Thierry Coquand Preliminary Draft For The TYPES Summer School, August 1999

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Inductive De nitions and Type Theory an Introduction

Thierry Coquand Preliminary draft for the TYPES Summer School, August 1999

Martin-Lof's type theory can be described as an intuitionistic theory of iterated inductive de nitions developed in a framework of dependent types. It was originally intended to be a full-scale system for the formalization of constructive mathematics, but has also proved to be a powerful framework for programming. The theory integrates an expressive speci cation language (its type system) and a functional programming language (where all programs terminate). There now exist several proofassistants based on type theory, and non-trivial examples from programming, computer science, logic, and mathematics have been implemented using these. This note contains four parts. The rst one is an (still preliminary) historical presentation of some historical roots of Type Theory, written with Peter Dybjer. The second part presents some basic examples of inductive de nition in type theory. This shows how to use the elegant notations designed in functional programming for representing and checking inductive proofs. The third part presents the notion of inductive de nition in the setting of rule set 1] and show how this notion can be represented in type theory. The fourth part explains why inductive de nitions play an important r^ ole in proof theory 4].

1 Some Historical Roots

When looking for the roots of Intuitionistic Type Theory we must trace both main components: a functional component, based on -calculus, and an inductive component. This separation is quite similar in a programming language like ML, that incorporates both higher-order functions and concrete data types.

1.1 Prehistory

Reasoning by induction on the natural numbers, though it had been used unconsciously for a long time, seems rst to have been made explicit in the XVIIth century, in two di erent forms, by Pascal and Fermat. As formulated by Pascal and used for proving properties of numbers in his \triangle", to prove that a property P holds for all natural numbers, it is enough to prove that it holds for 1; and that it holds for n + 1 whenever it holds for n: Fermat formulated it as a principle of \in nite descent" for establishing that a property is universally false: if a property P is such that P (x) implies that there exists y < x such that P (y); then P (x) never holds. These two formulations can be found also for more complicated cases. The fact that a relation > is well-founded can be expressed in two a priori di erent forms: the fact that there is no in nite decreasing chain x0 > x1 > : : : or the fact that the following induction schema (noetherian induction principle) is valid ((8z )((8y < z ) (y)) ! (z )) ! (x):

1.1.1 Induction on the natural numbers

1.1.2 Trans nite induction

A completely new kind of induction, trans nite induction, was discovered by Cantor. He was rst motivated by his analysis of Fourier series: nding sets A such that if (an cos nx + bn sin nx) converges to 0 for all x in A then an = bn = 0: A rst use of ordinals is in the de nition of the Cantor-Bendixson index of a subset of the reals: de ne rst the derivative X 0 of a set X as the set of non isolated point of X (in any interval containing a point of X 0 there is another point of X ). We can then de ne X 00 as the derivative of X 0 and X (n+1) as the derivative of X (n) : The new step T is that we can de ne X (!) as being X (n) and then X (!+1) as being the derivative of X (!) ; : : :. One is then lead to introduce arbitrary ordinals and to de ne X ( ) by trans nite induction. This was used for instance to prove that a closed subset is either countable or has the cardinality of the continuum (a particular case of the continuum hypothesis)1 . Trans nite induction gave rise to the idea of well-founded structures. There are examples, such as Paris-Harrington's version of Ramsey's theorem, or the proof of the accessibility of 0 which show that it is a new principle, not provable in Peano arithmetics. The notion of well-founded induction appeared later in algebra in the form of noetherian rings, and it is not a coincidence that one of the rst non e ective proof, by Hilbert, was about noetherian rings. The set-theoretic notion of trans nite induction appears in type theory as generalized induction (as opposed to nitary induction). In the framework of Aczel's rule sets 1], they appear as \in nitary" rules, that are rules with an in nite number of premisses. The book 4] contains a nice historical introduction to the notion of inductive de nitions.
1 Let us recall that, by an extension of this method, it is possible to verify the continuum hypothesis as well for Borel sets, and for analytic sets.

1.1.3 Frege's and Dedekind's analysis

Frege and Dedekind independently discovered how inductive de nitions can be explained in (impredicative) set theory. This explanation is the one currently used in mathematics. For instance the subgroup of a group G generated by a subset A is de ned as the intersection of all subgroups of G containing A. Skolem showed that a large part of mathematics can be developed without quanti cation over in nite sets. He essentially used what later came to be called primitive recursive arithmetic, where induction is only over non-quanti ed formulae. The possibility of taking as primitive the notion of inductive de nition together with an intuitionistic logic is suggested in Aczel's survey paper 1]. After Cantor, an important use of trans nite induction occurs in measure theory in the work of Borel, in his de nition of Borel sets of real numbers (to simplify in (0; 1)). An open interval (r; s) is a Borel set and its measure (r; s) is s r: If we have a disjoint collection of Borel sets An its union A is a Borel sets, and (A) = (An ): And nally if A B are two Borel sets, then the di erence B A is a Borel set, and (B A) = (B ) (A): This is a good example of a generalised induction de nition, and of a de nition of a function by recursion. 2 A little later, Suslin made two remarkable discovery about subsets of real numbers: rst there are 1 1 sets of reals (projection of a plane Borel set on the line) that are not Borel sets, second if a set and its complement are 1 1 then this set is a Borel set. This theorem is closely connected to Brouwer's bar induction. Historically, the next important step is the work of Brouwer, who, in his intuitionistic analysis of topological notions, formulated the rst examples of generalized inductive de nitions. For instance, a countable ordinal is seen as an inductively generated object of three possible forms: the initial 1 ordinal, a successor ordinal x + 1 a limit ordinal x1 + x2 + : : :, where (xn ) is a sequence of ordinals. The principle of induction over this kind of objects was also explicitely formulated and considered to be primitive. To prove that P (x) holds for any ordinal x; it is su cient to show that P (1) holds, that P (x + 1) holds if P (x) holds, and that P (x1 + x2 + : : :) holds whenever P (xn ) holds for all n: The representation in type theory of such ordinals is especially natural. Brouwer made also an important use of inductive de nitions in his direct characterisation of the topology of the Baire space, that is the space of all in nite sequences of integers. This space has for basic open the set U of all sequences starting by a given nite sequence = n0 : : : nk An open in general is given by a family U of basic open and Brouwer noticed that we can describe directly when we have U i U without ever talking about in nite sequences: this is the case i either extends one i or, inductively, all direct extensions n are such that U n i U :
i i i

1.1.4 Descriptive Set Theory and Measure Theory

1.2 Intuitionism and Proof Theory

Of course in the de nition of the measure, one should check that the measure does not depend on the presentation of the set.

1.2.1 Post Canonical Systems

The canonical systems were invented by Post 32] in an attempt to nd the most general form of a formal system. An economical presentation is given in Martin-Lof's notes on constructive mathematics 21]. As shown for instance in Lorenzen's of Martin-Lof's book 20, 21], the use of canonical Post systems allows for a short and elegant presentation of the basic notions of recursivity.

1.2.2 Tarski's Truth De nition

Natural examples of inductive de nitions appeared in Tarski's work on truth de nitions. First, one needed to give a precise de nition of the syntax of the language. It is interesting that Tarski presented it as directly justi ed (though he points out that one may de ne it using an impredicative de nition similar to the ones used in Principia Mathematica). Second, the truth de nition was a complex example of a recursively de ned function over this syntax: the truth of (8x) (x) is de ned as the truth of all instances (n) for n = 0; 1; : : : Tarski showed that this inductive de nition cannot be reduced to a nitary induction de nition. Hilbert, in his study of the in nite, formulated the notion of higher-type primitive recursion (or primitive recursive functional). It was conjectured by Hilbert and shown by Ackermann that this gives a strict hierarchy of functions indexed by the complexity of the types: Ackermann's function can be de ned by higher-type primitive recursion, but is not primitive recursive. Closely connected to the consideration of these functional systems is the presentation of arithmetic given by Herbrand 12]. This presentation, which inspired the \Herbrand-Godel" notion of general recursive functions, is quite interesting in the light of Martin-Lof's type theory. Indeed, Herbrand's presentation of arithmetic as an open system is similar to our understanding of type theory: he allows the addition of new function symbols and new computation rules, provided it is possible \to prove intuitionistically" that these computation rules are total. His system may be seen as a precursor of the usual presentation of Peano arithmetic as a rst-order theory, but in such a presentation, the \open character" of the system has been lost. This notion of primitive recursive functional was used in Godel's Dialectica interpretation 9]. The goal was to give a consistency proof for arithmetic based on this notion. Spector extended this to a consistency proof of second-order arithmetic, by introducing the notion of bar-recursion. The analysis of these systems seen as functional systems, and in particular, a meta-theoretical proof that all the functions de ned in these systems are total, by Tait and Howard 34, 14], has been historically an important step in the discovery of the deep analogy between functional systems and proof systems. One goal was to see if it was possible to understand Spector's consistency proof using only inductive de nitions (with intuitionistic logic). These attempts are described in 4]. One rst positive result was the reduction of some form of impredicative quanti cation to inductively de ned objects by Takeuti. We describe below a simpli ed version of such a reduction.

1.2.3 Functional Systems

1.2.4 Realizability
Recursive realizability was introduced by Kleene 16] in order to relate precisely two quite di erent approach to the notion of e ective processes: the constructive functions in intuitionism, and the notion of recursive functions. Modi ed realizability was introduced by Kreisel in 17], as a tool to show the non derivability of Markov's principle in Heyting's arithmetic. The main di erence is 4

that extracted computations are programs of a programming language that has the normalisation property. (Modi ed) realizability can be seen as a natural projection operation on formulae (that become types) and proofs. This is explained in 29]. What is important here is that realizability suggests strongly an elegant approach to rigourous programming: to prove (constructively) a proposition can be seen as a way to achieve the \hand-inhand" development of programs together with proofs that they satisfy their speci cation, advocated by Dijkstra or Gries 7]3 . The book 2] contains a detailed discussion of realizability and of its potential interest for computer science.

1.2.5 Natural Deduction

Martin-Lof's type theory is formulated in the natural deduction style introduced by Gentzen. Reduction rules for natural deduction proofs were studied by Prawitz. A general theory of inductive de nitions in predicate logic in predicate logic was formulated by Martin-Lof 22]. He also proved a normalization theorem. This theory was an immediate precursor to intuitionistic type theory the rst version of which appeared shortly afterwards.

1.3 Programming Languages

Inductively de ned notions are permeate theoretical computer science too. One fundamental example is the notion of a language in the sense of formal language theory. But we shall focus on two aspects of programming languages here: inductive programming language constructs and inductive constructs for reasoning about programs.

1.3.1 Data types, Constructors, Structural Induction

The de nition of data types in terms of their constructors was presented by Burstall 5], who introduced in this paper also the quite elegant case notation for the de nition of functions over data types. He also discussed the general method of structural induction for proving properties of programs which manipulate such data types. This was further analyzed in Hoare's paper on recursive data structures 13]. Earlier, McCarthy and Painter 27] had used structural induction for proving the correctness of a compiler for arithmetic expressions. In category theory inductive de nitions are modelled by initial algebras. This is the basis for the algebraic approach to the semantics of data types, whereby one considers the initial algebra on a signature of constructor operations 10]. These ideas also in uenced the design of programming languages such as OBJ, NPL, Hope, and Standard ML, where data types are de ned by listing the constructors with their types.

1.3.2 Initial Algebras

1.3.3 Operational and Natural Semantics

Natural Semantics 15, 6], inspired from previous works by Plotkin 31] and by Martin-Lof 25], can be seen as an illustration of the use of inductive de nitions in computer science. The programs are
3 Let us cite Gries 11]. \The study of program correctness proofs has led to the discovery and elucidation of methods of developing programs. Basically, one attempts to develop a program and its proof hand-in-hand, with the proof ideas leading the way."

seen as inductively de ned relations between inductively de ned objects, and the proofs are done by structural induction 6]. In the 60s, people started to realize the deep analogies between functional systems and proof theoretical systems. For instance, the techniques developped by Tait for proving the totality of functions de ned in Godel's system T; could be used essentially to prove the normalisation property of systems of natural deduction. A typical example of this situation was the normalisation property for system F. Though it was found having in mind a termination theorem for a functional system, it was later realized that it can be applied, as by magic, to give a proof of Takeuti's conjecture, that was a conjecture about cut-elimination in a sequent calculus of second-order arithmetic. These analogy were used by Prawitz in his study of \validity" of proofs. At about the same time, de Bruijn, Scott, and Martin-Lof showed that these analogy could be given a common expression in a general type theory with dependent types, unifying for instance the notion of proofs by induction and functions de ned by induction. Ideas closely related to the Curry-Howard correspondence had also appeared earlier in Lawvere's work on categorical logic from the 60s. His hyperdoctrines 18], which are categorical models of rst order predicate logic, model propositions as objects and proofs as morphisms, and has a quite similar structure to type theory. The notions of constructor and concrete data type turned out to be similar to the notions of introduction rule and logical connective respectively. Thus the close connection between functional systems studied in metamathematics and proof theory could be extended to a connection to functional programming languages. The notion of admissible rule corresponds closely to the notion of recursively de ned functions. It should be noted for instance that the introduction of data types such as product or disjoint union, which seems so natural in a functional programming language, did not appear in the literature of functional systems before the 70s. In the previous sections we have pointed to several traditions which have been brought together by the Curry-Howard isomorphism. It is interesting to reread this history in the light of the structure of type-theory. We note for example that there are several di erent levels of complexity of inductive de nitions in type theory: First order datatypes and type constructors. { Simple type constructors such as disjoint union and cartesian product, and their logical analogues conjunction and disjunction. { Natural numbers. { Other simple datatypes such as lists and binary trees. Higher type constructors and trans nite types. { The function space construction and implication. { Brouwer ordinals. Dependent types. 6

1.4 The Curry-Howard Correspondence

1.5 Rereading the history from a type-theoretic perspective

quanti ers. { The equality relation. { Other inductively de ned relations, such as the transitive closure of a relation. Inductively de ned families of types such as vectors (lists of a certain length). Universes. Metamathematical re ection. There is also another kind of strati cation coming from the distinction between ordinary primitive recursive de nitions and primitive recursive functionals. We may then structure the history by asking for some particular concept: Where does it come from? How has it been used informally? How was it explained/justi ed mathematically? When do its rules appear as part of a formal system? In each case we have to look at both sides of the Curry-Howard isomorphism: Logical systems, induction principles. Programming languages and type systems, de nition by recursion. For example, analysing and this way, we note that the cartesian product and disjoint union of a family of sets are well-known mathematical concepts with a clear set-theoretic de nition. The formal type-theoretic rules for and were used by Scott 33] who gives the following background 33] p 240]: \Next de Bruijn made good use of cartesian products of species (formation of function spaces) in connection with the universal quanti er - an idea also familiar to Lawvere and to a certain extent to Lauchli - and the author took this at once. Now dual to products (as Lawvere knows) are disjoint sums which must be used for the interpretation of the existential quanti er (cf. Kreisel - Goodman). These sums were not employed by de Bruijn, but it would be easy to add them to his system.". Later Martin-Lof introduced the eliminators split 24] and funsplit 26]. On the logical side we rst have Heyting's and Kolmogorov's explanations of the logical constants in terms of proofs and problems respectively. For example, according to Heyting, a proof of 8x:P x] is a function that given an arbitrary element a returns a proof of P a], and a proof of 9x:P x] is a pair consisting of an element a and a proof of P a]. These explanations and also Gentzen's idea that logical constants are de ned by their introduction rules can be read as saying that the logical constants are inductively de ned sets of proofs. Gentzen also formulated the system NJ of natural deduction in intuitionistic logic. Rules for reduction of proofs in this system were given by Prawitz.

{ Disjoint union and cartesian product of a family of types and their logical analogues the

2 Some Examples
We give some basic examples of inductive de nitions represented in type theory. For the complete schema, see 30, 8]. We introduce three basic objects N : Set; 0 : N; S : N ! N: These form the introduction rules. The elimination rule is natrec : (C : N ! Set)C 0 ! ((x : N )C x ! C (S x)) ! (x : N )C x and the computation rules are natrec C a g 0 = a natrec C a g (S n) = g n (natrec C a g n): It is remarkable that the non dependent version of the elimination rule natrec : (C : Set)C ! (N ! C ! C ) ! N ! C gives primitive recursion and not only iteration. The usual justi cation of the elimination and computation rules uses the intuition of objects of N as \ nite" sequences of S ended \eventually" by a 0. We suppose to have already introduced N and we introduce Ord : Set; 0 : Ord; S : Ord ! Ord; Lim : (N ! Ord) ! Ord: The elimination rule is ordrec : (C : Ord ! Set)C 0 ! ((x : Ord)C x ! C (S x)) ! ((u : N ! Ord)((n : N )C (u n)) ! C (Lim u)) ! (x : Ord)C x and the computation rules are ordrec C a g h 0 = a ordrec C a g h (S x) = g x (ordrec C a g h x) ordrec C a g h (Lim u) = h u ( n ordrec C a g h (u n)): Intuitively an ordinal is a tree, that may be in nite, but always well-founded. It is harder to make intuitive sense of these elimination and computation rules: this justi cation is of a similar nature as Brouwer's bar induction, as noticed in Troelstra-van-Dalen 35]. 8

2.1 Natural Numbers

2.2 Ordinals

Exercice: De ne the addition and multiplication of ordinals. De ne then the operation ! ! and use this to de ne an element 0 : Ord which represents the limit of the sequences u0 = 0; un+1 =
!u :

Try then to de ne such an element without using the elimination rule over ordinals. This is possible, but much more di cult. This exercice gives a good example of how the use of complex notions (elimination rules) can simplify a construction.

We have at least two ways of representing a transition system (set with a binary relation) in type theory. The rst way is to give a set A with a binary relation R : A ! A ! Set: The second way is to give a dependent type B : A ! Set with a function d : (x : A)B x ! A: Intuitively, B a represents the possible transition from a : A and d a b : A the result of applying transition b : B a to a: We show how to express in type theory that, intuitively, there is no in nite transition starting from a: The parameters are A : Set; B : A ! Set; d : (x : A)B x ! A: We introduce Acc : A ! Set with a constant sup : (a : A)((b : B a)Acc (d a b)) ! Acc a and an elimination rule accrec : (C : A ! Set) ((x : A)((z : B x)C (d x z )) ! C x) ! (x : A)Acc x ! C x and the computation rule is accrec C g x (sup x y) = g x ( z accrec C g (d x z) (y z)): following way: take A = A1 A2 and B (a1 ; a2 ) = B1 a1 + B2 a2 with d (a1 ; a2 ) (i b1 ) = d1 a1 b1 and d (a1 ; b1 ) (j b2 ) = d2 a2 b2 : Prove then that Acc a1 ! Acc a2 ! Acc (a1 ; a2 ): Exercice: Given a transition system A; B; d and U : A ! Set de nes in type theory the relation U j a (read \U is a bar for a") which holds i U a or, inductively, U j (d a b) for all b : B a: Show that if U is monotone that is U a implies U (d a b) for all b : B a then so is U j:

2.3 Accessibility

Exercice: Given two transition systems A ; B ; d and A ; B ; d de ne their products in the

1 1 1 2 2 2

Type Theory can be seen as a functional programming language with dependent types. Important notions of natural deductions get a concrete representation in type theory: introduction rules are represented as constructors, canonical proofs are represented by terms starting with a constructor, the method of producing a canonical proof from a proof is represented by head-reduction, inductively de ned types and relations are represented as data types, doing a proof by induction over an object is seen as a recursive de nition of a proof object.

2.4 Type Theory and Functional Programming

What can be noticed is that we get in this way a logic with a natural computational semantics. As noticed by Gentzen (for natural deduction), this logic is intuitionistic and does not justify the law of excluded-middle. The computational semantics of type theory not only ensures, but gives direct and elegant proofs of the following strong properties consistency: the absurd proposition ? is not provable, existence property: if a property P of natural numbers can be represented in type theory, and if 9x : N:P (x) has a proof in type theory, then, from this proof, we can e ectively nd a natural number n that satis es the property P:

Acc a can now be thought of as a data type.

All these points get a concrete illustration for the examples presented above. For instance,


3 Rule Sets in Set Theory and Type Theory

We have a base set A. The elements of A are thought of as statements. A rule on a base set A is a pair (X; x) with X A and x 2 A: Let be a set of rules on A: An axiom of is an element x 2 A such that (;; x) 2 : We say that a subset P A is -closed (or is a theory) i (X; x) 2 and X P imply x 2 P: The intersection of all -closed subset of A is itself a -closed subset T of A, which is the least -closed subset of A: Intuitively an element of T is derivable from axioms by applying the rules of . More generally we can de ne U ` x if U A by saying that x belongs to all -closed subsets that contain U and this represents the there is a well-founded derivation tree of x where all the leaves are in U . A rule set is deterministic if for any x 2 A there is at most one X A such that (X; x) 2 : A rule set is nitary i whenever (X; x) 2 the set X is nite. Proposition: If is nitary and U ` x then there exists U0 U nite such that U0 ` x: The proof is by showing that the set of all consequences of a nite subset of U is a set containing U which is -closed. These notions can be seen as a generalisation of Frege-Dedekind's analysis of induction. We can explain in set-theoretic terms not only the idea of nitary proof tree (which can be reduced to the notion of nite tree) but also the idea of arbitrary well-founded proof tree. Notice however that this explanation uses the notion of arbitrary intersections over all subsets of a set. The parameters are A : Set; B : A ! Set; C : (x : A)B x ! Set and d : (x : A)(y : B x)C x y ! A: Intuitively, A is a set of statements, B x is the set of all possible basic rules for deriving a statement x : A while C x y is an index set enumerating all the premisses of the rule y, these premisses being all d x y z; z : C x y: The predicate corresponding to accessibility is then T x meaning intuitively that x is derivable in this formal system. We introduce thus T : A ! Set and sup : (a : A)(b : B a)((c : C a b)T (d a b c)) ! T a and the elimination rule treerec : (P : A ! Set) ((x : A)(y : B x)((z : C x y)P (d x y z )) ! P x) ! (x : A)T x ! P x and the computation rule is accrec P g x (sup x y h) = g x ( z treerec P g (d x y z) (h z)): These rules express that T is the smallest predicate P on A which is what can be called a theory: if there is a rules, all premisses satisfy P , then the conclusion satis es P . To see the complete dependent elimination rule see 28]. Exercice: Given a predicate U : A ! Set over A represent as an inductive de nition in type theory the relation U ` a: The predicate T a corresponds to the special case where U is the empty predicate. Show then the transitivity of ` in the following form: if U ` a and V ` x for all x : A satisfying U then we have V ` a: 11

3.1 Rule Set in Set Theory

3.2 Tree Set Constructors

4 A Normalisation Proof of Godel's System T

Godel system T is one of the simplest type system with one inductive de nition. In this section, we present a proof of normalisation for head-reduction and closed terms. This proof uses as a main tool one inductive de nition, of being reducible or computable at type N . In order to present a complete proof (in particular, to be completely precise about bound variables) we use a simple form of explicit substitution. The proof is formulated in such a way that it follows the following computational interpretation: an object u of type N is a (well-founded) method that will eventually gives 0 or S u1 with u1 method of type N . A method of type ! is a method that applied to a method of type with gives a method of type . The goal of the argument is to prove that all closed terms are correct methods in this sense. For doing this, we have to explain what should be the meaning of an open term as well: it should correspond to an hypothetical method. Explicit substitutions are also used to explain this notion.

4.1 Godel's system T

The types are inductively de ned as being N or of the form ! : A context ; ; : : : is a set of typed variables x1 : 1 ; : : : ; xn : n with x1 ; : : : ; xn distinct. The typing rules are the following

represents an hypothetical method of type with free variables : If = x1 : 1 ; : : : ; xn : n and ui is a closed expression of type i then we say that the substitution = (x1 = u1 ; : : : ; xn = un) is a (closed) instantiation of : We can then form the instantiation t of the method t and we get a closed expression of type : Recursively, the closed expressions are hence described by the following clauses: 0 is a closed expression of type N , S u is a closed expression of type N , if u is a closed expression of type N , u u0 is a closed expression of type , if u; u0 are closed expressions of type ! ; tively, t is a closed expression of type if ` t : and is an instantiation of : We describe next the head-reduction on closed expressions: 0 ! 0; (S t) ! S (t ); 12

` x : if x : is in ; ` 0 : N; ` S t : N if ` t : N; ` t t0 : if ` t : ! and ` t0 : ; ` x t : ! if x does not appear in and ; x : ` t : ; ` fa;b : N ! if ` a : and ` b : N ! ! . We recall that ! ! should be read ! ( ! ). If we have ` t : then t
1 2 1 2


( x t) u ! t( ; x = u); u u0 ! u1 u0 if u ! u1, fa;b 0 ! a ; fa;b (S u) ! b u (fa;b u); fa;b u ! fa;b u1 if u ! u1: As usual, let us write ! for the re exive transitive closure of ! : We de ne inductively the predicate RN u which expresses that the closed expression u is reducible or computable of type N : u ! S u 1 RN u 1 u! 0 and we de ne recursively on the type what it means to be reducible at any type: R that R u0 implies R (u u0 ):

RN u

RN u

u means

The proofs is divided in two lemmas. Lemma 1: If R u0 and u ! u0 then R u. Corollary: If R u0 and u ! u0 then R u. Lemma 2: If x1 : 1; : : : ; xn : n ` t : and R ui then we have R t(x1 = u1; : : : ; xn = un): Theorem: All closed expressions are reducible. Let us prove the theorem, assuming rst lemma 2. We do an induction on the form of a closed expression v:

4.2 All terms are computable

v = 0 is reducible by de nition, v = S u, by induction hypothesis, u is reducible, hence so is v; v = u u0 by induction hypothesis, both u and u0 are reducible, hence so is v; v = t(x1 = u1 ; : : : ; xn = un); by induction hypothesis all u1 ; : : : ; un are reducible, hence, by lemma 2, so is v.
Hence the theorem is easily proved if we have already lemma 2. The proof of lemma 1 and its corollary are left as exercices: to prove lemma 1, do rst an induction on the type and then in the base case where = N an induction on the de nition of RN : A predicate on expressions that satis es the statement of lemma 1 is called saturated. We prove now the key lemma 2. This is proved by induction on t:
lemma 1, t = 0; then we have 0 ! 0; and hence RN (0 ) by de nition of RN ,

t = xi ; then we have t ! ui; by hypothesis ui is reducible, and hence t is reducible using

t = S t0; then we have (S t0) ! S (t0 ); but t0 is reducible by induction hypothesis, and hence so is t ,

t = x t0 is of type ! ; then we have ( x t0 ) u ! t0 ( ; x = u); for any reducible u of type : By induction hypothesis t0( ; x = u) is reducible, and hence, by lemma 1, t u is reducible, t = t1 t2 ; then t ! t1 (t2 ); by induction hypothesis, both t1 and t2 are reducible, hence t1 (t2 ) is reducible and so is t using lemma 1, t = fa;b; then we prove that t u is reducible by induction on the proof of RN u: If u ! 0 then t u ! a . Since a is reducible by induction hypothesis, then so is t u by the corollary of lemma 1. If u ! S u1 with u1 reducible then t ! b u1 (t u1 ): By induction hypothesis, t u1 is reducible; also by induction hypothesis (on t) b is reducible. Since u1 is reducible
we can conclude by the corollary of lemma 1. This proof is a good example of a proof by induction. There are two induction going on there: one is an induction on the types, and the other is the inductive de nition of RN : The advantage of such a proof is that it is rather direct to extend it to the case of other data types. For instance, if we have a type of ordinals O = 0 j S O j L (N ! O) the de nition of being reducible of type O will be u ! S u 1 RO u 1 u ! L f (8v)RN v ! RO (f v) : u! 0

4.3 Comment on ` versus !

RO u

RO u

RO u

It is interesting to compare the use of ` and the use of ! in this argument. One can consider ! as an internalisation of `, while the application of lambda-calculus is an internalisation of the operation of instantiation. The similarity in these two operations appear also in the framework of dependent types: if we write x : A]B for the dependent product and x : A] the operation of extending a context with a type A then the rule of product formation can be formulated as: ` x : A]B i x : A] ` B:


5 An Interpretation of

1 1

Quanti cation

Since the work of Russell and the incisive remarks of Poincare, one of the main goal of mathematical logic is to analyse impredicativity. The problem is the de nition of a set of natural numbers (or a real number) obtained by quantifying over all sets of natural numbers (resp. over all real numbers). One can argue that the collection of all sets of natural numbers (resp. all real numbers) is not given in advance. It can \change" for instance by adding a new de nition of a set. There is then a \circularity" problem in a de nition which uses universal quanti cation over subsets: the de nition itself may introduce a new set, changing the range of quanti cation used in the de nition. According to Poincare's analysis, this is the root of the contradictions that were found in the beginning of set theory. A classical example of such a situation is the de nition of a lower bound of a set of real numbers, where a real numbers is de ned as a Dedekind cut, that is a downward closed subset of rational numbers. Given a set C of such subsets, the lower bound of the set C is the intersection of all elements of C , and this intersection is de ned by universal quanti cation over all sets of rational numbers. Here we show how to explain this circularity in term of inductive de nitions/well-founded trees. This explains why inductive de nitions play a crucial r^ ole in proof theory 4]. The basic idea 19] is that it is possible to explain inductively when a formula (8X )A(X ) is valid, if A(X ) does not contain any universal quanti cation over predicates: introduce a new atomic predicate X , about which we know nothing, and then explain inductively when A(X ) is correct. For instance (8X )X 5 ! X 5 is correct since X 5 ! X 5 is intuitionistically correct, with X variable. The problem with this explanation is that it explains when a formula (8X )A(X ) is valid, but does not explain what it means to assume a formula (8X )A(X ) that is what can be the meaning of ((8X )A(X )) ! . In order to solve this, we have to use a Kripke model. We consider the following (in nitary, hence described by an inductive de nition) language H (X ) =0j1j

5.1 Reformulation of the problem


j ! jXn

where 0 stands for the false, 1 for the true, n n is an in nitary conjunction and where n is a natural number n = 0; 1; : : :. In this language we can represent arbitrary arithmetic formulae, and even formulae depending of an extra predicate variable X: Given an interpretation of X it is possible to give a meaning of a formula A(X ) of H (X ), but it is not possible in general to explain predicatively when a formula A(X ) is valid for every possible interpretation of X: In some cases, this is possible, because we can reinterpret (8X )A(X ) for instance if A(X ) is ^^ ( ( k l ! X k ) ! X l) ! X n then (8X )A(X ) is equivalent to say that n is accessible with respect to the relation . But, in general, for complicated formulae A(X ) we cannot reinterpret (8X )A(X ). We can interpret the language H (X ) more generally in any Kripke model. Given an aribitrary poset P; with a least element 0, let Down(P ) the collection of downward closed subsets of P containing 0. Given an interpretation D of X as a function N ! Down(P ), we give a meaning 15
l k

] X =D of a formula of H (X ) as an element of Down(P ) using the following operation on Down(P ):

X ) Y = fx 2 P j (8x0 x) x0 2 X ) x0 2 Y g
we have 0]] = f0g; 1]] = P; V ] = \ ]; n n ! ] = ] ) ]; X n] = D(n): The problem will be the same however: in general \D ] X =D cannot be described predicatively. The main point is now that there exists a particular poset P0 ; such that for any formula (X ) of H (X ), \D ] X =D can be described predicatively. To build this poset P0 , consider the languages H (X0 ; : : : ; Xk ) like H (X ) but with nitely many atomic predicates X0 ; : : : ; Xk and de ne P0 to be the union k H (X0 ; : : : ; Xk ): An element of P0 is a formula (X0 ; : : : ; Xk ): As for H (X ), for any poset P , we can give a meaning ] X =E of any formula 2 P0 as an element of Down(P ) if we are given a meaning Ei : N ! Down(P ) of each
i i

5.2 An inductively de ned Poset

Xi :

Furthermore, we can explain using only inductive de nitions when a formula 2 P0 is valid. This can be done for instance by describing inductively when a nite set of formulas entails another formula :

` if 2 ; ` ! if ; ` ; ` 1; ` if ` 0; ` V n if ` n for all n. We write now i ! is valid. This de nes a poset P with a least element 0. The fact that the relation is transitive follows from Gentzen's cut-elimination theorem: if ` and ; ` then ; ` , which is a good example of a theorem proved by induction.

Xi we have ] X =E

It can then be proved that if holds then for any poset P and for any interpretation Ei of ] X =E : This expresses the soundness of Kripke models with respect to this logical calculus. The completness will be proved below. The paper 23] presents a calculus of proofs for a calculus similar to the one given here.
i i i


5.3 Inductive Explanation of

Given a formula A(X ) of H (X ) we interpret now (8X )A(X ) as a downward closed set S of P0 . This is the set S of all formulae 2 P0 such that A(Xi ) whenever Xi does not appear in : Notice that if A(Xi ) for one Xi not in ; then we have A(Xl ) for all Xl not in : Of course, it is essential that this set is de ned without use of universal quanti cation over predicates. Lemma 1: S is a downward closed subset of H . Proof: If 2 S and , let Xl be an atomic predicate not in neither in : We have then A(Xl ) by hypothesis and hence A(Xl ): This implies 2 S by the remark above. 2 If 2 H let # ( ) be the set of formulae : We let Dk (n) be the set # (Xk n): Lemma 2: We have # (^ n ) = \ # ( n) and # ( ! ) =# ( ) )# ( ): Lemma 3: ] X =D =# ( ): Proof: This is true by de nition for = Xk n and for = 0 or = 1: It then holds by induction on the formula using lemma 2. 2 It follows from this lemma that we have i for all Kripke models and all interpretations of Xi , we have ] ]: This lemma is crucial in the argument, and holds only because of the use of !-logic. 4 Lemma 4: S is the intersection of all interpretations of A(X )]]X =D where D varies over all possible functions N ! Down(P0 ): Proof: Our claim is that S is the intersection of all A(X )]]X =D . First, if 2 S then A(Xi ) for Xi not in : Hence ! A(Xi ) is a valid formula, which holds in any model, in particular in the Kripke model over H . It follows that we have
k k

1 1

quanti cation

] X =D ;X =D = ] X =D ;X =D
k k i i k k i k k

A(Xi )]]X =D ;X =D = A(Xi )]]X =D :

k k i i i

By lemma 3, we have ] X =D =# ( ) and hence 2 A(Xi )]]X =D as expected. Conversely if 2 A(X )]]X =D for all possible interpretation D, then in particular for Xi not in we have 2 A(X )]]X =D = A(Xi )]]X =D : Since A(Xi )]]X =D =# (A(Xi )) by lemma 2, this implies A(Xi ). 2
i i i i i

Second-order arithmetic HA2 is de ned as a two sorted logic: with variables n; m; x; y; : : : over natural numbers and variables X; Y; Z; : : : over sets of natural numbers. We can form, besides the usual propositions of Heyting arithmetic, the atomic proposition x X and the comprehension axiom can be stated as 9X 8x x X (x)] where (x) is any formula. If we restrict (x) to a formula of the form 8X1 : : : 8Xn (X1 ; : : : ; Xn ; x) without set quanti 1 cation, we have 1 1 -comprehension without parameters: 1 -comprehension. We have built a model of the formula (x) has no free set variables.
4 It follows from Godel's incompletness theorem that the impredicative quanti cation we deal with cannot be explained using only nitary inductive de nitions.

5.4 Comprehension Axiom


The rst to obtain an explanation of 1 1 quanti cation in terms of inductive de nitions was Takeuti, by a somewhat indirect method: he obtained a partial cut-elimination result generalising the one of Gentzen using ordinal diagrams, which can be proved well-founded using inductive de nitions. The method we have used is inspired from the one in the book of Buchholz-Schutte 3], and from some remarks of Lorenzen. We have explained only a special case of 1 1 quanti cation: in (8X )A(X ) the formula A(X ) cannot have any universal quanti cation over predicates. In order to cover a more general case, one needs to use iterated inductive de nitions. The program of reducing the circularity of quanti cations over predicates is going on. The more recent progress in this direction can be elegantly described in terms of type theory: one considers type theory with W -types (iterated inductive de nitions) with stronger and stronger re ection principles. These re ection principles are quite similar to large cardinal axioms in set theory. A simple explanation of 1 2 comprehension, generalising the one we have given is still a challenge!

5.5 How long can we go?


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