Editorial - Spring 2008

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Contents Editorial

3 Editorial

6 However idealistic we might like to be, resources usually drive us

4 News towards European programmes. I have come across two opposing
schools of thought in relation to matching budgets and workloads: if budgets are restrictive
6 Getting to the point of Corepoint then a) scale back on activity and overheads; or b) seek some additional funding to fill the gap.
Val Cummins, instigator and project
CoastNet – breathing new Both have their place of course, but in small teams (and that is usually where coastal things
coordinator for the Corepoint project,
life into coastal matters sit), the former leads to a downward spiral of activity that quickly leads to extinction, while the
explains the purpose and goals of the
Spring 2008 four year project. latter can facilitate survival against the odds.
Getting to the point of Corepoint

8 Coastliners It was in applying approach b) learned personally from seeing the what these programmes are largely
The edge is a quarterly magazine, 12 partners, 7 countries, one continent 8 that I was first introduced diversity of approaches that are at about. So I say innovate, converse
sent out to all CoastNet members. to European programmes and work across Europe, and through and debate with your European
CoastNet is an international
working in a broad-based project having to understand different neighbours, and bring the benefits
networking organisation that 10 On the ground partnership. It was hard at first to systems and the thinking that back home.
works with all coastal interests to A look at Corepoint’s central idea of make sense of the administrative underpins them. I don’t doubt
promote the exchange of ideas, expert couplets – partnerships between systems (the financial reporting that this is common to most This special edition of the edge
information and expertise to find
long term solutions to coastal locally-based research institutions and was a nightmare) but I persevered people who have been involved in celebrates and reflects upon the
problems that benefit all. Our local authorities. and now it is second nature. And European projects, and I am sure achievements of the Corepoint
mission is to safeguard the world’s in addition to the extra resources that they would all agree that it project, funded through the
coast and those communities of
people and wildlife that depend that these programmes bring I can is an immensely valuable and European Interreg programme.
upon it for their future. 12 Unlocking the data now talk at length about other satisfying experience. The following pages give a taste of
Tim Stojanovic discusses the benefits of equal importance. the project and some insight into
Editor: Lesley Smeardon
[email protected]
development of local information 10 I hear of many people who shy what it achieved.
Designed by: Cottier & Sidaway systems in ICZM practice.
Printed by: Swan Print
First among these is creating the away from Interreg, from LIFE,
freedom to innovate; to try new from Leonardo and so on, because
Submissions ways of working and to share of fears about bureaucracy, about
To submit an article for publication, please 14 Training the professionals
email to the editor saving your submission
that learning with others. In being diverted from one’s core
A brief look at Corepoint’s training
as a word document. Alternatively, send to some cases I have seen these work. But I would urge these
the address below. Letters can be sent to the schools and its projects that cut across
editor but we are unable to acknowledge innovations become part of people to think again, especially
receipt. The editor reserves the right to edit
issues, sectors and regions.
mainstream working because they when they work in coastal Alex Midlen,
were positive improvements. management. We need to develop Strategic Director
CoastNet: The Gatehouse, A close second is what I have new ways of working and that is
Rowhedge Wharf, High St,
Rowhedge, Essex, CO5 7ET.
Tel/Fax: 01206 728644 14
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.coastnet.org.uk

CoastNet is governed by an independent

Board of Management and serviced by a
Registered charity no 1055763
Registered as a company limited by
guarantee, company no 3204452

The opinions expressed in the magazine are

not necessarily those of CoastNet.
© CoastNet, 2008

2 The edge Spring 2008 The edge Spring 2008 3

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