Flyer PhDTopics
Flyer PhDTopics
Flyer PhDTopics
Ultracold atoms near Feshbach resonances are strongly correlated many-body systems, supporting novel exotic states of matter that may universally exist in new functional materials of high-Tc superconductors and mysterious cosmic objects such as neutron stars. The understanding of these exotic states - being a long-sought theoretical challenge - is the subject of our PhD topics. See:
SUT PHYSICS: INTERNATIONAL TOP 100 TOP 2 IN AUSTRALIA (Jiao-Tong List, 2013) Swinburne University of Technology Centre for Quantum and Optical Science
Nature Physics 3, 469 (2007). This is the first published evidence for universality, comparing different strongly interacting Fermi gases.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 160401 (2009); 104, 240407 (2010). Review in Physics Reports 524, 37 (2013).
Thermodynamics of strongly interacting Fermi and Bose gases in flat land First and second sound across the BKT transition Dimensional crossover from 3D to 2D, and to 1D
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 010402 (2012); 107, 195304 (2011); 110, 020401 (2013). Exotic superfluids in spin-orbit coupled atomic gases.
Deadline: May 31, 2014 Two full scholarships available (A$24,653 pa 3.5y) Apply to: [email protected]