Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter
Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter
Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter
March 2019
Air pollution is one of the leading causes of the deterioration of the Earth's ozone layer and is also
detrimental to life on the planet. This involves the release of pollutants in the air that come from
vehicles, factories, and burning of fossil fuels. One of the leading causes of air pollution is the
increase in the number of vehicles especially since they are used for transportation which is vital
for humans.
The researchers have then decided to construct a device that can help lessen the amount of
pollutants coming from vehicles. They have developed an exhaust filter that can be used on
tricycles. This exhaust filter may benefit the consumers and also the environment because it will
help decrease the amount of pollution from vehicles and the number of respiratory diseases. The
exhaust filter is made from a mixture of powdered eggshells and activated carbon powder which
has been proven to have water filtering properties. This mixture is then put together by a
cornstarch binder and is then turned into pellets, which are put inside a tin can and are placed in a
pipe which will them be placed in the tricycle's exhaust pipe. There are different proportions used
in testing the product. The different proportions were tested in a smoke emission center in terms
of mass, color, and filterability.
The results of the testing involve a significant decrease of the pollutants coming from the exhaust
pipe which proves that the device and the pellets are effective. The results show that there is no
significant change in the mass and the color of the pellets used. In terms of filterability, the
proportion with the best results was the one with equal parts of eggshells and activated carbon. In
conclusion, the researchers' claim and findings support each other which make the research
The researchers would like to acknowledge and thank the following persons for their
contribution in making the research paper possible and to the completion of this research paper:
First, the researchers would like to thank all the teachers in Naga City Science High
School who partake during the making of this research: Ma’am Alicia Naag for being the
research adviser who guided the researchers to decide and end up with a suitable and useful topic
and for supervising not only for the improvements of the research but also for advising what
things to do or prioritize first, Ma’am Jesusa San Agustin who is asked for a consultation about a
specific matter about the research topic, Ma’am Catherine Ramos who analyzed the initial
research topics that were conceptualized by the researchers, Sir Raphael Acabado who was also
consulted about the initial topics, and all the teachers who took part in the title defense, oral
defense, and final defense who reviewed the researchers’ research paper and made suggestions.
And especially to Ma’am Sonia Teran, the researchers’ school principal, who permitted the
request letters and for the research paper to happen.
Next, the researchers would like to thank all the parents who partake in completing this
research paper. The researchers would like to thank the researchers’ parents for their support both
physically and financially just to accomplish their goals in research especially the following
persons: Mr. Rony Rodriguez for helping in the completion of the design of the device for this
research paper, for its actual completion, and for helping in making the essential materials for the
device to work, Mr. Jennis Reblando for helping the researchers in measuring the ingredients
needed for the pellets, and Mrs. Gemma Foronda and Mr. Vladimir Foronda for letting the
researchers have an overnight to do the things that are needed in the completion of the whole
Then, to Mr. Manuel Buenaflor for letting the researchers have the test with Mr. Buenaflor's
tricycle. To Mr. Raphael Villaro for helping in the conducting of the test. The researchers would
like to gratefully thank Ma’am Rhea San Buenaventura for teaching the researchers the possible
things to do for the device to have an optimal results and explaining the basics about how the
essential substance in the specific material of the whole device works, what to do best with it and
how to test it for the best and accurate results. They would also like to acknowledge Ms. Ruvelyn
R. Martinez LPT, MBM for proofreading the researchers’ paper. And lastly, to God for guiding
the researchers all the way from nothingness to the completion of this research paper.
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………iii
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………..iv
List of Figures………………………………………………………………….v
List of Appendices……………………………………………………………. vi
Statistical Treatment…………………………………………………………...9
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…………………………………………………… 11
CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………………..35
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Results on the amount of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide with the varying proportions
of eggshells……………………………………………………………………. 11
Table 1.2 Proportion vs HC & CO…………………………………………………………11
Table 1.3 HC With Device vs Without Device…………………………………………… 12
Table 1.4 CO With Device vs Without Device…………………………………………….13
Table 1.5 Average of Results for three trials for HC with and without device and their average
Table 1.6 Average of Results for three trials for CO with and without device and their average
Table 2 Result of changes on the physical properties of the pellets for each proportion...15
Table 3.1 ANOVA: Proportions vs HC & CO……………………………………………..15
Table 3.2 ANOVA: HC With Device vs Without Device…………………………………16
Table 3.3 ANOVA: CO With Device vs Without Device………………………………….16
List of Figures
Figure 1. Whole View of the Eggshell- Activated Carbon Filter Pellets for Tricycle Exhaust……7
Figure 2. Inside View of the Eggshell- Activated Carbon Filter Pellets for Tricycle Exhaust……8
Figure 3. Average amount of CO and HC in each proportion………………………………..12
Figure 4. Average amount of HC between with device and without……………………………..12
Figure 5. Average amount of CO between with device and without ……………………………13
List of Appendices
Appendix A Documentation…………………………………………………………………20
Appendix B Letter……………………………………………………………………………30
Appendix C Data……………………………………………………………………………..31
Appendix D Computations……………………………………………………………………32
There is already an increasing rate of air pollution in the present times. According to World
Health Organization(2016), it has grown 8% globally in the past five years. Air pollution refers to the
release of pollutants into the air that are detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole.
Burning of fossil fuels releases gases and chemicals into the air. It causes numerous deaths due to
respiratory problems caused by air pollution (Walke J., et al., 2016).
Eggshell is the hard, outer covering of an egg. It consists mostly of calcium carbonate, which
is a common form of calcium and rest is made up of protein and other minerals. Calcium carbonate is
the most common form of calcium in nature, making up seashells, coral reefs and limestone. It is
proven that it can be use as a carbon dioxide adsorbant. Eggshells are accessible to the public and are
often thrown away after the egg is obtained. The eggshells will be used in the filter to adsorb the
pollutants on the vehicle (“Anatomy of an Egg”,n.d.).
While the activated charcoal is a fine black powder made from bone char, coconut shells,
peat, petroleum coke, coal, olive pits or sawdust (Petre, 2017). It is a charcoal that has been
treated to increase it adsorptive power. It is commonly used for filtering purposes. The charcoal's
porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged
molecules, such as toxins and gases. With the properties of the crushed eggshells and activated
charcoal, pellets will be made as the filter to absorb the carbon and hydrocarbon of the vehicle.
With the alarming issue on air pollution in the Philippines, the researchers decided to address
the problem by making a tricycle exhaust filter pellets with the eggshells as the main ingredient and
activated charcoal powder as a secondary ingredient. It will reduce the amount of hydrocarbon and
carbon monoxide emitted by the tricycle.
The study aimed to make an Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter Pellets for Tricycle Exhaust.
Specifically, it answered the following questions:
1. What are the changes of the Tricycle Exhaust Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter Pellets in
the following physical properties:
a. Mass
b. Color
2. Which proportion of Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter Pellets could filter hydrocarbon
and carbon monoxide at optimum from a tricycle exhaust filter?
3. What is the significant difference between the amount of carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbon emitted by the tricycle exhaust when using the filter pellets and when not?
4. What is the significant difference between the filtered carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon
of each proportion of the filter pellets from the tricycle exhaust filter?
The Public. The output of this study will benefit the public because the filter will minimize
the pollution which makes the air cleaner and safer for the public. It will prevent them from having
complications and diseases caused by air pollutants.
The Businessmen. This study can benefit the businessmen if they choose on investing on this
product which will make the tricycles more environment friendly.
The Drivers. This study can benefit the drivers because their vehicles will be more
environment friendly because the filter will minimize the pollution output. It will prevent them from
having respiratory diseases resulting to a more productive citizen.
The Future Researchers. This study will benefit the future researchers as basis on what to
improve in this filter if they decide to pursue this kind of study.
The study was focused on developing a filter made from a variety of proportion of powdered
eggshell and activated carbon that will be tested in tricycle to measure its effectivity and its optimum
filterability. This type of device will let the users, specifically the tricycle drivers, to use a more
efficient filter in their vehicle. The researchers used powdered air-dried eggshells from chicken.
The following variables will be constant: place of drying, way of drying, eggshells without
membrane, duration of drying, temperature of the environment, design of product, size of powdered
eggshell, amount of binder, and the size and number of pellets. The testing will only be focused in
unleaded gasoline and no other factors of the tricycle will be accounted. The study was conducted
within the S/Y 2018-2019 at the Naga City.
The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for clarity and better
understand of the study.
Eggshell-Activated Carbon Filter Pellets is the hard-circular object that will be inside the
device to adsorb the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon. It is approximately half an inch and made
from a mixture of crushed eggshells, activated carbon, and cornstarch paste.
Rubber Cap is a circular rubber custom-made to fit the shape of the device. It will serve as a
partial stopper with a small hole in the middle wherein the emission analyzer will fit and go inside.
Probe is a part of the emission analyzer that will collect data from the vehicle by being
placed in the exhaust pipe.
Recycled Tin Cans will serve as the place where the crushed eggshells and activated
charcoal will be put.
Cylinder will be a stainless pipe where the metal clamp is attached at the end of it and the
other end will be attached to the cylinder of the exhaust pipe of the trycicle.
Metal Gauze is the one attached to the metal ring to form the metal clamp. It is the base
where the crushed eggshells and activated charcoal will be put.
Adjustable Clamp will serve as a support in attaching the body of the device to any size of
an exhaust pipe exceeding three inches and below six inches.
This section is a presentation of related literature and studies, which were influential to
the research consideration. Their statements, findings, and conclusions indicate relevance to the
The study titled Mussels as an Exhaust Filter aimed to make a filter that cleans tricycle
exhaust made from crushed mussels. The process of making this filter is simple. A metal cylinder
containing crushed mussel shells wrapped in gauze is placed to the exhaust. The study was made
through experimental methods.
The major findings were: the mussels could be used as an exhaust filter. Its components are
effective in adsorbing the polluted air that are being emitted by the tricycles. This will not just help in
reducing pollution in the environment but also to make the mussel shells be useful (Allanigue, E.,
Another study by Paul O. Hain (n.d.) from Hamilton, Ohio, in United States titled
Automotive exhaust system using filter containing calcium carbonate coating aimed to reduce
proportion of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and higher oxides after incomplete
combustion and catalytic oxidation. A paper-filter coated with calcium carbonate coating is integrated
into the exhaust filter system of the automotive vehicle. It will serve as a simple treatment of the
exhaust gases, and can be an after-treatment of the exhaust gases following catalytic oxidation, or as a
primary treatment of the exhaust gases in the absence of catalytic oxidation. The study was made
through experimental methods.
The major claims were: the filter in the exhaust system is effective in reducing the acidic
gases in the exhaust. It results to the formation of ash which flakes off from the lower part of the roll
while the gases pass upwardly through it. The coated paper then can fall away from the filter where it
is initially contacted by the exhaust gases.
This section presents the research method used in this study. 4
Research Method
Experimental method was used in this study. It is defined as a procedure which involves the
manipulation of the variables that will be used in the study.
The researchers considered the principles of mechanical engineering in the process of
developing the device. It involves the mechanism of exhaust pipes and filters on vehicles,
specifically, tricycle.
This study is concerned with the developing of a tricycle exhaust filter from eggshells.
The researchers tested it through comparisons of the amount of pollutant in the released smoke of
the tricycle. The measurements of the materials and ingredients varied accordingly. Since this
study includes the action of different variables, experimental method was used. Through
manipulating the quantitative and qualitative entries and analysis of the variables, conclusive
results were produced.
The following were the materials used:
● 144 g Crushed and dried eggshells
● 144 g Activated carbon powder
● Mortar and pestle
● Aluminum
● 5 Recycled tin cans
● 2 Screws 2 nuts
● 2 Washers 6 Aluminum bolts
● Adjustable clamp Rubber cap
● Saucepan Cornstarch paste (cornstarch and water)
Drilling machine
Chicken wire
The following are the procedures done:
The making of the device was divided into three parts that will be joined together. For the
cylinder part, the chicken wire was used to shape the aluminum and was assembled into a
cylinder with a length of 8.5 inches and a diameter of three inches. Then, a drilling machine was
used to drill two holes perpendicularly two inches from one end, 4.5 inches apart. Another two
holes were drilled opposite of the first two holes. For the part that will attach the cylinder to the
other end, a piece of aluminum was shaped into an upper-half funnel shape with a diameter of
three inches on one end and four inches on the other. The part of the device that will attach to the
exhaust was made by shaping and welding a one-inch ring with a four-inch diameter made of
aluminum and bolting 3 custom-shaped (refer to figure 1) aluminum strips around the ring,
equally. The three parts were assembled together and an adjustable clamp was attached to the
aluminum strips. Next, the chicken wire was cut into a circle, with the diameter of 2.10 inches.
Screws with a length of 3.5 inches and nuts were also bought. Recycled tin cans were also
collected, they were cleaned before use. To finish the assembly of the device, several steps were
made. First a screw was put into the first hole in the cylinder and locked it with a nut. Then, one
side of the tin can was covered with chicken wire, and was put inside the cylinder. Once inside
the cylinder, the other chicken wire was put to the other side of the can as its cover. Then, the
screw was put to the other hole and was locked with the nut. Through these screws, the tin can
with the chicken wire as a cover on the sides was held in place. Next, the pellets that will be put
inside were made.
The cornstarch powder and water were measured so that they have an equal amount. In
this case, the measurement is ½ cup. After that, they were put in a saucepan to heat. They were
mixed continuously under low heat until the mixture became smooth and thick.
First, the eggshells were washed then dried under the sun for 40 minutes under the
temperature of 31 degrees Celsius. After that, the dried eggshells were powdered with the use of
mortar and pestle. They were filtered through a sifter to ensure that they are all pulverized. After
that is to measure the eggshells and activated carbon needed for each proportion. There are five
proportions, 100%(0.5 g), 75%(0.375g), 50%(0.25g), 25%(0.125g), and 0%(0g). Both the
eggshells and activated charcoal were measured by these. For example, in 75%, there will be
0.375g of powdered eggshells with 0.125g of activated carbon. After the eggshells and activated
charcoal were measured, they were mixed with cornstarch paste and then dried so that the mixture
will bind together. One half tablespoon of cornstarch was used for each pellet. For each
proportion, there was a total of 115 pellets.
Once the pellets are now inside the device and the device is already assembled, the
adjustable clamp was used to hold it in place once attached to the tricycle exhaust pipe.
For every proportion, the tricycle was rested for 10 minutes and turned on for another 10
minutes. An engine revolution happened seven minutes after the tricycle turned on and will
continue running for two minutes and 45 seconds after. A rubber cap with a diameter of
approximately three diameters with a hole enough for the probe to enter was used to close the
other end of the device to help in testing. The testing for each proportion included three trials.
The probe was then inserted into the hole and the testing for each trial lasted for four minutes,
two without the device and another two with the device and the cycle continued until all
proportions were tested.
Figure 1. Whole View of the Eggshell- Activated Carbon Filter Pellets for Tricycle Exhaust
Figure 2. Inside View of the Eggshell- Activated Carbon Filter Pellets for Tricycle Exhaust
Statistical Treatment
The f-test, two way classification and ANOVA table was used to compute the necessary 8
result needed by the statement of the problems. This is the table where the data was based:
Table 1. Results on the amount of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide with the varying
proportions of eggshells
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
HC(%) CO(%) HC(%) CO(%) HC(%) CO(%)
Table 2. Average of Results for three trials for HC with and without device
Proportion With Device Without Device
Table 3. Average of Results for three trials for CO with and without device 9
Proportion With Device Without Device
The following table is the basis used for physical properties of the pellets. The mass of the pellets
was measured before and after the testing. The color of the pellets was observed.
Table 4. Changes on the physical properties of the pellets for each proportions
Trials Mass Color
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
a. Data results
b. Hypothesis Testing
a. Data Results
The data gathered by the researchers are presented in this section. The data presented are
the average of the results for three trials for the five different proportions both with and without
a.1. Results on the amount of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide with the varying proportions of
Table 1.1
Proportion Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
100 85 1.17 78 1.24 79 1.31
Table 1.2
Proportion vs HC & CO
100 75 50 25 0
HC 80.67 71 79 144.33 52.33
CO 1.24 1.31 1.22 1.38 1.17
Proportion vs HC & CO
80.67 79
80 71
60 52.33
1.24 1.31 1.22 1.38 1.17
100 75 50 25 0
150 144.33
80.67 79
100 75 50 25 0
100 75 50 25 0
75 71 192.33 121.33
50 79 226 147.00
The result shows that the best proportion in filtering hydrocarbon is the 50%, followed
with the 75% and the 100% respectively. This means that the eggshells and activated carbon
worked well together and were successful in reducing the amount of hydrocarbon.
a.6. Average of Results for three trials for CO with and without device and their average
Table 1.6
Proportion With Device Without Device Average
The result shows that the best proportion in filtering hydrocarbon is the 50%, followed
with the 75% and the 0% respectively. This means that the eggshells and activated carbon worked
well together and were successful in reducing the amount of hydrocarbon.
a.7. Result of changes on the physical properties of the pellets for each proportion
Table 2 14
Some of the mass of the pellets did not change while some decreased. There were no
changes in the color of the pellets.
b. Hypothesis Testing
As the title suggests, the researchers aimed to minimize the pollution with the use of
eggshell activated carbon filter pellets. As the data results were gathered, the occurrence of many
variables, the ANOVA technique was used. The results obtained are presented further.
b.1. Proportions vs HC & CO
Table 3.1
ANOVA: Proportions vs HC & CO
Sum of df Mean Square F cal F tab
SSR 17,724.94 1 17,724.94 29.20 7.71
The calculated F value for the HC is 29.20 and is greater than the tabular F value which is
7.71. Since F cal > F tab, the null hypothesis was rejected at 5% level of significance. As for the
calculated F value for CO, 0.11 < 6.39 which is the tabular F value, which means that the null
hypothesis was accepted at 5% level of significance.
Table 3.2
ANOVA: HC With Device vs Without Device 15
Sum of df Mean Square F cal F tab
SSR 31,847.96 1 31,847.96 17.56 7.71
Total 40,195.81 9
The calculated F value with the device is 17.56 and is greater than 7.71 which is the
tabular F value. Since F cal > F tab, the null hypothesis was rejected at 5% level of significance.
For the calculated F value without the device which is 6.64 and the tabular F value is 6.39. Since
6.64 > 6.39, the null hypothesis was rejected at 5% level of significance.
Table 3.3
ANOVA: CO With Device vs Without Device
Sum of df Mean Square F cal F tab
SSR 9.76 1 9.76 19.52 7.71
Total 10.20 9
The calculated F value with the device is 19.52 and is greater than 7.71 which is the
tabular F value. Since F cal > F tab, the null hypothesis was rejected at 5% level of significance.
For the calculated F value without the device which is 0.83 and the tabular F value is 6.39. Since
0.83 < 6.39, the null hypothesis was accepted at 5% level of significance.
Thus, all hypothesis were tested and the results were clearly stated here. Further, the next
chapter gives the conclusion and a detailed explanation about the findings of this research.
Based on the results and discussion, the eggshell-activated carbon tricycle exhaust filter 16
is proven to be effective. This has been proven in terms of the mass, color, and filterability. After
the testing, there was a decrease in the mass of some proportions but they have been considered
insignificant. In terms of the color, there was no change in the color of the pellets, which means
that they have not been burnt inside the exhaust pipe. As for the filterability, the best proportion
for filtering the hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide is the 50% proportion which is equal parts of
eggshell and carbon. There is also a significant difference between the filtered pollutants with the
device and without the device which also supports the claim that the pellets are effective for
lessening the amount of pollutants. In comparing the filtered hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide,
the results show that there is a significant difference between the proportions in terms of filtering
the hydrocarbon while there is no significant differences between the five proportions in filtering
the carbon monoxide.
Further research would need to be conducted to improve the study of the researchers.
This research study focuses on making a filter made from different proportion of powdered
eggshells and activated carbon that will be tested in tricycle only and test its effectivity as filter of
HC and CO. For future researchers, it is highly recommended to try the study to other types of
vehicles and focus on a specific type of gasoline which is diesel. The design of the device can be
improved to make it more user-friendly. Other kinds of egg can be used to conduct the study. It is
also relevant to further study about the longevity of the pellets and other ways that can be adapted
to make the pellets more efficient.
Charcoal Air Purifier, Charcoal Filter, Chemical Air Purifier. (2012). Retrieved from
air- purifier/
Vehicles are the top contributor to air pollution in the Philippines. (2016). Retrieved
Image 4: Testing the effectivity of the eggshell
Image 7: Drying of the eggshells
Image 10: Making of the cornstarch paste
Image 13: Measuring the weight of each pellet for activated carbon
Image 16: The device was made by the tinsmith
Image 18: Part of the device with the clamp that will be attach to
the exhaust of the tricycle and the rubber at the end
Image 19: Preparing the materials for the device
Image 20: Rubber that will be use for the testing of the device
(moist after the testing)
Image 22: Pellets inside the exhaust filter
Image 25: Testing of the effectivity of the eggshells and activated
carbon pellets
Image 26: Final Testing with the tricycle driver and employee of
the emission center
Image 1: Testing data for the proportion of 25%, 50% and 75%
Image 2: Testing data for the proportion 100% and 0% eggshells
Table 1: Average of the gathered results for the three trials for the
five proportion both with and without device
Table 3: Average of results for three trials for CO with and without
Table 6: Hypothesis Testing for CO with device using ANOVA
Adrian V. Reblando
16 years old
6th St. Jolly Neighbors, Sta.
Cruz, Naga City
October 28, 2002
[email protected]
Junnah Marie A. Marco
16 years old
Blk 8 Lot 1 & 2 Wellville Homes
Subd., San Felipe Naga City
August 22, 2002
[email protected]
Ivy C. Mejaro
17 years old
San Miguel, Bula, Camarines Sur
August 28, 2001
[email protected]
Yvonne F. Rodriguez
16 years old
Blk, 38 Lot 4 & 5 Kaki St., Villa
Karangahan San Felipe, Naga City
August 11, 2002
[email protected]