1 6 Williamson1994
1 6 Williamson1994
1 6 Williamson1994
1994,98, 2766-2781
Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is developed, in this and the accompanying paper, as a method for studying
gas-phase molecular structure and dynamics on the picosecond (ps) to femtosecond (fs) time scale. Building
on our earlier reports (henceforth referred to as 1-3), we discuss theoretical and experimental considerations
for the approach. Specifically we show that the use of rotational and vibrational coherences can add a new
dimension to structural determination of gas-phase species. In addition to the internuclear separations of the
molecular sample, the spatial alignment reflected in the scattering pattern contains bond angles and rotational
constants for both excited-state and ground-state species. Vibrational coherence effects are also observable,
and the motion of the wave packet is revealed by the change of the diffraction pattern with time, thus yielding
the molecular dynamics. U E D provides the temporal evolution of the reaction coordinate directly and is well-
suited for studies of global structure changes on this time scale. Paper 5 details our experimental studies with
UED and the current time resolution of the apparatus.
all spatial orientations at the inst--it of scattering. The molecular again: after several picoseconds the sample will again be isotropic,
scattering intensity for a spatially isotropic sample takes the form albeit a mixture of excited and unexcited molecules.
Rotational motion is quantized and the rotational frequencies
are commensurable (or nearly so), and barring any collisions,
there will be some later time in which all the molecules return
to their original spatial orientation. The short-lived anisotropic
distribution will therefore appear again and again aver the course
of many nanoseconds.26 This phenomenon, known as rotational
wherejo is the zero order spherical Bessel function, or sin(sr,)/ recurrence, has been extensively studied in the context of time-
srij- resolved spectroscopy experiments, where rotational recurrences
The scattering amplitudes,ft andfi, decrease with the square have proven useful for determining structures of large molec~les?~
of s (ref 25), so the total scattering intensity decays like d;as The period of the recurrence in a symmetric top molecule is equal
a result, a graph of the modified molecular scattering intensity, to 1/ ( 2 8 ) where 8,the rotational constant, is related to the speed
sM(s),is better suited for revealing the fine details of the scattering of light c, Planck's constant h, and the moment of inertia 16 by
signal than a plot of the total intensity B = h/8r2Zbc. For asymmetric tops, the key observables are A,
B, and C.
It has been shown that the temporal width At of the recurrence
is related to the temperature T and the rotational constant by27
Figure 1. Electron scatteringgeometrydefined in the text. The incident s = k,(-cos @ sin 8, -sin @ sin 8, 1 -cos 8)
electron beam travels toward the scattering center along the z-axiswith
wavevector h.The position vector between atoms i and j , ru. is defined = s(-cos $ cos(8/2), *in @ cos(8/2), sin(8/2)) (14)
byaltitudeanglen(relativeto ther-axis) andazimuthalangle+((relative
to thex-axis). Electronsscatter at angle0 with wavevector k and intersect and the position vector is written
theplaneofthedetectorat angle$ (relativetothex-axis). Themomentum
transfer vector is s. In a UED experiment, the excitation laser travels rij = rij(sin Q cos $, sin Q sin $, cos 0 ) (15)
toward the scattering Center along the y-axis.
The dot product of these two vectors simplifies to
0G."3 ec-
Mathematicaldetailson theevaluationofthis integral for several
Molecular Sample relevant distribution functions have been consigned to the
Detector Appendix. For the case of an isotropic distribution (P(Q,$) =
I), the results is:
FigureL Electronscatteringfromanisotropcsampleofmoleculariodine.
On theieftisaschematicoftheinterscnionbetween theincidentelectrons
and the molecular sample. On the right is a perspective view of the
resulting modified molecular scattering pattern, sM(s). The scattering
pattern consists of cylindrical oscillations with frequency r1.112~. asexpected. andthccorresponding two-dimensional plot ofsM(s)
for molecular iodinc is presented in Figure 2 uith a drawing of
evaluating the structural information present in the anisotropic the molecular sample. The frequency of the oscillations in this
diffraction pattern from a more complicated molecule, trifluor- familiar ring pattern is equal to q.t/2x. wherc rl.l = 2.666A.I2
nmethvl inrlid~. B. Diffraction from Total Alignment. With the theoretical
A. Theoretical Framework. The scattering intensity, I,, of framework defined in part A, electron diffraction patterns from
a laser-excited molecular sample must be extracted from eq 5 , a laser-prcparcd molccularsamplc may be predicted. It is useful.
and to simplify this derivation we will initially consider only the howevcr,tofirstconsider thescattering pattern froma molecular
scattering from position vectors rij which are parallel to the sample with tntal spatial alignment. The functional forms of
molecular dipole transition axis. This is sufficient for describing there pattcrnr require no integration and may bederivcd dircctl)
all diatomics and linear molecules; more complicated molecules from cqs 6and 16. Twodifferent fundamental arrangcmcntsare
with nonparallel position vectors will be considered in part F. possible: (1 J all molecules arc oriented parallel to the direction
of the incident electron beam, and ( 2 ) all molecules are oriented
The vibrational period of most chemical bonds is significantly
perpendicular to the direction of the electron beam.
faster than a few picoseconds, and thus the starting point for this
In the firrt case (0= 0, thc bond axis is parallel to the z-axis).
analysis is actually eq 6, where the vibrational motion has been
the Scattering function for iodinc is equal lo
separated from the average. In the context of UED, the average
over rotational states should be evaluated as an average over
spatial orientation since many rotational states are populated;
the important perturbation is the initial (and subsequent recur-
rence) spatialorientationdistributionselected with theexcitation The diffraction pattern is cylindrically symmetric and its
laser polarization. Equation 6 may he rewritten as: section is an oscillatory function that changes slowly with s at
small scattering angles (ka >> s). As shown in Figure 3, the
Ids) = cccKjKl
i=1 j=1.
exp(- ~i~sz)Re[ei'"'"JFij(s)l (I2)
modified molecular scattering pattern is an order of magnitude
more intense than electron scattering from an isotropic distri-
bution, but the slow onset of the oscillations makes it difficult to
extract structural information. This has a physical interpre-
tation-the molecules are struck by the electrons end on, and the
where second atom is "hidden" by the first atom along ko. Although
2770 The Journal ofphysical Chemistry. Vol. 98, No. 11, 1994 Williamson and Zewail
* 8'
Molecular Sample
(Perpendicular) ..
Figure 4. Electron scattering from a sample of molecular iodine with
total spatial alignment. The bond axis ofeach molecule is parallel to the
x-axis. On the left is a schematic of the intersection betwecn the incident
s (A-I) electrons and the molecular sample. On the right is a perspective view
Figure 3. Modified molecular scattering cross sections from diatomic afthecorrespandingmodifiedmolec"larscattering,sM(s).Theamplitude
iodine in three different spatial distributions: (1) isotropic, (2) total ofthe interference fringes is approximately an order of magnitude larger
alignment parallel to the incident electron beam (z-axis), and (3) total than the interferencefringes from the isotropic sample (see Figures 2 and
alignment perpendicular to the incident electron beam and parallel to the 3).
x-axis. The scattering intensity from the isotropic sample is an order of
magnitude lessthan thescattering intensity from spatially alignedsamples. shown in Figure4resultsfrom interference between theelectrons
The oscillation frequency of interference fringes from the parallel diffracted by these two scattering centers.
configuration is very slow for small s; the first cycle finishes at s = 22.2 Total alignment of the iodine molecules has affected both the
A-'. Scatteringfrom the perpendicular configurationis not cylindrically amplitude and the frequency of the interference fringes in the
symmetric. The interference fringes along the x-axis (parallel to the
internuclearaxis) arestrong,and the frequency issimilar tothe frequency diffraction pattern. The amplitude has increased by an order of
oftheisotropicfringes. Therearenooscillationsalong they-axis (normal magnitude, which implies that the signal-to-noise ratio for
to the internuclear axis). molecular scattering from spatially-oriented molecules is larger
than isotropic scattering. We might expected that this increase
the number of cycles increases with the square of s, there is little in signal-to-noise will counterbalance the decrease in the per-
information present in the range of s available to UED. centage of molecules contributing to the anisotropic diffraction
In the second case, when all molecules are spatially oriented pattern in an actual experiment.
perpendicular to the electron beam (R = 712, J. = 0, the bond The oscillation frequency of the diffraction signal from the
axis is parallel to the x-axis), the scattering function is first case (the parallel configuration) is significantly different
from the s a n d case (the perpendicular configuration). Struc-
tural information is more difficult to obtain from a parallel
configuration because the first few oscillations are very slow, and
the diffraction pattern would have to be measured out to large
values of s. The oscillation frequency of the fringes in the
perpendicular configuration, rt.I( 1 - (s/Zk0)911'/27, approaches
the frequency of the isotropic distribution,r1_1/2~,athigh electron
energies where ko is large. As will be emphasized in part F, the
Theprescnccofthccosotermdestroys thecylindricdlsymmetry. perpendicular configuration also contains information about bond
Thcreare nooscillationsa1ongthe)-axis, whereo = f ~2 (Figure / angles. Thediffraction pattern in Figure4 tells theexperimentalist
3). while the oscillations which exist along the x-axis have a that the iodine bond axis is parallel to the x-axis; if J. is nonzero,
period similar LO the intcrlercncc fringes from an isotropic then the interference fringes would be similarly rotated on the
distribution and are an order of magnitude larger. detector hyangleJ.relative to thex-axis. Thediffraction pattern
A tuo-dimensional plot of s M ( s ) for this second case. shown from more complicated molecules is a sum of contributions from
in Figure 4. clarifies the connection hctwecn the horizontal and individual atom pairs, and interference fringes in the diffraction
vertical cross sections presented in Figure 3. The diffraction pattern will reflect the differing spatial directions of the various
pattcrn from spatially-oriented molecules parallcl to the x-axis rjj.
is a series of linear fringes, as opposed to cunccntric rings. This C. Parallel Excitation. The laser beam, electron beam, and
figure is similar tothe interference pattcrn from Young's doublc. molecular beam are all mutually orthogonal in our UED
slit light bcattcrine- exocriment;
. in fact. the scattered electron e~periment.~ This
~ , ~experimental
~ design is motivated by ease
intensity of eq 20 may he wriken in a'form analogous to the of construction and a desire to reduce velocity mismatch
diffractedlight intensity froma pairofslitsseparated hya distance broadening in the total temporal resolution of the experiment.z0
d3' We will now consider the diffraction patterns which result from
molecules excited by a linearly polarized laser traveling toward
the scattering center along the y-axis, such that the polarization
vector is parallel to the wave vector b. For now it is assumed
(for 6 = 0) (21) that scattering takes place before the molecules have time to
rotate out of their initial distribution and that the entire subset
of molecules is excited. The scattering pattern at later times will
be considered in part E.
The spatial orientation distributions of both excited and
The potential wells of the two iodine atoms effectively function unexcited molecules will be cylindrically symmetric about b,
as a pair of "slits" for the incoming electrons, and the pattern and the diffraction pattern should reflect this symmetry. For a
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction The Journal of Physical Chemisrry. Val. 98, No. 11, 1994 2111
L 2 -10 s,
Molecular Sample
(Perpendicular 1 Excited) .-
Figure 5. Modified molecular scattering c r w scctioni of ground-rmtc
i d i n c from spatial urientation di,tribuuonscrcated by a linrirly pulanied Figure6. Electron scattering from thesubsetofa ground-statemolecular
laser. The polariration vector is parillel to ko and the molcculu dipole iodine sample excited by a linearly polarized laser. The polarization
trmsitiun i s a w m e d to be parallcl.sothc I~WCIEIIC muleculcsurwntcd vector is parallel to the x-axis and the molecular dipole transition is
porollpl to the electron beam Thc intcnrit) of the in1crfcren:c fringes assumed to be parallel. On the left is a schematic of the intersection
from thi,subsct ofthc molecular sample isan ,irdcruimagnitLdr.rmaller between the incident electrons and the perpendicular/ercited subset of
than the interfcrcncc fringcs from the isotropic simple. The 0,cillition
the molecular sample. On the right is a perspective view of the
f r c q x n c y is similar. but r 2 ridianr out ut phdrc. 'The intcrfcrencc corresponding modified molecular scattering, sM(s). The scattering
fringes from the unexcited sub,et are m x l a r i n inlcnsit) and frcqucnc'! pattern resembles a cross between diffraction from an isotropic sample
to the isotropic m t i r r m g pattern (Figure 2) and a totally aligned sample (Figure 4). The interference
fringes along the x-axis are similar in intensity and amplitude to the
interferencefringes from an isotropic sample. The interference fringes
parallel dipole tranbition. theorientation of the intcrnuclcar axis along the y-axis are weak and resemble the scattering pattern from the
ofthecxcitcd molecules will haveaspatialdisrributionofP(R.J) parallel/excited subset shown in Figure 5 .
=cosZR Thcspaual di5tribution ofthe unexcited molcculcsuill
therefore be P(R.$)=sinzl.l. Turciter~te,ueareonlyconsidering D. Perpendicular Excitation. Significantly different effects
position vectors which 3rc parallel to the cxsitation axis, and the are observed when the polarization vector of the laser is parallel
excitation probability IS unity. Integration of eq 17 using these to the x-axis and perpendicular to ko. As in the example of total
distribution5 yields the following functions for F,, (see Appendix) perpendicular alignment, the scattering pattern loses its cylindrical
symmetry because the spatial orientation distribution selected
parallel, excited with the polarized laser is not symmetric about the z-axis. With
an excitation probability of unity, the distribution of the excited
moleculesisdefinedby P(Q,$)=sin2acosz$andthedistribution
of the unexcited molecules is (1 - sin2 a cos2 $). Integration of
eq 17 with these distributions is discussed in the Appendix and
leads to the following functional forms for Fij:
parallel/unexcited perpendicularJexcited
j, b v 1
Fii(s) = jo[sr..] -~srii
+ sin2(O/2)j2[srii] (24)
Fij(S) = j'[sriil cos2(S/2)j2[srii] cos26
As expected, these functions are independent of 4. The modified
molecular scattering function ofthese two distributions for ground- perpendicularJunexcited
state iodine are plotted with the isotropic distribution in Figure
5 . The scattering contribution from the parallel/excited subset
of molecules is relatively weak; evidently the strong scattering
signal observed in part B (when all molecules are oriented parallel
to the electron beam) is rapidly washed out by interference with As in the parallel case, the sum of these two functions is jo[sr,].
scattering from molecules slightly off-axis to the electron beam. the iso:ropic scattering distribution, but note that the presence
Because this contribution is weak, the oscillation frequency of of the cos2 6 term means that each function is not cylindrically
thescattering intensity from the parallelJunexcited subset isnearly symmetric. A two-dimensional plot of sM(s) for the perpen-
identical to the isotropic distribution. The oscillation frequency dicular/excited subset of molecules is shown in Figures 6 and 7a,
from the parallel/excited subset is similar, but phase-shifted by and theperpendicular/unexcitedcaseisshowninFigure7b.These
~ 7 1 2 Sincealldistributionsarecalculatedfor
. thesamespecies, are calculated for ground-state iodine, Both patterns appear to
the sum of the two scattering signals is equal to the diffraction be a cross between isotropic scattering (Figure 2) and scattering
signal from the isotropic distribution. Consequently, if the excited from a sample with total perpendicular alignment (Figure 4),
species is structurally identical to the unexcited species, the and despite the fact that only one-third of the molecules are in
diffraction pattern will not change. the perpendicular/excited subset, the amplitudeof the interference
Structural information inthe diffraction pattern from a sample fringes along the x-axis is as strong as the isotropic distribution.
with total parallel alignment was identical to the information Furthermore, the 4 dependence of the fringes indicates the
from an isotropic distribution but more difficult to extract, and directionality of r,., as was discussed in part B.
thesameis trueforthediffractionsignal from theexcitedJparallel The two-dimensional radial distribution functions of the
subset. Like the isotropic pattern, the excitedJparalle1 signal isotropic distribution and the perpendicular/excited distribution
depends only on the magnitudes of the position vectors. It would are shown in Figure 7c,d. Admittedly, taking the sine transform
bedifficult, however, todetermine the molecular structureof the of the function in eq 25 to extract the radial distribution is a
excited-state species because the low amplitude signal is masked crude approximation, and this is reflected in the fluctuating
by the diffraction signal from the unexcited molecules. baseline of the surface (Figure 7d). We will consider more
2172 The Journal ofphysical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 11, 1994 Williamson and Zewail
appropriate techniques for extractingf(r) in future publications. and electron diffraction is quite sensitive to small changes in
For now, however, the sine transform is sufficient to provide molecular structure. For example, Figure 8 shows that there is
excellent qualitative information, and when scattering from a clear difference between the radial distribution curves corres-
trifluoromethyl iodide is considered in part F, the radial ponding to the lowest vibrational levels of ground-state iodine
distribution function will provide a description of the structure andof B-stateiodine. In thenext few paragraphs, we willconsider
that is easier to interpret by visual inspection than the molecular how to combine rotational coherence effects with the diffraction
scattering function. As might be expected from the appearance patterns discussed in parts C and D such that more structural
of the perpendicular/excited molecular scattering function, the information about thescattering molecules can be extracted than
corresponding radial distribution function also indicates the in a conventional gas-phase electron diffraction experiment.
directionality of the iodine-iodine internuclear separation during With an isotropic distribution, it is possible to improve the
the experiment. The disappearance of the 2.7-A peak along the signal-to-noise ratio by summing the total scattering intensity a t
y-axis reflects the fact that most molecules oriented parallel to a constantvalueofson thedetector. When the laser polarization
the laser beam axis are not in the perpendicular/excited subset is parallel to the electron beam, the diffraction patterns from
aftera parallel dipole transition. The radial distribution function excited and unexcited subsets are cylindrically symmetric and
corresponding to the perpendicularlunexcitedsubset(not shown) may therefore beaveraged ina similar way over theentiredetector.
contains a peak along the y-axis and no peak along the x-axis. We haveseen, however, thatthisarrangementonly leads tosubtle
E. Experimental Applications: Ground- and Excited-State changes in the diffraction pattern, and that these patterns do not
Structures. Thediffraction pattern from laser-prepared molecules appear to contain any extra structural information. We will
differs from the isotropic pattern because excitation is a selective instead turn our full attention to excitation with the laser
process that depends on the spatial orientation of the molecular polarization perpendicular to ko.
dipole. Thisdifferencewillnot beseen, however, ifthemolecular In this case, the diffraction pattern loses cylindrical symmetry
structuresofthe twostatesaresimilar becausethetotaldiffraction and the signal cannot be averaged over the entire detector.
pattern is always a sum of scattering from the excited and the Variations in thediffraction pattern must be particularlydistinct,
unexcited subsets; if the two species have identical r,, then this and ideally there would be some way to separate the scattering
sum is just jo[srjj]. Fortunately, the excited-state structure is signal of the excited species from the unexcited species. The
usually changed from the ground-state species to some degree, scattering patternat early times,in theinstant after themolecular
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Val. 98, No. 11. 1994 2113
lowest vibrational level. (A more detailed investigation of the B
X transition must account for the impact of overlap and
vibrational motion and is delayed until section IV.) The resulting
diffraction pattern is a sum of the perpendicular/excited dis-
tribution (eq 25) evaluated for the B state (11.1 = 3.0267 A, 11.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 = 0.04598 A) plus the perpendicular/unexcited distribution (eq
26) evaluated for the X state (11-1 = 2.6664 A, 11.1 = 0.03519
Internuclear Separation (A) .&).I4 The modified molecular scattering pattern from this system
Figure 8. Radial distribution curves for ground-state (X) and excited- (Figure 9a) reflects the anisotropy of the sample. It is clear that
state (B) iodine at vibrational level Y = 0. the oscillation frequencies along the x- and y-axes are different,
but extracting informationon the excited-statespecies is nontrivial
because the background signal from the unexcited molecules also
depends on 4. Other possible approaches should be considered,
as discussed below.
Iodinemay beexcited toadissociativestate insteadofa bound
state. The dissociation time is very fast-within a few hundred
femtoseconds"-so shortly after excitation the molecular sample
will consist of atomic iodine in the perpendicular/excited
distribution and molecular iodine in the perpendicular/unexcited
distribution. The diffraction pattern will therefore he equivalent
to Figure 7b. The change in the diffraction pattern is certainly
distinct, and additional structural information about the ground
state species has been determined-the directionality of rl.l.
Over longer times, the anisotropicdistribution ofthe unexcited
iodine molecules will be lost due to rotational motion, and the
electron diffraction pattern will correspond to an isotropic
distribution. The amplitude oftherings will be two-thirdsofthe
0 early-time amplitudealong thex-axis,assuming that the excitation
5 10 laser has dissociated all of the molecules in the perpendicular/
5 10 excited subset. Approximately 1 / 2 8 picoseconds after laser
excitation, however, a rotational recurrence will take place and
the anisotropic distribution will appear once again. (A half-
recurrence will also occur earlier at 1/48 P S . ) ~By ~ taking a
series of diffraction patterns in time, it will be possible to mimic
the spectroscopic rotational recurrence experiments of Felker et
ai. and determine the rotational constant with UED. The
experimentalist looks for those times at which the isotropic
distribution changes to the anisotropic pattern. Rotational
recurrencestudiesoftheground-state species are therefore possible
with UED.
Observing rotational recurrences with UED is a time-domain
technique for measuringrotational constants, but these rotational
recurrences are useful for distinguishing bctween the structures
of ground-state and excited-state species. Recall that the early-
time diffraction pattern from excitation of the B X transition
was anisotropic hut did not distinguish well between the excited-
and ground-state species. This will not be the case at later times
0 10 because the rotational constants of the ground- and excited-state
5 species are different, and the recurrences will be separate and
5 10 distinct. As an example, with ground-state iodine (v = 0). EX =
Figure9. Modified molccularscatteringcuwesfromamiitureofground- 0.0373 cm-I and 1/2& = 447 ps; for iodine in the B state ( v =
state and B-state iodine. (a) Scattering pattern immediately after 0), BE = 0.0289 cm-' and 1/2& = 577 ps." These recurrences
excitation. The excited iodine is in a perpendicular/excited distribution are well-resolved in time, and the scattering pattern at each
and the ground-stateiodine 1s in a perpendicular/unexciteddistribution.
The oscillation frequency along the x-axis is slightly greater than along recurrence will correspond to a sum of one species in an isotropic
they-axis, which reflects that B-state molecules (q.1 = 3.027 A) in the distribution and the second species in its initial anisotropic
sample are oriented parallel to the x-axis and the unexcited molecules distribution. Studies of the excited-state species are best
@ . I = 2.666A) areoriented parallel to thcy-anis. (b) Scattering pattern conductedwithanunpolarizedlaser,~~ thatthediffractionsignal
a few picoseconds after excitation. The spatial anisotropy has been lost for the excited species is a sum of the parallel and perpendicular
due to rotational motion. The diffraction pattern now corresponds to an distributions. Although the parallel contribution does not add
isotropic sample of'/, ground-state icdine and I / , B-state icdine.
much to the scattering pattern, the isotropic background signal
sample has been excited by the polarized laser, should be from the unexcited molecules is reduced by a factor of 2. The
considered first. The excited and unexcited molecules have not excited pattern is easier to discern because only onc-third of the
hada chanceto rotateout oftheiranisotropicspatial distributions, sample remains unexcited.
1114 The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 98, No. 1 1 , 1994 Williamson and Zewail
l $ -sin $ sin R cos J.
cos R sin $ cos $ sin R sin $
+in O 0 cos
Application of this transform to eq 27 leads to
][I:] (28)
be possible to idenfity the two components of the middle ring between rij and C-I axis, Q,.
because their maximum peak areas would be different, but in this
The CF3 radicals will take on a perpendicular/excited distribution
example it happens that 2~21- 328.It is still relatively simple at each rotational recurrence; since the moment of inertia ofCF3
to identify the components, however, because the C-I interference
is not equal to the moment of inertia of CF31, the rotational
fringes are damped by the cos(qc - 71) phase term and the F-F
recurrence times of CF3 will be different (and resolvable) from
interference fringes are not damped. Consequently, the F-.F
the parent species.
peak is expected to be narrower and taller than the C-I peak, and
this is confirmed in the cross sections (Figure 14).
IV. Vibrational Coherence
The perpendicular/unexcited radial distributions in Figure 13
and in the profiles of Figure 14 provide qualitative information In the previous section it was shown that additional structural
about the angles QC-F and &...I. A quick glance at the inner ring and spectroscopic information can be obtained by observing the
shows that the C-F bond is almost orthogonal to the C-I bond diffraction pattern of a laser-excited molecular sample during
because the peak is larger on the x-axis than on the y-axis. rotationalrecurrences. The experimental factors that enable this
Conversely, the amplitude distribution of the outer ring shows are the ultrafast laser pulse, which creates a coherent superposition
that Q F - ~ must be closer to Oo (or 180O) than 90°. It will be of rotational states, and the ultrafast electron pulse, which has
possible to determine aij with great precision by carefully fitting sufficient time resolution (a few picoseconds) to record the
thex- and y-axis molecular scattering curves, and a more detailed diffraction pattern of the molecular sample during the rotational
discussion of this process will be presented in future publications. recurrence window.
In X-ray crystallography, the entire structure of the unit cell Here we investigate the electron scattering patterns from a
is mapped out by taking a series of diffraction patterns using molecular beam sample with vibrational coherence. A femto-
different crystal orientations. This process can be imitated in second laser pulse creates the coherence, a superposition of
UED to some extent by exciting different dipole transitions-the vibrational eigenstates. Traditionally, the time evolution of this
perpendicular/unexcited radial distribution of CF31 will be superposition, or wave packet, is monitored by a second femto-
different if the excitation axis is parallel to a C-F bond. These second laser pulse with FTS to follow the molecular dynamics of
diffraction patterns thus contain information about the nature of unbound, bound, and quasi-bound systems.17 We wish to show
the excited transition (perpendicular versus parallel, etc.), in that UED provides similar information about the dynamics and
addition to structural details. potential energy surfaces of molecular systems; the simulations
Finally, rotational recurrence UED provides a unique oppor- presented are important to test two regimes for- structural
tunity for determining the rotational constants and structure of changes: coherent motion and the kinetic regime. UED may be
radicals and other dissociation products. If the dissociation takes conducted even when little spectroscopic information is known
place more quickly than the duration of the rotational recurrence, about the system-the probe involves only the state of interest,
then the dissociation products will have anisotropic spatial and not a transition involving two states. Furthermore, the
orientation distributions. For example, CF31readily dissociates dynamics along the reaction coordinate can be extracted for
into CF3 and atomic iodine when excited by a 266-nm laser pulse. complex systems because UED records all structural changes. In
1116 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. I I , 1994 Williamson and Zewail
4.0 4.0
0 1 2 3 4
Internuclear Separation (A)
Figure 14. Radial distribution curve cross sections of isotropic CFjI and
of the perpendicularfunexcited CFjI subset. The curves have k e n
baseline-corrected to emphasize thechanges in each pcak (wmpare with
the uncorrected surface in Figure 13b). As discussed in the text, the C-I
and F-I pcaks arc most intcnse along the y-axis and least intense along
the x-axis. The C-F and F-F peaks are most intense along the x-axis.
scattering sample and assume that the excited molecules have an
isotropic distribution The diffraction patterns will therefore be
cylindrically symmetric and consist of sums of the zero-order
spherical Bessel function, jo. This will a m u n t for the rotational
averaging shown in eq 5 , but vibrational averaging must be
considered more carefully. Our classical trajectory calculation
consists of a molecular ensemble in which the initial conditions
of each trajectory are randomly determined with a Monte Carlo
technique according to some probability distribution, The total
number of trajectories, NT. must he sufficiently large such that
the macroscopic behavior emerges by averaging the behavior of
the individual trajectories. Consequently, if the molecular
scattering curve is calculated from a large numberoftrajectories,
Internuclear Separation (A) than the total scattering should automatically a m u n t for
Figure 13. Two-dimensional radial distribution curves of CF& (a) vibrational averaging.
Isotropic sample. The inner ring wrresponds to the C-F separation, the Themolecular scattering intensity fromaset ofNTtrajectories
middle ring is a sum of the C-I and F-F separations, and the outer ring
wrresponds to the F-I separation. Only one quadrant is shown. (b) for molecular iodine simplifies to
Perpendicularfunexcited subset of the molecular sample after laser
excitation along the C-I band axis. Only one quadrant is shown. The
inner ring is most intense along thc x-axis because ~ G F is almost
perpendicular to rc.1. The outer ring is most intense along the y-axis
becauserF-Iisalmost parallel torc.1. The twocomponentsofthemiddle
ring have been separated along the x- and y-axes because rF.+ IrGI. where r.(f) is the evolution of the internuclear separation of the
Scattering from TCI is found along the y-axis. This peak is less intense nth trajectory in time. Two-dimensional diffraction plots with
than therp-Fpeakalong thex-axis becausescatteringfromrc-lisdamped the modified molecular scattering along the abscissa (in A-I) and
by thews(qc-s) term. Distortions in the baseline (seesection II1,part
D) actually exaggerate this effect. but it can still be ObseNed in the time along the ordinate (in fs) will be created. Generating radial
corrected profiles (Figure 14) distribution curves from these plots is straightforward.
B. Molecular Dynamics Calculations. With molecular dy-
this section we will comparethediffraction patterns from electron namics simulations of solutions, Bergsma et al. have shown the
pulse/velocity mismatch temporal resolutions (re)of both 50 and calculated Vibrational dynamics of iodine in different solvents
500 fs. The experimental limit of time resolution is discussed in following X-ray diffraction.'6 Here, the trajectory calculation
the accompanying paper.21 was designed to mirror the UED experimental excitation process,
The diffraction patterns are determined as a function of time where the pump laser excites isolated molecular iodine, creating
by calculating the electron scattering from classical trajectories a wave packet whichevolvesin timeon theB state. Thisevolution
ofmolecular iodineexcited totheBstate. Asaresult,thissection was recorded for each trajectory inaone-dimensional array,r.(f),
begins with a discussion of the scattering equations involved in and the diffraction pattern at a specific time 1, was obtained by
trajectory calculations, and the trajectory calculations themselves summing the scattering contributions from all rn(f,) (eq 32). We
are then described in part B. We discuss the diffraction patterns wish to compare the diffraction patterns from several different
when B-state iodine dissociates (part C) and when it is trapped excitation energies, 2000,3000, and 4000 cm-I, which are below
within the potential well (part D), and conclude this section by the dissociation energy, and a t 4750 cm-I, which is above the
examining the experimental applications of UED to molecular dissociation energy. These energies are relative to the bottom of
dynamics studies on several different time.scales. the B-state potential
A. Theoretical Framework. To emphasize the role of vibra- One thousand trajectories were used for the bound systems,
tional coherence in the diffraction patterns, we will ignore the and tenthousandtrajectorieswereusedforthedissociativesystem.
effects of anisotropic spatial orientation distributions in the It wasassumed that theinitialground-state molecular iodinewas
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vul. 98. Nu. 11,1994 2111
(a) ,
I ~ .
s (A') - 10
Internuclear 10 0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Separation (A) Internuclear Separation (A)
Figure 15. Molecular dynamics of B-state iodine excited to 4750 cm-I Figure 16. Molecular dynamics of B-state iodine excited to 4750 Em-'
above the bottom of the potential well. Iodine dissociates at this energy. above the bottom of the potential well. Iodine dissociates at this energy.
Electron pulse temporal resolution: r. = 50 fs. (a) Modified molecular Electron pulsetemporal resolution: 7. = 500 fs. (a) Modified molecular
scattering curve as a function of time. (b) Radial distribution curve as scatteringcurveas a functionof time. Theascillationsdampoutquickly
a function of time. The hump at 400 fs appears because the wave packet because of the low temporal resolution. (b) Comparison of the radial
slows dawn as it climbs the outer potential wall before dissociation. distribution CUNS after I ps for = 50 fs and 7, = 500 fs. The radial
distribution C U N ~at time zero ( T ~= 50 fs) is shown as a refercnce.
vibrationally cold, with the initial energy and probability
distributions corresponding to Y = 0. The excitation laser pulse L ~ c . 3New
~ positions and velocities were calculated every 5 fs
had a Gaussian temporal profile (fwhm = 50 fs), and the energy using an embedded Runge-Kutta integration scheme designed
bandwidth was determined by assuming that the pulse was to conserve the total energy of each traject0ry.3~The calculation
transform limited. began a t 4 . 5 ps (with the static ground-state distribution) and
The goal of the trajectory calculation was to generate a two- continued out to +2.5 ps. The zero of time, f = 0, corresponded
dimensional array containing internuclear separation probabilities to excitation of the molecular sample with the pump laser.
as a function of time. The size of each position element was 0.01 Theduration of the pumplaser pulse was included by offsetting
A and the size of each temporal element was 5 fs. The initial time zero for each trajectory by a random amount determined
conditions of each trajectory were determined using the Monte witha MonteCarlotechniqueon thepumplasertemporal profile.
Carlo technique. The initial energy was equal to the excitation Prior to to.., the two-dimensional array was filled with the
energy (e.&, 3000 cm-I) plus an offset determined by the laser probability distribution ofground-state iodine normalized to unit
bandwidth, and the initial position was determined from the area. Evolution of the trajectory after was modeled by adding
probability distribution ofground-stateidine. Several iterations one to the array element corresponding to the current time and
were sometimes necessary to establish a valid combination of calculated position.
initial energy and position, particularly a t lower energies where The temporal profile of the electron pulse (including velocity
the Franck-Condon overlap between the X state and the B state mismatch effects) was assumed to be Gaussian. The duration of
is poor. The initialvelocitywas calculated from the initial energy the electron pulse was included in the calculation by convoluting
and the B-state potential surface, and a randomly determined the temporal behavior of a specific internuclear distance (one
direction for the velocity (Le., bond contracting or expanding) row in the array) with the temporal profile of the electron pulse.
was assigned. The final result was an array of internuclear distances ranging
After defining the initial conditions, the evolution of each in time from 0 to 2 ps. The modified molecular scattering curve
trajectory on the B-state potential surface was calculated. The was calculated from 0 to 15 A-' (in 0.02-A--1 steps) at each time
program employed a Hulburt-Hirschfelder potential energy interval using eq 31, and the radial distribution curve was
surface" with Dunham coefficients provided by Gerstenkorn and calculated from sM(s) with kd = 0.01 A2.
2118 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 11. 1994 Williamson and Zewail
(a) 1
, ._
, ..
Internuclear Internuclear
Separation (A) Separation (A)
(d) L.\\..,.
-. 1..
,/ \~
Internuclear Internuclear
Separation (A) Separation (A)
Figure 17. Molecular dynamics of B-state iodine excited below the dissociation energy (4381.8 cm-I): (a) 2000 cm-'. = 50 fs; (b) 3000 cm-', 1.
E 3000
2 0I M 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 I
Time (DS)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Internuclear Separation (A)
Figure 18. Radial distribution curves at 2 ps from molecular dynamics
of B-state iodine excited below the dissociation energy. The RD curves
are shown superimposed over the B-state potential energy surface.
Electron pulse temporal resolution: T~ = 500 fs. At this temporal Internuclear - 5 6
resolution, the trajectories for 2000 and 3000 cm-l are static after the
first 500 fs, although vibrational oscillations of B-state iodine molecular Separation (A)
dynamics at 4000 cm-I may still be resolved (see Figure 17d). Figure 19. Reaction dynamicsof CzF412. Thefirst iodine atom dissociates
directly with 71 I0.5 ps. The second iodine atom dissociates with 7 2 =
for all three energies overlaid on the B-state potential energy 32 ps. (a) Ground-state iodine atom signal as a function of time (ref 43).
surface. Note that the curves for 2000 and 3000 cm-1 are static (b) Radial distribution curve as a function of time. At time zero the
and represent the average vibrational motion, but the 4000 cm-1 molecular sample is pure C2F412. After time zero the molecular sample
curve is still evolving in time. This type of experiment has no is a mixture of C2F.J radical and F2C=CF2. The composition was
need of ultrafast time resolution and is actually better suited to obtained from the experimental results for 71 and 72.
longer time scales in which the bandwidth of the excitation laser
is narrow enough to pick out specific vibrational states-state nential; see Figure 19a). The corresponding time evolution of
selective diffraction. theradialdistributioncurveisshowninFigure 19b. Themolecular
E. Experimental Applications to More Complicated Systems. scattering curve is simply a weighted sum of the three components
Here, we discuss ways UED might be applied to dynamical (C2F412, C2F41,and F&=CF2); the composition of the molecular
experiments where reaction intermediates are formed on longer sample was calculated as a function of time using measured values
time scales. The most important characteristic of gas-phase of T~ and 72. Structural parameters for C2F4I2 and F2C==CF2
electron diffraction is that the scattering patterns are extremely were obtained from the l i t e r a t ~ r e ~and
~ pthe
~ ~structure of the
sensitive to small changes in internuclear separation. Conven- radical component was assumed to be identical to C2F4I2 with
tional GED experiments typically report internuclear separations one iodine atom missing.
to within 0.005 or less;4 so far, a limited range of s is detected The radial distribution curve clearly reveals the dynamical
inUED(lSA--',asopposedto -4OA-linGED),andtheprecision changes of the fragmentation process. The primary bond breakage
is more on the order of 0.05 A. This sensitivity is still sufficient is shown by the rapid disappearance of the peak at 5.0 A, which
to distinguish between different vibrational states (Figure 18) as corresponds to the I-.I internuclear separation. The subsequent
well as between different electronic states (Figure 8). UED transformation of the radial distribution curve over the next 100
therefore provides another detection scheme for monitoring ps characterizes the secondary bond breakage; note that the
ultrafast decay processes, either when the products dissociate or intensity of the first peak at 1.3 A (C-C, C-F) does nor change
when they merely change to a different vibrational or electronic because all carbon and fluorine atoms remain in the molecule,
state, Such an avenue of detection is, of course, particularly although the position of the peak shifts inward slightly as the
useful when spectroscopic data about higher excited states is not C-C bond changes to a double bond. The ability of UED to
available or is too complicated. monitor this type of dynamical change has already been
As an example of how UED might be applied to dynamical demonstrated19 and is detailed in the accompanying paper.2'
studies, we can consider the three-body photofragmentation The primary and secondary bond breakages in C2F4I2 are very
process of CzF412 studied in real time.43 The photofragmentation different processes and help illuminate the distinctions between
is a two-step process in which both iodine atoms dissociate, leaving monitoring vibrational coherence versus following dynamical
tetrafluoroethylene decays. Loss of the first iodine atom is a direct process and very
fast; if the molecule is excited with a femtosecond laser pulse, a
C2F412* C2F41* I* + (33)
wave packet is formed on the dissociative potential energy surface.
With a 50-fs electron pulse, it would be possible to monitor this
dissociation process in time, and the diffraction patterns would
'2 be similar to those shown in Figure 15. The 1-1 separation would
C2F41*+ F2C=CF2 +I (34) rapidly move outward from 5.0 A, and one set of C-I, C-I, and
Fa-I peaks would shift outward as well. Loss of the second iodine
The primary C-I bond breakage is very fast ( r l 5 0.5 ps), while atom, however, is not a coherent process. The individual C2F41
the secondary bond breakage results from internal energy radicals dissociate independently of each other, with the behavior
redistribution and is significantly slower (72 = 32 ps at a given of the entire population characterized by the decay constant 7 2 .
energy). The dynamics of the two steps depended on the total Trajectory calculations are unnecessary to model this type of
energy and were probed by measuring the rises of excited-state dynamical process because the loss of the second iodine is very
atomic iodine (I*) and ground-state atomic iodine (a biexpo- fast compared to the uncertainty in the onset of the dissociation.
2780 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 11, 1994 Williamson and Zewail
TABLE 2: Summary of Spatial Scattering Functions F, for Several Spatial Orientation Probability Distributions fin,$) Where
n,= 0.
spatial orientation fraction of
distribution molecules P(Q,+) Fij(5)
isotropic 1 1 Jo[sr,jl
perpendicular excited
- (
sin2 Qij + (2-3 sin2 Q,j)
The bottom row shows the functional form of the perpendicu1arJexcited Fij for arbitrary
Thus the diffraction pattern may be calculated as a sum of acknowledges the National Science Foundation for providing a
scattering from each of the three components weighted by their Graduate Student Fellowship.
relative populations.
V. Conclusion Many of the definite integrals generated from eq 17 are not
readily available in mathematical references. This appendix
Debye's work on X-ray diffraction showed that the scattering provides a general description of the integration process needed
pattern from a gas is rich with structural information, despite the to obtain the closed form solutions summarized in Table 2.
randomness in the position and orientation of the molecular Integration of eq 17 over J, is accomplished with one of the
sample. One focus of this paper was to show that ultrafast following identities:
preparation and ultrafast electron diffraction can be used to
introduce and observe order in gas phase samples, thus yielding
a new dimension in molecular structure analysis. The formation
of a coherent superposition of rotational and vibrational eigen-
states, which can be controlled by the experimental time delay, or
are transient impositions of this order on an otherwise isotropic
sample. Rotational recurrence UED provides a detailed structural (A-2)
picture of the ground-state species: internuclear distances,
moment of inertia (from the rotational constant), and bond angles.
Vibrational coherence studies reveal transition-state dynamics where y is defined by
and provide a map of the potential energy surface; this information
is very similar to results from FTS. Applications were discussed y = (A2 + B2)'/* ('4-3)
for small systems (two atoms), more complex systems (five or
eight atoms), and reactions involving direct dissociation or reactive Equation A-1 may be verified by expanding the exponential as
intermediates. The following paper details our apparatus, its a series and employing definite integrals listed in Gradshteyn
temporal and spatial resolutions, and experimental applications. and Ryzhik.468 Equation A-2 may be verified by expanding the
exponential, expanding each term in the exponential sum, and
Acknowledgment. This work was supported by a grant from integrating term by term.6b As anexampleof how theseidentities
the U S . Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National are applied, eq A-1 simplifies F',,for the isotropic distribution to
Science Foundation. The authors thank Dr. Scott Kim and Dr.
Marcos Dantus for their stimulating discussions on ultrafast F,,(s) = iJ:sin R Jo[ sr cos sin R] eisrsin(e/2)oos*
dR (A-4)
electron diffraction, and Hakno Lee and Dr. Juen-Kai Wang for 2
their help. We thank Dr. Ralf Friichtenicht for assisting in the The final closed form is obtained by integrating over R using
translation of some of the referenced (German) articles. J.C.W. one of the following identities:
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