1 Human Body Systems Research Project 2014-2015

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Unit Title Human Biology

Systems -- How do the organ systems help our body to function?
Relationships -- How are the organ systems related?
Related Concepts Function and Balance

Global Context Scientific and Technological Innovation
Unit Questions How are individuals unique and similar at the same time?

Teacher Task Overview
What do you
have to do?
For the next assessment, you and a partner will be responsible for
taking notes on the 6 body systems listed below. You should have at
least 1 page of written notes for each body system NOT including your
bibliographical information. You will also need to include a labeled
diagram of each body system. This diagram can be drawn or you can
find a blank diagram and label on the appropriate organs. The body
1. Circulatory / Cardiovascular System
2. Respiratory System
3. Digestive System
4. Skeletal System
5. Muscular System
6. Nervous System
How will you
be assessed?
You will be assessed on Criteria A & D in this task. Please see the
attached rubrics for more details.
Name: ________________________

Class: ________________________

Teacher Task Overview
When is the
task due?
Assigned on: Wednesday, 8 October 2014 -or- Thursday 9 October

Due on: In in 3 sections over the next 5 weeks.
For a detailed timeline, see the attached Body Systems Research
Directions sheet.

Student Self Reflection
What did you learn from
this task?

What helped you to be

What would you change if
you had to do this task

Teacher Signature

Parent Signature
and Comment

Body Systems Research Directions

For each of the following 6 body systems you need to answer the following

1. Circulatory / Cardiovascular System
2. Respiratory System
3. Digestive System
4. Skeletal System
5. Muscular System
6. Nervous System

1) Definition
What does it do?

2) Function
How does it work to help your body?

3) Parts
What are the most important parts?
Where are they located?
What does each part do?

4) Connections
What other body systems does this system rely on?
What is the connection?

You will also need to provide a labelled diagram for each system. You may use an
unlabeled diagram of each system and provide labelling (as shown in class).

You should have at least 1 pages of written notes for each body system NOT
including your bibliographical information or diagrams. I will provide you with a
graphic organiser to help you take notes.

These notes are:
to be written on the graphic organiser
to be in your own words
to have proper referencing of bibliographical information (see below)

With these notes you will be producing a:
Keynote Animation
Rap (Digestive System) Comic
Prezi Poem
Movie Song

Required Bibliographical Information for:
Name of website e.g.. Biology 4 Kids
Date that you used the website
Date of Publication
Title of Video
Date movie was made (if available)


If you have any other ways you would like to present please check with a teacher
for an OK. You will hand in your notes and your final product for grading.

Title Date Author Publisher/orga
URL (for web)
eg. 30 Second
2012 Bishop. J Ivy Press

Biology 4 Kids 2014 Andrew Rader


You will know you are on track if you have handed in the:
2 body systems by about _____ October
4 body systems by about _____ October
6 body systems by about _____ October/November
(each class will fill these dates in - in class)

Your work will be marked against the rubric you have been provided with.
Using the feedback provided to you on the first two body systems, make
necessary changes to the following body systems.

Criterion A - Knowing and understanding (strand iii):
Level of
ment Critrion Task specific clarification

The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

select scientific knowledge
select scientific knowledge and understanding to
suggest solutions to problems set in familiar
apply information to make judgments, with
limited success.

I have completed notes for a body system
I have sometimes answered each area of
focus: definition, function, parts
The information I have in each section is
sometimes relevant, accurate and
I have identified and defined a only a few
key terms relevant to each body system
My notes show that I am beginning to
understand these of the body systems
I have made some connections between
body systems though have not explained the
I have included at least one basic image

The student is able to:

recall scientific knowledge
apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
suggest solutions to problems set in familiar
apply information to make judgments.

I have completed notes for both body
I have mostly answered each area of focus:
definition, function, parts
I have some appropriate information in each
section of my notes
I have identified and defined some key
terms relevant to each body system
My notes show that I have an understanding
of both of the body systems
I have made some connections between
body systems
I have included two basic images
The student is able to:

state scientific knowledge
apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
solve problems set in familiar situations
apply information to make scientifically
supported judgments.

I have completed appropriate notes for
both body systems
I have answered each area of focus:
definition, function, parts
I have mostly relevant, accurate and
appropriate in each section
I have identified and defined several key
terms relevant to each body system
My notes show that I have a thorough and
accurate understanding of most of the
body systems
I have made some connections between
body systems and have a general
explanation of the connections
I have included two labelled images

The student is able to:

outline scientific knowledge
apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
solve problems set in familiar situations and
suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar
interpret information to make scientifically
supported judgments.

I have appropriate information in each
section of my notes
The information I have in each section is
always relevant, accurate and appropriate
I have identified and defined all key terms
relevant to each body system
My notes consistently show that I have a
thorough and accurate understanding of
all the body systems
My notes show that I have a thorough and
accurate understanding of both of the
body systems
I have made some connections between
body systems and thoroughly explained
the connections
I have included two detailed, labelled

Criterion D: Reflecting on the impacts of science
ment Critrion Task specific clarification
The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.


The student is able to, with limited success:

apply scientific language to communicate

document sources.

I have attempted to use scientific language though
some language is used incorrectly or meaning is not
An attempt has been made to use my own words.
I have attempted to listed my resources for these
body systems

The student is able to:

sometimes apply scientific language to
communicate understanding

sometimes document sources correctly.

I have attempted to use scientific language which is
accurate on occasion.
Information has been put in my own words to a
successful level.
I have correctly listed most of my resources for
these body systems

The student is able to:

usually apply scientific language to
communicate understanding clearly and

usually document sources correctly.

My ideas are usually communicated through the
use of clear and precise scientific language on
most occasions.
Information has been successfully changed into
my own words.
I have correctly listed my resources for these
body systems

The student is able to:

consistently apply scientific language to
communicate understanding clearly and

document sources completely.
I communicate my ideas through the consistent
use of clear and precise scientific language.

Information has been successfully changed into
my own words.
I have correctly listed all my resources for these
body systems

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