What Is Literature
What Is Literature
What Is Literature
Based on your experience learning literature, what is literature? What are the characteristics of literature? Do you need to learn literature?
! However, the distinction between real and fake or fact and fiction isnt always a good distinction; many classical works were non-fiction.
Literature is Subjective
! Since the 1980s, the literary canon of works a group of works agreed upon to be the best by well-known scholars and critics, has been disputed.
! The Canon excluded most works that were not by white, European males. ! Works of literature by women, homosexuals, and works by individuals of varied races, classes and ethnicities were marginalised.
! There is no literary work or tradition that has value in and of itself ! .even Shakespeare!
! In his era, Shakespeare was regarded as a hack! ! Time and circumstance has offered the value to particular text; and this value is a transitive term it will change as the people in power change and are altered, and according to the context of the reading of a particular text.
10 years ago .
! BLOGS were stupid. ! NOW, Iraq War Veterans BLOGS are considered vital historic and literary documents!
! Readers interpret literary works in the light of their own concerns. ! Readers interpret literary works in the light of a given circumstances. ! Readers interpret literary works in the light of a given time period.
I Have A Dream:
! Is this speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. Literature? Or Not?
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So what is literature?
! What constitutes a literary text? ! What qualities will help me to determine the literariness of a text? ! Read What is Literature by Jim Meyer for our class discussion this Thursday.
!ank You"