SGP Questions
SGP Questions
SGP Questions
10 What are the types of grounding? Explain reactance & resistance grounding.
11 Explain the function of Peterson coil & how it helps in reducing arcing
12 Describe the construction & principle of operation of rod gaps & horn gap
type lightning arrester.
16 With a neat diagram explain the working of induction type directional over
current relay.
19 Describe the frame leakage bus bar protection scheme & differential bus bar
20 With the help of a neat and labeled diagram, explain the working of a Air Blast
Circuit Breaker.
21 With the help of a neat and labeled diagram, explain the working principle of
an Induction-Type Over-current Relay.
22 Describe various protection schemes of an alternator for different faults and
abnormal running conditions.
23 Describe the protection schemes employed for Bus Bar Protection.
24 Explain various types of faults taking place in an alternator. Also explain how
negative sequence protection is achieved.
25 Enlist the main equipments used in a substation along with their respective
functions. Also, draw a layout of a typical substation.
26 Compare the characteristics of : (i) impedance relay; (ii) mho relay; and (iii)
reactance relay. Also, mention the respective applications of these relays.
27 Describe the construction and working principle of following types of relays:
(a) Electromagnetic type instantaneous relays
(b) Induction type directional relays
(c) Distance relays
28 Explain the following terms: recovery voltage, restriking voltage and RRRV.
Derive the expression for restriking voltage in terms of system capacitance
and inductance.
29 Explain the working of:
(a) Air blast circuit breaker
(b) SF6 circuit breaker
(c) Minimum oil circuit breaker
30 Discuss different transformer faults. What are the various protection schemes
generally used for transformers?
31 What is Merz-Price voltage protection scheme? How does it protect feeders?
Explain with a neat diagram.
32 In the context of transformer protection, please explain:
(a) Biased differential protection
(b) Restricted earth fault protection
33 Discuss SF6 circuit breaker with a neat sketch.