Chapter 6 - TQM
Chapter 6 - TQM
Chapter 6 - TQM
Some of the companies who have implemented TQM include Ford Motor Company,
Phillips Semiconductor, SGL Carbon, Motorola and Toyota Motor Company.
TQM Defined:
Principles of TQM:
• Management Commitment
1. Plan (drive, direct)
2. Do (deploy, support, participate)
3. Check (review)
4. Act (recognize, communicate, revise)
• Employee Empowerment
1. Training
2. Suggestion scheme
3. Measurement and recognition
4. Excellence teams
• Fact Based Decision Making
1. SPC (statistical process control)
2. The 7 statistical tools
3. TOPS -Team Oriented Problem Solving
• Continuous Improvement
1. Systematic measurement and focus
2. Excellence teams
3. Cross-functional process management
4. Attain, maintain, improve standards
• Customer Focus
1. Supplier partnership
2. Service relationship with internal customers
3. Never compromise quality
4. Customer driven standards
TQM is mainly concerned with continuous improvement in all work, from high level
strategic planning and decision-making, to detailed execution of work elements on the
shop floor. It stems from the belief that mistakes can be avoided and defects can be
prevented. It leads to continuously improving results, in all aspects of work, as a result of
continuously improving capabilities, people, processes, and technology and machine
A central principle of TQM is that people may make mistakes, but most of them are
caused, or at least permitted, by faulty systems and processes. This means that the root
cause of such mistakes can be identified and eliminated, and changing the process can
prevent repetition.
Beckhard and Pritchard (1992) have outlined the basic steps in managing a transition to a
new system such as TQM:
1. Identifying tasks to be done,
2. Creating necessary management structures, and developing strategies for building
3. Designing mechanisms to communicate the change, and
4. Assigning resources.