Assessment Notification Year 8 Task 2 2021
Assessment Notification Year 8 Task 2 2021
Assessment Notification Year 8 Task 2 2021
Topic: Fit for Life and Ecowarrior Type of task: Half Yearly Exam
Knowledge and Understanding:
LW2 Cells are the basic units of living things and have specialized structures and functions.
LW3 Multicellular organisms contain systems that carry out specialised functions that enable them to
survive and reproduce
LW5 Science and technology contribute to finding solutions to conserving and managing sustainable
SC4 - 7WS processes and analyses data from first-hand investigations and secondary sources to identify
trends, patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions
Problem Solving:
SC4 - 8WS selects and uses appropriate strategies, understanding and skills to produce creative and
plausible solutions to identified problems
SC4 - 9WS presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using appropriate
scientific language, text types and representations
LW4 Scientific knowledge changes as new evidence becomes available, and some scientific discoveries
have significantly changed people's understanding of the world
Task In class the unit of work called Fit for Life you learnt how cells are organised into tissues, organs
Description/ and organ systems. A significant amount of learning time was spent on individual organs
Context: systems and how they worked to ensure health.
The unit of work entitled EcoWarrior has introduced you the world of ecosystems, food chains
and food webs.
Task Details:
1) The task will be a 50 minute written exam on May 20th, as per the notification.
2) The exam will include multiple choice and short answer questions, which may include graphs,
tables and drawings as well as written responses.
3) The questions will test your knowledge and understanding, science as a human endeavour and
working scientifically skills, such as practical, problem solving and communication.
Revision guideline:
● Organs, functions and disorders associated with body systems including:
○ Circulatory System
○ Respiratory System
○ Digestive System
○ Excretory/ Urinary System
○ Skeletal/ muscular System
● Cells and cellular respiration
● Characteristics of ecosystems
○ Biotic and Abiotic factors
○ Food chains and food webs
○ Roles within a food chain- producer, consumer, decomposer
● Human impact on ecosystems
● drawing and reading from graphs.
● drawing and interpreting food chains and food webs
● Experimental method: conclusion, hypothesis and inference, aim, reliability and
validity, variables.