A Look Back at Ernest solvay InChI, the chemical Identifier Suffixes and the naming of elements International. Six issues of Chemistry International will be published bimonthly in 2013 (one volume per annum) the 2013 subscription rate is USD 110.00 for organizations and USD 50.00 for individuals.
A Look Back at Ernest solvay InChI, the chemical Identifier Suffixes and the naming of elements International. Six issues of Chemistry International will be published bimonthly in 2013 (one volume per annum) the 2013 subscription rate is USD 110.00 for organizations and USD 50.00 for individuals.
A Look Back at Ernest solvay InChI, the chemical Identifier Suffixes and the naming of elements International. Six issues of Chemistry International will be published bimonthly in 2013 (one volume per annum) the 2013 subscription rate is USD 110.00 for organizations and USD 50.00 for individuals.
A Look Back at Ernest solvay InChI, the chemical Identifier Suffixes and the naming of elements International. Six issues of Chemistry International will be published bimonthly in 2013 (one volume per annum) the 2013 subscription rate is USD 110.00 for organizations and USD 50.00 for individuals.
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A Look Back at Ernest Solvay
InChI, the Chemical Identifier
Suffixes and the Naming of Elements International CHEMISTRY The News Magazine of IUPAC November-December 2013 Volume 35 No. 6 INTERNATIO NAL UNIO N O F PURE AND APPLIED CHEM ISTRY From the Editor CHEMISTRY International The News Magazine of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) www.iupac.org/publications/ci Managing Editor: Fabienne Meyers Production Editor: Chris Brouwer Design: pubsimple All correspondence to be addressed to: Fabienne Meyers IUPAC, c/o Department of Chemistry Boston University Metcalf Center for Science and Engineering 590 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215, USA E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1 617 358 0410 Fax: +1 617 353 6466 Printed by: Cadmus Communications, Easton, PA, USA Subscriptions Six issues of Chemistry International (ISSN 0193- 6484) will be published bimonthly in 2013 (one volume per annum) in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The 2013 subscrip- tion rate is USD 110.00 for organizations and USD 50.00 for individuals. Subscription orders may be placed directly with the IUPAC Secretariat. Affiliate Members receive CI as part of their Membership subscription, and Members of IUPAC bodies receive CI free of charge. Reproduction of Articles Unless there is a footnote to the contrary, repro- duction or translation of articles in this issue is encouraged, provided that it is accompanied by a reference to the original in Chemistry International. Periodicals postage paid at Durham, NC 27709- 9990 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chemistry International, IUPAC Secretariat, PO Box 13757, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3757, USA. ISSN 0193-6484 A Heartfelt Congratulations to OPCW O n 11 October 2013, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that this years Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons. This is a great and important recognition for an organization that works so diligently to make the world a safer place. I am humbled to relay IUPACs heartfelt congratulations to our OPCW colleagues for this fantastic and well- deserved recognition for their tireless work to free the world of chemical weapons. In recent years, IUPAC has been privileged to work with OPCW, both in contributing technical expertise to the review conferences of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and in developing educational resources on the multiple uses of chemi- cals. As recently as the July-Aug 2013 issue of Chemistry International, Leiv K. Sydnes contributed a feature outlining IUPACs involvement with OPCW over the last 12 years. That feature was triggered by the recent IUPAC Technical Report (in the April 2013 Pure and Applied Chemistry) titled Impact of Scientific Developments on the Chemical Weapons Convention, released in advance of the Third Review Conference of the CWC held last April. In 2004, the president of IUPAC and the director general of the OPCW agreed on a joint project on chemistry education, outreach, and the pro- fessional conduct of chemists; see IUPAC project 2004-048-1-020. As an outcome of this project, the need for peer-reviewed educational materials was clearly identified. In response, a set of web-based materials to be used by educators and students has been created and published online at <www.iupac.org/multiple-uses-of-chemicals> or <http://multiple.kcvs. ca>. The approach was to start with the beneficial uses of chemicals, give examples of the misuse and abuse of chemicals, and then provide basic information about the Chemical Weapons Convention, ending with the need for and examples of existing codes of conduct. The Nobel recognition to OPCW contributes to validating IUPACs mis- sion to advance the worldwide aspects of the chemical sciences and to contribute to the application of chemistry in the service of Humankind. Today, I feel proud of being a chemist and helping IUPAC members to take part in these Union activities. Fabienne Meyers [email protected] www.iupac.org/publications/ci PS: This year-end issue will be the last one to be carefully edited and paginated by my colleague Chris Brouwer. After 12 years of making CI pubsimple, Chris is venturing into new communication challenges working at Cornell University. My thanks to you Chris, and best wishes. CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Volume 35 No. 6 Contents Past Presidents Column IUPAC Should Make Itself Known by Nicole Moreau 2 Features A Look Back at Ernest Solvay Archetype of the Inventor-Entrepreneur by Nicolas Coupain 4 The Solvay Chemistry Council, and the International Institute of Chemistry by Brigitte van Tiggelen 8 InChI the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier Current Status and Future Development in Relation to IUPAC Activities by Andrey Yerin, Alan McNaught, and Stephen Heller 12 IUPAC Wire 2014 IUPAC-SOLVAY International Award for Young Chemists Announced 16 CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green ChemistryCall for Nominations 16 DSM Materials Sciences Award 2014Call for Nominations 17 Standard Atomic Weights Revised 17 2013 International Chemistry Olympiad 18 IUPAC Selects De Gruyter as Partner for its Scientific Publications 19 The Project Place A Global Framework for Implementing Consistent Ecological Risk Assessment for Pesticides 20 Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment 21 Evaluated Kinetic Data for Atmospheric Chemistry 21 Provisional Recommendations IUPAC seeks your comments 22 Making an imPACt Terminology of MetalOrganic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers 23 Glossary of Terms Used in Medicinal Chemistry. Part II 23 Assessment of Theoretical Methods for the Study of Hydrogen Abstraction Kinetics of Global Warming Gas Species 23 Nomenclature Notes Use of Abbreviations, Enclosing Marks, and Line-Breaks by Jeffery Leigh 24 Up for Discussion Naming Superheavy Halogen and Noble Elements by Brett F. Thornton and Shawn C. Burdette 26 Conference Call On the New Definition of the Mole by Roberto Marquardt 28 Macromolecules and Materials 29 Polymer Spectroscopy by Daniela Illnerova 30 Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy as a Probe of Polymer Surface Structure by Dennis K. Hore 31 Where 2B & Y 34 Mark Your Calendar 36 Index for 2013 38 Stamps International, 11 Past Presidents Column 2 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 IUPAC Should Make Itself Known by Nicole Moreau A fter nearly six years as an officer of IUPAC, this is my last column. I will try to tell how much I enjoyed this period, and also express some ideas to improve our Union. I have been very happy in IUPAC, because the experience of serving as a volunteer in an interna- tional organization is so very different than working in a laboratory. Above all, there is no competition, no struggle, only a willingness to work with one anothercolleagues but not competitorsfor the good of Chemistry. I found that serv- ing as an officer of IUPAC was a stimulating complement to my rich, but busy professional life. I feel lucky to have worked with an incredible variety of IUPAC col- leaguesdifferent nationalities, disciplines, professions. And, of course, many of these colleagues are now friends. About 20 years ago, in the NAO of France, the Comit National Franais de la Chimie, I was the representative of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. In 1995, I attended the IUPAC General Assembly in Guilford (UK) as a member of the French delegation. I confess that I have no remembrance of that assembly, although I know that I conscientiously attended the whole ses- sion. Then, things become less blurry: the 1997 GA in Geneva with Fischli as president, then Berlin in 1999 with Jortner as president (an impressive voice indeed). However, I have clear memories of the Council and its votes only as far back as Ottawa in 2003, with the huge electricity blackout. With a meeting every two years, time passes rapidly, but it took a rather long time for me to become really aware of the way IUPAC works. It is not normal, and I suppose that after each Council, several NAO representatives have the same impression of having attended something complex and not well understood. This is one of the things that has to be changed in IUPAC. At the end of IYC, when I was fortunate to be president of the Union, I felt frustrated, because I had no time to think of IUPAC, to try to find solutions for some problems I saw, small or more important, real or imaginary. But now, I understand that it has been for me a unique opportunity to meet numerous people in our NAOs. When I was invited to attend a scientific meeting, generally the nth congress of the National Chemical Society, I was very eager to prepare a presentation explaining, as well as I could, what our Union is, the way it works, and what we can offer to our members, but also what we can expect from our members. I began all of these presentations, each one an improvement I hoped over the preceding one, with some history of the Union, proud to say that we are older (1919) than the International Council for Science (1931)! I cannot thank enough all the people I met on these trips; they did much more than simply pay my expenses. I received real kind- ness and friendship, curiosity, kind words, and compliments about IUPAC, but also advice, com- plaints, and criticisms. My hosts were pleased to show me a trans- lation of a nomenclature book, a stamp made for IYC, the work of the country to celebrate the year. From these contacts I received many good ideas, but it was a little too late to put many of them into practice since 2011 was also the last year of my presidency. So, what to do, which ideas emerged? The first point is a regret rather than one idea: Why were we unable to inform everyone who cel- ebrated the International Year of Chemistry, that it was thanks to IUPAC, and not only to UNESCO, that we had such a celebration? In some countries with extensive IYC celebrations, there was hardly a mention of IUPAC. In the congresses or national meetings of chemical societies around the world, even in countries that are part of IUPAC, very few people know about IUPAC. There are few opportunities to explain what IUPAC is: at the biennial IUPAC Congress and Council and at regular IUPAC-sponsored conferences. Why, as was the case not so many years ago, could we not have a poster with a description of IUPAC? Of course, in principle, I feel lucky to have worked with an incredible variety of IUPAC colleagues different nationalities, disciplines, professions. And, of course, many of these colleagues are now friends. 3 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 at each IUPAC-sponsored conference, someone should make a short talk about the Union, but this is not always done. And if this talk is made at the wrong moment, if the allocated time is only a few minutes, it is done for nothing. A poster has many more chances to be seen, and with the multiple tools we have now, it is easy to have more than one and put them in strategic places. We should be using the meetings of the regional federations to meet people and explain IUPAC. At the very beginning of the Council, the president or another officer (why not the past president, who is very idle at his/her last Council) could begin his or her talk with a presentation about the Union: every two years, we have new delegates from the NAOs and also new members in our divisions and com- mittees; it is likely that some of them are not very aware of the way IUPAC works, and have a poor understanding of its rules and bylaws. People complain that they cannot find in our web- site the useful documents describing IUPAC, such as hints2.2, and how the cost and advantages to becoming a member. There should be on the homepage of the website a navigation that takes users to a membership page. And, on that page, why not provide a presentation that could be use- ful not only to our active members, but also to our friends on each continent, who are ready to help us to recruit new NAOs or members? This presen- tation should clearly explain the benefits to being a member country, but it should also describe where and how their dues are allocated. In addi- tion, our rules and bylaws should be easier to find. We could and should produce short brochures about IUPAC that can then be translated into the languages of different countries. These brochures, with short and well-thought text, could be posted on our website for translation by our member countries. The way we spend our money and the way in which members of our divisions and committees are chosen should be more transparent. This is a matter that was frequently brought to my atten- tion as president of IUPAC. This is a very delicate point, and to bring up the subject within IUPAC is not a good way to make friends! The problem is not the quality of the new division members, whom are generally excellent. However, excellent scientists from some of our NAOs are frequently overlooked because they are not known by the people electing the new members. There is also the problem of national represen- tatives in the divisions. Generally, they never attend meetings, because the division pays only for titular members. Ideally, NAOs, which often complain that they are not listened to enough, would help pay for their national representatives to attend some division meetings. However, not all countries can pay for this. A way to remedy this problem would be for divisions to involve national representatives in their projects. IUPAC needs to attract young and new members. The Union needs to expand its affiliate program and enlarge its network. The value and benefits of such an affiliation need to be reassessed to ensure that IUPAC can sustain its activities and at the same time continue to function under an open access model. There are also things that IUPAC should be aware of, such as the fact that ICSU holds its general assem- bly only every three years. The president is generally the one who attends, but as the presidents mandate is only two years, sometimes a president never has the opportunity to attend. We could, as is the case for some other Unions, have a representative to ICSU. Such an approach could be extended to other strate- gic partners. Finally, people within IUPAC should become more knowledgeable about the Union. To be a member of IUPAC is not only to be conscientious in ones job as a member of a division or a committee, it is also to understand what makes this Union so useful to the global community, so important for the discipline. In order for IUPAC to fulfill its role, it needs members who are convinced and conversant about its importance. Nicole J. Moreau <[email protected]> was IUPAC vice president in 20082009, president in 20102011, and past president for 20122013. She has been a member of the Bureau since 2000 and a member of the Executive Committee since 2006. She is also general secretary of the French National Committee for Chemistry. Since January 2012, she is a member of the Executive Board of ICSU, the International Council for Science. 4 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Archetype of the Inventor- Entrepreneur by Nicolas Coupain A s one of the most prominent Belgian inventor-entrepre- neurs and individual sponsors of science, Ernest Solvays legacy is immense. Recent research in the archives of both the Solvay company and the Solvay family has renewed the state of knowledge on Ernest Solvays endeavors, achievements, and networks. Ernest Solvay was the son of a quarry master in a rural area 30 km south of Brussels. His fam- ily was part of the local bourgeoisie. At the Christian boarding school where he and his younger brother Alfred were enrolled, he showed great inter- est in physics and chemistry, to which he had been initiated by his professor, brother Macardus. His father expected him to become an engineer, but this ambition was shattered by a pleurisy that forced him to bed at the age of 17. Ernest Solvay thus continued to learn by self-teaching and started his pro- fessional career earlier than expected, first as accountant in the family shop, then as apprentice-manager in his uncles gas plant at Saint-Josse (Brussels). There, he spent part of his time supervising workers, and another part experi- menting on the concentration of ammonia liquors that On the 150th Anniversary of the Solvay Company On 20 September 1913, Ernest Solvay gathered family and relatives, col- leagues and employees, as well as scientists and academics, in his Brussels headquarters to celebrate a double jubilee. Officially, it was to commemo- rate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Socit Solvay & Cie, but the celebration had a private tone as well, since in 1863 he had also married Adle Winderickx. In Ernests eyes, however, this was more of a huge family gathering, including both ma famille naturelle and ma grande famille industrielle as he described them in his address launching the ceremony. Indeed, from the very beginning, Ernest and his brother Alfred Solvay insisted on running the business as a family firm. Even when the Socit Solvay became an international operation, the company maintained close relationships with the plants dispersed all over the world. Either the firm or the fam- ilywhich had become immensely rich and was active in philanthropyinvested heavily in local education and social welfare. The presence at the double jubilee of eminent scien- tists and representatives of renowned learned societies from many different countries, can only be explained by an important aspect of Ernest Solvay: his deep attraction to science. Having already secured wealth for his family, he had started to use his fortune to revo- lutionize science. He did this through his own scientific work, outside the frame of academic institutions, and by providing extensive support to the work and enterprises of others, much better rooted and reputed in the scientific commu- nity. It is in this specific context, that the founding of the International Institute for Chemistry should be viewed as one of Ernest Solvays greatest achievements. A Look Back at Ernest Solvay Ernest and Alfred Solvay Solvay Heritage Collection 5 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 were lost in the production of gas. During his free time, he attended public lectures given by the chemist Henri Berg and frequented the Muse de lindustrie with assiduousness. Then came his eureka moment: by mixing salt with ammonia and carbonic acid gas in his experimentation room, he obtained sodium carbonate. What he apparently didnt know when he filed a first patent in 1861 was that this reaction had already been theoretically described by several chemists, and that a few entrepreneurs had tried to set up the process at an industrial scale without success in France, Germany, England, and even Belgium. This ignorance turned out to be a blessing: it is thanks to it that Ernest Solvay, age 23, undertook the many steps that lead to the creation of Solvay & Cie in 1863. He formed a small team including his brother Alfred, and their childhood mate Louis-Philippe Acheroy, launched a pilot plant in Schaerbeek (Brussels), obtained funds from his father, analyzed the economics of the soda ash market, and requested the necessary authorizations. When the first technical and financial obstacles arose (i.e., the discovery of anterior patents) Ernest Solvay demon- strated his ability to surround himself with talented people who pushed him a step forward. In Guillaume Nlis, Eudore Pirmez, and Valentin Lambert, he found three business angels who not only brought him extra seed money, but also their network, political influence, and expertise in law, commerce, and industry. It is this enlargedalthough still limitedteam that converted the try into a lasting success. Technical stabilization of the ammonia-soda pro- cess was also reached by taking advice from renowned scientists, which Ernest Solvay employed as industrial consultants before it became a widespread practice. Next to Henri Berg, Professor Louis Melsens became a regular correspondent, while the eminent chemist Jean Stas was consulted several times. August Kkul, founder of the first university research laboratory in Belgium, exchanged several letters with Ernest Solvay, in which he indicated his intrigue with this mysteri- ous Solvay who seemed to succeed in imposing his ammonia-soda process. At this stage, these random relationships had more to do with personal connec- tions than with a systematic collaborative enterprise. Nonetheless, they were part of a gradual convergence, under the influence of the German model, between the science of universities and industries. More than a mere inventor, Ernest Solvay soon proved to be a skillful entrepreneur eager to develop a business out of his soda process. In a visionary docu- ment written in 1865 when the company was still close to bankruptcy, Ernest Solvay claimed his ambition to exploit his process in surrounding industrial powers instead of leaving to others the chance to copy it. One of the Earliest Multinational Companies A striking feature of the Solvay groups history is the rapidity and extent of its international expansion. Less The Solvay Soda Process The Solvay process consists of treating salt brine with ammonia and then carbon dioxide, producing sodium bicarbonate and ammonium chloride. The ammonium chloride is usually combined with lime to produce ammonia (recycled) and calcium chloride. The Solvay process was one of the first examples of a gas-liquid reac- tion successfully scaled up. Its success resided in a tall gas absorp- tion tower in which carbon dioxide bubbled up through a descending flow of brine, together with efficient recovery and recycling of the ammonia. In comparison with the older Leblanc processinvented by the Frenchman Nicolas Leblanc, but mainly used by British com- paniesthe Solvay process was more efficient and less polluting. It also yielded a purer soda ash. However, originally, it only enabled the production of sodium carbonate, whereas the Leblanc process pro- vided a full set of substances, among them sodium sulphate, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, bicarbonate of soda, and soda crystals. Another difference is that the Solvay process was a continuous one, whereas the Leblanc worked in batch. This meant that Solvay had to have a better command of all the technical details of the production process since it could not be stopped. A Look Back at Ernest Solvay 6 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 than a quarter of a century after its creation, it was industrially active in all major developed countries. This expansion took place in two phases. Before 1880, the poorly financed Belgian-based company hesitatingly tested different formulas: the construction of a wholly- own plant in France (Dombasle); the grant of a license in Great-Britain (to Brunner, Mond & Co); and the buy- ing of an existing plant in Germany (Wyhlen). These methods proved expensive, uncertain, or time-con- suming. In a second step, the already well-established Solvay & Cie opted for joint-venture agreements with local entrepreneurs in the United States (Syracuse), Russia (Berezniki), and Austria-Hungary (Ebensee), and then turned to that solution in Germany and Great-Britain as well. Spain, Italy, and other countries were taken up soon after. The whole formed a cohesive group built on strong interpersonal links between man- agers, engineers, employees, and, to a certain extent, even workers. At its center, the Brussels headquarters defined both the technical and commercial strategies. Conversely, responsibility on operations was largely left in the hands of local managers. The extensive international presence of Solvay proved to be a strong asset at different levels, the first being technology. The efficient circula- tion of technical information was per- formed in a very structured, although secretive, way. All improvements made in any plant of the group were made available to others. Engineers were encouraged to travel to foreign plants and to meet their counterparts. Most of all, an advanced system of benchmark- ing was put in place as of 1875 between the Central Technical Department and the production sites in order to analyze and compare in great detail the pro- ductivity and profitability of each plant. This instilled a healthy rivalry among sites. International collaboration also permitted Solvay to select and improve a winning electrolysis technology at the end of the 1890s, which opened the way to the production of chlorine and an alternative way of producing caustic soda from salt. At the commercial level, each subsidiary could be supported in its fight with local competitors by its sis- ter companies, which could squeeze them by flooding the market and making prices fall. This advantageous position enabled the Solvay group to exert lasting control on the various national alkali markets from the mid-1880s on. The strategy could be thought of as the iron hand in a velvet glove approach: instead of forcing the producers using the old-fashioned Leblanc process to shut down without delay, Solvay allowed them to keep their pro- duction level for a while, reserving to itself future increases in the market. In this way, Solvay discouraged its com- petitors from upgrading their technol- ogy. Beginning in 1891, after having won commercial battles in all its territories, the Solvay companies governed an unofficial international alkali cartel. In 1913, Solvay & Cie and its associated companies formed the largest chemical group worldwide, with 32 plants pro- The History of Solvay Revealed in Two Books From Ernest Solvays grand discovery in 1863 to the Group that we know today, all major developments have been captured among the pages of two books published this year. These works are the labor of three historiansKenneth Bertrams, Nicolas Coupain, and Ernst Homburgto whom Solvay opened its archives for the very first time. The more exhaustive of the two books is edited in English by Cambridge University Press (ISBN: 9781107024809), and counts 630 pages, relating in full detail the evolution of the company. The second is an abridged and less scientifically technical ver- sion which was published in English (ISBN 9781107607576), French, and Dutch. It includes a fascinating 52-minute documentary (subtitled in 14 languages) depicting a story of entrepreneurship, survival, and the interweaving of industry with historys most powerful moments. Today, Solvay produces Rare Earths, mixed oxydes and aluminas. 7 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 ducing 2 millions tons of alkalis and employing 25 000 collaborators. A Long-Lasting Family Business Solvay & Cie was incorporated as a limited partnership (socit en commandite), a status offering several advantages, including that of maintaining the firms independence, as shares could be transferred only with the consent of the partners, thereby ensuring the closed nature of the company. Nor was there any obli- gation to publish earnings figures. To live happy, live hidden could have been another motto of Solvays owners. At the creation in 1863, a vast majority of shares was held by the silent partners. Eudore Pirmez family owned 40 percent; Guillaume Nlis, 18 percent; Valentin Lambert, 9 percent; and Gustave Sabatier, 7 percent. The Solvay brothers only held 25 percent. As years went by, this repartition evolved in favor of the Solvay brothers (and their family), who got the oppor- tunity to have their annual variable bonuses converted into shares. From 1882 on, the Solvay family owned more than 60 percent of the shares. In this protected system, descendants of the found- ing brothers succeeded one another at the Solvay helm. To ensure that successors were appropriately skilled, sons were pushed towards civil engineering, and it was customary for the expected successors to undertake a full traineeship. When blood ties reached their limits, in-laws were brought in. Two notable exceptions confirmed the rule: Prosper Hanrez and Edouard Hannon, the first two Masters of the Solvay technique (technical managers) were the only two non-family grants until the transformation of Solvay into a joint-stock company (socit anonyme) in 1967. They had been appointed by Ernest Solvay him- self. Today, the executive committee is fully composed of salaried managers. The founding families, a vast group of about 2 500 people still own a substantial part of the shares and mainly exert their influence at the Board of Directors. Nicolas Coupain <[email protected]> is a historian and scientific advisor at Solvay S.A. He is the co-author of SolvayHistory of a Multinational Family Firm (Cambridge University Press, 2013). Archetype of the Inventor-Entrepreneur A Dynamic Website: www.solvay150.com Imagined as a time machine, this dedicated website allows visitors to discover the major periods in the evolution of the Group. Short films, anec- dotes, monthly articles, and captivating iconography that evolve through the passing of each era: in an effort to enchant each visitor, nothing has been left to chance. In addition, the site serves as a common place for event organizers to announce, illustrate, and convey through social media the range of events taking place throughout the Groups sites around the world. A New Science Prize The premiere edition of the Chemistry for the Future Solvay Prize, taking place at the end of the year in Brussels, will honor breakthrough scientific discoveries that will help build the chemistry of tomorrow. Awarded every two years, it will be accompanied by a grant of EUR 300 000. A delegation of the Groups researchers will be invited to the ceremony. On 26 September 2013, Solvay announced that the first Chemistry for the Future Solvay Prize, will be awarded to Professor Peter G. Schultz, professor at the Scripps Research Institute in California, and Director of the California Institute for Biomedical Research, for his work at the interface of chemistry and the life sciences. www.solvay.com/en/media/press_releases/20130926-solvay-prize.html 8 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 A Look Back at Ernest Solvay The Solvay Chemistry Council, and the International Institute of Chemistry by Brigitte van Tiggelen U ntil his death in 1922, Ernest Solvay remained a tutelary figure at the head of the company; even more so following the premature death of his brother Alfred in 1894. However, starting in the 1880s, he had left day-to-day management and turned increasingly to another of his consuming passions: scientific progress. Ernest Solvay was passionate about Science and Progress. Actually, he believed that well-governed Science would and could only serve Progress, the ultimate goal of which was to elucidate all the laws of nature, including the laws governing living organ- isms and human societies, and then use all these laws to govern the whole of society for the good of all. Very much in the positivist frame of thought, these laws once discovered were to be as mechanical and absolute as the laws of physics and chemistry. With this perspective in mind, Solvay started a huge pro- gram as soon as his industrial enterprise didnt need his constant and close care, a program whose specific outcomes, be it in his own work and publication, or in his scientific support and foundation, would otherwise seem scattered, not to say eclectic. Following this vision la Comte of a universe governed by rational laws, his main fields of interest and activities became physical chemistry (or a mix of physics and chemistry, with a strong emphasis on thermodynamics), physiology (or experimental medicine based on advanced biology and the use of physical chemical notions and instruments), and soci- ology (as the positive study of human societies and their evolution). The latter is very telling about the general approach of Ernest Solvay to philanthropy, since he believed that through a better understanding of social laws, one could avoid the painful episodes Ernest Solvay surrounded himself with renowned chemists, several of whom paved the way for IUPAC, namely Charles Moureu (France), first IUPAC president (192022); George Chavanne (Belgium), vice president; Sir William Pope (UK), second IUPAC president (192325); and Einaar Biilmann (Denmark), fourth IUPAC President (19281934). 9 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 of chaotic revolutionary unrest and assure the well being of every human being. In his opinion, this was, after all, the real goal of evolution for humanity. What is more striking is that his unwavering optimistic nature not only maintained him in his own scientific conceptions until the end of his life, despite numer- ous criticisms by some intellectuals and the cautious or polite silence of others, but that it also led him to believe that the goal was near, and that he, as a philan- thropist, could provide guidelines to scientists to focus on his program, both in form and content. Solvays personal philosophy was well articulated in his own mind, and he clearly envisioned a sort of metaphysical succession, tackling systems from the most simple to the most complex: solving the mystery of matter first, then revealing the functioning of living bodies, and ending by unveiling the hidden mecha- nisms of the behavior of human societies. Despite this well-articulated program, he devoted himself to all steps at once, with no particular schedule, as the inspi- ration and the personal encounters would emerge. His scientific philanthropy followed the same logic. Solvay made a lot of donations in a rather oppor- tunistic manner (both for him and the receivers), to organizations as diverse as the University of Nancy (founding of an electrochemical and physicochemi- cal institute), the University of Paris, the University of Genve, and the Belgian Chemical Society. But his philanthropy and close relationship to the Universit Libre de Bruxelles was of another nature, and closer to his progressive program. After having granted sub- sidies to specific research, he successively established in 1893 an Institute for Physiology under the guidance of Paul Hger, in 1894 an Institute of Social Sciences, and in 1903 a Business School. At this point, chemistry and physics, seemed to have been left behind. An International Organization for Chemistry Up until then, Solvay hadnt yet created or subsidized a foundation that would be international in scope and essence, although he had contributed gener- ously to institutions outside of Belgium. At that time, there were only a few international organizations, for instance, the International Association of Academies founded in 1899, a sort of federation of all scientific academies that held its first meeting in Paris in 1899. In 1907, Solvay supported Paul Otlets creation of the Office Central des Associations Internationales, and on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1910 held in Brussels, he was asked to play a prominent role, and agreed to the founding of an International Union that would link all international associations. However, there was nothing yet specifically for chemistry, or physics. Through his own personal fascination for the con- cept of energy, Ernest Solvay had contacted Wilhelm Ostwald, who shared his views on sociology and inter- nationalism. A Nobel Prize winner and the founder of chemical physics, Ostwald had reached the end of his scientific and academic career, but was obsessed with the rational organization of chemistry on an interna- tional level. For a time, he believed he had met the Maecenas who would sponsor his project, which he called the Office International de Chimie. His plan, however, turned out to need the support of other chemical societies, and this is how the first interna- tional organization for chemistry, the International Association of Chemical Societies (IACS) was born. To some extent, this organization can be consid- ered IUPACs ancestor. Since, at that time, French was also an international language, and Europe was at the forefront of science, the new organization was actually known as the Association Internationale des Socits Chimiques (AICS). Although Russian, Japanese, and American societies were represented, meetings only took place in European countries (see also The Formation of the International Association of Chemical Societies, B. Van Tiggelen and D Fauque, Chemistry International, Jan-Feb 2012, www.iupac.org/ publications/ci/2012/3401/2_vantiggelen.html). The enthusiasm of the delegates who met succes- sively in Paris and Berlin, however, failed to secure the funding necessary for the new organization, which was aimed at standardizing scientific results and their communication within the chemical community. Thanks to the good relationship between Albin Haller and Solvay, the later decided to fund the enterprise, starting with an initial donation of 250 000 francs and then 55 000 francs every year for 29 years, provided that the Association held all of its meetings in Brussels. This is why the third congress, originally planned for The Solvay Chemistry Councils Honoring Innovation At the Innovation @ Solvay event held 1618 October 2013, around 500 Solvay employees from around the world shared their knowledge, skills, and projects, and competed for an internal Innovation Award. And, as it took place in Brussels, these innovators were able to join in the program of activities for the 150th anniversary planned during the same timeframe. A Look Back at Ernest Solvay London in September 1913, was eventually held in Brussels at the special request of Ernest Solvay, where it coincided with other anniversaries he intended to celebrate with splendor: 50 years since the foundation of his company (Solvay et Cie) and a golden milestone in his own marriage. The Solvay Chemistry Councils and the International Institute for Chemistry Though this meeting bore the same title as the famous Physics Council that had taken place in 1911, the scope and the organization of the Chemistry Council were almost the opposite. For the first Solvay council in physics, Solvay had insisted first on having a set of scientific questions on a specific and totally new topic, Questions dactualit de thorie cintique (kinetic theory of matter) and second, on selecting the speakers according to their potential expertise on these topics, rather than on their academic record or national provenance. For sure, Solvay himself made sure that there wasnt an overrepresentation of German scholars, and that a certain balance was kept between scientists from Germany, France, and Great Britain, but the criteria of selection was based on the relevance of their research rather than on their national identity. And the story is well known about how Albert Einstein, Paul Langevin, Jean Perrin, Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Hendrik-Antoon Lorentz, Henri Poincar, Max Planck, and many other reputed physicists participated in what Einstein described as a Witches Sabbath. On the contrary, for the 1913 chem- istry meeting, each national chemical society was invited to delegate up to three representatives and the topics were not of a scientific nature, but concerned rather the management of the international circulation of chemical knowledge. Highly satisfied with the first Physics Council, and willing to ensure the permanence of these councils, Solvay established in 1912 the Institut International de Physique Solvay (International Institute for Physics founded by Solvay), whose aim was not only to orga- nize the next councils but also to provide fellowships for young Belgian scholars, and distribute funding to investigators around the world on research topics that were close to Solvays scientific obsessions. This foundation is still vigorous and organized last year a series of scientific and public events to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of its creation. Not surpris- ingly, Solvay wished to establish a similar foundation for chemistry, Institut International de Chimie Solvay (International Institute for Chemistry founded by Solvay), but in this case, it was founded prior to the first Chemistry Council and very much along the same line as its physics counterpart, completely oblivious to the striking divergence of the chemistry meetings from the physics meetings. The subsequent history of the chemistry councils shows, however, the limitations of a model that had been so successful for a particular part of physics that was laying the foundations of quantum and relativity theories, that very part that revolutionized physics and beyond at the beginning of the twentieth century. Indeed, the chemical community had already many more opportunities to meet and discuss, in varied A Rich Program of Events Around the Globe From 618 October 2013, Solvays Brussels Campus sprang to life with a wealth of anniversary activities cen- tered on a spectacular live artistic performance illustrating Solvays history and future. Key stakeholders, sharehold- ers, and personnel were invited to these performances. Their Royal Highnesses King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium (below) also attended a special VIP evening. Since the acquisition of Rhodia by Solvay in 2011, the new Group is the largest chemical group in France. As such, another special event was organized in early November in Lyon, which is the cradle of Rhodia (for- merly part of the Rhne-Poulenc Group). Around 10 000 visitors discovered the Solvay Techno Lab, where they could learn about Solvays chemistry while having fun. Each Group site worldwide was also encouraged to organize local events, in order to involve a maximum number of collaborators. 10 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 The Solvay Chemistry Councils 11 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 places and according to diverse themes, and the state of the field was such that it was very difficult to identify a set of hot topics that such a meeting would actually be able to solve. Also to be noted is the heavy influence of physical chemistry: many members of the program committee in charge of selecting top- ics and speakers were actually scientists close to the Physics Institute, and to a certain extent expanded the questions deliberated there into the Chemistry Institute. As a result, the Chemistry Councils of 1922 and 1925 debated themes such as isotopes, valency, electronic theory of matter, and X-ray diffraction to see into solid matter. These new phenomenon or concepts pretty much polarized discussion between true chemists (organic chemists who felt untouched by these new developments) and those who were adamant to promote cross-fertilization between phys- ics and chemistry. Recurring for instance, was the discussion around the concept of element and that of valence, as a sort of collateral output of these gather- ings. Only after 1930 did the chemistry councils actu- ally focus on one specific theme, be it the constitution and configuration of organic molecules, the chemical and biological reactions of oxygen. And eventually, the 1937 council, dedicated to vitamins and hormones, had the same percentage of current or future Nobel prize winners, as its physics counterpart. Brigitte Van Tiggelen <[email protected]> is a research associ- ate at Universit catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, and leads Mmosciences, a non-profit organization devoted to the history of science. She chairs the Working Party on the History of Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences. Weve Come a Long Way from Soda Ash, Baby! Soda ash (sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3 ) is one of the most important and ubiquitous commodity chemicals in the world. A whopping 53 million tonnes of the compound were produced worldwide in 2012, a figure that is equivalent to more than seven kilograms per person! About half of it is used for making the com- mon (or soda-lime) glass found in windowpanes and containers, and the rest goes towards the manufacture of soaps and detergents, water softening agents, as an alternative base to the more corrosive sodium hydrox- ide (caustic soda), and a myriad of other applications. There is ample archeological evidence suggesting that soda ash mined from dry lake beds or extracted from the ashes of burnt seaweeds was already used for making glass ornaments and vessels in Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. The advent of the Industrial Revolution led to a significant increase in demand for soda ash and the development of syn- thetic procedures for its preparation became neces- sary. The most successful was the process developed from 1861 by Ernest Solvay (1838-1922), a Belgian industrial chemist and founder (in 1863) of the com- pany that still bears his surname today. Even though increasing amounts of soda ash are currently obtained from natural deposits of trona, nearly three-quarters of the worlds output are still generated by the original Solvay process, a tribute to the legendary ingenuity and entrepreneurship of its namesake. Furthermore, Solvay S.A. has grown to become a global com- pany with net sales of 12.4 billion euros in 2012 and a diversified prod- uct portfolio that includes functional polymers, rare earth materials, silica, caustic soda, flavors and fragrances, hydrogen peroxide, chlorinated and fluorinated derivatives, and many other specialty and bulk chemicals. The stamp illustrated in this note portrays Ernest Solvay and was issued in 1955 as part of a set honor- ing distinguished Belgian scientists and inventors, a cohort that also included Leo Baekeland (1863-1944), a pioneer of the plastics industry, and Jean-Jacques Dony (1759-1819), who developed a process for the industrial production of pure zinc. Written by Daniel Rabinovich <[email protected]>. See also www.iupac.org/ publications/ci/indexes/stamps.html Stamps International InChIthe IUPAC International Chemical Identifier 12 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Current Status and Future Development in Relation to IUPAC Activities by Andrey Yerin, Alan McNaught, and Stephen Heller T he IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is a non-proprietary, machine-read- able chemical structure representation format enabling electronic searching, and interlinking and combining, of chemical information from different sources. It was developed from 2001 onwards at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology under the auspices of IUPACs Chemical Identifier project. Since 2009, the InChI Trust, a consortium of (mostly) publishers and software developers, has taken over responsibility for funding and oversight of InChI maintenance and development. Funding and responsibility for scientific aspects of InChI develop- ment remain with the IUPAC Division VIII (Chemical Nomenclature and Structure Representation) and InChI Subcommittee. The many potential uses of InChI may not be immediately apparent to many chemists, since it was developed to be handled by computer tools, not by human beings. Its role as a unique chemical identifier is analogous to the role of a barcode in general com- mercewhile not intended for reading or generation by humans, the identifier provides a unified electronic encoding for chemicals, which can be built upon by various computer services to collect, search, and exchange chemical information. Its chemical intelli- gence, single source, and vendor neutrality mean that InChI functions as a chemical barcode, giving to every chemist instant and reliable access to the electronic world of chemistry. However, the InChI is not supposed to be a replacement for established means of identifi- cation, like names or registration numbers, but a very powerful addition to the chemists arsenal of tools for dealing with chemical informatics. The Most Significant IUPAC Initiative for e-Chemistry Current chemistry is now practically paper free and critically dependent on computer tools, from the planning of an experiment to the publication of the results, not to mention chemical calculations and modeling, which have significant practical impor- tance but are performed exclusively in the virtual space of computer memory. However IUPACs activi- ties in the area of e-chemistry have been extremely limited hitherto. In fact, there is little else apart from the JCAMP-DX vendor-independent file for- mat from the Committee on Printed and Electronic Publications (CPEP) Subcommittee on Spectroscopic Data Standards, developed to exchange spectroscopy and chromatography data, and some recommenda- tions on spectroscopic data standards. InChI is prob- ably the most important and relevant IUPAC activity in relation to e-chemistry needs; its facilities are readily available via the desktops of virtually every chemist dealing with chemical structures. Hardly any other IUPAC activity is available for electronic use by the whole of the chemistry community. A Chemical Informatics Tool Searching of existing publications and data is now impractical without the use of electronic databases. An efficient way of finding specific chemical informa- tion is vital both for science and industry. However, although ways to search publications by bibliographic and other textual data are straightforward and well implemented, searching data by chemical structure is so far not standardized and still significantly vendor dependent. InChI and especially its fixed-length-hash-represen- tation InChIKey provide unique tools for indexing and searching structure-related information suitable both for huge chemical databases and for specific scientific papers in electronic form. However, their introduction into the chemical literature is slow, perhaps inevitably. Both InChI and InChIKey can be used now to search over the internet but they still give fewer hits than searches by chemical name. Nevertheless, the take-up of InChI continues to grow and chemists are becom- ing increasingly aware of its advantages in facilitating dissemination, collection, indexing, and retrieval of chemical information. In this way, InChI serves the 13 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 whole chemical community and the InChI Project thus fits perfectly the aims of IUPAC. InChI and Structure Representation The InChI text string is an algorithmically generated, unique encoding of a chemical structure. InChI encod- ing includes built-in algorithms for recognition of pos- sible mistakes in chemical structuresatom valence states, connectivity, and definition of stereoconfigura- tion. For example, omitted indication of stereocon- figuration for tetrahedral stereocenters and double bonds is explicitly designated in an InChI string and this allows such mistakes to be detected. Correct operation of the InChI software is depen- dent on correct electronic input of the structure concerned. While common organic compounds have well-agreed representation conventions, there is still a lack of standards for representing many other classes of chemicals, especially in electronic form. There are many available chemical drawing tools, ranging from desktop programs to web-based applets, but the tools and conventions are still vendor-dependent especially for classes of chemicals with poorly defined represen- tation standards. Further development and wider adoption of InChI as a vendor-neutral structure identifier will force chemical drawing software producers to conform to InChI procedures and unify their representation con- ventions and encoding of chemical structures. Thus, InChI needs and allows involvement of chemical soft- ware vendors in development of unified structure rep- resentation standards via the combined resources of Division VIII and the InChI Trust. In this sense, the InChI project can be treated as an interface between IUPAC and chemical software vendors for development of unified conventions for electronic representation of chemical structures. In Relation to Chemical Nomenclature Traditional chemical nomenclature is aimed at develop- ment of conventions for naming chemical substances in a human-friendly common language. Current chem- istry often deals with molecules that are very complex, and conventional nomenclature developments lead to long, scarcely pronounceable names derived from large sets of rules. This complexity prevents most chemists from assigning chemical names manually and software tools are now very useful for chemical name generation. Thus, even the development of classical nomenclature needs to take into account electronic representation and computer naming tools. A consequence of this complexity is that such systematic names are no more human-friendly than the corresponding InChI text strings generated from the chemical structure. From this point of view, InChI may be considered as a special kind of nomenclature allowing explicit definition of a chemical compound. A very important aspect is that traditional chemi- cal nomenclature is largely structure dependent and inherits most of the limitations of structure discrep- ancies mentioned above. InChI still has some areas, for example complex tautomers, that need further development, but being significantly substance aimed, InChI by design does not have such limitations. The involvement of Division VIII is highly desirable for development of principles to deal with multiple struc- ture representations. At the same time, InChI concepts can be useful for development of nomenclature for chemical structures represented in delocalized form. InChI text strings can hardly be treated as a replace- ment for conventional chemical names but they are far more suitable for identification of chemicals in various electronic media. Any chemist with any level of nomenclature knowledge and any chemical software available will be able to generate the same unique InChI text string for the same chemical structure. InChI can be treated as an additional type of nomenclature and needs no less attention from IUPAC than tradi- tional nomenclature. Current State and Further Development The InChI project is now quite mature and provides a well-developed set of tools adopted by many open access and commercial chemical media (www.iupac. org/inchi). Most prominent examples include the Royal Society of Chemistry (ChemSpider), Chemical Abstracts Service (SciFinder), and the U.S. National The InChI Trust launched a four-part video series to explain the International Chemical Identifier (InChI): www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAnJ5toz26c. InChI 14 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Institutes of Health (PubChem). Existing services allow retrieval of data for chemical compounds including many experimental and predicted properties, envi- ronmental and biomedical data, spectra, and links to patents, articles, and other databases. Facilities for InChI generation are already present in practically all chemical drawing programs allowing chemists to use various InChI-based tools. Although well developed and tested for organic structures, InChI still needs further development to other areas of chemistry. Each new area needs first of all the development of a unified electronic representa- tion with essential involvement of IUPAC resources to ensure the choice of chemically intelligent and widely acceptable conventions. Current InChI projects are aimed at extension of InChI tools to treat more complex cases of tautomer- ism, and development of conventions for represen- tation and treatment of inorganic, organometallic, coordination, and polymer structures. The project on encoding of chemical reactions is an example of InChI extension to more complex chemical objects. Another important and challenging area is the handling of biochemical structures and especially bio- logical macromolecules such as peptides and proteins. This task will need significant work to develop new procedures and standards of electronic representation for biomacromolecules and will require the involve- ment not only of IUPAC and InChI Trust resources but also joint work with the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and with chemical software vendors. Support by Industry and Public Organizations Being structure-based, InChI encoding is at the same time a more powerful identifier than the structure itself. The existence of several ways of graphically rep- resenting the same chemical substance often prevents recognition of the equivalence of different tautomers, mesomers, and alternative protonation variants, creat- ing difficulties for chemical data search and indexing. Built-in recognition of multiple structure representa- tions of the same substance allows InChI to serve as a substance identifier rather than a structure identi- fier and makes InChI more useful for identification of chemicals than a single chemical structure. However, industrial chemistry still awaits better support from InChI since industrial chemicals are often impure sub- stances or mixtures that lack agreed representation and encoding conventions. Currently, most official registration systems include support of chemical structures in addition to tex- tual data such as registration numbers and chemical names. Being free from the shortcomings of chemical structure representations and aimed at substances, InChI is ideally suited for application in substance registration and regulations. Several government orga- nizations already use InChI tools internally and some plan to make InChI and InChIKey an integral part of their registration systems. An important industrial application concerns pat- ents that deal with the special structure representa- tion commonly referred to as a Markush structure. The general principles for InChI support of Markush struc- InChI Operational Unique text string structure identifier Non-proprietary open source software Unified single source algorithms Simple search for chemical information Encoding of chemical substances Control of structure correctness In Progress Common polymers Markush structures Inorganics and organometallics Chemical reactions Complex tautomerism Biological polymers Future Extensions QR codes Industrial chemicals Materials Electronic states the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier 15 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 tures are already developed within the corresponding IUPAC project and await funding for implementation. It should be noted that there are currently no IUPAC recommendations on Markush representation. The support of Markush representation by InChI tools will significantly improve the applicability of InChI in patents. While the development of InChI tools now involves only Division VIII resources, the acceptance of InChI by industry and government authorities needs involve- ment of other IUPAC bodies, primarily the IUPAC Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) and the Committee on Printed and Electronic Publications (CPEP). Extended IUPAC Involvement The development of InChI projects is currently covered by the InChI Trust (see www.inchi-trust.org) and IUPAC Division VIII funds assigned to projects having general chemical importance. The degree of InChI acceptance critically depends on rapid extension of coverage to all classes of chemicals and integration of InChI tools into a wide variety of commercial and open-access, chemistry-oriented services. Wide acceptance of InChI depends upon better involvement of IUPAC resources, including support by other IUPAC bodies and interna- tional organizations. Proposed Actions It is clear that InChI and InChIKey have already become an important part of chemical space and serve well the needs of the chemical community. Any doubts about their usefulness were resolved long ago. However, the current implementation needs extension to other classes of chemicals and more active promotion of InChI to assure its position as the universal identifier for all chemicals dealt with by all types of scientific and industrial enterprise. To be in accord with the current highly comput- erized nature of activities in chemistry, any IUPAC actions and special projects must be initiated to assure correct and uniform coverage of all areas of chemistry in electronic and printed media. However, the current subject-based divisional structure is not conducive to the development of such projects, and there is no budget assigned specifically to e-chemistry. Perhaps the best way forward would be to reorganize CPEP into an e-chemistry committee or even a division and provide it with a suitable project budget. To extend IUPAC activities to fulfill the needs of e-chemistry and to ensure further successful develop- ment of InChI, the following actions should be consid- ered by the appropriate IUPAC bodies: 1. recognize the importance of IUPAC involvement in various e-chemistry projects. Consider orga- nization of a new IUPAC body responsible for fulfilling the needs of electronic chemistry and chemical informatics (CPEP initially, then higher authorities) 2. take into account computer representation and treatment of chemical data in the develop- ment of all IUPAC recommendations. (all divi- sions, committees, and especially ICTNS (i.e., the Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols) 3. recognize and support the InChI project as the most significant IUPAC activity in the area of e-chemistry (all IUPAC bodies) 4. ensure involvement of the divisions and the InChI Subcommittee in extension of InChI to cover addi- tional classes of chemicals (Inorganic Chemistry (Div II), Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (Div III), Polymer (Div IV), and Div VIII) 5. investigate the possibility to extend InChI to cover biochemicals, including peptide and nucleic acid sequences (Divisions VIII and III, and IUBMB and the Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature) 6. promote InChI and InChIKey to industry and regu- latory authorities as identifiers for regulation and registration of chemical compounds (CPEP, COCI) Some of these matters are already under consider- ation by IUPAC authorities. We hope that the proactive involvement of IUPAC in InChI and other e-chemistry projects (e.g., the development of chemical ontolo- gies) will ensure that the Union maintains a leading role in the development of standards for chemistry that keep pace with the ever-increasing speed of advances in information technology. Andrey Yerin <[email protected]> Titular Member, IUPAC Division VIII Member, IUPAC Division VIII InChI Subcommittee Alan McNaught <[email protected]> Secretary, IUPAC Division VIII InChI Subcommittee Secretary, InChI Trust Stephen Heller <[email protected]> Chair, IUPAC Division VIII InChI Subcommittee Project Director, InChI Trust 16 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 IUPAC Wire News and information on IUPAC, its fellows, and member organizations. See also www.iupac.org 2014 IUPAC-SOLVAY International Award for Young Chemists Announced T he 2014 IUPAC-SOLVAY International Award for Young Chemists is intended to encourage outstanding young research scientists at the beginning of their careers. The awards are given for the most outstanding Ph.D. theses in the general area of the chemical sciences, as described in a 1000-word essay. The award, which is now generously spon- sored by Solvay, succeeds the IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists. IUPAC will award up to five prizes annually. Each prize will consist of USD 1000 cash and travel expenses to the next IUPAC Congress. In keeping with IUPACs status as a global organization, efforts will be made to assure fair geographic distribution of prizes. The awards will be presented biennially at the IUPAC Congress. Each awardee will be invited to pres- ent a poster on his/her research and to participate in a plenary award session, and is expected to submit a review article for possible publication in Pure and Applied Chemistry. Applications may be submitted, as described below, to the IUPAC Secretariat. In addition, some IUPAC National Adhering Organizations are soliciting appli- cations in their own countries, frequently in conjunc- tion with a national award. In such cases, applications may be submitted to the NAO or to the Secretariat (not both). The list of NAOs is available. Applications will be judged by a committee of eminent scientists appointed by the president of IUPAC. Procedures for the 2014 Award a. Entrants must have received the Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree, or completed all Ph.D. requirements including successful defense of the doctoral thesis, during calendar 2013 in any of the countries that are members or associate members of IUPAC. Entrants need not be citi- zens or residents of one of these countries at the time the application is submitted. b. The research described in the entrants thesis must be in the field of the chemical sciences, defined as chemistry and those disciplines and technologies that make significant use of chemistry. c. The IUPAC Prize recognizes only work that was performed while the entrant was a graduate student. d. Application requires submission of a com- pleted entry form, together with the material listed in items e. and f. The entry form and sup- porting material should be submitted by e-mail whenever feasible. e. An essay must be submitted by the entrant that describes his or her thesis work and places it in perspective relative to current research in the chemical sciences. The essay must be written in English by the entrant and may not exceed 1000 words. [For applications submit- ted through NAOs, a national language may be permissible, and the NAO will assist in trans- lation to English. The announcement by the appropriate NAO should be consulted.] f. Two supporting letters (sent by e-mail if fea- sible) are required, one from the thesis adviser and/or chairman of the thesis committee and one from an additional faculty member who is familiar with the applicants thesis work. These letters should comment on the qualifications and accomplishments of the applicant and the significance of the thesis work. g. Complete applications must be received at the IUPAC Secretariat by 1 February 2014. IUPAC Secretariat E-mail: [email protected] CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green Chemistry Call for Nominations I UPAC is now seeking nominations for the 2014 CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green Chemistry. The CHEMRAWN VII Prize was first announced in August 2008 and since, has been awarded in 2010 and 2012 at the IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry held those years. 17 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 The prize of USD 5 000 is granted to a young inves- tigator (less than 45 years of age) from a developing country who is actively contributing to research in green chemistry and atmospheric chemistry. The prize was awarded to Noureddine Yassaa (Algeria) in 2010 and to Rashimi Sanghi (India) in 2012. Nominations for the 2014 prize must be submitted by 22 March 2014. Each nomination should include a CV and two let- ters of support, plus a brief summary of accomplish- ments illustrating the contributions of the applicant to research in green chemistry and atmospheric chemis- try. Complete applications should be sent by email to the IUPAC Secretariat <[email protected]> before the submission deadline. The selection committee comprises the chair of the IUPAC Committee on Chemical Research Applied to World Needs, CHEMRAWN, the president of the Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division, and the chair of the Subcommittee on Green Chemistry. The next award will be presented at the 5th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, 1721 August 2014, Durban, South Africa. For further information, please contact Prof. Leiv K. Sydnes, chair of CHEMRAWN, at <[email protected]>. DSM Materials Sciences Award 2014Call for Nominations I n partnership with IUPAC, Royal DSM has issued a call for nominations for the DSM Materials Sciences Award 2014 for research in the field of Polymer Mechanics and Rheology. The award, which carries a cash prize of EUR 50 000, forms part of DSMs Bright Science Awards Program and has been established to recognize and reward excellence in innovative research in the materials sciences. Scientists from around the world who have made major contributions to fundamental or applied research in this field of polymer physics can be nominated for the award. A prime requirement is that the candidates research must have significantly advanced the worlds understanding and knowledge of key questions in the field specified. An international judging committee will review the nominations and select the winner. Candidates for the award can be put forward by nomination only and may not nominate themselves. The award recipient will be required to deliver an award lecture on his/her research work. Nominations must be made using the nomination form. The deadline for submissions is 7 February 2014. The award will be presented at the IUPAC World Polymer Congress 2014 to be held at the International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 611 July 2014. Contact Edith de Kreek <[email protected]> to receive this nomination form and for further information regarding the award. The nomination form, together with supporting documents should be sent by email to Edith de Kreek. www.dsm.com/content/solutions/awards/en_US/materials-sciences.html Standard Atomic Weights Revised T he IUPAC Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights (II.1) met under the chair- manship of Dr. Willi A. Brand, at the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey in Gebze, prior to the IUPAC General Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey, in August 2013. Following its meet- ing, the commission recommended changes to the standard atomic weights of 19 chemical elements. The IUPAC Council, at its meeting on 1415 August, approved these changes. The changes are the result of cooperative research supported by the U.S. Geological Survey, IUPAC, and other contributing commission members and institutions. The standard atomic weights of cadmium, molyb- denum, selenium, and thorium have been changed based on recent determinations of terrestrial isotopic abundances. In addition, the standard atomic weights of 15 elements have been revised based on the new assessment of their atomic masses by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. IUPAC Wire 18 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 The following changes in the standard atomic weights have been made: These changes in the standard atomic weights will be published in a new Table of Standard Atomic Weights 2013, which will be published in Pure and Applied Chemistry in 2014. The revised values for atomic weights can be found online at the website of the Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights (www.ciaaw.org). The commission has also resolved to reclassify thorium from a mono- to a bi-isotopic element owing to the significant abundance of the thorium-230 iso- tope in deep seawaters. The commission also recom- mended a new standard value for the isotope ratio of uranium, N( 238 U)/N( 235 U) = 137.8(1), in naturally occur- ring terrerestrial materials. The importance of determining precise atomic weights has long been recognized, resulting in the cre- ation of the International Atomic Weights Committee in 1899. IUPAC has overseen the periodic evaluation and dissemination of standard atomic-weight values since its formation in 1919. For more information, contact Dr. Juris Meija <[email protected]>, secretary of IUPAC Commission II.1. 2013 International Chemistry Olympiad T he 45th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) was held in Moscow, Russia, from 1524 July 2013. The competition involved 291 second- ary school students representing 73 countries from all over the world. The participants were assigned a num- ber of tasks in both practical and theoretical chemis- try and were scored based upon their command of chemistry, creativity, and experimental skills. The Chemistry Olympiads are all about emo- tion: the thrill of getting to know a new country, the apprehension of looking forward to the Olympiad, the anticipation of the results and, finally, the unbeliev- able feeling of being the winner, said Alexey Zeifman, graduate of the MSU Chemistry Department, the abso- lute winner of IChOs in 2004 and 2005. It was the third time Moscow State University hosted the International Chemistry Olympiad. The oldest Russian university, it bears the name of the renowned Russian scientist, encyclopedist, and chem- ist Mikhail Lomonosov, whose 300th anniversary was celebrated worldwide last year following a UNESCO declaration. The winning chemists were awarded at the Closing Ceremony in the Great Assembly Hall of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. The IUPAC cer- The Russian organizers of the 2013 IChO pass the IChO flag to their colleagues from Hanoi, Vietnam, which will host the 2014 Olympiad. Element From To aluminium (aluminum) 26.981 5386(8) 26.981 5385(7) arsenic 74.921 60(2 74.921 595(6) beryllium 9.012 182(3) 9.012 1831(5) cadmium 112.411(8) 112.414(4) caesium (cesium) 132.905 4519(2) 132.905 451 96(6) cobalt 58.933 195(5) 58.933 194(4) fluorine 18.998 4032(5) 18.998 403 163(6) gold 196.966 569(4) 196.966 569(5) holmium 164.930 32(2) 164.930 33(2) manganese 54.938 045(5) 54.938 044(3) molybdenum 95.96(2) 95.95(1) niobium 92.906 38(2) 92.906 37(2) phosphorus 30.973 762(2) 30.973 761 998(5) praseodymium 140.907 65(2) 140.907 66(2) scandium 44.955 912(6) 44.955 908(5) selenium 78.96(3) 78.971(8) thorium: 232.038 06(2) 232.0377(4) thulium 168.934 21(2) 168.934 22(2) yttrium 88.905 85(2) 88.905 84(2) 19 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 tificates were presented by Natalia Tarasova, a member of the IUPAC Executive Committee, to Chun-Yi Chen from Chinese Taipei (the best score in the Practical exam, 36.32 points of 40) and to Yuyang Dong from China (the best score in the Theoretical exam, 53.89 point of 60), who also became the absolute winner of the 45th IChO (85.09 points of 100). www.icho2013.chem.msu.ru IUPAC Selects De Gruyter as Partner for its Scientific Publications I UPAC has entered into an exclusive agreement with academic publisher De Gruyter for the pub- lication of its academic journal, Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC) and its newsmagazine, Chemistry International (CI). Beginning in 2014, the journal and the newsmagazine will be published by De Gruyter in print and electronic form. Pure and Applied Chemistry publishes monthly, highly topical scientific articles at the forefront of all aspects of pure and applied chemistry. It is also the designated medium for publication of recom- mendations, technical reports on standardization, recommended procedures, data compilations, and collaborative studies of IUPAC bodies. The scientific journal is edited by IUPAC and overseen by a presti- gious advisory board. Chemistry International publishes bi-monthly news about IUPAC and its chemists, publications, recom- mendations, and conferences, and the work of its commissions and committees. The news magazine has a circulation of more than 6,000 scientists and institu- tions worldwide. We look forward to some immediate benefits from this partnership. We expect to see an improved time to publication in Pure and Applied Chemistry, some- thing that is very important to todays researchers. In addition, both publications will have increased vis- ibility at international scientific conferences, leading to an increase in readership, said David Martinsen, chair of IUPACs Committee on Printed and Electronic Publications. As part of the transition, the PAC/CI Oversight Subcommittee will work with De Gruyter to enhance the presentation of both the journal as well as individual articles. The opportunity to publish two established and important journals as Pure and Applied Chemistry and Chemistry International is another step forward to further expand De Gruyters chemistry portfolio, emphasized Anke Beck, president of publishing at De Gruyter. Karin Sora, senior editorial director for chem- istry and material sciences, added, The journals fur- ther strengthen our internationally oriented publishing program and extend our collection of journals. We are very pleased to work together with IUPAC. This collaboration further underlines our concept of building partnerships with the most influential societ- ies worldwide, Anke Beck concluded. De Gruyter is an ideal partner for our publishing activities. We are looking forward to working together with them, said Ren Deplanque, IUPAC Secretary General. The academic publishing house De Gruyter has a history spanning over 260 years. The Berlin-based group of companies releases over 1,250 new titles each year in the fields of medicine, the humanities, natural sciences, and law, in addition to more than 650 journals and digital media publications. The De Gruyter Group includes the publishing houses Versita, Birkhuser, Oldenbourg Wissenschaft, and Akademie. www.degruyter.com A platter of gold medals before the awards ceremony. IUPAC Wire 20 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 A Global Framework for Implementing Consistent Ecological Risk Assessment for Pesticides for Sustainable Agriculture In order to increase food production to feed the worlds growing population, there has been an expo- nential growth in agricultural outputs during the last decade, which has boosted pesticide use sig- nificantly in many scientifically emerging regions of the world. With increased pesticide application, the potential ecological impact has become a growing concern. Although in many countries ecological risk assessments (ERAs) are routinely carried out before pesticides can be registered for use, in scientifically emerging regions the science and application of ecological risk assessment is still in its early stages. There is a strong interest from scientists and regula- tors in these regions to utilize existing datasets and models to begin the process of ERA to examine the potential risks to natural resources in sensitive areas. This is a task where international cooperation among scientists can be extremely effective in transferring knowledge and skills. In order to address this, a proj- ect entitled A Global Framework for Implementing Consistent Ecological Risk Assessment of Pesticides for Sustainable Agriculture was launched to identify and prioritize the key issues related to pesticide eco- logical risk assessment in these regions. The scope of this project included: the development of an integrated framework and guidance document for the application of eco- logical risk assessment methodologies that can be applied to the pesticide regulatory process the production of appropriate training materials the organization of workshops to promote and transfer current scientific knowledge about eco- logical risk assessments These goals have now been achieved and the first of the workshops was held 1516 September 2012 in Beijing, China, in conjunction with the 8th IUPAC International Workshop on Crop Protection Chemistry and Regulatory Harmonization. The second was held 2526 May 2013 in Bogota, Colombia, in conjunc- tion with the 4th Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop (see next report). The objective of the ERA workshops was to provide focused training on ERA methodologies and exchange information with local scientists and regulators for consistent and risk-based ERA practices. Each workshop had 30 to 40 attendees from aca- demia, government agencies, and industrial organiza- tions. Twelve presentations were given by members of the IUPAC Chemistry and the Environment Division (Div VI) Advisory Committee on Plant Protection Chemistry and were specifically tailored to cover the following topics: ERA overview in the USA and EU; ecological hazard identification, exposure assessment, risk characterization, uncertainties in risk estimation, probabilistic risk assessment, principles for scenario development, integration of local conditions, and risk perception, communication, and management. In Beijing, two additional presentations were given by the Chinese regulatory agency ICAMA and the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, which provided a thorough update of the current devel- opment status for pesticide ERA in the country. In Bogota, additional presentations were made on behalf of CropLife Latin America dealing with regulatory principles and the current status of ERA in Colombia. During, and at the end of the workshops, discussions were held among all enthusiastic participants on good modeling practices, recommendations on scenario development, model testing, and validation. After the workshop all participants received cop- ies of the presentations together with supplemen- tary guidance documentation on the development of ERAs. It was agreed that this was a very worthwhile initiative and participants appreciated the chance to discuss ecological risk assessment with scientists and experts in the field of ERA development and for the net working opportunities that the workshops enabled and which will be useful for discussing any future questions that might arise. For more information, contact Task Group Chair John B. Unsworth <UnsworJo@ aol.com> (consultant, UK) or member Wenlin Chen <[email protected]> (Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC., USA). www.iupac.org/project/2010-056-1-600 Information about new, current, and complete IUPAC projects and related initiatives. See also www.iupac.org/home/projects.html The Project Place Participants at the ERA Workshop, 1516 September 2012, Beijing, China. 21 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment The primary objectives of this project are to: identify and prioritize the key regional issues related to pesticide residues in crops in Latin America for both local and export consumption facilitate exchange of information and ideas regarding harmonized approaches available for the scientific evaluation and regulation of pes- ticide residues in crops and the setting of MRLs develop recommendations for advancement of crop protection chemistry, with reference to treated crops, in Latin America The 4th Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop was held in Bogota, Colombia, 2629 May 2013. This event brought together academics, researchers, companies in the agrochemical industry, government agents responsible for monitoring and regulation of residues in food and environment, and suppliers of analytical equipment and supplies. The workshop attracted over 400 participants and featrued leading scientists as speakers. Over more than four days, the workshop offered 32 lectures, two round tables, and two poster ses- sions with around 140 posters. The scientific pro- gram was supplemented by satellite courses in which participants received training in topics such as risk assessment, methodologies, instrumentation, and GLP in pesticides residues laboratories. In addition, the workshop offered nine technical seminars, as well as an exhibition of analytical instrumentation, laboratory equipment, and supplies. During the two round tables the participants received recommendations regarding harmonized approaches available for the scientific evaluation and regulation of pesticide residues and recommendations for troubleshooting in pesticide residue analysis. For more information, contact Task Group Chair Jairo Arturo Guerrero Dallos <[email protected]>. www.iupac.org/project/2012-017-1-600 Evaluated Kinetic Data for Atmospheric Chemistry The project task group on Evaluated Kinetic Data for Atmospheric Chemistry met in Montreux, Switzerland, on 1214 June 2013; participants were R.A. Cox, M. Ammann, J.N. Crowley, M.J. Rossi, J. Troe, and T.J. Wallington (chair). Updates to the over 1000 data sheets coverings gas phase and heterogeneous phase reactions of importance in atmospheric chemistry were discussed. The task group prepared, submitted for publi- cation, and published a comprehensive evaluation of heterogeneous reactions on solid surfaces. The publication is M. Ammann, et al., Evaluated Kinetic and Photochemical Data for Atmospheric Chemistry: Volume VIHeterogeneous Reactions with Liquid Substrates, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 80458228, 2013; http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-13-8045-2013. The evaluation covers the heterogeneous processes involving liquid particles present in the atmosphere with an emphasis on those relevant for the upper tro- posphere/lower stratosphere and the marine bound- ary layer, for which uptake coefficients and adsorption parameters have been presented on the IUPAC web- site since 2009. The article consists of an introduction and guide to the evaluation, giving a unifying framework for parameterization of atmospheric heterogeneous pro- cesses. Summary sheets containing the recommended uptake parameters for the evaluated processes are provided. The experimental data on which the recom- mendations are based, are provided in data sheets in separate appendices for the four surfaces considered: liquid water, deliquesced halide salts, other aqueous electrolytes, and sulfuric acid. A total of 79 chemical processes are covered in Volume VI. The six snapshot volumes are readily accessi- ble from http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/special_ issue8.html. The Atmospheric Chemistry website that once was based in Cambridge, UK, http://www.iupac- kinetic.ch.cam.ac.uk, has a new home at http://iupac. pole-ether.fr, which is supported by CNRS (France). For more information, contact Task Group Chair Tim J. Wallington <twalling@ ford.com>. www.iupac.org/project/2011-049-1-100 Participants listen to an ERA presentation at the workshop in Bogota, Colombia, May 25-26, 2013 22 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Nomenclature of Flavonoids Flavonoid structures, found in nature or obtained by synthesis, have become more and more complex, and a guide for aglycone names is provided here to permit the construction of the names for their polyglycosyl- ated species with clarity and conciseness. A joint working party of IUPAC/IUBMB members has prepared these recommendations, which estab- lish rules for the general nomenclature of flavonoids, providing examples of acceptable trivial names, and names derived from trivial names, together with semi- systematic and fully systematic names that follow the published IUPAC recommendations. Comments by 28 February 2014 Amelia P. Rauter [email protected] www.iupac.org/project/2009-018-2-800 Provisional Recommendations Provisional Recommendations are drafts of IUPAC recommendations on terminology, nomenclature, and symbols made widely available to allow interested parties to comment before the recommendations are finally revised and published in Pure and Applied Chemistry. Full text is available online. 13 TH IUPAC CONGRESS OF PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY CROP, ENVIRONMENT, AND PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION: TECHNOLOGIES FOR A CHANGING WORLD Co-sponsored by IUPAC and ACS-AGRO - Lmergng lssues und Chuenges - Mode o Acton und kesstunce Munugement - Dscovery und Synthess - Agrcuturu otechnoogy - Lnvronmentu lute und Metubosm - Lxposure und ksk Assessment - kesdues n lood und leed - lormuuton und Appcuton 1echnooges - Stevurdshp, keguuton, und Cutreuch Join Us! ON AUGUST 10-14, 2014 n Sun lruncsco, Cuornu LSA or the
T O P I C S w w w . ii uu p a c 2 0 1 44 . o r g 23 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Making an imPACt Recent IUPAC technical reports and recommendations that affect the many fields of pure and applied chemistry. See also www.iupac.org/publications/pac Terminology of MetalOrganic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers (IUPAC Recommendations 2013) Stuart R. Batten, et al. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2013 Vol. 85, No. 8, pp. 17151724 A set of terms, definitions, and recommendations is provided for use in the classification of coordination polymers, networks, and metalorganic frameworks (MOFs). A hierarchical terminology is recommended in which the most general term is coordination polymer. Coordination networks are a subset of coordination polymers and MOFs a further subset of coordination networks. One of the criteria an MOF needs to fulfill is that it contains potential voids, but no physical measurements of porosity or other properties are demanded per se. The use of topology and topol- ogy descriptors to enhance the description of crystal structures of MOFs and 3D-coordination polymers is furthermore strongly recommended. http://dx.doi.org/10.1351/PAC-REC-12-11-20 Glossary of Terms Used in Medicinal Chemistry. Part II (IUPAC Recommendations 2013) Derek R. Buckle, et al. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2013 Vol. 85, No. 8, pp. 17251758 The evolution that has taken place in medicinal chem- istry practice as a result of major advances in genom- ics and molecular biology arising from the Human Genome Project has carried with it an extensive additional working vocabulary that has become both integrated and essential terminology for the medicinal chemist. Some of this augmented terminology has been adopted from the many related and interlocked scientific disciplines with which the modern medici- nal chemist must be conversant, but many other terms have been introduced to define new concepts and ideas as they have arisen. In this supplementary Glossary, we have attempted to collate and define many of the additional terms that are now considered to be essential components of the medicinal chem- ists expanded repertoire. (Part I is published as Pure Appl. Chem. 70(5), 1129-1143 (1998); http://dx.doi. org/10.1351/pac199870051129) http://dx.doi.org/10.1351/PAC-REC-12-11-23 Assessment of Theoretical Methods for the Study of Hydrogen Abstraction Kinetics of Global Warming Gas Species During their Degradation and Byproduct Formation (IUPAC Technical Report) Ponnadurai Ramasami, et al. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2013 Vol. 85, No. 9, pp. 1901-1918 Global climate change is a major concern as it leads to an increase in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere. The existence and persistence of some gaseous species in the atmosphere contribute to global warming. Experimental techniques are used to study the kinetics and degradation of global warming gases. However, quantum mechanical methods are also useful for the kinetic and radiative forcing study of global warming species and can precede experimental investigations. Research has also been targeted to develop more adapted procedures using ab initio and density functional theory methods. This report pro- vides a global perspective, in simplified manner, of the theoretical studies of the degradation of gas species in the atmosphere with an emphasis on the hydrogen abstraction kinetics of global warming gas species during their degradation and byproduct formation. En route, the results obtained from these studies are analysed and compared with experimental data where available. Our analyses indicate that the theoretical predictions are in agreement with experimental find- ings but the predicted parameters are dependent on the method being used. Theoretical methods are used to predict the thermodynamic parameters of reac- tions, and, with relevance to this report, the global warming potential index can also be calculated. This report can be useful for future investigations involv- ing global warming gaseous species while providing suggestions on how computations can fill in data gaps when experimental data are unavailable. http://dx.doi.org/10.1351/PAC-REP-10-02-38 24 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Use of Abbreviations, Enclosing Marks, and Line-Breaks by Jeffery Leigh The use of abbreviations sometimes causes more problems for a reader than is strictly necessary. The current free use of acronyms in texting has exagger- ated these problems. In chemistry, care must always be taken to write in terms that are as clear as pos- sible for any potential reader, and certain rules should always be followed in an attempt to achieve this. For the purposes of this article, the words abbreviation and acronym may be used interchangeably. IUPAC has suggested a set of guidelines for the employment of abbreviations in chemistry texts (The Use of Abbreviations in the Chemical Literature, Recommendations 1979, PAC, 1980, 52(9), 2229 2232). These recommendations suggest that there are great advantages in defining all abbreviations . . . in a single conspicuous place in each paper . . . preferably near the beginning in a single list. Included in these recommendations is a suggestion that no abbrevia- tions should be used in titles or abstracts. The use of abbreviations in formulae is often preferable to the use of recommended names, but in such cases an accom- panying definition may be absolutely necessary. In English texts, there are certain abbreviations that are generally understood by all chemists, though thought should be given as to whether this will be true for speakers of other languages. Abbreviations such as thf (for tetrahydrofuran) may be self-evident to an English speaker but not to, say, a German or Hungarian speaker. Abbreviations for more complex organic groups should generally be defined. Generally accepted English abbreviations include those for organic substituent groups such as Ph, Me, Et. Pr, and Bu, though whether specific variants of qualified versions, such as t-Bu or Bu t , are preferred may be a matter of editorial style. Care should be exercised, because it is sometimes not evident whether an abbreviation such as Bz is meant to indicate benzyl or benzoyl or even benzene. Inorganic chemists also generally have problems with abbreviations, especially for the names of ligands in the formulae of coordination complexes, because specific rules for producing abbreviations from sys- tematic names are not generally available and lists of recommended abbreviations cannot be complete and comprehensive. The new Principles goes some way to deal with this by providing a long list containing the names of some of the commonest ligands, their rec- ommended abbreviations, and the names from which the abbreviation was derived. For example, the abbre- viation acac, derived from the non-standard name acetylacetonate, may be widely understood, though the current recommended IUPAC systematic name is 2,4-dioxopentan-3-ide. Some general principles for developing suitable abbreviations are also presented. Polymers also have names that are often abbrevi- ated, especially when the use is to define unequivocally a given material rather than to convey a detailed chemi- cal structure. This is especially true in industry and commerce, names such as PTFE and PVC being com- mon examples. Whereas IUPAC nomenclature methods can be used unequivocally to name specific polymers, the accepted abbreviations are often not based upon systematic names but upon trivial names, and many of the users of the abbreviations may not be chemists anyhow. The new Principles contains a discussion on polymer nomenclatures, including a list of the most widely used names and abbreviations. In addition, the subject of abbreviation is still a matter for discussion in particular areas, as demonstrated recently by Brimble et al. in Rules for Abbreviation of Protecting Groups (IUPAC Technical Report), PAC, 2013, 85(1), 307313. The IUPAC names of natural products are often rather long and complicated. For example, most people can identify what is meant by an acronym such as DNA, though each person probably understands its signifi- cance only in as much detail as is needed. Certainly the IUPAC name would only confuse most people, as well as consuming much time and space in presentation. In addition, IUPAC is not the only international body concerned with the nomenclature of materials such as DNA. Biochemical nomenclature is often based upon trivial names, and bodies such as the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) are involved in developing and publishing recommen- dations, the latest IUBMB recommendations dating from 1992. There is a joint IUPAC/IUBMB committee that considers matters of interest to both Unions, including nomenclature problems. Amino acids, carbo- hydrates, and peptides, as well as nucleic acids, have generated their own specific nomenclatures, and all are dealt with in the new Principles, which provides refer- ences for those seeking more information. Enclosing marks and line breaks are in common use throughout chemical literature. However, though their use may be defined quite clearly by nomenclaturists, their employment is often not consistent. The cor- rect use is important when a sequence of enclosures is being used because these marks are employed in Nomenclature Notes A column about the Principles of Chemical Nomenclature A Guide to IUPAC Recommendations, 2011 Edition 25 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 nomenclature as a hierarchy, dictating which set of marks enclose which. The principal enclosing marks are parentheses, ( ), sometimes simply called brackets or round brackets, curly brackets, { }, also often called braces in U.S. texts, and square brackets, [ ]. These are the principal marks used, and though some others may be found in specialized literature, these are those used by chemists. However, the order in which they are used depends upon the specific context. In organic nomenclature generally and in inor- ganic names (but not formulae) the sequence to be employed is {[({[( )]})]} or ( ), [( )], {[( )]}, ({[( )]}), [({[( )]})}] {[({[( )]})]}. It will rarely be necessary to use a longer set than this. However, in formulae, and perhaps unfortunately, a different sequence is employed. One reason for this is the universal practice of enclosing the formulae of coordination entities, whether positively or negatively charged, or neutral, in square brackets. The sequence thus becomes [ ], [( )], [{( )}], [({( )})], [({({ })})], [({({( )})})], etc. This sequence, as printed, raises another question often posed when writing long names and formulae: Is the break at the end of the line in the fifth member of the last sequence simply an accident arising from the par- ticular line and word length, or is it an intended break, so that the item is meant to read [({({ })})]? From the context, it is clearly the latter. It is not possible here to describe all types of use of enclosing marks, and there may be some more spe- cialized instances when minor variations to the above sequences are used. For example, polymer chemists employ an abbreviated hierarchy, which suffices for most general presentations of polymer formulae, namely {[( )]}, and there are other occasions when enclosing marks can help, even when their use is not mandatory. For example, simple parentheses may be used to distinguish terms such as trioxido, O 3 2- , from tri(oxido), (O 2- ) 3 . Such uses often amount to common sense. Clearly, the writer of names and formulae must be aware of the precise context in which the enclos- ing marks are being used, and select the appropriate sequence. All these matters are dealt with in Principles. Principles also uses a specific device to deal with the problems sometimes posed by line-breaks. This device is not part of any IUPAC recommendation, but this writer has found it very useful and recommends it for consideration by the community as a whole. Many of the names, systematic or otherwise, employed by chemists contain hyphens to isolate and indicate dis- tinct parts of the name. This is particularly common in names for organic compounds. They are often very long, and as written or printed contain a line-break, because it is not always possible or convenient to write a given name entirely on a single line. Since such names often contain hyphens anyhow, it may not be clear whether the hyphen at the end of a printed line is part of the name or simply indicates a line-break. Take, for example, the following name: (1R*,3R*,5R*)-[(1S)-sec-Butoxy]-3-chloro-5-nitro- cyclohexane Is the hyphen at the line end part of the name or should the final part read: nitrocyclohexane? An inorganic example would be undecahydro-7,8- dicarba-nido-undecaborate(2-). The hyphen at the end of the line poses a similar question. In Principles these names would appear as follows, (1R*,3R*,5R*)-[(1S)-sec-Butoxy]-3-chloro-5-nitro- cyclohexane and, in the inorganic example, undecahydro-7,8- dicarba-nido-undecaborate(2-) The symbol used as a line-break makes it clear that the hyphens are indeed part of the name and not imposed by typographical considerations. Principles contains many examples of the use of this device, and consideration of its adoption is recommended to the English-speaking chemical community. Whereas experienced chemists may not feel the need for such a device, the same will not be true for students, which is why it was employed in Principles. The use and value of such a device may vary from language to language and, as Bernardo Herold showed in CI, 2013, 35(3), 1215, translations of chemistry texts and formulae between different languages raise all sorts of problems, for some of which this kind of device might also be useful. Jeffery Leigh is the editor and contributing author of Principles of Chemical NomenclatureA Guide to IUPAC Recommendations, 2011 Edition (RSC 2011, ISBN 978-1-84973-007-5). Leigh is emeritus professor at the University of Sussex and has been active in IUPAC nomenclature since 1973. www.iupac.org/publications/ci/indexes/nomenclature-notes.html Post Scriptum: This Note constitutes the last in this series. The CI managing editor and production editor want to thank Professor Leigh and acknowledge his contribu- tions. Over the last two years, his spontaneous submissions have also contributed to a prompt CI production rhythm. In addition to the educational value of each piece, the series provides a model that is now being considered for other IUPAC references. 26 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Naming Superheavy Halogen and Noble Elements by Brett F. Thornton and Shawn C. Burdette C hemists have fought vigorously for exception- ally small details of linguistic consistency. In 1813 Andr Ampere suggested to Humphry Davy to name an as-yet-unisolated element fluorine, because it was derived from the mineral fluorospar. 1
Davy accepted Amperes suggestion, as it was already clear that fluorine was in some ways chemically like chlorine. Later, Ampere realized hed made a mistake: chlorine, bromine, and iodine were all named from Greek adjectives describing a property of the element (yellow-green, stinks, and violet-colored, respectively), but fluorospar was a source of the element, not a property, and thus it was linguistically unsuitable for a halogen name. Ampere resolved to fix this, and sug- gested phthorine as the name of the element, using a Greek adjective meaning destroyer. 2 Davy, who was no stranger to naming elements and had written exten- sively about correct nomenclature, responded that this wasnt sufficient reason to rename the element, leav- ing us with a barely perceptible irregularity in the halo- gen names. When astatine was named over a century later, the Greek adjective tradition was remembered the parent Greek adjective means unstable. 3 For two centuries, the English suffix for halogens has been ine. In many other languages the halogens lack any suffix; in Swedish, for example, the halogens are fluor, klor, brom, jod, and astat. English is the official language of IUPAC, and therefore our focus of discussion. IUPAC will likely soon accept the discoveries of elements 117 and 118. These new elements lie in the halogen and noble gas groups of the periodic table, and will therefore be an expectation to other recently discovered superheavy elements. How should this new halogen and noble gas be named? Should the naming follow tradition in using -ine (halogen) and -on (noble gas) suffixes? The existing IUPAC element-naming rules, which incorporate lessons of past discovery priority controversies, 4 are designed to avoid disagree- ments. The rules acknowledge historical tradition, and explicitly allow naming an element for a mineral, a property of the element, a place, a mythological or astronomical concept or object, or a scientist 5 ; how- ever, the rules do not include the two-century long tradition of distinguishing between metals and non- metal elements using the elements suffix 6 (Figure 1). Beginning in 1953, IUPACs element-naming rules included new metallic elements should be given names ending in ium. 7 This formalized tradition: the suffix of every metal discovered in the past 220 years is either um or ium. The updated 2002 rules changed this earlier guideline slightly by stating the names of all new elements should end in -ium. No official statement had ever been made regarding the suffixes of non-metals or metalloids prior to 2002; however, non-metal suffixes are longstanding tradi- tions. Except for helium, every non-metal discovered in the past 225 years has either an on or ine suffix. A cursory glance at the diagonal line separat- ing the metals and non-metals in the p-block may hint that elements 117 and 118 are metallic. But the dividing line is an unreliable approximation: even in period 6, bismuth is less metallic than polonium. 8
Further, relativistic effects impart interesting proper- ties in heavy elements, and the effects are expected to become more pronounced in transactinide elements. Predictions had long held that element properties might not fit periodic law expectations in the 7th row, but this has not been borne out by experiments. Rf, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, and Cn have been shown to fit well into their groups, though not in all properties. 9 For flerovium, initial chemical experiments have been inconclusive and predictions suggested it could be a liquid or gas, and even inert. 10 Predictions and chemi- cal studies have been both divergent and convergent. Cn and Fl are expected to show the strongest devia- tion from periodic trends due to relativistic effects, later period 7 elements should be less impacted. The chemistry of elements beyond Fl, including 117 and 118, will require new isotopes of these elements to be created before they can be studied 11 ; however, both will probably be named before such studies are com- pleted. Livermorium (element 116) was named before its chemical properties were characterized. 12 Helium too was named prior to any chemical studies, after it was detected in the solar spectrum and thought to be metallic. Similarly, Berzelius believed the metalloid selenium was a metal, and thus used an ium suffix. Naming elements before chemical characterization has been proven to be problematic. If the discover- ers knew the location of helium and selenium in the periodic table, they might have chosen different suf- fixes. What if the chemistry of a new element is not A forum for members and member organizations to share ideas and concerns. Send your comments by e-mail to <[email protected]>. Up for Discussion 27 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 yet available or accessible? Is there a way to preserve the distinct suffixes? One possibility would be to use the electronic definitions of transition metals, and non- metals, halogens and noble gases. Element 117 lacks one electron in its 7p shell; element 118 has six 7p elec- trons. The reactivity of those electrons could be seen as a separate matter, so even if element 118 was later found to bond vastly more than its lighter group mem- bers, it would still be grouped with the noble elements. This is not a perfect solution: had Cn and Fl turned out to have noble gas characteristics, as was once predicted, should they have received the on suffix? We hope that IUPAC and the discoverers of ele- ments 117 and 118 will consider all the pertinant fac- torshistory, tradition, chemistrywhen choosing an appropriate suffix for these elements. The inconsis- tency between early theoretical predictions and later chemical experiments in transactinide elements pro- vide a cautionary tale against assuming elements 117 and 118 will definitively not possess halogen- and noble gas-like properties, respectively. There are exceptions amongst the element suffixes, but the traditional prac- tices have great utility in enabling quick recognition of element groups; -ium means metal and ine means halogen by virtue of having been used in this man- ner for over two centuries. Changing these traditions degrades the usefulness the existing names: giving an ium suffix to halogen and noble gas elements dimin- ishes the meaning of -ium for metal and non-metal names alike. The element suffixes have meaning, and there is value in preserving them. We suggest officially systematizing the element name suffixes for halogens and noble elements (-ine and on). Brett F. Thornton is at the Department of Geological Sciences and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. Shawn C. Burdette is at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. References 1. Davy, H. Some Experiments and Observations on the Substances Produced in Different Chemical Processes on Fluor Spar. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 103, 263279, doi:10.1098/ rstl.1813.0034 (1813). 2. Ampre, A. Dune Classification naturelle pour les Corps simples. Ann. Chem. Phys. 2, 532 (1816). 3. Corson, D.R., Mackenzie, K.R. & Segre, E. AstatineThe Element of Atomic Number-85. Nature 159, 2424, doi:10.1038/159024b0 (1947). 4. Rayner-Canham, G. & Zheng, Z. Naming Elements After Scientists: An Account of a Controversy. Found Chem 10, 1318, doi:10.1007/s10698-007-9042-1 (2008). 5. Koppenol, W.H. Naming of New Elements (IUPAC Recommendations 2002). Pure and Applied Chemistry 74, 787791, doi:10.1351/pac200274050787 (2002). 6. Thornton, B.F. & Burdette, S.C. The Ends of Elements. Nature Chemistry 5, 350352, doi:10.1038/nchem.1610 (2013). 7. IUPAC, Tenative Rules for Inorganic Nomenclature. Comptes Rendus de la Dix-Septime Confrence, 98119 (1953). 8. Mantina, M., Chamberlin, A.C., Valero, R., Cramer, C.J. & Truhlar, D.G. Consistent van der Waals Radii for the Whole Main Group. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 5806-5812, doi:10.1021/jp8111556 (2009). 9. Schdel, M. Chemistry of Superheavy Elements. Radiochim. Acta 100, 579604, doi:10.1524/ract.2012.1965 (2012). 10. Schwerdtfeger, P. One Flerovium Atom at a Time. Nature Chemistry 5, 636636, doi:10.1038/nchem.1688 (2013). 11. Trler, A. & Pershina, V. Advances in the Production and Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements. Chem. Rev. 113, 12371312, doi:10.1021/cr3002438 (2013). 12. Loss, R.D. & Corish, J. Names and Symbols of the Elements with Atomic Numbers 114 and 116 (IUPAC Recommendations 2012). Pure and Applied Chemistry 84, 1669-1672, doi:10.1351/pac-rec-11-12-03 (2012). Figure 1: Periodic table showing the different suffixes for metals and nonmetals. 28 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Polychar 20 Macromolecular Symposia, Vol 328, June 2013 edited by Vera Kovacevic This volume of MS includes a collection of manu- scripts submitted to Polychar 20, the World Forum on Advanced Polymeric Materials that was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 2630 March 2012. A report of that conference was prepared by Vera Kovacevic and Michael Hess and published in CI (Sep-Oct 2012 issue, www.iupac.org/publications/ci/2012/3405/ cc3_26.03.12.html). http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/masy.201370018 Solubility Data Series To date, the Subcommittee on Solubility and Equilibrium Data (SSED) has published 99 volumes in the Solubility Data Series. Volumes 66 to 99 were published in the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD) under the title of the IUPAC- NIST Solubility Data Series. From 2012 to 2013, six new volumes were published, either as a single manuscript or in parts, making a total of 12 articles published in JPCRD during this period. Citations to these publi- cations are presented in the table below. For quick access, visit http://jpcrd.aip.org/ and search IUPAC- NIST Solubility Data Series. See http://jpcrd.aip.org/ and search IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. Books and publications hot off the press. See also www.iupac.org/publications Bookworm Macromolecular Symposia 328 Vera Kovacevic (Ed.) Polychar 20 World Forum on Advanced Materials Volume Authors, titles, and references to recent SDS publications in the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 93 J. Eysseltov and R. Bouaziz, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 93. Potassium Sulfate in Water, JPCRD 41, 01303 (2012). 94 T. Mioduski, C. Guminski, and D. Zeng, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 94. Rare Earth Metal Iodides and Bromides in Water and Aqueous Systems. Part 1. Iodides, JPCRD 41, 013104 (2012). 95 (1) A. De Visscher, J. Vanderdeelen, E. Knigsberger, B.R. Churagulov, M. Ichikuni and M. Tsurumi, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 95.Alkaline Earth Carbonates in Aqueous Systems. Part 1. Introduction, Be and Mg. JPCRD 41, 013105 (2012). 95 (2) A. De Visscher and J. Vanderdeelen, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 95.Alkaline Earth Carbonates in Aqueous Systems. Part 2. Ca. JPCRD 41, 023105 (2012). 96 (1) M. Gral, D. G. Shaw, A. Maczynski, B. Wisniewska-Goclowska and P. Oracz, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 96. Amines with Water. Part 1. C4 to C6 Aliphatic Amines, JPCRD 41, 043106 (2012). 96 (2) M. Gral, D. G. Shaw, A. Maczynski, B. Wisniewska-Goclowska and P. Oracz, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 96. Amines with Water. Part 2. C7 to C24 Aliphatic Amines, JPCRD 41, 043107 (2012). 96 (3) M. Gral, D. G. Shaw, A. Maczynski, B. Wisniewska-Goclowska and P. Oracz IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 96. Amines with Water. Part 3. Non-Aliphatic Amines, JPCRD 41, 043108 (2012). 97 P. Fogg and A. Skrzecz, IUPAC Solubility Data Series. 97. Solubility of Higher Acetylenes and Triple Bonded Derivatives. JPCRD 42, 013102 (2013). 98 (1) W.E. Acree, Jr. IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 98. Solubility of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Pure and Organic Solvent Mixtures: Revised and Updated. Part 1. Binary Solvent Mixtures. JPCRD 42, 13103 (2013). 98 (2) W.E. Acree, Jr. IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 98. Solubility of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Pure and Organic Solvent Mixtures: Revised and Updated. Part 2. Ternary Solvent Mixtures. JPCRD 42, 13104 (2013). 98 (3) W.E. Acree, Jr. IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 98. Solubility of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Pure and Organic Solvent Mixtures: Revised and Updated. Part 3. Neat Organic Solvents. JPCRD 42, 13105 (2013). 99 W.E. Acree, Jr. IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 99. Solubility of Benzoic Acid and Substituted Benzoic Acids in Both Neat Organic Solvents and Organic Solvent Mixtures. JPCRD 42, 033103 (2013); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4816161 (525 pages) 29 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Reports from recent conferences and symposia See also www.iupac.org/home/conferences.html Conference Call On the New Definition of the Mole by Roberto Marquardt The CCQM (Comit Consultatif pour la Quantit de Matire) held its 19th meet- ing on 1819 April 2013, at the Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM) in Svres, Paris. One point of the agenda included a discus- sion about the new definition of the mole. I was invited to represent IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature, Terminology and Symbols (ICTNS) Chair Ron Weir. Ales Fajgelj was also present representing IUPAC. Martin Milton, director of BIPM, gave a short update on the subject. He mentioned the CCQM12-27 docu- ment that contains CCQM internal information regard- ing the mise-en-pratique and potential assessment methods of the numerical value of the Avogadro constant. It was mentioned that the Consultative Committee for Units of the International Committee for Weights and Measures would hold a meeting in June 2013 where further discussion on the issue would continue. The general impression was that the urgency of fix- ing the new definition of the unit mole has given way to a broader discussion on this subject. It seems that CCQM is not hurrying for a new definition now. The ideas regarding the mise-en-pratique are not uncon- tested among members of the meeting. Bernd Gttler from PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany) made a sug- gestion to include results of the so-called Avogadro project into the mise-en-pratique of the mole. The international Avogadro project aims at the redeter- mination of the Avogadro constant and is based on measurements of a single crystal sphere of Si enriched in 28-silicon [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 030801 (2011); http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.030801]. This approach allows for a description of a practical realization of the mole based on counting atoms in a crystal and a fixed Avogadro constant. The exact wording of the proposal is currently further discussed. This presentation received quite a broad support from the participants who found it elegant and adequate for teaching. Willie May, president of CCQM, said that chemists were not sufficiently consulted prior to the publication of the proposal of a new definition of the mole. He suggested that a symposium should be organized on one of next CCQM meetings, where opponents to the proposed redefinition could express their concerns. I reiterated the position of ICTNS/IUPAC in the form expressed under point 11 of the 141th meeting of the Executive Committee in October 2009 (see www.iupac.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ standing/ec/141_ec.pdf and also Jan- Feb 2010 CI, p. 6, www.iupac.org/publi- cations/ci/2010/3201/2_lorimer.html). I said that IUPAC should be involved in further discussions of CCQM regard- ing the new definition of the mole, and that the official representative of IUPAC should be invited to attend the sympo- sium, if it takes place. I finally asked on behalf of IUPAC to have a copy of the sentence formulated by Bernd Gttler. The report of the 19th Meeting of the CCQM is now available at www.bipm.org/utils/ common/pdf/CCQM19.pdf. Macromolecules and Materials The 12th Annual UNESCO/IUPAC Workshop and Conference on Macromolecules and Materials was held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2428 March 2013. The organizing committee comprised of H Pasch (Chair), L Klumperman, AJ van Reenen, PE Mallon and Aneli Fourie (University of Stellenbosch, Department of Chemistry & Polymer Science, South Africa). The conference drew 151 attendees, including 53 students, representing 32 countries other than South Africa. Other western countries represented were Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, and Venezuela. The conference was opened by T.E. Cloete, vice rec- tor, research and innovation, University of Stellenbosch and H. Pasch, IUPAC Representative, Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. The workshop featured 6 talks and the conference offered 47, of which 6 were plenary speakers, 17 invited speakers, and 32 oral submissions, by experts in their Conference Call 30 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 field, recording the state-of-the-art in various fields, often encompassing the last few years of research. In addition to IUPAC, the following organizations have given considerable support, either financial or in kind: Sasol Polymers Corporate Kansai Plascon South Africa African Sun Media, University of Stellenbosch Papers are being collected for peer review for ple- nary, invited, and oral presentations for publication in a volume of Macromolecular Symposia. http://academic.sun.ac.za/unesco/ Polymer Spectroscopy by Daniela Illnerova This year, the 19th European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy (ESOPS19) was held on 711 July 2013, at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague. It was organized simultaneously as the 77th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules. The ESOPS 19 conference was organized by Dr Ji Spvek and Dr Ji Dybal under the auspices of IUPAC. It attracted 100 participants from 25 countries and brought together both young and experienced researchers, as well as many students. At the open- ing ceremony, the attendees were welcomed by Frantiek Rypek, Director of the IMC, and co-orga- nizer of the conference, Ji Dybal. The Official IUPAC Representative, Pavel Kratochvl from the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic outlined the activities of IUPAC in general and its Polymer Division in particular. The conference highlighted all fields of spectros- copy (infrared, NIR, Raman, fluorescence, NMR, EPR, mass spectroscopy, X-ray, dielectric and mechani- cal spectroscopy), from theoretical and fundamental aspects to recent advances and novel developments in characterization and analysis of polymers. The scien- tific program consisted of 9 invited lectures, 28 short contributed lectures, and 60 poster presentations. Invited lectures were of excellent quality and covered all aspects of polymer spectroscopy. The conference featured the following invited lectures: Bernhard Blmich, Germany (Polymer analysis by compact NMR) Dariush Hinderberger, Germany (EPR spectros- copy on nitroxides: a simple method to elucidate molecular and nanoscale processes in thermore- sponsive polymers) Isao Noda, USA (Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy study of polymers) Vladimr Baumruk, Czech Republic (Vibrational optical activity of (bio)polymers), Daniele Cangialosi, Spain (Dielectric and calorimetric spectroscopy to unravel dynamics and physical aging in nano-structured polymers) Yukihiro Ozaki, Japan (Low-frequency Raman and THz spectroscopy studies on higher-order struc- tures of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate and nylons) Monika Schnhoff, Germany (Pulsed field gradi- ent NMR diffusion in colloid and polymer science: transport of ions in polymer electrolytes and of active molecules in carrier particle dispersions) Group photo of participants in the 19th European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy. Conference Call 31 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Sergei Kazarian, UK (Emerging applications of spectroscopic imaging to polymers) Marek Potrzebowski, Poland (Slow and very fast MAS solid state NMR study of biopolymers) The conference was held in a friendly and stimulat- ing atmosphere. The participants followed the pre- sentations with great interest, which was reflected in fruitful discussion. Poster presentations were accom- panied with selected specialties of Czech cuisine and beer. The scientific committee selected the following poster presentations for awards, which were bestowed at the conference dinner: Two-dimensional molecular orientation analysis of poly(L-lactic acid) and poly(hydroxybutyrate) spherulites using FT-IR imaging method pre- sented by Yuta Hikima, Japan Temperature-dependent structural changes and intermolecular hydrogen bonds in Nylon 6 studied by low-frequency Raman and Terahertz spectros- copies and Quantum chemical calculation by Erika Onishi, Japan NMR study of transition behaviour of amphilic block copolymers composed of poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in water presented by Mr Rafal Konefa, Czech Republic Apart from scientific work, the participants enjoyed a relaxed atmosphere at the welcome reception, conference dinner, and in the guided walk in Prague, which included interesting sights such as the historical halls of the Strahov Library and the Old Town Hall with the famous Astronomical Clock. Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy as a Probe of Polymer Surface Structure by Dennis K. Hore It was an honor to receive a 2013 CNC-IUPAC Travel Award that enabled me to participate in the 19th European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy, Prague, 711 July 2013. My group at the University of Victoria uses unique aspects of laser beams to interro- gate the structure of molecules that find themselves at the interface between a solid and liquid phase. One of the overarching goals of our research program (http:// web.uvic.ca/~dkhore) is to characterize the conforma- tional changes that proteins undergo when they land on hydrophobic surfaces such as polymers. Protein- polymer interactions are important in a wide range of chemical applications, such as enhanced separation technologies, enzyme immobilization in biosensors, and in the biocompatibility of implant materials. Polymeric materials are found in the body in the form of sutures, catheters, vascular stents, and organ repair components. Many polymers that have the best mechanical properties for their task are hydrophobic; water would bead up on their surfaces. This is a prob- lem when such materials are in contact with bodily fluids as proteins, in their native conformation, are folded in a manner that buries their hydrophobic com- ponents in their cores, exposing hydrophilic residues to their aqueous environment. When such proteins encounter artificial hydrophobic surfaces, they may unfold upon contact in order to maximize hydrophobic interactions, resulting in loss of function and disease. For decades, researchers have been working on ways to circumvent these issues, for example, by modify- ing the surface of the polymer components to render them hydrophilic. Although there is empirical data to assist in this effort, there is surprisingly little under- standing of what the altered structures of the proteins are, when on the polymer surfaces. The CNC-IUPAC Travel Awards Dennis Hores participation in this IUPAC sym- posium was an integral part of his CNC-IUPAC Travel Award. The Canadian National Committee/ IUPAC travel awards were established in 1982 to enable young Canadian scientists to pres- ent their research at IUPAC-sponsored con- ferences outside continental North America. Applicants should be within 10 years of having obtained their Ph.D. The awards are sponsored jointly by the Canadian National Committee, IUPACs company associates, and the Gendron Fund, which was established in memory of a noted Canadian chemist who organized a highly suc- cessful IUPAC congress in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1981. Although many IUPAC member countries have national committees that handle liaison with IUPAC, to the best of our knowledge, the Canadian National Committee is the only one that operates a travel awards program. See www. cnc-iupac.ca/awards_e.html for more details and future announcements. Conference Call 32 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 This is where the Hore group fits in, developing a combination of experimental and modeling tools that can probe this elusive interfacial environment with extreme specificity and structural detail. In one of our experiments, a visible and an infrared laser are overlapped at the polymer-solution interface. When certain symmetry requirements are met, one visible and one infrared photon are annihilated, and a new photon is born. This is a very rare occurrence but, as a result of energy conservation, we can know which colour of light to expect in the detector channel. Since momentum must also be conserved, and the frequen- cies and angles of approach of the two incident laser beams are known, we additional know where to posi- tion the detector. We then use the symmetry require- ments of the process and manipulate the laser beam polarizations to work backwards, ultimately arriving at the structure of the molecules responsible for the optical interaction. Although there is much interest and attention on the proteins, two other species deserve attention, as they are equally important in accounting for the adsorbed structure. The first is the solventwater molecules in region within about 15 from the sur- face, have a net orientation and hydrogen bonding network significantly different from that in the bulk aqueous phase. The second important player is the hydrophobic surface itself. In the case of proteins on polymers, one is describing a macromolecule on mac- romolecule interaction. Although the bulk structure of the polymer may be well characterized, its surface structurein terms of the number and types of chemi- cal functional groups and their orientationmay be a completely different story. Furthermore, the surface of many polymers has been shown to differ depend- ing on the nature of the solvent, necessitating in situ studies. Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy is ide- ally suited to probing components of polymer main and side chains at the materials surface. We have recently applied our techniques to show that ester methyl groups are directed away from the poly(methyl methacrylate) surface, thereby providing a molecular rationalization of the materials weak hydrophobicity. The 19th European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy brought together 100 participants from 25 countries, with representation from academia and industry. This meeting struck a balance between experiment and theory, and resulted in many hours of stimulating conversation outside of the technical ses- sions. I was particularly interested in the presentations on infrared and Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, and the discussions on chemometrics and spectral processing, including correlation techniques. However, I also appreciated the opportunity to learn about magnetic resonance and EPR of polymers, as those topics are outside of my daily experience. I am grate- ful for the opportunity to have attended this excellent meeting. Dennis Hore <[email protected]> received his Ph.D. from Queens University under the mentorship of Profs. Almeria Natansohn (Queens, Chemistry) and Paul Rochon (Royal Military College, Physics). His dissertation examined the photo-induced orientation of light-responsive polymers. He was then a postdoc in Prof. Geri Richmonds group at the University of Oregon, studying surfactant and water structure at the airwater interface. In 2006 he joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Victoria. His research interests are centered on characterizing the structure of molecules adsorbed at solid surfaces. Figure caption: Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy measurements utilizing different beam polarizations may be combined with molecular simulations to yield detailed structural information about polymer surfaces. 33 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Sensing Change 1 July 20132 May 2014 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA On 1 July 2013, the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) opened a new art exhibit titled Sensing Change, which will be on display until May 2014, both in CHFs Hach Gallery in Old City and through offsite instal- lations in Center City Philadelphia. What motivates artists and scientists to observe and investigate our environment? How do creative professionals in both fields make visible largely invisible processes, such as wind patterns and air quality? What methods and instruments have been used to sense shifts in our climate over time? Sensing Change explores these important questions. The exhibit brings art into conversation with sci- ence to ask the question, how do we know our envi- ronment? And from there it provokes a conversation about the experience of the world around us, said Jody Roberts, director of the Center for Contemporary History and Policy at CHF. These works beautifully compliment the rich heritage that is at the core of CHFs collections instruments and artifacts that have changed what we know about our world and how we know it. Sensing Change aims to highlight the intersec- tion of art and science. Featured artists use their work to interpret scientific findings, historical records, and their own observa- tions to bridge the divide between what can be seen in daily life to larger global changes. Their work cre- ates a space for conversa- tions emerging out of a renewed sense of place. Sensing Change is a comprehensive exhibit, giving audiences access through a variety of chan- nels. Guests may wish to see the artwork in per- son by visiting the Hach Gallery, engage in a First Friday program or com- munity outreach event, listen to CHFs podcast Distillations for a themed series surrounding Sensing Change, or participate online via the website and social media platforms. http://sensingchange.chemheritage.org Chemical Schemas, Taxonomies, and Ontologies 1620 March 2014, Dallas ACS meeting The development of chemical information in the digital era has benefited from fundamental work on clas- sification of molecules and structure. Facilitating the integration of chemical knowledge with other areas and disciplines is greatly helped by the use of formal and informal taxonomies, and potentially by the tech- nologies of the semantic web including schemas and ontologies. The organizers of this Joint CINF-RSC CICAG Symposium encourage presentations on all aspects of the construction, deployment and use of these seman- tic technologies and other approaches to desegrega- tion by academic and industrial research groups. One aim of this symposium is to find a common ground to approach IUPAC and create an internationally agreed Digital environment for 21st Century Chemistry. CINF is the Chemical Information Group of the American Chemical Society; CICAG is the Chemical Information and Computer Applications special inter- est group of the (UK) Royal Society of Chemistry. For more information, contact Jeremy Frey at <[email protected]>. http://abstracts.acs.org/chem/247nm/meetingview.php?page=session&par_id=617 Test of Particle Falls at the Wilma Theater. Photo Greg Benson. Announcements of conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings, and other upcoming activities Where 2B & Y 34 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Chemical Education and Research for Sustainable Development 34 April 2014, Colombo Sri Lanka The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon is completing its 40th year of formal tertiary chemical education in Sri Lanka. So far, the institute has produced 867 chemis- try technicians and 905 graduate chemists, a unique achievement for a professional body. It is anticipated that by the end of 2013, it will have produced over 1000 professional graduate chemists and 925 technicians. From its inception, the institute has received guid- ance from the U.K. Royal Society of Chemistry. In March 2013, following consideration of extensive docu- mentation and a site visit in 2012, the insitute received formal accreditation from the RSC. To mark this landmark event, the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon has convened an international conference on the theme Professional Chemical Education and Research for Industrial Development and Sustainable Economic Growth in a Knowledge Based Economy in Colombo on 34 April 2014. This forum will enable a review and re-evaluation of both programs with a view to making them even stronger, effective, and productive and make them even more relevant to contemporary needs in a knowl- edge-based economy. Strengthening the woefully inadequate secondary education system in chemistry will be also part of the agenda and school-teachers will be encouraged and expected to participate very actively. An opportunity is also available for presen- tation of research papers in the areas of Chemical Education as well as other areas in chemical sciences, including industrial and similar research. See Mark Your Calendar for more information. www.ichemc.edu.lk MicroREaction Technology 2325 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary The next event of the IMRET International Conferences on MicroREactionTechnology conference series will be held in the historic city of Budapest, Hungary, from 2325 June 2014. IMRET13 will be organized by the Flow Chemistry Society in collaboration with Akadmiai Kiad, a Wolters Kluwer company, pub- lisher of the Journal of Flow Chemistry and co-orga- nizer of the societys FROST conference series. IMRET2013 will consist of presentations on the fol- lowing topics: fundamentals: fluidics, mixing, mass, and heat transfer process data acquisition, kinetics and chemical analysis; materials aspects, micro- and nanostruc- tures and micro- and nanoparticles flow chemistry catalysis process optimization and intensification flow plantsprocess design and control fine and commodity chemical synthesis advanced material synthesis energy, biomass conversion, and thermal systems food, personal care, and other applications The International Conferences on MicroREaction Technology (IMRET) is a scientific conference series in the field of micro process engineering and the sci- ences of microreactors that started in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1997. Since then, 12 IMRET confer- ences have been organized by various well-recognized societies and institutes. By organizing IMRET13, the Flow Chemistry Society aims to strengthen the bridge between micro-process technology and flow chemistry, and help their integra- tion into everyday practices throughout the world by delivering the latest knowledge and making it avail- able for the entire micro-process technology and chemistry communities. www.flowchemistrysociety.com Where 2B & Y 35 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Cheminformatics: An International Intercollegiate Online Course The ACS Division of Chemical Education Committee on Computers in Chemical Education (CCCE) is orga- nizing an intercollegiate Online Chemistry Course in cheminformatics, chemical information sciences, and literature in collaboration with the ACS Division of Chemical Information, IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education, and RSC ChemSpider. This will be the 6th online course the CCCE has organized since 1996. It will be offered in the fall of 2014 and the fall of 2015. The CCCE is looking for faculty who would like to offer this course to students in their home institutions. OLCCs are hybrid courses involving collaborative teaching between expert online guest lecturers and local faculty facilitators (instructors of recordthe class is part of their teaching assignment). Prior to offering the course, the faculty facilitators will have a chance to work with cheminformaticians and experts in chemical information to develop custom- ized instructional content. The experts will be avail- able to interact directly with their students when the course is offered. Further information is available at the development web list below. http://olcc.ccce.us Modern Physical Chemistry for Advanced Materials 2630 June 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine The organizing committee has received agreements from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to support the Modern Physical Chemistry for Advanced Materials Conference, 2630 June 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine. This is the second conference organized by chemists of Kharkiv National University in collaboration with col- leagues from other countries under the sponsorship of IUPAC and NAS of Ukraine; the first one took place in Kharkiv in 2007 (see May-June 2008 CI). The main goals of the conference are as follows: to survey the status of modern physical chemistry in Ukraine to strengthen the international collaboration of Ukrainian physical chemists to develop the physico-chemical foundations of modern material science, technology, and ecology The conference schedule anticipates already about 20 plenary and invited lectures, which will be delivered by scientists from Brazil, France, Germany, UK, Japan, Ukraine, and USA. In addition, the following subsections are planned: new materials organized solutions (supramolecular chemistry, nanochemistry, microreactors, macromolecules, sensors). green chemistry electrochemistry and solution chemistry (ther- modynamics; physico-organic chemistry; electro- chemistry; spectroscopic methods) ecotoxycological aspects of nanotechnology theoretical chemistry. Brief abstracts (one page) should be submitted to <[email protected]>. See Mark Your Calendar for more information. www-chemo.univer.kharkov.ua/beketov2014 Where 2B & Y CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 36 2014 1217 January 2014 Carbohydrate Bangalore, India 27th International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS 2014) Prof. N. Jayaraman, Indian Institute of Science, Department of Organic Chemistry, Bangalore 560 012, India Tel.: +91 80 2293 2578, E-mail: [email protected], www.ics2014bangalore.in 2728 February 2014 Young Scientists Blankenberge, Belgium Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists 2014 Prof. Thomas Vranken, Universiteit Hasselt, Institute of Materials Research, Martelarenlaan 42, B-3500 Hasselt Belgium, E-mail: [email protected], www.chemcys.be 25 March 2014 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gainesville, Florida, USA 15th Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference (FloHet-2014) Prof. Alan R. Katritzky, University of Florida, Department of Chemistry, Gainesville, FL 32611-7200, USA, Email: [email protected], http://www.arkat-usa.org/conferences-flohet-others 57 March 2014 Applied Chemistry Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka International Conference on Applied Chemistry 2014 Prof. S. Sotheeswaran, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, Adamantane House, 341/22 Kotte Road, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka, Email: [email protected], www.fnu.ac.fj/newsite/images/stories/conference/index.html 34 April 2014 Chemistry Education Colombo, Sri Lanka Professional Chemical Education and Research for Industrial Development and Sustainable Economic Growth Prof. Ramanee D. Wijesekera, University of Colombo, Department of Chemistry, P.O. Box 1490, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka, E-mail: [email protected], www.ichemc.edu.lk 710 April 2014 Polymer Characterization Matieland, South Africa 22nd International Conference on Polymer CharacterizationWorld Forum on Advanced Materials Prof. Peter Mallon, University of Stellenbosch, Department of Chemistry & Polymer Sciences, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa, Email: [email protected], http://academic.sun.ac.za/POLYCHAR 26 June 2014 Polymer Systems St. Petersburg, Russia 8th International Symposium on Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems Prof. Tatiana Birshtein, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Bolshoi Pr. 31 RF-199004 Saint Petersburg, Russia, E-mail: [email protected], www.macro.ru 1013 June 2014 Polymers and Organic Chemistry Timisoara, Romania 15th International Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry Prof. Corneliu M. Davidescu, Deputy Rector, University of Timisoara, 2, Victoriei Square, RO-30006 Timisoara, Romania, Email: [email protected] 2630 June 2014 Physical Chemistry Kharkiv, Ukraine Modern Physical Chemistry-2014 (MPC 14) Dr. Olexander Lebed, Department of Physical Chemistry, Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svoboda Square 4, UA-61022 Kharkiv, Ukraine, E-mail: [email protected], www-chemo.univer.kharkov.ua/beketov2014 29 June4 July 2014 Organic Synthesis Budapest, Hungary 20th International Conference on Organic Synthesis Monika Bondar, Hungarian Chemical Society, H-1015 Budapest, Hatty u. 16. II/8. E-mail: [email protected], www.icos20.hu 611 July 2014 Macro Chiang Mai, Thailand IUPAC World Polymer Congress (MACRO 2014) Wild Blue Congress Organizer, 19/2 Ekkamai 10, Sukhumvit 63, Wattana, Bangkok 10110. E-mail: [email protected], www.macro2014.com Upcoming IUPAC-sponsored events See also www.iupac.org/home/conferences.html for links to specific event websites Mark Your Calendar 37 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Visas It is a condition of sponsorships that organizers of meetings under the auspices of IUPAC, in considering the locations of such meetings, should take all possible steps to ensure the freedom of all bona fide chemists from throughout the world to attend irrespective of race, religion, or political philosophy. IUPAC sponsor- ship implies that entry visas will be granted to all bona fide chemists provided application is made not less than three months in advance. If a visa is not granted one month before the meeting, the IUPAC Secretariat should be notified without delay by the applicant. How to Apply for IUPAC Sponsorship Conference organizers are invited to complete an Application for IUPAC Sponsorship (AIS) preferably 2 years and at least 12 months before the confer- ence. Further information on granting sponsorship is included in the AIS and is available upon request from the IUPAC Secretariat or online. www.iupac.org 611 July 2014 Solid State Chemistry Trencianske Teplice, Slovakia 11th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry Prof. Milan Drbik, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Dbravsk Cesta 9, SK-845, 36 Bratislava, Slovakia, Email: [email protected], www.ssc2014.sav.sk 1318 July 2014 Chemistry Education Toronto, Canada 23rd International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE-23) Prof. Judith C. Po, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada, E-mail: [email protected], www.icce2014.org 1318 July 2014 Photochemistry Bordeaux, France XXVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry Dr. Dario M. Bassani, Universit de Bordeaux, ISM, UMR 5255, 351, Cours de la Libration, F-33400 Talence, France, E-mail: [email protected], www.photoiupac2014.fr 1318 July 2014 Organometallic Chemistry Sapporo, Japan XXVIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC 2014) Prof. Munetaka Akita, Hokkaido University, Catalysis Research Centre, Sapporo 060-0811, Japan. Tel.: +81 117 069 149, E-mail: [email protected], www.ec-pro.co.jp/icomc2014 2125 July 2014 Solubility Phenomena Karlsruhe, Germany 16th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena and Related Equilibrium Processes (ISSP-16) Prof. Marcus Altmaier, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Nuclear Waste Disposal, Hermann von Helmholtz Platz, 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, Email: [email protected] 1014 August 2014 Pesticide Chemistry San Francisco, California, USA 13th International Congress on Pesticide Chemistry Dr. Kenneth D. Racke, Dow Agrosciences, 9330 Zionsville Road Building 308/2E, Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA E-mail: [email protected], www.iupac2014.org 1015 August 2014 Physical Organic Chemistry Ottawa, Canada 22nd International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry Paul M. Mayer (Local Organizing Committee) E-mail: [email protected], http://events.science.uottawa.ca/icpoc22/welcome.html 1721 August 2014 Green Chemistry Durban, South Africa 5th International Conference on Green Chemistry Prof. Liliana Mammino, Department of Chemistry, University of Venda, P/Bag X5050, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa, Email: [email protected], www.saci.co.za/greenchem2014 See more online at www.iupac.org/home/conferences 38 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Bookworm Analogue-based Drug Discovery III, 24(1) Fragments of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes, reviewed by Markus Etzkorn, 25(3) Lexicon of Chemical Terminology, reviewed by Nicole Moreau, 26(3) Macromolecular Complexes, 25(1) Macromolecular Symposia, 23(5) and 28(6) Materials for a Sustainable Future, reviewed by Michael Droescher, 24(2) Practical Studies for Medicinal ChemistryAn Integrating Approach for Developing Countries, reviewed by Paul Erhardt, 21(5) Solubility Data Series, 28(6) Conference Call Advanced Polymeric Materials by Byung-Wook Jo and Michael Hess, 32(4) Australasian Polymer by Sbastian Perrier, 30(1) Chemical Thermodynamics by Watson Loh and Ron Weir, 30(2) Environmental and Development Conference in Kenya by Joseph O. Lalah, John Unsworth, Paul Njiru, and Hesbon Nyagowa, 26(5) Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences by Jan Reedijk, 35(2) Flow Chemistry and Microreactor Technology by Lisa McElwee-White, 37(2) Green Chemistry by Ekaterina Lokteva, 37(2) Green ChemistryExchanging Experiences by Arlene G. Corra and Vnia G. Zuin, 32(2) Heteroatom Chemistry by Yoshiyuki Mizuhata and Norihiro Tokitoh, 36(2) Human Errors and Out-of-Specification Test Results by Ilya Kuselman and Ales Fajgelj, 30(3) Kathmandu Symposia on Advanced Materials by Rameshwar Adhikari and Michael Hess, 33(2) Looking at Information from a New Perspective by Bonnie Lawlor, 28(4) Macromolecules & Materials, 30(6) Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine by Mara H. Torre, 32(5) Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy as a Probe of Polymer Surface Structure by Dennis K. Hore, 32(6) Novel Materials and their Synthesis by Anning Zhou, Min Zhang, and Yuping Wu, 31(2) On the New Definition of the Mole by Roberto Marquardt, 29(6) Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2012 Travel Highlights by Mary Garson, 29(5) Photochemistry by Silvia E. Braslavsky, 29(1) Physical Organic Chemistry by Niklaas Buurma, 29(3) Plant Protection Chemistry in China and the Asian Pacific Region by Wenlin Chen, John Unsworth, and He Xiongkui, 27(5) Polymer Spectroscopy by Daniela Illnerova, 31(6) Role of Chemistry Research in National Development by Subramaniam Sotheeswaran, 26(1) Science for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development by Javier Garcia Martinez, 31(4) ScienceA Bridge to Peace by Stanley Langer, 36(2) Solubility Phenomena by Dewen Zeng, 32(3) Stimulating Reflection and Catalyzing Change in Chemistry Education by Morton Z. Hoffman, 27(1) WMFmeetsIUPAC by Hans van Egmond and Rudolf Krska, 28(2) Features A Look Back at Ernest Solvay: Archetype of the Inventor- Entrepreneur by Nicolas Coupain; The Solvay Chemistry Council and the International Institute of Chemistry by Brigitte van Tiggelen, 4(6) A Short History of Chemical Education in Turkey by Emre Dlen, 11(5) Celebrating Paul Sabatier: The Independent Chemist by Armand Lattes, 6(5) Chemistry Education Research in Turkey by Mustafa Sozbilir, 12(2) DNA: From Structure to SynthesisChemical Synthesis of DNA, RNA, and their Analogues by Marvin Caruthers, 8(2) DNA: From Structure to SynthesisThe Importance of Chemical Synthesis by Krishna N. Ganesh, 7(2) Federacin Latinoamericana de Asociaciones Qumicas by Olga Lock, 6(3) Green Chemistry in Japan by Takashi Ushikubo, 9(4) Green Technologies from Biomass by Ruijun Gu and Mohini Sain, 12(1) IOCD: Chemical Sciences in Development by Stephen Matlin, 8(1) IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI)Current Status and Future Development in Relation to IUPAC Activities by Andrey Yerin, Alan McNaught, and Stephen Heller, 12(6) IUPAC, OPCW, and the Chemical Weapons Convention by Leiv K. Sydnes, 4(4) IUPACs Legacy Preserved in the CHF Archives by Patrick H. Shea, 15(1) Lost in Nomenclature Translation by Bernardo Herold, 12(3) Neglected Tropical Diseases in Latin America by Antonio Monge and C. Robin Ganellin, 2(3) On the Realm of Virtual Colloquium by Robert E. Belford and Fabienne Meyers, 2(5) Special Outlook on Nanotechnology by Ana Mara Osorio Anaya, 8(3) The eValuate Module: International Training in Pesticide Ecological Risk Assessment by Ronald Parker, 12(4) The Future of the Book by Peter Atkins, 3(2) The Global Young Academy: Providing a Voice for Young Scientists in the Sustainability Debate by Michael Sutherland and Javier Garcia-Martinez, 4(1) Using Green Chemistry in Teaching: A Brazilian Case Study by Renan Bertolin, Milena Avancini, Andria Matos, and Vnia Gomes Zuin, 10(3) page(issue) Index for 2013 39 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Section head cont NEW From the Editor 10 Years and Counting . . . (1) Anticipating the Istanbul GA (4) Drawing Chemical Structures (2) Exploring Virtual Colloquium (5) Heartfelt Congratulations to OPCW (6) May Celebrations (3) Internet Connection The ACS International Center: The New Way to Discover International Opportunities, 27(4) IUPAC Wire 2013 International Chemistry Olympiad, 18(6) 2014 IUPAC-SOLVAY International Award for Young Chemists Announced, 16(6) 2014 IUPAC-ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry, 13(5) Advancing Graduate Education, 18(3) Chemical World Tour, 17(2) CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green ChemistryCall for Nominations, 16(6) DSM Materials Sciences Award 2014, 17(6) Election of IUPAC Officers and Bureau Members, 15(2), 18(4) For Better Impact in Africa, 14(5) Franzosini Award to Julia Schmitt, 15(5) From Macro2012 to Macro2014, 20(4) Green Chemistry for Life, 19(4) ICSU Consults on Open Access, 22(4) In Memoriam: Anders J. Thor, 19(3) InChI Call for Supporters, 19(1) International Call for Proposals in Sustainable Chemistry, 16(1) IUPAC 2013 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical EngineeringCall for Nominations, 16(2) IUPAC International Award in Crop Protection Chemistry, 18(3) IUPAC PChem Visits University of Tokyo, 20(1) IUPAC Selects De Gruyter as Partner, 19(6) IUPAC-Richter PrizeCall for Nominations, 13(5) More Collaborations on the Horizon, 16(1) Naofumi Koga Recognized as 2012 Emeritus Fellow, 18(1) Nepal Joins IUPAC, 17(3) New Interactive Tools Demystify Science, 18(1) New President and CEO at Chemical Heritage Foundation, 14(5) Physical Chemistry Cartoon Student Competition 2013, 16(2), and Prize Winners, 16(5) Polymer InternationalIUPAC Award, 21(4) Recipients of the IUPAC 2013 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering Awards, 19(4) Research IntegrityThe Montreal Statement, 21(4) Scientific Editor for Pure and Applied Chemistry, 17(3) Standard Atomic Weights Revised, 17(6) ThiemeIUPAC Prize 2014 Call for Nominations, 21(4) Winners of 2013 IUPAC Prizes for Young Chemists, 18(4) Your FormulaFresh Ideas for a Sustainable Future, 18(3) Making an imPACt Assessment of Theoretical Methods for the Study of Hydrogen Abstraction Kinetics of Global Warming Gas Species, 23(6) Atomic Weights of the Elements 2011, 24(4) Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Secondary Organic Aerosols, 20(5) Definition of the Halogen Bond, 20(5) Definitions of Terms Relating to Mass Spectrometry, 20(5) Electroanalytical Chemistry for the Analysis of Solids 22(3) Evaluation of Measurement Data: The Role of Measurement Uncertainty in Conformity Assessment, 22(2) Fluorescence Anisotropy Measurements in Solution, 22(3) Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, 24(4) Glossary of Terms Relating to Thermal and Thermomechanical Properties of Polymers, 24(4) Glossary of Terms Used in Medicinal Chemistry, 23(6) Impact of Scientific Developments on the Chemical Weapons Convention, 22(3) JCAMP-DX for Circular Dichroism Spectra, 22(1) Methods of Measurement and Evaluation of Natural Antioxidant Capacity/Activity, 22(3) Rules for Abbreviation of Protecting Groups, 23(3) Terminology and Nomenclature for Macromolecular Rotaxanes and Pseudorotaxanes, 22(1) Terminology for Aggregation and Self-Assembly in Polymer Science, 23(3) Terminology of MetalOrganic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers, 23(6) Mark Your Calendar Listing of IUPAC-sponsored Conferences and Symposia, 34(1), 34(2), 36(3), 36(4), 35(5), 36(6) Nomenclature Notes Deciphering and Constructing Names, 24(1) Drawing Chemical Structures, 26(2) Organometallic Nomenclature, 27(3) Polymer Nomenclature, 25(4) The Special Case of Boron Hydrides, 24(5) Use of Abbreviations, Enclosing Marks, and Line-breaks, 24(6) Officers Columns Increasing the Value of IUPAC Activities by Kazuyuki Tatsumi, 2(1) IUPAC Should Make Itself Known by Nicole Moreau, 2(6) Lets Meet in Istanbul by Mehmet Mahramanlioglu, 2(2) Vice Presidents Critical Assessment by Mark Cesa, 2(4) Provisional Recommendations Abbreviations of Polymer Names and Guidelines for Abbreviating Polymer Names, 21(2) and 24(3) Definition of the Transfer Coefficient, 23(1) and 21(2) Definitions of Terms Relating to Individual Macromolecules, Macromolecular Assemblies, Polymer Solutions, and Amorphous Bulk Polymers, 24(3) Glossary of Terms used in Computational Drug Design, 40 CHEMISTRY International November-December 2013 Index for 2013 Part II, 21(2) and 24(3) Glossary of Terms Used in Medicinal Chemistry Part II, 23(1) and 21(2) Nomenclature of Flavonoids, 22(6) Terminology of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers, 23(1) and 21(2) Vocabulary for Nominal Properties and Nominal Examinations, 23(1) Pull-Out/Tear-Off IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements, version 1 May 2013, supplement (4) Stamps International Heparin: the Mighty Carbohydrate, 14(1) Just one Word: Plastics, 12(5) Latin American Heroes of Chemistry, 16(3) Vauquelins 250, 20(2) Welcome Home, Flerovium!, 26(4) Weve Come a Long Way from Soda Ash, Baby! 4(6) The Project Place A Global Framework for Implementing Consistent Ecological Risk Assessment for Pesticides for Sustainable Agriculture, 20(6) CCE Projects in Latin America, 20(3) Description of Materials on the Nanoscale, 23(4) Evaluated Kinetic Data for Atmospheric Chemistry, 21(6) Future Energy, 17(5) Guidelines for Multinational Calls for Research Cooperation and Funding through National Funding Agencies, 19(2) Harmonized Ecological Risk Assessment Framework for Nano-Pesticides in the Environment, 18(2) InChI Videos Launched, 21(3) IUPAC Safety Training ProgramIstanbul Workshop, 23(4) Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, 21(6) Recommendations for Isotopic Data in Geosciences, 18(5) Toward Higher Quality Chemistry Teacher In-Service Training in Croatia, 19(2) UNESCO/IUPAC Postgraduate Course in Polymer Science, 19(5) Volumetric Properties: Liquids, Solutions, and Vapors, 18(2) Up For Discussion Naming Superheavy Halogen and Noble Elements, by Brett F. Thornton and Shawn C. Burdette, 26(6) Where 2B & Y Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting, 35 April 2013, Bled, Slovenia, 32(1) Biorefinery, 812 September 2013, Olsztyn, Poland, 34(4) CalixarenesExploration and Discovery, 1417 July 2013, St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 37(2) Chem for Young Scientists, 2728 February 2014, Blankenberge, Belgium, 33(5) Chemical Education and Research for Industrial Development, 3-4 April 2014, Colombo Sri Lanka, 34(6) Chemical Reactions: Chemistry and Global History, 1012 April 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 35(3) Chemical Schemas, Taxonomies, and Ontologies, 1620 March 2014, Dallas ACS meeting, 33(6) Cheminformatics OLCC: An International Intercollegiate Online Course, September 2014, 35(6) Heterocyclic and Synthetic Chemistry, 36 March 2013, Gainesville, Florida, USA, 32(1) Host-Microbe Interactions, 1620 November 2013, Marrakech, Morocco, 34(5) Materials and Chemistry from Bench to Brand and Back, 2228 July 2013, Manchester, UK, 38(2) Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, 1113 March 2013, Punta del Este, Uruguay, 32(1) MicroREaction Technology, 2325 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary, 34(6) Modern Physical Chemistry for Advanced Materials 26 30 June 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 35(6) Modern Physical Chemistry for Advanced Materials, 2630 June 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 35(4) Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems, 26 June 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia, 34(5) Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, 2527 July 2013, Pingtung, Taiwan, 34(3) Niger 2013, 1620 September 2013, Minna, Nigeria, 34(4) Philosophy of Chemistry, 31 July3 August 2013 Montevideo, Uruguay, 38(2) Photobiology, 812 September 2014, Crdoba, Argentina, 34(3) Planetary Systems and the Future of Space Astronomy, 1115 November 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, 34(3) Planetary Systems, 1115 November 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, 35(4) Polymer-Solvent Complexes and Intercalates, 2225 September 2014, Salerno, Italy, 34(5) Radiochemistry, 2227 September 2013, Kanazawa, Japan, 34(4) Science for Poverty Eradication, 2426 February 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 32(1) Sensing Change, 1 July 20132 May 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 33(6) Smarter TeachingBetter Learning, 35 July 2013, Limerick, Ireland Trans Mediterranean Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2730 November 2013, Rabat, Morocco, 33(5) I U P A C MISSION IUPAC is a non-governmental organization of member countries that encompassesmore than 85% of the world schemical sciences and industries. IUPAC addressesinternational issuesin the chemical sciences utilizing expert volunteers from its member countries. IUPAC provides leadership, facilitation, and encouragement of chemistry and promotes the norms, values, standards, and ethics of science and the free exchange of scientific information. Scientists have unimpeded access to IUPAC activities and reports. In fulfilling this mission, IUPAC effectively contributes to the worldwide under- standing and application of the chemical sciences, to the betterment of the human condition. President: Kazuyuki Tatsumi (Japan)
Vice President: M ark C. Cesa (USA)
Past President: Nicole J. M oreau (France)
Secretary General: Ren Deplanque (G ermany)
Treasurer: John Corish (Ireland) Asociacin Q umica Argentina (Argentina) Australian Academyof Science (Australia) sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austria) Bangladesh Chemical Society(Bangladesh) The Royal Academiesfor the Sciencesand Artsof Belgium (Belgium) Brazilian Chemical Society(Brazil) Bulgarian Academyof Sciences(Bulgaria) National Research Council of Canada (Canada) Sociedad Chilena de Q umica (Chile) Chinese Chemical Society(China) Chemical Societylocated in Taipei (China) Croatian Chemical Society(Croatia) Sociedad Cubana de Q umica (Cuba) Pancyprian Union of Chemists(Cyprus) Czech National Committee for Chemistry(Czech Republic) Det Kongelige Danske VidenskabernesSelskab (Denmark) National Committee for IUPAC (Egypt) Chemical Societyof Ethiopia (Ethiopia) Finnish Chemical Society(Finland) Comit National Franaisde la Chimie (France) Deutscher Zentralausschussfr Chemie (Germany) Association of G reek Chemists(Greece) Hungarian Academyof Sciences(Hungary) Indian National Science Academy(India) Royal Irish Academy (Ireland) Israel Academyof Sciencesand Humanities(Israel) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy) Caribbean Academyof Sciences Jamaica Chapter (Jamaica) Science Council of Japan (Japan) Jordanian Chemical Society(Jordan) Korean Chemical Society(Korea) Kuwait Chemical Society(Kuwait) FondsNational de la Recherche (Luxembourg) Institut Kimia M alaysia (Malaysia) Academyof Sciencesof M ozambique (Mozambique) Nepal Polymer Institute (Nepal) Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (Netherlands) Royal Societyof New Zealand (New Zealand) Chemical Societyof Nigeria (Nigeria) Norsk Kjemisk Selskap (Norway) Chemical Societyof Pakistan (Pakistan) Polska Akademia Nauk (Poland) Sociedade Portuguesa de Q umica (Portugal) Colegio de Q umicosde Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) Russian Academyof Sciences(Russia) Serbian Chemical Society(Serbia) Slovak Chemical Society(Slovakia) Slovenian Chemical Society(Slovenia) National Research Foundation (South Africa) M inisterio de Educacin yCiencia (Spain) Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Svenska Nationalkommittn fr Kemi (Sweden) SwissAcademyof Sciences(Switzerland) Tanzania Chemical Society(Tanzania) M inistryof Science and Technology(Thailand) Socit Chimique de Tunisie (Tunisia) Trkiye Kimya Dernegi (Turkey) National Academyof Sciencesof Ukraine (Ukraine) Royal Societyof Chemistry(United Kingdom) National Academyof Sciences(USA) Programa de Desarrollo de CienciasBsicas(Uruguay) NATIONAL ADHERING ORGANIZATIONS INTERNATIO NAL UNIO N O F PURE AND APPLIED CHEM ISTRY ADVANCING THE WORLDWIDE ROLE OF CHEMISTRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF MANKIND 150 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF CHEMISTRY
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