CV Tatro

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Erick T. Tatro
9500 Gilman Drive
Mailcode 0603
La Jolla CA 92093 [email protected]


Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Cellular and Molecular Pathology, 2008

B.S. The Ohio State University
Chemistry and Biology, 2004
Research: Glycosphingolipids, Department of Chemistry
Research: Gamma-Delta T Cells, Immunology, University of Iowa


2010 - Present University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry
Assistant Professor

2008 - 2010 University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry
Postdoctoral Scholar Employee
HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center, Translational
Methamphetamine-AIDS Research Center


Refereed Journal Articles

2014 Tatro ET, Soontornniyomkij B, Letendre SL, Achim CL. Cytokine secretion from
brain macrophages infected with human immunodeficiency virus in vitro and
treated with raltegravir. BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Jul 11;14(1):386. doi:
10.1186/1471-2334-14-386. PubMed PMID: 25015002.
2014 Rush AM, Nelles DA, Blum AP, Barnhill SM, Tatro ET, Yeo GW, and Gianneschi
NC. Intracellular mRNA Regulation with Soft Self-Assembled LNA-Polymer
Nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136(21):7615-18
2014 Tatro ET, Purnajo I, Richman DD, Smith DM, and Gianella S. Antibody
response to Achromobacter xylosoxidans during HIV infection is associated
with lower CD4 levels and increased lymphocyte activation. Clinical and
Vaccine Immunology. 21(1):46-50. [PMID 24173027].
2013 Gianella S, Morris SR, Tatro ET, Vargas MV, Haubrich H, Daar ES, Dube MP,
CV of Erick Tatro
Richman DD, Little SJ, Smith DJ. Virologic Correlates of Anti-CMV IgG Levels
in HIV-1 Infected Men Journal of Clinical Virology. [PMID 23964106, Epub
August 20].
2013 Tatro ET*, Hefler S, Shumaker-Armstrong S, Soontornniyomkij B, Yang M,
Yermanos A, Wren N, Moore DJ, and Achim CL. (*Senior Author). Modulation
of BK Channel by MicroRNA-9 in Neurons After Exposure to HIV and
Methamphetamine. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. [PMID 23508624,
Epub March 19].
2013 Rush A, Thompson M, Tatro ET, and Gianneschi N. Nuclease Resistant DNA
via High-Density Packaging as Polymeric Micellar Nanoparticles. ACS Nano.
2013 Tatro ET, Risbrough V, Soontornyijomkij B, Young J, Shumaker S, Jeste D,
Achim CL. Short-term recognition memory correlates with regional CNS
expression of microRNA-138 in mice. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry. 5:461-473.
2012 Soontornniyomkij V, Everal IP, Moore DJ, Gouaux B, Tatro ET, Gospodarev V,
Masliah E, Yin NS, Vinters HV, Achim CL. Increased cortical expression of
FK506 binding protein-51 in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal
of Neurovirology. 18(4):313-322.
2012 Soontornniyomkij V, Moore DJ, Gouaux B, Soontonniyomkij B, Tatro ET,
Umlauf A, Masliah E, Levine AJ, Singere EJ, Vinters HV, Gelman BB, Morgello
S, Cherner M, Grant I, Achim CL. Cerebral !-amyloid deposition predicts HIV-
associated neurocognitive disorders in APOE "4 carriers. AIDS. 26(18):
2010 Tatro, E.T., T.B. Nguyen, Bousman, C.A., Masliah, E., Grant, I., Atkinson, H.A.,
and Everall, I.P. Correlation of major depressive disorder symptoms with
FKBP5 but not FKBP4 expression in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of
Neurovirology. 16(5):399-404.
2010 Tatro ET, Scott ER, Nguyen TB, Salaria S, Banerjee S, Moore DJ, Masliah E,
Achim CL, and Everall IP. Evidence for Alteration of Gene Regulatory
Networks through MicroRNAs of the HIV-Infected Brain: Novel Analysis of
Retrospective Cases. PLoS ONE 5(4): e10337.
2009 Bousman CA, Chana G, Glatt SJ, Chandler SD, Lucero GR, Tatro ET, May T,
Lohr JB, Kremen WS, Tsuang MT, Everall IP. Preliminary evidence of ubiquitin-
proteasome system dysregulation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder:
Convergent pathway analysis findings from two independent samples.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B. Neuropsychiatric Genetics. July
6. PMID: 19582768.
2009 Nguyen, T.B., Chana, G., Lucero, G., Hult, B.J., Tatro, E.T., Masliah, E., Grant,
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CV of Erick Tatro
I., Achim, C.L., Everall, I.P. Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK-3) Inhibitors
AR-A014418 and B6B3O Prevent HIV-Mediated Neurotoxicity in Primary
Human Neurons. Journal of Neurovirology, 15:1-5.
2009 Tatro ET, Everall IP, Masliah E, Hult BJ, Lucero G, Chana G, Soontornniyomkij
V, Achim CL; HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center. Differential expression of
immunophilins FKBP51 and FKBP52 in the frontal cortex of HIV-infected
patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Neuroimmune
Pharmacology. 4(2):218-26.
2009 Tatro ET, Everall IP, Kaul M, Achim CL. Modulation of glucocorticoid receptor
nuclear translocation in neurons by immunophilins FKBP51 and FKBP52.
Brain Research 1286: 1-12.
2009 Glatt SJ: Chandler SD;* Bousman CA;* Chana G; Lucero GR, Tatro ET; May, T;
Lohr, JB; Kremen, WS; Everall, IP; and Tsuang, MT. Alternatively Spliced
Genes as Biomarkers for Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis: A
Blood-Based Spliceome-Profiling Exploratory Study. (*contributed equally to
this work). Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 7(3):
Manuscripts Under Review
2014 Tatro ET, Achim CL. Immunophilin proteins in brain pathologies. Pending
Review, submitted to Brain Pathology, BPA-14-09-Rev-147, Sep 24.
2014 Tatro ET, Schrier R, Soontornniyomkij B, Banerjee S, and Cherner M.
Chemokine Receptor 5 (CCR5) Expression and Viral Load in HIV-Infected
Macrophages Exposed to Methamphetamine. Pending Review, Journal of
Neurovirology, NJIV-D-14-106, Aug 26.
Letters and Book Chapters
2014 Tatro ET. Brain-wide imaging of neurons in action. [General Commentary]
Frontiers in Neural Networks. 8:31. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2014.00031.
2013 Tatro ET. Hypothesis for Age-Related Receptor Internalization [response to
Valley MT. Adult neurogenesis produces neurons with unique GABAergic
synapses in the olfactory bulb]. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(37):14660-14665.
2010 Bousman CA, Chana G, Tatro ET, Glatt SJ, Tsuang MT, Everall IP. Biomarker
Discovery in Major Psychiatric Disorders: Approaches, Limitations, and Future
Directions. In: Kevin V. Urbano (Ed.). Advances in Genetic Research, Volume
3. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61668-543-0.
2009 Nguyen, T. B., Chana,G., Tatro E.T., Everall, I.P. HIV and Cognitive
Impairment In: Physical and Mental Health Interface. Ed. David Castle.
Australian Postgraduate Medicine, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia. 2009. p 137-172.
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CV of Erick Tatro
2007 Tatro, ET. Mechanisms of Evolution Chemical and Engineering News
Weekly. 85(11):3. Letter to the Editor.
Published Datasets
2013 Tatro ET, Shumaker S, Moore DJ, Soontornniyomkij B, Achim CL.
Neuropsychiatric and clinical correlates to miRNA expression in the frontal
cortex of HIV-infected individuals National Center for Biotechnology
Information, Gene Expression Omnibus. Series GSE41952.
2010 Tatro ET, Scott ER, Nguyen TB, Masliah E, Achim CL, Everall IP. MicroRNAs
in the HIV and major Depressive Brain. National Center for Biotechnology
Information, Gene Expression Omnibus. Series GSE17486.
2012 New Methods for Arranging and Packing Nucleic Acids for Unusual Resistance
to Nucleases and Targeted Delivery for Gene Therapy, Patent Application No.
61/704,851. Gianneschi N, Rush A, and Tatro ET. Filed September 24.
Pending Scientific Review

2014 R01 MH106375-01A1
NIH - National Institute of Mental Health
FK506 Binding Proteins and Molecular Basis of Depressive Symptoms in HIV
Pending Scientific Review 11/20/2014
Role: Principal Investigator

Current Research Support

2013 R21 DA036423 (Cherner, Mariana)
NIH - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Modeling Neuron Injury of Methamphetamine Metabolism by CYP2D6 in HIV
010/01/2013 - 09/31/2015
Role: Co-Investigator

2013 R03 DA 033849, NIH (Semenova, Svetlana)
NIH - National Institute on Drug Abuse
HIV Tat Protein in Nicotine Dependence,
01/02/2013 - 01/02/2015
Role: Co-Investigator

2012 R01 MH094159, NIH (Achim,Cristian)
NIH - National Institute on Mental Health
Long Term Effects of Chronic HIV Infection on the Developing Brain
06/01/2012 - 05/31/2016
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CV of Erick Tatro
Role: Co-Investigator

2012 P30 MH 062512 (Heaton, Robert K.)
NIH - National Institute on Mental Health
HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center
10/01/2010 09/30/2014
Role: Scientist

Completed Research Support

2011 R03 DA031591 (Tatro, Erick)
NIH - National Institute on Drug Abuse
HIV-Induced Dopaminergic Changes and Methamphetamine Toxicity Mediated
through MicroRNA
02/01/2011 01/31/2013
Role: Principal Investigator

2010 Stein Institute for Research on Aging (Jeste, Dilip)
Research Fellowship in Parkinsons Disease,
Role: Research Fellow

2009 P50 DA026306 (Grant, Igor)
NIH - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Translational Methamphetamine AIDS Research Center
09/30/2009 - 05/31/2014
Role: Scientist

2006 R01 MH79881, NIH (Everall, Ian P.)
NIH - National Institute on Mental Health
Somatostatin & Stress-Related Genes in HIV & Comorbid Major Depressive
09/27/2006 06/03/2011
Role: Research Assistant

2007 R21 MH76681, NIH (Achim, Cristian L.)
NIH - National Institute on Mental Health
Immunophilins in the Neuroglial Response to HIV Infection
09/27/2007 08/31/2009
Role: Research Assistant

2005 T32 EB001026, NIH (Russell, A.J., Mentor Achim, C.)
NIH - National Institute on Biological Imaging and Bioengineering
Cellular Aspects of Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
07/01/2005 08/30/2008
Role: Research Fellow

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CV of Erick Tatro

2014 University of California San Diego, Office of Undergraduate Research,
Certificate of Appreciation.

2014 University of California San Diego, Revelle College Honors Program,
Recognition of Mentoring.

2013 University of California San Diego, Office of Undergraduate Research,
Certificate of Appreciation.

2012 National Institute on Drug Abuse. Travel Award to Conference on HIV in
the Central Nervous System. ($1,500)

2012 University of California San Diego Academic Senate, Small Research
Award for Equipment. ($10,000)

2011 Exiqon Corporation. Small Grants Program, Award to researchers in the
microRNA field. ($3,000)

2011 University of California San Diego Academic Senate, Travel Award to
RNA-i and MicroRNA World Congress. ($500)

2011 University of California San Diego, Office of Undergraduate Research,
Certificate of Appreciation.

2009 Translational Methamphetamine AIDS Research Center Pilot Project.
For supplies to new investigator. ($10,000)

2007 University of Pittsburgh Graduate and Professional Student Association.
Group Leadership Award.

2006 University of Pittsburgh Graduate and Professional Student
Association,Travel Grant, to Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

2005 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Travel Award to Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting. ($1,000)

2005 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Travel Award to FASEB
Meeting in San Diego CA. ($1,000)


Invited Lectures

2013 Molecular Response to Inflammation and Methamphetamine in Neurons. Ohio
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CV of Erick Tatro
Wesleyan University, Department of Microbiology Science Seminar Series.
November 7. Delaware, OH.

2012 "The Basics of MicroRNA: A Newly Appreciated Genetic Modulator." Educational
Short Course. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society's 19th Annual
Scientific Meeting. June 7. San Diego, CA.

2012 MicroRNA-9 is Increased in CNS HIV-Infection and Methamphetamine
Exposure." National Institute on Drug Abuse. Conference on HIV in the Nervous
System. May 29. New York, NY.

2009 Alteration of miRNAs in the HIV and MDD Brain. Trends in Psychiatric
Genetics International Symposium. March 5, Breckenridge, CO.

2008 Dysregulation of FKBP52 and FKBP51 in Frontal Cortex of HIV and MDD Brain,
University of California Los Angeles, Department of Neuropathology. July 11.
Los Angeles, CA.

Abstracts and Presentations

2014 Tatro ET. Study of MicroRNA and Memory Deficits in Aging. UC San Diego
MicroRNA Scientific Interest Group. October 14. La Jolla, CA.

2013 Tatro ET, Soontornniyomkij B, Letendre S, Achim CL. Raltegravir Decreases
Interleukin-8 Production in HIV - Infected Microglia. 12th Annual International
Symposium on Neurovirology. October 29. Washington, DC.

2012 Tatro ET, Shannon Hefler, Stephanie Shumaker, Michael Yang, Benchawana
Soontornyiomkij, and Cristian Achim. "MicroRNA-9 is Increased in CNS HIV-
Infection and Methamphetamine Exposure," [Poster] 11th Annual International
Symposium on Neurovirology. May 29. Abstract #80. Journal of Neurovirology,
18:S1:S110. New York, NY.

2012 Tatro, ET. "MicroRNA in the Brain: Mediating Adaptability and Stability." Sam and
Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging Grand Rounds. April 10. La Jolla, CA.

2011 Tatro ET, Shumaker S, Moore DJ, Grant I, Achim CL. Neuropsychiatric and
Clinical Correlations to miRNA Expres- sion in the CNS of HIV positive subjects
with a history of methamphetamine abuse. RNA-I and MicroRNA World
Congress, Boston, MA.

2009 Tatro, E.T.; Scott, E.R.; Nguyen, T.L.; Masliah, E.; Everall, I.P.; and Achim, C.L.
Alteration of Gene Regulatory Networks through Micrornas in the Frontal Cortex
of Hiv-Infected Individuals. Slide Presentation: 9th International Symposium on
NeuroVirology. Journal of Neurovirology. 15:S1:P202. June 4. Miami, FL.

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CV of Erick Tatro
2009 Tatro, E.T.; Nguyen TB, Scott ET, Masliah E, Achim CL, Everall IP. Altered
regulation of gene regulatory networks through microRNAs in the frontal cortex in
HIV and MDD. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Abstract S-5568.
October 12. Chicago, IL.

2009 Nguyen TB, Tatro ET, Kwok J, Bousman C, Soontyornnyomkij B, Grant I, Achim
CL, Everall IP. Immunophilins FKBP4 and FKBP5 as potential state-markers for
major depressive disorder in HIV patients. Society for Neuroscience Annual
Meeting. Abstract S-10473. October 12. Chicago, IL.

2009 Alteration of Gene Regulatory Networks Through MicroRNAs in the Frontal
Cortex of HIV-Infected Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder. World
Congress in Psychiatric Genetics. November 5. San Diego, CA.

2008 Tatro, E.T., Hult, B.J., Chana, G., Lucero, G.R., Everall, I.P., Achim, C.L. FK506
Inhibits Neuronal Nuclear Translocation of Glucocorticoid Receptor Mediated by
FKBP52. Keystone Symposium on Nuclear Receptors: Steroid Sisters. Whistler,
BC, Canada.

2008 Tatro, E.T., Hult, B.J., Everall, I.P., Achim, C.L. Increased Expression of Brain
Immunophilins in Patients with HIV and Major Depressive Disorder. Society for
Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Abstract #263. June 15. Washington, DC.

2008 Lucero, G.R., Chana, G., Hult, B.J., Tatro, E.T., Achim, C.L., Maslia, E., Grant, I.,
Everall, I.P. GSK-3 specific inhibitors provide neuroprotection against gp-120-
mediated toxicity.. Society for Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Abstract
#274. June 15. Washington, DC.

2008 Hult, B.J., Tatro, E.T., Lucero, G.R., Vigil, O.R., Masliah, E., Atkinson, J.H., Grant,
I., Achim, C.L., Everall, I.P. The decreased expression of somatostatin in patients
with HIV and major depressive disorder. Society for Biological Psychiatry Annual
Meeting. Abstract #258. June 15. Washington, DC.

2006 Tatro, E.T., Zima, K.S., Achim, C.L. Immunophilins in neurodegeneration.
Experimental Biology Abstracts. The FASEB Journal. 20, Abstract #685.1. San
Francisco, CA.

2006 Tatro, E.T., Zima, K.S., Larsen, N.J., Hastings, T.G, Achim, C.L. Brain
immunophiloin distribution changes in neurodegeneration. Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting Slide presentation. Abstract#315.3. November 4.
Atlanta, GA.

2005 Tatro, E.T., Zima, K.S., Achim, C.L. Immunophilins in neurodegeneration and
neuritic growth. International Symposium on Parkinsons Research. Abstract
#18. November. Washington, DC.

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CV of Erick Tatro

Leader MicroRNA Scientific Interest Group, Seminar Series, University of
California San Diego, 2014-2015.

Moderator Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of California
San Diego 2014.

Interviewer Interview Subcommittee, Admissions Committee. University of
California San Diego School of Medicine. 2013 - 2015.

Moderator Faculty Mentor Program Research Symposium. University of California
San Diego. 2013.

Moderator Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. University of California
San Diego. 2011.

Chair Organizational Committee. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Research Symposium and Nakada Memorial Lecture Search
Committee. Pittsburgh, PA, 2007.

Member University Senate, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. 2006-2007.

Member University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Graduate Studies
Recruitment Committee, Pittsburgh, PA. 2006 - 2007.

Member Graduate and Professional Student Association, University of Pittsburgh,

Member Biomedical Graduate Student Association Council, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, 2004-2007.


2014 Reviewer, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Current
Psychopharmacology, Apoptosis, AIDS Research and Therapy, Age

2013 Reviewer, Journal Neuroimmunology, Journal of Psychiatry and
Neuroscience, Toxicology Letters, Apoptosis, British Journal of Psychiatry

2012 External Advisory Committee. Ad Hoc. Johns Hopkins University National
Institute of Mental Health Center for HIV/AIDS; pilot grants program.

2012 Reviewer, RNA Biology

2011 Reviewer, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Schizophrenia Bulletin

2010 Reviewer, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Molecular and
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Cellular Biochemistry

2009 Reviewer, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, OMICS

2008 Reviewer, Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine,
Addiction Biology

2005 Reviewer, The Journal of Neuroscience, Annals of Neuroscience


Courses Taught

2014 First Year Medical School Curriculum Problem Based Learning: Foundations in
Human Biology block (1 week substitute instructor)

2014 Seminar Series, Biological Psychiatry T32 Fellowship, Department of Psychiatry,
A Role for MicroRNA in Molecular Psychiatry and Drug Abuse

2012 Seminar Series, Department of Psychiatry Research Fellows, Lecture

Research Mentoring

2014 Mentor, Medical Student Training in Research in Aging and Mental Health (M-
STREAM), 2 students.

2013 Faculty Mentor Program. Independent Study and Research for Undergraduates.
Department of Biology and Department of Chemistry. Five students.

2012 Faculty Mentor Program. Independent Study and Research for Undergraduates,
Department of Biology and Department of Chemistry. Two Students.

2012 June - August, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience.

2012 April - August, High Tech High School. Scientific Internship Program.

2012 January - Present, Faculty Mentor Program. Independent Study and Research
for Undergraduates. Department of Biology. One student.

2011 May - July, Medical Student Training and Research in Aging and Mental Health.
NIMH-funded summer research program for students enrolled in MD program.
University of California San Diego.

2011 January - February 2012, McNair Scholars Program, Undergraduate research
opportunity for underrepresented groups, University of California San Diego.

2009 July - August, Summer high school research opportunity, University of California
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San Diego.

2006 May - August. University of Pittsburgh Summer Premedical Academic Enrichment


2013-Current American Society for Microbiology
2005-2009 Society for Neuroscience
2009-2012 International Society for Neurovirology
2004-2006 American Society for Investigative Pathology
2004-2009 American Chemical Society


2014 Volunteer Coach. San Diego American Heart Association. START Half
Marathon Training Program. [volunteer service]

2013 Organizing Committee, San Diego American Heart Association Annual
Heart Walk. [volunteer service]

2013 Computing for Statistics, Johns Hopkins University School of Public
Health. Certificate with Distinction. [education]

2012 Organizing Committee, San Diego American Heart Association Annual
Heart Walk. [volunteer service]

2011 Independent Contractor - Scientific Reviewer and Editor, American Journal
Experts, LLC. [employment]

2011 Organizing Committee, San Diego American Heart Association Annual
Heart Walk. [volunteer service]

2005 Confocal Microscopy for Stereology short course at Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. [education]

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