Latest Fire Noc Check List
Latest Fire Noc Check List
Latest Fire Noc Check List
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Portable fire extinguishers and miscellaneous fire safety measures will be Checked, before issuing of final NOC for enabling the Municipal Authority issue occupancy certificate and hence the same should be envisaged in the planning stage. The Checklist is not all-inclusive. The architect should make sure that all Applicable rules and regulations are fully complied with (NBC, Building bye Laws, MSBR 1981, AP fire service Act 1999, etc.)
In the pre construction stage, the marking may be Yes/No/NA. In the post Construction stage full details in all columns should be filled in and relevant Vendor literature should be provided for fire safety systems/items.
The design and plan of the building shall be made and countersigned by a Qualified civil or structural Engineer ,an Architect (NBC-ii Regulation 13 of MSBR, 1981, Building bye laws) and the Owner/Builder. Submit proposed construction plan -5 sets(site plan, floor wise plan, terrace plan, Section and Elevation duly marking fire safety systems along with General information proforma and 5 sets of checklist dully filled in, Estimates towards the provision of fire safety systems, 15% of the estimates of Fire Safety system as Bank Guarantee, Undertaking on Rs 100/- Stamp-paper and copy of the challan towards the payment of Fire precaution Fee (@ Rs 10/- per Sq mtr of total builtup area). If more than one block is proposed, you should attach seperate checklist for each block.
10) I
Checklist should be neatly typed without any corrections. Checklists with overwriting, Corrections and interpolations shall be summarily rejected. *1.1 Address of the Premises Name and Address for Correspondence (provide phone number, Fax and email id if any) Designation and Address of Licensing authority issuing building permit to whom NOC has to be sent Name of the Block NAME AND TWO,NELLORE,NELLORE FFDSF,DFSD,FSDFSF
Block 1
Enter the Height of the Building20.00 mtrs (Note for the buildings above 30 m height, the builder shall submit Additional emergency plan of action, including provision and maintenance of hydraulic platform with capacity to have an access upto the terrace of the building, round the clock with officer and crew Residential
Type of building occupancy (refer NBC-4,3.1;3.4.7, Table 23) Sub Occupancy Type
Residential Buildings(A-4) 15 m -35 m in height and basement less than 200 mtrs
(i)Total Built-up area of all floors including basements and stilts(in sqm)(ii)Fire precaution fee remittance particulars
5000 sq mtrs Fire Precaution Fee Payment should be made in the form of Challan Only @ Rs 10/per Sq mtr for the total builtup area.ESeva User charges should be paid in the form of cash. Challan No 1234 5678 Amount 20000 30003 Date 09-AUG-06 09-AUG-06 Bank Name SBI SBI Branch Name SBI SBI
Treasury challan under the following head of account SM: 0070 - Other Administrative Services. MH:109 - Fire Protection and Control SH: (02) Fees on Fire
Open space front and other 3 sides (NBC-iii-4.6;; iv-3.4.6; MSBR-8.c; bid; Open space front 10.iii)Note- Access space vide a) NBC- iii-4.6, 'additional' to open spaces ,reqd. vide *1.11 and other 3 sides of iii-8.2/3,as per NBC-iv-, MSBR-4.i.c, 8.c and b) additional to parking space the Block per MSBR-10.i.d. and iv-7.4.1.c. If ht. exceeds 15 mtrs. refer NBC-iii- and MSBR-10.iii for minimum open space, around the bldg. *1.11.1 *1.11.2 *1.11.3 *1.11.4 *1.11.5 1.12 Open space on North side 9.00 mtrs Open space on South side 9.00 mtrs Open space on East side 9.00 mtrs Open space on West side 9.00 mtrs Open space on Front side null mtrs
Projections of Balcony/sunshade should not exceed 1.25 mtrs as per MSBR 10 c except front side) Number of Floors 1 Number of Basements 1 Number of Stilts 1
Cou Floor Occ Type Sc Width Units No Of Based Occupants On Adopt Tab22 Me No Of Area Area Menti Occu SqtMts on Sc
Capacity (aggregate width) of exits shall be based on occupant load (in the affected floor(s) and occupants that can be safely evacuated per 50 cms of exit, which is: 25/50/75 for stairs/ramp /doors, respectively, for residential educational or institutional bldgs. Corresponding figures are 50/ 60/ 75 for business and amp; mercantile bldgs.., for assembly occupancy 40/50/60, stairs/doors/ramps respectively (NBC- iv- 4.3/ 4.4) (Aggregate stairs width)35.00 Refuge area (NBC-iv-4.12.3 and appendix D-1.11) The premises is abutting 2 no of Roads. For Minimum width of abutting street refer (NBC-iii-4.6.a; 4.8; iv-7.4.1.a). S.No Abutting Street Name Abutting Street Width in mtrs AND 25.00 Location
1.14 Refuge area *1.15 Width of the road to which the building abuts and whether it is hard surfaced and motorable
2 *1.16 Entrances (Minimum width should be 4.5 mtrs and head room clearance should be minimum 5.0 mtrs)
Proposed to provide 2 number of entrance/exit Specify: Entrance/Exit Details S.No EntranceName Entrance width in mtrs 35.00 45.00 AbutRoadWidth Side
1 2
Entrance 1 Entrance 2
25.00 45.00
1.18 Ramps
Proposed to provide 2 ramps (If no basement is there for the building, please enter 'NA'.) Specify Ramp Details S. No Name Width of Ramp RampSide in mtrs 1 2 Ramp 1 Ramp 2 25.00 35.00 WEST SOUTH
*1.19 Staircases *1.19.1 No. of Internal staircase 2 (Minimum 1) No. of External staircase 2 (Minimum 1) All the staircases shall be designed to abut one of its sides to the external wall. Internal Staircases(Minimum width 1.50 meters)for other than Assembly Occupancy, for Assembly Occupancy Minimum internal staircase width should be 2.0 meters S. No 1 2 *1.19.3 StaircaseName WEST EAST StartFrom 2 4 EndTo 3 5 StairWi dth 25.00 35.00
Travel distance 2.00 mtr distance from the farthest point and 2.00 mtr distance from the dead-end of the corridor to the staircases (1% times permitted travel distance is acceptable if entire building is proposed with sprinkler system) (Number of staircases to comply with travel distance NBC-iv 4.5 If there are more than 1 internal staircase, one of the staircases may be extended to the basement and it should terminate at ground floor level and separate staircase shall be provided to reach the basement parking areas from ground floor and the same should be separated at ground level by ventilated lobby with discharge points to 2 different ends through enclosure.)
External Staircases S. No 1 2 StaircaseName WEST EAST StartFrom 2 5 EndTo 3 6 Width 25.00 69.00
(Note:- External staircase shall terminate at Ground/Stilt floor only, it should not extend to the basement. Minimum width should be 1.25 mtr) *1.19.5 *1.19.6 Width of the Treads 30.00cm Height of the riser 15.00 cm
Number of riser 2.00 per flight Height of the hand rails 1.00mtr (should be 1 mtr). The gap between two verticals 15.00 cm (should not exceed 15 cm) Head room clearance 2.00 mtr
1 Number of Passenger lifts -12 Passenger Lift Details: S.No 1 Name Passener Lift 1 to 12 Capacity(kgs) 1800 KG/LIFT
1 Number of Service lifts Service Lift Details: S.No 1 Name Service Lift 1 & 2 Capacity(kgs) 1800 KG EACH
1.21 Generator
*1.22 Minimum fixed fire fighting installations 1.22.1 1.22.2 1.22.3 1.22.4 1.22.5 1.22.6 1.22.7
Not applicable. Whether minimum fixed fire fighting installations as prescribed in table 23 of NBC-iv are provided( NBC -iv appdx -d is also applicable)
Proposed to provide5 number of Manual Call Points in the entire building. Proposed to provide5 number of Smoke Detectors,5 number Of Heat detectors, 5 number of Beam Detectors in the entire building. Proposed to provide Detection Control Panel in 5 floor. Provided 3600 number of automatic sprinklers in the entire building. Provided 142 number of Hose Reels in the entire building. Provided 3 number of Wet Risers/Wet Riser cum Down comers. Provided 9 number of Yard Hydrants. (6 Nos. at GF and 3 Nos. at roof)
Proposed to provide2 number of underground static water tank/tanks , totally 670000 Its capacity. Underground Static water Tank Details S.No Name 1 Underground Fire Water Tank 2 Underground Domestic Water Tank 3. Underground Flushing Water 4. Underground Rain Water tank Tank 2 Proposed to provide 2 number of Terrace tank/tanks totally 180000 Itrs
Capacity Terrace Tank Details S.No 1. 2. 3. Name Fire tank Flushing tank LTS 20000.00 80000.00
1.22.10 *
Proposed to provide the following pumps Jockey pump Details: Sr.No 1 Name Jockey Pump Itrs/min capacity 189.5
Electric Main pump Details: Sr.No 1 Name Electric Main Pump Itrs/min capacity 2842.5
Standby Diesel pump Details: Sr.No 1 Name Diesel Main Pump Itrs/min capacity 2842.5
Electrical pump for Sprinkler system Details: Already included in above point No. for Elec. Main pump details.
Booster pump Details: Sr.No 1 2 Name Booster Pump 1(Domestic) Booster Pump 1(Flushing) Itrs/min capacity 192
2 2 Number of Fire lifts Booster Pump 1(Flushing) Fire Lift Details: S.No 1 2 Name Fire Lift 1 SERVICE LIFT-1 Fire Lift 2- SERVICE LIFT-2 Capacity 1800.00 1800.00
15% of the estimates of Fire Safety System Rs 2.00 as Bank Guarantee. Nearest Fire Station ADFSDFSDFS and Telephone Number 2434534535 PROVIDED
S. No *2.1 *2.2
Description Whether Building Owner/Occupier Name and his address is filled in and signed Whether Location and Address of the Building/Site is filled in Whether Buildings plans include the following (for filling 2.3.1 to 2.3.34, please refer B -4.2; MSBR-4; NBC-ii- Note: The plans should be to scale. All plans shall be not less than 1:100 scale Whether 5 sets of site plan duly marking open places on all sides is submitted Whether 5 sets of Floor wise plans including Basements/Stilts duly marking fire safety systems are submitted Whether 5 sets of Section plans are submitted. Whether 5 sets of Terrace plans are submitted. Whether 5 sets of Elevation plans are submitted. Whether 5 sets of Checklist duly filled in all columns and signed are submitted?
* * * * * * *2.3.3 *2.3.4 *2.3.5 *2.3.6
Width of the abutting street(to be not less than 12 mtrs.) (MSBR- 8.a;iii-4.6) Area of the plot Show if it is terminating in dead end(Z-11.3;NBC-iii-4.7;iv-3.4.6) Plan of all floors with staircases, corridors Two section dwgs, through stairs(B-4.2.iii.a/d;MSBR-4.ii.c;NBC-ii-
Occupancy of all parts/ floors of bldg, (B-4.2.iii.b; NBC- ii-12.2.5b; 13.2.f; iv-3.1.12/3.1.14 and 4.3)
For filling item, please refer to ( A-15.3.c; 15.5, 15.5.a/d; 15.9.f.; NBC-ii-;-iv-3.4.11/12;-C1.6/7; 1.17) Details of : mechanical ventilation and smoke exhaust Systems Details of : vents for smoke to minimize their spread Details of : Vents which should be minimum 2.5% of floor area of Basement Details of : air-conditioning dampers YES YES YES YES
For filling item, please refer to (A-15.2.c;15.4;B-21;MSBR-6; NBC-i i-12. 2. 5. 1. d/e/m ;iv-3. 4/4; C-1.5/16; IS-1646; I. E. R.)
Location of elec. sub-station(HT panel) & transformer by ETA, generator Not applicable, fire-lift by Toshiba Location of smoke-stops in lobby/ floors For filling item, please refer to (B-21; MSBR-6; NBC- I 112.2.5. p/q/r/s;-iv.5.1.2) Underground static water storage tank, terrace tank and fire pumps Detection and fire alarm systems hose-reels, wet-riser/wet riser cum Down comer (minimum one wet riser for every 1000 sqm covered area) 3 wet riser, one per 800 sq.m provided. Automatic Sprinklers (basement area >200 sqm automatic sprinklers should be provided) 200 Nos. provided in 2400 sq.m
Details of motorable access to and around bldg. and turning radius at bldg. YES corners. (MSBR-8. b/c; 10. i. d; ; 12. i. b; ZR-11.3; B-21; NBCii-;-iii4.6/7) Vehicular parking spaces (B-20;MSBR-4.i.c;12.i,a; G0.423; NBC-ii-12.2.51.g YES , i i i-. 10/a ppdx. B) For filling item, please refer to (B-21; MSBR-6;NBC-ii12.2.5.1.b/k;iii-12.9.3.f; ii-8.3 to 13)(Note NBC-iv-4.2.9; 4.2.10.m; 0.6.2; A-1 5.5.a for stairs from upper floors to basement. For corresponding rules for lifts, see NBC-iv-appdx-CI.5.h/j and A-15.4.g.) Size(widths) of exit staircases Size(widths) of balcony approach, corridors Size(widths) of ventilated lobby approach Compartmentation ( if any), show typical detail of fire- resistant doors/stops(NBC-iv-3. 4.7,3. 4.8,3. 4.9;C-9 ;A-15.6) Site plan duly marking open spaces on all sides from the building line to boundary of the premises Construction to be type 1, including for ,external walls, load bearing elements, roof, stairs, lifts ,exit routes corridors.( NBC-iv-3.3,3.4.7;IS-1642)
Specifications for all fire safety items like fire resistant doors used as 'fire Cutoffs' or 'fire-breaks', or for stairs/lifts, to be furnished (NBC-iv- YES
Finishing material used for interior surfaces and decor not to generate toxic smoke/fumes (NBC- 3.4.15; IS 12777 and 1642)
Access/Open space
Dead end in abutting street allowed only in residential bldg. below 30 mtrs. ht,in which case,81 sq. mtrs turning space reqd. (NBC-iii-4.7;Z-8.2; 8.3.1/3)
Entrance gate minimum width and head room, 4.5 and 5 mtrs. resp.(NBC-iv-;MSBR-8.a)
Approach to bldg. and access space on all sides up to 6 mtrs. width shall (refer to NBC-iii-4.4.2, / 4.6,/8.4,1.d, /iv-3.4.6,,5.1.6 and MSBR- 8.c,10.i.d.) be hard surfaced for 18 ton fire vehicles and be motorable
if have roof on water tank or bridge, if any in access route, should withstand a load of 22.5 ton fire vehicle. (NBC-iv-5.1.6)
This space of 6 mtrs, for access, shall be maintained free of parking, and kept free of any obstructions, structures or fixtures up to ht. of 4.5 mtrs., above which 1.25 mtrs. unenclosed balconies are allowed
General Exit Requirements (B-20/21; NBC-iv-4, appdx. C) (Note-Lift and escalators shall not be considered as exits. (B-20; NBC-iv-4.2.2))
Every public place to have sufficient safe exits-without passing through another All escape Exit routes to have clearly visible and illuminated signs with battery backup emergency alternate power supply ,(NBC-iv-4.2.7;4.16.3/4/10,01.14b), Signs are Autoglow type and UPS battery back-up is provided.
Fire-check doors for fire resistance of one hour to prevent spread of fire/ smoke, in escape routes, particularly at entrance to lifts and stairs which are prone to funnel/ flue effect ( NBC-iv-4.2.9)
Exits to suffice simultaneously for assembly and other occupancy, if any, unless Fire department determines that, condition are such that simultaneous occupancy will not occur -(NBC-iv- Number of persons within any floor area or occupant load shall be based on actuals, but not less than that given in (NBC- iv- 4.3;Table 21) Locate exit stairs, so that travel distance does not exceed 22.5 mtrs for residential, educational, institutional and hazardous occupancies and 30 mtrs for assembly, business and storage and 45m for Industrial buildings. These should be remote to one another and should provide exit in different directions. For basements travel distance should not exceed 15 meters(NBC- iv- 4.5) Doorways to be min. 100 cms (200 cm. for assembly areas) open into corridors or through landings into enclosed staircases for continuous protected egress (NBC-iv- 4.7) staircases shall be of enclosed type (NBC-iv-4.6) No. and sizes of exit staircases to depend on 6b(1 to 3) above and 7A5 (NBC-iv-4.3/4/5 and 6)
* *
* * * * * 2.6.3 * * * *
Exit doors to be open able from served side, without keys.(NBC-iv-4.7.5) The width of the above shall not be less than the aggregate required width of exit doors leading in direction of egress .(NBC- iv-4.8.1) Have adequate ventilation(NBC-iv-4.8.3) The above (and stairs/lifts) shall have fire/smoke resistant doors Corridors and Passageways
Internal Staircase 2.7a.1 For (2.7.a.1.1-2.7.a.1.4) ( Refer NBC- iv-4.9.6/7/8) Minimum width 1.5 mts.. for other than Assembly buildings(For Assembly and Hospital *2.7a.1.1 buildings minimum width is 2.0 meters)( Net width of stairs, available between hand rails important) *2.7a.1.2 Tread 25/30 cms. for residential/other than assembly *2.7.a.1. Riser max 15 cms ht *2.7a.1.4 No. of risers not more than 15 nos. per flight YES YES
*2.7a.1.5 Construction should be with non-combustibles material.(NBC- iv- 4.9.1) To be a self contained unit with at least one external wall and be completely enclosed. *2.7a.2 (NBC- iv- 4.9.2) *2.7a.3 *2.7a.4 *2.7a.5 *2.7a.6 *2.7a.7 2.7b *2.7b.1 Shall not be around lift(NBC-iv-4.9.3) Hand rails to be at at 100 cms. height (NBC- iv- 4.9.9)
To be designed such that the no. of people in between floor landings, is not less than those on each floor. (NBC- iv-4.9.10) To contain no electrical shafts/AC ducts or gas pipes.(NBC- iv-4.9.4/10f) External Stairs Access to stairs shall be through two hr. rated fire/smoke door (NBC-iv-4.9.10.b)
Entrance to be separate and remote from internal stairs. (NBC-iv-4.11.3) Open able vents/ducts to outer air be provided at landings to facilitate venting of smoke, if any, and for rescue/fire fighting (NBC-iv 0.1.4). Route to be Always free of any obstructions /doors shall be open able from the served side without use of a key(NBC-iv-4.11.6) Shall be of noncombustible materials and doors leading to it shall have the reqd. fire resistance. (NBC- iv-4.11.b) To have no wall/window opening , close to it (NBC-iv-4.11.4)
Fire escapes not to be taken into account in calculating evacuation time.(NBC-iv4.11.10) Width/tread, to be not less than 1.25 meters/25. resp.; riser not more than 19 cm. and flights/angle not more 15/45 degrees, resp. (NBC-iv4.11.7/8).(However, the corresponding dimensions for internal stairs ie: width/tread/riser at 150/25/15 cm. resp. are much preferred to ensure safer evacuation.)
Miscellaneous Exit Items 2.8.1 2.8.2 Fire Tower Fire Tower is the preferred escape route, being an enclosed staircase, approached from floors, thru. landings separated from floors and stairs by fire-resistant doors and open to outer air (NBC-iv-3 and 4.13)
For business, mercantile, institutional, theaters, if >8 stories or >24 mtr ., in height, at least one fire tower is reqd.
Horizontal Exits To have with the same width at least one fire door of self-closing type(NBC-iv-4.12.1/2) Doors to be openable at all times .from served side(s) (NBC- iv 4.12.5)
Refuge area of 15 m2 or an area equivalent to 0.3 m2 per person to accomodate the occupants of two consecutive floors, whichever is higher, shall be provided as under. (a) For Floors above 24 m and upto 39 m - one refuge area immediately above 24 m(b) For Floors above 39 m - one refuge area on the floor immediately above 39 m and soon after every 15 m To be not steeper than 1 in 10 and Never steeper than 1 in 8. Surface to be skid proof NBC-iv-4.14) Ramps
To never abut the street without level space, so as to provide safe sighting, before driving into YES the street. (MSBR-12.i.b; Z-11.3; NBC-iii-10). In plots over 2000 sq. mtrs. Ramps shall be within bldg, line, for safety reasons (MA and YES UD-GO-423-dt.31-7-98)
Electrical Safety *2.9.1 To comply with Indian Electrical Rules ,including related Indian standards/Codes stipulated therein ; NBC viii-2 ; N.E.C.-iii-3; and IS-4878-14; IS- 1646 and 732. YES, approved as per Central Electricity Authority Regulation (2010) by Guj. Govt. authorized Electrical Inspectors
Elec. Installations shall be by licensed electrical contractor and supervised by holder of competencycertificate/permit issuedby government. Appropriate certificates reqd.(IS-732-3.5)
Completion drawings showing all circuits to enable functional checks to verify compliance with applicable rules(NBC-viii-3-9.1.5/9.2;IS 732.-3.1/.4.1/.5/.9)
*2.9.4a.1 Emergency and escape lighting powered by source independent of normal power, for stairs/ exit routes and fire alarm on UPS system
Specific Requirements
*2.9.4a.2 Emergency and escape lighting powered by source independent of normal power, for stairs/ exit routes and fire alarm on UPS system
with One and half hrs. battery backup (NBC-iv-4.16 ; appendix-D1.14), - 2/3 Hours for Autoglow Exit sign provided and emergency lighting on UPS system with 15 min. battery back-up Alternate/Emergency generator fed, separate, direct power circuits forFor Item 2 (refer NBC-iv-C.1.5.p; 1.12,14,15) Fire pumps(By ETA), lifts(By Toshiba) Smoke Exhausters (Jet Fans -3 Nos, Smoke fan 1No,Double speed exhaust fans-3 Nos. Emergency Lighting on UPS system Fire Alarm /P.A. Systems (Note: Auto start and auto switch over from normal to emergency source should be ensured) Transformers if in basement to have enclosure of 4hr. rating (NBC-ivC.1.16.C) Applicable to oil type Xmer and not applicable to dry type Xmer. Transformers room/enclosure, location and ventilation / exhaust to be such that no smoke or fumes there from can ingress into exit/escape routes or parking or other parts of the bldg(NBC-iv- - Applicable to oil type Transformer plinth should be at least 15 cm. above grade and if oil filled should have curbs to prevent egress of leaking oil into any parking area. (NBC-viii-2-4.2.2.c/g.). Applicable to oil type Xmer and not applicable
Periodical verification of efficacy of emergency/alternate power supplies and related escape and fire safety equipment.(IS-1646-3.6 and 11.6) Compliance with I.S.1646;732; 10028,regarding fire safety of bldg. , electrical wiring and transformers resp Indoor transformers to have auto. High velocity water spray or Emulsifying system. (is-15.10.3). Applicable to oil type Xmer and not applicable to dry type Xmer. Transformer shall have soak pit, fencing and provided with 45 Itr foam trolley. Applicable to oil type Xmer and not applicable to dry type Xmer. Power circuits The lighting in, passageways, stairways, exits, and parts of bldg. open to public, should be divided into two halves, each half being fed by separate circuit, controlled by switches, located remote from each other.(IS-1646) Electrical fires being common cause of fires, strict compliance I.E.R 30 (ISI, compliant electrical material) and 1S-732 and NBC- viii-2,(for electrical wiring) , is essential Lightning protection per IS- 2309. (NBC-iii-19)
Fire Protection (The following aspects should be taken care of.) 2.10a Replied, at 2.9.1 to 2.9.3 No No YES, approved as per
Building Design Type of construction to comply with item 4, above, to prevent rapid spread of *2.10a.1 fire, smoke or fumes which may otherwise contribute to loss of lives and property. YES Fire resistance ratings to comply with NBC-iv c1-3.3 Table 1. (Any deviations to be specifically, noted ) YES If a bldg. has more than one occupancy it shall comply with requirements of 2.10a.2 the most hazardous one, unless 4 hr. rated separating wall is provided (NBCiv-3.4.7) *2.10a.3 *2.10a.4 *2.10a.5 *2.10a.6 *2.10a.7 Fire resistant doors ,1 hr. rated, in escape routes, particularly .at entrance to lifts, staircases, per 7.a-7, above. (NBC-iv-4.2.4 and 1S-361 YES YES
Doorway or opening in separating walls/floors to limit spread of fire, smoke by use of 2 hr. rated fire resistance doors/steel rolling shutters (NBC- iv-3.4.8 and; 1S-12458) Openings in walls/ floors for cables, plumbing etc. to be in ducts/shafts enclosure of, with 1 hr. rated inspection doors.(NBC-iv3.4.8.2/3 and C.1.9)
Seal space between cables etc. and shaft ,with fillers, to stop fire at every floor level.(NBC-iv-, Sample is approved, works need to be done. Surface finishes on walls/ ceilings/facade shall minimize the spread of fire or toxic fumes (NBC- iv-;C.11 ) decor, carpets, curtains etc. per IS 2777. (NBC-iv3.4.15.2,,C1.2 and 11.1)
*2.10a.8 Use' class 1 flame-spread', surfacing material, and fabric materials used for
*2.10a.9 Walls, partitions or floors lined with combustible material, to have surfaces conforming to IS 1642, to prevent rapid fire spread, hampering escape of occupants. (NBC-iv-
*2.10a.10 Openable windows, on external walls or on fully glazed facades, to have loks which can be opened by fire-man's axe to enable quick access for rescue of inmates, and for fire-fighting. (NBC-iv-3.4.16,C.1.7).(Note Accessibility of fire men into higher floors is important) 2.10b
Air Conditioning/ Ventilation
*2.10b.2 In case of fire, or smoke at AC's outlet, Automatic dampers to close, to stop spreading of smoke. ). Done By fans & dampers. *2.10b.3 In case of fire, stop fans, unless these are arranged to remove smoke from fire area.(NBC-iv-3.4.11,2). ). Done By fans & dampers. *2.10b.4 From safety point of view, separate air handling systems for various floors are preferred, to minimize hazard of smoke spreading. Refer (NBC-iv- Done By fans & dampers. 2.10c
To be designed to minimize spreading of fire smoke and fumes from one fire area/floor to another or to escape/exit path ,staircases, etc. (NBC- iv-3.4.11 and C1.17;viii-sec.-1/3). Done By fans & dampers.
Smoke Venting Note -It is well established that far greater lives are lost due to smoke (more so, if exits are deficient), than due to fire-burns refer (NBC-iv-3.4.1/12,4.2.9,C1.6 ). Done By fans & dampers. *2.10c.1 Automatic smoke vents, with area min.3.3% of floor area, in assembly areas and balconies, shall be installed. refer(NBC- iv3.,4.4, Done By fans & dampers.
*2.10c.2 The above, is natural draft smoke venting, opened by smoke sensitive device, automatically. To substitute this with powered exhausters, dept.'s permission is reqd. Refer (NBC-iv-3.4,6.4.4/6.4.5) Done By fans & dampers. Basements 2.10d 2.10d.1 Basements, to be separately ventilated with grills etc.having2.5% area of floor. Alternately, air inlet and smoke outlet ducts at floor and ceiling level resp. be provided refer (NBC-iv-C.1.6.1). Done By fans & dampers. 2.10d.2 Mechanical extractors with 30 change/hr. in case of fire fed by alternate power also reqd. for lower basement, if any. Refer (NBC-iv-C.1.6.4). Done By fans & dampers. 2.10d.3 Smoke from basement fire shall in no case ingress into any exit path/stairs serving upper floors. refer (NBC-iv-C1.6.6). Done By fans & dampers. 2.10d.4 *2.10e
Use of LPG/Pressure. stove in basements is prohibited, while allowed in other areas 4 hr, fire- resistant enclosures. refer (NBC-iii-12.9;ivC1.6.5) , Not Applicable.
First aid fire extinguishers should be provided as per IS-2190:1992 and NBC-iv-5.1Note:- The following minimum number of fire extinguishers should be provided.i) Sprinkler system is provided in basement Car Park Area , 200 Sprinklers in 2400 extinguisher of 4.5kgs capacity is provided near the entrance to each main switch board room.iii) 2 ABC powder extinguishers of 6kgs capacity should be provided near transformer, if installed. iv) 2 ABC powder extinguishers of 6 kgs capacity should be provided inside each lift room.v) FHC with water hose reel is provided near each staircase landing on every Scale of suitable extinguishers for other areas shall be collected before approaching the department for final clearance, after finailizing utility of each area. vii) All the extinguishers suggested above should be with BIS Mark and should be located at an easily accessible position without obstructing the normal passage. Fire service inlet(4 way) refer(NBC-iv- 5.1.6.b) 1 NO. & 2 way 1No Fire lift(546 Kg capacity)@1 for every 1200sq m floor area Refer (NBCiv-appdx-C.1.5) Rooms with refrigeration equipment/transformer not to be adjacent to each other and should be vented separately to outer air.(NBC-iv-
*2.11.2 *2.11.3
All rooms/areas storing combustible material/equipment/etc. be effectively cut off from exits/assembly areas.(NBC-iv6.4.6.6) Whether minimum fixed fire fighting installations as prescribed in table 23 of NBC-iv are provided( NBC -iv appdx -d is also applicable)1) Proposed to provide emergency lighting with minimum 2 hrs battery backup in the escape route. 2 Proposed to provide Auto glow signages in all floors. 3) Proposed to provide Public Address System. Point 1 & 2 - 2/3 Hours for Autoglow Exit sign provided and emergency lighting on UPS system with 15 min. battery back-up and Point 3. By Honeywell
Miscellaneous *2.12.1 *2.12.2 *2.12.3 *2.12.4 For building 15m and above, NBC-iv, appdx-C is applicable One Fire lift with capacity of not less than 545kg (8 persons lift)for every 1200 sq mtrs of floor area shall be provided(NBC-iv-C.1.5) YES YES
All floors to be compartmented into 750sq mtrs area through 2hr rated fire separation walls(NBC-1V-C.1.8) Basement ventilation and staircases shall be such that smoke cannot travel to upper floors
Fire pumps (Refer Table 23 of NBC IV) *2.13.1 *2.13.2 *2.13.3 *2.13.4 Whether estimates for Fire Safety System (certified by the architect) YES YES YES
Whether 15% of the estimates of Fire Safety System as Bank Guarantee is submitted ?
Whether challan copy submitted ? Whether Undertaking on Rs 100/- Stamp paper submitted ?
*2.14 III
Provide name, address, licensed no., signature of technical staff Explanatory Notes 3a.1 3a.2 3a.3 3a.4 3a.5 3a.6 3a.7 3a.8 3b 'A' ----A.P. Apartments(Promotion of construction and ownership)Act and Rules -1987. 'B'----The Municipal Corporation Bldg. Bye Laws - 1981 'MSBR'---Multi storyed Building Regulations -1981. 'NBC'---National Building Code of India ( as ammended in 2005 and) . '111711/1,V111 etc. refer to parts of NBC. S.P.30-1984 is the National Electrical Code. I.E.R. refers to Indian electrical rules. 'Z'-Zonal Regulations 1981.
3c 3d 3e
I.S. refers to Indian Standards NBC-iv-appdx-D, is mandatory for bldgs. 15 mts and above. However, may be referred to for other buildings. Also, depending on the degree of compliance with applicable rules or local conditions, as determined by the fire department
Brief descriptions are given for each item The referred rules give details Considering the safety scenario in most high-rise bldgs, the un-reliability of power supply, and the high incidence of elec. shorts circuits, etc., resulting in fires, the manual and automatic fire-alarm are preferred for all high-rise bldgs. For the same reasons and because delays in fire reporting/ quenching is often causing avoidable loss of lives and property. Hence automatic sprinklers, which have proven cost effective, are preferred for such bldgs.
Each of the rules is sufficient provided all others are followed. Hence, inadequate compliance with one rule may warrant enhanced stress on others, as consented to by fire department
In the pre construction design provisions and commitments can be evaluated but all columns cannot be filled in detail. In this case brief description with applicable I.S. can be given. However, in the post construction stage, specific details of installations, corrections in approved drawings to reflect 'as-built' situations, and certificates etc, duly signed by technical persons, should be submitted and all columns filled up, to facilitate inspection, functional checks and issuance of NOC required for occupancy certificate from Municipal authorities. NOC is valid for the particulars provided in the application. For any change of class of occupancy, fresh NOC for occupancy will be required(NBC-iv-3.1.12 and 3.1.14 and NBC-ii cl -13.2.f and B-4.2.iii-b). Most of the fatalities, in fire incidents are due to a) Unrestrained and avoidable spreading of Smoke / fumes due to insufficient smoke Sealing/exhaust arrangementsb) Smoke in escape route and in stairs make them Difficult to use.c) Inadequate aggregate width of stairs with Insufficient ventilations. If smoke exclusion from exit stair case is not ensured, then larger aggregate width of stairs would be required to ensure evacuation of inmates of affected floors within two and half minutes stipulated in NBC Part iv-c1-8.4 Any critical delay in rescue by fire fighters because of insufficient access to the mandatory 6m-width access path compounds the problem due to obstructions (upto 4.5m height) like low balconies, support structures and fixtures and parking of vehicles. Therefore the rules related to 8 and 9 above call for strict compliance for preventing In each specific case, the fire department may stipulate additional measures, as being necessary for ensuring fire safety of building inmates and public The architect and the owner of the building shall sign the checklist and plans. This checklist does not cover cinema occupancy (sub occupancy type 01 and 02)
3j 3k 3l
Copy of drawings, cleared earlier by Fire Services, vide 'Provisional N.O.C' and approved for construction by municipal authority, shall be clearly marked to reflect the ground situation particularly with respect to the following and duly signed by technical persons:-*I * I I 6 mtrs access space with vertical clearance of 4.5 mtr.,around the building Open Spaces and parking spaces
A Fresh Copy of the Form No.16 shall be used for this shall be signed by the competent technical persons.
Section Sketch of stair cases to show their enclosed construction and vents to prevent smoke logging Actual Location of fire/smoke check doors for exit routes,lifts,stairs and for compartmentation, if any
Location of Fire detectors, manula call points etc. by Honeywell and Sprinklers, hosereels, yard hydrants and wet risers by ETA. Basement ventillation, smoke vents/exhausters, exit stairs
Locations of transformers only Ggenerators, showing enclosure & ventillation exhaust to external air space Not applicable as gen-set is not there and transformers are dry type.