synchronous feature edge. Press the Bsc key to end the move operation, 248 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Transition to synchronous » Switch to the synchronous environment, Notice the ordered feature does not display, ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 247Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Edit the ordered feature » Switch to the ordered environment, > Select the ordered feature, > Click the Dynamic Edit button, Change the 35 mm dimension to 70 mm, 248 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Convert the ordered feature to a synchronous feature An ordered feature converts to a synchronous feature by moving the ordered feature to the synchronous portion of the PathFinder. Once converted, all dimensions are dropped. The converted feature can be manipulated as an entire synchronous feature or have individual face(s) manipulated. » You must be in the ordered environment to convert ordered features, In PathFinder, right-click on the ordered protrusion feature > On the shortcut menu, choose the Move to Synchronous command. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 249Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Move the converted feature » In PathFinder, select the converted protrusion. 220 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features > Click the move handle and move feature to the approximate location shown and click, ‘spse01535, [Modeling eynchronausand ordered fewturce 2224Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features This completes the activity. 222 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Summary In this activity you learned how to create both ordered and synchronous features in a single model, You also learned how to edit both feature types and how to convert an ordered feature to a synchronous feature. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 229Lesson2 ‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Lesson review Answer the following questions 1 What is an ordered feature? 2. What is a synchronous feature? 3. What are the differences in ordered and synchronous environments? 4, How do you convert ordered features to synchronous features? 5, How do you convert synchronous features to ordered features? 228 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘Modeling synchronous and ordered features Lesson summary Solid Edge provides environments for modeling either synchronous or ordered features You work in a single model file with only synchronous features, only ordered features, or a combination of both features types You can convert ordered features to synchronous features. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 228Lesson 38 Modeling ordered features activities ‘This section is a collection of activities that focuses on modeling ordered features. Sketching_activities Activity: Using IntelliSketch Activity: Using Intellisketch Create a sketch in this activity, Apply relationships, dimensions and variables to the geometry so that you can reliably and predictably change the shape of the profile by editing dimensions Objectives Create an ordered sketch in this activity, You can also perform this activity in the synchronous environment with a slightly different interface, Apply relationships, dimensions and variables to the geometry so that you can reliably and predictably change the shape of the profile by editing dimensions, ‘The sketch is in the shape of a cross-section of an I-beam. Relationships, dimensions and variables control the width of the web and flanges of the “T’ shape. > Create a new part document. » Make sure you are in the Ordered environment ‘spse01535, Modeling emnchronssand ordered features 3-4Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Draw the sketch Draw an “T’ shaped sketch. > On the Home tab® Sketch group, choose the Sketch command, » Select the reference plane shown. » In PathFinder, turn off the display of the base coordinate system (1) and turn on the display of the base reference planes (2). Qe ots 7 loose neterence anes Sime Sint (2) 1 Front (xz) » Fit the window and zoom out until the base reference planes appear as shown. > On the Home tab® IntelliSketch group, choose IntelliSketch options 7 BO w+ Wx ms 4 32 Modeling symchronausand evdered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > On the Relationships page (1), set the options shown. Click OK > In the IntelliSketch group, click the Horizontal or Vertical option to make it recognizable if a line is horizontal or vertical during placement, + On he Home tk Draw group choose the Line commana LA > Draw the first line by positioning the cursor below and left of the reference planes as shown and click to place the first point of the line. ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronausand ordered features 93Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Place the second point by moving the cursor to the right. When the horizontal indicator is shown and the line is approximately in the same position as shown below, click to place the line —_____+4. > Continue drawing the “T’ shape with the following considerations. Draw each segment with the horizontal or vertical indicator displayed. Exact lengths of the lines are unimportant at this stage. Note] Ifyou make a mistake, you can delete a line by first clicking the Select, tool i |, selecting the line, and pressing the Delete key on the keyboard, Also by choosing the Undo command a) you can step back through the creation of the sketch. 34 Modeling symchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Draw the rough shape of the “T’ in a counterclockwise order Use the alignment indicator to position the endpoint of the next to the last line above the left endpoint of the first line as shown, To activate the alignment indicator for the last segment, brush (move the cursor over without clicking) the horizontal line coo + » To place the last segment, click on the endpoint of the first line when the endpoint indicator is displayed as shown. ‘spse01535, Modeling amnchronausand ordered features 95Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Add relationships Add relationships to control the behavior of the shape, When you anticipate the need to make a shape symmetrical, it is useful to establish relationships between the geometry of the shape and reference planes, Reference the line segments by numbers as shown, Z 10} 4 1 3 1 2 » In the Relate group, choose the Horizontal/Vertical command > Position the cursor over middle of segment 1, When the midpoint indicator displays, click 36 Modeling symchronausand evdered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities ‘Move the cursor to the top of the vertical reference plane, and when the endpoint indicator displays, click. f — t A relationship applies represented by a dashed line that forces the midpoint of segment 1 to remain vertically aligned with the endpoint of the reference plane. Modeling smnchronausand ordered features 97Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > In the Relate group, choose the Equal command [=] 7 10) |4 11 3 12] 2 1 > Select segment 1, then select segment 7, This applies an equal relationship to the lines, which keeps their lengths the same while other constraints alter the shape of the profile. Line segment 1 is equal to line segment 7. > Continue applying the equal relationship between the following lines: and 12 Sand 6 Sand 12 Ll and 3 9 and 6 Qand 11 10 and 4 Add dimensions Add dimensions to control the size of the shape Zz 10) |4 11 3 12] 2 » In the Dimension group, choose the SmartDimension command [Al 38 Modeling symchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities » Select segment 1, position the dimension below the line, and then click to place it. » Dimension segment 12 in the same way. » Choose the Distance Between command [P*4 > Select segment 10, select 4, position the dimension above the’T’ shape, and then click to place it, Right-click to restart the Distance Between command. > Dimension the distance between segments 1 and 7 in the same way. Edit dimension values Edit the dimensions placed in the previous step. Because of the dimensions and relationships defined, the shape responds to dimensional changes predictably. 4p —o— » Choose the Select Tool command. Modeling amnchronausand ordered features 99Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select dimension (A), Type 16 and then press the Enter key. » Select dimension (B) and change the value to 120. » Select dimension (©) and change the value to 12. » Select dimension (D) and change the value to 95. > Practice altering the shape by editing the values of the dimensions (A-D) and observe how the shape responds. Return the dimension values to those shown above. Using dimension variables Dimensions and relationships make it easier to control the shape of a profile. Variables are used to make the shape of a profile parametric. Formulas are applied that define mathematical relationships between variables and dimensions. In this step, make the width of the web (dimension (C)) 2/3 the thickness of the flange (dimension (A)), and make the flange height (dimension (B)) 3/4 the flange width (dimension (D)} Bach time a dimension is placed, a randomly named variable is created to represent it, Rename the variables and assign mathematical expressions to further control the behavior of the shape » Right-click on the 95 mm dimension. Choose the Edit Formula command on the shortcut menu, The Edit Formula command bar displays to edit the dimension name and formula. In the Name: field, change the variable name to D and then press the Enter key. Click the Select tool to end the dimension edit. » Repeat the previous step to make the following dimension edits: 15 mm dimension 120 mm dimension 12 mm dimension [Name=C Note] To enter a formula, click the formula field, type the formula, and press the Enter key. Basic mathematical operators in formulas can be used: + to add - to subtract * to multiply / to divide Mathematical functions can be grouped with parenthesis if necessary. Many functions are available, For more information, see the Variables Help topic > Assign a mathematical expression to dimensions named B and D. Right-click the 120 mm dimension and choose Edit Formula, In the Formula field, enter 3/4*D and press the Enter key. 340 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Edit the formula for the 12 mm dimension. In the Formula field, enter 2/3*A and press the Enter key. » Right-click on a dimension and choose Show All Names, Right-click on a dimension and choose Show All Formulas Return the display to Show Alll Values [2F A] | B=¥6" 0 AtS— [4 —__p.95 ___.| Using the Variable Table ‘The same operations performed in the previous could also be done using the Variable Table. > On the Tools menu® Variables group, choose the Variables command to display the Variable Table ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronausand ordered features 3-14Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Notice the same fields as in the Edit Formula command bar are available, Click the field to edit, type in the appropriate value and then press the Enter key. [Note] The shadowed values represent values that cannot be directly changed because they are controlled by relationships, dimensions or formulas > Close the variable table by clicking the X in the upper right corner, > On the sketch, modify the dimension values of (A) and (D) and observe how the sketch responds 4p —o— Save the sketch > Choose Close Sketch to complete the Sketch. ‘You can also complete the sketch by clicking the checkmark lili located in the upper left corner of the sketch window > On the command bar, click Finish, > Close and save this file as Ishape par. This completes this activity. summary In this activity, you learned how to use dimensions and relationships to control the size and position of 2D geometry in a profile. You also learned how to use mathematical formulas within the variable table to establish relative behavior between geometry. This is useful in establishing design intent within a model. Ifa critical dimension changes, the profile adjusts itself predictably and accordingly. Activity: Applying sketch relationships (collinear, parallel, equal) Activity: Applying sketch relationships (collinear, parallel, equal) In this activity, learn to use more relationships in the profile/sketch environment, 342 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities ‘This activity covers the collinear, parallel, and equal relationships Open part file In this activity, learn to use more relationships in the profile/sketch environment, This activity covers the collinear, parallel and equal sketch relationships. > Open sketch_al.par. Apply relationships Apply relationships to control the E shape. No horizontal/vertical relationships are used. This allows the sketch to rotate at any angle and maintain the E shape > In Pathfinder, right-click on the sketch named Sketch A. On the short cut menu, choose the Edit Profile command » Define the shape by applying parallel relationships The first element you select is made parallel to the second element selected. In the Relate group, choose the Parallel command ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 249Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Select the line segments as described below * Click (3), then click (1) * Click (5), then click (1), © Click (7), then click (1) * Click (9), then click (1), * Click (11), then eliek (1) Continue adding parallel relationships Continue to add parallel relationships to the remaining line segments > Apply the parallel relationships shown’ * Click (10), then click (12) Click (8), then click (12) Click (6), then click (12) Click (4), then click (12) Click (2), then click (12) 344 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Apply collinear relationships Apply collinear relationships to align line segments. The first line segment you select is made collinear to the second line segment selected + ohvote the Conca commana EE + Select the line segments as shown. © Click (7), then click (12) © Click (3), then click (11) * Click (5), then click (2) 9 ea Apply equal relationships Apply equal relationships to control the thickness of the B shape + ohsote the Raval command La ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 248Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > The first line segment you select is made equal to the second line segment selected. Click line segment (5), then click line segment (3) Click line segment (7), then click line segment (3) Click line segment (9), then click line segment (3) Click line segment (11), then click line segment (3), Add dimensional constraints Add dimensional constraints to complete the E shape. + Chowse the SmartDinensoa command EA + Dimension the line as shown. The value is not important at this point 3054 + ohsse the Distance Between commana LEE” 348 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > On the command bar, click the By 2 Points option. > Dimension the two line segments as shown, Click on the lines (do not click the endpoints or midpoints), > Choose the SmartDimension command and dimension the line segment shown, 95.09 Align the sketch Align the midpoint of the left line segment to the center of the reference planes. » Choose the Horizontal/Vertical command ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 247Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities + Click on the midpoint of the left line segment as shown. 9 ssn f > Click on the midpoint of the reference plane edge as shown. 348 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features spse01598Modeling ordered features activities > ‘The midpoint of the left line segment aligns with center of the reference planes. Edit the dimensions Edit the dimensions to complete the B shape. ‘spse01535, Modsling synchrancusand ordered feature 3-48Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Edit the dimensions as shown, © Dimension (A) © Dimension (B © Dimension (C Dimension (B) How to make two dimensions equal Step 1: Right-click on dimension (0). Step2: On the shortcut menu, choose the Edit Formula command, Step 3: On the Edit Formula command bar, in the Formula field, type = and then click on dimension (B). Step 4: Click the Accept button, Step 5: Click the Select tool to end Edit Formula > The result should be as shown. ‘Add angular dimensions Add angular dimensions which controls the shape and orientation relative to the horizontal reference plane + Chonse the Ang Between comma El” 320 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Place the dimension shown by clicking on the two lines (do not select any ‘keypoints). > Place an angular dimension between the horizontal reference plane and the bottom line segment to control the E shape orientation. First right-click to restart the Angle Between command. Click the horizontal reference plane and the bottom line segment as shown (again do not click any keypoints). Edit the angular dimensions Edit the angular dimensions to observe the control over the shape and orientation. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featurce 224Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Orientation angle = 45, shape angle = 90 » Orientation angle = 0, shape angle = 60 Click Close Sketch, On the command bay, click Finish, + This completes the activity. summary In this activity, you learned how to use dimensions and relationships to position a profile containing interior features, Relationships were used to position various features relative to each other By varying the dimensions, you are able to control the size and position of the interior features and maintain design intent. 322 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Activity: Applying sketch relationships (symmetric) Activity: Applying sketch relationships (symmetric) In this activity, learn to use symmetric relationships in the profile/sketch environment, Open a part file In this activity, use the symmetric relationships in the profile/sketch environment, > Open sketch b1 par. Add construction elements » Select the sketch in the window and then click the Edit Profile command (1), G1] ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 223Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Place the lines as shown, Lines connect to the centers of the circles and center of the reference planes. > Change the two lines to construction elements, In the Draw group, choose the Construction command Select the two lines just placed 328 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Dimension the circles and lines as shown, a O15 40) Place circle sketch elements Place six circles in the remaining three quadrants of the main circle. Place the circles as shown. Position and size do not matter. Be sure not to pick up any relationships from other geometry while placing the circles. If you have problems doing this, place a circle outside the main circle and then drag it inside the main circle oO oO Ola 6/60 Apply symmetric relationships between the circles e In the Relate group, choose the Symmetric Relationship commana [2S ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 225Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Click the horizontal reference plane (A), Click circle (1) and then click circle (2) Circle (1) is now symmetrical to circle (2). Click eirele (3) and then click circle (4). Circle (3) is now symmetrical to circle (4), > Apply symmetric relationships to the remaining circles using the vertical reference plane as the symmetry axis, In order to do this you must select a new symmetry axis. Choose the Set Symmetry Axis command > Click the vertical reference plane » Click the Symmetric Relationship command and then click the remaining circles to apply symmetry as shown. Edit dimensions Edit the dimensions and observe the results, > Edit the 40 dimension on the angled construction line to 50. 328 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities » Edit both 25° dimensions to 30°. > Edit the 16 diameter to 10. » Choose the Close Sketch command. On the command bar, click Finish. » Close the file and do not save, This completes the activity. summary In this activity, you learned how to use dimensions and relationships to position a profile containing interior features, Relationships were used to position various features relative to each other By varying the dimensions, you are able to control the size and position of the interior features and maintain design intent. Acti Using construction elements in profiles Activity: Using construction elements in a profile In this activity learn to use construction elements when drawing a profile or sketch in order to capture design intent, Overview Overview In this activity, learn to use construction elements when drawing a profile or sketch in order to capture design intent, Objectives After completing this activity, you are able to’ * Use construction elements to simplify profile or sketch construction, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 227Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities * Use the construction elements to drive the resulting geometry (a cutout feature). In this activity, examine a specific feature within a part, You do not construct the part in this activity, but you draw the profile for the feature, To simplify profile creation, use a construction element in the Sketch drawing environment, As previously mentioned, construction elements aid in profile creation but are ignored during profile validation checks. Construction elements serve as skeletal elements that helps drive the other elements in the profile. Examining the Problem Examine the patterned cutout feature (A), Bach of the four cutouts must sweep 90°. A narrow web of material must occupy space between each cutout to avoid breakout, Tb create this model, use construction elements ta locate the cutout, provide the mechanism for the sweep angle, and provide the distance between each cutout Create part document + Create a new ISO part document. » Make sure you are in the ordered environment. Define the sketch plane » Choose the Sketch command » In PathFinder, turn off the display of the base coordinate system (1) and turn on the display of the base reference planes (2). Q> ote 7 loose neterence anes Sime Sint (2) 1 Front (xz) 328 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Select the reference plane shown. I » On the status bay, click the Pan command LSS Hota the left mouse button at the center or intersection of the reference planes. Move the cursor from position 1 to the lower right corner of the Sketch window (position 2). This moves the reference planes out of the way and prevents unwanted relationship placement between a profile element and a reference plane Construct a sketch > Choose the Line command. Draw the three lines as shown in the illustration, » Add the dimensions and edit their values as shown, » Make each of the lines construction geometry. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 2.29Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities In the Draw group, choose the Construction command ll and select each of the three lines > ‘The angled lines attach to the horizontal line at its midpoint, » Using the Equal relationship, make each of the angled lines equal to the horizontal line Add lines Add lines using the Offset command @ » In the Draw group, choose the Offset command. > Type a value of 10 for the offset distance. > Set the Chain option in the Offset Select box. 3.90 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Offset the two angled lines as seen in the illustration below. > Click the Accept button to confirm selection. Move the cursor to the interior of the “V’ shape as shown and click Place two arcs » Choose the Are by Center commana LM” Place two ares as shown in the following illustration. * Both are center point origins are the midpoint of the horizontal construction line. * Small are Point-2 is on the left angled line, Point-3 on the right-angled line. © Large are Point-2 connects to the end point of the left angled line, and Point-3 connects to the end point of the right-angled line. © Use SmartDimension to dimension the two ares and edit the values of the dimensions to those shown in the illustration. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus.and ordered featurce 2:34Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Trim the sketch elements + Choos the Trin eammana al > ‘Trim away the offset lines below the small are, The result of the trim is shown, 100 Relationship assistant > On the Home tab® Relate group, choose Relationship Assistant, Use the Show Variability command to verify that the profile has only two degrees of freedom. 332 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Resolve the two remaining degrees of freedom, In the Relate group, choose the Connect command and place a Connect relationship between the midpoint of the horizontal construction line, as seen in the illustration to the left, and the midpoint of a reference plane, as seen in the illustration to the right, This anchors the profile and eliminates any remaining degrees of freedom. > Edit the dimension values as shown in the illustration and then change them back to the original values. This sketch is ready to be used in a feature function such as cutout, R45 R75 + This completes the activity. Close the file and save as cutout par. summary In this activity, you learned how to use construction elements, dimensions and relationships to position a profile, Design intent is maintained by positioning the construction elements. Construction elements do not become a part of the feature but are handy in controlling the position of the geometry. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 2:39Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Creating ordered base feature activities Activity: Constructing ordered features from sketches Activity: Constructing ordered features from sketches ‘This activity demonstrates how to construct ordered features using sketches. Open a new part file >» Open a new ISO part file. » Switch to Ordered environment Sketch the initial basic shape > Choose the Sketch command and select the Base Reference plane Front (xz) as the sketch plane » Sketch and add dimensions to create this basic shape. The sketch is vertically symmetric. j<—__ 70 ——___» TYP 54 be 25 » Close the sketch. On the command bar, click Finish, Create the base feature > Choose the Extrude command, > On the command bar, click the Select from Sketch option. 334 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Select the sketch and right-click to accept the sketch. > On command bar, type 65 in the distance field, > Position cursor away from sketch as shown and then click. > In pathfinder, turn off the display of the sketch, ‘spse01535, [Modeling eynchronausand ordered features 3-95Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities 398 >» Click Finish. Modeling synchroncusand ordered featureModeling ordered features activities Remove material from the base feature > On the side face of the part, sketch two lines and add dimensions as shown, 10 my pee 35 | > Close the sketch and click Finish. > Choose the Cut command. On the Cut command bay, click the Select from Sketch and the Chain options ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 237Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities 308 > Select the two lines. On command bar, click Accept. > Select the side of the lines towards the front of the part, + On command bar, click the Through All option [== Modeling synchroncusand ordered featureModeling ordered features activities > Click when the direction arrow points to the other side of the part > Click Finish and turn off the sketch. ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronauzana ordered features 3-98Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Remove more material > On the side face, draw the following sketch. > Close the sketch and click Finish, > Choose the Cut command. On the Cut command bar, click the Select option: Chain. Select the two lines and click when the direction arrow is as shown. 340 Modeling synchroncusand ordered feature ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click the Through All extent option. Click when the direction arrow is as shown, > Click Finish and turn off the sketch. Note that you could perform the previous two material removals in one step, combining the curves into a single sketch and performing one cut. Bither method works fine. ‘spse01535, [Modeling eynchronausand ordered features 44Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Remove more material > On the side face, draw and dimension an are and two lines as shown. Convert the vertical line into a construction line, > Close the sketch and click Finish, » Choose the Cut command, Select the horizontal line and are, On command bar, click Accept, Click when the direction arrow is as shown, Material is to be removed on this side of the sketch. > On command bar, click the Through All option. 342 Modeling synchroncusand ordered feature ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click when the direction arrow is as shown. > Click Finish and turn off the sketch. ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronausana ordered features 3-43Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities More modifications > On the face shown, draw a 35 mm diameter circle centered on the midpoint of edge (B) The circle center lies on edge (A). Do not place a connect relationship for the circle center on line (A). Use a horizontal/vertical relationship with an. endpoint of edge (A). 35 ZB _———— | > Close the sketch and click Finish > Choose the Extrude command, Click the Select from Sketch option. > Select the sketch and right-click to acvept, 38 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > On command bar, click the Through Next option. Position direction arrow as shown and click. > Click Finish and turn off sketch. ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronausana ordered features 3-45Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Draw a circle of diameter 19 mm concentric with the previous circular feature and create a cut at a depth of 30 mm, 19 g > Select the region formed by the circle and remove material at a depth of 30 mm, >» ‘Turn off all sketches » Save and close this file 348 Modeling synchroncusand ordered feature ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities summary In this activity you created a new part by using techniques learned on adding and removing material from a base feature. -based ordered features activity ‘This activity demonstrates the construction of profile-based ordered features Construct a revolved protrusion and then add cutouts and secondary protrusions. Use the following commands to create profile-based features: (revolve, extrude, cut, revolved cut, select from sketch, parallel plane, profile, mirror, fillet, include, trim). we RA Ai Open the part file Overview This activity demonstrates the construction of profile-based features. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featuree 247Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Objectives Construct a revolved protrusion and then add cutouts and secondary protrusions. > Open bell par. Create a revolved protrusion Create a revolved protrusion using the sketch provided with the file. > On the Home tab® Solids group, choose the Revolve command eo > In the Sketch step, click the Select from Sketch option. > In the part window, select the sketch and then, click the Accept button. > For the axis of revolution, select the vertical dashed line 348 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities + On the command bay, click Revolve 360°| @> > Click Finish » ‘The sketch and axis of revolution are no longer needed. Turn off their display Right-click in the part window. Choose Hide All® Sketches and choose Hide All® Reference Axes Create an extrusion Create an extrusion. Draw the profile on a parallel plane > In the Solids group, choose the Extrude command > In the Sketch step, click the Parallel Plane option. » Select the reference plane shown. ‘Throughout this activity, hidden lines and reference planes are removed from illustrations for clarity. > ‘Type 82.5 in the Distance box and press the Enter key. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 249360 Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Move the cursor to the bottom right of the window, and click to define the location, of the new parallel reference plane. > Choose the Fit command Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > In the Draw group, use the Line command to draw the profile shown. Draw the profile with the same dimensional values and relationships shown below. Notice the vertical relationship between the midpoint of the vertical reference plane and the center of the profile arc Within the line command, press A on the keyboard or click the are option on the ribbon bar to enter are mode. Once you place the arc, the command reverts back to line mode. When in are mode, notice the intent zones available for are placement, Turn on the Tangent option in IntelliSketch. This applies a tangent relationship when placing the are. B/ BO Bi |& ax Ob a4 as RS > Choose Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featurce 254Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Move the cursor so that the arrow points as shown and click. This will add material to the inside of the profile. Notice the side step on command bar When you use an open profile, you must specify the side of the profile to add material to > On command bay, click Through Next, > Move the cursor so that the arrow points as shown and click. » Click Finish to complete the protrusion. 352 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Remove material from the base feature Remove material from the part using an open profile > Choose the Cut command > On command bar, click Coincident Plane from the plane type list, Select the reference plane shown. > Draw the open profile ja = > Click Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 259Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Position the direction arrow as shown to remove material outside the open profile. > On command bar, click the Through All extent option, Position the arrow as shown to remove material in both directions. 354 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click Finish. Mirror the cutout feature > In the Pattern group, choose the Mirror Copy Feature command on the Mirror drop down list > Select the cutout feature. > On command bar, click the Smart option and then click the Accept button, ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 258Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Select the Front (xz) reference plane as the mirror plane > Click Finish. Remove material from part Remove material from the middle of the part using a closed profile > Choose the Cut command 358 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Select the reference plane shown. » Draw the profile. Connect the midpoint of the top line segment to the vertical reference plane (A). +2») > Click Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 257Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Click the Through All extent option. Position the arrow as shown to remove material in both directions, > Click Finish. > Save the file. Add rounds Round edges of the cutout features. ‘The Constructing treatment features self-paced course (spse01530) covers rounding. It is appropriate at this point to add rounds to the part. + tate Ste group, coos the Round commant ‘sps001535, 358 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities » Select the six edges as shown. » Type 10 for the radius and then click the Accept button > Click Preview then click Finish, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 259Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Place 19 mm rounds on the two edges shown, Add a revolved cutout Add a revolved cutout to the part. To create this cutout, include and offset an existing part edge. » Choose the Revolved Cut command 360 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities Select the reference plane as shown. In the Draw group, choose the Include command On the Include Options dialog box, set the Include with offset option and click ok Modeling smchronaus.and ordered featurce 264Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the are shown, and on the command bar click the Accept button, ™ » ‘Type 6.5 in the Distance field and press the Enter key. » Click inside the are to accept the offset, Notice that the system places a dimension between the offset element and the are from which it is offset, » Draw a horizontal line and a vertical line as shown. | rt 7-65 + Choos the Trin eammana al 362 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » ‘Trim away the lines and are to produce the following profile shape, Ifa mistake is made, click Undo)” and repeat the step. HA » Choose the Distance Between command fe: , and place dimensions as shown. Edit the values of the dimensions to the values shown below 4 (1. 65 op ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 269Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Click the Axis of Revolution command Gil ‘To define the axis of revolution, select the reference plane labeled (A) ra > Click Close Sketch. » To define the direction of material removal, position the cursor so that the arrow points to the outside of the part, and click > On command bar, click the Symmetric Extent button, Type 30 in the Angle field and then press the Enter key. 364 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click Finish to complete the revolved cutout, » Save and close the file. This completes the activity. summary In this activity you learned how to create a base feature and then construct, additional features to complete the part. The include command used existing geometry which made the features associative. Because the geometry is associative, it will respond predictably to modifications An open profile in the Revolved Cut, command was used to show that the profile adjusts itself to intersect the face of the protrusion it is cutting Activity: Creating a loft and swept protrusion Activity: Creating a loft and swept protrusion In this activity, construct a solid model using the Loft and Swept Protrusion commands, Edit end conditions and curves to adjust the overall shape of the model. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 268Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Open the part file Objectives In this activity, construct a solid model using the Loft (1) and Swept Protrusion (2) commands, Edit end conditions and curves to adjust the overall shape of the model. > Open loft,par. This file contains sketches and curves that will be used to model the part. Create a loft protrusion Create a loft protrusion using sketches provided in the file, 365 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities On the Home tab® Solids group, choose the Loft command in the Add drop down =| » Hide the reference planes Select the sketch (base sketch) at location (A) shown for the first cross-section. Select the sketch (top sketch) at location (B) shown for the second cross-section, SAS SRD [Wate] It is important to select the cross-sections at start locations where a twist will not be introduced in the geometry (or a self intersecting result). If this condition occurs, an error message displays, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featuree 267Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > On the command bar, liek Preview. Do not click Finish. [Note] The result shown above uses the default end-condition of “Natural’, This is where the cross-sections connect using a linear vector Edit end conditions > On command bar, click the Extent Step Name: LoftedProtusion, > Change the end-conditions of both cross-sections You can change the end condition type by using the tangency control handles (1) or by using the fields, on the command bar (4), Set both End 1: and End 2: to “Normal to section’ ‘This setting creates a lofted feature where the surface starts and ends with a normal vector to the cross-sections. 368 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities ‘To use the tangeney control handles, click the drop list (1) for tangency options ‘To use the command bar, click the Show/Hide Tangency Control Handles option (3). | Preview | i 3] Q)| ser: ENomeltesection +] 10m —~ Enc(fcNlewalioSecien |r] 1000 ~ ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 269Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Click Preview and then click Finish. Notice the results: (1) Normal to section, (2) Natural. Add guide curves Add guide curves to further control the overalll shape of the lofted protrusion feature Edit the definition of the lofted protrusion completed in the previous step, » Turn on the display of curves. In PathFinder, click the check box on the curves named side curve 1, mirrored side curve 1, side curve 2 and mirrored side curve 2. » Click the Select tool and then select the protrusion in the part window. » Click Edit Definition, > Select each curve and then click the Accept button. Select and accept only one curve ata time. The right-mouse button or Enter on the keyboard can also be used to accept the guide curve > After selecting all four curves, click the Preview button. » Notice how the shape of the loft protrusion follows these guide curves. Dynamically rotate the model to better observe the shape, Click Finish. 370 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Edit the guide curves Continue to refine the loft protrusion shape by editing the guide curves. When one curve is edited, the curve on the opposite side will adjust automatically because it is a mirrored element, » Click the Select tool. > Select curve named side curve 1 Click the Dynamic Edit button, Select the red dot on the curve. This will be the edit point on the curve, Click the Relative/Absolute Position button, [a] Absolute uses the actual X-¥Z coordinates for positioning. Relative uses a delta distance for positioning Use relative positioning. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featurce 274Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » ‘Type 26 in the dX field and press the Enter key. This moves the edit point 25 units in the positive X direction and 0 units in the Y and Z direction, The edit is made when the Enter key is pressed. Each time the Enter key is pressed after this point will apply a move again of the values displayed in the ribbon bar delta fields. [A #25000 00am 0000 » Click the Select tool. > Select curve named side curve 2. » Click the Dynamic Edit button, 372 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Modeling ordered features activities » Select the red dot on the curve, This will be the edit point on the curve. > Click the Relative/Absolute Position button. > Type -25 in the dY field and press the Enter key. This moves the edit point 25 units in the negative Y direction and 0 units in the X and Z direction, The edit is made when the Enter key is pressed. dv: -25.00mn + 0.00 nm > Continue to modify the shape on your own, This completes this portion of the activity. Close and do not save the file Create a swept protrusion > Open sweep,par. This file contains sketches and curves to use to define swept protrusions » ‘The curves provided were created using the project curve onto surface command. ‘This command is not be covered in this course, These are the trace curves for the swept feature. Lines, ares, curves, ete, can be used to define the path trace for the sweep Modeling smchronaus and ordered features 273Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities On the Home tab® Solids group, choose Swept Protrusion command on the Add drop down list On the Sweep Options dialog box, click the Single path and cross section option. Click OK Select the curve shown. Click the Accept button (or right-click) to accept the trace curve. ‘The cross section select step is now active, Select the sketch as shown for the cross section. On the command bar, click Finish, Repeat the previous steps to create a swept protrusion on the opposite side Hide the curves and sketch, Right-click in the part window and choose Hide All ®. Curves Choose Hide All®, Sketches This completes the activity. Close the file. 374 Modeling synchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Summary In this activity you learned how to create both a swept protrusion and a lofted protrusion, To better manage the geometry, sketches were used to define the cross sections to be swept and lofted. Guide paths were used to control the transition of geometry between cross sections Miscellaneous activities Acti : Constructing a mouse base Activity: Constructing a mouse base In the following activity, construct a computer mouse base, This activity reinforces, the feature construction techniques you have already learned, and it utilizes treatment features Create a new part file Overview Construct the computer mouse base shown in the illustration, This activity reinforces the ordered feature construction techniques you have already learned, and it utilizes treatment features, Objectives In this activity, learn how to: * Construct a solid model with holes, cutout, and draft, * Use the Thin Wall command * Use the Mounting Boss command. © Use PathFinder to select features ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 278Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Create a new ISO part file + Make sure you are in the ordered environment Create the base feature Create an extrusion as the base feature for the mouse. > In PathFinder, turn off the base coordinate system display. Turn on the base reference planes display. Cb Base [Base Reference Planes # » Choose the Extrude command, > On the command bar, click the Coincident Plane option, and select the reference plane shown, 376 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Draw the profile RG R10 » Place Horizontal/Vertical relationships to center the profile on the midpoints of the reference planes. Fillets (R 10 and R 16) are in two places with equal relationships applied. 100 > Click Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modoling eynchrancusand ordered feature 2-77Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Extend the profile upward 20 and click Finish, » Hide all reference planes > Change the display of the part, In the Styles group, click the Visible and Hidden Badges display. + aio 4 Create a cutout Create a cutout on the bottom side of the part. > Choose the Cut command, > Use the reference plane used to create the base feature. On command bar, select the Last Plane option » Draw the profile and apply the dimensional constraints. 378 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click Close Sketch, > On command bar, click the Finite Extent option, and in the Distance box type 8. > Project the cutout upward, and finish the feature > Save the file as mouse par. Apply draft to the part » In the Solids group, choose the Draft commana CO) > For the Draft Plane Step, select the bottom face as shown, ZA ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 279Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > For the Select Face Step, select one side face of the mouse base. Alll side faces of the mouse base should highlight. The default Select option is set to Chain which selects all chained faces not parallel to the draft plane —) » ‘Type 10 in the Draft Angle field, and click the Accept button. > You can specify different draft angles for multiple faces in the Select Face Step. Ifno other faces are to be drafted, click Next to leave the Select Face Step » For the Draft Direction Step, orient the direction as shown so that the draft is applied outward, and then click. > Click Finish. 380 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Add a round Add a round feature to the bottom edge of the part Choose the Round command For the Select Step, identify the edges to round, On command bar, in the Select box, click the Chain option. This lets you select a connected chain of edges with one click Select the chain of edges around the bottom face of the part as shown, » Type 5 in the Radius field and click the Accept button > Use the default parameters Skip the Round Parameters Step. Click Preview and then Finish, » Save the document, Add draft Add draft to the cutout feature in the part » Choose the Draft command. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus.and ordered featurce 284Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Use QuickPick to select the bottom face to define the draft plane as shown, » Select the chain of faces that form the sides of the cutout, Click once to select the three faces that are tangent to each other, and click once more to select, the remaining face » ‘Type 2 in the Draft Angle field and click the Accept button. > Click Next > Orient the draft direction as shown, and then click to accept. > Click Finish. 382 Modeling sychroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities >» Save the file Apply a thin wall feature Use the Thin Wall command to remove the interior material from the part. > Choose the Thin Wall command. » For the Common Thickness Step, specify the thickness to apply to all faces of the part. In the Common Thickness box, type 1 and press the Enter key. > For the Open Faces Step, select the top face of the part and the top face of the cutout as the open surfaces, > Click the Accept button to accept the faces, > You can apply unique thickness to faces of the part, To skip this step, click. Preview to process the thin wall. Click Finish to complete the feature placement > Click the Shaded with Visible Edges display. Add a cutout Add a cutout to remove material from the top of the mouse base > Right-click in the part window and click Show All ® Reference Planes ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 289Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Choose the Cut command, and select the reference plane shown, » Choose the Arc by 3 Points command [i] and place an are that touches the two sides and is tangent to the top of the part. The command is in the Draw group on the Tangent Arc drop list. ‘The first and second points define the arc sweep. The third point defines the radius. » Place and modify the dimension as shown, Add a Horizontal relationship to the two endpoints of the are as shown, R 300 > Click Close Sketch. 384 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > For the Side Step, position the cursor as shown in the illustration and click. > On command bar, set the Extent to Through All. Position the cursor so that arrows point from both sides of the profile and click » Finish the cutout and save the file + Hide all reference planes. Add a cutout and use GoTo Add another cutout, Since the part is thin walled, the additional cutout is not thin walled unless it is constructed before the thin wall step. The following steps ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronauzana ordered features 3-85Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities demonstrate how to gp back in the creation process to a point before the thin wall had been applied and place another cutout, > Change display to Visible and Hidden Edges, > Choose the Select Tool > In PathFinder, right-click on the feature named Cutout 1, and on the shortcut menu, select the GoTo command. » Choose the Cut command and use QuickPick to select the reference plane shown. v A, 0 x HK > Draw the rectangular profile 385 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click Close Sketch and project the cutout upward 5 using the Finite Extent option. > Click Finish. Since this cutout was placed before the thin wall feature, use the GoTo command to apply the thin wall to the new cutout, » Choose the Select Tool. » Right-click on the last feature listed in Feature PathFinder, and select the Gol option from the shortcut menu. The part returns to the thin wall state ‘The cutout just constructed has thin wall sides because it was placed before the thin wall feature Add mounting boss features » In the Solids group, choose the Mounting Boss command | drop list. > On the Mounting Boss command bar, click the Parallel Plane option. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 287Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities + Select the bottom plane as shown. > On the command bar, type 10 in the Distance field. Position the parallel plane above the bottom plane as shown and click. 388 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > On the command bar, click the Mounting Boss Options button and set the ‘Mounting Boss Options as shown and click OK 3) eisai Saved settings: Settings Bess dameter: founing hale Hole diameter Hole depth: tiferina bs: arise: Gia: Enter Tape: Thickness: Cadd date Draft angle: 200 (Ded rounds and ile Pos [ize atk » Position the bosses as shown and then click Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featuree 289Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Define the extent direction as shown, > Click Finish. > Save the document and close the file. This completes the activity, Summary In this activity you learned how to add draft to some of the faces of a molded part, You learned how use the GoTo command to insert a feature at a desired location within Feature Pathfinder, You learned to place bosses using the Mounting Boss command Activity: Embossing text Activity: Embossing text on a part This activity covers the procedure of embossing text characters onto a simple model ofa casting, 390 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Open part file Overview This activity covers the procedure of embossing text characters onto a simple model ofa casting, >» Open support par. Create a sketch containing the text profile ‘To emboss text on a part, create a sketch containing the text profile, » Choose the Sketch command id, ‘spse01535, [Modeling eynchronausand ordered fexturce 294Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the face shown for the sketch plane, > On the Tools tab® Insert group, choose the Text Profile command TP » In the Text dialog box, set the values as shown. In the Font field (A), choose ‘Tahoma. In the Seript field (B), choose Arabic, In the Font size control fields (C), set the values shown, In the Text box (D), type ACME MFG. and click OK 382 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Position the text in the approximate position shown, and click > Click Close Sketch to complete the profile, > Click Finish Cut the text profile from part Use the Cut command and the text sketch created in the previous step to remove material from the part. > Choose the Cut command, > On command bar, click the Select from Sketch option. » Select the sketch (text) and click the Accept button, > In the distance box, type 2 and press the Enter key. > Click below the profile to extend the text into the part. > Click Finish to complete the cutout, Hide all sketches > Save the file as myblock par. ‘spse01535, [Modeling synchronausana ordered features 3-99Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities + Close the file. This completes the activity. Summary In this activity you learned how to create and add embossed text to a part Activity: Modeling a machined part Activity: Modeling a machined part This activity uses treatment feature commands, cutouts, rounds, patterns, mirror copied features, ribs, lip and hole, This activity is advanced and it might take a while to complete, There is a stopping point in the activity you can decide to continue or finish later Pay careful attention to the instructions and illustrations Open a new part file Overview This activity uses ordered treatment feature commands, cutouts, rounds, patterns, mirror copied features, ribs, lip and hole, This activity is advanced and it might take awhile to complete, There is a stopping point in the activity where the you can decide to continue or finish later. Pay careful attention to the instructions and illustrations > Opena new ISO part file, Save the file as machineO1 par. > Make sure you are in the ordered environment, Create the base feature Begin the activity by creating a rectangular extrusion as the base feature for this part, 384 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > In PathFinder, turn off the display of the base coordinate system. Turn on the display of the base reference planes. > Choose the Extrude command > For the plane step, select the reference plane shown. » Draw the profile and center the profile at the intersection of the default reference planes > Choose Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 298Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Extrude the profile 50 mm below the reference plane and click Finish Add a cutout to the base feature > Choose the Cut command » Select the Coincident Plane option and orient the plane as shown, 398 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > On the right side of the part, draw the profile, ® 5 2 30° > Choose Close Sketch. » Click as shown for direction to remove material. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 297Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > For the Extent step, on the command bay, select the Through All option and click the direction as shown, > Click Finish. Create a cutout Create a second cutout on a side face created by the cutout in the previous step. The cutout looks like the one shown, > Choose the Cut command, 398 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » For the profile plane, select the right surface shown using the Coincident Plane option on the command bar. > Draw the open profile A ay > Choose Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus.and ordered features 299Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » For the Side step, position the cursor so the arrow points to the inside of the profile, as shown, and click. > For the Extent Step, on the command bar, click the From/To Extent button. ‘Make the depth of the cutout from surface (A) to surface (B). ® B® > Click Finish. | : a 34100 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Mirror cutouts Mirror the cutouts created in the previous two steps about reference plane (A). Using this reference plane, which lies at the center of the part, ensures that the two cutouts are mirrored symmetrically on the opposite side of the part. ® > In the Pattern group, on the Mirror drop list, choose the Mirror Copy Feature command > On command bar, click the Smart button, > Select the two cutout features in PathFinder and click the Accept button. % © [2] BaseReference Planes CO by pase (Ordered [ng Protrusion 1 [Cacutout, [acutout2 Modeling emnchronaxisand ordered features 3-404Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » For the plane to mirror about, select reference plane (A). ® > Click Finish. Create a cutout Create a cutout using two profiles created in a single profile step. This allows removing or adding material of a complex shape in a single step, > Choose the Cut command » Select the reference plane shown. 3402 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Draw and dimension the two profiles as shown, The top and bottom lines are coincident with the part edges Notice that lines A and B have equal relationships applied. 9441 an > Click Close Sketch. > For the extent step, use the Through All extent and click the Symmetric Extent button. Type 108 in the Distance field and press Enter > Click Finish. Construct a rib Construct a rib to strengthen the interior of the part, » In the Solids group, on the Thin Wall drop list, choose the Rib command i > On command bay, click the Parallel Plane option ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronceisand ordered features 3-403Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the top face as shown. > On the command bay, type 3 and position the cursor so the parallel plane is placed below the top face and click. > Draw the rib profile. Looking down from the top of the model, the profile endpoints are connected to the cutout edges. > Choose Close Sketch. » On the command bay, type 3 for rib thickness, 3408 Modeling synchranausandl ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Select the direction shown. > Click Finish. Create a groove Create a groove around the top inside edge of the part. Use the Lip command. Use this command to add material to create lips or remove material to create grooves. » On the Thin Wall drop list, choose the Lip command ‘spse01535, Modeling amnchronceisand ordered features 3-405Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the four edges shown and then click the Accept button, a On the command bay, type 4 for the width and 3 for the height. Use the Zoom command to adequately see this rectangle. This rectangle defines whether material will be added to create a lip or removed to create a groove, Position the rectangle as shown to create the groove 3mm 4 mom 3408 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Click Finish. Create circular cutout Create a circular-shaped cutout and remove a finite amount of material from the part, The Hole command could be used here, however in this step the Cut command and a circular profile is used > Choose the Cut command » Select the profile plane as shown. ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchroncxisand ordered featurce 407Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Draw and dimension the profile, Center the circle on midpoint of line (A) & 30 o30 > Choose Close Sketch. In the Distance box, type 40 for the extent and position the cutout into the part. > Click Finish. Construct a hole Construct a hole at the rear of the cutout created in the previous step, 2] » Choose the Hole command 3408 Modeling synchranausandl ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Select the profile plane as shown. » On the command bay, click the Hole Options button =| ‘Type 6.36 for the Diameter, select the Finite extent and Hole Depth of § Click OK Paes Saved settings Settings Type: Unit Diameter Extents ale Hole dept -eo.00mm COW Betc se) (oon yon ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchroncxisand ordered features 3-408Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Place the hole centered on circle (A), @) 2 > Choose Close Sketch. » Position the extent to the right as shown and click. : — > Click Finish. Create a cutout Create another cutout on the part. This cutout will surround the circular cutout created earlier. > Choose the Cut command 3410 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Select the profile plane as shown. » Draw and dimension the profile, Use Horizontal/Vertical and Equal relationships to center the square profile around the circular cutout from the previous step 1B > Choose Close Sketch. > Click the Finite Extent button, and type 3 in the Distance field. ‘spse01535, Modeling emchronausand ordered featurce 3-444Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Position the cursor so that material is removed from the part and click > Click Finish. ‘Add rounds Add rounds to the cutout, » Choose the Round command. + Select the four edges as shown. > ‘Type 3 in the Radius field, and then click the Accept button 3412 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Click Preview and Finish. Add holes Add a series of holes to the surface created by the rectangular cutout, » Choose the Hole command. » Select the profile plane as shown. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 2449Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Click the Hole Options button and set the options as shown. Click OK olen Saved settings Settings > Type © Stade thet O Staite tread O Tapeted pipe tread Unit Diameter Hole depth Taper ande! Throsd (M3 ® ©Tohole esters Fite eter Nop » Place four holes as shown (B). Center the holes on the rounds you created in the previous step. The dashed line around the hole profile indicatés a threaded hole > Choose Close Sketch. 414 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Position the direction arrow to point towards the interior of the part and click Create a pattern of features Pattern the five features, which include the circular cutout, single hole, square cutout, rounds, and series of four holes. » Choose the Pattern command and on the command bar, click the Smart option. ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered feature 2415Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the features shown below to pattern, Obs Base [hp Protrusion 1 [Cacutout 1 i BG CoG CED ie Hore? iS » Click the Accept button. > Select the pattern reference plane as shown. > On the command bar, type the following patterning parameter values. 2 45.00mm yy: 1 2540 mm ~ Weeth [000mm >) Height 000 mm 3418 Modeling eynchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Define the pattern profile by selecting the first point in the center of the small hole and then position the rectangle as shown, > Choose Close Sketch. > Click Finish. Create an extrusion ‘Use the Extrusion command to add material in the corner of the part. It serves as a boss for the model > Choose the Extrude command ‘spse01535, Modeling smchronaus and ordered featurce 2417Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the profile plane as shown. > Draw and dimension the profile ‘ i 6 > Choose Close Sketch. > Position the direction arrow as shown and click. 3418 Modeling synchroncusand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities For the extent step, on the command bar, click the Through Next button. Position the cursor so that the material is added below the profile as shown and click. = > Click Finish. Hy Apply a round Apply a round to the material added in the previous step. » Choose the Round command. » Select the edge shown. y > ‘Type 3 in the Radius field, and then click the Accept button ‘spse01535, Moding smchronaus and ordered featurce 2419Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Click Preview and Finish. Add a threaded hole » Choose the Hole command. » Select the profile plane as shown. 3420 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Click the Hole Options button and set the options as shown. Click OK eas Saved sang Settings “+ Type © stander et © sua pie tread © rapeted pe tea Unit Diameter Entente =| Hole depth 800mm Taper ange: 25) Three (M3 [¥ bottom ane: OTohole estert joan: “POFinte eter: 000m yon » Place the hole concentric with the are & > Choose Close Sketch. ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronaeisand ordered features 2-424Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Position the cursor so that the extent is defined as shown and click, »Y > Click Finish. y Mirror features Mirror the features created in the previous steps, These include the rectangular boss, round, and hole. » Choose the Mirror Copy Feature command. » Click the Smart button. 3422 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » In PathFinder, select the last three features constructed, protrusion, round and hole. Click the Accept button. by Base ca (1G Base Rererence rtanes Sowers Ti Proton 1 Treutout 1 Creatout2 Ghent Teieutout 5 rina glint CiCutout 6 Hole 1 (cutout 7 (Gi Round 1 Hole2 Pattern L iin Cue (oo > Select the reference plane shown as the plane to mirror the features about, ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchroncxisand ordered features 3-423Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Choose the Mirror Copy Feature command. » Click the Smart button. > In the PathFinder, select the protrusion, round, hole and mirror features, Click the Accept button OO bypase <2 ©) Sloase Retree Panes a Te Protuson 1 Creutout 1 Ciewtout2 hearer 1 (Cutout 5 (Rib Supt Crettout s Hole 1 Ceatout7 (G Round 1 tawote2 es Patten 1 wan GUE acm 3428 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Select the reference plane shown as the plane to mirror the features about, > Click Finish. In order to save time, you may stop at this point. The remainder of the activity covers adding more rounds and holes. Save the file at this point and finish later. Add rounds to the inside edges » Choose the Round command. ‘spse01535, Modeling amchronceisand ordered features 3-125Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities + Select the edges shown. » ‘Type 3 in the Radius field, Click the Accept button. > Click Preview and Finish. Add rounds Add rounds to more of the interior edges of the part. » Choose the Round command. 3428 Modeling synchranausand ordered features spse01598Modeling ordered features activities + Select the edges shown. » ‘Type 6 in the Radius field, Click the Accept button. » Click Preview and Finish. Add holes to the part » Choose the Hole command. ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronceisand ordered featurce 427Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the profile plane as shown. » On the Main toolbar, click Fit » Click the Hole Options button, Type 6.35 for the hole diameter and click OK » Place and dimension four holes. [o+o [Oro > Choose Close Sketch. » Click the Through All button, 3428 Modeling synchranausandl ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Position the cursor so that the direction arrow is displayed as shown, and click > Click Finish. > Close and save the file. This completes the activity. . summary In this activity you modeled a machined part that included cutouts, rounds, patterns, mirror copied features, ribs, lip and holes. In this activity, non profile based features were used to more efficiently model the machined part. ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchroncxisand ordered features 3-128Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities Actiivty: Construct g a bracket Activity: Constructing a bracket In this activity, construct a solid model and create holes, chamfer, and pattern features Open a new part file Objectives In this activity you will construct a solid model and create holes, chamfer, and pattern features > Create a new ISO part file > Make sure you are in the ordered environment, Construct the base feature Create an L-shaped extrusion as the base feature, In subsequent steps, use additional features to create the final part shown above » Choose the Extrude command, > Turn on the display of the base reference planes 3.430 Modeting eynchranausandl ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Set the Create-from option to Coincident Plane, and select the reference plane shown. » Hide all reference planes > Draw the profile a 120 > Use an equal relationship, as shown above, to make the two shorter lines equal to one another, > Choose Close Sketch to complete the profile > On command bar. click the Symmetric Extent button. Type 200 in the Distance field and press the Enter key. > Fit the view ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronaeisand ordered features 434Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Click Finish. Add a chamfer feature Add a chamfer treatment feature to the base feature In the Solids group, on the Round drop list, choose the Chamfer command. > Select the two short vertical edges on the front of the part as shown. On the command bar, type 20 in the Setback field and click the Accept button. > Click Finish 3.432 Modeling synchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities Add chamfer feature Change the chamfer option settings and add another set of chamférs with an angle and setback. > Choose the Chamfer command. » On command bar, click the Chamfer Options button. Click the Angle and setback: option and then click OK > Notice that after setting the Angle and Setback option, the command bar changes to include the Select Face step » Select the top face and then on the command bar click the Accept button. Select the short edge on each end of the top face ‘Type 30 in the Setback field and type 16 in the Angle field, ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronceisand ordered features 3-439Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Click the Accept button to apply these values > Click Finish. » Save the file as angle par. Construct a cutout Construct a cutout on the front horizontal face shown. > Choose the Cut command, » Select the horizontal face shown to define the reference plane. 3438 Modeling synchranausand ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities > Draw the profile, Use the Line command and toggle between the Line and Are modes R10 > Choose Close Sketch. > On command bay, click the Through Next option, and position the cursor to project the cutout downward. > Click Finish. Add a chamfer Add a chamfer to the cutout constructed in the previous step. > Choose the Chamfer command. > On command bar, change the chamfer setting to Equal setbacks ‘spse01535, Modeling amchronaeisand ordered features 3-496Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Select the top and bottom edges of the cutout. » In the Setback box, type 3 and click the Accept button. > Click Finish SS Pattern features Pattern the cutout and chamfer. Since the cutout is the parent feature of the chamfer, the cutout must be patterned with the chamfer. » Choose the Pattern command and on command bar, click the Smart option. > On PathFinder, select Cutout 1 and Chamfer 3 as the features to pattern, Click the Accept button, Ov,b0e TL Ease Reference Planes 3 Eee TB Protusion 1 Oi chamter Si chanter2 CIEE 3.436 Modeling synchranausandl ordered features ‘sps001535,Modeling ordered features activities » Select the reference plane to place the pattern on. Use the same profile plane that was used for the Cutout feature. » In the Features group, click the Rectangular Pattern command. > Set the Pattern Type to Fixed. Set the X count to 3 and the Y count to 2, Type 50 for the X spacing and 46 for the Y spacing. Press the Enter key. > Click the center of the arc in the bottom of the cutout to define the start point of the pattern profile (1), and then position the rectangle defining the pattern up and to the right (2) @ ‘spse01535, Modeling smnchronceisand ordered featurce 437Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities > Choose Close sketch. > Click Finish to complete the feature. > Save the file. Add hole features Add holes to the vertical front face of the part. » Choose the Hole command. » Select the front vertical face of the bracket as shown, 3438 Modeling synchronausand ordered features ‘sps001535,‘spse01535, Click the Hole Options button and set the options shown and click OK, aeons Saved satngs Settins Type: [Counterbore Unit, [mn Diameter: 12mm CCourterbore diameter Countebee dep CAV ottom anal: CD Theat: Modeling ordered features activities Standard thead Sttaght pps tread oT of 17000 5.0mm 82.00° Tri2e3 Tohok ester Firte extent 2.00 0m 1 eu EOI fle deh rm bottom anale (000° oy Place a hole centered over each slot. Align the holes as shown. + + Or e+e + Modeling synchroncusand ordered features 3199Lesson3 ‘Modeling ordered features activities » Dimension the location of the holes as shown, | e+ O+@ l} 4 + 4+ > Choose Close Sketch. » Specify the extent direction shown in the illustration, > Click Finish » Save and close this file. This completes the activity. summary In this activity you learned how to create a chamfer feature and to create a pattern consisting of more than one feature. You used the hole command to create the counterbored holes in the bracket. 3440 Modeling synchranausandl ordered features ‘sps001535,
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