English Final Final
English Final Final
English Final Final
Habits for Success There are many habits that a person can conjure in or er to be successful an !ell riven !hile at the same time livin" life to the fullest# There are $ habits of success curiosity, openness, en"a"ement, creativity, persistence, responsibility, fle%ibility, an metaco"nition# & believe the top three habits to be the most successful in life !oul have to be responsibility, en"a"ement, an openness# 'esponsibility !ill ta(e you far in life because you !ill earn ifferent peoples respect by provin" that you can mana"e your priorities properly an ta(e care of business !hen nee e to# )nother habit that "oes han *in*han !ith responsibly is en"a"ement# &f you simply en"a"e yourself to your best ability in everythin" that you o, try your best, an put forth your best effort you !ill reap life+s benefits# ,astly it is very important to be open*min e an !illin" to consi er ne! !ays of bein" an thin(in"# &t opens your eyes to so many ifferent aspects of the !orl # 'esponsibility is one of the best habits any in ivi ual coul have because there are so many per(s that come alon" !ith it# &f people (no! you as bein" a responsible person they feel as thou"h they can trust you, (no!in" that if they tell you to o somethin", you+re "oin" to o it# )n e%ample !oul be my -n"lish "roup !hich is fille !ith people that are responsible because !hen the time comes, they mana"e to al!ays pull throu"h an finish the assi"nment at han # .ust because you+re responsible oesn+t mean you can+t have fun either because as lon" as you ta(e care of business an !or( har you can al!ays play har er to re!ar yourself# )lso if you+re (no!n to be a responsible person you "ive off a perfect first impression !hile intervie!in" for a job# &t ta(es a lot to be responsible/ you have to (no! ho! to mana"e your priorities properly
an be able to ta(e on a lot of liability an trust at the same time# 0ou also have to be !illin" to put your name on the line because people are relyin" on you an puttin" their trust in you# Durin" this year & ha to ma(e sure & mana"e my priorities properly an put school !or( before bein" a curious freshman, just !aitin" to e%plore everythin" possible# & ha to ma(e sure & i n+t "et istracte an stay focuse on !hat nee e to "et one# 1ver this last semester & can efiantly say that & have become !ay more responsible learnin" ho! to mana"e my priorities an on time# -n"a"ement is an important aspect to successful people because if you en"a"e yourself in everythin" that you o you !ill ma(e it far in life# 1ne must al!ays apply themselves an put forth their best effort# This is an important habit to have because if you can force yourself to "ive your best at everythin" you o it puts you ahea of your competition# This habit is a (ey component !hen it comes to school because if you are not en"a"e in !hat you are bein" tau"ht the only person you hurt is yourself# 2y not en"a"in" yourself in class you ta(e a!ay from your learnin" e%perience because you+re not ta(in" full a vanta"e of everythin" that you coul be learnin"# &nstea , you just sit bac( an let everythin" "o in one ear an out the other/ soa(in" up i"norance# 3&n contrast, en"a"e stu ents ma(e a psycholo"ical investment in learnin"# They try har to learn !hat school offers 4Fre Ne!mann, 56678#9 2y not bein" psycholo"ically intereste in everythin" you o creates ba habits# These ba habits may inclu e/ ma(in" you la:y, incompetent, an !ithout a rive for success causin" you to just "o throu"h the motions of life not ta(in" full a vanta"e of !hat is offere to you# )s lon" as you put the effort forth an try your best to be en"a"e you can !al( a!ay !ith a smile o all my !or( an assi"nments
on your face !hether the results be "oo or ba because you !ill (no! that you i all you coul # Havin" an open min an bein" !illin" to consi er ne! !ays of bein" an thin(in" in the !orl is a "reat !ay to live your life# )llo!in" yourself to see everythin" throu"h other people+s perspectives an "atherin" ifferent inputs on the situations at han # This lets you form a "oo counter*ar"ument to !hatever it is that you believe# Since you have alrea y hear everyone else+s output you can base your ar"ument off of !hat they sai , allo!in" you to form a !ell*roun e opinion# 1ppose to bein" open* mine / refusin" to listen to !hat others have to say sho!s that you are not !illin" to alter your personal vie!s# Therefore, you may not learn as much as you can an your abilities an thou"hts are limite # People that are close*min e in my eyes are i"norant because there are so many people out there that are fille !ith (no!le "e an there are so many thin"s in this !orl that are eye*openin"# &n or er to meet or e%perience these thin"s you have to be !illin" to try ne! thin"s an venture out an e%pan your hori:ons# )s it clearly states in this article, 31penness coul be construe as intelli"ence itself or as the reflection of intelli"ence in the personality sphere 4'obert '# McCrae, Paul T#
Costa .r#8#9
this !orl to be iscovere an e%plore , so you have to be !illin" to try ne! thin"s an to open your min an see thin"s from ifferent perspectives an you+ll be surprise !hat presents itself# )llo!in" yourself to free your min creates en less situations that may arise#
Curiosity has al!ays been a habit of mine, ever since & !as a little (i & !oul touch everythin" & sa!# This helpe me to (no! !hat certain objects felt li(e, allo!in" me to create a vivi picture
Murray5 in my hea !ithout havin" to loo( at it# & !oul just let my senses ta(e over an let my ima"ination !or(# This habit helpe me a lot this year because it ma e me e%pan my hori:on+s tryin" ne! thin"s that struc( my interest, helpin" me venture out in search for ne! (no!le "e# The continual search for (no!le "e occurs because of persistence/ the ability to sustain interest in an attention to short* an lon"*term projects# 2y bein" persistent it sho!s that you are !ell motivate an constantly tryin" thin"s over an over a"ain until it is perfect# & ha to ma(e sure & !as persistent !ith all the assi"nments !e "ot assi"ne because & (ne! if & procrastinate it !oul never "et one# This also ma e me constantly as( people to revise my papers until it !as close to fla!less, because persistence is about pushin" for mastery# )t the same time you have to be fle%ible an learn to a apt to all (in s of ifferent situations, e%pectations, or eman s# The more fle%ible you are !ith school an free time really plays a hu"e roll# &t is important that you on+t spen all your time stu yin" an ma(e some free time for yourself because you+ll be surprise ho! less stresse out you !ill be# That+s !hy it+s "oo to have a fle%ible sche ule because if you pac( on to much school !or(, it only creates stress an other problems for yourself# ,ife is about fin in" a balance# 2y bein" fle%ible you allo! yourself to ta(e care of multiple tas(s rather than bein" focuse on only one tas( ma(in" "oo use of your time# 0ou also learn ho! to properly ta(e on more than one tas( because you (no! ho! to mana"e your time# 2ein" a fle%ible person is a "oo habit to have !hen it comes to school an "ettin" a job because you have to ma(e sure you can han le everythin" that "ets thro!n at you an still be able to ma(e time for yourself# Finally, the last habit is metaco"nition/ the ability to reflect on one+s o!n thin(in" as !ell as on the in ivi ual an cultural processes use to structure (no!le "e# This is efiantly a habit that & lac( because it is har for me to pay attention in class because & "et istracte very easily# 2ein" easily istracte an unfocuse prevents me from bein" able to reflect on my o!n thou"hts because my min is al!ays racin" at 5;; miles per hour# Ma(in" there no time for my
Murray6 min to just rela% an reflect on my intellectual thou"hts that pop up in my hea because they just "et lost in the million other thin"s "oin" on in my hea # This is also !hy it ta(es me lon"er to pic( up ne! concepts that are thro!n at me because & really have to concentrate on tryin" to focus on that one thin" instea of lettin" my min race#
)fter revie!in" all the habits of success an "raspin" a better un erstan in" for each one# &t has ma e me reali:e that the habits people have play a bi" role in the !ay they live their life# & still believe that the top three habits that lea to success are/ bein" responsible, open*min e , an al!ays en"a"in" yourself in everythin" that you o# )s lon" as you create "oo habits an stic( to them you !ill be a successful in ivi ual#
<-'&C * Stu ent -n"a"ement an )chievement in )merican Secon ary Schools#, 5667#< ERIC - Student Engagement and Achievement in American Secondary School !" 1##2# N#p#, n# # =eb# 55 Dec# 7;5># McCrae, 'obert '#/ Costa .r#, Paul T# Ho"an, 'obert 4- 8/ .ohnson, .ohn )# 4- 8/ 2ri""s, Stephen '# 4- 8, 4566?8# Han boo( of personality psycholo"y# , 4pp# $7@*$A?8# San Die"o, C), USB )ca emic Press, %%iv, 6$? pp# oiB 5;#5;5CD26?$*;575>ACA@*AD@;;>7*6