MS PB No. 24

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Friday Bulletin ISSUE # 24

Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents WEEK OF FEBRUARY 16 - 20, 2009

From the Middle School Office

Dear Parents:

This week we have been honored to host the AMIS Honor Band and to have band directors and over 70 students from other
international schools share their music with the ISM community. The students have spent a great deal of time in rehearsal
and we invite you to attend the AMIS Festival Concert on February 14 at 5:30 P.M. in the Fine Arts Theater. The
performance is sure to be a delight for the ears!

On Monday, the Middle School Classroom Without Walls (CWW) activities get underway. The teachers and students have
been busily preparing, excitement has been building, and the time has finally arrived. The Grade 6 students will be working
at a GK777 site and discovering more about the Philippines when they visit Intramuros and Corregidor Island. The Grade 7
classes will be traveling to Balai Isabel on the coast of Lake Taal and doing some work with a local school. The Grade 8
students will be at different locations within and outside of Manila and be engaged in various service activities. We are
confident that the students’ experiences will be memorable, leave a lasting impression and raise their awareness of how to
become an active citizen. When your child returns from the trip, please take some time to engage your child and discuss
ways that your child can build on the experience.

We are now halfway through the third quarter. Progress reports for students receiving a C- or below will be distributed
starting Monday, February 16. If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s teacher and continue to access
PowerSchool to monitor your child’s progress.

Please note that the parent meeting Transitioning to Middle School will not take place on February 27 as listed in the school
calendar. The meeting will be rescheduled and details will be communicated through the Parent Bulletin.

As printed in previous issues, a change has occurred in the school calendar for April due to the latest proclamation from the
Philippine government regarding holidays for the year 2009. Below is the update:
• Monday, April 6 is a now a holiday to commemorate Araw ng Kagitingan or Bataan Day. This was not originally
scheduled as a school holiday.
• Tuesday, April 7 and Wednesday, April 8: regular school days.

• Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10: school holidays; no classes.

Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Enjoy the weekend!


Danielle Fredericks Clarissa Sayson

Middle School Principal Middle School Assistant Principal

Upcoming Events PowerSchool Grade Update

February 26 MS Parent Coffee (7:45 A.M., LT)

February 27 - Grade Update
26 Grade 8 Course Registration/Transitioning to HS
March 13 - End of Quarter 3
26 Grade 8 Parent Session Transitioning to HS (5:30 P.M., LT)
(grades only)
March 02 Grade 8 Course Registration (Homebase)
09 to 13 ERB Testing (in English Classes)
09 to 13 MS Math Honors Testing

From the Clinic

Recently, we have seen many cases of
children with flu-like symptoms includ- Seek early consultation; visit the doctor when a per-
ing fever, aching joints, coughs and son exhibits the early signs of dengue.
colds and sometimes vomitting. This
seems to be a particularly nasty strain of Dengue fever usually starts suddenly with:
viral flu which can make the children feel quite ill. In
an attempt to reduce the infection rate, I would like to
ask all parents to be vigilant for the above signs and a high fever muscle and joint pain
symptoms and to keep their children at home if the rash nausea and vomiting and
child has a fever and ensure that they get rest and
severe headache loss of appetite
plenty of fluids. Please do not send your child back to
school until their temperature has been within normal pain behind the eyes
limits for 24 hours, without the aid of medication. If a
child comes to the clinic with a fever, we will send that The severity of the joint pain has given dengue the
child home immediately. Let’s work together to pro- name "breakbone fever." Nausea, vomiting, and loss
tect our children and the ISM community as a whole. of appetite are common. A rash usually appears 3 to 4
Many thanks for your cooperation and understanding. days after the start of the fever. The illness can last up
to 10 days, but complete recovery can take as long as
I am sorry to say also that there have now been two a month.
confirmed cases of dengue. Thankfully, both children
should make a full recovery but this is a wake up call Most dengue infections result in relatively mild illness,
for us all. Please read the information below carefully: but some can progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Signs and symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever
Search and destroy the breeding places of dengue- include:
causing mosquitoes which may be found in old tires,
coconut husks, gutters, discarded bottles, flower Bleeding from the nose, mouth, and gums
vases and other vessels that can hold stagnant wa-
ter. These containers are good breeding places of Bruising
female AEDES AEGYPTI mosquitoes, day biting fe-
male mosquitoes which are responsible for transmit- Dengue hemorrhagic fever is fatal in about 5 percent
ting the dengue virus to human beings. These mos- of cases, mostly among children and young adults.
quitoes like to rest in dark corners of your home so Prompt medical treatment is necessary in all cases of
keep mosquito nets closed to avoid letting them in. dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Self protection measures include wearing long

sleeves or long pants, or using mosquito repellant to Debbie Duckworth
protect yourself from mosquito bites Clinic Administrator

From the Treasury Office

In line with our intention to continuously improve our billing system, we would like to inform
everyone that the School plans to start sending the billing statement on the tuition fee and
other charges via e-mail starting March 2009. In this regard, we would like to request all
parents and guardians to please update e-mail addresses by contacting the Middle School
Office or Guidance Office.


We’re on the web!
Please inform the Middle School Office if you recently changed your contact information (i.e. Home Address, Home/Office Telephone Numbers, Mobile Numbers and Email Ad-
dresses). You may contact us through 840-8550 or 840-8553

From the Athletics & Activities Office

Last weekend’s IASAS Results:
GOLD- Boys Tennis
SILVER- Girls Touch
4th Place – Boys Rugby, Boys and Girls Basketball
5th Place – Girls Tennis
6th Place – Swimming

Congratulations to all athletes and coaches.


Upcoming Event

Other Announcements

SY 2009-2010 One-Page School Calendar

is now available in the ISM Website. Please visit and click on News
& Calendar to download the file or you may type this url in your web browser:

From Service Learning

Help one of ISM's longstand- when ISM will be at CCV are:
ing charities and get delicious • March 7, Saturday
coffee in return. • May 9, Saturday
CCV (Chosen Children’s Village) lo-
cated in Silang, Cavite, is an orphanage
for children who are physically and/or • Pinili Extra Fancy Beans or Ground at Php. 300.00 per
mentally challenged. The village con- 1 lb. (the largest sized beans). Ground or beans.
sists of several cottages, a school, a rehabilitation center, • Pinili Classic Beans or Ground at Php. 250.00 per 1 lb.
and other facilities, such as a gym, a canteen, and a play- (medium sized beans). Ground or beans.
ground. Our ISM students will visit the orphanage at least • Pinili Beans or Ground at Php. 200.00 per 1 lb.
six times this year to play with the kids and assist in feed- (smallest sized beans). Ground or beans.
ing them and in other chores. Our interactions with the
CCV children have created strong bonds between us and
the ‘chosen children’.
March 07 Chosen Children Village
CCV’s fundraiser is their PINILI coffee, an organic Robusta
coffee which is grown in the CCV Hacienda. The beans March 14 Samahan Bukas Palad
are handpicked and processed by the children and staff
April 04 Gawad Kalinga, EPIC, Child Hope
and the product is delicious.
April 18 WILD
If you would like to purchase CCV coffee, email Filipa
May 02 Gawad Kalinga
Pavic ([email protected]) with your order. The ISM
CCV club members will pick up your order and deliver it May 09 Chosen Children Village
back to ISM for your pick-up and payment. The dates

From the Bearcat Den

To all parents,

Please come and visit our Bearcat Den located in the HS cafeteria.

Our new stock of ISM hoodies are available in sizes from Elementary to High School...So drop buy and take a look at
our ISM polo shirts, Dri fit polo shirts, Girls and guys track pants, Spandex shorts, Travel and gym bags to name a few!

Let ' s Go GREEN at The

Our Banner bags made from ISM recycled Banners and Streamers are also on sale.


Monday 11:15AM to 1:15PM
2:30PM to 4:00PM

Wednesday 11:00AM to 1:00PM

2:30PM to 4:00PM

Friday 11:15AM to 1:15PM

2:30PM to 4:00PM

We would really like to have more volunteers to help with Bearcat activities so if you are interested please contact Jan Har-
ris for more information. Mobile no. 09193466046 or Email [email protected]


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