Shoring is a general term used in construction to describe the process of supporting a structure in order to prevent collapse so that construction can proceed. The phrase can also be used as a noun to refer to the materials used in the process. Buildings- It is used to support the beams and floors in a building while a column or wall is removed. In this situation vertical supports are used as a temporary replacement for the building columns or walls. Trenches - During excavation, shoring systems provide safety for workers in a trench and speed excavation. In this case, shoring should not be confused with shielding. horing is designed to prevent collapse where shielding is only designed to protect workers when collapses occur. !oncrete structures shoring, in this case also referred to as falsework, provides temporary support until the concrete becomes hard and achieves the desired strength to support loads. hips - It is used onboard when damage has been caused to a vessels integrity, and to hold leakstopping devices in place to reduce or stop incoming water. "enerally consists of timber #$$ mm x #$$ mm and used in con%unction with wedges, to further %am shoring in place, pad pieces to spread the load and dog&s to secure it together. also used onboard is mechanical shoring as a 'uick, temporary solution, however it isn&t favoured due to its inability to move with the vessel.
Shoring Techniques
Raking Shore
,aking hores consist of one or more timbers sloping between the face of the structure to be supported and the ground. The most effective support is given if the raker meets the wall at an angle of /$ to 0$ degrees. 1 wall-plate is typically used to increase the area of support.
Hydraulic Shoring 2ydraulic shoring is the use of hydraulic pistons that can be pumped outward until they press up against the trench walls. They are typically combined with steel plate or plywood, either being ##345 thick plywood, or special heavy 6inland 6orm 76I869,:; 0345 thick. Beam and Plate Beam and <late steel I-beams are driven into the ground and steel plates are slid in amongst them. 1 similar method that uses wood planks is called soldier boarding. 2ydraulics tend to be faster and easier= the other methods tend to be used for longer term applications or larger excavations. Soil Nailing oil nailing is a techni'ue in which soil slopes, excavations or retaining walls are reinforced by the insertion of relatively slender elements - normally steel reinforcing bars. The bars are usually installed into a pre-drilled hole and then grouted into place or drilled and grouted simultaneously. They are usually installed untensioned at a slight downward inclination. 1 rigid or flexible facing 7often sprayed concrete; or isolated soil nail heads may be used at the surface. Continuous Flight Augering !ontinuous 6light 1ugering 7!61; is a method used to create concrete piles to support soil so that excavation can take place nearby. 1 !ontinuous 6light 1ugering drill is used to excavate a hole and concrete is in%ected through a hollow shaft under pressure as the auger is extracted. This creates a continuous pile without ever leaving an open hole.(#)
Square Shoring This consists of a timber member %ammed on a pad piece on either the deck or deck head depending on water levels in the compartment and a strong point, this is called the proud. then the is a hori>ontal timber cut to si>e to fit between this and what it is shoring up, eg a splinter box, bulkhead or door. Timber wedges are then used to tighten up the structure if necessary Vertical Shoring This is to support a hatch or splint box on the deck, consisting of a vertical timber between the deck and deck head, with to wedges used opposing each other to tighten it. pad pieces are used to spread the load on weak structures.
The methods to repair and rehabilitate a structure having foundation distress generally involve shoring ? underpinning work for structures that are out of plumb, or are sensitive to effects of small settlement etc. A Shoring! Before any shoring work is commenced, the building should be carefully surveyed ? record of levels, cracks ? tilts kept. The observations should be continued throughout the period of shoring ? under pinning and till the time when detectable measurements have ceased. The terminology used is@ " Raking shores with the angle of shores generally /$o to 0Ao are usually used where external support is necessary. In case, the feet of raking shores are to be kept free, then flying shores can be provided which strut against another structure or wall. # Flying shores merely provide a restraint against building or tilting. $ %ead shores are verified struts bearing on the ground at the re'uired distance ? supporting the vertical load of a wall wherever re'uired in con%unction with flying shores or hori>ontal ties. The level of raking shores ? flying shores are so arranged as to bear on the wall at floor or ground with a firm bearing. 6olding wedges should be inserted at the foot of shores to take up yielding if any, of the ground ? elastic shortening of the struts. !olumns can be shored up individually by needle beams. The needle system has to be properly designed to suite the particular re'uirements. uitable placing of %acks for exerting upward pressure can also be planned ? designed.