Historical Foundation of Education
Historical Foundation of Education
Historical Foundation of Education
SOCIALIZATION is the ‟ process of learning the roles, statues and values necessary for
participation in social institution …( Brinkerhoff, D.,1989 ). Socialization is a lifelong process. It
occurs primarily during early childhood but as we progress from infancy to old age we shed old
roles and adopt new one. Role learning that prepare us for future roles is termed anticipatory
socialization. ( Brinkerhoff, D., 1989 ) Because of anticipatory socialization most of us are more
or less prepared for our future roles like spouse, parent, professional teacher. The family is the
most agent of socialization and the schools is also an important agent of socialization. It is an
institution charged by society to impart specific knowledge and skills necessary for functioning
in a society.
● Satar, Johaipa D.
● Satar, Johaira D.
● Ayaon, Norhanie