The 66 Books of The Bible

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of the
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
The 66 Books of the Bible
Norman Owen
First published 1997
Reprinted 1998, 2002, 2007
ISBN 9780851891408
Printed by The Cromwell Press
Trowbridge, Wiltshire, UK
HE Bible speaks with supreme authority. Every part is from God. All its writers were
directly inspired by Him. So the sixty-six books form one powerful, consistent message
from Heaven!
Many threads interweave to form this Book of inestimable beauty and worth. Nothing can
compare with the Divine pattern in this priceless treasure. The Bible is perfect and complete;
nothing can surpass it.
The Bible carries conviction. It is true to life, honest about our human nature. Not one of its
historical records has ever been proved wrong. Its amazing prophecies are still coming true.
Its message for the world and for individuals remains the only bright light in a darkening age.
Read it in humilityit will bring you hope and ultimate joy!
Bible Versions
Most quotations from the Scriptures are from the Authorised (King James) Version, but occasionally the
wording of the Revised Version is followed; or the text of the Revised Standard Version (RSV), New
International Version (NIV) or New King James Version (NKJV) is used.
HE chapters of this book first appeared as articles in the magazine Glad Tidings and it
was the initiative of the editor of that magazine which led to the work being offered for
publication in book form. The material lent itself ideally to the format of the Study Guide
series; and readers who have enjoyed the Study Guides will find this new addition to the
seriesalongside the Scriptures themselvesa valuable aid to Bible exploration. The rather
larger format has made it possible to amplify the original articles, while extra pages have
been added to introduce each new section of the Bible.
The publishers express warm thanks to the following whose illustrations have been
incorporated: Phyllis Vincent (sheaf of corn, page 12); Paul Harrison (David and Goliath,
page 13); Stanley Owen (sketches on page 31, taken from his Song of Solomon Study
Guide); Paul Wasson (several sketches and all the maps) and Angela Willis (a number of
line drawings and charts). Other drawings are the authors, or are taken from non-copyright
sources. For the chronology of the Judges we are indebted to Maurice Beale.
The book is commended to all in the trust that the work of God Himself, the Divine Author
of the inspired Scriptures, will be acknowledged as a result of the reading of these pages.
Preface v
Acknowledgements vi
How we got our Bible viii
Divisions of the Bible 1
Map: Old Testament Times 2
History Section
Introduction to the History Section 4
1 Genesis 5
2 Exodus 6
3 Leviticus 7
4 Numbers 8
5 Deuteronomy 9
6 Joshua 10
7 Judges 11
8 Ruth 12
9 1 Samuel 13
10 2 Samuel 14
11 1 Kings 15
12 2 Kings 16
13 1 Chronicles 17
14 2 Chronicles 18
15 Ezra 19
16 Nehemiah 20
17 Esther 21
Time Chart: Old Testament Events 23
Family Tree: From Adam to Jesus 24
Poetry Section
Introduction to the Poetry Section 26
18 Job 27
19 Psalms 28
20 Proverbs 29
21 Ecclesiastes 30
22 Song of Solomon 31
Prophecy Section
Time Chart: Kings and Prophets 34
23 Isaiah 35
24 Jeremiah 36
25 Lamentations 37
26 Ezekiel 38
27 Daniel 39
28 Hosea 40
29 Joel 41
30 Amos 42
31 Obadiah 43
32 Jonah 44
33 Micah 45
34 Nahum 46
35 Habakkuk 47
36 Zephaniah 48
37 Haggai 49
38 Zechariah 50
39 Malachi 51
Between Old and New Testaments 53
Map: World between the Testaments 54
New Testament History Section
Introduction to the Gospels 56
40 Matthew 57
41 Mark 58
42 Luke 59
43 John 60
44 Acts of the Apostles 61
Map: Roman Provinces 62
Letters Section
Introduction to the Letters Section 64
45 Romans 65
46 1 Corinthians 66
47 2 Corinthians 67
48 Galatians 68
49 Ephesians 69
50 Philippians 70
51 Colossians 71
52 1 Thessalonians 72
53 2 Thessalonians 73
54 1 Timothy 74
55 2 Timothy 75
56 Titus 76
57 Philemon 77
58 Hebrews 78
59 James 79
60 1 Peter 80
61 2 Peter 81
62 1 John 82
63 2 John 83
64 3 John 84
65 Jude 85
Some New Testament People 86
Final Prophecy Section
Introduction to the
Final Prophecy 88
66 The Revelation 89
Summary of Bible Teaching 90
Index 91
Further Reading 96
In 1947 some
very ancient Hebrew
scrolls were found in
the caves of
near the
Dead Sea
Wycliffe (1382)
Tyndale (1525)
The Great Bible (1539)
Geneva Bible (1560)
Authorised (King James) Version (1611)
Revised Version (1885)
Revised Standard Version (1952)
New English Bible (1970)
New International Version (1978)
New King James Version (1982)
The opening verses of Genesis The opening verses of Matthew
Foreign Language Bibles
a total of over 2,000 languages
No prophecy of Scripture is of any
private interpretation, for prophecy
never came by the will of man, but
holy men of God spoke as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20)
God inspired
Old Testament
God inspired
New Testament
Every year more than 20 million Bibles in the English language are printed
The English Bible
Papyrus manuscript of 2 Corinthians 1:1-8
Hebrew Old Testament Greek New Testament
66 Great Books from GodAll Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16)
THE BIBLE is really one book, whose
author is the Lord God. The Good Book,
as it has been called, is Gods Guide Book
to Lifefor all to read. Without it, we shall
wander aimlessly through life, to the grave.
With it, we can know what God has in store
for the earth, and how we can share in His
glorious purpose, centred in the Lord Jesus
Christ. The twin themes of both Old and
New Testaments (see Acts 8:12) are:
The Kingdom of God
Jesus Christ
Old Testament
History 1 Genesis
2 Exodus
3 Leviticus
4 Numbers
5 Deuteronomy
6 Joshua
7 Judges
8 Ruth
9 1 Samuel
10 2 Samuel
11 1 Kings
12 2 Kings
13 1 Chronicles
14 2 Chronicles
15 Ezra
16 Nehemiah
17 Esther
Poetry 18 Job
19 Psalms
20 Proverbs
21 Ecclesiastes
22 Song of Solomon
Prophecy 23 Isaiah
24 Jeremiah
25 Lamentations
26 Ezekiel
27 Daniel
28 Hosea
29 Joel
30 Amos
31 Obadiah
32 Jonah
33 Micah
34 Nahum
35 Habakkuk
36 Zephaniah
37 Haggai
38 Zechariah
39 Malachi
New Testament
Gospels 40 Matthew
and Acts 41 Mark
42 Luke
43 John
44 Acts of
the Apostles
Letters 45 Romans
46 1 Corinthians
47 2 Corinthians
48 Galatians
49 Ephesians
50 Philippians
51 Colossians
52 1 Thessalonians
53 2 Thessalonians
54 1 Timothy
55 2 Timothy
56 Titus
57 Philemon
58 Hebrews
59 James
60 1 Peter
61 2 Peter
62 1 John
63 2 John
64 3 John
65 Jude
Prophecy 66 Revelation
Every part of the Bible matters.
The wonderful links between
these 66 Books become
apparent when you read from al l
sections of Gods Word, humbly and
Map of
Some of the pl aces and
peopl es associ ated wi th the
hi story of Israel and God s
For the following, see maps on
the pages indicated:
The Migration
of Abraham 5
The Exodus 6
The Conquest
of Canaan 10
The Judges 11
The Reign of David 14
The Ministry of Elijah 15
The Rebuilding
of Jerusalem 20
The Persian Empire 21
(Other maps speci fi c to the
prophets are featured on pages
38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48)
He made known his ways unto Moses,
His acts unto the children of Israel.
(Psalm 103:7)
Books 1-17
Introduction to the
6, 7, 8
15, 16, 17
2, 3, 4, 5
A history of Gods dealings with early man,
His promises to Abraham and His work with
Israel, the people He brought out from Egypt
A history of the Kings and Prophets in Gods Kingdom,
from the ti me of Samuel unti l the overthrow of
Jerusalem and the captivity of the Jews in Babylon
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Contents No. Book
Cain Abel SETH
SHEM Ham Japheth
Ishmael ISAAC
Reuben Levi Judah Joseph
Manasseh Ephraim
In the beginning God created the heaven
and the earth (1:1). The opening words of
the Bible teach that God is the Creator of
the universe, which He made with a plan
and a purpose.
A Book of Beginnings
The beginning of life on earth (chs 1-2)
The origin of sin and death and the
promise of a Saviour (ch 3)
The Flood: a new beginning with Noahs
family, saved in the ark (chs 6-10)
Babel: the origin of languages and races
of mankind (ch 11)
The beginnings of Israel (chs 12-32)
God called Abraham and his family to
leave Ur, in Mesopotamia, to migrate to
a land that I will show thee (12:1)
Canaan, the future land of promise. Lot,
his nephew, settled near Sodom and
Gomorrah, and had to be rescued when
those evil cities were destroyed.
Gods Promises through Abraham
God promised Abraham: (a) a seed
(Jesus Chri st)Isaac was a chi l d of
promise in the short term, but the seed
promised to Abraham (22:17; Galatians
3:16) was Christ; (b) a nationGods
people, in the first place Israel (17:7-8),
but extended to those who are in Christ
(Galatians 3:29); (c) inheritance of the
promised land of Israel by the faithful;
(d) blessings for all nationsIn thee shall
all families of the earth be blessed (12:3).
Abrahams faith was tested when God
asked him to slay Isaac. He had the knife
poised but his hand was stayed, and in a
figure Abraham received his son back from
the dead (Hebrews 11:17-19). The promis-
es were repeated to Isaac (26:3) and Jacob
(28:13), whose name was changed to
Israel. Jacob had twelve sons, heads of the
twelve tribes of Israel.
Jacobs sons sell Joseph into Egypt as a
slave, but he is promoted to be Pharaohs
prime minister! Jacob and his family join
Joseph in Egypt, but Jacob (47:30) and
Joseph (50:24,25) both ask to be buried in
the promised land of Israel.
The name Genesis means birth or beginning. In this book we learn
about very important beginnings in Gods plan for the Earth.
Abrahams Journeys
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Genesis 2:7 a) 1 Corinthians 15:45
b) Genesis 2:24 b) Matthew 19:4,5
c) Genesis 13:15 c) Galatians 3:16-29
d) Genesis 15:7 d) Acts 7:5
A Way Out
The word Exodus means a going out.
The fi rst part of the Book of Exodus
contains the record of how God made a
way out for His people Israel. He chose
Moses to be their leader. Then, after ten
mighty plagues against Egypt and its
gods, and other miracles such as the
drying up of the sea to let them cross, He
took them out of the slavery of Egypt, to
go to the Promised Land. The rest of the
Book of Exodus records their journeyings
in the Sinai desert.
Great Events
Among the great mi racul ous events
recorded in Exodus are:
1. The Burning Bushch 3
2. The 10 Plagueschs 7-12
3. The Passoverchs 12-13
4. Crossing the Red Seachs 13-15
5. Bread from Heavench 16
6. Water from the Rockch 17
7. Israel at Mount Sinaich 19
8. The giving of the Law (including the
ten commandments)chs 20-31
9. Incident of the Golden Calfch 32
10. Making and erecting the Tabernacle,
where Gods glory came to dwell
(see plan)chs 25-40
The Wilderness Wanderings
The record of how the Israelites were saved out of Egypt, led through
the Sinai Desert for 40 years and brought to the borders of Canaan.
The Ark
The Veil
Table of
Altar of
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Exodus 19:6 a) 1 Peter 2:9
b) Exodus 28:29 b) Hebrews 2:17
c) Exodus 34:33-35 c) 2 Corinthians
Nile turned to
Cattle Plague
Directed Against
Hapi, Khnum,
Osiris (gods of the
Hathor (cow god-
dess), Mnevis and
Apis (sacred bulls)
Ra, Aten, Atmu
(sun gods)
The Tabernacle (Exodus 32-40)
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Leviticus 10:3 a) Isaiah 52:11;
1 Peter 1:15,16
b) Leviticus 17:11 b) Hebrews 9:22
c) Leviticus 23:39,40 c) Hosea 12:9;
Zechariah 14:16
Aaron (of the tribe of Levi) was Israels
first High Priest. His sons and descen-
dants continued the priesthood over the
next eight centuries. Though the Levitical
priesthood failed, through disobedience,
God would later provide a better priest-
hood: Jesus Christ (of the tribe of Judah)
i s the onl y pri est today, a medi ator
between God and men (1 Timothy 2:5).
Christ and the Offerings
Jesus Christ perfectly fulfilled all that was
intended in the various offerings. His total
dedication and sinlessness made him the
perfect offering for those who look in faith
to God for atonement (see Hebrews 10).
Gods laws given to Israel at Sinai: details of the sacrifices and the
personal and collective life of holiness required of Israel.
Offering Ref. Meaning
BURNT ch 1 Giving self to God
MEAL ch 2 Thanks to God
PEACE ch 3 Peace with God
SIN ch 4 Sinful nature
TRESPASS ch 5 Personal sins
ATONEMENT ch 16 National cleansing
1 APR Passover Death of
3 JUN Firstfruits Christ and
(start of his followers
6 SEP Trumpets Return of
7 OCT Atonement Repentance
of Israel
8 NOV Tabernacles Kingdom Age
10 JAN
11 FEB
12 MAR
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Numbers 14:21 a) Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14
b) Numbers 21:8-9 b) John 3:14-15; 2 Corinthians 5:21
c) Numbers 24:17 c) Genesis 49:10; Psalm 110:2
The Book of Numbers i s so cal l ed
because i t records two censuses or
numberings of the Israelites:
1 At Sinai1:1-3
2 Near to Canaanch 26
Forty Long Years
The 12 spies sent to reconnoitre in the
Promised Land (ch 13) reported that the
Canaanite cities were highly fortified and
their armies powerful. Presented with this
news, Israel lost faith in Gods promise to
give them the Land.
So for another 38 years they had to
wander in the deserts. Their journeyings,
especially during the final years, are
related in chs 21-36. All the generation
which left Egypt (from 20 years old and
upwards) died in the desert, except some
of the faithful Levites, and Joshua and
Caleb, the only two spies who showed
faith in God.
Chapter Summary
1st Census ch 1
The Camp ch 2
Levites ch 4
Nazarites ch 6
Princes ch 8
Order of marching ch 10
Taberah ch 11
Miriams revolt ch 12
Spies report ch 13
Korahs revolt ch 16
Water from the rock ch 20
Fiery Serpents ch 21
Balaams prophecies chs 22-24
2nd Census ch 26
Various laws and feasts chs 28-30
List of journeys chs 33-34
Incidents in the wilderness, following Israels faithless failure, which
prevented their entry into the Promised Land.


Numbers (ch 1) according to Tribe
(Men over 20 and excluding Levi)
Reuben ......46,500 Ephraim........40,500
Simeon .......59,300 Manasseh.....32,200
Gad.............45,650 Benjamin ......35,400
Judah..........74,600 Dan...............62,700
Issachar ......54,400 Asher ............41,500
Zebulun.......57,400 Naphtali ........53,400
Total 603,550
3 2


1 2 3 4
The 12 tribes (4 standards) encamped around
the Tabernacle and its priesthood, during the
wilderness journeyings (Numbers 2). For expla-
nation of the standards, see page 58 (Mark)
A New Generation
Forty years had passed si nce God
brought Israel out from Egypt by a series
of great miracles. He had since wonderful-
ly provided for them during their wander-
ings in the Sinai peninsula.
In Deuteronomy (which means repeat-
ing the Law) we read how God reminded
the new generation of His acts as they
now stood near the borders of the
Promised Land. God pleads with them to
be more faithful than their fathers had
Remember the Days of Old
Chs 1-10 contain a review of what God
had already done for His people, from
Egypt onwards. They were exhorted to
learn from the lessons of the past. We too
should learn that these things are written
for our eternal benefit (see Romans 15:4).
In the Mind
In later years, Jews sometimes wore little
boxes containing Scripture texts on parch-
ment, called phylacteries, which they fas-
tened on their foreheads or arms. What
really matters, is to have the Word of God
i n our mi nds (see Deuteronomy 6:6;
Matthew 23:5; Hebrews 8:10).
Remember Gods Word
There is an emphasis in Deuteronomy on
the need to remember (see 4:9; 6:12;
8:2,11,18; 9:7; 11:18; 32:7).
Jesus remembered Gods Word; it was
deeply impressed on his mind. Thus he
was strengthened against the temptations
which arose from within. When, in the
wilderness, three such temptations came
(Matthew 4:1-10), they were qui ckl y
rebuffed with words from Gods Bookall
three were met with quotations remem-
bered from Deuteronomy (8:3; 6:16;
10:20)! In the same way Gods Word in
our minds can help us overcome tempta-
A new generation of Israelites, journeying in the wilderness, had Gods
laws repeated to them as they neared the borders of the Promised Land.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Deuteronomy 4:2 a) Proverbs 30:6
Revelation 22:
b) Deuteronomy 6:4 b) 1 Corinthians 8:6
1 Timothy 2:5
c) Deuteronomy 18:18 c) Acts 3:22,23;
The JewsGods Chosen People
The LORD did not set his love upon
you, nor choose you, because ye were
more in number than any people; for ye
were the fewest of all people: but
because the LORD loved you, and
because he would keep the oath which
he had sworn unto your fathers, hath
the LORD brought you out with a
mighty hand, and redeemed you out of
the house of bondmen, from the hand of
Pharaoh king of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 7:7,8
The Lords Servant
Joshua had been a captain of Israels
army (Exodus 17:9,10) and a personal
servant to Moses (Exodus 24:13). After
the death of Moses, God chose Joshua
to lead His people into the Promised
Land. Now, as Gods servant, he must be
strong and very courageous (1:1-9).
Preparing the Way
Two spi es were sent ahead to the
Canaanite fortress of Jericho (ch 2). Then,
by a miracle, the River Jordanwhich
was in floodwas parted so that the
Israelites could cross over (ch 3).
On the West Bank, Israel encamped
at Gi l gal whi ch became a temporary
headquarters during the campaigns which
followed. The Passover was kept (ch 5)
and the people prepared for battle.
Early Conquests
The overthrow of Jericho by Divine power
(ch 6) was followed by the conquest of Ai
(ch 8), cities in the South (ch 10) and
cities in the North (ch 11) (see campaign
routes on map).
After 7 years the occupation of the
Land was complete. The 12 tribes were
given their portions and the Levites and
Priests were allotted 48 cities throughout
the country. Six cities of refuge were
appointed to which those who had acci-
dentally committed manslaughter could
flee (ch 20; see Numbers 35:9-34).
Joshua and Jesus
Joshua was a poi nter to Jesus. The
two names are virtually the same and
mean God saves. As Joshua, with Gods
help, conquered the enemy, so Jesus
conquered sin.
The Divine record of the conquest of Canaan under Joshua, and the
subsequent division of the Land among the twelve tribes of Israel.
Campaign Routes taken by Joshua
(Cities of Refuge in colour)
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Joshua 1:6 a) Genesis 15:18-21;
b) Joshua 2:1; b) Hebrews 11:31;
6:17-23 James 2:25
c) Joshua 18:1 c) Jeremiah 7:12;
Acts 7:45
No King in Israel
The Book of Judges covers the period
from the death of Joshua to the time of
Samuel (see chart and Acts 13:20).
During this time Israel often failed to
look to God as their Rulerhence the
repeated comment: In those days there
was no king in Israel (18:1; 19:1; 21:25).
The Judges
Many times during this period surrounding
nations were able to invade Israel (see
map). However, from time to time, God
gave Israel deliverersthe judgeswho,
with His help, overcame those enemies
and ruled Gods people.
Jesus the Judge
When reading this book, it is profitable to
look for comparisons with Jesus Christ
the One sent by God to save His people
from sin and death, who will come again
to Israel as Judge, Deliverer and King
(see Interesting Links below).
A history of the period during which God saved the largely disobedient
Israel from surrounding nations, by the hand of certain tribal leaders
called judges
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Judges 5:12 a) Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:8
b) Judges 8:23 b) John 6:15
c) Judges 11:27 c) Genesis 18:25; Matthew 25:34; Acts 17:30,31
(some dates are uncertain)
1011 David
1023 Saul
1044 Samson (chs 13-16)
1447 Exodus
1407 Conquest/Joshua
1346 Othniel (ch 3)
1288 Ehud (ch 3)
1260 Deborah/Barak (chs 4,5)
1213 Gideon (chs 6-8)
1173 Abimelech
1170 Tola (ch 10)
1147 Jair (ch 10)
1107 Jephthah (ch 11)
1101 Ibzon (ch 12)
1094 Elon (ch 12)
1084 Abdon (ch 12)
1064 Eli
Shamgar (ch 3)
(approx. 1,000 years)
(mother of JESUS CHRIST)
Time of the Judges
The events in this lovely little book, only
four chapters long, took place in the time
of the Judges (see Ruth 1:1); it forms a
link between the days when there was no
king in Israel (Judges 21:25) and the time
of King David, who sat on the throne of
the LORD, in Jerusalem.
The story starts in Moab: Naomi and
her husband Elimelech had moved there,
seeking relief from the famine in Judea.
Elimelech died in Moab; their two sons
also died, leaving Naomi with her daugh-
ters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. Orpah chose
to stay in Moab, butwhen the famine
was overRuth accompani ed Naomi
back to Judea. Ruth the Moabi tess
learned from Naomi about the God of
Israel, in whom she came to trust (2:12).
In Bethlehem, Naomis home town, an
elderly relation, Boaz, showed kindness to
them both. Eventually he married Ruth
and the happy result was the birth of a
son, Obed, who was the grandfather of
King David. Some 1,000 years later, Mary
the mother of Jesus was born of this
family line (see family tree).
Gods Harvest
Ruth came to Bethlehem (the house of
bread!) at the time of barley harvest. At
fi rst she was al l owed to gl ean corn
dropped in the field which belonged to
Boaz. Later she was invited to share the
meals he provided for his servants.
God i s prepari ng a peopl e for Hi s
comi ng Ki ngdom, where
believers from all down
the ages wi l l eat and
dri nk wi th Jesus, the
first-fruits of that final
harvest! (Luke 22:30;
1 Corinthians 15:23).
The record of the Moabitess who turned to Israels God, married Boaz of
Bethlehem and became an ancestor of Jesus Christ!
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Ruth 1:6 a) Exodus 4:31; Luke 1:68
b) Ruth 2:12 b) Psalm 17:8; Matthew 23:37
c) Ruth 4:17-22 c) Matthew 1:3-6; Luke 1:30-32; 3:31-33
The Family Tree of Boaz and Ruth
Events at the time of Samuel the prophet: the reign of King Saul over Israel;
Gods choice of David to be the King of His people, instead of Saul.
David and Goliath
In the days of Eli, Hannaha Godly but
chi l dl ess womanprays for a son.
Samuel is born and she devotes him to
the Lords service. Samuels life is then
spent restoring Israels worshipand
being a Kingmaker.
Perhaps the best known event in this
book is in ch17. With asingle stone from his
sling, David the shepherd-boy defeated
the great Philistine champion, Goliath.
This showed God was on Davids side.
Jesus and the Gentiles
This incident is a remarkable foretaste of
how Jesus (the Son of David) will over-
throw the kingdoms of men and all Gentile
domination, when he returns to re-estab-
lish Gods Kingdom in Israel (compare the
prophecy of Daniel 2).
Samuel the Prophet (40 years)
The ark (from the Tabernacle) was cap-
tured by the Philistines (ch 4) but later
returned (ch 5).
Israel asked for a king (ch 8), though
their God was their King!
Samuel was told by God to anoint Saul
as king (ch 9).
King Saul (40 years)
Saul disobeyed God (chs 13 & 15), so
God rejected him and told Samuel to
anoint David, a man after Gods own
Saul envied David and often tried to kill
him (chs 18-31).
King David (40 years)
After the death of Saul, David became
king, first in Hebron (7 years), then in
Jerusalem (33 years). (The record contin-
ues into 2 Samuel.)
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Samuel 15:22 a) Micah 6:6-8
b) 1 Samuel 17:49 b) Daniel 2:34,44,45
c) 1 Samuel 18:5, c) Luke 2:52
The LORD seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appear-
ance, but the LORD looketh on the heart
The reign of King David over Gods Kingdom in Israel. Jerusalem is
made capital city. Davids sin and the troubles which followed.
Two Main Sections
This Book has two parts, covering the
period when David was King:
First, after the death of King Saul,
David became King in Hebron (7 years)
and later in Jerusalem (33 years). With
Gods help, surrounding enemy nations
were subdued. David brought back the
ark of God up to Jerusalem (ch 6).
David had built himself a house of
cedar-wood, and wanted to provide a
more permanent resting-place for the ark
of Goda centre for Israels worship to
take the place of the Tabernacle in the
wilderness. Through the prophet Nathan,
God told David that thy seed after thee
shal l bui l d an house for my name
(7:12,13): that was to be Solomon. But the
prophecy was not limited to Solomon.
God promised David that, although he
would not have the privilege of building
Gods house, the LORD will make thee an
house; moreover, speaking of his seed
(offspring or descendant), I will establish
the throne of his kingdom for ever (7:11-
13). This greater Son of David is Jesus
Christ (see Luke 1:32,33; 18:38).
Davids Sin
The second section begins in ch 11 with
Davids great sin in taking Bathsheba, the
wife of Uriah. Bathsheba bore a baby son,
who in spite of Davids prayers, died; but
then Bathsheba bore Solomon, who was
to succeed David.
Although David repented of his sin (see
his plea for Gods mercy and lovingkind-
ness in Psalm 51), and God forgave him,
he suffered thereafter at the hands of his
own family. His son Absalom rebelled,
taking the throne temporarily, and David
had to flee. Later he was able to return to
Jerusalem. Chs 22-23 contain prophecies
of Christs future reign.
Places named in 2 Samuel
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Samuel 7:12 a) Isaiah 9:6;
Luke 1:32,33
b) 2 Samuel 12:13 b) Psalm 32:1;
Acts 2:38
c) 2 Samuel 23:3-5 c) Isaiah 32:1;
Zechariah 9:9
Built in a time of peace, this temple
pointed forward to a future one, when
the Kingdom of God will be restored in
Israel at a time of peace, with Jesus
Christ as King! (Zechariah 6:13).
King Solomon
This great monarch was famed for his
wisdom and wealth. The Queen of Sheba
(southern Arabi a)
pai d a state vi si t
(ch 10). Solomons
ships brought gold
from afar.
The reign of King Solomon (40 years) and the first 85 years of the
divided Kingdom. The spread of idolatry in the North, in spite of the work
of the prophet Elijah.
Ships of Tarshish (1 Kings 10:22)
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Kings 13:18 a) Galatians 1:8
b) 1 Kings 18:21 b) Isaiah 44:6;
John 17:3
c) 1 Kings 22:24 c) Micah 5:1;
Matthew 26:67
Places associated
with the work of
The Kingdom of God
The two Books of Kings record the history
of the Kingdom of God in the past with
its capital, Jerusalem. King David (ch 1)
and Solomon (chs 2-11) ruled a united
ki ngdom, but decay set i n fol l owi ng
Solomons turning to idolatry (ch 11).
The kingdom was divided in the reign
of Solomons son, Rehoboam. Various
wicked kings ruled the Northern section,
whilst descendants of David continued to
rule in Jerusalem.
The Temple of God
The temple built by Solomon (chs 5-8) was
similar in design to the Tabernacle, though
the sizes of the two main rooms were
doubled and the number of lampstands
and washing places (lavers) were now ten.
Elijah the
Elijah (chs 17-22)
was a prophet of
God to the Northern
Ki ngdom (Israel ).
He showed who
was the true God
when, on Mt.
Carmel, and in the
sight of all the false
prophets, he called
on God to send
down fi re from
A record of the divided Kingdom until the overthrow of Israel by Assyria
in 722 BC and of Judah 136 years later, by Babylon.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Kings 5:1-14 a) Mark 16:16;
Acts 22:16
b) 2 Kings 11:12 b) Psalm 2:6;
Zechariah 14:9
c) 2 Kings 20:1 c) Isaiah 38:1,18;
Ecclesiastes 9:5
The Divided Kingdom
Jehoshaphat (3)*
Jehoram (8)
Ahaziah (8)
Queen Athaliah(11)
Joash (12)*
Amaziah (14)
Uzziah (14-15)*
Jotham (15)
Ahaz (16)
Hezekiah (18-20)*
Manasseh (21)
Amon (21)
Josiah (22-23)*
Jehoahaz (23)
Jehoiakim (23)
Jehoiachin (24)
Zedekiah (24-25)
Ahaziah (1)
Joram (3)
Jehu (9-10)
Jehoahaz (10)
Jehoash (13)
Jeroboam II (14)
Zachariah (14)
Shallum (15)
Menahem (15)
Pekahiah (15)
Pekah (15)
Hoshea (17)
722Fall of Samaria
(Chapter nos. in brackets)
Two Kingdoms Topple
Disobedience of Gods Word, and idolatry
in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, resulted
in the downfall of that kingdom in 722 BC.
The Southern Kingdom of Judah, which
had a few better kings (shown by an
asterisk on the chart) was finally over-
thrown by Nebuchadnezzar, Ki ng of
Babylon, in 586 BC. Many of the Jews
were taken into captivity in Babylon.
The Prophet Elisha
After he had seen El i j ah taken away
(ch 2), Elisha became the next great
prophet to Israel. He asked Elijah for a
double portion of thy spirit (v 9), and the
number and nature of the miracles Elisha
performede.g. heal i ng the waters
of a spring (2 Kings 2:19), increasing
the wi dow s oi l (4:1), bri ngi ng the
Shunammites son back to life (4:34),
causing an axe-head to float to the sur-
face (6:1) etc.suggest that God granted
the request. One miracle with a specially
significant spiritual lesson was the cleans-
ing from leprosy of Naaman, the Syrian
commander-in-chief (ch 5). By humbling
himself and being willing to wash in the
waters of the river Jordan, Naaman pre-
figured the act of baptism which Jesus
commanded, which can cleanse a sinner
and give him or her a new life: a burial in
water followed by a resurrection to a new
way of life.
Gods dealings with Judah in the days of David; the mighty men, the
priesthood and servants involved in the praise and worship of God
during Davids reign and in preparation for Solomons reign.
Jerusalem Journals
The Hebrew name for the two Books of
Chronicles means the Acts of the Days.
In the Septuagint, the Chronicles are
referred to by a Greek word which means
the things omittedsuggesting that it
was viewed as a supplement to the other
historical writings. They are journals or
records of event s i n God s anci ent
Kingdom centred in Jerusalem, when
David and subsequent kings sat on the
throne of the Lord.
1 Chronicles commences with several
chapters of geneal ogi esremi ndi ng
Gods people of their ancestry and her-
itage, and particularly of their function as
witnesses to God among the nations.
Later chapters cover the same ground as
the end of 1 Samuel, much of 2 Samuel
and the start of 1 Kings; but this book
emphasies spiritual themes. There is
much in these divinely inspired books
which looks forward to the restoration of
Gods Kingdom in Israel, under Jesus
Christ. Even now, true servants of God
can learn how to worship in the beauty of
holiness (or holy attire), being clad with
the righteousness of Christ through
bel i ef , bapt i sm and obedi ence (see
Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:24).
Preparations for the Temple
David himself was not allowed to build a
temple for God: God said unto me, Thou
shalt not build a house for my name,
because thou hast been a man of war
(28:3). David did, however, prepare the
materials needed to build the temple, and
prayed t hat God woul d gi ve unt o
Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep
thy commandments and to build the
palace (temple), for the which I have
made provision (29:19).
So David died, full of days, riches,
and honour: and Sol omon hi s son
reigned in his stead (29:28).
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Chronicles a) Psalm 96:9-10;
16:29 Psalm 110:3
b) 1 Chronicles b) Isaiah 9:6,7;
17:11-14 Luke1:32-33
c) 1 Chronicles c) 2 Chronicles 13:8;
28:5; 29:23 Acts 1:6
The wings of the cherubim in the Most
Holy Place were fully outstretched
symbolic of the world-wide worship of
the future age (2 Chronicles 3:11-13;
Zechariah 14:9)
Cymbals (see 16:5)
A silver trumpet as used by the priests
(see 15:24; 16:6)
The Nation Needs God
The Second Book of Chronicles, which
parallels much of 1 & 2 Kings, continues
the theme of the First Book, showing how
the Jews found their greatest blessings
when they worshipped God truly and tried
to obey His laws.
Instances are highlighted in which the
religious zeal of the king, or the people,
resulted in victories and in a period of
peace, whereas wickedness led only to
defeat and trouble. By such means God
sought to teach His nation (see, for exam-
ple, 20:22; 26:5; 30:9).
The Temple
The early chapters provide details of the
small but perfect Temple, built to Divine
plans, which was erected in the reign of
Sol omon and l asted 430 yearsthe
period covered by 2 Chronicles.
When it was first built, the Temple was
temporarily filled with the glory of God
(7:1-3). This remarkable event pointed
forward to the future Kingdom of God,
when his glory will fill the whole earth
(Numbers 14:21). When there is glory to
God then, too, there will be peace on
earth (Luke 2:14).
The reigns of Solomon, and of the later kings in Judah, emphasise the
blessings received when the Jews gave glory to God and were faithful.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Chronicles a) Ezekiel 43:4,5;
7:1-2 Isaiah 11:9
b) 2 Chronicles b) Exodus 14:13;
20:17 Psalm 46:10
c) 2 Chronicles c) Jeremiah 25:3,4;
36:16 Matthew 23:34-39
Solomons Temple
King Years Type See 2 Chronicles
Rehoboam 17 Bad 12:1-2
Abijah 3 GOOD 13:10-12
Asa 41 GOOD 15:15-17
Jehoshaphat 25 GOOD 17:3-6
Jehoram 8 Bad 21:12-15
Ahaziah 1 Bad 22:2-7
Q. Athaliah 6 Bad 23:12-15
Joash 40 GOOD 24:8-10
Amaziah 29 Bad 25:14-16
Uzziah 52 GOOD 26:3-15
Jotham 16 Bad 27:2-6
Ahaz 16 Bad 28:1-5
Hezekiah 29 GOOD 31:20-21
Manasseh 55 Bad 33:9-11
Amon 2 Bad 33:21-24
Josiah 31 GOOD 34:1-7
Jehoahaz 3m Bad 36:1-3
Jehoiakim 11 Bad 36:5-6
Jehoiachin 3m Bad 36:9-10
Zedekiah 11 Bad 36:11-17
Blessed be the LORD thy God, which de-
lighted in thee, to set thee on his throne,
to be king for the LORD thy God (words
of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, 9:8)
Kings of the
Medes and Persians
The Cylinder of Cyrus
The Persian monarch, Cyrus I, recorded
his exploits on a clay cylinder, now in the
British Museum. The inscriptions on it
include his decree made in 536 BC, which
allowed the Jews who were in exile in
Babylonia and Persia to return to Israel.
Thi s ful fi l l ed God s promi se, made
through the prophet Jeremiah, that the
Jews would be able to come back from
Babylon after 70 years of captivity (see
Jeremiah 29:10).
Enemies of Israel
A small number of Jews returned under
the initial decree of Cyrus (ch 2). These
were led by Zerubbabel (a prince of the
royal tribe of Judah) and Joshua (the High
Adversaries interfered with the rebuild-
ing of the Temple (ch 4) having cunningly
obtained a decree from the new Persian
king, Smerdis (Artaxerxes, ch 4:7), for-
bidding the Jewish activities.
However, Gods prophets Haggai and
Zechari ah encouraged the Jews to
resume the work, and the next Persian
king, Darius I, supported them (chs 5-6).
Ezra the Scribe
Ezra, a priest and scribe of the Law, led a
second wave of Jews, about 70 years
after the initial return. From ch 7 onwards,
we learn of this and of Ezras efforts to
reform the nation. He taught them the
Word of God and showed them their need
for total separation from the false worship
and ways of the nations round about
them. In ch 9 is recorded his moving
prayer of repentance on behalf of the
people: And now, O our God, what shall
we say after this? for we have forsaken
thy commandments Thou hast punished
us less than our iniquities deserve (9:10-
The return of the Jews from captivity in Babylon, led first by Zerubbabel
and Joshua and later by Ezra the Scribe. The Temple was rebuilt in spite
of opposition from adversaries living in the land.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Ezra 5:1,2 a) Haggai 1:1;
Zechariah 1:1
b) Ezra 5:5 b) Psalm 33:18; 34:15;
1 Peter 3:12
c) Ezra 9:14 c) 2 Corinthians 6:17;
Revelation 18:4
The Cylinder of Cyrus
Cyrus (1:1) Zerubbabel
and Joshua
Haggai and
Cambyses (4:6)
Smerdis (4:7)
Darius I (4:24)
Xerxes I
(Esther 1:1)
Artaxerxes I (7:1)
The Cup Bearer
Nehemiah was a Jewish exile who served
as a cup bearer to the Persian monarch,
Artaxerxes, about 446 BC. Following the
decree of Cyrus in 536 BC some of the
Jews had returned to the land of Israel.
However, adversaries had succeeded in
slowing down the work of restoration.
Now, some 90 years later, the walls of
Jerusalem were in a state of disrepair.
Nehemiah prayed to God about it (1:4).
Sorrow for Jerusalem
Nehemi ah s sorrow for the state of
Jerusalem showed in his face. Artaxerxes
demanded to know the reason for
Nehemiahs fallen countenance. A quick
prayer to God by Nehemiah (2:4) was
immediately answered. Artaxerxes gave
Nehemiah authority to go to Jerusalem
and personally take charge of the rebuild-
ing work.
The wall is finished
Despite further opposition from Arabians,
Ammonites and Ashdodites, and others,
the wall was completed in a mere 52 days
Ezra the scri be had returned to
Jerusalem some 11 years earlier (Ezra 7)
and for a while had been able to instruct
and encourage the Jews in the ways of
God. Now, with Nehemiah as Governor of
the Land, opposition was kept at bay,
though the Jews themselves needed fur-
ther reform.
The Reading of God's Word
The people were helped most when Ezra
and his assistant priests read daily to them
from Gods Word, when they assembled
wi th thei r fami l i es i n the streets of
Jerusalem. They saw the need to change
their ways. All were in need, including
some religious leaderswho were among
the worst offenders (13:29).
Nehemiah, a Jewish cup bearer to the King of Persia, becomes
Governor in Jerusalem and encourages the rebuilding of the city walls,
in the face of opposition.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Nehemiah a) Exodus 20:6;
1:5; 9:32 Daniel 9:4
b) Nehemiah b) Daniel 9:3-23;
1:4; 2:4 Psalm 34:15
c) Nehemiah c) Malachi 2:4,7,11;
13:29 1 Peter 2:5 The Walls and Gates of Jerusalem in the
Days of Nehemiah (see chs 2-3)
A Jewess called
Hadassah (myrtle) (see
Nehemiah 8:15) was
chosen to
be Queen of Persia.
Her name was
changed to Esther (Venus).
Christs royal Bride is
being prepared for
him now (see
Revelation 19:8)
The World Empire of Persia
The Persian Empire spread over much of
the civilised world and consisted of 127
provinces from India to Ethiopia (1:1).
Many Jews were still scattered throughout
the Empire (4:3; 8:9,17) during the time of
Esther and King Xerxes (485-464 BC).
An attempt to annihilate the Jews was
thwarted by God, who has an on-going
purpose with this nation.
The Conquest of the Enemy
There are three main sections:
King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) rejected Queen
Vashti and chose a new queen, whom he
named Esther. She had been brought up
by Mordecai, her cousin, who was also
Jewish. Haman was a wicked Amalekite, of
a tribe long opposed to Israel and to God
(see Exodus 17:8-16; Numbers 24:20). He
was jealous of Mordecai and planned to
destroy him and all Jews on a date decided
by casting lots (Purim) (3:7,13).
Mordecai persuaded Esther to plead
wi th the Ki ng for her peopl e. So she
began by inviting the King and Haman to
a banquet. At a second banquet she told
the King of Hamans plot to massacre the
Jews. The King commanded that Haman
should be hung on the 50 cubits (75 ft)
high tree which Haman had prepared for
the hanging of Mordecai (5:14; 7:10).
The King then issued a decree permit-
ting all Jews to defend themselves on the
appointed day. This deliverance is com-
memorated by the Jews every year at the
Feast of Purim (9:27,28).
Jesus Conquered Sin
Jesus, too, was hung on a tree (Acts
5:30). He did so as a representative of
sinful mankind. But God raised him from
the dead, so giving hope to those who
believe and follow him (Romans 6:4,22).
A Divine Record of an attempted massacre of the Jews throughout the
Persian Empire. The providential intervention of Esther, a Jewess.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Esther 2:12,17 a) Revelation 19:7,8; Psalm 45:10-17
b) Esther 5:14; 7:10 b) Acts 5:30; 10:39; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24
c) Esther 10:3 c) Genesis 41:40,43; Matthew 27:29; 28:18
The Queens Name
is Changed


Time Chart: Old Testament Events
Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)
JOSEPH and his brothers
THE DIVIDED KINGDOMJudah and Israel (Samaria overthrown 722 BC; Jerusalem overthrown 586 BC)
RETURN FROM EXILE from 536 BCEzra and Nehemiah; Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi










THE PERIOD OF THE PATRIARCHS (with some of their ages)
The Children of Israel in Egypt
MOSES and the ExodusThe Law given at Mt. SinaiJOSHUA and the Conquest of Canaan
SAMUEL THE PROPHETSaul: Israels First King
Family Tree: From Adam to Jesus Christ
Cain Abel SETH Other sons and daughters
SHEM Ham Japheth
Elam Asshur ARPHAXAD Lud Aram
ABRAHAM Nahor Haran
Ishmael ISAAC Other sons Lot
Reuben Simeon Levi JUDAH Dan Naphtali Gad Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin
Seven other sons of Jesse DAVID



Names written in capitals are
the ancestors of Jesus Christ
From NATHAN, one of
Davids sons, descended
MARYmother of
(see Luke 3:23-31)
Praise ye the LORD.
Sing unto the LORD a new song,
And his praise in the assembly of the saints.
(Psalm 149:1)
Books 18-22
Introduction to the
Chapters in the Poetic Books
The Nature of Hebrew Poetry
Hebrew poetry differs from prose mainly in the rhythmic style in which it is written. Its purpose is usually to provide praise, prayer or
instruction which can be sung, or accompanied by music.
Thus lines are repeated, or the ideas put another way, or the opposite is expressed, so as to serve as responses. Clear examples
are to be found in the Psalms in which two groups of singers would be intendedas in Psalm 24:8:
Question put by first group: Who is this King of Glory?
Reply by second group: The LORD strong and mighty
Teaching through Poetry
One of the most important uses to which this poetic style is put in Gods Books is to impress on us important attitudes of mind.
Sometimes by repetition, sometimes by contrast (as in Proverbs) God seeks to underline both His message and what our response
to it should be. The Lord Jesus Christ read the Poetic Books, as well as all the other Old Testament Scriptures, and saw how he
could apply them to his own experience.
A helpful Christadelphian book which deals with the subject of poetry and music in the Bible is
Exploring the Psalms by Mark Vincent
The Problem of Suffering
The setting of the book is the land of Uz,
probably Edom, at the time of the patri-
archs. The theme is the age-old problem
of suffering. God allowed intense suffering
to afflict Joba good man who was well
respected by al l . But Job s fri ends
El i phaz, Bi l dad and Zopharwrongl y
assumed that hi s sufferi ngs were
punishments for hidden sins. Miserable
comforters are ye al l (16:2) i s Job s
assessment of his friends!
A fourth friend, the younger man Elihu,
is introduced in ch 32. He was angry with
Job, because he justified himself rather
than God and against the three friends
because they had found no answer, and
yet had condemned Job.
Gods Answer
But finally, in chs 38-41, we read Gods
answer to the matter. He reminds Job of
his true position before God the Creator.
Job was brought to realise that God is right
and should be trusted. Job confesses his
own unworthiness (even though people
had looked upon him as good). His suffer-
ings helped him to see this point, and he
was eventually richly blessed (42:10).
If suffering brings us to a position of
humility before God, it will prove to be
blessing in disguise (see Isaiah 66:2).
Jobs Satan
The story of Job refers to a satan (a word
meaning adversary). The Bible never
speaks of a supernatural Devi l . Job s
satan was someone to whom God
temporarily gave the power to bring certain
troubles upon Job for his goodsee Job
2:6 and 42:11; in fact, the second of these
verses refers to all the evil that the LORD
had brought upon him.
God, in the end, restores the fortunes of
Job and requires the three friends to offer
sacrifices, for ye have not spoken of me
the thing that is right, as my servant Job
hath (42:7).
The story of the sufferings of Job and the attempted explanation of
these events by his friends. Gods own answer is given.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Job 4:17; 14:10 a) Psalm 146:3-4; Ecclesiastes 9:5; Romans 5:12
b) Job 19:25 b) Zechariah 14:4; Acts 1:11
c) Job 38:31-41 c) Amos 5:8; Acts 14:15; Revelation 14:7
Orion and Pleiades
(See Job 38:31,32)
intended for personal use as well as for
congregational worship.
Christ in the Psalms
The work of Christ was foretold in the
Psalms and indeed in all parts of the Old
Testament (see Luke 24:44). Jesus knew
the Psalms. In effect, they became his
Some Psalms are obviously about him:
Psalms 22; 40; 109; 118
Psalms 16; 91
Psalms 2; 24; 45; 72; 110; 122
Personal Treasure
Over the centuri es fai thful men and
women have deri ved great personal
strength and comfort from the Psalms.
There are chapters suited to almost every
occasion for the true believertimes of
sorrow, danger or joy.
Songs of Praise, Prayer and Prophecy, written by David, Hezekiah and
others. Many are about the promised Messiah, pointing forward to his
suffering, resurrection and future rule.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Psalm 2:8,9 a) Revelation 2:26,27
b Psalm 16:10 b) Acts 2:27, 31
c) Psalm 72:8 c) Zechariah 9:10
The Lyre, Cymbals, Rams Horn, Harp
and Silver Trumpet
Psalm 119 has 22 sections, in each of
which the verses begin with the same
letter of the Hebrew alphabet. But the
Psalm is particularly notable as every
verse refers either to Gods Word, or to
Hi s l aws, commandments, precepts,
statutes, testimonies, and judgements.
I have set the LORD always before
me: because he is at my right hand,
I shall not be moved. (16:8)
Five Main Sections
There are five books of Psalms. Each ends
with words of praise or a final Amen.
The Psalms and Music
The Psalms were originally sung, and
accompanied by musical instruments (a
number of Psalms have instructions to the
musicians in their titles). They were

Go to the ant thou sluggard

Consider her ways and be wise (6:6)
Solomons Request
God appeared to King Solomon and said,
Ask what I shall give thee. Solomon
might have desired wealth and power, but
he made a surprising request: Give me
now wisdom and knowledge for who
can j udge thi s thy peopl e, that i s so
great? (2 Chronicles 1:7-10). And all the
kings of the earth sought the presence of
Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God
had put in his heart (9:23).
The Value of Wisdom
The opening chapters are addressed to
my son (chs 1-9). Sadly, Solomons son
(Rehoboam) failed to heed the Divine
It was God s Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ, who recognised the value of his
Fathers Word.
For us, too, there is nothing in this
world which can compare with this wis-
dom which is from above, to be found
i n the Bi bl ei n al l God s 66 Books,
including this Book of Proverbs.
Advice for Daily Life
A large section of Proverbs (chs 10-24)
contains valuable advice for Gods chil-
dren in their day to day experiences. The
ruin which comes from sloth and the folly
of ignorance are among the warnings
Chs 25-29 contain more proverbs of
Solomon, copied out by King Hezekiahs
men. The writers of Proverbs 30-31 may
have been Arabi an, descended from
Ishmael; or Agur and Lemuel may be
cryptic names for Solomon himself.
Wise sayings, written mainly by King Solomon, under the inspiration of
God. They contain sound advice for all Gods children.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Proverbs 3:15; 4:7 a) 2 Timothy 3:15
b) Proverbs 7:19,20 b) Mark 13:34;
Luke 12:45
c) Proverbs 22:20,21 c) Luke 1:3,4
Have not I
written to thee
excellent things
in counsel and
That I might
make thee know
the certainty of
the words of
Proverbs 22:20,21
And he (Solomon) spake three
thousand proverbs: and his songs
were a thousand and five.
(1 Kings 4:32)
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Ecclesiastes 3:20 a) Genesis 3:19; Romans 5:12
b) Ecclesiastes 7:20 b) Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8
c) Ecclesiastes 12:8 c) Psalm 62:9; 1 Corinthians 15:14,58
The alternative title of this Book is The
Preacher, and the opening verse identi-
fies the writer as the Preacher, the son of
David, king in Jerusalem.
All go unto one place
Ki ng Sol omon s ri ches, wi sdom and
exploits were proverbial. Yet in this Book,
the vanity of all life apart from God is
underlined. Without His Word, and our
response to it, all would be pointless. We
would all end up, like animals, in the dust
of death; for in the grave all life and con-
sciousness ceases (Ecclesiastes 3:19,20;
9:4-6). This is the consistent teaching of
all Scripture, but in Ecclesiastes it is
repeated time after time, unmistakably.
Remember now thy Creator
Ol d age bri ngs i ts probl ems, as the
various parts of the body are affected.
Different parts of the body, as well as
various senses, may be referred to in the
poetic language of ch 12 (see table). The
Divine advice is to remember our Creator
while we have life, vigour and opportunity
(see 12:1).
The Only True Hope
The whole purpose of life is to glorify God
(12:13). There is a day of judgement to
come (v 14). In other parts of His Word,
God offers us hope of eternal life in an
eternal body, fol l owi ng
resurrection and judge-
ment at the return of
Christ. This will enable
us to live for ever on
a renewed and perfect
planet Earth.
This great promise
rests on our belief and
obedience now !
The vanity of life apart from God. Solomon shows that to fear God and
keep His commandments is the only thing that really matters.
A Picture of Mortal Man (ch 12)
Keepers of Arms
the house tremble
Strong men shall Legs
bow themselves
The grinders cease Teeth
Those that look Eyes
out of the windows
Doors shall be shut Mouth?
Rise up at the Light sleeper
voice of a bird
Daughters of Deafness sets in
music brought low
Afraid of that Fear of heights
which is high
The almond tree White hair?
shall blossom
The grasshopper The burden of age
shall drag itself
along (RV margin)
Desire (RV caper- Taste fades
berrya condiment)
shall fail
The silver cord Lamp of life
the golden bowl extinguished
Pitcher broken at Life (the supply of
the fountain the water of life)
wheel broken at fails
the cistern
Dust returns to Death
the earth
Gods Love for Israel
This Song of Songs (see 1:1) has for its
theme the quality of Divine love. This is
illustrated in Gods love for His people,
whom he describes elsewhere as his
Bride (see, for example, Isaiah 54:5,6).
Christs Love for his Bride
The story is woven around the Shulamite,
the shepherd and the ki ng; but al so
involves groups of women, watchmen and
other characters.
The love of the bridegroom for his
bride, and her response, is beautifully
portrayed in this tender allegory, pointing
forward to the love of Christ for his true
followers, and their devotion to him. The
i nti mate rel ati onshi p whi ch wi l l exi st
between them is likened in the Song to
that between the dove and its mate, which
is a lifelong partnership (2:14).
The Marriage Feast
The return of the Bridegroom (i.e. the
return of Christ) will be followed by the
perfecting of the Bride, when faithful
followers of Christ will be made both
sinless and immortal.
Thus the words of 4:7 will be made
true: You are all fair, my love; there is no
flaw in you. The marriage of the Lamb
to his Bride can take place, as foretold
in Revelation 19:6-8. This means they
will be united, both in immortality and in
outlook, with Christ and also with God
Himself (see John 17:21).
The Inheritance
Together, the Bridegroom and the Bride
will inherit the Promised Land: this will
extend to the whole Earth. Paradise will
be restored and all creation will rejoice.
This Book from God depicts His love for Israel, and looks ahead to the
love of Christ for his Bride, to be fully realised when he returns to earth.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Song 1:3,12 a) John 12:3
b) Song 4:7 b) Ephesians 5:25-27
c) Song 5:16 c) Psalm 45:11; Isaiah 33:17; John 1:14
The Turtle Dove
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing,
but he revealeth his secret unto his servants
the prophets. (Amos 3:7)
Books 23-39
Q. Athaliah
Uzziah (Azariah)
Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim,
Jehoiachin, Zedekiah
Jeroboam I
Baasha Omri
Jeroboam II
Zechariah, Shallum
Time Chart of the Kings and Prophets
Kings (and Leaders)
Shalmaneser III
Tiglath-pileser III
Shalmaneser V
Xerxes I (Ahasuerus)
Artaxerxes I
Other Empires and Kings Prophets
Fall of Jerusalem
586 BC
Decree of Cyrus,
allowing return, 536 BC
David (who replaced Saul)
70 years captivity in
(586-516 BC)
The prophets who wrote
books are in bold type
Times shown
are approximate
Fall of Samaria
722 BC
Gods Kingdom
The Book of Isaiah was written during
the reigns of four kings of Judah, against
the background of Assyrian attempts
to overthrow Gods Kingdom centred at
Jerusalem. The early chapters pronounce
doomand hopeon Judah; but the
prophet also has to deliver Gods judge-
ments (burdens) upon nearby nations
(chs 13-23). The prophecy looks forward
to the restoration of the Kingdom, a new
heavens and a new earth (65:17), when
Christ will rule Israel and the world.
The Suffering Servant
Isaiah also prophesied the first coming of
Jesus: he is referred to as Immanuel
(7:14); the Son of God (9:6); the Suffering
Servant (42:1-3; 52:13,14); the Lamb led
to the slaughter (53:7), a Saviour who was
to suffer and die, in order to conquer sin.
The second half of the book (chs 40-66)
opens with the words, Comfort ye, com-
fort ye my people, saith your God and
brings hope of salvation not only to Jews
but also Gentiles (42:6; 60:3 etc.). Ch 53
contains a moving description, written 800
years in advance, of the sufferings of the
Messiaha vivid prophecy of what actual-
ly happened to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The book concludes with descriptions
of the glory of Jerusalem in the kingdom
age (ch 62), and Gods promise of a new
heavens and a new earth (65:17; 66:22).
In this lovely Book, we learn of the holiness of God and of His promise
of a Saviour and King for all nations in the future age when Jerusalem
will be His capital city.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Isaiah 2:3 a) Zechariah 14:17;
Matthew 5:35
b) Isaiah 8:20 b) Luke 16:29
c) Isaiah 53:5 c) Romans 5:6;
1 Peter 2:24
A clay prism (now
in the British Museum)
recording the attempt
by Sennacherib the
Assyrian king to con-
quer Jerusalem (710
BC). Sennacherib failed
for the reasons re-
corded in ch 36
Ashurbanipal the Assyrian
He was despised and rejected of men;
a man of sorrows and acquainted with
grief All we like sheep have gone
astray; we have turned every one to his
own way; and the LORD hath laid on
him the iniquity of us all (53:3-6)
For, behold, I create new heavens and
a new earth: and the former shall not
be remembered, nor come into mind
The wolf and the lamb shall feed
together, and the lion shall eat straw
like the bullock: and dust shall be the
serpents meat. They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain, saith
the LORD. (65:17,25)
The Prophet of Doom
Jeremiah was directly inspired by God,
like all the Old Testament prophets (see
1:9; 20:9). Though at first reluctant to
speak (1:6), he foretold the overthrow of
Judah and surrounding nations.
He called on the Jews not to trust in
Egypt, but to submit to the Babylonians,
since this was for their good!
The Suffering Prophet
For preaching such a message, Jeremiah
was cast into a muddy dungeon and left to
die (38:6). He was rescued and lived to
see some of the events he had predicted.
His experiences pointed forward to the
sufferings of Jesus Christ.
The Prophet of Restoration
Jeremiah prophesied the Jews return from
Babylon after 70 years captivity (25:11,12).
He also foretold their later return after
centuries of scattering and persecution
worldwide (see especially chs 31-33).
The Divine Potter
God speaks of Himself as being like a
potterwith complete control over what
He makes (18:6). He is able to mould His
people into shape, if they will let Him. On
the other hand, he will destroy those who
become so hardened that they cannot be
changed (19:11,15).
Gods Prophecies Fulfilled
After 70 years in Babylon some of the
Jews returned as predicted (see Ezra 1:1;
Daniel 9:2).
In our own era, after centuries of scatter-
ing and persecution worldwide, the Jews
have been returning to the Land of Israel,
as was foretold.
In 1917 the Balfour Declaration promised
Palestine (then under Turkish rule) as a
national homeland for the Jews.
In 1948 the State of Israel was pro-
claimed; and in 1967 Jerusalem was uni-
fied as its capital city (see Luke 21:24).
God foretells the punishment of the Jews and surrounding nations for
their godlessness. Israels eventual restoration is predicted.
First Captivity 606
Decree of
Cyrus 536
Overthrow of
Jerusalem 586
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Jeremiah a) Zechariah 9:12;
14:8; 17:13 Acts 28:20
b) Jeremiah b) Psalm 1:3;
17:8 Ezekiel 47:12;
Revelation 22:2
c) Jeremiah c) Zechariah 6:12;
23:5,6; 33:15,16 Revelation 3:12
The Desolate City
The Book of Lamentations contains a
series of poems about the desolate state
of the city of Jerusalem and the sufferings
of the Jews. After the Babylonian invasion
of 586 BC the city and the temple lay
in ruins. The inspired writer (probably
Jeremiah) knew that these troubles had
been allowed by God because of the
Jews refusal to respond to Him. More
troubles were to follow.
Despised and Rejected
The words of ch 1 are a sad commentary
on the plight of the Jews, who would be
despised and rejected by the world, just
as God had been despised and rejected
by His people.
The Man of Sorrows
The lamentations about God and His
people are reflected in the sorrows and
sufferings of Jesus. He bore the yoke in
his youth (3:27) and gave his cheek to
the smiters (3:30) for the transgressions
of others (see Isaiah 53:8).
In this short Book, the Jews were told not to despise Gods chastise-
ment. The sorrows of the nation also point forward to Christs own
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Lamentations a) Matthew 27:39;
1:12 Luke 23:28
b) Lamentations b) Psalms 48:2;
2:15 50:2
c) Lamentations c) Isaiah 50:6;
3:30 Matthew 26:67
Try this Acrostic!
My 1st were those that should be close (1:2)
My 2nd, foes who were verbose (1:7)
My 3rd were troubles every day (1:7)
My 4ththose whose hand held sway (1:7)
My 5th the Jews opponents viewed (1:8)
My 6th were pleasantchanged for food (1:11)
My 7th were just called roughly in (1:15)
My 8th refers to personal sin (1:22)
My 9th affliction sore doth know (3:1)
My 10th is how my skin doth grow (3:4)
My 11th speaks of mercies fresh (3:23)
My 12th involves no sound from flesh (3:28)
My 13th was a cry of old (3:55)
My 14th was a kind of gold (4:2)
My 15th was a gated city (4:12)
My 16th showed the Jews no pity (4:21)
My 17th asked for God to hear (5:1)
My 18th was a nation near (5:6)
My 19th Jewish females were (5:11)
My 20tha pronoun there! (5:18)
My 21st means like the last (5:21)
My 22ndhas (the past!) (5:22)
(The first letters of the answers make up the
name of this Bookin three words)
Hebrew Acrostic
The Book of Lamentations was written
in an acrostic form: three of the five
chapters (chs 1, 2 and 4) have 22
stanzas corresponding to the number of
the letters in the Hebrew alphabet; each
verse commencing with a letter of the
alphabet, in order, from aleph to tau. Ch 3
has 66 shorter verses, and groups of
three verses start with the same letter. Ch
5, though it also has 22 verses, does not
follow an alphabetical pattern.
The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet
from right to left (see also Psalm 119
section headings)
Is it nothing to you, all ye that
pass by? Behold, and see if there be
any sorrow like unto my sorrow!
Ezekiel and the Exile
Ezekiel was a priest who was taken with
other Jewish captives into Babylonia about
597 BC. He was called to be Gods watch-
man, acting out parables and speaking
the word of the LORD to warn Gods peo-
ple of the coming troubles (3:17; 33:7-9
etc.). By a vision of winged figures called
cherubi m, Ezeki el was shown the
appearance of the likeness of the glory of
the Lord (1:28). He saw it by the river of
Chebar (1:1); in the plain (3:23); and at
Jerusalem (8:4); he saw it leaving the city
(10:18; 11:23); and finally he saw the glory
returning by the way of the gate whose
prospect is toward the east (43:4).
Prophecy of Christ
Gods warnings, both to Israel and to the
surrounding nations, are contained in chs
3-24. Judahs last King, Zedekiah, was to
be removed. There would be no king in
Israel until he come whose right it is
(21:27). That King will be Jesus Christ, the
rightful King of the Jews!
Judgement and Restoration
Ch 37 contains a dramatic prophecy of the
Valley of Dry Bonesthe re-gathering of
Israel, after their worldwide scattering. This
process has been happening in
the last hundred years. But ch 38
speaks of an invasion of Israel by
Gog, the chief prince of Meshech
and Tubal Persia, Libya and
Ethiopia with them Gomer
Togarmah of the north quarters
(38:2-6). Gog s armi es wi l l be
challenged by Sheba, and Dedan,
and the merchants of Tarshish
(38:13) and destroyed by God
upon the mountains of Israel
(39:4). Only the return of Christ
will save Israel.
As a reassurance to the exiles,
who had seen God s templ e
destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar,
Ezekiel is granted a vision of a
future Temple, to be erected at
Jerusal em, a focal poi nt for
worship in the Kingdom of God,
when Christ returns (chs 40-48).
The obedient prophet Ezekiel is shown Gods glorious purpose with
Israel and surrounding nations. He sees a vision of the future Temple.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Ezekiel 18:20 a) Romans 6:23
b) Ezekiel 38:15-16 b) Daniel 11:40-45
c) Ezekiel 40-48 c) Haggai 2:7-9; Micah 4:1-4
And I will bring them out from the
people, and gather them from the
countries, and will bring them to their
own land, and feed them upon the
mountains of Israel (34:13)
Roman Empire
A Divided Kingdom
Captives in Babylon
Daniel was a Jewish captive, taken to
Babylon about 606 BC. He and his three
friends, though only teenagers, displayed
great courage in exile, holding to their
beliefs, and worship of the true God (chs 1-
3). In later years, when Daniel was about
80 years old, he faced being thrown into
the lions den, rather than give up his faith
(ch 6). God delivered him; He had further
work for him to perform, as His prophet.
A Book of Prophecy
The prophecies concern conflict between
the kingdoms of men (particularly as they
affect Israel) and the Kingdom of God.
Ch 2Nebuchadnezzar s Image: the
statue of a man whose parts, from head to
feet, represented successive empires
involved in Gods purpose.
Ch 4Nebuchadnezzars Dream of a
Tree: a vision concerning the future of
Babylon, and the longer term Gentile
period (2,520 years).
Ch 7Daniels Dream of Four Beasts,
depicting the same four empires as the
metals of the Image (ch 2).
Ch 8Daniels Vision of the Ram and He-
goat: the future conflict of Medo-Persia
and Greece, and wi th a l onger-term
prophecy centred in the little horn.
Ch 9Daniels Vision of 70 Weeks: the
period up to Messiahs coming.
Chs 10-11Daniels Vision of the Kings
of the North and South: from the time of
the Persians to the time of the end.
The Overthrow of Mans Rule
Ch 2, particularly, contains a dramatic
forecast of the end of all human empires
when a stone (Christ) topples the image
and grows into Gods Kingdom, centred in
Israel (see 2:44). Ch 12 foretells the res-
urrection and judgement, and gives fur-
ther time periods relevant to the last days.
Daniel, a captive Jew in Babylon, is given visions by God about world
events affecting Israel, leading to the future Kingdom of God on earth.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Daniel 2:44; 7:27 a) Revelation 11:15
b) Daniel 4:35 b) Isaiah 45:9;
Romans 9:20,21
c) Daniel 7:2-8 c) Revelation 13:1-5
Nebuchadnezzars Image
Babylonian Empire
Medo-Persian Empire
Grecian Empire
Israels Failure
Hosea had to warn Israel, especially the
Northern Kingdom termed Ephraim, that
God would punish her, because of her
In this Book, several symbols describe
Israels failure as Gods wife:
Her goodness had disappearedlike
a morning cloud;
Like a silly dove, she had turned first
to Assyria, then to Egypt, for help
instead of to God;
She had once been like grapes in the
desert, when God first took her;
Now she had become like a barren fig
tree (compare Mark 11:13; Luke
She woul d have to pl ough a l one
furrow, without God (see 10:11).
Israels Future
Israel, instead of trusting in God, had tried
to depend on alliances with other nations:
Ephraim hath mixed himself among the
people strangers have devoured his
strength they call to Egypt, they go to
Assyria and they have not cried unto
me with their heart (7:8-14). Despite
being like Hoseas own unfaithful wife
(see chs 1-3), Israel would be taken back
eventually (3:5; 13:14).
When God restored her, she would be
like a green fir (cypress) treelong last-
ing and upright. In that day she would
bring forth fruit, to the glory of God (14:8).
A prophecy about Gods love for His people, Israel. Despite her
unfaithfulness, God promises to restore her and make her great.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Hosea 1:11 a) Ezekiel 34:23,24
b) Hosea 11:1 b) Matthew 2:15
c) Hosea 13:14 c) 1 Corinthians 15:54,55
Like a morning cloud (6:4)
Like a silly dove (7:11)
Now like a barren fig tree (9:16)
Like a heifer ploughing
alone (10:11)
Once like grapes in the
desert (9:10)
Come, and let us return unto the
LORD: for he hath torn, and he will
heal us; he hath smitten, and he will
bind us up. (6:1)
The Locust Plague (ch 1)
God had, from the earliest times, warned
Israel that i f they turned from Hi s
Word, great di sasters woul d fol l ow
(Deuteronomy 28).
Literal plagues of locusts were sent to
remind Gods people of what He had said.
When He appealed to the Jews through
the prophet Joel, around 800 BC, God
l i kened the forthcomi ng i nvasi ons of
human armies to the cutting, swarming,
hopping, destroying locusts, which they
may already have experienced (1:4).
Invading Armies (ch 2)
Assyrian and Babylonian invasions of the
land of Israel, foretold in this chapter,
were followed centuries later by Greek,
Roman and Mohammedan incursions.
These left the Holy Land desolate until AD
1917, when the Jews were allowed to
Promise of Blessing (2:18-32)
The troubl es whi ch were to come on
Gods people had as their object the
return of Israel to the true worship of God.
Great blessings are promised when
this national repentance finally comes.
Meanwhile, the greatest invasion of the
Holy Land has yet to take place!
Final Invasion (ch 3)
Details are given of an invasion by all
nations, at a time when Israel are back in
the land (3:1), as they are today.
The wickedness of all nations is now so
great (v 12-13) that when North and South
become involved in a great Middle East
conflict, Gods judgements will be seen on
the earth. The time is ripe for the putting
in of His sickle (v 13) and the cutting
down of the wicked!
God wi l l i ntervene dramati cal l y by
sending Jesus Christ to Jerusalem (v 16),
as so many other
Sc r i p t u r e s
Forthcoming judgements in the Holy Land, including a final conflict
involving all nations, when God will intervene dramatically!
Some interesting links
with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Joel 1:4; 2:25 a) Deuteronomy
b) Joel 2:27; 3:17 b) Ezekiel 37:26-28
c) Joel 3:2 c) Zechariah 14:2-4
d) Joel 3:13 d) Revelation 14:14-19
Prepare war, wake up the mighty men (3:9)
Like the noise of chariots like the
noise of a flame of fire the sun and
the moon shall be dark, and the stars
withdraw their shining (2:5,10)
A Book of Symbols
Amos prophesied at a time (800 BC)
when Israel was relatively prosperous
but when luxury and idolatry had turned
the peopl e away from thei r God and
they were threatened by Assyrian and
Babylonian invasions.
Judgements on the Nations
Amos predicted Gods judgements on
Syria, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon and
Moab. But the prophet was also used
by God to foretell His judgements on His
own peopl efi rst on Israel , then on
Judah. A repetition of these events can be
expected i n the l ast days, when the
Middle East is again invaded from the
North (see Ezekiel 35-39).
Various symbols are employed in this
A prophecy of troubles to come on Israel because of idolatry and
immorality. Nevertheless, restoration will eventually come.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Amos 1:2 a) Joel 3:16
b) Amos 5:8 b) Job 38:31
c) Amos 9:14 c) Jeremiah 30:3
Invasions of Israel
(foretold in chs 1 & 2)
LOCUSTS (7:1-3):
these symbolised the
coming invasions by
Assyria and Babylon
(see Joel 1 & 2).
FIRE (7:4-6): indicated
that the judgements
would be severefor
the cleansing of Israel.
PLUMBLINE (7:7-9):
Israel was not upright
before God. A plumb-
line was neededthe
Di vi ne standard as
shown later by Jesus
8): Just as the fruits in
the basket were ripe,
so Israel were ripe for
And I will bring again the captivity of
my people Israel, and they shall build
the waste cities, and inhabit them; and
they shall plant vineyards, and drink the
wine thereof; they shall also make
gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And
I will plant them upon their land, and
they shall no more be plucked up out of
their land which I have given them,
saith the LORD thy God.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Obadiah v 11-14 a) Psalm 137:7
b) Obadiah v 17 b) Joel 2:32
c) Obadiah v 21 c) Daniel 2:44; 7:27
Esau and Jacob
The name Obadiah is Hebrew, meaning
servant of Yahweh, the God of Israel.
Interestingly, this one-chapter prophecy is
about both Israel and Arabs.
Those Arabs who descended from
Esau (Edom) lived south and east of the
Dead Sea (see map). They were always
hostile to Israel, just as their ancestor
Esau had been to Jacob, the ancestor of
Israel (see Genesis 27:41).
When the Babylonians invaded Judah
around 586 BC, the Edomites took the
opportunity to stab the Jews in the back
(v 11-14).
Mount Esau and Mount Zion
Mount Esau (v 8,9,19,21), sometimes
called Mount Seir, is another name for the
country of Edom. Today it is the southern
part of the Kingdom of Jordan.
Mount Zion is at Jerusalem. Here was
the capital of Gods ancient Kingdom. It is
here too that Christ will reign as King
when he comes again!
Israel will once again occupy all that
territory described in Obadiah vv 19-20.
All nations, including many of the Arab
peoples, will benefit when, as v 21 says,
the kingdom is the LORDS. See Isaiah
2:1-4 for details.
A short prophecy about Israels Arab neighbours, which applies
particularly to our dayswith an amazing outcome!
Sepharad: The only name which is not
accounted for on the map is Sepharad
(v 20). Jewish traditions associate this
with the diaspora in either Sardis (Asia
Minor) or Spain. It is significant that
Sepharad became the Hebrew name for
Spai n and gave ri se to the term
Sephardic Jewsthose of Spain who in
1492 were di spersed, mostl y i nto
Mediterranean lands.
For the day of the LORD is near
upon all the nations But upon
mount Zion shall be deliverance,
and there shall be holiness; and the
house of Jacob shall possess their
possessions (verses 15,17)
Jonahs Mission
The prophet Jonah was probably the one
mentioned in 2 Kings 14:25, who preached
in Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II.
Israels enemy at the time was the
great Assyrian power from the north-east,
with its capital at Nineveh. When God told
Jonah to go and warn the Ninevites of
coming judgement, he tried to escape by
boarding a ship at Joppa, to flee to the far
west (1:3).
However, a storm at sea prevented
his escape. Thrown into the deep,
Jonah was swallowed by a great
fish, which God had prepared.
After three days he was saved by
God from thi s watery grave
The Ninevites Repent
Jonah was again instructed to go and
warn the Gentiles at Nineveh (3:2). The
people of that great city (of 120,000 plus)
repented when they heard the message
from the ri sen prophet. So God too
repented (ie altered His intention to pun-
ish Nineveh) (3:10).
Jonahs Reaction
The prophets human reaction was to be
displeased: he was angry that the people
of Nineveh were to be spared, after all, for
God had pity on them when they repented
(4:11). An incident with a gourd plant,
under which was shading Jonah from the
sun, is used to show how Gods pity for
Ni neveh contrasts wi th the prophet s
JesusGreater than Jonah
Some 800 years later, the one greater
than JonahJesus of Nazareth
preached to the people of Israel. But they
put him to death!
Jesus had said, however, that just as
Jonah was raised from his grave after
three days, so he too would be raised!
After his resurrection, the message
Jesus had preached was to be extended
to all nations (Mark 16:15,16). Those who
would repent, believe and be baptized
would be spared by God from eternal
death. That message is still true for us
today, no matter in what part of the world
we live!
The account of how Jonah tried to escape from preaching Gods word to
Nineveh, and how Gods Word prevailed!
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Jonah 1:3 a) Acts 10:32-43
b) Jonah 1:17 b) Matthew 12:40,41
c) Jonah 3:10; 4:11 c) 2 Peter 3:9
Micah of Moresheth
Micah came from south-west Judah and
prophesied to the Southern Kingdom. He
prophesied (as did Isaiah) during the
reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah,
kings of Judah (1:1). He spoke against
idolatry, cruelty and oppression in both
Judah and Israel, and warned of coming
Yet, through him, God foretold the
recovery of a remnant (2:12; 5:7,8), the
coming of the Messiah and the ultimate
restoration of the Kingdom of God.
Summary of the Prophecy
Ch 1-3: Judgements on Samaria, Judah
and Jerusalem.
Chs 4-5: Ultimate restoration under Gods
coming King, born in Bethlehem.
Chs 6-7: Gods desire for justice, kindness
and humi l i ty (6:8). He wi l l ful fi l Hi s
promise to Abraham and Jacob (7:20).
The KingdomRestored
The Messi ah (Jesus Chri st), born i n
Davi d s town of Bethl ehem, wi l l be
King, not only of Judah, but of the united
Kingdom of Israel (see 5:2). His capital
will be Jerusalem and his dominion will
be worldwide. There is a wonderful des-
cription of tomorrows world in 4:1-4 (also
to be found in Isaiah 2:1-4): Out of Zion
shall go forth the law, and the word of the
LORD from Jerusalem
The prophet speaks of Gods care for His people, despite their failures;
His promise of a King, to be born in Bethlehem, and of a future world-
wide Kingdom.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Micah 4:2,8 a) Obadiah 17; Isaiah 65:17-25
b) Micah 5:2 b) Matthew 2:1-6; Luke 1:32,33
c) Micah 7:20 c) Genesis 13:14-16; 28:13; 35:12
A bronze coin of the Emperor Hadrian
shows the ploughing of the temple area in
Jerusalem by his armies, in AD 135. This
event remarkably fulfilled the precise
prophecy contained in Micah 3:12
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is
good; and what doth the LORD require
of thee, but to do justly, and to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with thy
Background to the Book
Nahums prophecy was a burden against
Nineveh, which can be dated between
640 and 620 BC120 or more years after
Jonah prophesied against that Assyrian
city. By now Nineveh had long forgotten
its repentance and had attacked and
spoiled Israel, and threatened Judah.
The Assyri ans attempt to overthrow
Jerusal em was thwarted by di vi ne
intervention (2 Kings 19).
The Comforter
The name Nahum (like Noah) means
comfort. Gods message through him
proclaimed comfort for the Jews. Nineveh,
capital of Assyria, would be overthrown
and the Assyrian threat would cease for
ever. The Babylonian attack on Nineveh
is vividly foretold in chs 2 and 3: it was
fulfilled in 612 BC. The city was finally
sacked by the Medes and Persians and
its ruins were only rediscovered in the
19th century.
Ninevehs Doom
Nineveh was an exceeding great city
(Jonah 3:3). The Assyrians had conquered
many nations, including Egypt: the capture
of No (AV) or No-Amon (NKJV)
Thebeson the River Nile is referred to in
Godthe Greatest!
Gods words about Himself (ch 1) were
right. He is in control of all nations and the
judgement of Nineveh is a foreshadowing
of Gods final controversy with all human
pride and power. Violence will not go
unchecked. God will send peace to His
people when Christ returnsto fulfil the
words of ch 1:15.
The ultimate destruction of Nineveh and the Assyrian Empire is foretold,
with dramatic details of the Babylonian attack which was to come.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Nahum 1:2 a) Exodus 20:5; Joshua 24:19
b) Nahum 1:6 b) Malachi 3:2; Matthew 3:12
c) Nahum 1:15 c) Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15
Winged Human-headed Lion from the
Palace of Nimrod at Nineveh
Though I have afflicted thee, I will
afflict thee no more. For now will I
break his yoke from off thee, and will
burst thy bonds in sunder (1:12,13)
God Answers a Question
Habakkuk was a prophet of God at about
the time the Babylonians were attacking
Judah, around 610 BC. The prophet was
perplexed: Why did God appear to let
wicked nations like Babylon prosperand
even be allowed to punish Gods people
Gods answer was to show him that,
despi te present appearances, Hi s
plan which will bring blessings for the
righteous, will one day triumph: I will
work a work in your days, which ye will
not believe (1:5).
From the watchtower on the walls of
Jerusalem (2:1), the prophet was enabled
to see across the centuries, to the time
when the wicked will cease. Then, The
earth shall be filled with the knowledge
of the glory of the LORD, as the waters
cover the sea (2:14).
A Prayer and a Song
Ch 3 contains a prayer of Habakkuk, in
the form of a song. The prophet was
inspired to recall Gods past triumphs,
when Israel were saved from Egypt, and
when they entered the Promised Land
(see Deuteronomy 33:2).
Looking ahead, he saw that there will
be a repeat of that victory when Christ
comes, wi t h hi s i mmort al f ol l owers,
bringing fearful judgement on the wicked
nations (3:16).
The Victory of Faith
Despite present troubles, those who have
faith in God will be blessed when Christ
returns. Those who are made just (or
righteous) in Christ will live in that Day
(2:4,14). So they can rejoice, even in trou-
ble, knowing of the things in store when
he that shall come will come, and will not
tarry (2:3; Hebrews 10:37,38).
Habakkuk, concerned about Judahs troubles and Babylons success, is
allowed to see ahead to the Kingdom of God restored, when the faithful
will be blessed.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Habakkuk a) Job 20:5; Psalm 94:3;
1:4 Jeremiah 12:1
b) Habakkuk b) Romans 1:17;
2:3,4 Galatians 3:11;
Hebrews 10:37,38
c) Habakkuk c) Deuteronomy 33:2;
3:3 Judges 5:4;
Psalm 68:7 How long O Lord? (Habakkuk 2:1,14)
Write the vision; make it plain upon
tablets, so he may run who reads it. For
still the vision awaits its time; it hastens
to the endit will not lie (2:2,3, RSV)
God warns of coming judgements on the Middle East, including the fall
of Jerusalem. Nevertheless, salvation is promised for individuals who
remain faithful.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Zephaniah 1:15 a) Jeremiah 30:7; Joel 2:31,32
b) Zephaniah 2:3 b) Isaiah 26:20; Amos 5:15
c) Zephaniah 3:20 c) Isaiah 11:12; Jeremiah 30:3; Ezekiel 37:21
Middle East Invasions
Zephaniah was a prophet of God during
the reign of King Josiah over Judah,
about 630 BC. Through this prophet, God
warned that He would punish Israels
neighbours for their idolatry, false religion,
violence and fraud (1:2,3). Judah too
would be punished!
First, God would send the Scythians.
They woul d attack the Phi l i sti nes,
Moabites, the Ethiopians (Cush) and
Assyrians (2:4-15) (see map).
Later, God would send the Babylonians
against Assyria. Nineveh, its capital,
would be overthrown. This was fulfilled
in 612 BC. These events involving sur-
rounding nations were to be a warning
to Judah. Jerusalem itself would likewise
be overthrown by the Babylonians.
Some 25 years later the Babylonian
attacks on Judah began. Jerusalem was
finally overthrown by Nebuchadnezzar in
586 BC and many Jews were taken into
Nevertheless, even in such troubled
times, God promised ultimate salvation for
the faithful.
A Rebellious People
The Jews were to be punished by
God for their rebellion against Him,
despite His many appeals to them
(see 3:1-7). They were proud and
their rulers were corrupt (3:3-5).
But not only the Jews were like
that: other nati ons too were
wicked. All were to be punished by
the coming events. It still applies,
that God will punish all nations for
their wickedness (see 3:8).
Gods Hidden Ones
The name Zephani ah means
hidden of God. Just as the faithful
in those days were saved out of
the fiery judgements which came
on the nations, so those who today
are faithful believers will be hidden
of God in the Day of His wrath
(see 2:3 and 3:12,13).
Judgements from the North
Haggai, with Zechariah, prophesied to the returned exiles encouraging
them to complete the rebuilding of the temple and place their faith in God.
Some interesting links
with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Haggai a) Ezra 4:24; 5:1;
1:1 Zechariah 1:1
b) Haggai b) 2 Samuel 7:2, 12-13;
1:4 Psalm 132:1-5
c) Haggai c) Joel 3:16-17;
2:6,7 Hebrews 12:26-28
I will shake all nations, and the
desire of all nations shall come: and I
will fill this house with glory, saith
the LORD of hosts. (2:7)
Haggai was sent by God to the Jews who
had returned from captivity in Babylon.
They had been led back by Zerubbabel
(of royal descent) and Joshua (a High
Priest). The foundations of the Temple
had been laid in Jerusalem (about 535
BC), but then enthusiasm for the building
waned, following opposition. Now, 18
years on, Gods message through Haggai
and Zechariah (see Ezra 5:1) was intend-
ed to stir the nation into action, so that He
might bless them (1:1-7).
Consider your ways!
Not only were the returned people distract-
ed by adversaries hindering the work, but
they were becoming too comfortable:
Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying,
This people say, The time is not come, the
time that the LORDS house should be built
Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your
ceiled houses, and this house lies waste?
(1:2,4). They were warned about taking
things easily, not being prepared to put any
effort into the work of God, and being
wasteful: Ye have sown much, and bring
in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye
drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye
clothe you, but there is none warm; and he
that earneth wages earneth wages to put it
into a bag with holes (1:6).
They did respond: the Temple was fin-
ished in 516 BC.
Count your Blessings
When the Jews responded to Gods Word
through Haggai they were blessed (see
Ezra 5:1-2; 7:27-28), were asked to count
their blessings, and to put their faith in
Gods further promises.
Look Ahead!
God strengthened Zerubbabel and
Joshua for the work, and hel ped Hi s
people. He told them to look ahead to the
great King/Priest who would build an even
greater house for God (2:6-9). This was
a prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ,
as High Priest for Gods people and the
future King of all nations.
The Future Temple
Haggai , and many of God s other
prophets, foretold the building of a future
temple at Jerusalem. It will be a focal point
for the worship of the One God by all
nations. See, for example, Isaiah 2:2-3;
56:7; Ezekiel 40-48; Zechariah 14:16-21.
The Royal Signet
Jesus Chri st i s a descendant of
Zerubbabel (Luke 3:27) and is the one
spoken of as Gods chosen representa-
ti ve, havi ng God s royal authori ty,
appointed to rule as King of Israel and of
the world (Matthew 28:18).
stopped (ch 3).
5 Divine Light for all nations (ch 4).
6,7 Fal se worshi p wi l l ari se but wi l l
eventually be replaced (ch 5).
8 God wi l l j udge the nati ons when
Christ rules as King/Priest (ch 6).
The Third Prophecy
Chs 7-14 fill out the message from the
LORD of hosts, whose armies fight
for Israel:
ch 7 God appeals to His people to hear
ch 8 He promises a future restoration
(v 22,23).
ch 9 The Greek invasions of Israel and
the ultimate coming of Zions King
(v 9,10).
ch 10 A second exodus of the Jews from
Gentile lands is foretold.
ch 11 The Roman invasion of Israel and
the cutting off of Gods shepherd
(Jesus). The uprise of false reli-
ch 12 The ultimate rescue of trouble-
some Israel from the nations.
ch 13 The repentance of one third of
Israel when they see Christ. Their
ultimate salvation (v 6-8).
ch 14 The return of Christ to the Mount
of Olives when all nations are
gathered against Jerusalem to
battle (v 1-4). He will rule the world
(v 9). All nations will come year by
year to Jerusalem to worship the
LORD of hosts (v 16).
At the time of Israels return from captivity in Babylon, Zechariah is
given visions relating to future events which will lead up to the Kingdom
of God.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Zechariah a) Jeremiah 25:4,5;
1:3,4 Malachi 3:7;
Luke 15:20,21
b) Zechariah b) Isaiah 4:2; 11:1;
3:8 Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15
c) Zechariah c) Ezekiel 11:23;
14:4 Luke 24:50,51;
Acts 1:11,12
522 521 520 519 518
1st Prophecy
2nd Prophecy 3rd Prophecy
(1:76:15) (chs 7-14)
BC 2nd Year 4th Year
The golden lampstand and
two olive trees (ch 4)
The First Prophecy
Ch 1:1-6 is a call to Gods people to return
to Him and to the words of His former
prophets. Then He will bless them.
The Second Prophecy
Eight visions were given to Zechariah
looking ahead to Gods dealings with
1 The ultimate time of rest (1:7-17).
2 Four Genti l e powers (Babyl on,
Persia, Greece, Rome) will be cut off
3 Jerusalem will be restored (ch 2).
4 Arab opposition (Satan) will be
In the Reign of Darius
After the return of some of the Jews from
exile in Babylon, Zechariah received
prophecies from God about the future of
Jerusalem and of Gods people. These
were given during the second and fourth
years of the reign of Darius I of Persia.
The Divine Messenger
Malachi (whose name means messenger
of God) was the last of Gods prophets
in the Old Testament. He prophesied at
about the time of Nehemiah, after the
Jewish exile in Babylon. After his days
the sun went down on the prophets for
about 400 yearsuntil the time of Jesus
(see Micah 3:6).
The Message
Malachi was told to remind Israel that God
had been good to them, but that priests
and people alike had failed (1:2). Now
their punishment must come and God
would get a response from the Gentiles.
The Messenger of the Covenant
Phinehas (Numbers 25:11-13) had been a
faithful priest and God had made a sure
promise to him and those like him (2:5-7).
But a greater priest was to comethe
Lord Jesus Christ, the messenger of the
covenant. Through him God would make
a New Covenant with believers, both Jews
and Gentiles. Ch 3 foretells his coming in
judgementor blessingdepending how
he is received. He is to be preceded by a
forerunner who will prepare the way of
the LORD (3:1).
The Forerunner
John the Baptist was this forerunner of
Jesus, preparing Israel for the Saviour
(Matthew 11:10). Malachi also foretold
that Elijah the prophet would come to
Israel at the time of Christs return to
earth (4:5).
A Delightsome Land
When the sons of Levi are purified (3:3),
God will then bless Israel. The Land of
Israel will become delightsome (3:12)
and al l nati ons who respond wi l l be
bl essed through Israel s Ki ng. Now
Gentiles, too, can share in the Hope of
Israel, through faith in Gods promises,
centred in Jesus Christ. Those who now
remember the LORD and think upon His
name (3:16) will be remembered by Him
on that day.
My Jewels
Just as the High Priest once carried the
names of the twelve tribes of Israel close
to hi s heart, through the
jewels on his breastplate
(Exodus 28:29), so we can
The old priesthood having failed, Malachi looks ahead to the coming of
a better Priest who will come in judgement on the wicked, but with
blessings for the faithful.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Malachi 1:11 a) Isaiah 49:6; 60:3;
(see 1:5, RV) Romans 9:24-26
b) Malachi 3:16,17 b) Exodus 28:29;
Deuteronomy 4:20;
1 Peter 2:9
c) Malachi 4:2 c) Luke 1:78,79;
Ephesians 5;14;
Revelation 1:16
The Lord, whom ye seek, shall
suddenly come to his temple, even
the messenger of the covenant,
whom ye delight in But who
may abide the day of his coming?
and who shall stand when he
appeareth? (3:1,2)
The Messenger of the Covenant
The word testament means a covenant. Malachi, the last of the Old
Testament prophets (about 430 BC) foretold the coming of another
messenger. He described him as the messenger of the covenant,
who would be preceded by one who would act as a fore-runner
(Malachi 3:1).
A Long Period of Waiting
Some 430 years elapsed, during which time there were no prophets of
God in Israel and no further message from Him.
The Persian Empire was succeeded by that of Alexander the Great
of Greece, just as foretold earlier in the book of Daniel (see page 39).
After his death, the Greek Empire was split up. North and south of the
land of Israel, the Seleucids and the Ptolemies respectively held sway.
The wars between Syria in the north and Egypt in the south meant a
period of turbulence for the Jews situated between these two powers.
This had been foretold earlier in great detail in Daniel 11.
In the Fulness of Time
The Roman Empire began to emerge about 100 BC. In Israel, a
degree of independence was obtained for a while under local heroes
called the Maccabees.
By the time of John the baptiser, Rome was fully in control of Gods
land. Nevertheless the time was ripe for the birth of the Saviour, the
messenger of the new covenant. In the New Testament we read:
When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son,
made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were
under the law (Galatians 4:4).
Between the Old and
New Testaments
400 300 200 100 BC 0 AD
The World between the Testaments
Empires rise and fall, and as the centuries pass the Jews find themselves surrounded by new
neighbours. After the decline of the great empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media and
Persia, came the Greeks; then the division of Greek rule between the Seleucids and Ptolemies
(with other fragments of the Greek Empire in Macedonia and Thracia); and after them the
Romans. Beyond the boundaries of those empires were other migrating peoples, including
Scythians, Slavs and Celts.
The Gospels and Acts
The word which God sent unto the children of Israel,
preaching good tidings of peace by Jesus Christ.
(Acts 10:36)
Books 40-44
The Gospel writersMatthew, Mark,
Luke and Johnpresent four views of
the Lord Jesus Christ, not contradicting
each other but emphasising different
aspects of his life and work (see also
paragraph 2 on page 58). Putti ng
together the four records we can com-
pile a full picture, of which the following
is a very brief summary.
One or two key references are
provided after each event; often the
event will be found in two, three or
even all four Gospels. Matthew, Mark
and Luke follow a similar pattern and
are sometimes called the Synoptic
And there are also many other things
which Jesus did, the which, if they
should be written every one, I suppose
that even the world itself could not
contain the books that should be
written. (John 21:25)
Introduction to the
Overview of the Life of Jesus
The announcement of Jesus birth to Mary (Matthew 1; Luke 1)
The birth of John to Zacharias and Elisabeth (Luke 1)
Birth of Jesus; the shepherds (Luke 2); the wise men (Matthew 2)
The genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1; Luke 3)
Mary and Joseph take Jesus into Egypt (Matthew 2)
Jesus circumcised; the testimonies of Simeon and Anna (Luke 2)
The 12-year-old Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2)
John the Baptist (Luke 3; 7; John 1); the baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3)
The temptations in the wilderness (Matthew 4; Luke 4)
Galilee: the call of the disciples (Mark 1; 2; John 1)
The Beatitudes; Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
Healings and other miracles (Mark 1-11; John 2-11)
Parables and other teachings (Matthew 13 etc.; John 2-16)
Prayer; the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6)
The mission of the twelve apostles (Luke 9); the seventy (Luke 10)
The transfiguration of Christ (Matthew 17)
The last journey to Jerusalem (Luke 9-18)
Entry into Jerusalem on a colt (Matthew 21; John 12)
The Mount Olivet prophecy (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21)
The last supper; betrayal by Judas (Matthew 26; John 13)
Jesus high-priestly prayer (John 17)
Gethsemane: Jesus arrested (Mark 14; John 18)
The trialCaiaphas, Pilate, Herod (Luke 22; 23; John 18; 19)
Golgotha: the crucifixion (Luke 23; John 19)
Death and burialJoseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (Luke 23; John 19)
Resurrection and ascension (Luke 24; John 21)
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Matthew 1:1 a) 2 Samuel 7:12-16; Romans 1:3
b) Matthew 5:35 b) Psalm 48:2; 87:3; Isaiah 2:3
c) Matthew 16:27; 26:64 c) Psalm 110:1; Daniel 7:13; Revelation 1:7
MatthewTax Collector
The wri ter of thi s Gospel record was
Matthew (sometimes called Levi), a tax
collector working for the Romans. Such
men were hated by their fellow Jews, but
Jesus saw in Matthew a potential follower
and called him to his service (9:9).
Roman Occupation
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and
throughout his 33 years on earth, the
Romans were rul i ng the worl d. An
Edomite (Arab) king, Herod, ruled as the
puppet head of state in Israel under the
The Jews were allowed a measure of
religious freedom. But they had to pay
taxes to Rome and obey Roman rule (see
17:24-27; 22:17-21 for the teaching of
Jesus about obeying rulers).
The Coming King
Matthews record from God, concerning the
life and teachings of Jesus, concentrates
on Gods appeal to the Jews. There are
abundant references to the Old Testament.
Jesus is proclaimed as the Son of David
who is to be Israels coming King.
It is this account which tells of the
search of the wise men for him that is
born King of the Jews (2:2). It records the
words of Jesus about his future Kingship
(25:31). An inscription in Hebrew, Latin and
Greek, This is Jesus the King of the
Jews, was placed above his head (27:37).
The first Gospel is Matthews account of the life of Jesus, with particular
emphasis on Jesus being Israels promised Messiah and coming King.
Galilee where
Jesus preached
Parables of the Kingdom
The parables of Jesus are featured in this
Book. These simple stories were intended
to instruct the faithful and confound the
hard-hearted (13:13-15). Most of the para-
bles are about the Kingdom of God and
the need for us to respond to Gods Word if
we are to enter that Kingdom.
John Mark was the son of Mary, the sister
of Barnabas. He went wi th Paul and
Barnabas on their preaching mission to
Cyprus (Acts 13:4,5). He was well known
to Peter who called him his son (1 Peter
5:13) and may have been the young man
referred to in 14:51.
Four Views of Jesus
An interesting connection has been made
between the four Gospels and the four
faces of the living creatures, or cheru-
bim, of Ezekiels prophecy (1:10; compare
10:14,15). Just as those faces each had
the four-fold likeness of a man, a lion, an
ox and an eagle, so the four Gospels,
whi l e offeri ng a ful l portrai t, present
characteristically different views of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The lion is a fitting
symbol to represent Matthews view of the
King; the ox corresponds to Marks view
of the Servant; the human face relates to
Lukes view of Christ the Man (often
called Son of Man); and the eagle is
a fitting image for Johns lofty portrayal
of the Son of God.
Thus Mark shows Jesus as the one
who served. It is noteworthy how many
miracles of healing and other acts of
servi ce are found i n thi s short book:
nearly 20 are recorded in chs 1-10. It is
also significant how Mark emphasises
Jesus closeness to the peoplemingling
with them, speaking personally to them,
and especially touching those to whom
he ministered.
Urgent News
Marks 16 chapters are crisp and to the
point! The message is simple and urgent.
The last chapter gives only a brief account
of the resurrection of Jesusthe vital
thing was to go into all the world and
preach the gospel (16:15).
Marks inspired record of the life of Jesus, the Son of God, the one who
came to heal, to serve, and to teach an urgent message.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Mark 10:45 a) Philippians 2:7
b) Mark 12:29 b) Deuteronomy 6:4
c) Mark 16:16 c) 1 Peter 3:21
And they were beyond measure aston-
ished, saying, He hath done all things
well: he maketh even the deaf to hear,
and the dumb to speak. (7:37)
The Birth of the Saviour
Luke, a doctor, addresses his account to
the most excel l ent Theophi l us. He
records names, places and events with
meticulous care, showing Jesus as both
Son of God and Son of man, descended
from Adam (ch 3). His birth in Bethlehem
was announced by the angels as good
tidings of great joy to all (2:10).
Jesus was also proclaimed by an angel
as the heir to the throne in Jerusalem
where David once ruled (1:32,33). He will
bring peace and goodwill toward men
(2:14). But first Jesus had to become a
Saviour from sin. Luke portrays Jesus as
a man of prayer and records how he
steadfastl y set hi s face to go to
Jerusalem and the cross (9:51; 17:11;
Gods MessengersThe Angels
Note the references in Luke to angels:
1:11-19,26-38; 2:9-15; 4:10; 22:43;
24:4,23. When angels were seen they
always looked like men. They did not
have wings!
A Real Resurrection
The resurrection of Christ was a bodily
one. Luke records some of the meetings
of the risen Lord with his disciples, includ-
ing his appearance to two disciples as
they walked to the village of Emmaus,
west of Jerusalem (24:13-35).
After his resurrection Jesus had flesh
and bonesa real body (24:39)and he
ate with his disciples (24:41-43).
Events in the life of Jesus, set out in order, showing him as the Son of
man, the Saviour and coming King over Israel and all nations.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Luke 1:32,33 a) 2 Samuel 7:12-16;
Isaiah 9:6,7
b) Luke 17:26,27 b) Genesis 6:1-7; 7:1
c) Luke 21:27 c) Acts 1:11;
Revelation 1:7
He shall be great, and shall be called
the Son of the Highest: and the Lord
God shall give unto him the throne of
his father David: and he shall reign over
the house of Jacob for ever; and of his
kingdom there shall be no end.
Lukes account shows the ministry of
Jesus, literally and spiritually, to be a
journey up to Jerusalem
Temple and City
Jesus foretold that the Temple and the
city of Jerusalem would be overthrown
yet he would return as King in a time of
distress of nations (21:25-28).
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) John 1:14 a) Isaiah 40:5; 2 Peter 1:17
b) John 3:14,15 b) Numbers 21:9
c) John 17:3 c) 1 Corinthians 8:6; 1 Timothy 2:5
In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. (1:1)
The Beloved Disciple
The writer of this fourth Gospel of the
Kingdom was John, brother of James, and
son of Zebedee, a Galilean fisherman.
Jesus called him to be one of his closest
followers. He is described in this Book as
the disciple whom Jesus loved, showing
how much John appreciated what Jesus
stood for (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7,20).
Miracles as Signs
John focuses on certain miracles of Jesus
and calls them signs. They underline the
authority Jesus had as the Son of God.
They also serve as reminders of our need
for healing from spiritual sickness and
blindness (5:1-9; 9:1-12).
The Exalted View
God used John to reveal l ofty truths
about Jesus, the word made flesh (1:14).
The exalted, soaring eagle aspect of
Christ was noted earlier (page 58). More
than any of the other evangelists (Gospel
writers), John recorded the Lords wonder-
ful discourses on deep spiritual themes
wi th hi s i nner group of di sci pl es
lessons, for example, on the bread of life,
the living water, the good shepherd,
the true vine (chs 6; 7; 10; 15).
John portrays Jesus as the divine Son of God and points to the spiritual
meaning of the miracles and sayings of Jesus.
The first of the signs recorded by John:
changing water into wine at the wedding
in Cana of Galilee (ch 2)
And many other signs truly did Jesus
in the presence of his disciples, which
are not written in this book: but these
are written, that ye might believe that
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and
that believing ye might have have life
through his name. (John 20:30,31)
Events in Judea
Most of Johns record is concerned with
events in Judea, rather
than Galilee. Chs 7-11
belong to the last few
weeks, and chs
12-21 to the
l ast week
o f
Chri st s
The Acts of Jesus
Luke reminds us (1:1) that he had previ-
ously writtenin his gospel recordof all
that Jesus began to do and teach. After
his resurrection and subsequent ascen-
sion to heaven, Jesus was still at work in
the spread of the gospel.
and his Followers
Chs 2-12 show how, with Gods power
(the Holy Spirit), Christs apostles, first of
all Peter and John, and then other follow-
ers such as Stephen and Philip, so effec-
tively preached the gospel in Jerusalem,
Judea and Samari a that thousands
believed and were baptized (2:41,47;
5:14; 11:24). In Jesus name the apostles
also performed miracles.
Their message always con-
cerned the kingdom of God
and the name of Jesus Christ
(8:12; 19:8; 28:23,31). It was
a message rooted i n Ol d
Testament history and Gods
promises to the fathers of
Israel. But it was now based
on the work of Jesus Christ
and not the rituals of the law
of Moses. Moreover, it was a
faith open to Gentiles as well
as Jews.
Die-hard Jews (Judaisers) opposed
the preaching of this gospel; even among
Christian converts there were some who
wanted to combi ne thei r new fai th i n
Christ with adherence to Jewish practices.
Apostle to the Gentiles
Paul, an educated Jew, had once been a
zealous persecutor of Christs followers.
He was converted after seeing a vision of
the risen Christ on the road to Damascus.
Having believed and been baptized, he
became Christs appointed apostle to the
Gentiles (Galatians 2:8). His three mis-
sionary journeyspreaching campaigns
in Asia and Europe (see maps)and his
subsequent voyage to Rome are vividly
related in chs 13 to 28.
Lukes second book, also addressed to Theophilus, records how believers in
Christ separated themselves from Jewish worship and established ecclesias,
starting in Judea, and spreading out into Asia Minor, Greece and finally Rome.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Acts 3:22; 7:37 a) Deuteronomy 18:15
b) Acts 1:3; 3:21; b) Mark 1:14; 11:10;
8:12; 28:31 Luke 11:2
c) Acts 17:31 c) Psalm 96:13;
Daniel 7:27;
Revelation 11:15
1st Journey 2nd Journey
3rd Journey ( ) and Journey to Rome ( )
Roman Provinces and Regions of the Diaspora
As the Gospel spread, and ecclesias were established throughout the Roman world, communication became important. The
apostles wrote letters to specific ecclesias, or to groups of ecclesias: Galatians, for example, was sent to the group of ecclesias in
Galatia; James was sent to Jewish believers scattered in lands of the Dispersion or Diaspora (James 1:1); 1 Peter and 2 Peter
were sent to the elect who are sojourners of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia (1 Peter 1:1).
To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ
which are at Grace be unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Books 45-65
Pauls Journeys: 1st 2nd 3rd Rome
Pauls Conversion Pauls Death
Letters by the Apostle Paul
1 & 2 Thessalonians
1 & 2 Corinthians
? Philippians
1 & 2 Timothy
? Hebrews
Introduction to the
1 & 2 Peter
1, 2 & 3 John
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
The Believers at Rome
This letter, written with the help of Tertius
on behalf of the Apostle Paul (16:22),
was sent from Corinth during Pauls third
missionary journey.
Paul hoped to come to Rome (15:22-
29) but when he came, it was as a prison-
er to await trial before the Emperor Nero
(see Acts 28:17-20).
Romans is Pauls magnificent summary
of the way Gods righteousness is shown
in the death of Christ; how salvation, by
grace, is dependent on faith not works;
and that it is open to Gentiles as well as
With the fulfilling of the law of Moses,
some were asking, Hath God cast away
his people? (11:1).
With obvious emotion, Paul points out
that the Jews, if they believe, are most cer-
tainly still within Gods purposeto whom
pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and
the covenants and the promises (9:4).
Using the symbol of an olive tree, Paul
shows how some of the natural branches
(Israel) had been broken off, and wild
shoots (Gentiles) grafted inbut he adds
that the natural branches can still be graft-
ed in again. Behold therefore the good-
ness and severity of God: on them which
fell, severity; but towards thee, goodness, if
thou continue in his goodness (11:22).
Paul writes to the believers at Rome, setting out the vital principles of
salvation through faith in Gods promises centred in Christ.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Romans 2:5-10; a) 2 Corinthians 5:10;
14:10-12 2 Timothy 4:1
b) Romans 3:4 b) Psalm 51:4;
Luke 18:19
c) Romans 6:3-4 c) Acts 22:16;
Galatians 3:27
Contents of the Letter
Ch 1: Jesus declared to be the Son of
God, by the resurrection from the dead
(1:1-4). Man is without excuse (1:20).
Chs 2,3: All men and women are sin-
ners in need of a Saviour, and subject to
judgement, whether they are Jews or
Chs 4,5: Righteousnesspeace with
Godis offered to us by faith in Jesus
Chs 6-8: The new life in Christ, follow-
ing adult baptism; the bondage of the
Jewish Law compared with the freedom
in Christ.
Chs 9-11: God chose Israel, and the
covenants and promises are still associ-
ated with them; but Gentiles and Jews
can now both be sharers in the same
Chs 12-15: Practical instructions for
those living the new life in Christ; the
problems of being surrounded by a god-
less world.
Ch 16
Final messages to the believers at Rome.
I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth.
Corinth ecclesia was established by Paul
during his second missionary journey (see
map on page 61)there had been a
warmer response to the Gospel here than
in intellectual Athens. Paul wrote this
whilst at Ephesus, during his third journey.
Believers with Problems
In a decadent pagan city like Corinth, it
was not surprising that problems would
arise: personality factions (1:12-16; 3:1-6),
living in a world which boasted of its
wisdom (1:172:16), idolatry (chs 6,8,10),
doctrinal heresies (11:19), and serious
moral problems (chs 5-7). The authority of
the apostles was being questioned (chs 4,
9). Paul reminded the believers of the
basis of their common salvation and of the
need to put their house in order.
Phrases like Now concerning tell
us that the letter is responding to ques-
tions which the Corinthians had raised
(7:1,25; 8:1,4; 12:1; 16:1). There were
misunderstandings about the memorial
servi ce ( l ast supper or breaki ng of
bread) (10:14-22; 11:20-29); and about
spirit gifts received from God (chs 12-
14). Some had been given Gods power
(the Holy Spirit), enabling them to perform
miracles, make inspired utterances, etc.
A letter dealing with problems which had arisen at Corinth, and remind-
ing believers of the principles which should govern Gods household.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Corinthians a) Psalm 8:2;
1:27 Isaiah 66:2;
Matthew 11:25
b) 1 Corinthians b) Isaiah 28:16;
3:11 Ephesians 2:19-22
c) 1 Corinthians c) Mark 16:14;
15:20 Acts 1:3; 17:31
Believers whose faith is
founded on Jesus Christ,
the only true foundation,
are Gods temple (3:10-
17; 6:15-20). As part of
Gods temple, believers
must be careful about
their conduct: Ye are not
your own for ye are
bought with a price: there-
fore glorify God in your
body (6:19,20).
The fact that Christ has
risen from the dead, and
wi l l return from heaven
to rai se and j udge the
dead (ch 15), should unite
bel i evers, and resul t i n
loving service (ch 16).
But such gifts were temporary and
were to cease once the Bible had been
completed (see 13:8-10). In any case,
more important than gifts such as the abili-
ty to speak in tongues, or work miracles,
were qualities like faith, hope and love
and the greatest of these is love (13:13).
Now if Christ is preached that he has
been raised from the dead, how do some
among you say that there is no resurrec-
tion of the dead? But if there is no resur-
rection of the dead, then Christ is not
risen And if Christ is not risen, your
faith is futile; you are still in your sins!
Then also those who have fallen asleep
in Christ have perished. If in this life
only we have hope in Christ, we are of
all men the most pitiable. But now
Christ has risen from the dead, and has
become the firstfruits of those who have
fallen asleep. (15:12,13,17-20; NKJV)
In ch 15 we have a masterly summary of
the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus
Christ, and clear teaching about the resur-
rection of faithful believers at Christs return.
The above quotation proves how essential
resurrection is to the Christian Gospel.
I wrote with many tears
Between the two letters to Corinth, there
must have been another which has not
been preserved in our Biblesevidently
even more severe in tone than the first
epistle (see 2:3,4). In this second letter,
Paul admits his great relief that, according
to news brought to Philippi by Titus (see
map), the in-between letter had been
well received (see 7:6-15).
Though Paul is reassured about the
spiritual development of the Corinthian
believers, there was still much for them to
learn. They had to learn that discipleship
of Christ is not easy, and that all true
believers must expect opposition (4:7-18).
Suffering for Christ
In Corinth, opposition would mainly come
from those who had leanings towards
Judaism. The Judaisers would insist that
believers are bound by the Law of Moses.
The reader is shown that the Law was
only of a temporary nature, whereas those
things which have to do with Christ are
eternal (see chs 3-4).
Objections by those who refused to
acknowledge that Paul was a true Apostle
are answered in several parts of this
Letter. In ch 11, Paul defends his apostle-
ship and lists some of the sufferings he
had al ready endured for the sake of
All believers can expect persecution if
they stand up for the truth. But there will
be a Day of Judgement, at which true and
faithful followers will be recognised by
Christ (5:10).
Another letter to believers at Corinth, stressing the need to be resolute,
despite all opposition, as they try to live the new life in Christ.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Corinthians a) Isaiah 40:5;
4:6 John 1:14; 17:4
b) 2 Corinthians b) Jeremiah 31:9;
6:18 Revelation 21:7
c) 2 Corinthians c) Galatians 1:8;
11:3,4 1 John 2:24
Be perfect be of one mind, live in
peace; and the God of love and peace
shall be with you (13:11)
Coin referring to Isthmian Games at Corinth
(see 1 Corinthians 9:24,25)
Collection for the Needy
During his journeys, Paul collected money
from the various congregations he visited,
to help the poor believers in Judea. In
thi s l etter (chs 8 and 9; see al so 1
Cori nthi ans 16:1-3), he encourages
the Corinthian believers to give heartily
to this fund: Every man according as
he purposeth in his heart, so let him
give for God loveth a cheerful giver
(2 Corinthians 9:7).
Galatian Ecclesias
During the 1st missionary journey Paul
established a number of ecclesias, or
assemblies, in Galatia, which was the
First Century name for what is today cen-
tral Turkey (see map). He visited them
again on later journeys (see Acts 13-18).
The One True Gospel
Sadly, the Galatian believers were very
soon i nfl uenced by Jewi sh el ements
(Judaisers) who wanted Christians to
continue observing the law of Moses.
Paul reminds them of the need to keep to
the one true Gospelwhich no longer
required rituals such as circumcision. His
words still apply: If any one is preaching
to you a gospel contrary to that which you
received, let him be accursed (Galatians
Christ or The Law?
But al though Jewi sh practi ces have
been done away in Christ, the Jewish
promisesGods covenant with Abraham
in particularare still valid. We are asked
to follow the example of Abraham, the man
of faith: he pleased God by believing Him
(Genesis 15:6). We too can only be reck-
oned (or accounted or credited) righteous
by faith in Gods promises, through Christ.
Heirs of the Promises
God promised Abraham and his seed an
eternal inheritance of the Land of Promise
(Genesis 13:15). The seed here spoken
of was Christ (3:16): by becoming associ-
ated with him, we too become heirs of the
promises God made to Abraham (3:29).
Those who believe the promises and
are baptized into Christ change their way
of life, curbing their fleshly passions (5:15-
21) and cultivating the fruit of the Spirit
(5:22,23). They have put on Christ (3:27)
and are thus covered by his righteous-
ness. Paul may well have had in mind the
practice of the time when a young man
would put on a togaan outer garment
worn by adul t Romansto mark the
change to manhood.
A letter to a group of ecclesias in Asia Minor insisting that there is only
one true Gospel based on Gods promises to Abraham, which are
inherited by faith in Christ.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Galatians 2:16 a) Acts 13:38,39;
Romans 8:3
b) Galatians 3:16 b) Genesis 13:15
c) Galatians 3:27 c) Romans 13:14
A typical
Roman toga
Although apparently addressed to the
saints which are at Ephesus, the name of
the city is omitted in some manuscripts: so
this may have been a circular letter for
Ephesus and other ecclesias in the vicinity.
A Holy Temple
The people worshipped idols, the most
important being Diana (called Artemis by
the Greeks), whose templ e was at
Ephesus. Followers of Christ are called to
a greater Templeformed of believers,
both Jews and Gentiles. This Temple,
when completed, will be greater than even
the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem!
Built on the foundation of the teachings
of Gods Word, through the apostles and
the prophets of the past, with Jesus Christ
as the chief corner stone, this Temple
will become a dwelling-place for God
Himself! (2:20-22).
The Unity of the Faith
Unity is a key theme of this Letter. The
barrier between Jew and Gentile has been
broken down by Christ (2:14), and all true
believers have become one in him; and
they are united in agreeing on the basic
doctrines of their faithsummarised in
4:4-6 (and set out in the table).
Ch 5 includes a beautiful portrayal of
marriage, drawing out the spiritual parallel
with Christ and his church (v 22-33).
The Armour of God
The letter gives sound practical advice on
how believers are to live, putting off the old
man and putting on the new man (4:22-
24); by their actions they will witness to
Though raised to a high status (called
heavenly places), they still have to fight
against sin, being protected by the whole
armour of God (6:10-17).
Pauls letter to believers at Ephesus and elsewhere, calling them to a
united life in Christ, as part of Gods exalted purpose.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Ephesians 1:22 a) Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 10:17
b) Ephesians 2:8 b) Romans 3:24; 6:23
c) Ephesians 2:12 c) Acts 11:18; John 10:16
A Roman SoldierEphesus
ONE BODY True believers
ONE SPIRIT Gods power
ONE HOPE Eternal life
ONE LORD Jesus Christ
ONE FAITH The promises
ONE BAPTISM Adult immersion
ONE GOD The Father
An Ephesian coin
showing the Temple
of Diana
A Colony of Heaven
Philippi was a prosperous Roman colony
in Thrace, at the northern end of the
Aegean Sea (see map).
Here, the first ecclesia in Europe was
establ i shed duri ng Paul s Second
Missionary Journey. Contrasting with the
idea of a colony of Rome, the ecclesia is
seen as a colony of heaven, whose
members are citizens of a heavenly king-
dom (see 3:20).
When he wrote this letter, Paul was a
prisoner in Rome (as he had once been in
Philippi, Acts 16:25). Yet he rejoices that
his imprisonment had worked out unto
the furtherance of the gospelhe was
able to witness to his guards (1:12-18).
Unity in Christ
The Philippians are encouraged to stand
fast with one mind striving together for
the faith of the gospel (1:27). United in
fellowship, having the same love, they
are of one mind; and they are to be con-
cerned for each others needs, imitating
the example of Christ (2:1-5).
Though he was the Son of God, Jesus
behaved as a servant and was obedient
unto death, even the death of the cross.
As a result, God raised him from the
dead and has given him a name which
is above every name: that at the name of
Jesus every knee should bow and that
every tongue should confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father (2:6-11). Paul looked forward to
the resurrection of the dead, made possi-
ble by Christs sacrifice (3:10-12).
Think on These Things
The Philippians are to follow the example
of the Lord and of the apostles (2:22,29;
3:17) and be examples to others (4:5),
showing forth the qualities named in 4:8.
In a city where poverty and riches existed
side by side, the epistle reminds believers
of the true riches of the Gospel (4:19).
A warm letter to a faithful ecclesia showing the need for the unity in
Christ: the warfare against sin, and the ultimate joy of salvation.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Philippians 2:9 a) Acts 2:33;
Hebrews 2:9
b) Philippians 3:14 b) 2 Timothy 4:7,8
c) Philippians 3:20 c) Acts 1:11; 3:20,21;
1 Thessalonians
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are hon-
ourable, whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are
of good report; if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on
these things. (4:8)
The Ecclesia at Colosse
When Paul spent three years at Ephesus
(Acts 20), the Gospel spread inland to
such towns as Laodicea and Colosse (see
While Paul was a prisoner in Rome, he
learned from Epaphroditus (1:7) of prob-
lems which had arisen among believers
at Colosse. So he sent this Letter via
Tychicus and Onesimus (4:7-9) to the
brethren in Christ (1:2), encouraging
them to continue in the faith, grounded
and settl ed (1:23) and to beware of
philosophy after the tradition of men
The main problems at Colosse arose
from Judaisers and Gnostics. Paul dis-
missed those Jews who were still preoc-
cupied with the Law of Moses; with meat
drink, or in respect of a holyday, which
are done away in Christ (2:16,17). He also
warned against being caught up in Greek
notions of angel worship (2:18).
The Head of the Body
The Letter underlines the supremacy of
the Lord Jesus Christ: there are no other
intermediaries between God and man,
such as the gnostics had invented. God
has made His Son the head of all things,
the centre of His purpose (1:16). He is the
head of the body (the ecclesia) and the
first of a new creation (1:18).
We can only be saved through associa-
tion with Christ. The process begins with
belief and by being buried with him in
baptism (2:12).
Risen with Christ
Baptized believers must continue to follow
Christ closely; they must live the new life
in Christ (3:1). This will involve putting to
death old ideas and ways, and putting
on the new man (3:8-14).
Brethren in Christ (which is what the
term Christadelphian means) are called
to heed the instructions given in chs 3 and
4, regarding the new life.
Paul counters heresies appearing amongst the believers at Colosse. He
shows that neither Judaism, nor philosophy, can save; but only commit-
ment to Christ.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Colossians 1:15 a) 2 Corinthians
4:4-6; Hebrews 1:3
b) Colossians 2:12 b) Romans 6:4-6
c) Colossians 3:4 c) 1 John 3:2
The Ecclesia at Thessalonica
The apostle Paul established an ecclesia
of believers at Thessalonica (see map)
during his Second Missionary Journey
(Acts 17). The ecclesia thrived, and Paul
(writing also on behalf of Silvanus and
TimotheusSilas and Timothy) says: We
give thanks to God always for you
rememberi ng your work of fai th, and
labour of love, and patience of hope in our
Lord Jesus Christ (1:2,3).
Ti mothy had brought news of
how they fared (3:6), and Paul
now writes to encourage them.
Using the imagery of
sol di ers on watch,
he counsels: Let us
not sleep, but be
sober, putti ng on
the breastpl ate of
fai th and l ove;
and for an helmet,
the hope of sal-
vation (5:6-8).
Supposing we die first?
Some bel i evers at Thessal oni ca had
already died, while the rest were hoping
that Jesus would return at any moment.
The question was being asked, What
about those who have died? Will they par-
ticipate in the great events associated with
his return?
Paul explains (4:13-18) that believers
are not like those who die without hope.
They will be awakened from their uncon-
scious sleep, at the return of Christ, and
will join the believers who are still living
at that time. They will be caught up to
meet the Lordto be wi th hi m as he
returns to the earth (not to be taken off to
heaven, as bel i evers i n the rapture
claim). Those who are then judged by
Christ to have been faithful will become
his immortal helpers, to establish Gods
Kingdom on earth.
The apostle Paul encourages and instructs believers as they await the
personal return of Jesus Christ.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Thessalonians 1:10 a) Romans 5:9
b) 1 Thessalonians 2:19 b) 2 Corinthians 1:14
c) 1 Thessalonians 5:8 c) Ephesians 6:14-17
The Lord will Descend
Every chapter in this book, written under
Divine inspiration, forecasts the return of
Christ from heaven to earth (see 1:10;
2:19; 3:13; 4:15,16; 5:2,23).
Till Christ Comes
This letter (written, like the first, in the
names of Paul , Si l as and Ti mothy)
corrected the idea that Christ would come
in that era. He would come, but first there
would be a falling away from the true
teachings of Christ and his apostles (2:3).
This apostasy, referred to as the mystery
of iniquity and the man of sin (2:3-12),
would continue down the ages until Christ
comes to end it (v 8).
Stand Fast
Only the second coming of Christ, which
i s now i mmi nent, can end thi s
si tuati on! In the meanti me, the
Thessalonians are praised for their devo-
tion to the things of God, and encouraged
to hold fast until the coming of the Lord!
This letter emphasises not only Christs
comi ng, but al so the j udgement: he
comes to be glorified in his saints, but
also to take vengeance on them that
know not God, and that obey not the
gospel of our Lord Jesus (1:5-9).
Faith, Hope and Love
Believers can expect to suffer, but they
must maintain the true Faith (beliefs) and
Hope (in the coming kingdom) and show
true Love, as followers of Jesus Christ
(1:3; 3:5). Paul is confident that, though
they have members who have been walk-
ing disorderly, they will not be weary in
well-doing; this will bring them peace
Paul again comforts the Thessalonians, saying that Christ will come, but
not before there has been a falling away from true religion.
Paul was a tent-maker: he still worked at
this trade, when he could, so as not to be a
burden on others (see Acts 18:3; 20:34; 1
Thessalonians 2:9)
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Thessalonians a) Romans 2:8,9
b) 2 Thessalonians b) 1 Timothy 2:4;
2:10,13 John 17:17
c) 2 Thessalonians c) Romans 16:17;
3:6 Titus 3:10
Erroneous Teachings
Since the time of Christ and his apostles,
error has crept into the Christian religion.
The following are some of the widely
held beliefs which the Bible does not
1. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit form a
2. Man has an immortal soul.
3. Evil and temptation are the work of a
supernatural devil.
4. The Kingdom of God is in heaven.
5. The wicked will be punished in
eternal hell-fire.
6. God has no further purpose with
7. Interpretation of Christian faith must
be left to priests.
8. Holy Spirit gifts help believers to
understand the Bible.
9. Infant sprinkling will suffice for
10. Believers can fight for their country.
Positive Bible doctrines are given, with
Scripture sources, in the Summary of
Bible Teaching on page 90.
Pauls Son in the Faith
The apostle Paul met the young man
Timothy at Lystra. Timothy had a Greek
father and a Jewish mother and grand-
mother (2 Timothy 1:5). He became a
faithful helper in the work of preaching
the Gospel. Paul treated him as a son
(1:2), training him for the on-going work
of shepherding the flock.
Timothy was entrusted with the work of
guiding the believers at Ephesus, and
needed advice on holding fast to the one
true faith, and countering the influence of
false teachers (1:3; 6:3).
The Importance of Doctrine
Pauls words to the elders of Ephesus
(Acts 20:17-31) were already coming true,
and grievous wolves were at work in the
ecclesia, not sparing the flock. The vital
need for the ecclesia to keep to the original
teachi ngs of Chri st and the apostl es
is stressed (1:3,19; 4:6,13,16; 6:3,20).
Drawing on the images and language of
his times, Paul uses many military, athletic
and medical metaphors. He emphasises
sound doctrine using a Greek word
which has come down to us in the word
hygienereferring to what is wholesome
or healthy. Fight the good fight of faith
(6:12) may sound like a military metaphor
but is actually taken from athletics: the
Revised English Bible translates it, Run
the great race of faith.
Another powerful expression, this time
taken from the world of banking, is the
good deposit (that which is committed
unto thee in 6:20; that good thing
commi tted unto thee i n 2 Ti mothy
1:12,14). Paul tells Timothy, and us, that
the faith is a precious deposit which we
are to guard safely.
Missing the Mark
Those who taught false ideas would miss
the mark. This is the literal meaning of
In the first of the three Pastoral Epistles, Paul writes to Timothy, with a
reminder of how affairs must be guided in the assembly of believers and
of the need for sound doctrine.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Timothy a) 1 Corinthians 8:6;
2:5; 6:15 Isaiah 45:5
b) 1 Timothy 6:10 b) Matthew
c) 1 Timothy 6:16 c) Psalm 49:12;
Ecclesiastes 9:5
the original words used in 1:6 (translated
swerved) and 6:21 (translated erred;
also in 2 Timothy 2:18). Some of those
false teachings are dealt with in this
inspired letter. For example:
1. Trinitarian ideas (1:17; 2:5; 6:15)
2. Immortal soul ideas (6:16)
3. Toleration of wrong doctrine (4:7;
5:20; 6:3,4)
4. Science falsely so called (6:20)
Timothy, born at Lystra, was appointed
as the bishop (shepherd) at Ephesus
There is one God, and one mediator
between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus. (2:5)
This letter, probably Pauls last, was
written shortly before his martyrdom at
the hands of the Emperor Nero in Rome,
about AD 68.
Although Paul had been released after
his first trial (his crime was preaching the
gospel!), he knew that this time his execu-
tion was imminent (see 4:6).
Final Advice
Paul had fought a good fight (4:7) and
he urges Timothy to stand fast in the true
faith, without fear (1:7; 2:1); not to be
ashamed of the testimony of our Lord,
nor of me his prisoner (1:8). Like Paul, he
must be a good soldier for Jesus Christ
Perilous Times
Dangers for the followers of Christ would
not be confined to the
Fi rst Century. Great
peri l s woul d come:
false teachers arose
wi t hi n t he Chri st i an
communi t y i n t hose
days, but t he l ast
days bef ore t he
return of Christ would
also be perilous (3:1-
7). We need t hese
warnings more than ever today.
Hope of a Future Life
Paul knew that, although man is mortal,
God has offered a promise of life (1:1)
to al l true bel i evers and a crown of
life when Christ returns, if they have
remai ned fai thful . Paul s hope was
the crown of righteousness, which the
Lord shall give me and all them also
that love his appearing (4:7,8).
Paul, nearing the end of his own life, warns Timothy of perilous times
aheadboth immediately, and in the last days before the return of
Jesus Christ.
The stephanos, or victors crown, given
to successful competitors in the Roman
Games: If anyone competes as an
athlete, he does not receive the victors
crown unless he competes according to
the rules (2:5, NIV)
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Timothy 2:8 a) 2 Samuel 7:12-14; Luke 1:32
b) 2 Timothy 2:19 b) Numbers 16:5-7,26
c) 2 Timothy 3:1-7 c) Romans 1:28-31; 2 Peter 3:3,4
The holy scriptures are able to make
thee wise unto salvation, through
faith which is in Christ Jesus. (3:15)
Titus was a Greek and, like Timothy,
seems to have been a convert of the
apostl e Paul . In thi s l etter Ti tus i s
addressed as my true child in a common
faith (Titus 1:4; compare 1 Timothy 1:2).
The common fai th was the true
Gospel, preached by the apostles. It is vital
that we also hold this, as the letter says.
The Ecclesia in Crete
The assembly of believers in Crete may
have been establ i shed by some who
originally heard the Gospel preached by
Peter at Jerusalem (see Acts 2:11). Pauls
first visit to Crete was on his journey
to Rome, under arrest, just before the
shi pwreck (Acts 27:7,8). On bei ng
released from prison in Rome he evidently
vi si ted Crete wi th Ti tus, l eavi ng the
younger man there (1:5) to set in order
the eccl esi as, and appoi nt el ders i n
every citythere may have been many
ecclesias on the island. Unruly men,
vain talkers and deceivers heretics
(1:10; 3:10) were threateni ng to turn
the members from the Truth. As in other
places, like Galatia, the followers of Christ
were in danger of being misled by Jewish
fables (1:14).
Historically, the Cretans had gained a
bad reputation. Even one of their own
poets (Epimenides, 600 BC) had called
them liars and evil beasts, as Paul
reminded Titus (1:12). Believers must be
different, and bishops (or elders) in par-
ticular should show Godly qualities and be
free of the vices of the worldsee 1:6-9.
Sound in the Faith
As in the letters to Timothy, Paul stresses
the need for sound doctrine (1:9; 2:1).
Believers must hold fast to the faithful
word (1:9); they must be sound
in the faith (1:13; 2:2), and set a good
example of honesty (3:14).
All these words and phrases show how
important doctrine is, as a basis for the
Christian life. True beliefs and practices
still matter today.
Subject to Authority
The letter to Titus exhorts slaves (of which
there were many in those ecclesias) to
be obedient unto their own masters (2:9);
and all believers are to be subject to prin-
cipalities and powers (3:1). The believer
today must also respect authority.
A pastoral letter to another of Pauls sons in the faith, who had been
left to guide the ecclesias in Crete. Paul gives him instruction on how
the assembly of believers should function.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Titus 1:2; a) 2 Timothy 1:1;
2:13; 3:7 Philippians 3:20;
Romans 8:24
b) Titus 2:14 b) Deuteronomy 7:7;
1 Peter 2:9
c) Titus 3:10 c) Matthew 18:17;
Romans 16:17
Philemonthe Master
Philemon was a believer belonging to the
ecclesia at Colosse in Asia Minor (see
map). He appears to have been a wealthy
man, for we know that he had at least one
slave (called Onesimus).
From Rome, Paul wrote a l etter to
Philemon, as well as one to Colosse; from
that letter to Colosse (4:8) it would appear
that Tychicus was the bearer of both letters
and that Onesimus accompanied him on
his journey from Rome to the Lycus valley.
Thi s l etter begi ns by commendi ng
Philemon for his faith and love towards
Jesus Christ, and his kindness to the
believers (v 5).
Onesimusthe Slave
But then the letter appeals to Philemon to
receive back his slave, Onesimus, who had
escaped and run away to Rome. Whilst in
Rome, he had met Paul, who had taught
him the good news of salvation in Christ.
Onesimus (whose name means prof-
itable) should now be received back (v 16).
He had become profitable to thee and to
me (v 11)profitable to Paul the prisoner
in Rome, to Philemon, and above all to
Christ! Philemon will surely have reacted
graciously to Pauls kindly letter, and will
have welcomed back Onesimusnot only
as a slave but also as a brother.
Who is your Master?
We are unprofitable by nature, but can be
received by Christ upon our acceptance of
the true Gospel. We have to be willing to
obey his commands. It is far better to be a
servant of Christ, that a servant of sin (see
Romans 6:17). This is true freedom!
Pauls personal letter to Philemon, about Onesimusa runaway slave
who had become a believer in the true Gospel and was being commend-
ed back to his master.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Philemon v 3 a) Romans 3:24
b) Philemon v 10 b) Colossians 4:7-9
c) Philemon v 16 c) Romans 14:18;
Ephesians 6:9;
Titus 1:1
Paul asked
Philemon to
prepare him
a lodging in
his house
(v 22)
As Paul the aged, and now also a
prisoner of Jesus Christ, I beseech
thee for my son Onesimus (9,10)
The Ecclesias
of the
Lycus Valley
The Supremacy of Christ
This letter to Hebrew believers demon-
strates that Jesus Christ is Gods final and
perfect representative, better and greater
in his manifestation of Gods nature and
purpose than all the patriarchs, priests
and prophets who preceded him. He is
even greater than the angels!
Christa Better Priest
The writer shows that Christ is of a higher
order than the Jewish priests, who were of
the tribe of Levi. Jesus was of the royal
tribe of Judah, of which tribe Moses
spake nothing concerning priesthood
(7:14). But there was a precedent for this,
a type of Christ long before the law of
Moses: Melchizedek, the king-priest of
Salem (later Jerusalem) (Genesis 14:18-
20). Chs 5-7 show how Christ is a priest
after the order of Melchizedek, greater
than the priests who were descended
from Aaron (5:6; 6:20; 7:1-21). This was
foretold in one of the Psalms of David
(Psalm 110:4).
ChristBetter than the Law
The Letter shows how the Law of Moses
pointed forward to Christ. Ch 9 tells how
he was prefigured in the Tabernacle and
its contents; and in the calendar of feasts
and sacrifices which Israel had to follow.
And what was true for the Tabernacle, the
temporary shrine in the wilderness, was
also true for the Temple in Jerusalem and
its ritualswhich the Hebrews were reluc-
tant to turn their backs on.
Animal sacrifices (chs 9; 10) pointed
forward to a better sacrifice. Christs sacri-
fice did away with the need for those
sacrifices, and did away also with the
need for the Temple and the priesthood.
The Way of Faith
Ch 11 shows that salvation is by faith in
Gods promises, centred in Jesus Christ.
Jesus, though he was Gods Son, was in
all points tempted like as we are, yet with-
out sin (2:17,18; 4:15). He is a mediator
(8:6; 9:15; 12:24) for those who come in
faith to ask Gods forgiveness. In Jesus
there is a new and living way (10:20);
through him we may draw near with a
true heart in full assurance of faith (10:22).
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Hebrews 2:14 a) Romans 5:21; 6:23
b) Hebrews 9:22 b) Leviticus 17:11;
Matthew 26:28
c) Hebrews 13:13 c) Exodus 29:14; 33:7;
Numbers 19:2,3
A letter to Jewish believers in Jerusalem, probably written by Paul,
which stresses the superiority of Christ over the law of Moses and
Christ is greater than
The angels 1:4-14
Abraham 7:4
Moses 3:3-6
Aaron (High Priest) 4:14-15; 8:1-4
Joshua (Jesus in the AV) 4:8
The prophets 1:1-2
God, who at various times and in
various ways spoke in time past to the
fathers by the prophets, has in these
last days spoken to us by his Son.
( 1:1, NKJV )
The entrance to the Tabernacle
in the Wilderness
Abraham (2:21-23)believed and
obeyed God
Rahab (2:25)showed her belief
by helping Gods messengers
Job (5:11)suffered patiently
Elijah (5:17)believed, so prayed
The Mirror of the Word
There is sound practical advice about the
curbing of our tongues (ch 3), on the need
for humility (ch 4), and on the importance
of prayer (ch 5). If we see ourselves as
we really are, by looking into Gods Word,
and then do nothing about it, we shall
not be blessed! See what James says
(1:22-25) about this mirror.
The Lord's Brother
After Jesus, Mary had other sons, includ-
ing Jamesthe writer of this Letter. After
his resurrection from the dead, Jesus
appeared to his followers, who by then
included his own brothers (Acts 1:14).
James later became the shepherd of the
flock of believers in the Jerusalem area
(Acts 15:13).
Believers Everywhere
The Letter of James was addressed to
Jewish believers further afieldthose dis-
persed throughout the Roman world.
It was wri tten to provi de hel p and
encouragement in the face of persecution
and oppression (1:12; 5:7), but it also
teaches the need to put our faith into
practice. It is applicable to believers
everywhere, in all ages.
Faith or Works?
From the 1st Century AD onwards, there
has been debate about which is more
importantfaith or works. In this Letter
we learn that faith (beliefs) should result
i n works (deeds); whi l e works gi ve
evidence of faith. Both matter!
James gives examples of believers
who showed both faith and works:
If any one be
a hearer of the
word, and not a
doer, he is like unto a
man beholding his natural
face in a mirror he goeth his
way, and straightway forgetteth
what manner of man he was (1:23,24)
A practical letter underlining how true brethren of Christ should both
speak and act, even under conditions of stress.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) James 1:17 a) Numbers 23:19;
1 Samuel 15:29;
Malachi 3:6
b) James 2:5 b) Matthew 5:3,5;
Revelation 21:7
c) James 5:7-8 c) Hebrews 10:36;
1 Peter 1:7
Wars and fightings (4:1)
Labourers in the field (5:4)
Flower (1:11)
Ships rudder (3:4)
Exiles for Christ
This letter was written to Jewish believers
scattered across Syria and Asia Minor
(1:1; see map on page 62). Jews had
either been deported or had emigrated
throughout the Roman worl das far
afield as Babylon and Europe. Though
many opposed the preaching of Jesus
Christ, some responded to the Gospel. All
Christs true followers are exiles, looking
for the future Kingdom of God. They take
no part in the politics of this world; on the
other hand, they submit to kings and gov-
ernors so long as their commands do not
conflict with the laws of Christ.
As strangers in this world they must
maintain their faith patiently until Christ
returns, when he will grant a place in
Gods kingdom to all who are accepted by
Gods grace (1:7-9). Meanwhile, they
must be prepared for persecutionthose
to whom Peter wrote had already experi-
enced suffering (1:6,7; 2:11-23; 4:12-19).
In this they were following in the steps of
their Master, who was reviled suffered
bare our sins in his own body on the
tree (2:20-24).
Chosen People
In words once used to describe Israel, the
followers of Christ are called a chosen
people, a royal priesthood (2:9). Christ is
the Chief Shepherd, who cares for the
sheep, and who even di ed for them
(2:24,25). Believers also must care for the
flock, by being good examples and by
feeding them with Gods Word (5:2-3).
Gods special people are being pre-
pared as a spiritual temple in which God
can eventually dwell; Christ is the corner
stone of that building (2:4-8). They must
endeavour to show Gods ways in their
lives (2:9,12).
A Crown of Glory
Those who believe in Gods Word and are
baptized (1:23; 3:21) will be granted an
eternal crown of life when Christ comes
(5:4), if they have remained faithful.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 Peter 1:3,23 a) John 1:13; 3:3;
James 1:18
b) 1 Peter 2:9 b) Exodus 19:5.6;
Revelation 1:6
c) 1 Peter 3:20,21 c) Genesis 6:5-8;
Hebrews 11:7
Writing to Jewish believers among the diaspora, Peter proclaims Christ
as the Chief Shepherd. True followers must also be shepherds, caring
for the flock.
God waited patiently in the days of
Noah while the ark was being built. In
it only a few people, eight in all, were
saved through water, and this water
symbolises baptism that now saves you
also. ( 3:20,21, NIV )
Echoes of the Words of Jesus
It is not difficult to see that Peter had
been with Jesus Christ: dozens of
phrases in this first letter can be traced
to sayings of the Master. For example:
1:4Inheritance Matthew 6:20
reserved in heaven
1:10Of which Matthew 13:17
salvation the prophets
searched diligently
1:23Born again John 3:3,5
by the word of God
2:5Ye also, as Matthew 16:18
living stones, are built
up a spiritual house
4:14If ye be Matthew 5:11
reproached for the
name of Christ, happy
are ye
5:2Feed the John 21:16
flock of God
the apostles of the Lord and Saviour
(3:2). Faith in these things comes first;
then there must be a response (v 5-7), if
ones calling and election is to be made
sure (v 10).
Eye-Witnesses of his Majesty
Peter was one of three apostles who saw
Jesus transfigured, while they were with
him on a high mountain (see Matthew
17:1-9). In this vision Jesus appeared in
glorified immortal nature, as he will be
seen in the future kingdom on earth.
The promise that believers might also
be made partakers of the divine nature
(1:4) had been underlined by this incident
to which Peter refers (in 1:16-18).
Where is the promise of his
Those to whom Peter wrote needed the
reassurance that, though the faith was
threatened by evil influences, God will
judge the wicked and preserve the right-
eousjust as Noah was saved from the
Flood (2:5), and Lot from the destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6-8).
There were some who were starting to
doubt that Christ would return: Where is
the promise of his coming? for since the
fathers fell asleep, all things continue as
they were from the begi nni ng of the
creation (3:4). Peter assures them: The
Lord is not slack concerning his promise
The day of the Lord will come as a thief
in the night; in the which the heavens
shall pass away Nevertheless we,
according to his promise, look for new
heavens and a new earth, wherei n
dwelleth righteousness (3:10-13).
Peter and Paul
In the concl udi ng few verses, Peter
makes an interesting cross-reference to
Pauls epistles (3:15,16)an incidental
confirmation that the apostles knew of
each others writings.
A warning that false teachers will arise and that God will punish this
dark and evil world. However, there will be great blessings for believers,
when Christ returns.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 Peter 1:19 a) Psalms 119:105;
Proverbs 6:23
b) 2 Peter 1:21 b) 2 Timothy 3:16;
1 Peter 1:11
c) 2 Peter 3:13 c) Isaiah 65:17;
Revelation 21:1
The True Light
The opening verse of ch 3This second
epistle, beloved, I now write unto you
(3:1)suggests that the letter is addres-
sed to the same readers as the first letter.
Written five or six years later, it tells us
that false teachers (2:1-3) were threat-
ening to divert the ecclesias from the
truth. In the last days, some would even
deny the Second Coming of Christ (3:4).
The apostle Peter, inspired by Gods
Holy Spirit, proclaimed true teaching, like
the prophets of God in Old Testament
times (1:21). This letter, meant for believ-
ers everywhere, reminds us that Gods
Word of prophecy is like a lamp, shining
in a squalid world (1:19), to which we
need to give careful attention.
Great and Precious Promises
Peter reminds his readers of the exceed-
ing great and precious promises (1:4)
the words spoken before by the holy
prophets, and the commandment of us
Johns epistles were the last to be written:
his gospel was probably penned in about
AD 85, and these letters between 85 and
95. No recipients are named: this was a
circular letter.
Fellowship with Christ
Christ was a reality in the life of the apostle
John. Like others, John had seen Jesus,
touched him and listened to him, both
before and after his death and resurrec-
tion. John now wrote of him as the word
of life (1:1) because belief in him and his
teaching could lead to eternal life.
Fellowship with the Father, and with
his Son Jesus Christ (1:3) is vital. We
need to walk in the light, that is, be
guided by Gods Word (1:6,7) if we are
to have fellowship with Christ. He is the
mediator through whom alone true believ-
ers can obtain forgiveness of sins (1:7;
2:2; 4:10).This blessing enables them to
walk with Christ and with one another
The Way of Truth
False teachings were already developing
in Johns day. Many were influenced by a
philosophy called Gnosticism, whose fol-
lowers claimed special knowledge (Greek
gnosis), contradicting what the Christians
had learned about the nature of Christ.
John referred to such teachers as
antichrists (2:18,22; 4:3). They denied
that Jesus had come in the flesh (that is,
having human nature capable of being
tempted), because it was inconceivable
(in their view) that one who was the Son
of God could exist in human form, tainted
with evil. This false idea actually paved
the way for the later, unscriptural doctrine
of the Trinity, which is now believed by
most of Christendom.
The truth i s that though God was
indeed his Father, Jesus could only be a
sacrifice for sin, and our advocate with
the Father (2:1), if he shared our nature.
The Way of Love
Those who believe in the Son of God can
themsel ves become chi l dren of God:
Behold, what manner of love the Father
hath bestowed on us, that we should be
called the sons of God (3:1). God is love
(4:8) and it was because God so loved the
world (John 3:16), that He sent His Son
into the world, that we might live through
him (4:9). Such love demands that we
show love to others (3:13-23; 4:7-21).
The Apostle John writes on the twin themes of Truth and Love, in
opposition to the false ideas and practices which are put forward
by antichrists.
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 1 John 1:5-7 a) 2 Corinthians 6:14;
1 Thessalonians 5:5
b) 1 John 2:18 b) 2 Thessalonians 2:3;
2 Peter 2:1
c) 1 John 4:12,20 c) John 1:18; 1
Timothy 6:16
The New Testament was written in
Greek: this is a sample of text (the
first few verses of Johns Gospel) in
the Alexandrian Manuscript (in the
British Museum)
We love God when we believe His
Word and keep His commandments. We
love others by showing them the way of
truth and eternal life (1:2; 5:20).
The Beloved Elder
The apostle John was a disciple whom
Jesus loved (John 13:23). Now, as an
elder among the believers, he tried to
guide them in the way of truth and love,
as taught by Jesus.
The Elect Lady and her Children
This second epistle written by John is
addressed to the elect lady and her
children (v 1). The lady may have been
a particular believer, but we may also
think of her as the church or ecclesia
as a whole.
The ecclesia consists of those who are
called out by God from dying humanity
to become an assembl y of bapti zed
believers. If they remain faithful they will
eventually be part of the bride of Jesus
Christ, to reign with him on earth. She will
indeed be the Elect Lady; her children
will be the individual members.
A letter written by the apostle John, showing that those who walk in the
Truth and follow its principles are Gods true children.
Today false teachings still abound. For
example, most Christians fail to
accept the Bible teaching that Jesus
was of our naturea nature from
which temptation can arise. They think
of him as God the Son instead of the
Son of God who was tempted in all
points like as we are (Hebrews 4:15).
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 2 John verse 1 a) John 8:32; Galatians 1:8
b) 2 John verse 6 b) John 14:15; 1 John 2:5
c) 2 John verse 7 c) 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4; Acts 20:30
The beginning of the Letter in
Tyndales English translation of 1525
The Importance of the Truth
John was pl eased to l earn that the
children were walking in truth (v 4).
Knowing the Truth (the true message of
God) is vital. If we do not abide in the
doctrine of Christ (v 9), we shall not
receive eternal life at his coming (v 8).
The Antichrist
In Johns day (towards the end of the 1st
century AD), false teaching was already
being spread within the ecclesias by
many deceivers. They are called the
antichrist (v 7). Their false ideas were
the start of an apostasy which even-
t ual l y af f ect ed al most t he whol e of
Receive him not
True believers are asked to maintain
the distinction between truth and error
and not to allow false teachers to enter
their house (or ecclesia) or to worship
with them (v 10-11).
The Love of Christ
The ecclesia of Christ must continue
to show true love, Divine Love, by being
concerned for the eternal life of others,
their fellow believers included (v 5).
To the Beloved Gaius
The apostle John addressed this letter to
the beloved Gaius whom I love in the
truth (v 1). It may be that John had
originally taught him the Truth (that
i s, the true gospel ), as v 4 perhaps
i ndi cates. However, al l John s fel l ow
believers were also beloved, having all
been recipients of Gods love, shown to
them in Jesus Christ.
The Purpose of the Letter
John wrote asking Gaius to look after the
preachers of the true gospel who were
currently in his area and to attend to
their needs. His letter was written under
inspiration of God and so has a message
for us too. Because of its personal tone
and the warm love shown by the writer to
the first recipient, this letter is bound to
remind us of Pauls personal and affec-
tionate letter to Philemon (see page 77).
A Good Report
Gai us was al ready known for hi s
ki ndness. Some of the bel i evers had
reported this to the Apostle. They had
confi rmed al so that he was fol l owi ng
the truth (v 3). Strangers too had borne
witness to his way of life (v 6).
Another faithful believer mentioned in
this epistle was Demetrius (v 12). John
wrote that he too had a good report from
all men.
For us the message is clear. What we
believe and how we live are both vital. If
we are faithful to Gods Word we too can
obtain a good reportfrom God Himself
(see Hebrews 11:39,40).
Self-Importance Condemned
John had previ ousl y wri tten to the
believers where Gaius lived (v 9). How-
ever, a member of the assembly there
was being troublesome. His name was
Diotrephes. He was a loud-mouthed man,
full of his own importance. The letter
shows the Divine estimate of such pride.
No greater joy
John rejoiced to know that most of the
members walked faithfully in truth and
love. If we try to live according to Gods
Word, this will bring joy, both to Him and
to us. There is no greater joy!
Both the Second and Third Letters of
John are short. Probably conscious of
this, John ends each one by saying that
he has more he could write about, but he
will come and visit his readers instead:
I had many things to write, but I will not
with ink and pen write unto thee, but I
trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall
speak face to face (v 13,14).
A letter written by the Apostle John to Gaius, a beloved believer,
showing our need to walk in the way of Truth and Love.
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) 3 John verse 4 a) 1 Corinthians 4:15; Philemon verse 10
b) 3 John verse 11 b) Psalm 37:27; Amos 5:15; 1 Peter 3:11
c) 3 John verse 12 c) Genesis 39:3; Daniel 1:9; Luke 2:52
The ending of the Letter in Tyndales
English New Testament
Jude, Brother of James
The writer of this letter was Jude (some-
times called Judas), the brother of the
James who was a step-brother of Jesus.
Jesus, Jude, James, Simon and Joses
had all been brought up in the home of
Mary and Joseph, at Nazareth in Galilee.
During the ministry of Jesus in Galilee,
hi s brothers di d not bel i eve on hi m,
al though he was the Messi ah and
Saviour, being the Son of God and not
of Joseph (see John 7:5). After his resur-
rection, however, they became faithful
Jude, Servant of Jesus Christ
Now Jude wrote as a servant (slave) of
Jesus Christ. In writing to fellow-believers
he says they are sanctified preserved
(v 1). This means that they were set apart,
separated and distinct from the beliefs
and practices of the world around them.
They will be preserved as Gods people,
his saints through Jesus Christ, if they
remain true to their calling. They will look
for mercy at the return of Christ if they
have been faithful.
The need to contend for the faith
The ecclesia(s) to whom Jude wrote were
being undermined by false teachers who
had wormed thei r way i n (v 4, New
English Bible). Jude knew it was urgent to
write and remind his readers to earnestly
contend for the faith once for all delivered
unto the saints (v 3, Revised Version).
The language is very similar to 2 Peter 2.
He remi nded hi s readers of Ol d
Testament examples of false teachers
and of the judgements reserved for such
(v 5-15). Agai nst such apostasy true
saints, such as Enoch (v 14), had spoken
The Importance of the Truth
The need to keep to the original gospel as
taught in the Scriptures is underlined in
this letter. It is particularly apt, coming as
it does almost at the end of the Bible.
Those who guard the truth and try to live
by its principles can look for mercy and
eternal life at the time of Christs return.
They will form the faultless Bride to be
presented in that day (v 24).
Judah, Man of Praise!
Judes name can also be written as Judah
a name whi ch means prai se . It i s
fitting, therefore, that the letter ends in
a doxology of praise: To the only wise
God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our
Lord, be glory and majesty, dominion and
power, both now and ever. Amen (v 25).
To give God glory and praise is the
ultimate purpose to which Gods saints
are called.
This short letter reminds believers that there is an urgent need always
to keep to the doctrines and practices taught by Christ and the
Apostles, as now revealed in the Scriptures
Contend earnestly for the faith which
was once for all delivered unto the
saints (v 3)
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Jude verse 3 a) Philippians 1:27; 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 1:13
b) Jude verses 9,23 b) Zechariah 3:2,4
c) Jude verses 24,25 c) Romans 16:25-27; Acts 20:32
Agrippa Herod Agrippa II (Acts 25)
Ananias (1) Husband of Sapphira
Ananias (2) Believer who baptized Paul
Andrew* Brother of Peter, an Apostle
Anna* Acknowledged the infant Jesus
Apollos A believer from Alexandria
Aquila Husband of Priscilla
Barnabas Pauls companion from Cyprus
Bartholomew* Nathanael, an apostle
Caiaphas* High Priest in Jerusalem
Cornelius Gentile baptized by Peter
Dorcas Peter raised her from the dead
Elisabeth* Mother of John the baptist
Epaphroditus Sent to Philippians by Paul
Felix Roman Governor who tried Paul
Festus Replaced Felix as Governor
Gaius A believer with Paul at Ephesus
Gamaliel Jewish teacher of Saul (Paul)
Herod(s)* Puppet kings for Rome in Israel
James (1)* Brother of the Apostle John
James (2)* The Less, an Apostle
James (3)* The brother of Jesus
John (1)* Brother of James, an Apostle
John (2)* The baptist, son of Zacharias
Joseph (1)* Husband of Mary (1)
Joseph (2)* From Arimathaea, rich man
Judas (1)* Iscariot, the betrayer
Judas (2)* Lebbaeus, an Apostle
Jude (3)* A brother of Jesus
Lazarus* Brother of Martha and Mary;
raised from the dead
Lebbaeus* Thaddaeus (Judas), an Apostle
Luke* He wrote Luke and The Acts
Lydia She was baptized at Philippi
Mark* John Mark, who wrote Mark
Martha* Sister of Mary (3) at Bethany
Mary (1)* Mother of Jesus
Mary (2)* Mother of James the Less
Mary (3)* Sister of Martha and Lazarus
Mary (4)* Magdalene, who followed Jesus
Mary (5) Mother of John Mark
Mary (6) One of Pauls helpers at Rome
Mathias Chosen to replace Judas
Matthew* Levi, an Apostle
Nicodemus* A Pharisee who believed
Onesimus A runaway slave of Philemon
Onesiphorus A believer from Ephesus
Paul (Saul) The Apostle to the Gentiles
Peter* Simon, an Apostle
Philemon A believer at Colosse
Philip (1)* An Apostle from Bethsaida
Philip (2) A preacher, who baptized many
Pilate* Roman Governor of Judaea
Priscilla Believer, wife of Aquila
Quartus A brother (Romans 16:23)
Rhoda She opened the door to Peter
Salome* Mother of James and John
Sapphira Wife of Ananias (1)
Silas Pauls travel companion
Simeon* Blessed the infant Jesus
Simon (1)* Peter, who wrote 1 & 2 Peter
Simon (2)* Zelotes, an Apostle
Stephen Stoned for preaching Christ
Theophilus* To whom Luke addressed
his Gospel and Acts
Thomas* Didymus, an Apostle
Timothy Young believer from Lystra
Titus Believer sent to Crete
Tychicus Believer from Asia Minor
Zacchaeus* Tax-gatherer who was short
Zacharias* Husband of Elisabeth
Zebedee* Father of James and John
Some New Testament People
Of several hundred names in the New Testament, a selection is given below
And if any man shall take away from the words
of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away
his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy
city, and from the things which are written in this
book. (Revelation 22:19)
Book 66
The Prophetic Books
A very large part of the Bible is prophecy.
First of all, there are the books of the
prophets: no fewer than 17 out of the 39
books of the Old Testament. There are, in
addition, those parts of other booksfor
example, Balaams prophecy in Numbers,
and Jesus Mount Olivet prophecy in the
Gospelswhich are prophetic.
But besides those chapters or books
that can be called prophecies, there are a
large number of statements in other parts
of the Bible which are propheticfor
example: You will be a father of many
nations (Genesis 17:4); I will establish
the throne of his kingdom for ever (2
Samuel 7:13).
The Purpose of Prophecy
What is the purpose of prophecy? It is
usually thought of as the prediction of
future events, but in fact prophecy in the
Bible sense has a two-fold meaning: (1)
forthtelling (speaking forth, or speaking
out, on Gods behalfnot necessarily pre-
dicting events); (2) foretelling (showing
forth events destined to happen in the near
or distant future). Isaiah, for example,
writes forthtelling Israels place as Gods
witnesses (chs 42, 43); he also foretells the
sufferings of the Messiah (ch 53).
There are a few Bible prophecies in the
form This or that will happen so many
years from now: Jeremiahs prophecy of
70 years captivity in Babylon (25:11) is an
example. Most foretelling prophecies,
however, are presented in a way that
makes it impossible to predict exactly
when they will be fulfilled; and in relation
to the events of the last days, and Christs
coming, we are clearly told that of that
day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the
angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the
Father (Mark 13:32).
Foretelling future events in exact detail
is, in any case, not the object of most
Bible prophecies: time and again, prophe-
cies were given so that people had an
opportunity, before it was too late, to be
on the look-out and to mend their ways
to make sure that they would be ready for
whatever was going to happenwhen-
ever it happened.
The Book of Revelation
When we come to the Book of Revelation,
all the above principles apply. Revelation
is a God-given book of prophecies about
the futureto show unto his servants
things which must shortly come to pass
(1:1). It is full of symbols, including many
with which we are familiar from the visions
and prophecies of the Old Testament. It is
given to us, not to provide precise dates
for future happenings, but so that believ-
ers down the ages could be warned that
cataclysmic events were about to happen,
and be readyand to forthtel l God s
involvement in them all.
Revelation may at first seem a daunting
book. It often speaks in strange language;
and yet, if we refer back constantly to ear-
lier propheciesparticularly Daniel, and
also the Lords Mount Olivet prophecy
we shall begin to find meaning. In particu-
lar, many of the symbols in Old Testament
propheciesheavenly bodies, beasts,
trees, etc.reappear in the visions which
John was given; and we can generally
assume that such symbols have a similar
significance in this final prophecy.
A Prophecy for Us
As we read the Revel ati on, we shal l
realise that this last book of prophecy, this
last book of the Bible, is very relevant to
our own timesand to us personally! The
time is close when God shall send Jesus
Chri st, who was preached unto you
before, who heaven must receive until the
times of restoration of all things, which
God has spoken by the mouth of all His
holy prophets since the world began
(Acts 3:20,21).
Introduction to the
A Book of Symbol
It is important to note (1:1) that the book
is signified (i.e. in symbolic form). For
example, heaven means the ruling
powers, and war in heaven refers to
conflicts in human governments.
Seven-fold Visions
The number seven appears many times in
the book. Seven is often used in the sense
of completeness, and this is fitting as
Revelation completes the Bible record.
Jesus first message is to seven churches
(ecclesias) in the province of Asia, re-
presentative of his followers throughout
the world (see map).
Indicating the unfolding purpose of
God, there is revealed to John:
a 7-seal ed scrol l vari ous
stages in the Roman Empire until
It becomes Christianised;
7 trumpets sounding warnings
the overthrow of the Roman
power: i n the West by the
Barbari ans, i n the East by
Saracens and Turks;
7 bowls (vials, AV) containing
plaguesaimed at the destruction
of the Holy Roman Empire (West)
and the Turkish Empire (East).
Also called the Apocalypse, this is a prophecy foretelling (in symbol)
events leading to the return of Christ and his revelation to the world. It
contains important visions of the Kingdom of God.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which
God gave unto him, to show unto his
servants things which must shortly come
to pass; and he sent and signified it by
his angel unto his servant John. (1:1)
Some interesting links with
other parts of the Bible
For example: Compared with:
a) Revelation 1:7 a) Daniel 7:13;
Zechariah 12:10;
Matthew 24:30
b) Revelation 11:15 b) Daniel 2:44; 7:27;
Zechariah 14:9
c) Revelation 22:18,19 c) Deuteronomy 4:2;
Proverbs 30:6
Visions of Glory
Each of these seven-fold sections is intro-
duced by a vision of the coming Kingdom,
to which the events move forward relent-
lessly and in increasing detail.
War with the Lamb
In a separate but parallel sequence, world
political and religious systems are depicted
as frightening beasts who make war on the
Lambthe Lord Jesus Christwho takes
away the sin of the world (John 1:29)
The Final Stage
The events in the prophecy lead to the
overthrow of all these systems by Christ
at his revelation (i.e. his coming) and the
setting up of Gods Kingdom on earth.
John, a Servant of Jesus Christ
The Apostle John was a prisoner on the
Isle of Patmos (see map) at the end of the
first century AD, when he received this
prophecy. He received it directly from
Jesus, and wrote it down for the benefit of
Jesus followers in all subsequent ages.
As the last of the divinely inspired
writings, Revelation has many links with
the first book: Genesis. The Bible begins
with paradise in Eden and ends with
paradise restored (Revelation 22). The
prophecy is a revelation or an uncover-
ing of events affecting Jesus followers
from the time of John, until Christ returns
to be revealed in glory.
Summary of Bible Teaching
Theme Teaching Key Passages
THE BIBLE Divinely inspired source of true teaching Psalm 119:160; 2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20
GOD One God, Creator, Father Deuteronomy 6:4; John 17:3; 1 Timothy 2:5
Holy Spirit is Gods power Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:30; Acts 10:38
MAN Made in the image of God Genesis 1:26.27; 5:1; James 3:9
Sinful, in need of redemption Psalm 14:2,3; John 1:29; Romans 3:23
Mortal, in need of salvation Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 3:16
GODS PURPOSE To fill the earth with His glory Isaiah 45:18; Habakkuk 2:14; Revelation 21:1,10,11
To save man from sin and death Ezekiel 18:23; Luke 2:11; 1 Timothy 2:4
JESUS CHRIST Son of God, born to Mary Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:35
Tempted like us, but sinless Mark 1:12,13; Hebrews 2:17; 4:15
Crucified; raised from the dead Matthew 28:15,16; Acts 2:23,24; 1 Corinthians 15:3,4
Ascended to heaven; will return Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16
KINGDOM OF GOD Israel in the past was a prototype 2 Chronicles 9:8; Ezekiel 21:25-27; Acts 1:6; 13:22
Gods promises to Abraham concerned a land and people Genesis 13:14-17; Acts 7:2-5; Galatians 3:29
David was promised a descendant who would be king 2 Samuel 7:12-14; Luke 1:32; Acts 13:22,23
Christ is the king, who will return, raise and judge the dead, Matthew 16:27; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24; 2 Timothy 4:1,8
and set up Gods everlasting kingdom
Israel will be its centre; Jerusalem its capital Jeremiah 3:17; Micah 4:2; Matthew 5:35
SALVATION Gods plan to save man by Christs sacrifice Isaiah 53:4-6; Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 1:15
By faith, shown also in works Genesis 15:6; Romans 10:9; James 2:14-26
Eternal life offered to those who repent, Mark 16:16; Romans 6:4,5; Galatians 3:27-29
believe and are baptized
DISCIPLESHIP Following Christs standards Romans 6:12-14; Galatians 5:22-24; 2 Peter 3:11,14
Moral separation from the ungodly world 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Philippians 3:20; 1 Peter 2:9
Aaron 7,8,78
Abdon 11
Abel (son of Adam) 5,24
Abel (place) 14
Abijah 18,34
Abimelech 11
Abraham 5,24,
Absalom 14
Achaia 62,77
acrostic 37
Acts of the Apostles 61
Adam 5,23,24,59
Aegean Sea 70
Aenon 58
Agrippa 86
Agur 29
Ahab 34
Ahasuerus 21,34
Ahaz 16,18,34,45
Ahaziah 16,18,34
Ai 10
Alexander 53
Alexandria 54,62
Alexandrian ms. 82
Amalek 2,14
Amalekites 11,21
Amaziah 16,18,34
Ammon 2,11,14,16,42
Amon 16,18,34
Amos 34,42
Ananias 86
Andrew 86
angels 59,71,78
Anna 56,86
Antioch (Pisidia) 61,68
Antioch (Syria) 54,61,65
antichrist 73,82,83
ants 29
Apocalypse (see Revelation)
Apollos 86
apostasy 73,83,85
apostles 56,61,67,73
Aquila 86
Arabs 43,50,57
Arabia 27,48,54,62
Arimathea 58
Ark, Noahs 5,80
Ark of the Covenant
Armenia 62
armour of God 69,72
Artaxerxes 19,20,34
Artemis 69
Asa 18,34
Asaph 28
Ashdod 11,20
Asher 5,8
Ashkelon 11
Ashurbanipal 34,35
Asia 61,62,77,89
Asia Minor
Assyria 16,34,35,40,
Athens 54,61,66,72,76
athletics 74,75
atonement 7
authority, obedience to
Azariah (Uzziah) 34
Baasha 34
Babel 5,23
Babylon 5,16,19,21,
Balaam 8,88
Balfour Declaration 36
baptism 16,61,
Barak 11
Barbarians 89
Barnabas 58,86
Bartholomew 86
Bathsheba 14
beasts 39,88,89
Beatitudes 56
Beersheba 2,11,14,15
belief (see faith)
believers 65,67,72
Belshazzar 34
Benjamin 5,8
Berea 72
Bethabara 58
Bethany 58
Bethel 2
Bethlehem 2,12,14,
Bethsaida 58,57
Bethshean 11
Bezer 10,11
Bible, inspired word of
God v,1,90
origins of viii
versions viii
Bildad 27
bishops 74,76
Bithynia 62
Black Sea 48,54
blessings 41,47,49,51
Boaz 12,24
breaking of bread 66
breastplate 51,72
brethren in Christ 71
bride 31,83,85
bridegroom 31
burden 46
bush, burning 6
Caesarea 61
Caesarea Philippi 58
Caiaphas 56,86
Cain 5,24
Caleb 8
Cambyses 19
camp of Israel 8
Cana 57,60
Canaan 2,6,8,10
Capernaum 58,57
Cappadocia 62
captivity 19,36,38,39,49
Caspian Sea 48
Caucasians 54
Celts 54
chariots 41
chastisement 35,37
Chebar 38
Cherith 15
cherubim 17,38,58
Chorazin 57
chosen people 9,80
Christ (see Jesus Christ)
Christadelphians 71
Chronicles 17,18
Cilicia 62,76
circumcision 68
cities of refuge 10
citizenship 70,73
coins 45,69
colony 70
Colosse 71,71,77
Colossians 71
conversion 61
Corinth 61,65,66,67,72
Corinthians 66,67
Cornelius 86
corner stone 69
covenant, new 51,53
creation 5,23,27,30
new 35,71,89
Crete 56,61,62,76,76
Place names on maps are indicated by numbers in italics
cross 59,70
crown of life 75,80
crown of thorns 59
Cush 48
cymbals 17,28
Cyprus 58,62,76
Cyrene 62
Cyrus 19,20,34,36
Dacia 54
Dalmatia 62
Dan 5,8,11,14
Daniel 34,39,53,88
Darius 19,34,50
David 12,13,14,
Dead Sea 43,58
Dead Sea scrolls viii
death 30,44,70,72,73
Deborah 11
Decapolis 58
Dedan 38,38
Demetrius 84
Derbe 61,68
Deuteronomy 9
devil 27,73
Diana 69
diaspora 43,62,79,80
Diotrephes 84
disciples 56,60,67
discipleship 67,90
dispersion (see diaspora)
distress of nations 59
doctor 59
doctrine 69,73,74,
dominion 45
Dorcas 86
dove 40
dreams (see visions)
eagle 58,60
ecclesia 68,70,71,76,83
Ecclesiastes 26,30
Eden 5,89
Edom 2,6,14,16,27,
Egypt 2,5,6,9,21,
Egyptian gods 6
Ehud 11
Ekron 11
Elam 24,62
Eli 11,13
Elihu 27
Elijah 15,16,34,51,79
Elim 6
Elimelech 12
Eliphaz 27
Elisha 16,34
Elisabeth 56,86
Elon 11
Emmaus 58,59
empires 39,89
En-gedi 2
Enoch 23,24,85
Epaphroditus 71,86
Ephesians 69
Ephesus 61,65,66,69
Ephraim (place) 58
Ephraim (tribe) 5,8,40
erroneous teachings
Esarhaddon 34
Esau 5,43
Esther 21,23
Ethiopia 21,38,38,48
Europe 61,70,89
evangelists 56,60
Eve 5,24
evil 27,73
example 70
exile 38,39,49,50,51
Exodus 6,23
Ezekiel 34,38
Ezion-geber 2,6
Ezra 19,34
Fair Havens 76
faith 39,47,65,66,68,
the one true
faithful 57,72,75,85
false teachers
famine 12
feasts 7,21,78
Felix 86
fellowship 70,82
Festus 86
fiery serpents 8
fig tree 40
fighting 73,74
fir tree 40
fire 42
first-fruits 7,12
fish 44
flock 74,79,80
Flood 5,23,81
foundation 66,69
fruit of the spirit 68
Gad 5,8
Gadara 57,58
Gaius 84,86
Galatia 62,68,74,76
Galatians 62,68
Galilee 57,58,60
Gamaliel 86
games 74,75
Gath 11,14
Gaza 11,42,43
Gaza Strip 42
genealogies 17,56
Genesis 5,89
Gentiles 35,51,61,65,69
Gergesa 57
Gershom 8
Geshur 14
Gethsemane 56,59
Gibeah 14
Gibeon 10,14
Gideon 11
gifts 66
Gilead 2,43
Gilgal 10,14
gnostics 71,82
God 73,90
Creator 5,27,30,90
Father 69,90
glory of 6,18,38,90
manifestation 78
Potter 36
Saviour 85
Gog 38
Golan 10,11
golden calf 6
Golgotha 56,59
Goliath 13
Gomer 38,38
Gomorrah 5,81
good deposit 74
goodness 65
gospel 58,61,68,70,76
Gospels 56-60
gourd plant 44
Great Sea 2,6
Greece 38,39,41,50,61
Greek Empire 39,53,54
Greek language viii,82
Habakkuk 34,47
Hadassah 21
Hadrian 45
Haggai 19,34,49
Ham 5,24
Haman 21
Hananeel 20
Hannah 13
Haran 5
harp 28
Hazor 10,11
healing 56,58,60
health 74
heaven 72,73,81,89,90
Hebrew alphabet 28,37
Hebrew language viii
Hebrews 78
Hebron 2,5,10,11,13,14
heifer 40
hell 73
Herod(s) 56,57,86
Herods Palace 59
Hierapolis 71,77
High Priest 7,49,51
Hinnom Valley 20,59
Holy of Holies 6,15
Holy Place 6,15
Holy Roman Empire 89
Holy Scriptures 75
Holy Spirit 61,66,69,73,90
honesty 76
hope 66,69,72,73
Hope of Israel 51,65
horn 28
Hosea 34,40
Hoshea 16,34
household 66
humility 16,79
hygiene 74
Ibzon 11
Iconium 61,68
idolatry 15,42,48
Idumea 58
Immanuel 35
immortal soul 73,74
India 21
infant sprinkling 73
inspiration 72,90
Iran (see Persia)
Isaac 5,23,24
Isaiah 34,35,45,88
Ishmael 5,24,29
Israel 5,13,16,38,
modern state 36,50
tribes 5,8,24,51
Israelites 10
Issachar 5,8
Italy 62,77
Jabesh-gilead 14
Jacob 5,24,43,45,59
Jair 11
letter 62,64,79
Japheth 5,24
Jehoahaz 16,18,34
Jehoash 16,34
Jehoiachin 16,18,34
Jehoiakim 16,18,34
Jehoram 16,18,34
Jehoshaphat 16,18,34
Jehu 16,34
Jephthah 11
Jeremiah 19,34,36,37
Jericho 2,6,10,14,58
Jeroboam 16,34,44
Jerusalem 2,13,14,17,
Jesse 12,24
Jesus Christ 5,12,17,
ascension 56,90
baptism 56
betrayal 56
birth 45,56,57
Chief Shepherd 80
crucifixion 21,56,90
High Priest 49,56,78
Judge 11
King 38,45,57,59,78,90
Lamb of God 35,89
Mediator 71,74,78,82
Priest 7,51
return 41,50,59,
sacrifice 7,78,82,90
Servant 35,37,58,70
Son of David 13,57
Son of God 59,60,71,
Son of Man 58,59
temptations 9,56,
transfiguration 56,81
trial 56
jewels 51
Jews 9,19,36,61,65
re-gathering 36,38
scattering 36,38
Sephardic 43
Jezreel 2,14,15
Joash 16,18,34
Job 26,27,79
Joel 34,41
John 60,61,82-84,86,89
letters 64,82-84
John Mark 58,86
John Baptist 51,53,56,86
Jonah 34,44
Joppa 44,44
Joram 16,34
Jordan (country) 43
Joseph 5
Joseph (husband of Mary)
Joseph of Arimathea
Joses 85
Joshua 8,10,78
Joshua (high priest)
Josiah 16,18,34,48
Jotham 16,18,34,45
Judah 5,8,16,16,18,
Judas Iscariot 56,86
Judas Lebbaeus
(Thaddeus) 86
Jude 85,86
letter 64,85
Judea 58,60,61,62,67
Judges 11
judgement 30,39,41,
justice 45
Kadesh-barnea 2,6
Kedesh 10,11
Kidron Valley 20,59
king 13,38,49,57,58
kingdom of God 15,18,
Kings, Books of 15,16
Kohath 8
Korah 8,28
Lachish 10
Lamb of God 35,89
Lamentations 37
lampstand 50,89
Laodicea 71,77,89
Lasea 76
last days 38,39,41,
last supper 56,66
law of Moses
Lazarus 86
Lebanon 45
Lemuel 29
leprosy 16
Letters 64-85
Levi 5,51,78
Levi (Matthew) 57,86
Levites 8,10
Leviticus 7
Libya 38,38,62
life, eternal 69,75,82,90
light 81,82
lion 46,58
lions den 39
locusts 41,42
Lords Prayer 56
Lot 5,24,81
love 31,66,73,82,83,84
Luke 59,61,86
Lycus Valley 77
Lydia (convert) 86
Lydia (place) 21,48
lyre 28
Lystra 61,68,74,74
Maccabees 53
Macedonia 54,62,
Magog 38
Mahanaim 14
Malachi 34,51,53
Malta 61
man 58,90
man of sin 73
man of sorrows 35,37
Manasseh (tribe) 5,8
Manasseh (king)16,18,34
manhood 68
manna 6
Marah 6
Mark 58,86
marriage 31,40,69
Martha 86
martyrdom 75
Mary(s) 12,24,
Mathias 86
Matthew 57,86
Medes 19,46
Media 21,62
mediator 7,71,74,78
medical metaphors 74
Mediterranean Sea
Medo-Persian Empire 39
Melchizedek 78
Memphis 2
Menahem 16,34
Merari 8
merchants of Tarshish 38
Meshech 38,38
Mesopotamia 11,62
messenger 51
Messiah 28,35,45,57
metals 39
Methuselah 23,24
Micah 34,45
Midian 2,6,11
Midianites 11
Miletus 61,71
military metaphors 74
ministry 60
miracles 9,16,56,
Miriam 8
mirror 79
missionary journeys
Moab 2,12,14,42,48
Mohammedans 41
money 67
Mordecai 21
Moresheth 45
mortality 30,73,75,90
Moses 6,8,28,65,
Mt Carmel 2,15
Mt Ephraim 43
Mt Esau 43
Mt Gilboa 14
Mt Hor 2
Mt Horeb 15
Mt of Olives 50,56
Mt Olivet prophecy 56,88
Mt Seir 43
Mt Sinai 2,6
Mt Zion 43
music 26,28
Naaman 16
Nabonidus 34
Nadab 34
Nahum 34,46
Nain 57,58
Naomi 12
Naphtali 5,8
Nathan (prophet) 14
Nathan (son of David)
Nathanael 86
nations 39,41,42,48,50
Nazareth 57,58,85
Nazarites 8
Neapolis 70
Negeb 43
Nehemiah 20,34,51
Nero 65,75
new creation 35,71,89
new life 65,67,71
new man 69,71
Nicodemus 56,86
Nimrod 46
Noah 5,23,24,46,80,81
No-Amon (Thebes)
Northern Kingdom
Numbers 8
Obadiah 34,43
Obed 12,24
offerings 7
olive tree 50,65
Omri 34
Onesimus 71,77,86
Onesiphorus 86
Orion 27
Orpah 12
Othniel 11
ox 58
pagan 66,89
Palestine 36
Pamphylia 62,76
parables 38,56,57
paradise 89
Parthia 21,62
Passover 6,7,10
Pastoral Epistles 7476
Patmos 89
patriarchs 5,23,24,78
Paul 61,6578,86
journeys 61,67,70,72
letters 6478
prisoner 70,71,75,76
tent-maker 73
trial 75
peace 18,67,73
Pekah 16,34
Pekahiah 16,34
Pentateuch 4
Perea 58
Pergamos 89
perilous times 75
persecution 79,80
Persepolis 21
Persia 19,21,21,34,
Peter 58,61,80,81,86
letters 62,64,80,81
Pharaoh 5
Philadelphia 89
Philemon 77,84,86
Philip(s) 61,86
Philippi 61,65,70,76
Philippians 70
philosophy 71
Phoenix 76
Phrygia 21,62
phylactery 9
Pilate 56,86
Pisidia 61,62
plagues 6,41,89
Pleiades 27
plough 40,45
plumbline 42
poetry 26,28,31,37
politics 80
Pontus 62
potter 36
praise 28,85
prayer 19,20,
Preacher 30
preaching 44,58,68
priesthood 7,51,78,80
priests 7,73
Priscilla 86
Promised Land
promises of God 5,14,
prophecy 81,88
Proverbs 26,29
Psalms 26,28,78
Ptolemies 53,54
punishment 40,47,48,51
Purim 21
Quartus 86
Queen Athaliah 16,18,34
Queen of Sheba 15,18
Qumram viii
Rabbah 11,14
Rahab 79
rams horn 28
Ramoth-gilead 10,11
rapture 72
Red Sea 2,6
redemption 65,90
Rehoboam 15,18,29,34
religion 73,89
repentance 41,44,50,90
Rephidim 6
restoration 36,42,45,47
resurrection 30,39
return (of Jews) 38,41
Reuben 5,8
Revelation 88,89
Rhoda 86
Rhodes 76
riches, true 70
righteousness 47,65,75
River Euphrates 5,44,46
River Jordan 2,10,16,54
River Lycus 77
River Meander 71,77
River Nile 2,46
River Tigris 5,44,46
Roman Empire 39,41,
Roman house 77
Romans 65
Rome 54,61,62,65
Ruth 12,23
sacrifices 7,70,78
saints 85
Salmone 76
Salome 86
salvation 35,48,
Samaria 16,43,
Samson 11
Samuel 11,13,14
Sapphira 86
Saracens 89
Sardis 43,89
Sargon 34
satan 27
Saul (king) 13,14,34
Saul (Paul) 86
Saviour 5,35,59,65
science 74
scroll 89
Scythians 48,48,54
Sea of Galilee 57,58
Second Coming (see
Seed 5,14,68
Seleucids 53,54
Sennacherib 34,35
Sepharad 43
Sermon on the mount 56
servant 58,70,77,85
Servant, suffering 35,37
Seth 23,24
seventy weeks 39
seventy years 36,88
Shallum 16,34
Shalmaneser(s) 34
Shamgar 11
Sheba 38,38
Shechem 2,5,10
Shem 23,24
shepherd 13,50,60,74,80
shepherds of
Bethlehem 56
Shiloh 2
Ships of Tarshish 15
shipwreck 44,68,76
Shulamite 31
Shunammite 16
sickle 41,89
signs 60,89
Silas (Silvanus) 72,73,86
Simeon (in the Temple)
Simeon (son of Jacob)5,8
Simon (Peter) 86
Simon Zelotes 86
sin 5,69,70,77,90
Sinai 6,8,9
Sinai Desert 6
slaves 68,76,77
Slavs 54
sleep of death 72
Smerdis 19
Smyrna 89
Socoh 11
Sodom 5,81
soldier 69,72,75
Son of God
Son of Man 58,59
Song of Solomon 26,31
sound doctrine 74,76
Southern Kingdom 16,45
Spain 43
spies 8,10
Spirit (see Holy Spirit)
standards (of conduct)
standards (of tribes of
Israel) 8
stephanos 75
Stephen 61,86
stone 39,69,80
Succoth 6
suffering 27,36,37,79
summer fruit 42
Susa 21
Sychar 58
symbols 88,89
Synoptic Gospels 56
Syria 14,16,42,45,62
Tabernacle 6,8,15,78
Tabernacles, Feast of 7
Tarshish 38,44
taxes 57
Tekoa 14
Temple 14,15,17,18,
future 38,49
spiritual 69,80
temptation 73,90
Thebes 46,46
Theophilus 59,61
Thessalonians 72,73
Thessalonica 61,70,72
Thomas 86
Thrace 54,62,70
Thyatira 89
Tiberias 57
Tiglath-pileser 34
Tishbe 15
Titus 67,76,86
toga 68
Togarmah 38,38
Tola 11
tongues (speaking in) 66
transfiguration 56,81
tree(s) 21,39,88
trinity 73,74,82
Troas 61,70,72,76
trumpet 17,28,89
Trumpets, Feast of 7
truth 81,82,83,84,85
Tubal 38,38
Turkey 68,89
Turks 36,89
Tychicus 71,77,86
Tyndale 83,84
Tyre 10,14,
Tyropoeon Valley 20
uncircumcised 61
unfaithfulness 40
unity 69
Ur of the Chaldees 5
Uriah 14
Uz 27
Uzziah 16,18,34
Valley of Dry Bones 38
vanity 30
Vashti 21
vials (bowls) 89
vine 40,60
visions 38,39,47,50,89
watchman 38
watchtower 47
water, living 6,60
wilderness 9
Wilderness of Judaea 58
wisdom 29,30
wise men 56
wolves 74
Word of God 9,20,28,79
Word made flesh 60,82
works (evidence of faith)
worship 28,61,83
Xerxes 19,21,34
Zaccheus 86
Zachariah 16,34
Zacharias 56,86
Zarephath 15,43
Zebedee 60,86
Zebulon 5,8
Zechariah 19,34,50
Zedekiah 16,18,34,38
Zephaniah 34,48
Zerubbabel 19,34,49
Ziklag 14
Zion 43,45,50
Zoan 5
Zophar 27
The following is a small selection of leaflets and books which will help the reader to explore the Scriptures.
Helps to Bible Reading
Bible Companion (daily Bible reading calendar)
The Bible our Guide (texts supporting Bible doctrine)
Helps to Bible Study
Analytical Concordance to the Holy Bible (R. Young)
New Bible Dictionary (IVP)
Oxford Bible Atlas
Background Books by Christadelphian Authors
The Christadelphians: What they Believe and Preach (H. Tennant)
A Life of Jesus (M. Purkis)
Women of the Bible (various authors)
Gods Living WordHow the Bible came to us (D. Banyard)
Other Titles in the Study Guide Series
Philippians Study Guide (M. G. Owen)
Song of Solomon Study Guide (S. G. Owen)
Tabernacle Study Guide (M. J. Ashton)
The above are available from the Christadelphian Office, 404 Shaftmoor Lane, Birmingham B28 8SZ, UK
Further Reading
The Bible speaks with supreme authority. Its 66 great booksOld
and New Testamentsform one powerful, consistent message from
God. Many threads interweave to form this volume of inestimable
beauty and worth. Its historical records are reliable; its amazing
prophecies are still coming true. Read the Bible with humilityin a
darkening age it will bring you satisfaction and hope for the future.
instruction in righteousness,
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