A Study On Engagement and Involvement of Employees in Private Sectors Banks in Chennai - With Special Reference To ICICI Bank
A Study On Engagement and Involvement of Employees in Private Sectors Banks in Chennai - With Special Reference To ICICI Bank
A Study On Engagement and Involvement of Employees in Private Sectors Banks in Chennai - With Special Reference To ICICI Bank
A Study on Engagement and Involvement of Employees in Private Sectors Banks in Chennai With Special Reference to ICICI Bank
Engagement, Relationship, Workforce, Employee.
v Banks offer career at different scales of employment it is important to the employee to think of their growth at every level. v An effective engagement and involvement practice plays a vital role in their career growth and development. Therefore, an attempt is made to study the relationship of the above factors with reference to employee engagement and involvement practices of the study unit. LIMITATIONs OF THE STUDY 1. The study is an empirical one based on perceptions of the employees. 2. The study is limited to ICICI bank in Chennai city only. 3. The study is not based on period. 4. The study focuses only the major factor, in employee engagement and involvement. METHODOLOGY The proposed study on employee engagement and involvement is conned to ICICI Bank on account of time and resource constraints. A structured questionnaire is designed and administered to elicit responses from the employees of ICICI Bank. Hence, the proposed study is both analytical and descriptive in nature. The primary data is collected through the structured questionnaire. The secondary data is collected from published manuals, magazines, journals of repute, published reports, research papers, and related web sites. SAMPLING SIZE Out of the total population, 130 samples are drawn from them. One hundred and twenty samples are taken and out of which 100 samples are found to be useful and the rest of the samples are not complete, hence they are not considered for the study and analysis. SAMPLE SELECTION The simple random sampling method is applied to collect the primary data. QUESIONNAIRE DESIGN The primary data are collected through questionnaire. The rst part of the questionnaire comprises of demographic factors with optional questions, the second part includes statements relating to their opinion on factors concerning their work environment, interpersonal relations, training and development programs, promotion procedures and scales of pay. The third part is related to the growth potentials, career development and institutional loyalty and their general observations. data analysis FRAMEWORK OF ANALYSIS The study has been analyzed through tables, percentage, Garrett ranking techniques. There are some important aspects which makes the employee engagement and involvement. Table 1Reason for Employee Engagement and Involvement s.no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sources training relationship loyalty responsibility environment hierachy communication partcipation garrett mean score 68.54 45.24 39.58 55.3 50.32 41.32 45.12 51.7 rank i v viii ii iv vii vi iii
75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
TABLE 2: Employee engagement builds passion and commitment Total respondent 1) Highly Dissatisfy 2) Dissatisfy 3) Neutral 4) Satised 15% = 100 = 30% = 30% = 25% = 15%
30% Highly Dissatisfy-30% Dis satisfy-30% 25% 30% Neutral-25% Satisfied-15%
Source: Primary Data MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY v 80 percent of the respondents have set out that training helps to increase productivity though result is downsizing of employees. v 80 percent of the respondents have opined that they are satised with the present working environment, and 20 percent of the respondents seek sophisticated training to improve work efciency and training even during service is expected to be more effective for development. v The survey has also brought to light that while dealing with customers, employees face problems of inadequate of knowledge of the customer, fear of insecurity and unawareness among the customers. These, create confusion and job stress among the employees. v 80 percent of the respondents have expressed that working environment is the prominent factor that decides the productivity of the employees. v The study has thrown light that e-channels are more popular among young and middle age customers but still only 40 percent transactions are through e-channels. They have opined that customers ignore e-channels mainly because of lack of knowledge and training which creates a sense of insecurity. Service charges are also a key concern of the respondents. v The respondents have stated that IT has a bright future because it will enable the banks to be more competitive, generate further opportunities and trim down per transaction cost. The study has suggested that placing ATMs at opportune places, serve the customers as per their requirements, and provide knowledge and security to attract potential e-channel customers. v The study has revealed that 44 percent of the respondents have agreed that there is good co-operation among themselves, 20 of the respondents have opined that the co-operation among themselves prevails only occasionally, 10 percent of the respondents hold the views that it
prevails at times and 26 percent of the respondents had negative opinion. v 70 percent of the respondents have brought to light that they are comfortable with the working hours, 20percent of the respondents have expressed that they are comfortable at times only, 10percent of the respondents are not comfortable with the working hours. v The survey results have revealed that cost, speed, convenient accessibility and quality services of the ICICI bank attract the customers, among all e-channels, ATM banks ICICI is the most preferred one because of costeffectiveness. MEASURING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT v To measure employee engagement banking need to get the opinion of the employees in different ways. v Employees opinion survey can then be utilized to derive the standardized engagement metrics. v Addition to the ofcial and unofcial meetings, workers focus groups, mangers interviews and nally the performance measures assessing the employee engagement. v Gives the employers the insights in to which factors inuence employees performance, satisfaction, loyalty and motivation. v Engaging employees is crucial to satisfying and understanding the organizations customers. This has a measurable and direct impact on productivity, talent retention, nancial results and customer satisfaction. v Private banking must be willing to tap in to the worker commitment, passion and their identication with the organization this can also be done through building trust between employees and open communication. v Some of the important factors that are employed to engage and retain employees include, a culture of respect, mentoring and feedback, professional and advancement
development, appropriate rewards, effective leadership, job expectations, tools to nish work responsibilities and nally motivation. CONCLUSION The success of any organization lies in employee engagement and involvement. Employee turnover rate is an indicator reecting the employee engagement. It needs to be conceived, strategized and driven collectively. Employee engagement leads to sharing of ideas among team members and boost the morale and innovative capabilities of employees. Engagement is much more than attraction, retention and commitment. Job involvement is a Cognitive or belief state of Psychologically Identication. Job involvement is a thought to depend on both need saliency and the potential job and how far to satisfy these needs. Thus, job involvement results from a cognitive judgement about the need satisfying capabilities of the job. Jobs in this view are tied to ones self image. Engagement differs from job, as it is concerned more with how the individual employee engages themselves during the performance of their job. Therefore, the researcher has made an attempt to study the various factors contributing for employee engagement and involvement in the current scenario. Employee engagement approaches for new employees begin from the selection or recruitment stage by selecting the right person and giving a realistic job preview, organizing strong induction and orientation programme, providing rigorous training and development programme consisting of technical skills, soft skills, leadership development etc along with updating the employee about the current trends which will help in increasing their performance. Employee engagement cannot be fully delegated to the management practices of Human Resource Development it need to be conceived strategized and driven collectively by the CEO and his Senior management team.
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