Word Building
Word Building
Word Building
Objective 1: Combining forms Objective 2: Pronounce terms Objective 3: Organization of body Objective 4: Cells Objective 5: Tissues Objective 6: Organs and systems Objective 7: Anatomical position Objective 8: Body planes Objective 9: Identify regions of the body Objective 10: Directional and positional terms Objective 11: Body cavities Objective 12: Anatomical and clinical divisions Objective 13: Build terms Objective 14: Abbreviations 38 39 40 40 41 42 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 57 71
Student DVD-ROM
Twelve different interactive learning games Flash card generator Audio Glossary Professional Profile videoMedical Care Family and General Practitioner Physician Assistant Medical Assistants Terminology Translator Additional Professional Profile information New York Times link for research into specific pathologies Web Destination activities Audio Glossary Link to VangoNotes Link to drug updates
Animations 3D interactive animation of cardiovascular system 3D interactive animation of lymphatic system 3D interactive animation of respiratory system 3D interactive animation of digestive system 3D interactive animation of urinary system
Companion Website
Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-in-the-Blank practice questions Labeling exercises Case study
3D interactive animation of female reproductive system 3D interactive animation of male reproductive system 3D interactive animation of endocrine system 3D interactive animation of nervous system 3D interactive animation of eye 3D interactive animation of ear
Drag and drop labeling activity Body cavities Directional terms Digital library of all figures from text chapter, labeled and unlabeled Test bank with 200 objective questions per chapter plus two short answer questions 20 classroom response questions PowerPoint presentation for classroom or online utilization
Recognize the combining forms introduced in this chapter. Text page: 20; PowerPoint slides: 34
abdomin/o adip/o anter/o brachi/o caud/o cephal/o cervic/o chondr/o crani/o crur/o cyt/o dist/o dors/o epitheli/o glute/o hist/o infer/o later/o medi/o muscul/o neur/o organ/o oste/o pelv/o peritone/o pleur/o poster/o proxim/o pub/o somat/o spin/o super/o system/o thorac/o ventr/o vertebr/o viscer/o 38 abdomen fat front arm tail head neck cartilage skull leg cell away from back of body epithelium buttock tissue below side middle muscle nerve organ bone pelvis peritoneum pleura back near to genital region body spine above system chest belly vertebra internal organ
Encourage students to add new combining forms to their flash cards.
Medical Terminology Bee
Create PowerPoint flash cards of new combining forms and suffixes presented in this chapter; have all students stand and then define word part; if student is correct he/she remains standing, if student is wrong he/she sits down; continue until only one student is standing.
Worksheet 2A
Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM
Practice questions
Quiz 2ANew Word Parts Quiz Quiz 2EWord Building Quiz Test BankFill-in-the-Blank questions
Correctly spell and pronounce medical terms and anatomical structures relating to body structure.
Pronunciation for medical terms in this chapter can be found: In parentheses following key terms In the Audio Glossary on Student DVD-ROM In the Audio Glossary at Companion Website
Emphasize to students: Importance of correctly spelling terms. How sounding out terms can assist in learning how to spell terms. Say each new term in class and have students repeat it.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension of spelling strategies.
Worksheet 2B
Practice Exercises
Flash cards
Audio Glossary Spelling Challenge game Crossword and Word Search puzzles
Quiz 2BSpelling Quiz Suggested terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. cytoplasm epithelium anatomical coronal sagittal brachial crural gluteal dorsum abdominopelvic 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. diaphragm mediastinum peritoneum pleura pericardial viscera otorhinolaryngology ophthalmology epigastric hypochondriac
Test Bankquestions
Discuss the organization of the body in terms of cells, tissues, organs, and systems. Text pages: 2122; PowerPoint slides: 56
Components arranged in hierarchical manner; parts from lower level come together to form next higher level: cellscome together to form tissues tissuescome together to form organs organscome together to form systems systemscome together to form whole body Refer to System Illustrated figure
Visual Aids
Use anatomical charts to illustrate different levels of organization, particularly from organ to system to whole body.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
Learning games
Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
Describe the common features of all cells. Text page: 22; PowerPoint slides: 710
Fundamental unit of all living things; smallest structure of body that has all properties of being alive: responds to stimuli engages in metabolic activities reproduces itself Tissues and organs in body are composed of cells Individual cells perform functions for body such as reproduction, hormone secretion, energy production, and excretion Special cells carry out specific functions, such as contraction by muscle cells and electrical impulse transmission by nerve cells Study of cells and their functions is called cytology
Visual Aids
Use full-size anatomical charts and models to illustrate different types of cells and their organelles.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
No matter difference in shape and function, all cells have: nucleusoutermost boundary of cell cytoplasmwatery internal environment of cell cell membranecontains DNA See . Figure 2.1
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
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Quiz 2GChapter Review Test bankquestions
Define the four types of tissues. Text pages: 2324; PowerPoint slides: 1119
Study of tissue Tissue formed when like cells grouped together and function together to perform specific activity Body has four types of tissue: muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, and nervous tissue
Visual Aids
Use full-size anatomical charts to illustrate unique characteristics of each tissue type.
Pop Questions
Muscle Tissue
Produces movement through contraction, or shortening in length Composed of individual muscle cells called muscle fibers (see . Figure 2.2) Three basic types of muscles: skeletal muscle (attached to bone), smooth muscle (in internal organs such as intestines, uterus, and blood vessels), and cardiac muscle (only in heart)
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
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Chapter Review
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Student DVD-ROM
Epithelial Tissue
Also called epithelium Found throughout body Composed of close-packed cells that form covering for and lining of body structures Examples: top layer of skin and lining of stomach (see . Figure 2.2) May be specialized to absorb substances (such as nutrients from intestines), secrete substances (such as sweat glands), or excrete wastes (such as kidney tubules)
Learning games
Practice questions
Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
Connective Tissue
Supporting and protecting tissue Performs many different functions depending on location Appears in many different forms so that each is able to perform task required at that location
Examples: bone (structural support for whole body); cartilage (shock absorber in joints); tendons (connects skeletal muscles to bones); a dipose (protective padding) (see . Figure 2.2)
Nervous Tissue
Composed of cells called neurons (see . Figure 2.2) Forms brain, spinal cord, and network of nerves throughout entire body Allows for conduction of electrical impulses to send information between brain and rest of body
List the major organs found in the twelve organ systems. Text pages: 2529; PowerPoint slides: 2050
Composed of several different types of tissue that work as a unit to perform special functions Example: Stomach contains smooth muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial tissue that allow it to contract to mix food with digestive juices
At beginning of lesson, name each body system and see how many organs class can correctly identify for each. Conduct class discussion in order to rank body systems by importance.
Composed of several organs working in coordinated manner to perform complex function or functions Example: stomach plus other digestive system organsoral cavity, esophagus, liver, pancreas, small intestines, and colonwork together to ingest, digest, and absorb our food
See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for 3D animations for the following systems: cardiovascular lymphatic respiratory digestive urinary female reproductive male reproductive endocrine nervous eye ear
Musculoskeletal (MS)
skin hair nails sweat glands sebaceous glands bones joints muscles
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture. orthopedics orthopedic surgery
Cardiovascular (CV)
supports and protects body; forms blood cells; stores minerals; muscles produce movement pumps blood throughout entire body
Assign each student an organ from one body system and have each prepare onepage report.
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
Practice Exercises
plasma erythrocytes leukocytes platelets lymph nodes lymphatic vessels spleen thymus gland tonsils nasal cavity pharynx larynx trachea bronchial tubes lungs oral cavity pharynx esophagus stomach small intestine colon liver gallbladder pancreas salivary glands kidneys ureters urinary bladder urethra ovary fallopian tubes uterus vagina vulva breasts testes epididymis vas deferens penis seminal vesicles prostate gland bulbourethral gland pituitary gland pineal gland thyroid gland parathyroid glands thymus gland adrenal glands pancreas ovaries testes brain spinal cord nerves eye (vision) ear (hearing and balance)
transports oxygen, protects against pathogens, and controls bleeding protects body from disease and invasion from pathogens obtains oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from body ingests, digests, and absorbs nutrients for body
Student DVD-ROM
Learning games
Practice questions
otorhinolaryngology (ENT) pulmonology thoracic surgery gastroenterology proctology Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
Female reproductive
filters waste products out of blood and removes them from body produces eggs for reproduction and provides place for growing baby produces sperm for reproduction
nephrology urology
Male reproductive
receives sensory information and coordinates bodys response vision hearing and balance
Describe the anatomical position. Text page: 29; PowerPoint slides: 5052
Used when describing positions and relationships of structure in human body Body in anatomical position is standing erect with arms at side of body, palms of hands facing forward, and eyes looking straight ahead; legs are parallel with feet and toes pointing forward (see . Figure 2-3) For descriptive purposes, assumption is always that person is in anatomical position even if body or parts of body are in any other position
Visual Aids
Use several anatomical charts or diagrams from other sources to illustrate how anatomical position is universally used. Have students stand and mimic features of anatomical position as you describe them.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM
Learning games
Practice questions
Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
Define the body planes. Text pages: 3031; PowerPoint slides: 5358
Terminology for body planes used to assist medical personnel in describing body and its parts To understand body planes, imagine cuts slicing through body at various angles; imaginary slicing allows us to use more specific language when describing parts of body Body planes, illustrated in . Figure 2.4, include the following: 1. Sagittal plane; vertical plane; also called median plane; runs lengthwise from front to back; divides body or any of its parts into right and left portions; right and left sides do not have to be equal; cut along sagittal plane yields sagittal section view of inside of body 44 Chapter 2/BODY STRUCTURE
Visual Aids
Use full-size anatomical chart to illustrate direction of each plane. Have students pair up and draw imaginary lines on each other to envision what internal structures would be revealed by a slice along each plane.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture. 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
2. Frontal plane: vertical plane; also called coronal plane; runs lengthwise from side to side; divides body into front and back portions; cut along frontal plane yields frontal or coronal section view of inside of body 3. Transverse plane: horizontal plane; also called horizontal plane; divides body or its parts into upper and lower portions; cut along transverse plane yields transverse section view of inside of body Longitudinal sectionview produced by lengthwise slice along long axis of structure Cross-sectionview produced by slice perpendicular to long axis of structure
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
Quiz 2C
Learning games
Practice questions
Quiz 2CLabeling quiz Quiz 2GChapter Review quiz Test Bankquestions
Identify regions of the body. Text pages: 3132; PowerPoint slides: 5961
Body is divided into large regions that can easily be identified externally: Cephalic regionentire head Cervical regionneck Trunktorso Thoracic regionchest Abdominal region Pelvic region Pubic regiongenital region Dorsumback Vertebral region Gluteal regionbuttocks Upper extremities or brachial regionarms Lower extremities or crural regionslegs See . Figure 2.5 to locate each region on body
Visual Aids
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2B
Chapter Review
Quiz 2D
Learning games
Quiz 2DLabeling quiz Quiz 2GChapter Review quiz Test Bankquestions
Define directional and positional terms. Text pages: 3336; PowerPoint slides: 7582
Assist medical personnel in discussing position or location of patients complaint Also help describe one process, organ, or system as it relates to another Table 2.4 presents commonly used terms for describing position of body or its parts Listed in pairs that have opposite meanings: for example, superior versus inferior, anterior versus posterior, medial versus lateral, proximal versus distal, superficial versus deep, and supine versus prone Illustrated in . Figure 2.7
After all directional terms have been covered, stand in front of class and make hand motions to indicate each directional term; instruct students write down each term as you make motion; repeat and speed up. Select various body parts and have students determine directional relationship of two parts.
See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for a drag-anddrop anatomy activity for directional terms; display on screen and have students discuss and place labels during class.
Pop Questions
superior or cephalic inferior or caudal anterior or ventral posterior or dorsal medial lateral apex base proximal distal superficial
More toward head, or above another structure Example: The adrenal glands are superior to the kidneys. More toward feet or tail, or below another structure Example: The intestine is inferior to the heart. More toward front or belly-side of body Example: The navel is located on the anterior surface of the body. More toward back or spinal cord side of body Example: The posterior wall of the right kidney was excised. Refers to middle or near middle of body or structure Example: The heart is medially located in the chest cavity. Refers to side Example: The ovaries are located lateral to the uterus. Tip or summit of organ Example: We hear the heart beat by listening over the apex of the heart. Bottom or lower part of organ Example: On the X-ray, a fracture was noted at the base of the skull. Located nearer to the point of attachment to body Example: In the anatomical position, the elbow is proximal to the hand. Located farther away from point of attachment to body Example: The hand is distal to the elbow. More toward surface of body Example: The cut was superficial.
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2B
Chapter Review
Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM
Learning games
Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
deep supine
Further away from surface of body Example: An incision into an abdominal organ is a deep incision. Body lying horizontally and facing upward (see . Figure 2.8A) Example: The patient is in the supine position for abdominal surgery. Body lying horizontally and facing downward (see . Figure 2.8B) Example: The patient is placed in the prone position for spinal surgery.
List the body cavities and their contents. Text pages: 3133; PowerPoint slides: 6269
Body is not solid structure; has many open spaces or cavities Cavities are part of normal body structure and are illustrated in . Figure 2.6 Can divide body into four major cavitiestwo dorsal cavities and two ventral cavities Dorsal cavities include cranial cavity (contains brain) and spinal cavity (contains spinal cord) Ventral cavities include thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity Thoracic cavity contains two lungs and central region between them called mediastinum; heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, and thymus gland located in mediastinum Diaphragmphysical wall between thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity; muscle used for breathing Abdominopelvic cavity generally subdivided into superior abdominal cavity and inferior pelvic cavity; organs of digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems located in these cavities; organs within ventral cavities referred to as viscera Table 2.2 describes body cavities and their major organs Cavities lined by, and viscera encased in, two-layer membrane called pleura in thoracic cavity and peritoneum in abdominopelvic cavity Outer layer that lines cavities called parietal layer (i.e., parietal pleura and parietal peritoneum), and inner layer that encases viscera called visceral layer (i.e., visceral pleura and visceral peritoneum) Within thoracic cavity, pleura is subdivided, forming pleural cavity (contains lungs) and pericardial cavity (contains heart)
Name an organ and have students identify which cavity it is located in.
See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for a drag and drop anatomy activity for body cavities; display on screen and have students discuss and place labels during class.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
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Student DVD-ROM
Learning games
Test Bankquestions
Dorsal cavities Cranial cavity Spinal cavity Ventral cavities Thoracic cavity
Brain Spinal cord Pleural cavity: lungs Pericardial cavity: heart Mediastinum: heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus gland, aorta
Abdominopelvic cavity Abdominal cavity Stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and portions of the small intestines and colon Pelvic cavity Urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, and portions of the small intestines and colon Female: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina Male: prostate gland, seminal vesicles, portion of the vas deferens
Locate and describe the nine anatomical and four clinical divisions of the abdomen. Text pages: 3334; PowerPoint slides: 7074
Abdominopelvic cavity usually subdivided into regions so different areas can be precisely referred to Two different methods of subdividing cavity are used: anatomical divisions and clinical divisions Table 2.3 describes methods for dividing abdominopelvic cavity
Name organ and have students determine in which body cavity it is located for both methods of dividing the abdominopelvic cavity.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM
Learning games
Practice questions
Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
Clinical Divisions of the Abdomen Right upper quadrant (RUQ): Contains majority of liver, gallbladder, small portion of pancreas, right kidney, small intestines, and colon Right lower quadrant (RLQ): Contains small intestines and colon, right ovary and fallopian tube, appendix, and right ureter Left upper quadrant (LUQ): Contains small portion of liver, spleen, stomach, majority of pancreas, left kidney, small intestines, and colon Left lower quadrant (LLQ): Contains small intestines and colon, left ovary and fallopian tube, and left ureter Midline organs: uterus, bladder, prostate gland
Build body organization medical terms from word parts. Text pages: 3637; PowerPoint slides: 8386
Combining Form abdomin/o anter/o brachi/o caud/o cephal/o cervic/o crani/o crur/o dist/o dors/o epitheli/o glute/o infer/o later/o medi/o muscul/o neur/o organ/o pelv/o peritone/o pleur/o poster/o proxim/o pub/o somat/o spin/o super/o system/o thorac/o ventr/o vertebr/o viscer/o Suffix -al -ior -al -al -ic -al -al -al -al -al -al -al -ior -al -al -ar -al -ic -ic -al -al -ior -al -ic -ic -al -ior -ic -ic -al -al -al Medical Term abdominal anterior brachial caudal cephalic cervical cranial crural distal dorsal epithelial gluteal inferior lateral medial muscular neural organic pelvic peritoneal pleural posterior proximal pubic somatic spinal superior systemic thoracic ventral vertebral visceral Definition pertaining to abdomen pertaining to front pertaining to arm pertaining to tail pertaining to head pertaining to neck pertaining to skull pertaining to leg pertaining to away pertaining to spinal cord pertaining to epithelium pertaining to buttocks pertaining to below pertaining to side pertaining to middle pertaining to muscles pertaining to nerves pertaining to organs pertaining to pelvis pertaining to peritoneum pertaining to pleura pertaining to back pertaining to near pertaining to genital region pertaining to body pertaining to spine pertaining to above pertaining to systems pertaining to chest pertaining to belly side pertaining to vertebrae pertaining to internal organs
Reinforce how many body structure terms can be constructed from word parts. Read aloud body structure terms made up of word parts; have students identify parts and define terms, either aloud or individually on paper. Write sentences on the board using common words; have students substitute correct medical terms.
Pop Questions
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2B
Practice questions
Quiz 2EWord Building quiz Test Bankquestions
Interpret abbreviations associated with body organization. Text page: 37; PowerPoint slides: 8788
AP CV ENT GI GU GYN lat LE LLQ LUQ MS OB PA RLQ RUQ UE anteroposterior cardiovascular ear, nose, and throat gastrointestinal genitourinary gynecology lateral lower extremity left lower quadrant left upper quadrant musculoskeletal obstetrics posteroanterior right lower quadrant right upper quadrant upper extremity
Emphasize importance of learning abbreviations and their full meanings; point out how some abbreviations, such as CV, GYN, UE, and LE are typically used rather than the full terms. Encourage students to add abbreviations to their flash cards.
Memory Game
Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Worksheet 2C Chapter Review Quiz 2F May be used as a worksheet
Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM
Practice questions
Quiz 2FAbbreviations Quiz Quiz 2GChapter Review Test Bankquestions
Worksheet 2A
New Combining Form Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the chapter that uses the combining form.
Combining Forms
1. abdomin/o 2. adip/o 3. anter/o 4. brachi/o 5. caud/o 6. cephal/o 7. cervic/o 8. chondr/o 9. crani/o 10. crur/o 11. cyt/o 12. dist/o 13. dors/o 14. epitheli/o 15. glute/o 16. hist/o 17. infer/o 18. later/o 19. medi/o 20. muscul/o 21. neur/o 22. organ/o
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Chapter Term
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ (Continued )
Combining Forms
23. oste/o 24. pelv/o 25. peritone/o 26. pleur/o 27. poster/o 28. proxim/o 29. pub/o 30. somat/o 31. spin/o 32. super/o 33. system/o 34. thorac/o 35. ventr/o 36. vertebr/o 37. viscer/o
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Chapter Term
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Worksheet 2B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term
1. cytology
2. cytoplasm
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
3. cardiac
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
4. adipose
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
5. abdominopelvic
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
6. pericardial
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
7. hypochondriac
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
8. epigastric
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
9. dermatology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
10. hematology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Medical Term
12. gastroenterology
13. nephrology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
14. gynecology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
15. urology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
16. neurology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
17. ophthalmology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
18. pulmonology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
19. immunology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
20. cardiology
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Worksheet 2C
Chapter Review
Body Structure
1. The hierarchical arrangement of the body from cells to whole body is: cell, __________________, __________________, __________________, whole body. 2. All cells have the following: __________________, __________________, __________________. 3. __________________ tissue is designed to contract. 4. Adipose is a type of __________________ tissue. 5. Nervous tissue is composed of cells called __________________. 6. The __________________ position is used to describe the positions and relationships of structures. 7. The __________________ divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity. 8. The pleural cavity contains the __________________. 9. __________________ tissue is composed of close-packed cells to from a covering. 10. __________________ is the study of tissues.
1. skin, hair, nails 2. heart, blood vessels 3. lymph nodes, spleen 4. lungs, trachea 5. stomach, esophagus 6. kidneys, bladder 7. ovaries, uterus 8. testes, penis 9. thyroid, pituitary 10. brain, nerves
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
Medical Specialty
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ (Continued )
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. sagittal plane 2. gluteal region 3. viscera 4. peritoneum 5. longitudinal section 6. thoracic region 7. spinal cavity 8. apex 9. transverse plane 10. pubic region 11. inferior 12. cervical region 13. brachial region 14. anterior 15. frontal plane 16. supine 17. deep 18. thoracic cavity 19. crural region 20. mediastinum 21. ventral 22. cross-section 23. trunk 24. lateral 25. cephalic region a. divides body into upper and lower portions b. top or summit of an organ c. buttocks d. central region of thoracic cavity e. arm f. a ventral cavity
g. neck h. also the medial plane i. j. opposite direction from dorsal membrane sac in abdominopelvic cavity
m. slice along long axis of structure n. toward the belly side of the body o. a dorsal cavity p. torso q. slice perpendicular to long axis of structure r. s. t. same direction as caudal head genital region
u. further away from surface of body v. divides body into front and back portions
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2A
New Word Parts Quiz
Directions: Define the combining form in the spaces provided. 1. adip/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. brachi/o _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. caud/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. cephal/o_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. chondr/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. crani/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. cyt/o ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. dist/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. dors/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. glute/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. hist/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 12. infer/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 13. later/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. medi/o______________________________________________________________________________ 15. neur/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 16. oste/o_______________________________________________________________________________ 17. pleur/o______________________________________________________________________________ 18. poster/o _____________________________________________________________________________ 19. proxim/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 20. pub/o_______________________________________________________________________________ 21. somat/o _____________________________________________________________________________ 22. thorac/o_____________________________________________________________________________ 23. ventr/o______________________________________________________________________________ 24. viscer/o _____________________________________________________________________________ 25. anter/o______________________________________________________________________________ 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 2/BODY STRUCTURE 57
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2B
Spelling Quiz
Directions: Write each term as your instructor pronounces it. 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 19. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2C
Labeling Diagram
Directions: Label the planes of the body.
2. __________________ 1. __________________
3. __________________
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2D
Labeling Diagram
Directions: Label the regions of the body.
9. __________________ 1. __________________ 10. _________________ 2. __________________ 11. _________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ 6. __________________ 7. __________________ 8. __________________ 12. _________________
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2E
Word Building Quiz
Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below. 1. pertaining to the abdomen ______________________________________________________________ 2. pertaining to the front _________________________________________________________________ 3. pertaining to the arm __________________________________________________________________ 4. pertaining to the head__________________________________________________________________ 5. pertaining to the neck__________________________________________________________________ 6. pertaining to the skull__________________________________________________________________ 7. pertaining to the leg ___________________________________________________________________ 8. pertaining to the back of the body ________________________________________________________ 9. pertaining to the epithelium_____________________________________________________________ 10. pertaining to the buttocks ______________________________________________________________ 11. pertaining to below____________________________________________________________________ 12. pertaining to the side __________________________________________________________________ 13. pertaining to the middle________________________________________________________________ 14. pertaining to muscles __________________________________________________________________ 15. pertaining to nerves ___________________________________________________________________ 16. pertaining to organs ___________________________________________________________________ 17. pertaining to the pelvis _________________________________________________________________ 18. pertaining to the genital region __________________________________________________________ 19. pertaining to body ____________________________________________________________________ 20. pertaining to the spine _________________________________________________________________ 21. pertaining to above ____________________________________________________________________ 22. pertaining to systems __________________________________________________________________ 23. pertaining to the chest _________________________________________________________________ 24. pertaining to the belly side ______________________________________________________________ 25. pertaining to internal organs ____________________________________________________________ 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 2/BODY STRUCTURE 65
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2F
Abbreviations Quiz
Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands. 1. AP _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. CV_________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ENT _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. GI _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. GYN _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. lat _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. LE _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. LLQ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LUQ _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. MS_________________________________________________________________________________ 11. OB_________________________________________________________________________________ 12. PA _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. RLQ _______________________________________________________________________________ 14. RUQ _______________________________________________________________________________ 15. UE_________________________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________
Date ______________
Score __________
Quiz 2G
Chapter Review
PART I: Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the correct answer. 1. Posterior is similar in meaning to a. dorsal. b. anterior. c. ventral. d. sagittal. 2. The body is divided into right and left sides by which of the following planes? a. coronal b. sagittal c. transverse d. frontal 3. The crural region is the a. leg. b. arm. c. buttocks. d. trunk. 4. The basic structural and functional unit of all living things is a(n) a. organ. b. nerve. c. tissue. d. cell. 5. Which is NOT an example of connective tissue? a. stomach lining b. bone c. cartilage d. adipose 6. Which is a visceral organ located in the thoracic cavity? a. stomach b. spleen c. pancreas d. heart 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. 7. A structure located farthest from the surface of the body is a. deep. b. distal. c. proximal. d. superficial. 8. Which anatomical region of the abdominopelvic cavity is in the middle of the upper row? a. hypochondriac b. hypogastric c. inguinal d. epigastric 9. Which of the following does NOT describe the anatomical position? a. lying face up b. arms to the side c. palms forward d. toes pointing forward 10. Which of the following is the correct hierarchical organization of the body? a. b. c. d. tissues, cells, organs, systems, body cells, organs, tissues, systems, body cells, tissues, organs, systems, body cells, tissues, systems, organs, body
Worksheet 2B Key
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. cyt/o = cell; -logy = study of cyt/o = cell; -plasm = formation cardi/o = heart; -ac = pertaining to adip/o = fat; -ose = pertaining to abdomin/o = abdominal; pelv/o = pelvis; -ic = pertaining to peri- = around; cardi/o = heart; -al = pertaining to hypo- = below; chondr/o = cartilage; -iac = pertaining to epi- = above; gastr/o = stomach; -ic = pertaining to dermat/o = skin; -logy = study of hemat/o = blood; -logy = study of 11. ot/o = ear; rhin/o = nose; laryng/o = voice box; -logy = study of 12. gastr/o = stomach; enter/o = small intestine; -logy = study of 13. nephr/o = kidney; -logy = study of 14. gynec/o = female; -logy = study of 15. ur/o = urine; -logy = study of 16. neur/o = nerve; -logy = study of 17. ophthalm/o = eye; -logy = study of 18. pulmon/o = lung; -logy = study of 19. immun/o = immunity; -logy = study of 20. cardi/o = heart; -logy = study of
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
tissue, organ, system cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus muscle connective neurons
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4.
integumentary; dermatology cardiovascular; cardiology lymphatic; immunology respiratory; otorhinolaryngology, pulmonology, or thoracic surgery 5. digestive or gastrointestinal; gastroenterology or proctology
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
urinary; nephrology or urology female reproductive; gynecology or obstetrics male reproductive; urology endocrine; endocrinology nervous; neurology or neurosurgery
h c x j m l o b a t r g e
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
i v k u f y d n q p w s
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
e i a b h
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
c j f d g