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Introduction To Mechanics of Materials: (INGE 4019)

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(INGE 4019)

Pablo G. Caceres-Valencia (B.Sc., Ph.D., U.K.)

The course will be assessed in the following manner: 1st Exam 2nd Exam Quizzes* Others** 25% 30% 30% 15% (*)

(*)DatedueWebCT orMoodle QuizzesandPopQuizzes(max6). Missedquizzeswillbegradedwithzero.LackofaccesstoWebCT or Moodle isnotanexcusefornotsubmittingyouranswers. (**)ClassparticipationandAttendance.Afterthethirdmissedclass, onepointwillbedeductedinthefinalgradeforeachmissedclass(up to15points).

GENERAL INFORMATION Course Number Course Title Credit Hours Instructor Office Office Hours e-mail Web-site INGE 4019 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials 4 Dr. Pablo G. Caceres-Valencia Lucchetti L-212, Extension 2358 M-W from 9-12am and 1-3pm [email protected] http://academic.uprm.edu/pcaceres


FinalGradeRange 100 90 89 80 79 70 69 60 59 0

FinalLetterGrade A B C D F

Attendanceandparticipationinthelecturearecompulsory andwill beconsideredinthegrading.Studentsshouldbringcalculators, rulers,penandpencilstobeusedduringthelectures.Studentsare expectedtokeepupwiththeassignedreadingandbepreparedto answerquestionsonthesereadingsduringlectureandforthepop quizzes.PleaserefertotheBulletinofInformationforUndergraduate StudiesfortheDepartmentandCampusPolicies.

Tentative Dates
Monday Wednesday 08/12 Introduction 08/24 Axial Loads Tuesday 09/07 Stresses on Inclined Planes 09/21 1st Exam 10/05 Principal Stresses 10/19 Plane Stresses 11/02 Plane Strain 11/16 Combined Loadings 11/30 Deflection of Beams 08/26 Axial Loads 09/09 Stress Concentration 09/23 Holiday 10/07 Mohrs Circle 10/21 Plane Stresses 11/04 Elasticity 11/18 2nd Exam 12/02 Deflection of Beams Monday 08/17 Mech.Prop. 08/31 Statically Indetermined 09/14 Torsion 09/28 Shear and Bending 10/12 Holiday 10/26 Hookes Law 11/09 Combined Loadings 11/23 Combined Loadings Wednesday 08/19 Linear Elasticity 09/02 Thermal Effects 09/16 Thin Walled Tubes 09/30 Shear and Bending 10/14 Triaxial Stresses 10/28 Plane Strain 11/11 Holiday 11/25 Deflection of Beams

Outcomes Upon the completion of the course the student should be able to: Calculate the principal stresses and strains in a loaded component Solve problems using stress transformation and Mohrs circle Apply Hookes law for plane stress and plane strain Calculate stresses in thin walled spherical or cylindrical pressure vessels Calculate the stresses produced by combined axial, bending and torsional loads

Allexamswillbeconductedduringlectureperiodsonthespecified dates.Therewillbenofinalexam. Neatnessandorderwillbetakingintoconsiderationinthegradingof theexams.Uptotenpointscanbedeductedforthelackofneatness andorder.Youmustbringcalculators,classnotesandblankpagesto theexams.

JamesM.Gere andBarryJ.Goodno,MechanicsofMaterials,7th Edition,Cengage Learning. Mylecturenotesareavailableinthewebat


Review of Statics
Mechanics of materials is a branch of mechanics that develops relationships between the external loads applied to a deformable body and the intensity of internal forces acting within the body as well as the deformations of the body. Equations of equilibrium (i.e., statics) are mathematical expressions of vector relationships showing that for a body not to translate or move along a path then F = 0 . For a body not to rotate, M = 0.

Stress has two components, one acting perpendicular to the plane of the area and the other acting parallel to the area. Mathematically, the former component is expressed as a normal stress which is the intensity of the internal force acting normal to an incremental area such that: where + = tensile stress = "pulling" stress and - = compressive stress = "pushing stress. The latter component is expressed as a shear stress which is the intensity of the internal force acting tangent to an incremental area such that:





Prismatic bar in tension: (a) free-body diagram of a segment of the bar, (b) segment of the bar before loading, (c) segment of the bar after loading, and (d) normal stresses in the bar.

Prismatic bar = Section does not change in the length of the bar

Normal Stress and Normal Strain

= =

P = stress A = normal- strain

2P P = = 2A A

P = A 2 = = 2L L

Uniform Normal Stress

Stresses are constant over the cross sectional area. Uniform stress distribution in a prismatic bar: (a) axial forces P, and (b) cross section of the bar. To have uniform stresses (tension or compression) over the cross-section area (A), the axial force must act along the centroid.

xA x= A

yA y= A

2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license.

Does the material resist the applied force? What is the relationship between the stress applied and the deformation?

Tensile Testing

sample is pulled slowly The sample deforms and then fails The load and the deformation are measured


Extension or change in length

E = 29 10 6 psi D = 1.07 in. d = 0.618 in.

Determine the deformation of the steel rod shown under the given loads.

Apply free-body analysis to each component to determine internal forces,

3 P 1 = 60 10 lb

P2 = 15 103 lb P3 = 30 103 lb

Evaluate total deflection,

Pi Li 1 P 1L1 + P2 L2 + P 3 L3 = E A1 A2 A3 i Ai Ei 1

60 103 12 15 103 12 30 103 16 = + + 6 0 . 9 0 . 9 0 . 3 29 10 = 75.9 103 in.

) (

) (

L1 = L2 = 12 in. A1 = A2 = 0.9 in 2

L3 = 16 in. A3 = 0.3 in 2

= 75.9 103 in.

Find the stresses and strains: (a) Change in length of the pipe (b) Lateral strain (c) Increase in outer and inner diameters (d) Increase in wall thickness


Normal stress () : the subscript identifies the face on which the stress acts. Tension is positive and compression is negative.


Shear stress () : it has two subscripts. The first subscript denotes the face on which the stress acts. The second subscript denotes the direction on that face. A shear stress is positive if it acts on a positive face and positive direction or if it acts in a negative face and negative direction.



From equilibrium principles: xy = yx , xz = zx , zy = yz


BENDING (*flexure)

Mc = I

For 2-D:

Where z is the angular acceleration

Fx = ma x

Fy = ma y

M z = I z z

Moment of a Force about an axis

Free body Diagram

Change the steel for aluminum.

A steel strut S serving as a brace for a boat hoist transmits a compressive force P to the deck of a pier.

Bearing pad in shear. Elastomer with Modulus of Rigidity Ge

The connection shown in the figure consists of five steel plates, each 2.5mm thick, to be joined by a single bolt. Determine the required diameter of the bolt if the allowable bearing stress, b, is 180.0MPa and the allowable shear stress, allow, is 45.0MPa?


Determine the allowable load P based on the following four considerations.

Two-bar truss ABC supporting a sign of weight W. Determine the required cross-sectional area of bar AB and the required diameter of the pin at support C

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