MSC Mar2013

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Miscellaneous Metals
March 2013
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MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION (Volume 53, Number 3. ISSN (print) 0026-8445: ISSN (online) 1945-0737. Published monthly by the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC), One E. Wacker Dr., Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60601. Subscriptions: Within the U.S.single issues $6.00; 1 year, $44. Outside the U.S. (Canada
and Mexico)single issues $9.00; 1 year $88. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to
MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION, One East Wacker Dr., Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60601.
AISC does not approve, disapprove, or guarantee the validity or accuracy of any data, claim, or opinion appearing under a byline or obtained or quoted from
an acknowledged source. Opinions are those of the writers and AISC is not responsible for any statement made or opinions expressed in MODERN STEEL
CONSTRUCTION. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without written permission, except for noncommercial educational purposes where fewer than
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March 2013
ON THE COVER: Detroit Medical Center Heart Hospital, p. 30. (Photo: Douglas Steel Fabricating Corp.)
Rapid Response
BIM and BRBs bring big benefits to a hospital
project in southeast Missouri.
Cardio Construction
BIM is at the heart of the design process for
an upcoming hospital in Detroit.
Changing of the Guard
A Tampa-area bridge undergoes a
rehabilitation involving the replacement of
thousands of rivets with high-strength bolts.
The Long and Short of It
A short-span bridge in suburban Pittsburgh
comes together over a long weekend.
Go with the Flow
P.E., PH.D.
In car-centric Southern California, a highway
overcrossing replacement project allows traffic
to flow uninterrupted.
Big Roll
Placing the preeminent piece of a transit
project puzzle.
Still Swinging
Connecticut crossing to celebrate century of
service this summer.
Holding Court
Multiple Texas county courthouses look to
steel to bring them into the future while
preserving their past.
product expert
Miscellaneous MetalsThe
Devil is in the Details, Part II:
VUCA Prevails
Misinterpreting miscellaneous metal
methods makes for a problematic project.
But enhanced expectations, communication
and coordination can create construction
Dont Get Lost in Translation
Studying up on your prospects preferences,
terminology and context will strengthen
your connectionand your ultimate impact.
people to know
An Unexpected Journey
When one adventure is thwarted, another
often takes its place.
columns features
in every issue
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Editorial Contacts
Scott L. Melnick
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AISC Officers
William B. Bourne, III
Jeffrey E. Dave, P.E.
David B. Ratterman
Roger E. Ferch, P.E.
Charles J. Carter, S.E., P.E., Ph.D.
Jacques Cattan
John P. Cross, P.E.
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editors note
A FEWMONTHS AGO, my daughter was the only high school student in an otherwise
all-adult production of The Producers. Besides being a fun few weeks (yes, I saw it three
times!), it was one of those events that would make any parent proud.
But I was even more proud of her a few weeks ago when she auditioned for a roll in her
high school musicaland didnt make it. Rather than sulk, however, shes still participating
as part of the costume and stage crew. She
adapted to the changing circumstances
and as a result will have a great experience.
I thought about that the other day when
one of my colleagues told me a story about
his previous job as an engineer with a rm
specializing in designing connections. In
the story, a well-known fabricator told him
his shop wouldnt bid on any of the projects
my colleague designed. Why? Because the
projects were designed using shear tabs
and this fabricator preferred clip angles.
The fabricator was very successful for a
time but when hard times hit and they still
werent exible, they went bankrupt.
Today, a lot of rms (both fabricators and
engineers) seem to have their heads stuck
in the sand when it comes to technologi-
cal changes. Are you sharing models be-
tween designers and fabricators? Are you
using models for the shop and drawing
approval process? Fortunately, AISC has
created a conference specically for de-
signers, fabricators and detailers who need
to better understand where the industry is
going, how they can avoid being left be-
hind and the risks and benets of adopt-
ing new technologies. The Technology in
Steel Construction conference is being
held in conjunction with the 2013 NASCC:
The Steel Conference (to see a full listing of
the sessions offered at the conference, visit For example, Will
Ikerd from Ikerd Consulting, Baris Lostuvali
from Herrero Contractors and Rob Schoen
from Axis Detailing will provide an in-depth
discussion of best practices in how to ad-
dress risk and model handoffs. And David
Ruby from Ruby & Associates, Tom Faraone
from Banker Steel and John Palacios from
Woodward Design-Build will introduce at-
tendees to three pioneering companies
who are taking models to the next level by
using them in the review process in concert
withor even in lieu oftraditional shop
Of course, its not just technology thats
changing. NASCC offers a wide range
of sessions to keep you current, ranging
from The Direct Analysis Method What
Happened to the K-Factor to Economi-
cal Joist Selection. Youll learn about HSS
connections and the seismic behavior of
multi-tier concentrically braced frames. And
this year there are a lot business sessions,
such as Working with Difcult People
and Employee Development Strategies
for Engaging and Retaining a Productive
Finally, the conference offers you the op-
portunity to see the latest equipment and
tools, ranging from full fabrication lines to
innovative connections. More than 200 ex-
hibitors have signed up and attendance is
expected to exceed 3,500.
Dont get left behind. Visit www.aisc.
org/nascc and sign up for the steel design
and construction industrys most important
and informative conference.
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subscription pricing
Double-Angle Compression Members
How is the number of intermediate connectors calculated
in AISC Steel Construction Manual Table 4-8 for the
design of double-angle compression members? Using the
75% rule found in AISC 360 Chapter E, my results do
not always match those shown in the table.
AISC Specification Section E6.2 requires that the slenderness
of the individual components of the built-up member must
not exceed three-quarters of the controlling slenderness of
the overall built-up member. I believe this is what you are
referring to as the 75% rule. This criterion is used in Table
4-8 in the AISC Manual. However, as a practical matter aimed
at the efficient use of materials, the AISC Committee on
Manuals chooses to use an additional criterion in the creation
of this table.
The tabulated values for axial strength and corresponding
number of intermediate connectors given in the table are
such that the available compression buckling strength
about the Y-Y axis is equal to or greater than 90% of that
for compression buckling of the two angles as a unit. In
many cases, using only the 75% rule in AISC Specification
Section E6.2 would require fewer connectors than the number
tabulated in the table. However, if this were done, then the
tabulated values cannot be used and the compression strength
must be recalculated using the corresponding modified
slenderness from Section E6.1.
This information is outlined in the description for Table
4-8 found on page 4-7 of the 14th Edition Manual.
Heath Mitchell, S.E., P.E.
Specifying Clevises and Pins
The 14th Edition AISC Steel Construction Manual Table
15-4 provides the maximum diameter of the connecting
rod (D) for various clevis sizes, and Table 15-5 provides a
range of clevis sizes to match possible rod and pin sizes. It
seems to me that this implies, on the contract documents,
that we should not only specify the clevis size but also the
pin size to match the connecting rod size. Is this correct
or is it sufficient to just specify the clevis size?
Not exactly. The size of the clevis does not set the size of the
pin. Both the clevis and pin must be sized for the required
strength. If you are providing the design of the connection,
then you should provide both the pin and the clevis sizes on
the structural drawings. If you are delegating the design of the
connection, then you should provide the required strength on
the structural drawings.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.
OCBF Work-Point Eccentricities
I am working on a project using braced frames for the
lateral force resisting system. Originally, the frames were
configured as truly concentrically braced; the member
centerlines all intersected coincident with the work
points. A recent change has led to the work points at the
base of the columns being raised up 18 in. to 24 in. Does
this system still qualify as an ordinary concentrically
braced frame (OCFB)? If not, is my only option to use an
R=3 system? (I am in a low-seismic area.)
The 2010 AISC Seismic Provisions have a basis-of-design
section that specifically addresses this issue for OCBFs and
SCBFs (special concentrically braced frames). Section F1.2 for
OCBFs states:
This section is applicable to braced frames that consist
of concentrically connected members. Eccentricities less than
the beam depth are permitted if they are accounted for in the
member design by determination of eccentric moments using
the amplified seismic load.
This is obviously not aimed specifically at base
connections, but I think the intent is the same. Small
eccentricities are allowed if they are accounted for in design.
It is a matter of engineering judgment how column base
offsets are dealt with and the acceptable magnitude of such
eccentricities. This same judgment should be exercised when
permitting eccentricities in R=3 systems.
However, this may be more of an academic discussion
if you are in Seismic Design Category C or less. Using an
OCBF instead of an R=3 braced frame only results in a slight
decrease in the design loads for the brace (R=3 vs. R=3), but
that is coupled with a dramatic increase in design loads for the
columns, beams and connections. Typically an R=3 system will
be the more cost-effective choice, when it is permitted.
Heath Mitchell, S.E., P.E.
Welding Machine Calibration
Could you direct me to the code that addresses how often
I need to calibrate a welding machine?
AWS D1.1 Clause 5.11 states that welding equipment shall
be in such condition as to enable personnel to follow the
procedures and attain the results. Common industry practice
is to calibrate welding machines on an annual basis, though
this frequency is not specifically mandated anywhere. If you
are welding to the AWS D1.5 Bridge Code, then Clause 4.31.1
requires that welding machine calibration be performed every
three months.
Keith Landwehr
If youve ever asked yourself Why? about something related to
structural steel design or construction, Modern Steel Constructions
monthly Steel Interchange column is for you! Send your
questions or comments to [email protected].
steel interchange
Erection Marks
Do AISC specifications or codes contain requirements for
how beam erection marks are placed?
The system used for erection marks is a contractual matter
and is not specifically addressed in the AISC Code of Standard
Practice. However, typical industry practice related to erection
marks is discussed in the 3rd Edition of AISCs Detailing
for Steel Construction. The section on Locating Marks in
Chapter 6 describes common practice as follows:
The shop places erection marks on the left end of pieces
detailed in horizontal or diagonal positions and at the bottom
of pieces detailed in the vertical position. Therefore, placement
of these marks on the erection drawings must follow the same
system. This marking system, along with the fact that the marks
are placed on steel to read right-side up, enables the erector to
position most of the members in a structure by referring to the
location of marks on the drawings.
Some fabricators prefer to use variations of this system. For
example, the compass direction is noted on some members,
notably columns. Thus: Mark Face A North. Likewise,
members such as long girders or trusses, which cannot be
turned at a job site, will require a compass direction on the
appropriate end so it will be shipped that way (i.e., with the end
pointed in the proper direction upon its arrival at the job site).
Although there are no requirements in the AISC Specification
or Code, this guidance reflects what is common in the industry.
Erin Criste
Free Edge Buckling of Gusset Plates
When designing connecting gusset plates for braces in an
inverted-V braced frame to the beam above, what are the
requirements to determine the thickness and the width of
the stiffeners that are placed between two braces on the
gusset plate to limit the free edge buckling length?
That is a very good question, and it is not well-known that
these stiffeners are not necessarily required.
The use of intermediate stiffeners in the gusset plate and the
corresponding stiffeners at the gusset edges is based on a 1998
publication in the Steel Tips series. It recommends a maximum
free edge buckling length, but if this maximum length was
exceeded, there were not any recommendations on how to
size or connect these stiffeners. The result is that nominal
stiffeners and welds were used with little research or design
guidance to justify the design. Example 3.10 in the 1st Edition
of the AISC Seismic Design Manual includes these stiffeners
because the free edge criterion is exceeded, and the stiffeners
and welds are sized and shown on the final figure (Figure 3-14).
However, these sizes are simply stated as nominal values using
normal plates and corresponding weld sizes.
Later research and investigation into the requirements for
these stiffeners, intended to improve the guidance provided, has
actually changed the current thinking. It is now thought that these
stiffeners do not serve the purpose they were proposed to serve
and that the gussets do not have free edge buckling problems.
Furthermore, use of stiffeners to limit the free edge length may
actually be detrimental to the performance of the connection as
they introduce a point of high local stiffness and can have the
tendency to increase and concentrate deformational demands at
the stiffener location. As a result, the free edge buckling check has
been removed in the 2nd Edition AISC Seismic Design Manual
examples. The technical justification for this is provided in the
Commentary to Section F2.6c in AISC 341-10:
Certain references suggest limiting the free edge length
of gusset plates, including SCBF brace-to-beam connection
design examples in the Seismic Design Manual, (AISC, 2006),
and other references (Astaneh-Asl et al., 2006; ICC, 2006).
However, the committee has reviewed the testing cited and
has concluded that such edge stiffeners do not offer any
advantages in gusset plate behavior. There is therefore no
limitation on edge dimensions in these provisions.
Therefore, it is AISCs recommendation that stiffeners not
be used to limit the free edge length of gusset plates in OCBFs
or SCBFs.
Heath Mitchell, S.E., P.E.
Preheat Requirements for Heavy Shapes
The 1999 LRFD Specification Section J2.8 requires a
minimum preheat of 350 F for welded splices in Group 4
and 5 shapes. I cannot find this requirement in AISC 360-
05 or AISC 360-10. Has this requirement been removed?
Yes, this requirement has been removed. Regarding
terminology, a significant change was made in the 2005
Specification. Following a similar change in ASTM A6, AISC
360 dropped the group designations and now refers to heavy
sections. Generally, these are what used to be called Group
4 and 5 shapes. Essentially, these are W-shapes with flanges
greater than 2 in. thick. If you review the beam tables in the
13th or 14th Editions of the AISC Steel Construction Manual,
youll see that the heavy shapes are annotated with footnote h.
As to preheat requirements for splices in heavy sections,
youll now want to review AISC 360-10 Section J1.5. The
350 F preheat requirement was deleted primarily because
it was determined that the AWS D1.1 preheat requirements
were sufficient in this application. Therefore, AWS D1.1
should be consulted for specific preheat requirements. In
addition, if you follow the references made in AISC 360
Section J1.5, you will find that the 150 F preheat is still
required by Section M2.2 for thermal cutting of copes and
weld access holes.
Keith Landwehr
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official position of
the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is recognized that the
design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent licensed structural engineer,
architect or other licensed professional for the application of principles to a particular structure.
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISCs Steel Solutions Center:
1 E Wacker Dr., Ste. 700, Chicago, IL 60601
rel: 8.ASK.ASC lox: 312.803.470
[email protected]
The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
Heath Mitchell is director of technical assistance and Erin Criste is staff engineer,
technical assistance at AISC. Keith Landwehr and Larry Muir are consultants to AISC.
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6 What is the worlds longest cantilever bridge?
(Hint: Its in Canada.)
7 Which of the following decisions is usually the most
important aspect of designing a cost-effective bridge?
a) Which bridge type is right for the site
b) Whether weathering steel, galvanizing or painting
should be used
c) Which steel grade should be used
d) Whether the connections are bolted or welded
8 True/False: The Direct Analysis Method for stability
design does not apply to steel trusses used in
pedestrian bridges and similar structures.
9 The Direct Analysis Method includes a provision to
account for out-of-plumbness in the structure with
notional loads. What alternative approach is also
10 True/False: The hidden weld in overlapped HSS truss
connections often can be eliminated without reducing
the strength of the joint.
The theme of this months quiz is bridges. The answers can be found in the AISC
Specifcation, AISC Steel Construction Manual and AISC Steel Design Guides, as well as
on the AISC and MSC websites ( and
a) Warren Truss b) Pratt Truss c) King Post Truss
d) Queen Post Truss e) Howe Truss
15 Match the truss configuration shown with the appropriate
truss nomenclature.
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ANSWERS steel quiz
1 e) A Howe Truss has vertical and
di agonal web members. The
diagonal members slope down
and away from the center of the
truss. This is opposite to the slope
of the diagonals in a Pratt Truss.
Under uniform gravity loading,
the diagonal web members are in
compression and the vertical web
members are in tension.
2 a) A Warren truss has alternately
sloping diagonal web members
along its length. A Warren Truss can
also have vertical web members in
addition to the diagonals.
3 d) A Queen Post truss has two
vertical queen posts. The outside
di agonal s sl ope to the queen
posts, which are connected by a
horizontal member.
4 c) A King Post is one of the simplest
truss styles. It consists of two
outside diagonals that slope to a
single vertical king post.
5 b) A Pratt Truss has verti cal
and di agonal web members.
The di agonal members sl ope
down and toward the center
of the truss. This is opposite to
the sl ope of the di agonal s i n
a Howe Truss. Under uni form
gravi ty l oadi ng, the di agonal
web members are in tension and
the vertical web members are in
compression. A Pratt truss with a
Vierendeel opening is a common
configuration for a staggered truss
system. See AISC Steel Design
Guide 14 for more information on
the staggered truss system.
6 The Quebec Bridge or Pont de
Quebec in French. This bridge
appear ed i n t he December
2012 news secti on as part of
t he St eel Day St udent Phot o
Contest. To learn more about this
steel bridge and the SteelDay
Student Photo Contest, please
vi si t www. ai sc. org/content.
7 a) There are various steel bridge
t ypes t hat provi de ef f i ci ent
solutions for a range of bridge
spans. Chapter 7 of the Steel
Br i dge Handbook pr ovi des
guidance for selecting the right
steel bridge for your project. You
can download it from the NSBA
website (
8 False. The Direct Analysis Method
can be used in any stability design
application. This is discussed in the
Q1 2009 AISC Engineering Journal
paper A Model Specification for
Stability Design by Direct Analysis
by Shankar Nair.
9 An alternative approach is to model
the out-of-plumbness directly. This
alternative is especially useful when
the actual out-of-plumbness is
known, such as when assessing an
existing building.
10 True. When the forces i n the
branches normal to the chord
balance each other and the welds
develop the wall, the hidden weld
can be tacked and not welded. See
the Commentary to Section K2 of
the AISC Specification (specifically,
the last paragraph in that section
on page 16.1-436).
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The acronym, whose origins are in the military, stands for
volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. It can be ap-
plied to a vast range of organizations, processes and industries,
including construction.
No element of the construction process is more emblematic
of VUCA than miscellaneous metals (keep in mind that I say this
as the president of a fabrication shop that specializes in miscel-
laneous metals). There are several culprits that fuel VUCA in the
miscellaneous metals worldand the steel construction world in
generalbut luckily there are also ways to address them.
Design Deciencies
In my opinion no element of the construction industry has cre-
ated more confusion than design defciencies, both in plans and
specifcations. This is largely caused by slow decision making and
late changes by owners and architects, and their demands of en-
gineers to reduce fees and maintain already-short schedules. The
combination of inadequate budget and time constraints does not
allow suffcient attention to details or proper coordination with the
other project design professionalsthus creating ambiguity and un-
certainty. The fabricator assumes considerable risk when making de-
cisions affecting the bid price. Constructability very often becomes
a central issue since method and means are the responsibility of the
contractor team. Ultimately, it is all too often the case that design
work gets pushed down the line to keep the project moving.
Connection designs are a common example, but all of this
also affects the miscellaneous metals segment of the industry. For
example, fabricators are now called upon to employ or retain an
engineer to provide signed and sealed designs for stairs to fll a
stairwell shown on design documents. Often the design intent is
not indicated at all or is called out in specifcations. This design
service is not free and must be added to the bid price. Other ex-
amples include the specifcation of catwalks, lintels, mechanical
supports and railings in a similar manner. Recently we encoun-
tered a project specifcation that required the steel contractor to
determine and account for the thermal expansion of a lintel and
the supporting masonry! (It was excluded from our proposal.)
The coordination of design intent between architectural and
structural details can be even more problematic. Very often it
is apparent that there was little or no discussion regarding ele-
ments of canopies, overhangs or mansards. The details are very
different, with huge consequences to the fnal risk and price.
Low Price Mentality
It is well known but should be constantly reinforced that a low
bid price does not always result in the low fnal cost. Unfortunately
there is often a lack of understanding of the design and construc-
tion process, and the low price mentality actually leads to many
change orders and related confictsand eventually higher costs.
This is often coupled with a lack of knowledge of what constitutes
a good design and a misunderstanding of what constitutes adequate
construction documents. Owners and architects tend to rely on the
engineers, whom they have hamstrung with low fees. Years ago ar-
chitects were considered the master builder and were adequately
compensated for and expected to provide reasonably detailed docu-
ments in a coordinated manner, on which fair pricing and subse-
quent construction could proceed. But the increasing complexity
of our industry and the forces demanding lower design fees have
combined to increase the ambiguity of the resultant construction
documents, thus increasing the risks of the construction team.
Another reality also weighs in here: Bid proposals from mis-
cellaneous metals contractors are generally provided in the last
minutes before general contractor bids are due (an unfortunate
outgrowth of bid-shopping by contractors), and there is sel-
dom adequate time to evaluate the bid and scope of work, thus
Misinterpreting miscellaneous
metal methods makes for a
problematic project. But enhanced
expectations, communication
and coordination can create
construction clarity.
product expert series
Ted Hazledine (tedhazledine@ is president
of Benchmark Fabricated Steel
(AISC member), a Terre Haute, Ind.-
based fabricator of miscellaneous
metals and structural steel.
increasing the risk of the contractor who uses the low bid.
The scope of work that makes up the fabricators bid can be
very complex and confusing. The list of items included can be
several pages depending on the project magnitude, often refer-
ring to specifc architectural and structural design details that
will eventually need clarity before they can be builtand the
list of exclusions is as important as the list of inclusions. Most of
these issues can be traced to inadequate and ambiguous details
created by design professionals who were hired on the basis of
low bid and were not able to develop more concise documents.
Adding to the complexity, miscellaneous metals contractors
often bring problems on themselves by also allowing the low
price mentality to prevail in their fabrication and erection pro-
cedures. The simple fact of the matter is that a product will not
be fabricated properly if it is not drawn correctly. Shop drawings
are the last line of defense and the detailing work, whether in-
house or outsourced, must be done correctly as well as effciently.
This requires adequate time to interpret a less-than-adequate
construction document. If the detailer has been beat down on
pricing, the resulting drawings may be defcient. Sometimes you
fnd this out in the fabrication shop, which is fortunate but costly.
Other times the errors are not discovered until the product is
being erected; we all know how expensive that can be. And back-
charging the detailer is usually out of the question, since the huge
costs associated with feld fxes usually dwarf the detailing budget.
The same low price approach to the various suppliers of spe-
cialty products and servicessuch as non-ferrous metal handrails,
galvanizing, blasting and painting, wire mesh partitions, gates and
otherscan lead to serious quality issues. VUCA is at work!
Enhanced Expectations
So how can we deal with the VUCA factor of the construc-
tion industry as it relates to miscellaneous metals and other
steel team players? There are many opportunities to establish
procedures that can mitigate, and in some cases eliminate, the
risk factors that can lead to costly remediation of problems cre-
ated by ourselves or others. Following are some recommenda-
tions that will likely help.
Choose the correct customers and suppliers. You must
establish expectations that refect your company philosophy
in all areas. Expect attention to detail, prompt response to
inquiries, RFIs, etc. Expect quality and timely deliveries to
your shop or the feld. Expect proper attention to payment
terms and billing procedures. Expect teamwork with every-
body pulling in the same direction. Do you do whats best for
the project or whats easiest or quickest, with little regard for
the downstream consequences? Choose customers and sup-
pliers with good feld, plant and administrative leadership.
They are part of your team. Doesnt it make sense that they
should be good at what they do?
Request a pre-job conference. Do so as early as possible
following receipt of authorization to proceed. Its amazing how
enlightening it can be to discover and resolve conficts or mis-
understandings regarding scope of work, interpretation of doc-
expert series
Architectural structural columns
at the Union Hospital Bone and
Joint Center. (All three of these
miscellaneous metals examples
were fabricated by Benchmark and
are located in Terre Haute, Ind.)
An architectural metal handrail at a Rose-
Hulman Institute of Technologya typical
miscellaneous metals project involving
field measuring of steps following the
concrete pour.
Architecturally exposed structural steel for
the canopy of an Indiana State University
continued on page 20
Photos: Benchmark Fabricated Steel
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uments, delivery requirements, coordination of crafts and prod-
ucts, contract terms, payment schedules, interfacing with other
team members, etc. What exactly does your customer think hes
buying and what exactly do you intend to furnish? And when?
Stick to your shop drawing plan. What are the expectations
of shop drawing guidelines, schedule, review time and approval?
Erection drawings should be submitted as early as possible to allow
for feld dimensions, RFIs, clarifcations and other issues that are
impacted by a miscellaneous metals package. Stipulate that full shop
details will be developed only after proper and meaningful answers
to questions and proper feld dimensions are resolved. Avoid redun-
dancy in the detailing process. We are already challenged to meet
detailing budgets with ongoing document defciencies.
Develop and implement an action item list. Be proactive
in the communicaton process and initiate an action item list.
This will assist the construction team in establishing timelines,
statements of issues, needed response time and the responsible
party for particular action or information. Publish and review
the list regularly, and communicate it to all construction team
members. This is particularly important for RFIs or statements
of feld conditions that may need to be mitigated. Of course, de-
sign decisions or interpretation are ongoing issues that require
prompt and substantive response.
In addition, be proactive and offer practical solutions when
requesting clarifcation or information. Design professionals and
contractors appreciate the insight, and it will get the dialogue
cooking over an issue. Always do whats best for the project, not
necessarily whats easiest or quickest. Your credibility will increase.
Embrace QA/QC programs. While the AISC Code of Stan-
dard Practice is not intended to apply to the product group known
as miscellaneous metals (see CSP Section 2.2 and commentary),
it can certainly be referenced as a guideline to establish specifc,
applicable standards that are not addressed elsewhere in your mis-
cellaneous metals contracts. In addition, the procedures and pro-
grams of the AISC Certifcation Program can be helpful in estab-
lishing a quality standard that will make a fabrication shop more
consistently productive and reach a higher level of quality.
Pay attention to details. I was fortunate early in my career
to encounter a construction superintendent for a very large
frm who told me in no uncertain terms, The big stuff has a
tendency to take care of itself due to the enormity, potential
impact and number of people involvedbut if you pay proper
attention to the details, you will be successful.
Establish ground rules for change orders. Most design
professionals understand the diffcult situations that arise from
defcient details and understand that the construction team is
their ally in bringing the project to a successful conclusion. Un-
fortunately owners often either do not understand the diffculties
and extra expenses brought on by defcient or conficting details,
or they fatly state that no change orders will be accepted. This
is very often the case in public projects where budget-challenged
agencies, schools and governmental units, for example, have lim-
ited resources. This is another reason for picking your projects
properly. Do your due diligence. In times where public work is
the only game in town, the pre-job conference where these issues
can be put on the table becomes very important. The action item
list can be very helpful in establishing the timelines and antici-
pating issues. Be sure that your erector has work order change
procedures and the general contractors personnel know that you
expect to be paid if warranted. Negotiations and discusssions are
enhanced by proper documentation.
Be an important member of the team. Be the go-to per-
son on your team when issues arise that relate to your specialty
and materials. Regular communication between detailers, archi-
tects, engineers, all project contractors and owners will reveal
defciencies early in the game before expensive feld labor and
equipment run up huge costs. Dont limit your review to only
your product or service. As a miscellaneous metals contractor,
we often touch virtually every part of the project to some extent,
so we are in a position to see issues on paper early in the process.
This requires considerable insight and foresight, not to men-
tion time and knowledge. Isnt it cheaper to make this effort in
advance rather than fght for a change order after youve spent
the money? I have encountered only a few design professionals
that dont appreciate this capability. They know how it works.
Do your homework. Many of the above issues are often ad-
dressed in the specifcations or proposal request. Contract lan-
guage is very important particularly where the miscellaneous
contractor is bound by the general contractor/owner contract.
If you dont exclude onerous provisions in your proposal, youre
stuck with them in most cases. Do your best to have your work
proposal incorporated by reference in your contract.
Payment terms should be discussed. The procedure for
downstream fow of cash should be made abundantly clear to
all parties including forms to be used. If youre responsible for
your customers accounts receivable, which is the de facto result
of payment clauses, then you have a right to know where the
money is and when you will see it.
Enjoy yourself! Have fun doing your job. Try to pick custom-
ers and suppliers that accept the challenges straight on and enjoy
their work. This business is tough enough without dealing with a
bunch of malcontents whose sole purpose in life is to make your
life miserable because theyre not happy for whatever reason or,
worse yet, they want to transfer money from your pocket to theirs.
Ever-Elusive Perfection
Perfect construction documents simply do not exist. There
will always be some level of volatility, uncertainty, complexity
and ambiguity. Even when adequately compensated the design
team simply cannot create drawings that address every single is-
sue. Thats the job of shop drawings, other document submittals
and subsequent review and discussions. The construction team
should come together under the direction of the general contrac-
tor or construction manager to bring all the pretty pictures to
life. The power and synergy of a team of dedicated construction
professionals can be incredible, but only if there is mutual trust,
respect and understanding of the construction process.
Read Miscellaneous Metals: The Devil is in the Details (Part I) in the
February 2009 issue of MSC, available at
expert series continued from page 18
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN in a situation where you were
surrounded by people who didnt speak your language?
Perhaps it was overt, such as when you were traveling
abroad and realized that crucial information was being shared
rapid-fre, but it was all going over your head. Or perhaps it
was closer to home, such as being called upon by a sales per-
son who foods the conversation with unfamiliar specialized
jargon, or attending a business conference where the content
is beyond your expertise.
What did you
feeland think
in these moments?
Perhaps you were
overcome with
feelings of impa-
tience, frustra-
tion or dread, or
thought, Im stu-
pid, or even, Get
me out of here!
But it isnt just
about you not un-
derstanding them.
Its also about them
not understanding you.
A literal example: My in-laws are German. They speak
German 85% of the time and English 15% of the time. Un-
til recently, I spoke exactly zero German. Clearly, there was
a disconnect. So imagine their joy when I started learning
their language and surprised them with some limited con-
versation in German during our last visit to Germany. Boost-
ing my conversation to 15% German resulted in a new level
of familiaritywhich led to openness, camaraderie and, yes,
more trust.
Business Speak
In the construction world, the selling cycle can be quite
long. Depending upon the market sector, along with the size
and scale of a particular client or project, the sales cycle can
sometimes extend well over a year.
During this cycle, we have a lot to gain by speaking the
language of our
prospects. Its one
method toward
keeping the sales
process moving
forward rather
than letting it fz-
zle out. Converse-
ly, if we dont speak
their language, the
prospects may be
patient with us
or they may not.
Why take the risk?
Err on the side of
learning their language. Doing so will not only help you on
your current project but also on future ones. Plus, its never a
bad thing to add to your skill set.
So what does a prospects language mean in this context?
And how can we become fuent? Consider these tips:
Ask the good questions; parrot back their language.
Years ago, a fellow consultant told me, No one will argue with
their own words. Listen very carefully to everything your pros-
pects say, and weave their exact words into your own materials/
content/conversation when appropriate. Try it; it really works!
Use their technical jargon, not yours. Lets say your frm
has a presence in the healthcare sector but youve personally
only been exposed to corporate offce projects. You can read up
on the sector but you should also talk with folks that have frst-
hand experience. Get a crash course in the relevant technical
jargon. Listen carefully to the terminology. Identify any jargon
similarities between the two sectors. Take notes and ask ques-
tions so that you dont misuse terms. And be sure to stay current.
While some jargon has been around for a while, remember that
languagesincluding business terminology and technical jar-
gonevolve over time.
Studying up on your prospects
preferences, terminology and context
will strengthen your connection
and your ultimate impact.
business issues
Anne Scarlett is president of
Scarlett Consulting, a Chicago-
based company specializing in AEC-
specic strategic marketing plans,
marketing audits and coaching.
She is also on the adjunct faculty
of Columbia College of Chicago
and DePaul University, and can be
contacted through her website,
Your prospect wants to be heard and understood,
yet you are the one doing the selling.
Therefore you are the one that has the most to lose
if they dont understand you.
Offer industry insight, especially that
of a competitor. It doesnt always have to
be frsthand knowledge. Perhaps its some-
thing youve read about the current state
of their industry and/or their competitors.
Make sure you use your RSS feed (an on-
line reader service such as Google Reader)
to track the prospect, their industry and
their competitors. Keeping up on the news,
so to speak, communicates sharpness and
Adjust the way you frame your mes-
sage. In professional services marketing,
a one-size-fts-all approach is a bad way
to go. From sector to sector, prospects
will differ. What resonates with a uni-
versity prospect may not resonate with
a municipal prospect. While your value
propositions and core messages may be
the same for everyone, you must couch
them within the prospects own language.
In other words, know (and talk like) your
During a conversation, check in of-
ten and always watch for the twitch fac-
tor. Of course the prospect wants to be
heard and understood. Yet you are the one
doing the selling. Therefore you are the
one that has the most to lose if they dont
understand you. Watch them carefully and
check in often during a conversation to
make sure they are feeling comfortable and
are clear with what youre sayingand in a
perfect world, in agreement or at least on
the same page.
Architects, engineers and other con-
struction professionals are all expected to
sell, to some degree, on behalf of their frm.
Make a concerted effort to speak the lan-
guage of your prospects, and watch eyes
light up, connections strengthen and sales
processes move forward more effectively
and effciently. In this area of communica-
tion, a little effort goes a long way and a lot
of effort goes even further.
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BIM and BRBs
bring big benefts to a
hospital project in
southeast Missouri.
POPLAR BLUFF is known as the Gateway to the Ozarks.
The southeast Missouri town of roughly 17,000 is also home
to a newly opened hospital that hopes to be recognized as the
premiere medical facility in the region.
The area had long been served by the two campuses of
Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center, but in early 2011 the
facilitys owner, Health Management Associates, determined
that the facilities had become outdated and no longer met the
needs of the community. In May 2011 the company approached
architect Thomas, Miller and Partners (TMP) about designing
a replacement. The new facility, at 424,000 sq. ft and with a
capacity of 250 patient beds, would not only need to meet pres-
ent needs but also be required to accommodate a future expan-
sion of an additional 50 beds.
Besides the expansion requirements, the design also needed to
address a grade change on the site as well as high seismic require-
ments (thanks to Poplar Bluffs location near the New Madrid
Seismic Zone), as well as a request from Health Management
Associates that the facility be fully operational by January 2013.
After receiving the Certifcate of Need for the new facility from
the State, that left only 20 months for the space programming, all
of the various design phases, permitting and construction to occur.
Planning for Growth
One of the frst challenges for the structural engineer, Stanley
D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd. (SDL) and TMP was to defne
the best location for the future patient rooms. The hospital was
designed as a seven-story building with a partial basement that
featured a U shaped patient room foor. It was determined that
the two legs of the U would be four stories for now and that three
additional stories could be added in the future.
Next, the gravity load resisting system needed to be selected.
Due to the building height and column locations, two primary
systems were considered. The frst system was a composite
lightweight concrete slab with steel wide-fange beams, and the
second was a one-way concrete structure consisting of mildly
reinforced concrete beams and girders. The composite struc-
tural steel system was selected because it minimized the con-
struction time at the site when compared to a concrete system.
In addition, the steel structure provided greater fexibility of the
design, which overlapped with construction.
The existing soils on the site were not adequate to support
the proposed facility on conventional shallow foundations. The
geotechnical engineer provided two foundation systems suit-
able for the project. The frst option was to support the build-
ing with deep foundations consisting of drilled concrete shafts.
The second consisted of bearing conventional spread footings
on soils strengthened with rammed aggregate piers (Geopiers).
The contractor evaluated both options and the Geopier option
Jason Perry is an associate with
Stanley D. Lindsey & Associates,
Ltd., in Brentwood, Tenn. You can
reach him at [email protected].
All images this spread: Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd.

TYP., D.C.
TYP. @
NOTES 2,3,& 4
SEE 3/S501
was selected because it was less expensive
and, like the chosen gravity load resisting
system, had a considerably shorter con-
struction schedule when compared to the
drilled shaft option.
Given Poplar Bluffs proximity to the
New Madrid Fault, the project was classi-
fed as high-seismic and therefore required
a highly ductile system as the lateral load
resisting system. SDL determined that
three systems could be well-suited for the
project: special concrete shear walls, eccen-
trically braced frames (EBF) and buckling
restrained braced frames (BRBF). Because
of the schedule, the contractor, M. J. Harris
(MJH), was selected early in the design pro-
cess and provided feedback on the systems
being considered. MJH eliminated special
concrete shear walls due to the adverse
impact they would have on the schedule,
leaving a choice between the two structural
steel systems. SDL prepared a typical frame
for a cost comparison between the EBF
and BRBF systems. The respective costs of
the two systems, including the proprietary
braces, were approximately equal. However,
the BRBF system would save approximately
7,000 shop hours and decrease the over-
all fabrication time; thus this system was
selected as the lateral force resisting system.
During the design process the BRB (buck-
ling restrained brace) supplier, Star Seismic,
worked closely with SDL, giving guidance
on the best brace confguration to minimize
beam and column sizes as well as reviewing
the lateral design.
Once the fnal design of the structure
was complete, the structural steel weight
was 11.3 lbs. per sq. ft. This encompassed
the main structural steel, connection mate-
rial, bolts, canopies, screen walls and miscel-
laneous steel including the owner-furnished
equipment supports. Overall, nearly 2,400
tons of structural steel were used on the
project, not including the BRBs.
A building information modeling (BIM)
approach, with Autodesk Revit at the center,
was used to create the construction documents

The new Poplar Bluff Regional Medical

Center replaced two outdated facilities.
Erection of the patient tower.
Middle: A typical BRB connection detail;
D.C. stands for "demand critical."
Bottom: Welding the BRB connections.
and convey the design information to the con-
tractor. This allowed the design team to better
coordinate between the different disciplines
prior to the actual construction in the feld, a
situation that was especially important when
it came to the braces and gusset plates in the
patient rooms and outdoor dining areas. Star
Seismic was able to provide the actual brace
sizes early during the design phase as well as
provide connection designs and details to the
steel detailer, and SDL was able to accurately
model the braces and connections in the criti-
cal areas requested by TMP. This allowed the
architect to fully visualize the structural sys-
tem and modify the architecture as required
to minimize the impact of the braces and con-
nections to the building design.
Fast Pace
The request for the facility to open by
January 2013 resulted in a reduction of a
typical design and construction schedule
by at least a year. The condensed design
schedule had the design phase beginning
in August 2011 and the fnal construction
documents being issued in January of 2012.
In order for MJH to meet its build sched-
ule, construction of the structure itself had
to begin by November 2011. The only
way to accommodate this start date was to
release the structure in multiple packages.
The frst structural package, the foundation
and retaining wall package, was released on
October 14, 2011 and over the next three
months, 17 structural packages were pro-
vided to MJH before the fnal construction
document package was released.

Overall, nearly 2,400 tons of structural

steel were used on the project, not
including the BRBs.
The main tower during construction.
A typical SDS/2 BRB connection rendering.
Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd.
Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd.
Structural Detailing

A typical patient floor

framing plan.
Exposed BRBs at the out-
door dining area.
An Autodesk Revit 3D
model of the hospital.
All images this page: Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd.
To facilitate and expedite the design
process, weekly meetings were held
between TMP, SDL, MJH, Wylie Steel
(the fabricator) and the erector to dis-
cuss the design as well as to let the con-
struction team give input on the initial
design of the various structural elements.
It also allowed the design team to ask for
input on the most economical method of
achieving a structure that met all design
requirements. This reduced the amount
of alternates proposed by the contrac-
tor during construction and freed up the
design team to incorporate the preferred
details into the initial design. These meet-
ings provided an excellent opportunity for
the contractors to speak with the design-
ers about the construction schedule and to
request the release of certain critical path
structural elements early. The constant
communication between the design and
construction teams permitted the design
team to prioritize the element designs to
minimize delays to the project.
Throughout the construction process,
the design team continued to work with
the contractor toward meeting the Janu-
ary 2013 deadline, and SDL and the TMP
expedited RFI responses and shop drawing
review. The construction team was able to
top out the structure on May 9, 2012the
one-year anniversary of receiving the cer-
tifcate of need for the facilityand the
new $112 million Poplar Bluff Regional
Medical Center was turned over to the
medical staff on time in January 2013, as
Health Management Associates, Inc.
Thomas, Miller and Partners, PLLC,
Brentwood, Tenn.
Structural Engineer
Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd.,
General Contractor
M. J. Harris, Inc., Birmingham, Ala.
Steel Team
Steel Fabricator
Wylie Steel Fabricators, Inc., Franklin,
Tenn. (AISC Member/AISC Certied
Steel Detailer
Structural Detailing, LLC, Brentwood
(AISC Member)

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Structural Detailing
SDS/2 connection rendering of a 400-kip
Theres always a solution in steel.
American Institute of Steel Construction
One E Wacker Drive, Suite 700
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Registration begins April 1, 2013 Class begins June 3, 2013
Night School
Individual Session
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8-session Package
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up to 12 PDHs for one person
Fundamentals of Stability for Steel Design
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Monday nights 7 p.m. Eastern Time (90 minutes each)
Two ways to register:
June 3: Course Introduction and Behavior
of Compression Members
June 10: Design of Compression Members
June 17: Behavior of Flexural Members
June 24: Design of Flexural Members
July 8: Stability of Structural Systems
July 15: Design of Members Subject to
Compression and Flexure
July 22: Fundamental Concepts of Bracing
Compression and Flexural Members
July 29: Design of Bracing for
Columns and Beams
*price per connection
BIM is at the heart of
the design process for
an upcoming hospital
in Detroit.
WHAT BETTER PLACE for a new heart hospital than the heart
of the city?
Upon its completion next year, the $78 million, steel-framed
Detroit Medical Center Heart Hospital will house cardiology
centers, surgical rooms and clinical offces on a vast hospital
complex in the Midtown area of Detroit near the campus of
Wayne State University.
Rising six stories and designed for two stories of future verti-
cal expansion, the new facilitywhich uses 2,014 tons of struc-
tural steelis connected to an existing, adjacent Harper Uni-
versity Hospital building at the lower and upper levels. Access
to a concurrently constructed parking deck is provided via a
150-ft-long steel-framed pedestrian bridge, and an 80-ft-long
steel-framed canopy defnes the main entry, which leads into a
large clear-story space.
Soil Conditions
Soil conditions on the site were not conducive to the use of
shallow foundations. Belled and straight-shaft drilled piers were
required to transfer the building loads to competent hardpan,
which was nearly 140 ft below grade.
The use of a steel-framed structure signifcantly reduced
the applied loads on the foundations. Taking advantage of the
composite action between the steel beams and the concrete slab
further reduced the building self-weight and corresponding
foundation loads. Not only was the direct dead load reduced,
but also a reduction in the applied seismic loads was possible
since seismic loads are a function of the building mass.
These factors reduced the drilled pier diameters, leading
to a reduction in the total required excavation, volume of con-
crete and pier reinforcing, and also minimizing the number of
belled piers required. On a site with substantial groundwater, this
resulted in signifcant savings in expense and schedule.
Expansion and Flexibility
The new hospital is designed with two foors of verti-
cal expansion capability, and the current roof level has been
designed to act as a future seventh foor. The columns and
Photos courtesy of Douglas Steel Fabricating
braces have been designed to accommodate the additional loads
imposed by the two future foors. To further ease the future expan-
sion process, the columns at the top level have been extended to the
top of slab and prepped with cap plates, and this will allow for mini-
mal intrusion when the time comes for vertical expansion.
The building is laterally supported via moment frames in the
long direction and fve braces in the short direction. The braces are
a mix of single-strut and inverted chevron confgurations. To accom-
modate architectural and mechanical requirements, work points are
shifted away from column-beam centerlines as needed.
The use of steel braced frames in lieu of concrete shear walls yielded
signifcant architectural and mechanical advantages. Braced frames allow
contiguous space in an otherwise narrow footprint. Not only are corri-
dors and spaces capable of passing through the brace lines, but also the
steel braces allowed the engineers and architects to vary the strut loca-
tions and confgurations from bay to bay along the height of the struc-
ture. At one point, a space usage requirement forced a column relocation
on the sixth foor after construction had commenced. Luckily, the design
team was quickly able to fnd a solution without negatively affecting the
construction schedule. (This type of change would have been extremely
diffcult, if not impossible, in concrete construction.)
Designer-Fabricator Collaboration
Harley Ellis Devereaux (HED), the projects structural engineer,
was able to seamlessly collaborate and communicate with Doug-
las Steel, the fabricator, through 3D modeling, resulting in pain-
less problem solving and signifcantly speeding up the shop draw-
ing review process. HEDs Revit model was translated into a CIS/2
model and imported, including all end reactions, into SDS/2. This
provided two distinct benefts. The frst was time savings. The hos-
pital contains nearly 200,000 sq. ft of steel framing, and beginning
with a complete model from the outset saved the detailer a signif-
cant amount of input time. This approach also helped avoid a bottle-
neck by allowing multiple people to start work on the detailing pro-
cess instead of forcing one person to build an entire model before
the detailing process can being.
The second benefit was accuracy. Since all beams, columns,
braces and end reactions are transferred into the detailing
model, minimal verification of the geometry, beam sizes or loca-
tions was required. The design model and the detailing model
matched exactly. If the detailer inputs the model from 2D draw-
ings, then there is greater potential for errors to occur, and by
using only 2D drawings for a large project such as the Heart
Hospital, this would create the possibility for these errors to be
missed until erection begins.
A distinct advantage of the SDS/2 3D environment, in con-
junction with steel construction, is automated connection design.
Using the detailing software, Douglas Steel was able to automati-
cally design connections for each beam, brace, column and framing
condition. This design ability is not only helpful for the fabricator,
but is also extremely helpful for the reviewing engineer, and allowed
HED engineers to quickly validate the connection capacities against
the required values per the construction documents. As mentioned
above, certain brace struts shift bays at the higher foors. Using the

Framing for the Detroit Medical Center Heart Hospital, which will
be completed next year.
A rendering of the final project.
Andrew J. Hermiz ([email protected]) is a structural
engineer at Harley Ellis Devereaux. Lawrence F. Kruth, P.E.,
([email protected]) is vice president of engineering,
technology and safety with Douglas Steel Fabricating
Corporation, Lansing, Mich. He is also the chair of the AISC
Safety Committee as well as the AISC Board oversight.

The six-story structure uses more than 2,000 tons of

structural steel.
Rendering: Harley Ellis Devereaux
design capabilities of SDS/2, HED was able to verify that the
detailer correctly interpreted the load path and the connections
were properly designed.
The use of the SDS/2 steel detailing software was
pivotal in the shop drawing review process as well. Douglas
transferred a complete 3D model along with each of the
30+ steel submittals, allowing HED to quickly review shop
drawings without using added time and resources for printing
and combing through thousands of erection and detail sheets.
Another major advantage of this process is reduced review
time. Since all members were imported from the design model,
there is minimal need for the reviewing engineer to verify the

Installing a staircase.

The new facility connects to an adjacent Harper University

Hospital building.
Phone: 281-20-9749 Fax: 281-20-9771
8PE6|AL|Z|NC |N 6U8T0H
Professionel Engineers
Reg|stered Nat|onw|de !
3lruclura| 3lee| Correcl|or 0es|r
3la|r ard Ra|||r 0es|r
3|op 0raW|r Rev|eW ard 3uperv|s|or
0es|r 8u||d 3erv|ces
Corslrucl|or 0|spule Reso|ul|or
Consulting Services, Inc.
geometry, member sizes and end reactions. And the use of a
3D model for review makes it easier to locate members in the
structure and visualize the fnal framing condition. With these
added benefts, review and approval times were reduced from
the industry-standard two-week allowance to less than one
week per submittal.
The BIM approach also aided in validating the cost-
effectiveness of the project. HED transferred the 3D model to
Douglas Steel in the design development phase, and Douglas
was able to use the model to provide a preliminary cost estimate
for the steel structure. The accuracy of the 3D model and
involvement of the fabricator early in the project resulted in a

The hospital, designed via a BIM approach, contains nearly

200,000 sq. ft of steel-framed space.

Fitting up a column.
When you own a
Since 1968
mere 2% difference between the preliminary estimate and fnal
cost of the entire steel structure.
Possibly the most striking element of the Heart Hospi-
tal is the 150-ft steel-framed pedestrian bridge that spans
to the concurrently constructed concrete parking deck. The
bridge is made up of two HSS trusses boxed together and
uses 55 tons of steel in all. The bottom chord consists of an
8 and the top chord is a W1855 with HSS66
web members. The bridge is clad in glass, exposing the steel
trusses on each face, and the BIM approach was taken with
this portion of the project as well. The bridge serves as a
visual focal point to what the design team hopes will become
a landmark in the heart of Detroit.
Detroit Medical Center
Architect and Structural Engineer
Harley Ellis Devereaux, Southeld, Mich.
Construction Manager
Jenkins-Skanska Joint Venture
Steel Fabricator, Erector and Detailer
Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation, Lansing, Mich.
(AISC Member/AISC Certied Fabricator and Erector)

The facility is a stone's throw from

Detroit's iconic Renaissance Center.

The new hospital is designed with two floors of vertical

expansion capability, and the current roof level has been
designed to act as a future seventh floor.
A view of the elevator divider beams, which will bear on
the elevator shaft masonry walls once they're installed.
The building is laterally supported via moment frames in
the long direction and five braces in the short direction.

A Tampa-area bridge
undergoes a rehabilitation
involving the replacement
of thousands of rivets with
high-strength bolts.
of the
Nils Olsson
THE RIVET IS A SYMBOL of a bygone steel construction era.
But there is a signifcant family of existing steel structures
in America that are still held together with rivetssuch as the
Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Another one, though not as well-known as those two icons,
is the Columbus Drive Bridge, which spans the south-fowing
Hillsborough River in Tampa, Fla., and opened to traffc in
1927. The city of Tampa was frst developed on the east side
of the river, but with the infux of new residents following
World War I, developers were anxious to expand into the area
west of the river, so bridges were built to foster this westward
expansion; the Columbus Drive Bridge (then known as the
Michigan Avenue Bridge) was one of these. Early in its life,
the bridge was opened an average of 10 times per day; today
the openings mostly occur on weekends at the rate of three or
four times per week.
The original confguration was for two lanes of automobile
traffc, one track in the middle for streetcars and sidewalks on
both sides. The heavily counterbalanced, 57-ft, 10-in. back span
rotated about its pivot point in a counterclockwise direction when
opening, and the 106-ft, 6-in main span responds in the counter-
clockwise direction to accommodate the skewed river channel.
The west approach consisted of seven concrete spans, and the east

The rehabilitated swing span, in place.

Rivet replacement taking place on an H-pile shoring platform.

Nils D. Olsson is the bridge

engineer with Hillsborough County
(Fla.) Public Works Department
and can be reached at olssonn@

Originally opened in 1927, the Columbus Drive Bridge in

Tampa was held together with 30,000 rivets.
A mixture of rivets and bolts.

side was composed of four concrete spans. Eventually, due to the

decline of the streetcar, the streetcar tracks were removed and paved
over to accommodate more automobile traffc, and the number of
traffc lanes was increased from two to four (two in each direction).
After more than eight decades of service, the bridge had earned
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Nils Olsson
Nils Olsson
an upgrade; the rehbilitation began last year and concluded early
this year. The scope of the project included replacement of 110
tons of corroded structural elements, such as gusset plates for the
trusses and angles for the many built-up sections, with 128 tons of
new steel. As a consequence, nearly half of the bridge's original
rivets would also be replaced with A-325 high-strength bolts.
The swing spans of the bridge consist of 740 tons of structural
steel, including two side trusses, 43 ft apart, each tied together with
transverse foor beams located at all 10 nodes of the trusses nine
panels, which are spaced 17 ft, 2 in. apart. Longitudinal stringers
bear on these transverse members, which in turn support a steel,
open-grid deck system that carries the roadway 6 ft below the top
of the pony trusses. The sidewalks are cantilevered 5 ft, 6 in. off the
trusses, opposite the roadway, at the 10 node points of the trusses.
The trusses back spans have a depth of 17 ft, 2 in. center to center,
for three panels west of and six panels east of the pivot point. The
forward part of the trusses continue east at the same depth for one
panel, then taper to a shallow depth of 12 ft, 6 in. for the remaining
fve panels.
When exploring which elements required replacement, it was
discovered that the lower portions of the structure had the most
damage from corrosion. This was not surprising, as these areas
accumulate dirt and debris, which would hold moisture and foster
corrosion over long periods of time. However, corrosion seemed
to develop more quickly in the eastbound lanes. A favorite theory
is that boaters who used the marina on the west side of the river
would pull the drain plug in their boats hull, and when hauling
their boat back over the bridge heading east, the salt water would
drain onto the eastbound lane of the open-grid steel deck.
To perform the rivet replacement, the truss was lifted off
its center bearing/pivot point and moved to H-pile shoring
platforms immediately below the roadway; it was propped
up with wood blocks to relieve dead load on the existing
fasteners to facilitate the replacement process. Removing
the rivets entailed grinding the battered end of the rivets,
then applying a chisel to the ground head and striking the
chisel with a pneumatic chipping hammer to pop off the
head. Once the head was gone, a solid steel bar was matched
up with the remaining rivet shank, which was then driven
out of the hole by striking the steel rod with a sledge ham-
mer. In all, 14,474 rivets were replaced (about 2,400 more
than originally estimated).
While rivets arent a common connection type with new con-
struction, physical performance was not the cause; surging labor
costs following World War II was the reason the labor-intensive
rivet fell from favor as a steel fastener. Consider the iconic, steel-
framed Firth of Forth Railroad Bridgebuilt in 1890which
spans its namesake waterway near Edinburgh, Scotland; its 6.5
million rivets serve as a testament to the structural validity of the
Red Hot
The original design of the Columbus Drive Bridge was performed in accordance to the 1924 ASCE Specication and
called for holes to be punched to a diameter of , in. to receive the
8-in.-diameter rivet. A highly skilled crew of four
was required to install a single rivet. The rivet had to be heated for about 20 minutes to a cherry red color, which only
an experienced eye could determine, and the required temperature of between 1,850 F and 1,900 F. From there,
another worker would adroitly sling the hot rivet through the air to another worker, who would catch it in a handheld
receptacle and insert it into the aligned holes in the overlapping plates. Once in the hole, the catcher would back
up or buck the rivet as another worker on the opposite side of the plates would form the protruding red-hot shank
into a nicely shaped dome with a pneumatic impact hammer.

The bridge incorporates 128 tons of new steel.

Some of the new A325 high-strength bolts, which replaced a
significant portion of the original rivets.
Nils Olsson Nils Olsson
But when steel bridges and buildings from the riveted age do
require upgrades, projects like the Columbus Avenue Bridge serve
as an example of how they can be rehabilitated for continued service.
The connections may change, but the structures themselves can live
on regardless of whats holding them together.
City of Tampa and Hillsborough County, Fla.
Structural Engineer
Parsons Brinckerhoff, Tampa
General Contractor
Archer Western, Tampa
Steel Fabricator and Detailer
Florida Structural Steel, Inc., Tampa, Fla. (AISC Member/NSBA
Member/AISC Certied Fabricator)
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Plan and south elevation drawings of the bridge.
In car-centric Southern California,
a highway overcrossing replacement project allows traffc to fow uninterrupted.
Go with
THERE ARE MORE than 24,000 automobile bridges in Cali-
fornia supporting one of the worlds most vibrant economies
and linking the nearly 45,000 miles of pavement.
Just over a year ago the frst steel state highway bridge
designed to the AASHTO LRFD Specifcation with Caltrans
(California Department of Transportation) Amendments was
installed in California, using the accelerated bridge construc-
tion (ABC) approach. The project, the widening of an Interstate
10 (I-10) segment that connects central Los Angeles to San
Bernardino County, replaced a reinforced concrete overcross-
ing in the town of Baldwin Park.
The existing Baldwin Park Overcrossing, constructed in 1956,
was a two-span cast-in-place reinforced concrete box girder bridge.
Its total structural length was 220 ft and it was supported by a four-
column (retroftted by an inflled shear wall) reinforced concrete
bent and closed-end cantilever abutment on spread footings.
The new overcrossing, a four-span steel I-girder bridge with a
total structural length of 478 ft, adds two high-occupancy vehicle
(HOV) lanes and auxiliary lanes in the eastbound and westbound
directions to meet increased traffc in the area. The four spans are 89
ft, 160 ft, 153 ft and 91 ft, and the bridge alignment matches the for-
mer structure. The new bridge profle is elevated to raise the vertical
clearance from the existing 15 ft to nearly 17 ft to meet Caltrans
Highway Design Manuals required minimum 16.5 ft of vertical clear-
ance. The assembly, which uses 690 tons of structural steel, consists
of six 5.875-ft-deep steel I-girders, spaced at 12.33 ft apart, topped
with a 9.45-in. cast-in-place concrete slab with a 1.5-in. hunch, pro-
viding an overall structural depth of 6.8 ft.
The steel superstructure is continuously connected and sits
on reinforced concrete drop bent caps supported by four 4-ft-
diameter columns founded on 6-ft cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH)
pile shaft substructures. The end spans are also supported by
seat type abutments on CIDH pile foundations. The use of pile
shafts helped avoid confict with existing foundations and mini-
mized the substructure work space so that four freeway lanes
could be operational during construction.
No Closure
The existing bridge served as a gateway to the Kaiser Perma-
nente Hospital in Baldwin Park, and a full closure of the existing
bridge during construction was not permissible since it serves as the
main access to the hospital. The steel plate girder bridge type was
selected because it was the only feasible option to satisfy the mini-
mum temporary and permanent vertical clearance criteria (15 ft and
16.5 ft, respectively) required by the Caltrans Highway Design Man-
ual. Cast-in-place (CIP) pretressed concrete box girders were not
feasible because the minimum temporary vertical clearance could
not be maintained due to the depth of falsework beams. Prestressed
precast Bulb-T girders were also not feasible as they would have
required a deeper structural depth and thus would have reduced the
permanent vertical clearance to less than the minimum requirement;
furthermore it was very diffcult for a precast girder bridge to match
the curved bridge profle and maintain the desired look.
The new LRFD specifcation called for the bridges load capacity
to be increased by 10% over previous requirements, thus requiring
heavier plate girders. The bridge is on a constant high 48 skew and

Paul Chung ([email protected]) is the structure design

quality manager for the California Department of Transportation
in Los Angeles and currently manages the structural program
of the Caltrans Design-Build projects in Southern California.
Jason Fang ([email protected]) is the senior bridge
engineer for the California Department of Transportation in
Los Angeles.
The original crossing, a
two-span cast-in-place
concrete box girder
bridge built in 1956.
The replacement span
under construction.

The new Baldwin Park Overcrossing is a four-span steel I-girder

bridge with a total structural length of 478 ft.


thus vertical load distribution (especially live load) can have irregular
load path patterns. A 3D grillage fnite-element model was generated
in the MDX bridge design program, and the model was analyzed and
checked for all LRFD vertical load limit states. The 3D MDX model
consisted of girders, cross frames and supports refected in the design
so that realistic load distribution could be used to optimize the girder
design by incorporating variable plate sections and matching the plate
thicknesses to resist the force/stress demands.
Seismic Design Considerations
The bridge site is located in a seismically active region of South-
ern California and close to a number of faults that are active or
potentially active. Based on the Caltrans California Seismic Hazard
Map (CSHM, 1996), the magnitude of the maximum credible earth-
quake (MCE) is 7.5, and the design median peak bedrock accelera-
tion (PBA) is approximately 0.6g. The seismic design of the bridge
is based on the Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (Version 1.4, 2006).
In the transverse direction, the shear keys were provided to transfer
lateral seismic force to the substructure during an earthquake. In
the longitudinal direction, the seismic force would transfer to both
ends of the bridge, where the earthquake energy can be dissipated
by combined action of the back wall and soil.
Given the 48 skew, the bridge has the potential to yield an irregu-
lar and complex seismic response. In order to accurately predict the
response, another 3D grillage fnite-element model was generated
this one in CSI SAP2000and the model was analyzed using elas-
tic response spectrum methods. Earthquake motion spectrum was
applied to the model from a range of sources in different directions
to ensure that the seismic performance of the bridge met the Caltrans
seismic design criteria. The steel girder structure allowed for a rela-
tively smaller (and more cost-effective) substructure than a compa-
rable concrete structure and foundation, which was especially helpful
in a region with the potential for high peak ground acceleration.
The new bridge was built in two halves
(lengthwise) to allow unobstructed traf-
fc fow across the I-10 freeway during the
construction period, which lasted nearly
seven months. Temporary sheet piling was
installed at the median of the new and the
existing abutments to retain the roadway
embankment used in both stages, and tem-
porary supports were provided at the bent
caps of the existing bridge after each half was
removed; during each construction stage, the
existing half of the abutments and wing walls
were removed.
The successful design and construction of
the Baldwin Park Overcrossingagain, the
frst California state highway project built in
accordance to the AASHTO LRFD Specifca-
tionprovide an excellent ABC case study in
high-seismic region. As owners and contrac-
tors continue to meet increasing demands
for faster, less disruptive and effcient con-
struction, it is expected that the steel gird-
ers will continue to be used in future ABC
projects statewide.
Owner and Structural Engineer
California Department of Transportation
General Contractor
Flatiron West, Inc., San Marcos, Calif.
The new bridge raises the vertical clearance from 15 ft to
nearly 17 ft to meet current Caltrans requirements.
The crossing stayed open to traffic during expansion.

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Learn. Meet. See.
Join more than 3,500 structural engineers, erectors,
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A short-span bridge in suburban Pittsburgh comes together over a long weekend.
The Long and
Short of It
NOTHING SAYS THANKSGIVING like football, family,
foodand bridge replacements.
While the latter may seem out of place on this list, it was a
major part of the long Thanksgiving Day weekend for a con-
struction team in Allegheny County, Pa.
The Montour Run Bridge No. 6 (MT06) carries Scott
Road over the Montour Run, a stream in North Fayette
Township, Pa., a few miles west of downtown Pittsburgh.
The existing bridge needed to be replaced, as the concrete
box beams supporting it had become deteriorated; a similar,
nearby bridge over Interstate 79 experienced a beam collapse
a few years ago, and the county didnt want a repeat of that
scenario. Thus, a replacement plan was developed.
Complete Closure
The bridge serves as the only means of access to fve busi-
nesses on one side of the stream. To minimize disruptions to
these businesses, the design called for prefabricated bridge
elements and systems, with the goal of demolishing the old
bridge and building the new one in just a few days.
It was initially assumed that the bridge could be replaced
using staged construction and maintaining a single 11-ft-wide
lane on the existing bridge. However, during preliminary
design, one of the fve affected businesses notifed Allegheny
County that they regularly have 15-ft-wide permit loads mov-
ing rental equipment to and from their facility. The need to
move these wide loads across Montour Run at this location
Mark J. Pavlick (mark.pavlick@ is a professional associate
and senior project manager with HDR
Engineering, Michael Dillon (michael.
[email protected]) is a bridge
engineering assistant manager with the
County of Allegheny Department of
Public Works and Tyson Hicks (thicks@ is a construction project
manager with Joseph B. Fay Company.
HDR Engineering
made staged construction impractical. The affected
businesses agreed upon complete closure for a few
days for the demolition and erection to take place,
and the long Thanksgiving weekend proved to be
the best time frame.
At the request of the Allegheny County
Department of Public Works. structural engi-
neer HDR investigated using accelerated bridge
construction (ABC) techniques to build the new
bridge and used Pennsylvania Department of
Transportations BRADD (Bridge Automated
Design and Drafting) program to design the
Span width for the replacement structure was
restricted by a pumping station located on the
east side of the bridge, a sewer line interceptor
manhole, a power line and a business on the west
side of the bridge. The new bridge, nearly 48 ft
long, consists of one 11-ft, 6-in. lane, a 6-ft-wide
shoulder and a 2-ft-wide shoulder. With an over-
all width of 22 ft, 6 in., including barriers, the
deck is supported by five W18119 rolled beams
spaced at approximately 5 ft. The new superstruc-
ture was assembled at a staging area adjacent to
the existing bridge and uses 17 tons of steel in all.
The deck is a concrete overfilled 5-in. steel grid
16 in. total thickness) with reinforced concrete
barriers and was placed on the superstructure

The new bridge, in place ahead of time.

Framed superstructure with grid deck, adjacent to the existing bridge.
An elevation drawing of the new Montour Run
Bridge No. 6.
The bridge uses 17 tons of structural steel framing.
HDR Engineering
HDR Engineering
Allegheny County
and cured prior to placement in its final
HDR designed the superstructure
and deck assembly to be placed in two
sections using normal weight con-
crete, and the two sections were bolted
together and the deck finished with a
concrete closure pour. The contractor,
the Joseph B. Fay Company, elected to
prefabricate the deck in its entirety prior
to setting the superstructure in place in
order to further expedite the project's

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The bridge site on Thanksgiving morning
of last year.
The bridge site the Friday morning after
Thanksgiving Day.


completion. The use of steel beams and
grid deck kept the crane pick weights to
a minimum.
Weekend Work
The existing bridge was closed at 5:00
p.m., Wednesday, November 21, 2012.
The new bridge had to be opened to traf-
fc by 6:00 a.m. the following Monday or
liquidated damages of $10,000 per hour
would be assessed against Joseph B. Fay.
Demolition of the existing pre-
stressed concrete adjacent box beams
and partial demolition of the existing
masonry stone abutments was completed
by Thanksgiving morning, and the con-
crete abutment caps were then set and
grouted in place. The superstructure
and deck were set at 4:00 a.m. on Friday,
and the steel rails for the barriers and
the approach guiderail were placed on
Saturday evening. This put completion
approximately a day-and-a-half ahead of
schedule, giving all involved something
to be thankful for.
County of Allegheny, Pa.
Structural Designer
HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh
General Contractor
Joseph B. Fay Company, Tarentum, Pa.
Steel Fabricator and Detailer
KARD Bridge Products, a division of
KARD Welding, Inc., Minster, Ohio
(AISC Member Fabricator/AISC Certied
The 5-in. steel grid deck.
HDR Engineering
Placing the preeminent piece of a transit project puzzle.
Big Roll
A MAJOR INTERSECTION improvement project on Chi-
cagos South Side hit a major project milestone this past year
and also set a record.
Crews rolled in a massive piece of the transit project puzzle
in late summera 394-ft-long, 2,375-ton steel truss railroad
bridge. The structure is believed to be the largest steel truss
bridge span ever rolled into place.
The new bridge is a key component of the 130th Street and
Torrence Avenue reconfguration, a $101 million effort by the
Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) as part of the
Building a New Chicago infrastructure program. The project as
a whole includes a total of six new bridgesthree railroad, one
roadway, one pedestrian-only and one pedestrian/bicyclist
along with a mixed-use path, retaining walls (over 9,000 linear
ft), a new drainage system, street lighting, traffc signals, road-
way pavement, extensive landscaping and more.
The project is also a part of the CREATE (Chicago Region
Environmental and Transportation Effciency) program, which
is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Transporta-
tion, the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago, Metra (the Chi-
cago areas suburban commuter train system) Amtrak, and the
nation's freight railroads. CREATE aims to invest in improve-
ments to boost the effciency of the region's deteriorating pas-
senger and freight rail infrastructure.
Busy Intersection
The 130th Street and Torrence Avenue intersection serves
approximately 38,000 vehicles daily, including freight trains and
passenger trains via the Norfolk Southern Railroad (NS) and
the Chicago, South Shore & South Bend Railroad (CSS&SB).
The goal of the project, including the addition of the new steel
truss railroad bridge, is to resolve signifcant traffc congestion
issues, which increased when the adjacent Ford Motor Com-
pany decided to expand the Chicago Assembly Plant and create
the Chicago Manufacturing Campus.
The project solution entailed a grade separation designed to
eliminate the two NS at-grade crossings with the two roadways
to improve traffc fow. Both the NS and CSS&SB railroads are
constructed on offset alignments. By creating the grade sepa-
ration, we are hoping it will attract new businesses and indus-
tries to the area, because the vehicle and truck traffc will fow
much more smoothly, uninterrupted by the 52 daily trains, said
Soliman Khudeira, project director for CDOT.
According to Khudeira, when it came to the steel truss rail-
Images courtesy of Alfred Benesch & Company
road bridge, one option was to build the bridge offsite, near its
fnal alignment, and roll it into place. Another was to build one
half of the bridge at a time, then connect the halves into place.
The third option was the conventional way of building it one
beam at a time onsite over the NS tracks.
The latter option would have increased costs affliated with
staging, safety and labor hours, so the offsite option was selected.
This approach signifcantly reduced the risk of injury, as it kept
crews and stakeholders away from potential dangers both on and
above the live railroad tracks. Other advantages of the roll-in
option included continuous assembly of the truss span, enabling
the contractor to control the erection schedule. With two-thirds of
the truss spaning over the NS tracks, a built-in-place option would
have extended the erection schedule due to limited track closure
windows imposed by NS. Quality control was another beneft to
off-site truss assembly, which made site access safer and easier for
inspectors to test bolts, connections and more. In addition, the
large open space for the on-site assembly allowed for an easier,
more cost-effective roll-in process using self-propelled mobile
transporters (SPMT) technology.
The staging area for assembly was designed with tempo-
rary foundations to support the truss at points of intersecting
steel, said Doug West, resident engineer with Alfred Benesch
& Company (the bridge's structural engineer), who oversaw
construction management of the project. The truss was assem-
bled day by day when materials were delivered. The schedule of
material delivery and assembly were critical to keep everything
going smoothly and avoid delays.
It took four months to assemble and paint the truss bridge
offsite. Once complete, the 43-ft-wide, 67-ft-high structure was
rolled into place using four SPMTs, which took approximately
Diane Campione, S.E., P.E., is
a project manager with Alfred
Benesch & Company and the
project manager for the 130th and
Torrence project. You can reach her
at [email protected].

The various crossings of the 30th Street and Torrence Avenue reconfiguration.
The new bridge spans over Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks.

The new bridge, fully operational

and train-ready.
The 43-ft-wide, 67-ft-high structure was rolled into place
using four self-propelled mobile transporters.
two hours. It took another two hours to align and set the bear-
ings in their fnal locations.
The new double-track, through truss bridge has a ballasted
deck and includes fve approach spans consisting of 54-in.-deep
prestressed box beams. It was determined that steel was the
best, most durable and economical material for building the
bridge. As it was designed for 100-plus years of service, long-
term maintenance was taken into consideration for the design,
including the use of high-performance, weathering steel to
extend the bridges life.
The roll-in of the truss structure entailed extensive plan-
ning and public involvement, given the projects overall com-
plexity. Beneschs feld crew worked with the City to ensure that
local residents, businesses, public transit agencies and others
were kept informed of the projects progress and how it would
impact their daily lives. The company also worked with CDOT
to assist with public meetings and distribute fyers.
With the roll-in completed, the next steps were to coor-
dinate with the CSS&SB and Northern Indiana Commuter
Transportation District (NICTD) railroads to build the new
tracks and tie into their existing tracks to shift the train traffc
onto the new truss and approach spans. The frst train over the

Rolling in the 394-ft-long, 2,375-ton steel

truss railroad bridge on SPMTs.
new truss span occurred on October 25, 2012, and single-track
operation continued until November 8, when both tracks on
the new truss span were operational. The next tasks are demol-
ishing the existing CSS&SB bridge then constructing the new
NS bridges on their new alignments. Before building the new
bridges, the excavation 25 ft to 30 ft below the existing grade
will need to be done for the new realigned Torrence Avenue and
130th Street roadways, which will allow vehicular traffc to fow
unimpeded near the completion of the project. The depressed
new roadways also require a new drainage system, complete
with a detention chamber (located below the new 130th street),
a 9,000-gpm tri-plex pumping station and a settling basin to
adequately manage storm water. Scheduled completion for the
entire 130th Street and Torrence Avenue project is slated for
Chicago Department of Transportation
General Contractor
Walsh Construction, Chicago
Structural Engineer
Alfred Benesch & Company, Chicago

Rolling the truss in.

A rendering of the final layout of the Torrence Ave.-!30th St. intersection.
Assembling the truss.
Connecticut crossing
to celebrate century of service
this summer.
Our nations rich past was built on immovable
determination and innovation that found a highly
visible expression in the construction of steel
bridges. The Steel Centurions series offers a
testament to notable accomplishments of prior
generations and celebrates the durability and
strength of steel by showcasing bridges more than
100 years old that are still in service today.
Shoreline Aerial Photography, LLC
Jim Talbot is a freelance
technical writer living in Ambler,
Pa. You can reach him at
[email protected].
THE CONNECTICUT RIVER separates the towns of Haddam
and East Haddam, Conn. For more than two centuries a ferry
service, which started in 1694, offered travel between the two
On Flag Day in 1913, the East Haddam Bridge offcially
opened, making the ferry service unnecessary; soon thereafter
the state retired it. The bridges opening consisted of a day-long
celebration that included a speech by the governor, a 17-gun salute,
an automobile parade, a ffe and drum team and a band concert.
And this June 14 will mark 100 years of service for the bridge.
When the bridge was built, it consisted of two steel spans: a
326-ft riveted Pennsylvania truss and a 461-ft Warren truss with
verticals for the swing portion. The superstructure contained
1,200 tons of structural steel, with 715 tons devoted to the
swing. Two 50-hp motors powered the turning of the bridge and
a 30-in.-diameter phosphor bronze disc supported the bridge at
its center in swinging mode. As the operator closed the bridge,
he controlled motor-driven wedge bearings that supported the
bridge ends. The deck, an open metal grating, was 24 ft wide
between the curbs and had trolley rails along the north side.
The East Haddam Bridge was designed by Alfred P. Boller,
who designed many large and complex bridges, including sev-
eral moving bridges in New York City and the frst railroad
bridge across the Thames River at New London, Conn. Boller's
expertise in deep river foundations proved valuable (25 ft to 40
ft where the bridge crosses the Connecticut River), and James
Rollins of Holbrook, Cabot and Rollins also contributed to
the foundation work. Supervising engineer Edward W. Bush
designed the piers and approach roadways. The American
Bridge Company built the bridge.
Broader Base
When it opened, the bridge contributed to the region's
growth and commerce. The landing on the east side originally
contained the freight offces of the Hartford and New York
Transportation Co., a general store, a post offce and various
offce rooms. Local establishments on both sides beneftted
from a wider customer base.
This bridge and one other were the frst two paid for by the
state. Recognizing the regional value of such projects, the legis-
lature soon placed responsibility for such bridges with the State
Highway Department rather than with special commissions.
Today, the bridge remains open to vehicles, carrying about
11,800 motorists a day. Its value is even more apparent dur-
ing openings for river traffcespecially when patrons from the
western side are trying to reach the Goodspeed Opera House,
a stones throw from the bridge itself on the eastern side of
the river, before the overture (occasionally the Goodspeed staff
delays the curtain for ticket holders). The nearest alternate
crossings are 17 miles north or 20 miles south.
The bridge operators house sits atop the swinging span, and
operators still log opening and closing events by hand. Unlike
a century ago, they can watch TV and ride an exercise bike
between openings.
Undue Stress
The deck was retroftted with concrete in 1986. However,
the added weight placed undue stress on the pivot bearing,
which in February 1999 caused the bridge to fail in the open
position. The state contracted with Cianbro Companies to fx
the situation.
The Cianbro team faced several heavy rigging challenges
that included jacking up the 900-ton swing span, installing a
5-ton casting for the center bearing and replacing the spherical
center bearing. Cianbro demolished and removed the existing
bridge deck and stringers while maintaining one-way traffc
during night lane closures and full two-way traffc during the
day. The new deck consists of 11,000 sq. ft of 12-ft by 22-ft
grating panels, each weighing 10 tons.
The team also installed new variable-speed motor control
consoles on the existing motors, as well as new balance wheels
in the swing span. Cianbro won the 2001 Build Connecticut
Award for this project, which it completed in July 1999. In
2007, Cianbro followed up by painting the entire bridge, pro-
vided some structural upgrades and installed a completely new
electrical system. As such, the bridge is poised to continue its
legacy to its 100th birthday and beyond.
Shoreline Aerial Photography, LLC Cianbro
At least it was to the construction team on the Missouri River Bridge
project when their initial concrete design priced over budget at almost
$45 million. They then had to scramble for other options.
Turned out the solution was steel. After coming up with a new design,
they turned to Nucor. And we were able to help them build a
beautiful, easy to maintain and environmentally friendly bridge at less
than half the cost of concrete. Who wouldve thought.
Its Our Nature.


Multiple Texas county courthouses
look to steel to bring them into the future while preserving their past.
Holding Court
IN THE LATE 1800s and early 1900s, Texas counties waged
ferce and signifcant battles against one another.
The battles did not involve any form of armament and there
was no bloodshed. They were for bragging rights as to which
county could build the most magnifcent courthouse.
Texas, by far, boasts the largest contingent of county court-
houses in the U.S.: 254. According to the Texas Historical
Commission (THC), 220 of these were constructed prior to
1948 and 80 were placed into service in the 1800s. Today, 136
of them are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Early versions constructed in wood rarely stood the test of
time. Fires razed many of these structures, and valuable records
of county life were forever lost. County offcials soon realized
that more permanent structures consisting of stone, masonry,
concrete and steel were needed to safeguard offcial county
Unfortunately, even these bastions of county government
proved susceptible to devastating fres. On New Years Day in
1993, fre ravaged the 1890 Hill County Courthouse, collaps-
ing the bell and clock tower and leaving only the charred exte-
rior stone walls. In 1999, a fre damaged the 1891 Tyler County
Courthouse in Woodville; that same year, a fre destroyed the
1911 Reagan County Courthouse in Stiles.
A study conducted by the THC in the late 1990s found that
many counties lacked the fnancial resources to preserve the build-
ings for future generations, and in 1998 the National Trust for
Historic Preservation placed Texas County Courthouses on its
list of Americas 11 Most Endangered Historic Places. Clearly,
something had to be done to protect these signifcant structures.
In 1999, then-Governor George W. Bush and the 76th Texas
Legislature formed the Texas Historic Courthouse Preserva-
tion Program, and appropriated $50 million for Round I of the
program covering 2000-2001. The purpose of the program is
to "provide matching grants to counties to assist in the design
and construction of courthouse restoration projects. The THC
reports that, over the frst six rounds of the Preservation Grant
Program, 138 master plans have been submitted and 126 have
been approved, and 81 counties have received fnancial assistance.
Texas has the most impressive collection of courthouses of
any state in the nation, says Jim Lindberg, who serves as the
National Trust's project manager for Texas courthouses. The
impact of the Courthouse Preservation Program to date is truly
impressive. But there are at least 70 more courthouses that need
assistance, including many in rural areas.
For those counties that have participated in the program,
the restoration of the courthouses has been transformational
for the communities as well as the structures. Structural engi-
neer JQ has participated in the planning and restoration of 41
of the courthouses and, in each case, structural steel has played
a signifcant role in restoring the historic fabric of the struc-
tures and allowing the integration of new building systems in
these majestic buildings.
Potter County Courthouse, Amarillo
Completed in 1932, the ffth courthouse for Potter County
was designed by Amarillo architect W.C. Townes of Townes,
Lightfoot and Funk. Constructed in the Art Deco style, the
exterior of the eight-story structure consists of terra-cotta clad-
ding highlighted by bas-relief ornamentation depicting early
settlers, Indians, baying wolves and blooming cacti. The exist-
ing structure is a reinforced concrete frame, but structural steel
was the best system for the restoration due to speed, cost and
ease of erection in the existing spaces.
As with most restoration of historic structures, integration
of new systems and current life safety requirements into the
building necessitated the creation of multiple openings and
strengthening of selected areas on each foor level. Where
clearances allowed, the new steel framing was placed below
or adjacent to the existing concrete framing and connected
to columns to directly transfer the loading. However, given
the limited foor-to-foor heights, much of the framing was
nested within the depth of the existing concrete framing to
allow adequate clearance for ducts and conduit or to allow the
replacement of the original plaster ceilings, which were applied
directly to the concrete structure.
In areas of concrete joists with clay tile infll, the structure
was strengthened by removing the clay tile and installing WT
beams between each existing joist rib, providing for retention
of all of the existing structure. Using WTs instead of wide-
fange sections greatly enhanced construction access and

StephenH. Lucy ([email protected])

is managing principal of JQ and a
Professional Fellow and member
of the Advisory Council for the
Center for Heritage Conservation
at Texas A&M Universitys College
of Architecture. Mark D. LeMay
([email protected]) leads JQs
Facilities Assessment Group and
is a member of the Texas Society
of Architects Historic Resources
Committee and Preservation Texas.
allowed for the placement of grout above the WT fange to
assure full bearing on the new beams and for access for all end
connections; 15 tons of new steel was used in all.
The exterior terra-cotta faade had sustained damage due to
prolonged water penetration, freeze-thaw cycles and shortening
of the concrete frame, which, because of the absence of adequate
relief joints in the veneer, transferred gravity loads to the terra-cotta.
Deteriorated steel lintels were replaced and much of the faade was
re-supported from the masonry backup walls with steel pins, which
allowed for the creation of relief joints at alternating foors.
The courthouse was rededicated in August 2012, marking the
end of the $15.5 million restoration and the relocation of most
county government functions back into the historic structure.
Completed restoration of the Potter County Courthouse.
Suppl ement al st eel f r ami ng at an
openi ng i n t he exi st i ng concret e
structure for a new egress stair.
WT framing nested within the depth of the
existing concrete structure to strengthen
the floor for new mechanical equipment.
Photos this page: JQ


Newton County Courthouse, Newton
The third courthouse for Newton County was designed by
Martin & Moodie in the Second Empire style and completed
in 1902. Located deep in the pine forests of east Texas, the
structure was constructed primarily with timber framing and
locally produced brick. A master plan for the restoration of the
three-story courthouse was prepared, but on August 4, 2000,
before design of the restoration was completed, the structure
was destroyed by fre except for the exterior and portions of
the interior brick masonry walls and some foor areas that had
been originally framed in steel.
Through emergency intervention funds provided by the
National Trust for Historic Preservation, JQ performed an
assessment of the remaining structure and prepared construc-
tion documents for temporary steel bracing of the remaining
walls. The design team working on the restoration prepared
Phase 1 construction documents, which consisted of recon-
struction of the masonry walls and new roof framing so that
the building could be enclosed.
After completion of the Phase 1 work in 2007 (which
included 15 tons of structural steel), a new design team was
retained to complete the restoration of the courthouse to its
original 1902 appearance (this was Phase II, which used 19 tons
of new steel). The $6 million project included reconstruction of
all interior foors, the balcony in the two-story courtroom and
completion of the roof including the clock tower.
Given the prior history of fres, major framing in the replace-
ment structure was built using structural steel, including reuse
of original structural steel framing, which had survived the fre
undamaged. Steel framing also minimized the weight of the new
structure, which was essential given that the original load-bear-
ing walls and foundations were being reused for the restoration.
Structural weights were kept to a minimum since the majority of
the erection occurred in an enclosed structure; thus hoisting was
limited. In addition, the steel-framed clock tower was erected as
one section with all exterior fnishes in place.
The building was rededicated in December 2012, with all
county functions relocating back into the building.

Reuse of the structural steel floor framing for the Newton County
Structural steel framing at the third-floor balcony in the courtroom.
The structural steel framing survived a major fire.
Photos this page by JQ


Bosque County Courthouse, Meridian
The 1886 Bosque County Courthouse, designed by Fort
Worth architect J. J. Kane in high Victorian Gothic Revival style,
is one of the oldest Texas courthouses in continuous use. The
structure was built of cast iron and steel framing with concrete
fll on arched corrugated metal forms and load-bearing walls
composed of native cut and rubble limestone. In 1934, as part of
a Work Progress Administration project, the building was signif-
cantly altered by the removal of the entire roof structure includ-
ing the clock tower and construction of a new fat roof.
A recent restoration of the courthouse included recon-
struction of the original 1886 roof profle. The new clock
tower, which added 50 ft to the structure, and all four cor-
ner turrets were built with structural steel framing and sheet
metal roofng. Each turret, which measured 20 ft by 20 ft
in plan and 14 ft in height, was shipped in one piece and all
were erected in one day. The town set up bleachers around the
town square, and all schools were dismissed so that the entire
community could watch the structural steel erection (58 tons
of new steel in all) process and see the courthouse transformed
in a matter of hours.

Potter County Courthouse

Potter County, Texas
ArchiTexas, Austin
Structural Engineer
JQ, Dallas
General Contractor
Journeyman Construction, Inc., Austin
Newton County Courthouse
Newton County, Texas
Phase I: Wharry Engineering, Garland, Texas
Phase II: Quimby-McCoy Preservation Architecture, Dallas
Structural Engineer
Phase I: Wharry Engineering, Garland
Phase II: JQ, Dallas
General Contractor
Joe R. Jones Construction, Weatherford, Texas
Bosque County Courthouse
Bosque County, Texas
ArchiTexas, Dallas
Structural Engineer
JQ, Dallas
General Contractor
Harrison Walker & Harper, Paris, Texas
The Bosque County Courthouse, prior to restoration.
Erection of one of the four corner turrets.
Harrison Walker & Harper
Completed restoration of the courthouse.
People and Firms
Robert Alonso, S.E., P.E., was
promoted to office manager
for the Orlando office of Finley
Engi neeri ng Group, I nc. ,
wher e he wi l l
be r esponsi bl e
f o r b u s i n e s s
activities, project
management and
staff supervi si on
for complex bridge
design projects.
The Nemetschek Structural
Group announced today that it
is accepting submissions for its
2013 International Engineering
Cont est : I nspi r at i ons i n
Engineering. The competition
r e c o g n i z e s o u t s t a n d i n g
achievements and innovative
works from the worl ds top
engineering and construction
professionals. The deadline for
submissions is March 31. The
contest is open to all users of
Nemetschek Structural Software.
Winners will be drawn from five
categori es: Bui l di ngs, Ci vi l
Structures, Design of Industrial
Buildings and Plants, Industrialized
Planning and Special Projects.
For more i nfor mati on, vi si t
Structural and civil engineering firm
JQ has promoted five individuals in
its Dallas and Austin offices. John J.
Hoenig, P.E., has been promoted
to Partner. Murali Kariyarveedu,
P.E., Carlo N. Taddei, P.E., and
Jamie Buchanan, P.E., have been
promoted to Principals. Douglas
Rothermel , P. E. , has been
promoted to Associate.
FabTrol Systems and ATek
Automation have teamed up
to help steel fabricators review
3D representations of CNC data
in FabTrol Pro. Imports from
modeling software such as Tekla
and SDS/2 into FabTrol Pro can
automatically include DSTV files
for all parts, allowing fabricators
to use ATeks free DSTV viewer
to launch a 3D view of each part
from FabTrol Pros bill of materials
screen. For more information,
visit or www.
For students and teachers, NASCC: The
Steel Conference can serve as a Spring
Break of sortsalbeit one where steel,
not sand and sun, is the focus.
In addition to the dozens of specialized
sessions on buildings and bridges that will
take place at NASCC in St. Louis, April
1719, this years conference also offers
special educational opportunities for
students and educators.
The third annual Students Connecting
with Industry Sessions (SCIS) program will
be held at the conference on Thursday, April
18, from 10 a.m. 2:15 p.m. John Hooper
of Magnusson Klemencic Associates and
Karl Frank of Hirschfeld Industries (an
AISC member/AISC certifed fabricator)
will present a special session titled, Tips
for Starting Your Career. The day will
also include lunch, a tour of the exhibit
hall and the Direct Connect session
where students can interact one-on-one
with about 40 key representatives from the
structural steel industry.
For AISC student members,
registration to NASCC and the SCIS
program is complimentary. Students
who attend the entire SCIS program
will receive a complimentary ticket to
Thursday nights conference dinner at
the City Museum, as well as up to $175
in travel reimbursement. Registration is
required and can be done online at www. by selecting the Student
Session option in the a la carte pricing
portion of the registration form.
The Educator Session will be held
on Wednesday, April 17, from 8 a.m.
to noon and include presentations on
Bridge Plate Girder Design by the
Numbers, Bridge Design for Economy
of Construction and Bridge Design
for Aesthetics. Registration for this
complimentary session is required and
can also be done at the conference
website by selecting the Educator
Session in the a la carte pricing
portion of the registration form.
Student and Educator Opportunities at NASCC
William (Bill) McGuire, P.E., Ph.D.,
professor emeritus at Cornell
University, passed away on January 31
at his home, surrounded by family. He
was 92 years old.
McGuire had long been recognized
as a structural engineering visionary
and had the reputation for looking at
how technology may advance in the
future and how engineers and society
can prepare for it. This foresight won
him ASCEs Norman Medal in 1962
(with G.P. Fisher) for an atomic power
plant containment design and led him
to write one the most widely respected
textbooks on steel design, Steel
Structures, in 1968.
In 1992 he won AISCs T.R. Higgins
Lectureship Award for his application
of computer graphics to the structural
engineering industry. In 2000 he won
AISCs Geerhard Haaijer Award for
Excellence in Education for his role
in advancing the use of structural steel
framing. He was also instrumental in
the AISC Committee on Specifcations
through the early 1990s.
McGuire joined the faculty of Cornell
Universitys School of Civil Engineering
in 1949 and was named professor emeritus
after 40 years of service in 1989.
You can read more about McGuires
contributions to the structural steel industry
in the June 2000 article Looking Ahead (at
Bill McGuire, Engineering Visionary, Dies at 92
AISC Launches New Facebook and Twitter Pages
Paul Sullivan, Bridge Engineering Expert, Dies at 86
Paul James Sullivan, P.E., a retired bridge
engineer with the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, passed away on January
10 in Boston, surrounded by his family.
He was 86 years old.
Sullivan was a proud public em-
ployee and union member. His career
at the Massachusetts Highway Depart-
ment included instituting and leading
the frst Quality Control Program for
Bridge Erection in the Commonwealth,
a program that became a model for oth-
er states, and he rose to the position of
bridge engineer before his retirement.
His contributions to bridge safety were
recognized when he became the frst
public offcial to receive the American
Road & Transportation Builders Associa-
tions prestigious Lifetime Achievement
Sullivan devoted many voluntary
hours to the American Welding
Society toward the development of
welding standards and procedures for
aluminum and steel. He was a tireless
advocate for his fellow workers and
became president of the then Local
780 of AFSCME (American Federation
of State, County and Municipal
An advocate of lifelong learning,
Sullivan earned a Bachelors degree
and multiple Masters degrees in po-
litical science, urban planning and ed-
ucation from the University of Massa-
chusettsBoston, Boston State College
and Rutgers University. He served in
the South Pacific during World War
II as a U.S. Marine and was a lifelong
member of the Disabled American
Sullivan is survived by his wife of 40
years, Toby Pearlstein, a son, a daughter
and two grandchildren.
AISC is now offcially on
Facebook and Twitter! The
social media sites will be
used to provide up-to-date
information on AISC and
industry happenings, as
well as opportunities for
instant communication
and networking with the
steel design and construc-
tion community and the general public.
AISCs offcial Facebook and Twitter
pages will feature the latest AISC news
and event updates, member benefts and
announcements, public contests and
more. In addition, theyll provide an open
forum for interaction and discussion with
engineers, architects, general contractors,
steel fabricators and producers, owners,
students, educators and others involved in
the structural steel industry.
AISCs offcial Facebook page can
be found at
AISCdotORG. Simply Like the page
to join. (This page was formerly called
the AISC University Relations page.) The
new page features expanded offerings
and provides a broader range of AISC
information. (Those who had joined the
original page will still receive updates for
faculty and students and do not need to
re-join the page.)
When it comes to Twitter (www. you can follow AISC at its
new offcial handle: @AISC
You can also follow AISCs other so-
cial media pages to stay up-to-date on
everything related to steel design and
construction of buildings and bridges:
Follow MSC on Twitter:
Follow the National Steel Bridge
Alliance (NSBA), AISCs bridge di-
vision, on Twitter: @SteelBridges
Join AISCs LinkedIn
( group un-
der American Institute of Steel
Receive the latest updates on
SteelDay (, the
structural steel industrys largest
networking and educational event
for the design and construction
community and the public, by
following @SteelDay on Twitter
and liking SteelDays page on
Facebook (search on SteelDay).
The ffth annual SteelDay will take
place October 4, 2013.
AISC will continue to use its website
as its primary online presence. Members
and others should refer to www.aisc.
org for detailed information and ser-
vice-related questions. If you need tech-
nical assistance, innovative solutions or
tools for your next project, AISCs Steel
Solutions Center is your go-to resource
for the latest structural steel informa-
tion. To learn more and to contact the
Steel Solutions Center, visit www.aisc.
org/solutions or call 866.ASK.AISC
For questions, comments or feedback
on AISCs new Facebook and Twitter
pages, please contact Victoria Cserve-
nyak at [email protected].
In the January article Outside In, the connection drawing on page 54
and the 3D model on page 53 were attributed to the projects structural
engineer, Kibler & Kibler. They were actually created by AISC member
detailer Vachon Drafting, Inc.
When an employee downloaded a pirated
copy of Tekla Structures software, it
almost cost the fabrication company
more than $100,000. While this mid-
sized fabricator/erector has a small
drafting department, they dont regularly
detail steel. Unfortunately, when one of
the draftsmen noticed a small problem
on a shop drawing, instead of sending it
back to the detailer for correction, he
against company policydownloaded a
pirated version of Tekla Structures and
made the corrections himself.
Tekla, as with many other sophisti-
cated software companies, has built-in
protections so that they can tell when a
computer using a pirated copy of their
software connects to the Internet, ex-
plained Joel Beres, an attorney with Stites
& Harbison, a well-known law frm with
expertise in the fabrication and design
market. Sometimes software manufac-
turers are alerted to a problem by tech-
nological means. Other times theyre
tipped off by a former employee or a dis-
gruntled current employee. Either way,
an individual infringer can be liable for
either actual or statuary damages, Beres
said. While in this case the unauthorized
software was Tekla Structures, it could
just as easily have been SDS/2 from De-
sign Data or any other software package.
Statuary damages can range from $750
to $30,000but if the court fnds the
infringement was willful, the penalty can
be increased to $150,000. Alternatively,
the infringer may be responsible for the
actual damages suffered (in this case the
price of the software license) and in some
cases they can also be required to pay
attorney and court costs.
Even if a company has a strict
policy and a rogue employee violates it,
the company is liable, explained David
Ratterman, another attorney at Stites &
Harbison and AISCs legal counsel. At
best, the discovery of the use of illegal
software may slow down the completion
of a project; at worst it could result in
construction errors.
Even though the AISC member fab-
ricator with the pirated software has a
policy against the use of illegal software
and the action was taken by a rogue
employee, the simple fact of having il-
legal copies of software downloaded to a
company computer makes the company
potentially liable. When the company
found out, they took steps to address the
infringement. Even so, damages could
have been in the six fgures, Beres said.
Fortunately, AISC and Tekla have an
agreement to forgive an AISC member
fabricator the frst time this type of
event occurs.
Tekla agrees to desist from enforcement activi-
ties seeking monetary damages or other com-
pensation against AISC full members where
there has been an initial instance of unauthor-
ized use of a TEKLA product by a member or
its subcontractor but that initial unauthorized
use has been unintentional, incidental, or un-
informed and, upon (i) such member becom-
ing aware of such illegal use or (ii) Teklas
written notifcation, the infringing software is
promptly removed from the full members or
subcontractors computer systems or a license
fee is promptly paid. This forbearance would
not apply to subsequent unauthorized use after
the AISC full member has been properly noti-
fedby Tekla representativeand warned of the
consequences of its actions.
As a result of this agreement, Tekla
did not pursue monetary damages or
other compensation against the AISC
member fabricator.
Its important to note that a fabricator
may be liable even if the pirated software
is being used by their subcontractor and
not their own employees. Depending
on your contract language, you can have
liability, Beres clarifed. Also, liability
may depend on the level of the fle that
is sentfor example, if you need to have
a copy of the program or a viewer to
see the fle. In most cases, if you have a
legal copy of the software you may be
protected even if your subcontractor has
a pirated version.
Whether youre a fabricator, a design-
er or a detailer, its critical that you do ev-
erything you can to ensure that both your
software and the software used by your
subcontractors or vendors is fully licensed
at all of their workstations. It is recom-
mended that every frm has a formal
policy against the use of pirated software
and they also conduct audits of their own
workstations. For every piece of soft-
ware installed on any of your computers,
you should have a record of the purchase
and/or the software license, advises Chris
Moor, AISCs Director of Industry Initia-
tives. Beware of free or greatly reduced
prices for software downloads. If the deal
is too good to be true, it probably is and
may be an unauthorized copy.
Moor also recommends you use the
Internet to research complaints against
software vendors and whether they
promote themselves as an authorized
Fortunately, both Tekla and Design
Data offer an easy way to check if software
is fully licensed, though currently only
Tekla has entered into a formal agreement
with AISC regarding full members
inadvertent use of pirated software (to
AISCs knowledge, Design Data has not
pursued penalties in these instances).
For Tekla, you can visit www.tekla.
piracy/Pages/piracy.aspx. An online
form allows you to enter the name of
a company and get a license check on
their software. In addition, you can
call 877-tekla-65 or email license.
[email protected].
Design Data has implemented a cus-
tomer ID system to check for unlicensed
software. Each licensed customer is given a
unique ID code that can be checked at www. Customers are encouraged
to put their ID on all their bids, drawings,
and other documentation. You can also con-
tact Design Datas software piracy investi-
gator, Thomas A. Duden, at 402.450.8926,
800.443.0782 or [email protected].
AISC Membership Saves a Fabricator from Huge Fines for Pirated Software
Whether you design or build bridges,
revisions to AISCs Bridge Quality Man-
agement System (QMS) Certifcation
Program will impact your work. The
updated Program introduces Require-
ments that include three categories:
Simple Bridge, Intermediate Bridge and
Advanced Bridge, as well as a require-
ment mandating the Standard for Steel
Bridges2011 (AISC 205-11) that negates
the previous checklist criteriaa move
previously accomplished with AISCs
Building and Bridge Component QMS
This Program change will assist our
certifed participants by better communi-
cating to owners, specifers and others in
the construction industry what the QMS
Certifcation Program provides in terms of
quality and expectation, said Jacques Cat-
tan, AISC vice president of certifcation.
In addition, the updated Program
now includes requirements for defni-
tions, scope review, contract review, doc-
ument control and training. Plus, many
requirements have been detailed more
thoroughly and others now require ad-
ditional written procedures. (To review
a copy of the Standard for Steel Bridges,
please visit
and fnd the standard listed under the
Bridge QMS Certifcation header, and
for a comparison of the previous check-
list to the Standard, please visit www. and click
on the article Transitioning between the
New Bridge Standard and a Checklist.)
The reason for these changes is
to continue to evolve and advance our
program, not only at the request of the
bridge marketplace but also to continually
improve our own certifed participants,
which will improve the bridge fabrication
industry as a whole, stated Cattan. And
the program offers the bridge industry a
valuable means for qualifying bridge fab-
ricating facilities and serves as an effective
way for those facilities to communicate
their commitment and capability with re-
spect to quality.
Again, the new Program will have
three levels (Simple Bridges, Intermedi-
ate Bridges and Advanced Bridges) rather
than two categories (simple bridges and
major bridges) as was previously the case.
Simple Bridges consist of unspliced
rolled sections. To apply for this cate-
gory, the fabricator shall meet the Re-
quirements AISC Certifcation Program
for Steel Bridge Fabricators.
Intermediate Bridges are typical
bridges that do not require extraordi-
nary measures. Typical examples might
include: (1) a rolled beam bridge with
feld or shop splices, either straight or
with a radius over 500 ft; (2) a built-
up I-shaped plate girder bridge with
constant web depth (except for dapped
ends), with or without splices, either
straight or with a radius over 500 ft; (3)
a built-up I-shaped plate girder with
variable web depth (e.g., haunched),
either straight or with a radius over
1,000 ft; (4) a truss with a length of 200
ft or less that is entirely or substantially
pre-assembled at the certifed. Per the
Supplemental Requirements of the
Standard for Steel Bridges, to apply for
this category the fabricator shall have
supplied plate girder spans with feld
splices for highway or railroad bridges
within the last fve years, or established
a documented training program for
the purpose of communicating inter-
mediate bridge work functions to the
work forces, and demonstrated capa-
bility to fabricate intermediate bridges.
Furthermore, the fabricator must also
meet the additional requirements for
fabrication process equipment, detail-
ing standards and functions and shop
assembly of feld connections proce-
dure as laid out in the Supplemental
Advanced Bridges are those requiring
an additional standard of care in fab-
rication and erection, particularly with
regard to geometric tolerances. Ex-
amples include tub or trapezoidal box
girders, closed box girders, large or
non-preassembled trusses, arches, bas-
cule bridges, cable-supported bridges,
moveable bridges and bridges with
particularly tight curve radius. Per
the Supplemental Requirements of
the Standard for Steel Bridges, to apply
for this category the fabricator shall
have met the requirements set forth
for intermediate bridge fabricators.
Additionally, the fabricator shall have
supplied advanced bridges for high-
way or railroad applications within the
last fve years or shall have supplied
intermediate bridges for highway or
railroad use, established a documented
training procedure for the purpose
of communicating advanced bridge
work functions to the work forces, and
demonstrated capability to fabricate
advanced bridges. Furthermore, the
fabricator must also meet the addi-
tional requirements for their contract
and project specifcation review and
communication procedure and their
welding procedure as laid out in the
Supplemental Requirements.
We surveyed a number of bridge
fabricators and discovered that those
who were also certifed for the Build-
ing and Bridge Component QMS Pro-
grams were very supportive of the tran-
sition to the updated requirements,
explained Cattan. However, those who
had never worked with a similar pro-
gram were uncertain about the impact
of the change. To help, AISC offers a
detailed chart showing the main differ-
ences. To view this information, visit and
click on Transitioning between the
New Bridge Standard and a Checklist.
Another useful document is the Require-
ments AISC Certifcation Program for Steel
Bridge Fabricators. These Requirements
are the administrative rules and technical
regulations for the Program and provide
direction above and beyond the require-
ments laid forth in the Standard for Steel
Bridges. Each bridge participant should
review the Bridge Program Require-
ments document found at www.aisc.
By July 1st, 2014, all current partici-
pants will have been certifed to the up-
dated requirements and will hold one of
the new designations.
For additional information, please
or call 312.670.7520.
What You Need to Know about
AISCs Updated Bridge Certification Program
To advertise, call 231.228.2274 or e-mail [email protected].
Looking for something from an old issue of
Modern Steel Construction?
All of the issues from MSCs first 50 years are now
available as free PDF downloads at
Free Bridge Information
Download papers from the
World Steel Bridge Symposium! Visit
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AISC Quality Certification
This year Get Certified!
Need Steel Erection Certification? Call Jim Mooney
Your Quality Certification Connection
[email protected]
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Oe|a||e| |a|aere|| 0ua|||] |a|ae| Se|.|:e
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T|a|||| (Ccde & S|a|da|d, we|d||, Bc||||, Cca|||,
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|c|e ||a| 1O0 |ee|T00|S u||||||e a.a||ao|e |c| dcW||cad||
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c| 0ue||c|7 c| A|We|7
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Jare |:Hu| Cc|||u:||c| ee| a Ra|||cad B||de Cc|||u:||c| Supe||||e|de||.
This position is responsible for running railroad bridge construction projects
e/:|u|.e|]. T|| | a |u||-||re, a|a||ed pc|||c| ||a| ||:|ude a :crpe||||.e
:crpe|a||c| a|d oe|e||| pa:|ae. Ca|d|da|e ru| oe W||||| |c ||a.e| e/|e||.e|].
This position reports to the railroad construction general superintendent.
Please go to to submit your resume.
A|] (ue||c| p|eae :a|| \a|a||e T. Ped|a/a a| (812,821-0844.
Program Engineer
A|SC | ee||| a| e|||ee| ||cr ||e |ao||:a|ed ||u:|u|a| |ee|
||du||] |c jc|| cu| Ce||||:a||c| |ear. A|SC Ce||||:a||c| p|c|ar a-
sess the effectiveness of fabricator and erector quality management
]|er ||a| |||e|a|e (ua|||] |a|da|d, p|c|ar |eu|a||c|, a|d
management principles.
|| ||| pc|||c| ]cu W||| |e.|eW, de.e|cp, a|d ra|||a|| ||e A|SC
certication audit requirements to ensure that all core quality criteria
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|e.|eW a|d aere|| c| ||e c|-||e aud|| |epc|| ||a| e.a|ua|e ||e
(ua|||] ra|aere|| ]|er c| |ao||:a|c| a|d e|e:|c| ee||| A|SC
Certication to ensure that all audit requirements have been met.
T|| pc|||c| | |c:a|ed || ||e A|SC C||:ac c||:e a|d W||| |epc||
d||e:||] |c ||e O||e:|c| c| Aud||||. Tc oe :c||de|ed, ]cu ru| |a.e
a bachelors degree in engineering and a working knowledge of the
de|| |e(u||ere||, |ao||:a||c| p|c:ee, a|d :c|||u:||c| a:||.||]
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T|e ao||||] |c ||a.e| app|c/|ra|e|] 8o c| ||e ||re a|d a||e|d ||du-
try events is also required.
|| ]cu a|e |||e|e|ed || app|]||, p|eae |c|Wa|d ]cu| |eure, :c.e|
letter and salary requirements to [email protected].
THOMAS VOSSMEYER is president of one of the largest
structural steel detailing and connection design firms in the world.
Interestingly, though, he came into detailing almost by
accident while attending trade school.
I signed up for drafting because auto mechanics class was
full, he laughs.
His experience in finding his first job was similar, and he
recalls going through the phone book and calling prospective
There werent a lot of detailers listed in the book at the time,
he says. I got to the Ws and came across Walden Detailing.
Vossmeyer was hired at Walden and spent the next
three years with the company, learning steel detailing.
From Walden he went to work for Stupp Brothers and also
earned a Bachelors degree in civil engineering. After stints
at PKM and AFCO Steel, he went to work for an engineer-
ing firm in St. Louis, where he started a detailing division.
He ran the division for three years then in 2003 started
International Design Services, Inc. (IDS)an AISC mem-
ber detailer based outside of St. Louiswhere he is presi-
dent and chief engineer.
IDS, like most companies, was effected by the recent
recession. Layoffs were an unfortunate reality and it became
a struggle to maintain work for the remaining staff. However,
with the addition of a sales department (something the com-
pany had never had in the past) plus a philosophy of leaving
no stone unturned in looking for jobs and new customers, IDS
eventually bounced back and now employs more than 460 and
achieved record revenues in 2012.
Vossmeyer travels extensively for his company. And when it
comes to travel, everyone has a good story about a bad experi-
encehow their luggage got lost, how they missed a connection or
how they had to spend the night in an airport and resort to vending
machines for dinner because everything was closed.
But in the spring of 2010, Vossmeyer was one of the
multitudes of airline passengers that got the opportunity
to one-up their traveling peers with some variation of the
statement My plane was delayed due to a volcano.
That spring, Vossmeyer had traveled to Helsinki to visit
Tekla; IDS is collaborating with Tekla to develop a connection
design software package. His plan was to spend a couple of days
in Helsinki meeting with Tekla, then travel Western Europe for
a week. However, the Eyjafjallajkull volcano in Iceland had dif-
ferent plans. In mid-April the volcano erupted and launched a
massive ash cloud (30,000 ft high!) into the atmosphere, wreak-
ing havoc on air travel across much of Europe for a week and
forcing millions of travelers to cancel or extend their trips.
The eruption took place toward the end of Vossmeyers stint in
Helsinki. He was sitting in the lobby of his hotel, the business por-
tion of his trip completed, when his COO came in and told him,
You arent going anywhere. Then he briefed him on the volcano.
Volcano? I looked outside and it was a beautiful day, he
recalls. So I went to the front desk and, sure enough, all the
flights were cancelled, but they told me that planes would be
up in the air by the next day. So I thought, Oh, well, one less
day in London. But every day I went down to the front desk,
and every day they told me the same thing. The rest of my
trip kept getting shorter and shorter, and then I realized it
just wasnt going to happen.
What did end up happening was an unexpected and
rewarding adventure. The hotel suggested that given the
air travel situation, why not take a trip to Tallinn, Estonia,
which was just a short ferry ride away?
Tallinn wasnt on my radar at all, Vossmeyer laughs. But
we could take a boat there, so we gave it a go.
He spent two days in Tallinn, marveling at the 13th Century-
era city walls and towers of the historic town center, taking in
dinner and a show at an ancient building that once served as a
warehouse and enjoying the relative lack of crowds.
Apparently the place is typically crawling with tourists,
but it was like we almost had the place to ourselves, he says.
Because of the volcano, no one could get there.
Following the excursion, Vossmeyer returned to Helsinki
then eventually home, disappointed to miss the rest of his trip
but grateful for the serendipitous visit to Estonia.
If we hadnt been grounded by the volcano, we never would
have thought to visit Tallinn, he says (and last year he was able
to fulfill the rest of his European tour).
Regardless of the obstaclewhether its full classes, an
economic downturn or even an honest-to-god volcano
Vossmeyer has become a firm believer in the idea of making
the best of opportunities as they come.
Dont just stand on the edge of the pool, jump in, he
exclaims. If its the wrong thing to do, you can correct it, but
keep going. Dont look back.
When one adventure is thwarted,
another often takes its place.
people to know

Thomas Vossmeyer,
president of
International Design
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