Flyyer Final Yr 5 Visits
Flyyer Final Yr 5 Visits
Flyyer Final Yr 5 Visits
Tuesday November 10
St Peter and Paul’s, St John’s, St Patrick’s, Stella Maris, Nazareth AND other Primary
Edmund Rice College 112 Mt Keira Rd West Wollongong for the boys
Drop off, pick up and meeting area: Keira Park, at the end of Keira Mine Road
HOW? Buses will pick up Year 5 students from some of the Catholic Primary schools listed above
at 9am and return them to the Primary schools by 3pm. Contact Colleges for details
OR Parents can drop off and/or pick up their child both to and from St Mary’s or Edmund
Rice and join us for afternoon tea at 2pm
SUPERVISION Students from the Catholic Primary schools will be accompanied on the buses by teachers
from St Mary’s & Edmund Rice. At St Mary’s College and Edmund Rice College, students
will be supervised by College staff. Students are expected to behave well and follow the
school’s rules.
ACTIVITIES Students will participate in a range of activities from subjects they will actually do in Year
7 such as Technology and Applied Studies, PDHPE, Science,Visual Arts, Music and Food name a few!
COST None!
Catholic Primary school parents: Complete the Registration Form/ Permission slip below and hand
it in to the Year 5 teacher if your child is from one of the Catholic
Primary schools listed in the flyer.
REGISTRATIONS CLOSE Friday 30 October 2009
Parents from other Primary schools: Complete the Registration Form/ Permission slip below and
send/fax to the appropriate College OR contact us to register
your interest.
REGISTRATIONS CLOSE Friday 30 October 2009
Primary school:
Parent’s/Carer’s Name:
I give permission for my Year 5 daughter/son to participate in the Try Year 7 For A Day. I accept that the
rules which apply at the College for all students will apply to my child.
Parent/Carer’s signature:
St Mary’s College
Edmund Rice College
Try Year 7 for a day
I am born for higher things