Revised Penal Code Book 2
Revised Penal Code Book 2
Revised Penal Code Book 2
BOOK TWO CR !"S #$% P"$#LT "S Title One CR !"S #G# $ST $#T O$#L S"C&R TY #$% T'" L#W O( $#T O$S Cha)ter One CR !"S #G# $ST $#T O$#L S"C&R TY Section One* + Treason and es)iona,e #rt* --.* Treason* + #n/ )erson who0 owin, alle,iance to 1the &nited States or2 the Go3ern4ent o5 the Phili))ine slands0 not bein, a 5orei,ner0 le3ies war a,ainst the4 or adheres to their ene4ies0 ,i3in, the4 aid or co45ort within the Phili))ine slands or elsewhere0 shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral to death and shall )a/ a 5ine not to e6ceed P780888 )esos* $o )erson shall be con3icted o5 treason unless on the testi4on/ o5 two witnesses at least to the sa4e o3ert act or on con5ession o5 the accused in o)en court* Li9ewise0 an alien0 residin, in the Phili))ine slands0 who co44its acts o5 treason as de5ined in )ara,ra)h - o5 this #rticle shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or to death and shall )a/ a 5ine not to e6ceed P780888 )esos* 1#s a4ended b/ "*O* $o* ..0 !a/ :-0 -;.<2* #rt* --<* Conspiracy and proposal to commit treason; Penalty. + The cons)irac/ or )ro)osal to co44it the cri4e o5 treason shall be )unished res)ecti3el/0 b/ )rision 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P-80888 )esos0 and )rision correccional and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P<0888 )esos* #rt* --=* Misprision of treason* + "3er/ )erson owin, alle,iance to 1the &nited States2 the Go3ern4ent o5 the Phili))ine slands0 without bein, a 5orei,ner0 and ha3in, 9nowled,e o5 an/ cons)irac/ a,ainst the40 conceals or does not disclose and 4a9e 9nown the sa4e0 as soon as )ossible to the ,o3ernor or 5iscal o5 the )ro3ince0 or the 4a/or or 5iscal o5 the cit/ in which he resides0 as the case 4a/ be0 shall be )unished as an accessor/ to the cri4e o5 treason* #rt* -->* Espionage. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional shall be in5licted u)on an/ )erson who: -* Without authorit/ there5or0 enters a warshi)0 5ort0 or na3al or 4ilitar/ establish4ent or reser3ation to obtain an/ in5or4ation0 )lans0
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )hoto,ra)hs0 or other data o5 a con5idential nature relati3e to the de5ense o5 the Phili))ine #rchi)ela,o? or 7* Bein, in )ossession0 b/ reason o5 the )ublic o55ice he holds0 o5 the articles0 data0 or in5or4ation re5erred to in the )recedin, )ara,ra)h0 discloses their contents to a re)resentati3e o5 a 5orei,n nation* The )enalt/ ne6t hi,her in de,ree shall be i4)osed i5 the o55ender be a )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee* Section Two* + Pro3o9in, war and dislo/alt/ in case o5 war #rt* --@* Inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals * + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee0 and that o5 )rision 4a/or u)on an/ )ri3ate indi3idual0 who0 b/ unlaw5ul or unauthoriAed acts )ro3o9es or ,i3es occasion 5or a war in3ol3in, or liable to in3ol3e the Phili))ine slands or e6)oses (ili)ino citiAens to re)risals on their )ersons or )ro)ert/* #rt* --;* Violation of neutrality* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional shall be in5licted u)on an/one who0 on the occasion o5 a war in which the Go3ern4ent is not in3ol3ed0 3iolates an/ re,ulation issued b/ co4)etent authorit/ 5or the )ur)ose o5 en5orcin, neutralit/* #rt* -78* Correspondence with hostile country* + #n/ )erson who in ti4e o5 war0 shall ha3e corres)ondence with an ene4/ countr/ or territor/ occu)ied b/ ene4/ troo)s shall be )unished: -* B/ )rision correccional0 i5 the corres)ondence has been )rohibited b/ the Go3ern4ent? 7* B/ )rision 4a/or0 i5 such corres)ondence be carried on in ci)hers or con3entional si,ns? and :* B/ reclusion te4)oral0 i5 notice or in5or4ation be ,i3en thereb/ which 4i,ht be use5ul to the ene4/* 5 the o55ender intended to aid the ene4/ b/ ,i3in, such notice or in5or4ation0 he shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral to death* #rt* -7-* Flight to enemy country. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be in5licted u)on an/ )erson who0 owin, alle,iance to the Go3ern4ent0 atte4)ts to 5lee or ,o to an ene4/ countr/ when )rohibited b/ co4)etent authorit/* Section Three* + Pirac/ and 4utin/ on the hi,h seas #rt* -77* Piracy in general and mutiny on the high seas. + The )enalt/ o5
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II reclusion te4)oral shall be in5licted u)on an/ )erson who0 on the hi,h seas0 shall attac9 or seiAe a 3essel or0 not bein, a 4e4ber o5 its co4)le4ent nor a )assen,er0 shall seiAe the whole or )art o5 the car,o o5 said 3essel0 its eBui)4ent0 or )ersonal belon,in,s o5 its co4)le4ent or )assen,ers* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be in5licted in case o5 4utin/ on the hi,h seas* #rt* -7:* ualified piracy. + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral to death shall be i4)osed u)on those who co44it an/ o5 the cri4es re5erred to in the )recedin, article0 under an/ o5 the 5ollowin, circu4stances: -* Whene3er the/ ha3e seiAed a 3essel b/ boardin, or 5irin, u)on the sa4e? 7* Whene3er the )irates ha3e abandoned their 3icti4s without 4eans o5 sa3in, the4sel3es? or :* Whene3er the cri4e is acco4)anied b/ 4urder0 ho4icide0 )h/sical injuries or ra)e* Title Two CR !"S #G# $ST T'" (&$%#!"$T#L L#WS O( T'" ST#T" Cha)ter One #RB TR#RY %"T"$T O$ OR "CP&LS O$0 D OL#T O$ O( %W"LL $G0 PRO' B T O$0 $T"RR&PT O$0 #$% % SSOL&T O$ O( P"#C"(&L !""T $GS #$% CR !"S #G# $ST R"L G O&S WORS' P Section One* + #rbitrar/ detention and e6)ulsion #rt* -7.* !r"itrary detention. + #n/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who0 without le,al ,rounds0 detains a )erson0 shall su55er? -* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 i5 the detention has not e6ceeded three da/s? 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the detention has continued 4ore than three but not 4ore than 5i5teen da/s? :* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or0 i5 the detention has continued 5or 4ore than 5i5teen da/s but not 4ore than si6 4onths? and
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II .* That o5 reclusion te4)oral0 i5 the detention shall ha3e e6ceeded si6 4onths* The co44ission o5 a cri4e0 or 3iolent insanit/ or an/ other ail4ent reBuirin, the co4)ulsor/ con5ine4ent o5 the )atient in a hos)ital0 shall be considered le,al ,rounds 5or the detention o5 an/ )erson* #rt* -7<* #elay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper $udicial authorities* + The )enalties )ro3ided in the ne6t )recedin, article shall be i4)osed u)on the )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall detain an/ )erson 5or so4e le,al ,round and shall 5ail to deli3er such )erson to the )ro)er judicial authorities within the )eriod o5? twel3e 1-72 hours0 5or cri4es or o55enses )unishable b/ li,ht )enalties0 or their eBui3alent? ei,hteen 1-@2 hours0 5or cri4es or o55enses )unishable b/ correctional )enalties0 or their eBui3alent and thirt/Esi6 1:=2 hours0 5or cri4es0 or o55enses )unishable b/ a55licti3e or ca)ital )enalties0 or their eBui3alent* n e3er/ case0 the )erson detained shall be in5or4ed o5 the cause o5 his detention and shall be allowed u)on his reBuest0 to co44unicate and con5er at an/ ti4e with his attorne/ or counsel* 1#s a4ended b/ "*O* $os* <; and 7>70 $o3* >0 -;@= and Ful/ 7<0 -;@>0 res)ecti3el/2* #rt* -7=* #elaying release. + The )enalties )ro3ided 5or in #rticle -7. shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who dela/s 5or the )eriod o5 ti4e s)eci5ied therein the )er5or4ance o5 an/ judicial or e6ecuti3e order 5or the release o5 a )risoner or detention )risoner0 or undul/ dela/s the ser3ice o5 the notice o5 such order to said )risoner or the )roceedin,s u)on an/ )etition 5or the liberation o5 such )erson* #rt* -7>* E%pulsion. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who0 not bein, thereunto authoriAed b/ law0 shall e6)el an/ )erson 5ro4 the Phili))ine slands or shall co4)el such )erson to chan,e his residence* Section Two* + Diolation o5 do4icile #rt* -7@* Violation of domicile. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who0 not bein, authoriAed b/ judicial order0 shall enter an/ dwellin, a,ainst the will o5 the owner thereo50 search )a)ers or other e55ects 5ound therein without the )re3ious consent o5 such owner0 or ha3in, surre)titiousl/ entered said dwellin,0 and bein, reBuired to lea3e the )re4ises0 shall re5use to do so* 5 the o55ense be co44itted in the ni,htEti4e0 or i5 an/ )a)ers or e55ects not constitutin, e3idence o5 a cri4e be not returned i44ediatel/ a5ter the search
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 4ade b/ the o55ender0 the )enalt/ shall be )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods* #rt* -7;* &earch warrants maliciously o"tained and a"use in the service of those legally o"tained. + n addition to the liabilit/ attachin, to the o55ender 5or the co44ission o5 an/ other o55ense0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P-0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall )rocure a search warrant without just cause0 or0 ha3in, le,all/ )rocured the sa4e0 shall e6ceed his authorit/ or use unnecessar/ se3erit/ in e6ecutin, the sa4e* #rt* -:8* &earching domicile without witnesses* + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on a )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who0 in cases where a search is )ro)er0 shall search the do4icile0 )a)ers or other belon,in,s o5 an/ )erson0 in the absence o5 the latter0 an/ 4e4ber o5 his 5a4il/0 or in their de5ault0 without the )resence o5 two witnesses residin, in the sa4e localit/*
Section Three* + Prohibition0 interru)tion and dissolution o5 )eace5ul 4eetin,s #rt* -:-* Prohi"ition' interruption and dissolution of peaceful meetings. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who0 without le,al ,round0 shall )rohibit or interru)t the holdin, o5 a )eace5ul 4eetin,0 or shall dissol3e the sa4e* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on a )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall hinder an/ )erson 5ro4 joinin, an/ law5ul association or 5ro4 attendin, an/ o5 its 4eetin,s* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall )rohibit or hinder an/ )erson 5ro4 addressin,0 either alone or to,ether with others0 an/ )etition to the authorities 5or the correction o5 abuses or redress o5 ,rie3ances* Section (our* + Cri4es a,ainst reli,ious worshi) #rt* -:7* Interruption of religious worship* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall )re3ent or disturb the cere4onies or 4ani5estations o5 an/ reli,ion*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 5 the cri4e shall ha3e been co44itted with 3iolence or threats0 the )enalt/ shall be )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods* #rt* -::* (ffending the religious feelings. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/one who0 in a )lace de3oted to reli,ious worshi) or durin, the celebration o5 an/ reli,ious cere4on/ shall )er5or4 acts notoriousl/ o55ensi3e to the 5eelin,s o5 the 5aith5ul*
Title Three CR !"S #G# $ST P&BL C OR%"R Cha)ter One R"B"LL O$0 S"% T O$ #$% % SLOY#LTY #rt* -:.* )e"ellion or insurrection; *ow committed. + The cri4e o5 rebellion or insurrection is co44itted b/ risin, )ublicl/ and ta9in, ar4s a,ainst the Go3ern4ent 5or the )ur)ose o5 re4o3in, 5ro4 the alle,iance to said Go3ern4ent or its laws0 the territor/ o5 the Phili))ine slands or an/ )art thereo50 o5 an/ bod/ o5 land0 na3al or other ar4ed 5orces0 de)ri3in, the Chie5 "6ecuti3e or the Le,islature0 wholl/ or )artiall/0 o5 an/ o5 their )owers or )rero,ati3es* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* =;=@2* #rticle -:.E#* Coup d+etat; *ow committed. + The cri4e o5 cou) dGetat is a swi5t attac9 acco4)anied b/ 3iolence0 inti4idation0 threat0 strate,/ or stealth0 directed a,ainst dul/ constituted authorities o5 the Re)ublic o5 the Phili))ines0 or an/ 4ilitar/ ca4) or installation0 co44unications networ90 )ublic utilities or other 5acilities needed 5or the e6ercise and continued )ossession o5 )ower0 sin,l/ or si4ultaneousl/ carried out an/where in the Phili))ines b/ an/ )erson or )ersons0 belon,in, to the 4ilitar/ or )olice or holdin, an/ )ublic o55ice o5 e4)lo/4ent with or without ci3ilian su))ort or )artici)ation 5or the )ur)ose o5 seiAin, or di4inishin, state )ower* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* =;=@2* #rt* -:<* Penalty for re"ellion' insurrection or coup d+etat. + #n/ )erson who )ro4otes0 4aintains0 or heads rebellion or insurrection shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion )er)etua* #n/ )erson 4erel/ )artici)atin, or e6ecutin, the co44ands o5 others in a rebellion shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral* #n/ )erson who leads or in an/ 4anner directs or co44ands others to underta9e a cou) dGetat shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion )er)etua*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #n/ )erson in the ,o3ern4ent ser3ice who )artici)ates0 or e6ecutes directions or co44ands o5 others in underta9in, a coup d+etat shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod* #n/ )erson not in the ,o3ern4ent ser3ice who )artici)ates0 or in an/ 4anner su))orts0 5inances0 abets or aids in underta9in, a coup d+etat shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod* When the rebellion0 insurrection0 or coup d+etat shall be under the co44and o5 un9nown leaders0 an/ )erson who in 5act directed the others0 s)o9e 5or the40 si,ned recei)ts and other docu4ents issued in their na4e0 as )er5or4ed si4ilar acts0 on behal5 or the rebels shall be dee4ed a leader o5 such a rebellion0 insurrection0 or coup d+etat* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* =;=@0 a))ro3ed on October 7.0 -;;82* #rt* -:=* Conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d+etat' re"ellion or insurrection. + The cons)irac/ and )ro)osal to co44it coup d+etat shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or in 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine which shall not e6ceed ei,ht thousand )esos 1P@0888*882* The cons)irac/ and )ro)osal to co44it rebellion or insurrection shall be )unished res)ecti3el/0 b/ )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine which shall not e6ceed 5i3e thousand )esos 1P<0888*882 and b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, two thousand )esos 1P70888*882* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* =;=@0 a))ro3ed October 7.0 -;;82* #rt* -:>* #isloyalty of pu"lic officers or employees. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on )ublic o55icers or e4)lo/ees who ha3e 5ailed to resist a rebellion b/ all the 4eans in their )ower0 or shall continue to dischar,e the duties o5 their o55ices under the control o5 the rebels or shall acce)t a))oint4ent to o55ice under the4* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* #rt* -:@* Inciting a re"ellion or insurrection* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 without ta9in, ar4s or bein, in o)en hostilit/ a,ainst the Go3ern4ent0 shall incite others to the e6ecution o5 an/ o5 the acts s)eci5ied in article -:. o5 this Code0 b/ 4eans o5 s)eeches0 )rocla4ations0 writin,s0 e4ble4s0 banners or other re)resentations tendin, to the sa4e end* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* #rt* -:;* &edition; *ow committed. + The cri4e o5 sedition is co44itted b/ )ersons who rise )ublicl/ and tu4ultuousl/ in order to attain b/ 5orce0 inti4idation0 or b/ other 4eans outside o5 le,al 4ethods0 an/ o5 the 5ollowin, objects:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* To )re3ent the )ro4ul,ation or e6ecution o5 an/ law or the holdin, o5 an/ )o)ular election? 7* To )re3ent the $ational Go3ern4ent0 or an/ )ro3incial or 4unici)al ,o3ern4ent or an/ )ublic o55icer thereo5 5ro4 5reel/ e6ercisin, its or his 5unctions0 or )re3ent the e6ecution o5 an/ ad4inistrati3e order? :* To in5lict an/ act o5 hate or re3en,e u)on the )erson or )ro)ert/ o5 an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee? .* To co44it0 5or an/ )olitical or social end0 an/ act o5 hate or re3en,e a,ainst )ri3ate )ersons or an/ social class? and <* To des)oil0 5or an/ )olitical or social end0 an/ )erson0 4unici)alit/ or )ro3ince0 or the $ational Go3ern4ent 1or the Go3ern4ent o5 the &nited States20 o5 all its )ro)ert/ or an/ )art thereo5* #rt* -.8* Penalty for sedition* + The leader o5 a sedition shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -80888 )esos* Other )ersons )artici)atin, therein shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <0888 )esos* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* #rt* -.-* Conspiracy to commit sedition. + Persons cons)irin, to co44it the cri4e o5 sedition shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, 70888 )esos* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* #rt* -.7* Inciting to sedition. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, 70888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 without ta9in, an/ direct )art in the cri4e o5 sedition0 should incite others to the acco4)lish4ent o5 an/ o5 the acts which constitute sedition0 b/ 4eans o5 s)eeches0 )rocla4ations0 writin,s0 e4ble4s0 cartoons0 banners0 or other re)resentations tendin, to the sa4e end0 or u)on an/ )erson or )ersons who shall utter seditious words or s)eeches0 write0 )ublish0 or circulate scurrilous libels a,ainst the Go3ern4ent 1o5 the &nited States or the Go3ern4ent o5 the Co44onwealth2 o5 the Phili))ines0 or an/ o5 the dul/ constituted authorities thereo50 or which tend to disturb or obstruct an/ law5ul o55icer in e6ecutin, the 5unctions o5 his o55ice0 or which tend to insti,ate others to cabal and 4eet to,ether 5or unlaw5ul )ur)oses0 or which su,,est or incite rebellious cons)iracies or riots0 or which lead or tend to stir u) the )eo)le a,ainst the law5ul authorities or to disturb the )eace o5 the co44unit/0 the sa5et/ and order o5 the Go3ern4ent0 or who shall 9nowin,l/ conceal such e3il )ractices* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Cha)ter Two CR !"S #G# $ST POP&L#R R"PR"S"$T#T O$ Section One* + Cri4es a,ainst le,islati3e bodies and si4ilar bodies #rt* -.:* !ct tending to prevent the meeting of the !ssem"ly and similar "odies. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 b/ 5orce or 5raud0 )re3ents the 4eetin, o5 the $ational #sse4bl/ 1Con,ress o5 the Phili))ines2 or o5 an/ o5 its co44ittees or subco44ittees0 constitutional co44issions or co44ittees or di3isions thereo50 or o5 an/ )ro3incial board or cit/ or 4unici)al council or board* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* #rt* -..* #istur"ance of proceedings. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who disturbs the 4eetin,s o5 the $ational #sse4bl/ 1Con,ress o5 the Phili))ines2 or o5 an/ o5 its co44ittees or subco44ittees0 constitutional co44issions or co44ittees or di3isions thereo50 or o5 an/ )ro3incial board or cit/ or 4unici)al council or board0 or in the )resence o5 an/ such bodies should beha3e in such 4anner as to interru)t its )roceedin,s or to i4)air the res)ect due it* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* Section Two* + Diolation o5 )arlia4entar/ i44unit/ #rt* -.<* Violation of parliamentary immunity. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall use 5orce0 inti4idation0 threats0 or 5raud to )re3ent an/ 4e4ber o5 the $ational #sse4bl/ 1Con,ress o5 the Phili))ines2 5ro4 attendin, the 4eetin,s o5 the #sse4bl/ 1Con,ress2 or o5 an/ o5 its co44ittees or subco44ittees0 constitutional co44issions or co44ittees or di3isions thereo50 5ro4 e6)ressin, his o)inions or castin, his 3ote? and the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall0 while the #sse4bl/ 1Con,ress2 is in re,ular or s)ecial session0 arrest or search an/ 4e4ber thereo50 e6ce)t in case such 4e4ber has co44itted a cri4e )unishable under this Code b/ a )enalt/ hi,her than )rision 4a/or* Cha)ter Three LL"G#L #SS"!BL "S #$% #SSOC #T O$S #rt* -.=* Illegal assem"lies* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on the or,aniAers or leaders o5 an/ 4eetin, attended b/ ar4ed )ersons 5or the )ur)ose o5 co44ittin, an/ o5 the cri4es )unishable under this Code0 or o5 an/ 4eetin, in which the audience is incited to the co44ission o5 the cri4e o5 treason0 rebellion or insurrection0 sedition or assault u)on a )erson in authorit/ or his a,ents*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Persons 4erel/ )resent at such 4eetin, shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or0 unless the/ are ar4ed0 in which case the )enalt/ shall be )rision correccional* 5 an/ )erson )resent at the 4eetin, carries an unlicensed 5irear40 it shall be )resu4ed that the )ur)ose o5 said 4eetin,0 inso5ar as he is concerned0 is to co44it acts )unishable under this Code0 and he shall be considered a leader or or,aniAer o5 the 4eetin, within the )ur3iew o5 the )recedin, )ara,ra)h* #s used in this article0 the word ,meeting, shall be understood to include a ,atherin, or ,rou)0 whether in a 5i6ed )lace or 4o3in,* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* #rt* -.>* Illegal associations. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on the 5ounders0 directors0 and )residents o5 associations totall/ or )artiall/ or,aniAed 5or the )ur)ose o5 co44ittin, an/ o5 the cri4es )unishable under this Code or 5or so4e )ur)ose contrar/ to )ublic 4orals* !ere 4e4bers o5 said associations shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or* 1Reinstated b/ "*O* $o* -@>2* Cha)ter (our #SS#< &PO$0 #$% R"S ST#$C" #$% % SOB"% "$C" TO0 P"RSO$S $ #&T'OR TY #$% T'" R #G"$TS #rt* -.@* #irect assaults* + #n/ )erson or )ersons who0 without a )ublic u)risin,0 shall e4)lo/ 5orce or inti4idation 5or the attain4ent o5 an/ o5 the )ur)ose enu4erated in de5inin, the cri4es o5 rebellion and sedition0 or shall attac90 e4)lo/ 5orce0 or seriousl/ inti4idate or resist an/ )erson in authorit/ or an/ o5 his a,ents0 while en,a,ed in the )er5or4ance o5 o55icial duties0 or on occasion o5 such )er5or4ance0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P-0888 )esos0 when the assault is co44itted with a wea)on or when the o55ender is a )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee0 or when the o55ender la/s hands u)on a )erson in authorit/* 5 none o5 these circu4stances be )resent0 the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P<88 )esos shall be i4)osed* #rt* -.;* Indirect assaults* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P<88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 4a9e use o5 5orce or inti4idation u)on an/ )erson co4in, to the aid o5 the authorities or their a,ents on occasion o5 the co44ission o5 an/ o5 the cri4es de5ined in the ne6t )recedin, article* #rt* -<8* #iso"edience to summons issued "y the -ational !ssem"ly' its committees or su"committees' "y the Constitutional Commissions' its
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II committees' su"committees or divisions. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 two hundred to one thousand )esos0 or both such 5ine and i4)rison4ent shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 ha3in, been dul/ su44oned to attend as a witness be5ore the $ational #sse4bl/0 1Con,ress20 its s)ecial or standin, co44ittees and subco44ittees0 the Constitutional Co44issions and its co44ittees0 subco44ittees0 or di3isions0 or be5ore an/ co44ission or co44ittee chair4an or 4e4ber authoriAed to su44on witnesses0 re5uses0 without le,al e6cuse0 to obe/ such su44ons0 or bein, )resent be5ore an/ such le,islati3e or constitutional bod/ or o55icial0 re5uses to be sworn or )laced under a55ir4ation or to answer an/ le,al inBuir/ or to )roduce an/ boo9s0 )a)ers0 docu4ents0 or records in his )ossession0 when reBuired b/ the4 to do so in the e6ercise o5 their 5unctions* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall restrain another 5ro4 attendin, as a witness0 or who shall induce disobedience to a su44on or re5usal to be sworn b/ an/ such bod/ or o55icial* #rt* -<-* )esistance and diso"edience to a person in authority or the agents of such person. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who not bein, included in the )ro3isions o5 the )recedin, articles shall resist or seriousl/ disobe/ an/ )erson in authorit/0 or the a,ents o5 such )erson0 while en,a,ed in the )er5or4ance o5 o55icial duties* When the disobedience to an a,ent o5 a )erson in authorit/ is not o5 a serious nature0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 -8 to P-88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on the o55ender* #rt* -<7* Persons in authority and agents of persons in authority; .ho shall "e deemed as such. + n a))l/in, the )ro3isions o5 the )recedin, and other articles o5 this Code0 an/ )erson directl/ 3ested with jurisdiction0 whether as an indi3idual or as a 4e4ber o5 so4e court or ,o3ern4ental cor)oration0 board0 or co44ission0 shall be dee4ed a )erson in authorit/* # barrio ca)tain and a baran,a/ chair4an shall also be dee4ed a )erson in authorit/* # )erson who0 b/ direct )ro3ision o5 law or b/ election or b/ a))oint4ent b/ co4)etent authorit/0 is char,ed with the 4aintenance o5 )ublic order and the )rotection and securit/ o5 li5e and )ro)ert/0 such as a barrio council4an0 barrio )olice4an and baran,a/ leader and an/ )erson who co4es to the aid o5 )ersons in authorit/0 shall be dee4ed an a,ent o5 a )erson in authorit/* n a))l/in, the )ro3isions o5 #rticles -.@ and -<- o5 this Code0 teachers0 )ro5essors and )ersons char,ed with the su)er3ision o5 )ublic or dul/ reco,niAed )ri3ate schools0 colle,es and uni3ersities0 and law/ers in the actual )er5or4ance o5 their )ro5essional duties or on the occasion o5 such )er5or4ance0 shall be dee4ed )ersons in authorit/* 1#s a4ended b/ P% $o* 7;;0 Se)t* -;0 -;>: and Batas Pa4bansa Bl,* @>:0 Fune -70 -;@<2*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II
Cha)ter (i3e P&BL C % SOR%"RS #rt* -<:* Tumults and other distur"ance of pu"lic orders; Tumultuous distur"ance or interruption lia"le to cause distur"ance. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall cause an/ serious disturbance in a )ublic )lace0 o55ice0 or establish4ent0 or shall interru)t or disturb )ublic )er5or4ances0 5unctions or ,atherin,s0 or )eace5ul 4eetin,s0 i5 the act is not included in the )ro3isions o5 #rticles -:- and -:7* The )enalt/ ne6t hi,her in de,ree shall be i4)osed u)on )ersons causin, an/ disturbance or interru)tion o5 a tu4ultuous character* The disturbance or interru)tion shall be dee4ed to be tu4ultuous i5 caused b/ 4ore than three )ersons who are ar4ed or )ro3ided with 4eans o5 3iolence* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who in an/ 4eetin,0 association0 or )ublic )lace0 shall 4a9e an/ outcr/ tendin, to incite rebellion or sedition or in such )lace shall dis)la/ )lacards or e4ble4s which )ro3o9e a disturbance o5 the )ublic order* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor and a 5ine not to e6ceed P788 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on these )ersons who in 3iolation o5 the )ro3isions contained in the last clause o5 #rticle @<0 shall bur/ with )o4) the bod/ o5 a )erson who has been le,all/ e6ecuted* #rt* -<.* /nlawful use of means of pu"lication and unlawful utterances. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 P788 to P-0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who b/ 4eans o5 )rintin,0 litho,ra)h/0 or an/ other 4eans o5 )ublication shall )ublish or cause to be )ublished as news an/ 5alse news which 4a/ endan,er the )ublic order0 or cause da4a,e to the interest or credit o5 the State? 7* #n/ )erson who b/ the sa4e 4eans0 or b/ words0 utterances or s)eeches shall encoura,e disobedience to the law or to the constituted authorities or )raise0 justi5/0 or e6tol an/ act )unished b/ law? :* #n/ )erson who shall 4aliciousl/ )ublish or cause to be )ublished an/ o55icial resolution or docu4ent without )ro)er authorit/0 or be5ore the/ ha3e been )ublished o55iciall/? or
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II .* #n/ )erson who shall )rint0 )ublish0 or distribute or cause to be )rinted0 )ublished0 or distributed boo9s0 )a4)hlets0 )eriodicals0 or lea5lets which do not bear the real )rinterGs na4e0 or which are classi5ied as anon/4ous* #rt* -<<* !larms and scandals. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, P788 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who within an/ town or )ublic )lace0 shall dischar,e an/ 5irear40 roc9et0 5irecrac9er0 or other e6)losi3es calculated to cause alar4 or dan,er? 7* #n/ )erson who shall insti,ate or ta9e an acti3e )art in an/ chari3ari or other disorderl/ 4eetin, o55ensi3e to another or )rejudicial to )ublic tranBuilit/? :* #n/ )erson who0 while wanderin, about at ni,ht or while en,a,ed in an/ other nocturnal a4use4ents0 shall disturb the )ublic )eace? or .* #n/ )erson who0 while into6icated or otherwise0 shall cause an/ disturbance or scandal in )ublic )laces0 )ro3ided that the circu4stances o5 the case shall not 4a9e the )ro3isions o5 #rticle -<: a))licable* #rt* -<=* #elivery of prisoners from $ails. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall re4o3e 5ro4 an/ jail or )enal establish4ent an/ )erson con5ined therein or shall hel) the esca)e o5 such )erson0 b/ 4eans o5 3iolence0 inti4idation0 or briber/* 5 other 4eans are used0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be i4)osed* 5 the esca)e o5 the )risoner shall ta9e )lace outside o5 said establish4ents b/ ta9in, the ,uards b/ sur)rise0 the sa4e )enalties shall be i4)osed in their 4ini4u4 )eriod* Cha)ter Si6 "D#S O$ O( S"RD C" O( S"$T"$C" #rt* -<>* Evasion of service of sentence * + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on an/ con3ict who shall e3ade ser3ice o5 his sentence b/ esca)in, durin, the ter4 o5 his i4)rison4ent b/ reason o5 5inal jud,4ent* 'owe3er0 i5 such e3asion or esca)e shall ha3e ta9en )lace b/ 4eans o5 unlaw5ul entr/0 b/ brea9in, doors0 windows0 ,ates0 walls0 roo5s0 or 5loors0 or b/ usin, )ic9loc9s0 5alse 9e/s0 deceit0 3iolence or inti4idation0 or throu,h conni3ance with other con3icts or e4)lo/ees o5 the )enal institution0 the )enalt/ shall be )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* -<@* Evasion of service of sentence on the occasion of disorder' conflagrations' earth0ua1es' or other calamities. + # con3ict who shall e3ade the ser3ice o5 his sentence0 b/ lea3in, the )enal institution where he shall ha3e been con5ined0 on the occasion o5 disorder resultin, 5ro4 a con5la,ration0 earthBua9e0 e6)losion0 or si4ilar catastro)he0 or durin, a 4utin/ in which he has not )artici)ated0 shall su55er an increase o5 oneE5i5th o5 the ti4e still re4ainin, to be ser3ed under the ori,inal sentence0 which in no case shall e6ceed si6 4onths0 i5 he shall 5ail to ,i3e hi4sel5 u) to the authorities within 5ort/Eei,ht hours 5ollowin, the issuance o5 a )rocla4ation b/ the Chie5 "6ecuti3e announcin, the )assin, awa/ o5 such cala4it/* Con3icts who0 under the circu4stances 4entioned in the )recedin, )ara,ra)h0 shall ,i3e the4sel3es u) to the authorities within the abo3e 4entioned )eriod o5 .@ hours0 shall be entitled to the deduction )ro3ided in #rticle ;@* #rt* -<;* (ther cases of evasion of service of sentence * + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on the con3ict who0 ha3in, been ,ranted conditional )ardon b/ the Chie5 "6ecuti3e0 shall 3iolate an/ o5 the conditions o5 such )ardon* 'owe3er0 i5 the )enalt/ re4itted b/ the ,rantin, o5 such )ardon be hi,her than si6 /ears0 the con3ict shall then su55er the une6)ired )ortion o5 his ori,inal sentence* Cha)ter Se3en CO!! SS O$ O( #$OT'"R CR !" %&R $G S"RD C" O( P"$#LTY !POS"% (OR #$OT'"R PR"D O&S O(("$S" #rt* -=8* Commission of another crime during service of penalty imposed for another offense; Penalty. + Besides the )ro3isions o5 Rule < o5 #rticle =70 an/ )erson who shall co44it a 5elon/ a5ter ha3in, been con3icted b/ 5inal jud,4ent0 be5ore be,innin, to ser3e such sentence0 or while ser3in, the sa4e0 shall be )unished b/ the 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 the )enalt/ )rescribed b/ law 5or the new 5elon/* #n/ con3ict o5 the class re5erred to in this article0 who is not a habitual cri4inal0 shall be )ardoned at the a,e o5 se3ent/ /ears i5 he shall ha3e alread/ ser3ed out his ori,inal sentence0 or when he shall co4)lete it a5ter reachin, the said a,e0 unless b/ reason o5 his conduct or other circu4stances he shall not be worth/ o5 such cle4enc/* Title (our CR !"S #G# $ST P&BL C $T"R"ST Cha)ter One
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II (ORG"R "S Section One* + (or,in, the seal o5 the Go3ern4ent o5 the Phili))ine slands0 the si,nature or sta4) o5 the Chie5 "6ecuti3e* #rt* -=-* Counterfeiting the great seal of the 2overnment of the Philippine Islands' forging the signature or stamp of the Chief E%ecutive. + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 5or,e the Great Seal o5 the Go3ern4ent o5 the Phili))ine slands or the si,nature or sta4) o5 the Chie5 "6ecuti3e* #rt* -=7* /sing forged signature or counterfeit seal or stamp. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ 4a9e use o5 the counter5eit seal or 5or,ed si,nature or sta4) 4entioned in the )recedin, article* Section Two* + Counter5eitin, Coins #rt* -=:* Ma1ing and importing and uttering false coins. + #n/ )erson who 4a9es0 i4)orts0 or utters0 5alse coins0 in conni3ance with counter5eiters0 or i4)orters0 shall su55er: -* Prision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not to e6ceed P-80888 )esos0 i5 the counter5eited coin be sil3er coin o5 the Phili))ines or coin o5 the Central Ban9 o5 the Phili))ines o5 ten centa3o deno4ination or abo3e* 7* Prision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine o5 not to e6ceed P70888 )esos0 i5 the counter5eited coins be an/ o5 the 4inor coina,e o5 the Phili))ines or o5 the Central Ban9 o5 the Phili))ines below tenEcenta3o deno4ination* :* Prision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P-0888 )esos0 i5 the counter5eited coin be currenc/ o5 a 5orei,n countr/* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* $o* .7870 a))ro3ed Fune -;0 -;=<2* #rt* -=.* Mutilation of coins; Importation and utterance of mutilated coins. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P70888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 4utilate coins o5 the le,al currenc/ o5 the &nited States or o5 the Phili))ine slands or i4)ort or utter 4utilated current coins0 or in conni3ance with 4utilators or i4)orters* #rt* -=<* &elling of false or mutilated coin' without connivance. + The )erson who 9nowin,l/0 althou,h without the conni3ance 4entioned in the )recedin, articles0 shall )ossess 5alse or 4utilated coin with intent to utter the sa4e0 or shall actuall/ utter such coin0 shall su55er a )enalt/ lower b/ one de,ree than that
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )rescribed in said articles*
Section Three* + (or,in, treasur/ or ban9 notes0 obli,ations and securities? i4)ortin, and utterin, 5alse or 5or,ed notes0 obli,ations and securities* #rt* -==* Forging treasury or "an1 notes on other documents paya"le to "earer; importing' and uttering such false or forged notes and documents. + The 5or,in, or 5alsi5ication o5 treasur/ or ban9 notes or certi5icates or other obli,ations and securities )a/able to bearer and the i4)ortation and utterin, in conni3ance with 5or,ers or i4)orters o5 such 5alse or 5or,ed obli,ations or notes0 shall be )unished as 5ollows: -* B/ reclusion te4)oral in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P-80888 )esos0 i5 the docu4ent which has been 5alsi5ied0 counter5eited0 or altered0 is an obli,ations or securit/ o5 the &nited States or o5 the Phili))ines slands* The word ,o"ligation or security of the /nited &tates or of the Philippine Islands, shall be held to 4ean all bonds0 certi5icates o5 indebtedness0 national ban9 notes0 5ractional notes0 certi5icates o5 de)osit0 bills0 chec9s0 or dra5ts 5or 4one/0 drawn b/ or u)on authoriAed o55icers o5 the &nited States or o5 the Phili))ine slands0 and other re)resentati3es o5 3alue0 o5 whate3er deno4ination0 which ha3e been or 4a/ be issued under an/ act o5 the Con,ress o5 the &nited States or o5 the Phili))ine Le,islature* 7* B/ )rision 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P<0888 )esos0 i5 the 5alsi5ied or altered docu4ent is a circulatin, note issued b/ an/ ban9in, association dul/ authoriAed b/ law to issue the sa4e* :* B/ )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P<0888 )esos0 i5 the 5alsi5ied or counter5eited docu4ent was issued b/ a 5orei,n ,o3ern4ent* .* B/ )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P70888 )esos0 when the 5or,ed or altered docu4ent is a circulatin, note or bill issued b/ a 5orei,n ban9 dul/ authoriAed there5or* #rt* -=>* Counterfeiting' importing and uttering instruments not paya"le to "earer. + #n/ )erson who shall 5or,e0 i4)ort or utter0 in conni3ance with the 5or,ers or i4)orters0 an/ instru4ent )a/able to order or other docu4ent o5 credit not )a/able to bearer0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P=0888 )esos* #rt* -=@* Illegal possession and use of false treasury or "an1 notes and other instruments of credit. + &nless the act be one o5 those co4in, under the
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )ro3isions o5 an/ o5 the )recedin, articles0 an/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ use or ha3e in his )ossession0 with intent to use an/ o5 the 5alse or 5alsi5ied instru4ents re5erred to in this section0 shall su55er the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )rescribed in said articles* #rt* -=;* *ow forgery is committed. + The 5or,er/ re5erred to in this section 4a/ be co44itted b/ an/ o5 the 5ollowin, 4eans: -* B/ ,i3in, to a treasur/ or ban9 note or an/ instru4ent0 )a/able to bearer or order 4entioned therein0 the a))earance o5 a true ,enuine docu4ent* 7* B/ erasin,0 substitutin,0 counter5eitin, or alterin, b/ an/ 4eans the 5i,ures0 letters0 words or si,ns contained therein* Section (our* + (alsi5ication o5 le,islati3e0 )ublic0 co44ercial0 )ri3atedocu4ents0 and wireless0 tele,ra)h0 and tele)hone 4essa,e* and
#rt* ->8* Falsification of legislative documents. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, P=0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 without )ro)er authorit/ there5or alters an/ bill0 resolution0 or ordinance enacted or a))ro3ed or )endin, a))ro3al b/ either 'ouse o5 the Le,islature or an/ )ro3incial board or 4unici)al council* #rt* ->-* Falsification "y pu"lic officer' employee or notary or ecclesiastic minister. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or and a 5ine not to e6ceed P<0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer0 e4)lo/ee0 or notar/ who0 ta9in, ad3anta,e o5 his o55icial )osition0 shall 5alsi5/ a docu4ent b/ co44ittin, an/ o5 the 5ollowin, acts: -* Counter5eitin, or i4itatin, an/ handwritin,0 si,nature or rubric? 7* Causin, it to a))ear that )ersons ha3e )artici)ated in an/ act or )roceedin, when the/ did not in 5act so )artici)ate? :* #ttributin, to )ersons who ha3e )artici)ated in an act or )roceedin, state4ents other than those in 5act 4ade b/ the4? .* !a9in, untruth5ul state4ents in a narration o5 5acts? <* #lterin, true dates? =* !a9in, an/ alteration or intercalation in a ,enuine docu4ent which chan,es its 4eanin,?
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II >* ssuin, in an authenticated 5or4 a docu4ent )ur)ortin, to be a co)/ o5 an ori,inal docu4ent when no such ori,inal e6ists0 or includin, in such a co)/ a state4ent contrar/ to0 or di55erent 5ro40 that o5 the ,enuine ori,inal? or @* ntercalatin, an/ instru4ent or note relati3e to the issuance thereo5 in a )rotocol0 re,istr/0 or o55icial boo9* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on an/ ecclesiastical 4inister who shall co44it an/ o5 the o55enses enu4erated in the )recedin, )ara,ra)hs o5 this article0 with res)ect to an/ record or docu4ent o5 such character that its 5alsi5ication 4a/ a55ect the ci3il status o5 )ersons* #rt* ->7* Falsification "y private individual and use of falsified documents. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine o5 not 4ore than P<0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )ri3ate indi3idual who shall co44it an/ o5 the 5alsi5ications enu4erated in the ne6t )recedin, article in an/ )ublic or o55icial docu4ent or letter o5 e6chan,e or an/ other 9ind o5 co44ercial docu4ent? and 7* #n/ )erson who0 to the da4a,e o5 a third )art/0 or with the intent to cause such da4a,e0 shall in an/ )ri3ate docu4ent co44it an/ o5 the acts o5 5alsi5ication enu4erated in the ne6t )recedin, article* #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ introduce in e3idence in an/ judicial )roceedin, or to the da4a,e o5 another or who0 with the intent to cause such da4a,e0 shall use an/ o5 the 5alse docu4ents e4braced in the ne6t )recedin, article0 or in an/ o5 the 5ore,oin, subdi3isions o5 this article0 shall be )unished b/ the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree* #rt* ->:* Falsification of wireless' ca"le' telegraph and telephone messages' and use of said falsified messages. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on o55icer or e4)lo/ee o5 the Go3ern4ent or o5 an/ )ri3ate cor)oration or concern en,a,ed in the ser3ice o5 sendin, or recei3in, wireless0 cable or tele)hone 4essa,e who utters a 5ictitious wireless0 tele,ra)h or tele)hone 4essa,e o5 an/ s/ste4 or 5alsi5ies the sa4e* #n/ )erson who shall use such 5alsi5ied dis)atch to the )rejudice o5 a third )art/ or with the intent o5 cause such )rejudice0 shall su55er the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree* Section (i3e* + (alsi5ication o5 4edical certi5icates0 certi5icates o5 4erit or ser3ices and the li9e*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* ->.* False medical certificates' false certificates of merits or service' etc. + The )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed P-0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )h/sician or sur,eon who0 in connection0 with the )ractice o5 his )ro5ession0 shall issue a 5alse certi5icate? and 7* #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall issue a 5alse certi5icate o5 4erit o5 ser3ice0 ,ood conduct or si4ilar circu4stances* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ri3ate )erson who shall 5alsi5/ a certi5icate 5allin, within the classes 4entioned in the two )recedin, subdi3isions* #rt* -><* /sing false certificates* + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor shall be i4)osed u)on an/ one who shall 9nowin,l/ use an/ o5 the 5alse certi5icates 4entioned in the ne6t )recedin, article* Section Si6* + !anu5acturin,0 i4)ortin, and )ossession o5 instru4ents or i4)le4ents intended 5or the co44ission o5 5alsi5ication* #rt* ->=* Manufacturing and possession of instruments or implements for falsification. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine not to e6ceed P-80888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 4a9e or introduce into the Phili))ine slands an/ sta4)s0 dies0 4ar9s0 or other instru4ents or i4)le4ents intended to be used in the co44ission o5 the o55enses o5 counter5eitin, or 5alsi5ication 4entioned in the )recedin, sections o5 this Cha)ter* #n/ )erson who0 with the intention o5 usin, the40 shall ha3e in his )ossession an/ o5 the instru4ents or i4)le4ents 4entioned in the )recedin, )ara,ra)hs0 shall su55er the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )ro3ided therein* Cha)ter Two OT'"R (#LS ( C#T O$S Sec* One* + &sur)ation o5 authorit/0 ran90 title0 and i4)ro)er use o5 na4es0 uni5or4s and insi,nia* #rt* ->>* /surpation of authority or official functions. + #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ and 5alsel/ re)resent hi4sel5 to be an o55icer0 a,ent or re)resentati3e o5 an/ de)art4ent or a,enc/ o5 the Phili))ine Go3ern4ent or o5 an/ 5orei,n ,o3ern4ent0 or who0 under )retense o5 o55icial )osition0 shall )er5or4 an/ act )ertainin, to an/ )erson in authorit/ or )ublic o55icer o5 the Phili))ine
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Go3ern4ent or an/ 5orei,n ,o3ern4ent0 or an/ a,enc/ thereo50 without bein, law5ull/ entitled to do so0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* #rt* ->@* /sing fictitious name and concealing true name. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not to e6ceed <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall )ublicl/ use a 5ictitious na4e 5or the )ur)ose o5 concealin, a cri4e0 e3adin, the e6ecution o5 a jud,4ent or causin, da4a,e* #n/ )erson who conceals his true na4e and other )ersonal circu4stances shall be )unished b/ arresto 4enor or a 5ine not to e6ceed 788 )esos* #rt* ->;* Illegal use of uniforms or insignia* + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall )ublicl/ and i4)ro)erl/ 4a9e use o5 insi,nia0 uni5or4s or dress )ertainin, to an o55ice not held b/ such )erson or to a class o5 )ersons o5 which he is not a 4e4ber* Section Two* + (alse testi4on/ #rt* -@8* False testimony against a defendant. + #n/ )erson who shall ,i3e 5alse testi4on/ a,ainst the de5endant in an/ cri4inal case shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral0 i5 the de5endant in said case shall ha3e been sentenced to death? 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or0 i5 the de5endant shall ha3e been sentenced to reclusion te4)oral or reclusion )er)etua? :* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional0 i5 the de5endant shall ha3e been sentenced to an/ other a55licti3e )enalt/? and .* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or0 i5 the de5endant shall ha3e been sentenced to a correctional )enalt/ or a 5ine0 or shall ha3e been acBuitted* n cases )ro3ided in subdi3isions : and . o5 this article the o55ender shall 5urther su55er a 5ine not to e6ceed -0888 )esos* #rt* -@-* False testimony favora"le to the defendants. + #n/ )erson who shall ,i3e 5alse testi4on/ in 5a3or o5 the de5endant in a cri4inal case0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod a 5ine not to e6ceed -0888 )esos0 i5 the )rosecution is 5or a 5elon/ )unishable b/ an a55licti3e )enalt/0 and the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in an/ other case* #rt* -@7* False testimony in civil cases. + #n/ )erson 5ound ,uilt/ o5 5alse testi4on/ in a ci3il case shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed =0888 )esos0 i5 the a4ount in contro3ers/ shall e6ceed <0888 )esos0 and the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not to e6ceed -0888 )esos0 i5 the a4ount in contro3ers/ shall not e6ceed said a4ount or cannot be esti4ated* #rt* -@:* False testimony in other cases and per$ury in solemn affirmation. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson0 who 9nowin,l/ 4a9es untruth5ul state4ents and not bein, included in the )ro3isions o5 the ne6t )recedin, articles0 shall testi5/ under oath0 or 4a9e an a55ida3it0 u)on an/ 4aterial 4atter be5ore a co4)etent )erson authoriAed to ad4inister an oath in cases in which the law so reBuires* #n/ )erson who0 in case o5 a sole4n a55ir4ation 4ade in lieu o5 an oath0 shall co44it an/ o5 the 5alsehoods 4entioned in this and the three )recedin, articles o5 this section0 shall su55er the res)ecti3e )enalties )ro3ided therein* #rt* -@.* (ffering false testimony in evidence. + #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ o55er in e3idence a 5alse witness or testi4on/ in an/ judicial or o55icial )roceedin,0 shall be )unished as ,uilt/ o5 5alse testi4on/ and shall su55er the res)ecti3e )enalties )ro3ided in this section*
Cha)ter Three (R#&%S Section One* + !achinations0 4ono)olies and co4binations #rt* -@<* Machinations in pu"lic auctions. + #n/ )erson who shall solicit an/ ,i5t or )ro4ise as a consideration 5or re5rainin, 5ro4 ta9in, )art in an/ )ublic auction0 and an/ )erson who shall atte4)t to cause bidders to sta/ awa/ 5ro4 an auction b/ threats0 ,i5ts0 )ro4ises0 or an/ other arti5ice0 with intent to cause the reduction o5 the )rice o5 the thin, auctioned0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 -8 to <8 )er centu4 o5 the 3alue o5 the thin, auctioned* #rt* -@=* Monopolies and com"inations in restraint of trade. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to =0888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* #n/ )erson who shall enter into an/ contract or a,ree4ent or shall ta9e )art in an/ cons)irac/ or co4bination in the 5or4 o5 a trust or otherwise0 in restraint o5 trade or co44erce or to )re3ent b/ arti5icial 4eans 5ree co4)etition in the 4ar9et? 7* #n/ )erson who shall 4ono)oliAe an/ 4erchandise or object o5 trade or co44erce0 or shall co4bine with an/ other )erson or )ersons to 4ono)oliAe and 4erchandise or object in order to alter the )rice thereo5 b/ s)readin, 5alse ru4ors or 4a9in, use o5 an/ other article to restrain 5ree co4)etition in the 4ar9et? :* #n/ )erson who0 bein, a 4anu5acturer0 )roducer0 or )rocessor o5 an/ 4erchandise or object o5 co44erce or an i4)orter o5 an/ 4erchandise or object o5 co44erce 5ro4 an/ 5orei,n countr/0 either as )rinci)al or a,ent0 wholesaler or retailer0 shall co4bine0 cons)ire or a,ree in an/ 4anner with an/ )erson li9ewise en,a,ed in the 4anu5acture0 )roduction0 )rocessin,0 asse4blin, or i4)ortation o5 such 4erchandise or object o5 co44erce or with an/ other )ersons not so si4ilarl/ en,a,ed 5or the )ur)ose o5 4a9in, transactions )rejudicial to law5ul co44erce0 or o5 increasin, the 4ar9et )rice in an/ )art o5 the Phili))ines0 o5 an/ such 4erchandise or object o5 co44erce 4anu5actured0 )roduced0 )rocessed0 asse4bled in or i4)orted into the Phili))ines0 or o5 an/ article in the 4anu5acture o5 which such 4anu5actured0 )roduced0 or i4)orted 4erchandise or object o5 co44erce is used* 5 the o55ense 4entioned in this article a55ects an/ 5ood substance0 4otor 5uel or lubricants0 or other articles o5 )ri4e necessit/0 the )enalt/ shall be that o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods it bein, su55icient 5or the i4)osition thereo5 that the initial ste)s ha3e been ta9en toward carr/in, out the )ur)oses o5 the co4bination* #n/ )ro)ert/ )ossessed under an/ contract or b/ an/ co4bination 4entioned in the )recedin, )ara,ra)hs0 and bein, the subject thereo50 shall be 5or5eited to the Go3ern4ent o5 the Phili))ines* Whene3er an/ o5 the o55enses described abo3e is co44itted b/ a cor)oration or association0 the )resident and each one o5 its a,ents or re)resentati3es in the Phili))ines in case o5 a 5orei,n cor)oration or association0 who shall ha3e 9nowin,l/ )er4itted or 5ailed to )re3ent the co44ission o5 such o55ense0 shall be held liable as )rinci)als thereo5* Section Two* + (rauds in co44erce and industr/ #rt* -@>* Importation and disposition of falsely mar1ed articles or merchandise made of gold' silver' or other precious metals or their alloys * + The )enalt/ o5
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )rision correccional or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed on an/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ i4)ort or sell or dis)ose o5 an/ article or 4erchandise 4ade o5 ,old0 sil3er0 or other )recious 4etals0 or their allo/s0 with sta4)s0 brands0 or 4ar9s which 5ail to indicate the actual 5ineness or Bualit/ o5 said 4etals or allo/s* #n/ sta4)0 brand0 label0 or 4ar9 shall be dee4ed to 5ail to indicate the actual 5ineness o5 the article on which it is en,ra3ed0 )rinted0 sta4)ed0 labeled or attached0 when the rest o5 the article shows that the Bualit/ or 5ineness thereo5 is less b/ 4ore than oneEhal5 9arat0 i5 4ade o5 ,old0 and less b/ 4ore than 5our oneEthousandth0 i5 4ade o5 sil3er0 than what is shown b/ said sta4)0 brand0 label or 4ar9* But in case o5 watch cases and 5latware 4ade o5 ,old0 the actual 5ineness o5 such ,old shall not be less b/ 4ore than three oneEthousandth than the 5ineness indicated b/ said sta4)0 brand0 label0 or 4ar9* #rt* -@@* &u"sisting and altering trade3mar1' trade3names' or service mar1s. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 <8 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who shall substitute the trade na4e or tradeE4ar9 o5 so4e other 4anu5acturer or dealer or a colorable i4itation thereo50 5or the trade4ar9 o5 the real 4anu5acturer or dealer u)on an/ article o5 co44erce and shall sell the sa4e? 7* #n/ )erson who shall sell such articles o5 co44erce or o55er the sa4e 5or sale0 9nowin, that the tradeEna4e or tradeE 4ar9 has been 5raudulentl/ used in such ,oods as described in the )recedin, subdi3ision? :* #n/ )erson who0 in the sale or ad3ertisin, o5 his ser3ices0 shall use or substitute the ser3ice 4ar9 o5 so4e other )erson0 or a colorable i4itation o5 such 4ar9? or .* #n/ )erson who0 9nowin, the )ur)ose 5or which the tradeEna4e0 tradeE 4ar90 or ser3ice 4ar9 o5 a )erson is to be used0 )rints0 litho,ra)hs0 or in an/ wa/ re)roduces such tradeEna4e0 tradeE4ar90 or ser3ice 4ar90 or a colorable i4itation thereo50 5or another )erson0 to enable that other )erson to 5raudulentl/ use such tradeEna4e0 tradeE4ar90 or ser3ice 4ar9 on his own ,oods or in connection with the sale or ad3ertisin, o5 his ser3ices* # tradeEna4e or tradeE4ar9 as herein used is a word or words0 na4e0 title0 s/4bol0 e4ble40 si,n or de3ice0 or an/ co4bination thereo5 used as an ad3ertise4ent0 si,n0 label0 )oster0 or otherwise0 5or the )ur)ose o5 enablin, the )ublic to distin,uish the business o5 the )erson who owns and uses said tradeE na4e or tradeE4ar9*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II # ser3ice 4ar9 as herein used is a 4ar9 used in the sale or ad3ertisin, o5 ser3ices to identi5/ the ser3ices o5 one )erson and distin,uish the4 5ro4 the ser3ices o5 others and includes without li4itation the 4ar9s0 na4es0 s/4bols0 titles0 desi,nations0 slo,ans0 character na4es0 and distincti3e 5eatures o5 radio or other ad3ertisin,* #rt* -@;* /nfair competition' fraudulent registration of trade3mar1' trade3name or service mar1' fraudulent designation of origin' and false description. + The )enalt/ )ro3ided in the ne6t )roceedin, article shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who0 in un5air co4)etition and 5or the )ur)oses o5 decei3in, or de5raudin, another o5 his le,iti4ate trade or the )ublic in ,eneral0 shall sell his ,oods ,i3in, the4 the ,eneral a))earance o5 ,oods o5 another 4anu5acturer or dealer0 either as to the ,oods the4sel3es0 or in the wra))in, o5 the )ac9a,es in which the/ are contained or the de3ice or words thereon or in an/ other 5eatures o5 their a))earance which would be li9el/ to induce the )ublic to belie3e that the ,oods o55ered are those o5 a 4anu5acturer or dealer other than the actual 4anu5acturer or dealer or shall ,i3e other )ersons a chance or o))ortunit/ to do the sa4e with a li9e )ur)ose* 7* #n/ )erson who shall a55i60 a))l/0 anne6 or use in connection with an/ ,oods or ser3ices or an/ container or containers 5or ,oods a 5alse desi,nation o5 ori,in or an/ 5alse descri)tion or re)resentation and shall sell such ,oods or ser3ices* :* #n/ )erson who b/ 4eans o5 5alse or 5raudulent re)resentation or declarations orall/ or in writin, or b/ other 5raudulent 4eans shall )rocure 5ro4 the )atent o55ice or 5ro4 an/ other o55ice which 4a/ herea5ter be established b/ law 5or the )ur)oses the re,istration o5 a tradeEna4e0 tradeE4ar9 or ser3ice 4ar9 or o5 hi4sel5 as the owner o5 such tradeEna4e0 tradeE4ar9 or ser3ice 4ar9 or an entr/ res)ectin, a tradeEna4e0 tradeE 4ar9 or ser3ice 4ar9* Title (i3e CR !"S R"L#T D" TO OP &! #$% OT'"R PRO' B T"% %R&GS H#rt* -;8* Possession' preparation and use of prohi"ited drugs and maintenance of opium dens. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 :88 to -0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/one who unless law5ull/ authoriAed shall )ossess0 )re)are0 ad4inister0 or otherwise use an/ )rohibited dru,*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II IProhibited dru,0I as used herein includes o)iu40 cocaine0 al)ha and beta eucaine0 ndian he4)0 their deri3ati3es0 and all )re)arations 4ade 5ro4 the4 or an/ o5 the40 and such other dru,s0 whether natural or s/nthetic0 ha3in, )h/siolo,ical action as a narcotic dru,* IO)iu4I e4braces e3er/ 9ind0 class0 and character o5 o)iu40 whether crude or )re)ared? the ashes on re5use o5 the sa4e? narcotic )re)arations thereo5 or there5ro4? 4or)hine or an/ al9aloid o5 o)iu40 )re)aration in which o)iu40 4or)hine or an/ 9ind o5 o)iu40 enter as an in,redient0 and also o)iu4 lea3es or wra))in,s o5 o)iu4 lea3es0 whether )re)ared or not 5or their use* I ndian he4)I otherwise 9nown as 4arijuana0 cannabis0 #4ericana0 hashish0 bhan,0 ,uaAa0 churruA0 and ,anjah e4braces e3er/ 9ind0 class and character o5 ndian he4)0 whether dried or 5resh0 5lowerin, or 5ruitin, to)s o5 the )istillate )lant cannabis sati3al0 5ro4 which the resin has not been e6tracted0 includin, all other ,eo,ra)hic 3arieties whether used as ree5ers0 resin0 e6tract0 tincture or in an/ other 5or4 whatsoe3er* B/ narcotic dru, is 4eant a dru, that )roduces a condition o5 insensibilit/ and 4elanchol/ dullness o5 4ind with delusions and 4a/ be habitE5or4in,* 7* #n/one who shall 4aintain a di3e or resort where an/ )rohibited dru, is used in an/ 5or40 in 3iolation o5 the law*J H!rt. 454. 6eeper' watchman and visitor of opium den * + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 -88 to :88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/one who shall act as a 9ee)er or watch4an o5 a di3e or resort where an/ )rohibited dru, is used in an/ 4anner contrar/ to law? and 7* #n/ )erson who0 not bein, included in the )ro3isions o5 the ne6t )recedin, article0 shall 9nowin,l/ 3isit an/ di3e or resort o5 the character re5erred to abo3e*J H#rt* -;7* Importation and sale of prohi"ited drugs. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 :88 to -80888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall i4)ort or brin, into the Phili))ine slands an/ )rohibited dru,*J HThe sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall unlaw5ull/ sell or deli3er to another )rohibited dru,*J H#rt* -;:* Illegal possession of opium pipe or other paraphernalia for the use of any prohi"ited drug. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 not bein, authoriAed b/ law0
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II shall )ossess an/ o)iu4 )i)e or other )ara)hernalia 5or s4o9in,0 injectin,0 ad4inisterin, or usin, o)iu4 or an/ )rohibited dru,* HThe ille,al )ossession o5 an o)iu4 )i)e or other )ara)hernalia 5or usin, an/ other )rohibited dru, shall be )ri4a 5acie e3idence that its )ossessor has used said dru,*J H#rt* -;.* Prescri"ing opium unnecessary for a patient. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 :88 to -80888 )esos0 or both shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )h/sician or dentist who shall )rescribe o)iu4 5or an/ )erson whose )h/sical condition does not reBuire the use o5 the sa4e*J Title Si6 CR !"S #G# $ST P&BL C !OR#LS Cha)ter One G#!BL $G #$% B"TT $G #rt* -;<* .hat acts are punisha"le in gam"ling. + 1a2 The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine not e6ceedin, two hundred )esos0 and0 in case o5 recidi3is40 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 two hundred or si6 thousand )esos0 shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson other than those re5erred to in subsections 1b2 and 1c2 who0 in an/ 4anner shall directl/0 or indirectl/ ta9e )art in an/ ,a4e o5 4onte0 jueten, or an/ other 5or4 o5 lotter/0 )olic/0 ban9in,0 or )ercenta,e ,a4e0 do, races0 or an/ other ,a4e o5 sche4e the result o5 which de)ends wholl/ or chie5l/ u)on chance or haAard? or wherein wa,ers consistin, o5 4one/0 articles o5 3alue or re)resentati3e o5 3alue are 4ade? or in the e6)loitation or use o5 an/ other 4echanical in3ention or contri3ance to deter4ine b/ chance the loser or winner o5 4one/ or an/ object or re)resentati3e o5 3alue* 7* #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ )er4it an/ 5or4 o5 ,a4blin, re5erred to in the )recedin, subdi3ision to be carried on in an/ unhabited or uninhabited )lace o5 an/ buildin,0 3essel or other 4eans o5 trans)ortation owned or controlled b/ hi4* 5 the )lace where ,a4blin, is carried on has the re)utation o5 a ,a4blin, )lace or that )rohibited ,a4blin, is 5reBuentl/ carried on therein0 the cul)rit shall be )unished b/ the )enalt/ )ro3ided 5or in this article in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod* 1b2 The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 de,ree shall be i4)osed u)on the 4aintainer0 conductor0 or ban9er in a ,a4e o5 jueten, or an/ si4ilar ,a4e*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 1c2 The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 de,ree shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall0 9nowin,l/ and without law5ul )ur)ose0 ha3e in his )ossession and lotter/ list0 )a)er or other 4atter containin, letters0 5i,ures0 si,ns or s/4bols which )ertain to or are in an/ 4anner used in the ,a4e o5 jueten, or an/ si4ilar ,a4e which has ta9en )lace or about to ta9e )lace* #rt* -;=* Importation' sale and possession of lottery tic1ets or advertisements. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 in the discretion o5 the court0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall i4)ort into the Phili))ine slands 5ro4 an/ 5orei,n )lace or )ort an/ lotter/ tic9et or ad3ertise4ent or0 in conni3ance with the i4)orter0 shall sell or distribute the sa4e* #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ and with intent to use the40 ha3e in his )ossession lotter/ tic9ets or ad3ertise4ents0 or shall sell or distribute the sa4e without conni3ance with the i4)orter o5 the sa4e0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4enor0 or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 or both0 in the discretion o5 the court* The )ossession o5 an/ lotter/ tic9et or ad3ertise4ent shall be )ri4a 5acie e3idence o5 an intent to sell0 distribute or use the sa4e in the Phili))ine slands* #rt* -;>* 7etting in sports contests. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall bet 4one/ or an/ object or article o5 3alue or re)resentati3e o5 3alue u)on the result o5 an/ bo6in, or other s)orts contests* #rt* -;@* Illegal "etting on horse race. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who e6ce)t durin, the )eriod allowed b/ law0 shall be on horse races* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 under the sa4e circu4stances0 shall 4aintain or e4)lo/ a totaliAer or other de3ice or sche4e 5or bettin, on horse races or realiAin, an/ )ro5it there5ro4* (or the )ur)oses o5 this article0 an/ race held in the sa4e da/ at the sa4e )lace shall be held )unishable as a se)arate o55ense0 and i5 the sa4e be co44itted b/ an/ )artnershi)0 cor)oration or association0 the )resident and the directors or 4ana,ers thereo5 shall be dee4ed to be )rinci)als in the o55ense i5 the/ ha3e consented to or 9nowin,l/ tolerated its co44ission* #rt* -;;* Illegal coc1fighting. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 or both0 in the discretion o5 the court0 shall be i4)osed u)on:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* #n/ )erson who directl/ or indirectl/ )artici)ates in coc95i,hts0 b/ bettin, 4one/ or other 3aluable thin,s0 or who or,aniAes coc95i,hts at which bets are 4ade0 on a da/ other than those )er4itted b/ law* 7* #n/ )erson who directl/ or indirectl/ )artici)ates in coc95i,hts0 at a )lace other than a licensed coc9)it* 1Clic9 here 5or the 5ull te6t o5 PR"S %"$T #L %"CR"" $O* -=87 S !PL (Y $G #$% PROD % $G ST (("R P"$#LT "S (OR D OL#T O$S O( P' L PP $" G#!BL $G L#WS2 Cha)ter Two O(("$S"S #G# $ST %"C"$CY #$% GOO% C&STO!S #rt* 788* 2rave scandal. + The )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or and )ublic censure shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall o55end a,ainst decenc/ or ,ood custo4s b/ an/ hi,hl/ scandalous conduct not e6)ressl/ 5allin, within an/ other article o5 this Code* #rt* 78-* Immoral doctrines' o"scene pu"lications and e%hi"itions and indecent shows* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 si6 thousand to twel3e thousand )esos0 or both such i4)rison4ent and 5ine0 shall be i4)osed u)on: 1-2 Those who shall )ublicl/ e6)ound or )roclai4 doctrines o)enl/ contrar/ to )ublic 4orals? 172 1a2 the authors o5 obscene literature0 )ublished with their 9nowled,e in an/ 5or4? the editors )ublishin, such literature? and the ownersKo)erators o5 the establish4ent sellin, the sa4e? 1b2 Those who0 in theaters0 5airs0 cine4ato,ra)hs or an/ other )lace0 e6hibit0 indecent or i44oral )la/s0 scenes0 acts or shows0 whether li3e or in 5il40 which are )rescribed b/ 3irtue hereo50 shall include those which 1-2 ,lori5/ cri4inals or condone cri4es? 172 ser3e no other )ur)ose but to satis5/ the 4ar9et 5or 3iolence0 lust or )orno,ra)h/? 1:2 o55end an/ race or reli,ion? 1.2 tend to abet tra55ic in and use o5 )rohibited dru,s? and 1<2 are contrar/ to law0 )ublic order0 4orals0 and ,ood custo4s0 established )olicies0 law5ul orders0 decrees and edicts? 1:2 Those who shall sell0 ,i3e awa/ or e6hibit 5il4s0 )rints0 en,ra3in,s0 scul)ture or literature which are o55ensi3e to 4orals* 1#s a4ended b/ P% $os* ;=8 and ;=;2*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 787* Vagrants and prostitutes; penalty. + The 5ollowin, are 3a,rants: -* #n/ )erson ha3in, no a))arent 4eans o5 subsistence0 who has the )h/sical abilit/ to wor9 and who ne,lects to a))l/ hi4sel5 or hersel5 to so4e law5ul callin,? 7* #n/ )erson 5ound loiterin, about )ublic or se4iE)ublic buildin,s or )laces or tra4)lin, or wanderin, about the countr/ or the streets without 3isible 4eans o5 su))ort? :* #n/ idle or dissolute )erson who led,es in houses o5 ill 5a4e? ru55ians or )i4)s and those who habituall/ associate with )rostitutes? .* #n/ )erson who0 not bein, included in the )ro3isions o5 other articles o5 this Code0 shall be 5ound loiterin, in an/ inhabited or uninhabited )lace belon,in, to another without an/ law5ul or justi5iable )ur)ose? <* Prostitutes* (or the )ur)oses o5 this article0 wo4en who0 5or 4one/ or )ro5it0 habituall/ indul,e in se6ual intercourse or lasci3ious conduct0 are dee4ed to be )rostitutes* #n/ )erson 5ound ,uilt/ o5 an/ o5 the o55enses co3ered b/ this articles shall be )unished b/ arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 and in case o5 recidi3is40 b/ arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 in the discretion o5 the court* Title Se3en CR !"S CO!! TT"% BY P&BL C O(( C"RS Cha)ter One PR"L ! $#RY PROD S O$S #rt* 78:* .ho are pu"lic officers. + (or the )ur)ose o5 a))l/in, the )ro3isions o5 this and the )recedin, titles o5 this boo90 an/ )erson who0 b/ direct )ro3ision o5 the law0 )o)ular election or a))oint4ent b/ co4)etent authorit/0 shall ta9e )art in the )er5or4ance o5 )ublic 5unctions in the Go3ern4ent o5 the Phili))ine slands0 o5 shall )er5or4 in said Go3ern4ent or in an/ o5 its branches )ublic duties as an e4)lo/ee0 a,ent or subordinate o55icial0 o5 an/ ran9 or class0 shall be dee4ed to be a )ublic o55icer* Cha)ter Two !#L("#S#$C" #$% ! S("#S#$C" $ O(( C"
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Section One* + %ereliction o5 dut/ #rt* 78.* 6nowingly rendering un$ust $udgment. + #n/ jud,e who shall 9nowin,l/ render an unjust jud,4ent in an/ case sub4itted to hi4 5or decision0 shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or and )er)etual absolute disBuali5ication* #rt* 78<* 8udgment rendered through negligence * + #n/ jud,e who0 b/ reason o5 ine6cusable ne,li,ence or i,norance shall render a 4ani5estl/ unjust jud,4ent in an/ case sub4itted to hi4 5or decision shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or and te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication* #rt* 78=* /n$ust interlocutory order. + #n/ jud,e who shall 9nowin,l/ render an unjust interlocutor/ order or decree shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and sus)ension? but i5 he shall ha3e acted b/ reason o5 ine6cusable ne,li,ence or i,norance and the interlocutor/ order or decree be 4ani5estl/ unjust0 the )enalt/ shall be sus)ension* #rt* 78>* Malicious delay in the administration of $ustice. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ jud,e ,uilt/ o5 4alicious dela/ in the ad4inistration o5 justice* #rt* 78@* Prosecution of offenses; negligence and tolerance. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and sus)ension shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer0 or o55icer o5 the law0 who0 in dereliction o5 the duties o5 his o55ice0 shall 4aliciousl/ re5rain 5ro4 institutin, )rosecution 5or the )unish4ent o5 3iolators o5 the law0 or shall tolerate the co44ission o5 o55enses* #rt* 78;* 7etrayal of trust "y an attorney or solicitor. 9 )evelation of secrets. + n addition to the )ro)er ad4inistrati3e action0 the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ attorne/EatElaw or solicitor 1 )rocurador judicial2 who0 b/ an/ 4alicious breach o5 )ro5essional dut/ or o5 ine6cusable ne,li,ence or i,norance0 shall )rejudice his client0 or re3eal an/ o5 the secrets o5 the latter learned b/ hi4 in his )ro5essional ca)acit/* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on an attorne/EatElaw or solicitor 1procurador $udicial2 who0 ha3in, underta9en the de5ense o5 a client or ha3in, recei3ed con5idential in5or4ation 5ro4 said client in a case0 shall underta9e the de5ense o5 the o))osin, )art/ in the sa4e case0 without the consent o5 his 5irst client* Section Two* + Briber/ #rt* 7-8* #irect "ri"ery. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall a,ree to )er5or4 an act constitutin, a cri4e0 in connection with the )er5or4ance o5 this o55icial duties0 in
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II consideration o5 an/ o55er0 )ro4ise0 ,i5t or )resent recei3ed b/ such o55icer0 )ersonall/ or throu,h the 4ediation o5 another0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine Ho5 not less than the 3alue o5 the ,i5t andJ not less than three ti4es the 3alue o5 the ,i5t in addition to the )enalt/ corres)ondin, to the cri4e a,reed u)on0 i5 the sa4e shall ha3e been co44itted* 5 the ,i5t was acce)ted b/ the o55icer in consideration o5 the e6ecution o5 an act which does not constitute a cri4e0 and the o55icer e6ecuted said act0 he shall su55er the sa4e )enalt/ )ro3ided in the )recedin, )ara,ra)h? and i5 said act shall not ha3e been acco4)lished0 the o55icer shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional0 in its 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine o5 not less than twice the 3alue o5 such ,i5t* 5 the object 5or which the ,i5t was recei3ed or )ro4ised was to 4a9e the )ublic o55icer re5rain 5ro4 doin, so4ethin, which it was his o55icial dut/ to do0 he shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine Ho5 not less than the 3alue o5 the ,i5t andJ not less than three ti4es the 3alue o5 such ,i5t* n addition to the )enalties )ro3ided in the )recedin, )ara,ra)hs0 the cul)rit shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 s)ecial te4)orar/ disBuali5ication* The )ro3isions contained in the )recedin, )ara,ra)hs shall be 4ade a))licable to assessors0 arbitrators0 a))raisal and clai4 co44issioners0 e6)erts or an/ other )ersons )er5or4in, )ublic duties* 1#s a4ended b/ Batas Pa4bansa Bl,* @>70 Fune -80 -;@<2* #rt* 7--* Indirect "ri"ery. + The )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 and )ublic censure shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer who shall acce)t ,i5ts o55ered to hi4 b/ reason o5 his o55ice* 1#s a4ended b/ Batas Pa4bansa Bl,* @>70 Fune -80 -;@<2* #rt* 7-7* Corruption of pu"lic officials. + The sa4e )enalties i4)osed u)on the o55icer corru)ted0 e6ce)t those o5 disBuali5ication and sus)ension0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall ha3e 4ade the o55ers or )ro4ises or ,i3en the ,i5ts or )resents as described in the )recedin, articles* Cha)ter Three (R#&%S #$% LL"G#L "C#CT O$S #$% TR#$S#CT O$S #rt* 7-:* Frauds against the pu"lic treasury and similar offenses. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -80888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer who:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* n his o55icial ca)acit/0 in dealin, with an/ )erson with re,ard to 5urnishin, su))lies0 the 4a9in, o5 contracts0 or the adjust4ent or settle4ent o5 accounts relatin, to )ublic )ro)ert/ or 5unds0 shall enter into an a,ree4ent with an/ interested )art/ or s)eculator or 4a9e use o5 an/ other sche4e0 to de5raud the Go3ern4ent? 7* Bein, entrusted with the collection o5 ta6es0 licenses0 5ees and other i4)osts0 shall be ,uilt/ or an/ o5 the 5ollowin, acts or o4issions: 1a2 %e4andin,0 directl/0 or indirectl/0 the )a/4ent o5 su4s di55erent 5ro4 or lar,er than those authoriAed b/ law* 1b2 (ailin, 3oluntaril/ to issue a recei)t0 as )ro3ided b/ law0 5or an/ su4 o5 4one/ collected b/ hi4 o55iciall/* 1c2 Collectin, or recei3in,0 directl/ or indirectl/0 b/ wa/ o5 )a/4ent or otherwise thin,s or objects o5 a nature di55erent 5ro4 that )ro3ided b/ law* When the cul)rit is an o55icer or e4)lo/ee o5 the Bureau o5 nternal Re3enue or the Bureau o5 Custo4s0 the )ro3isions o5 the #d4inistrati3e Code shall be a))lied* #rt* 7-.* (ther frauds. + n addition to the )enalties )rescribed in the )ro3isions o5 Cha)ter Si60 Title Ten0 Boo9 Two0 o5 this Code0 the )enalt/ o5 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer who0 ta9in, ad3anta,e o5 his o55icial )osition0 shall co44it an/ o5 the 5rauds or deceits enu4erated in said )ro3isions* #rt* 7-<* Prohi"ited transactions. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ a))ointi3e )ublic o55icer who0 durin, his incu4benc/0 shall directl/ or indirectl/ beco4e interested in an/ transaction o5 e6chan,e or s)eculation within the territor/ subject to his jurisdiction* #rt* 7-=* Possession of prohi"ited interest "y a pu"lic officer. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on a )ublic o55icer who directl/ or indirectl/0 shall beco4e interested in an/ contract or business in which it is his o55icial dut/ to inter3ene* This )ro3isions is a))licable to e6)erts0 arbitrators and )ri3ate accountants who0 in li9e 4anner0 shall ta9e )art in an/ contract or transaction connected with the estate or )ro)ert/ in a))raisal0 distribution or adjudication o5 which the/ shall ha3e acted0 and to the ,uardians and e6ecutors with res)ect to the )ro)ert/
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II belon,in, to their wards or estate*
Cha)ter (our !#LD"RS#T O$ O( P&BL C (&$%S OR PROP"RTY #rt* 7->* Malversation of pu"lic funds or property; Presumption of malversation. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who0 b/ reason o5 the duties o5 his o55ice0 is accountable 5or )ublic 5unds or )ro)ert/0 shall a))ro)riate the sa4e or shall ta9e or 4isa))ro)riate or shall consent0 throu,h abandon4ent or ne,li,ence0 shall )er4it an/ other )erson to ta9e such )ublic 5unds0 or )ro)ert/0 wholl/ or )artiall/0 or shall otherwise be ,uilt/ o5 the 4isa))ro)riation or 4al3ersation o5 such 5unds or )ro)ert/0 shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the a4ount in3ol3ed in the 4isa))ro)riation or 4al3ersation does not e6ceed two hundred )esos* 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the a4ount in3ol3ed is 4ore than two hundred )esos but does not e6ceed si6 thousand )esos* :* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to reclusion te4)oral in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 i5 the a4ount in3ol3ed is 4ore than si6 thousand )esos but is less than twel3e thousand )esos* .* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral0 in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the a4ount in3ol3ed is 4ore than twel3e thousand )esos but is less than twent/Etwo thousand )esos* 5 the a4ount e6ceeds the latter0 the )enalt/ shall be reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to reclusion )er)etua* n all cases0 )ersons ,uilt/ o5 4al3ersation shall also su55er the )enalt/ o5 )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine eBual to the a4ount o5 the 5unds 4al3ersed or eBual to the total 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ e4beAAled* The 5ailure o5 a )ublic o55icer to ha3e dul/ 5orthco4in, an/ )ublic 5unds or )ro)ert/ with which he is char,eable0 u)on de4and b/ an/ dul/ authoriAed o55icer0 shall be )ri4a 5acie e3idence that he has )ut such 4issin, 5unds or )ro)ert/ to )ersonal use* 1#s a4ended b/ R# -8=82* #rt* 7-@* Failure of accounta"le officer to render accounts. + #n/ )ublic o55icer0 whether in the ser3ice or se)arated there5ro4 b/ resi,nation or an/ other cause0 who is reBuired b/ law or re,ulation to render account to the nsular #uditor0 or to a )ro3incial auditor and who 5ails to do so 5or a )eriod o5 two 4onths a5ter such accounts should be rendered0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 or b/ a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to =0888 )esos0 or both*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7-;* Failure of a responsi"le pu"lic officer to render accounts "efore leaving the country. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who unlaw5ull/ lea3es or atte4)ts to lea3e the Phili))ine slands without securin, a certi5icate 5ro4 the nsular #uditor showin, that his accounts ha3e been 5inall/ settled0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or0 or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos or both* #rt* 778* Illegal use of pu"lic funds or property. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall a))l/ an/ )ublic 5und or )ro)ert/ under his ad4inistration to an/ )ublic use other than 5or which such 5und or )ro)ert/ were a))ro)riated b/ law or ordinance shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 oneEhal5 to the total o5 the su4 4isa))lied0 i5 b/ reason o5 such 4isa))lication0 an/ da4a,es or e4barrass4ent shall ha3e resulted to the )ublic ser3ice* n either case0 the o55ender shall also su55er the )enalt/ o5 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication* 5 no da4a,e or e4barrass4ent to the )ublic ser3ice has resulted0 the )enalt/ shall be a 5ine 5ro4 < to <8 )er cent o5 the su4 4isa))lied* #rt* 77-* Failure to ma1e delivery of pu"lic funds or property * + #n/ )ublic o55icer under obli,ation to 4a9e )a/4ent 5ro4 Go3ern4ent 5unds in his )ossession0 who shall 5ail to 4a9e such )a/4ent0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or and a 5ine 5ro4 < to 7< )er cent o5 the su4 which he 5ailed to )a/* This )ro3ision shall a))l/ to an/ )ublic o55icer who0 bein, ordered b/ co4)etent authorit/ to deli3er an/ )ro)ert/ in his custod/ or under his ad4inistration0 shall re5use to 4a9e such deli3er/* The 5ine shall be ,raduated in such case b/ the 3alue o5 the thin,0 )ro3ided that it shall not less than <8 )esos* #rt* 777* (fficers included in the preceding provisions * + The )ro3isions o5 this cha)ter shall a))l/ to )ri3ate indi3iduals who in an/ ca)acit/ whate3er0 ha3e char,e o5 an/ insular0 )ro3incial or 4unici)al 5unds0 re3enues0 or )ro)ert/ and to an/ ad4inistrator or de)ositor/ o5 5unds or )ro)ert/ attached0 seiAed or de)osited b/ )ublic authorit/0 e3en i5 such )ro)ert/ belon,s to a )ri3ate indi3idual* Cha)ter (i3e $( %"L TY O( P&BL C O(( C"RS Section One* + n5idelit/ in the custod/ o5 )risoners #rt* 77:* Conniving with or consenting to evasion * + #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall consent to the esca)e o5 a )risoner in his custod/ or char,e0 shall be )unished:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* B/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication0 i5 the 5u,iti3e shall ha3e been sentenced b/ 5inal jud,4ent to an/ )enalt/* 7* B/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication0 in case the 5u,iti3e shall not ha3e been 5inall/ con3icted but onl/ held as a detention )risoner 5or an/ cri4e or 3iolation o5 law or 4unici)al ordinance* #rt* 77.* Evasion through negligence. + 5 the e3asion o5 the )risoner shall ha3e ta9en )lace throu,h the ne,li,ence o5 the o55icer char,ed with the con3e/ance or custod/ o5 the esca)in, )risoner0 said o55icer shall su55er the )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication* #rt* 77<* Escape of prisoner under the custody of a person not a pu"lic officer. + #n/ )ri3ate )erson to who4 the con3e/ance or custod/ or a )risoner or )erson under arrest shall ha3e been con5ided0 who shall co44it an/ o5 the o55enses 4entioned in the two )recedin, articles0 shall su55er the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )rescribed 5or the )ublic o55icer* Section Two* + n5idelit/ in the custod/ o5 docu4ent #rt* 77=* )emoval' concealment or destruction of documents. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall re4o3e0 destro/ or conceal docu4ents or )a)ers o55iciall/ entrusted to hi40 shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos0 whene3er serious da4a,e shall ha3e been caused thereb/ to a third )art/ or to the )ublic interest* 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos0 whene3er the da4a,e to a third )art/ or to the )ublic interest shall not ha3e been serious* n either case0 the additional )enalt/ o5 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )er)etual disBuali5ication shall be i4)osed* #rt* 77>* (fficer "rea1ing seal. + #n/ )ublic o55icer char,ed with the custod/ o5 )a)ers or )ro)ert/ sealed b/ )ro)er authorit/0 who shall brea9 the seals or )er4it the4 to be bro9en0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine not e6ceedin, 70888 )esos*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 77@* (pening of closed documents. + #n/ )ublic o55icer not included in the )ro3isions o5 the ne6t )recedin, article who0 without )ro)er authorit/0 shall o)en or shall )er4it to be o)ened an/ closed )a)ers0 docu4ents or objects entrusted to his custod/0 shall su55er the )enalties or arresto 4a/or0 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine o5 not e6ceedin, 70888 )esos* Section Three* + Re3elation o5 secrets #rt* 77;* )evelation of secrets "y an officer. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall re3eal an/ secret 9nown to hi4 b/ reason o5 his o55icial ca)acit/0 or shall wron,5ull/ deli3er )a)ers or co)ies o5 )a)ers o5 which he 4a/ ha3e char,e and which should not be )ublished0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine not e6ceedin, 70888 )esos i5 the re3elation o5 such secrets or the deli3er/ o5 such )a)ers shall ha3e caused serious da4a,e to the )ublic interest? otherwise0 the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <8 )esos shall be i4)osed* #rt* 7:8* Pu"lic officer revealing secrets of private individual. + #n/ )ublic o55icer to who4 the secrets o5 an/ )ri3ate indi3idual shall beco4e 9nown b/ reason o5 his o55ice who shall re3eal such secrets0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* Cha)ter Si6 OT'"R O(("$S"S OR RR"G&L#R T "S BY P&BL C O(( C"RS #rt* 7:-* (pen diso"edience. + #n/ judicial or e6ecuti3e o55icer who shall o)enl/ re5use to e6ecute the jud,4ent0 decision or order o5 an/ su)erior authorit/ 4ade within the sco)e o5 the jurisdiction o5 the latter and issued with all the le,al 5or4alities0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* #rt* 7:7* #iso"edience to order of superior officers' when said order was suspended "y inferior officer. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who0 ha3in, 5or an/ reason sus)ended the e6ecution o5 the orders o5 his su)eriors0 shall disobe/ such su)eriors a5ter the latter ha3e disa))ro3ed the sus)ension0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication* #rt* 7::* )efusal of assistance. + The )enalties o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos0 shall be i4)osed u)on a )ublic o55icer who0 u)on de4and 5ro4 co4)etent authorit/0 shall 5ail to lend his
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II coo)eration towards the ad4inistration o5 justice or other )ublic ser3ice0 i5 such 5ailure shall result in serious da4a,e to the )ublic interest0 or to a third )art/? otherwise0 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed* #rt* 7:.* )efusal to discharge elective office. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 ha3in, been elected b/ )o)ular election to a )ublic o55ice0 shall re5use without le,al 4oti3e to be sworn in or to dischar,e the duties o5 said o55ice* #rt* 7:<* Maltreatment of prisoners. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 in addition to his liabilit/ 5or the )h/sical injuries or da4a,e caused0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/ee who shall o3erdo hi4sel5 in the correction or handlin, o5 a )risoner or detention )risoner under his char,e0 b/ the i4)osition o5 )unish4ent not authoriAed b/ the re,ulations0 or b/ in5lictin, such )unish4ent in a cruel and hu4iliatin, 4anner* 5 the )ur)ose o5 the 4altreat4ent is to e6tort a con5ession0 or to obtain so4e in5or4ation 5ro4 the )risoner0 the o55ender shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos0 in addition to his liabilit/ 5or the )h/sical injuries or da4a,e caused* Section Two* + #ntici)ation0 )rolon,ation and abandon4ent o5 the duties and )owers o5 )ublic o55ice* #rt* 7:=* !nticipation of duties of a pu"lic office. + #n/ )erson who shall assu4e the )er5or4ance o5 the duties and )owers o5 an/ )ublic o55icer or e4)lo/4ent without 5irst bein, sworn in or ha3in, ,i3en the bond reBuired b/ law0 shall be sus)ended 5ro4 such o55ice or e4)lo/4ent until he shall ha3e co4)lied with the res)ecti3e 5or4alities and shall be 5ined 5ro4 788 to <88 )esos* #rt* 7:>* Prolonging performance of duties and powers. + #n/ )ublic o55icer shall continue to e6ercise the duties and )owers o5 his o55ice0 e4)lo/4ent or co44ission0 be/ond the )eriod )ro3ided b/ law0 re,ulation or s)ecial )ro3isions a))licable to the case0 shall su55er the )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 s)ecial te4)orar/ disBuali5ication in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos* #rt* 7:@* !"andonment of office or position. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who0 be5ore the acce)tance o5 his resi,nation0 shall abandon his o55ice to the detri4ent o5 the )ublic ser3ice shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 5 such o55ice shall ha3e been abandoned in order to e3ade the dischar,e o5 the duties o5 )re3entin,0 )rosecutin, or )unishin, an/ o5 the cri4e 5allin, within Title One0 and Cha)ter One o5 Title Three o5 Boo9 Two o5 this Code0 the o55ender shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 and b/ arresto 4a/or i5 the )ur)ose o5 such abandon4ent is to e3ade the dut/ o5 )re3entin,0 )rosecutin, or )unishin, an/ other cri4e* Section Three* + &sur)ation o5 )owers and unlaw5ul a))oint4ents #rt* 7:;* /surpation of legislative powers. + The )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ublic o55icer who shall encroach u)on the )owers o5 the le,islati3e branch o5 the Go3ern4ent0 either b/ 4a9in, ,eneral rules or re,ulations be/ond the sco)e o5 his authorit/0 or b/ atte4)tin, to re)eal a law or sus)endin, the e6ecution thereo5* #rt* 7.8* /surpation of e%ecutive functions. + #n/ jud,e who shall assu4e an/ )ower )ertainin, to the e6ecuti3e authorities0 or shall obstruct the latter in the law5ul e6ercise o5 their )owers0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod* #rt* 7.-* /surpation of $udicial functions. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and shall be i4)osed u)on an/ o55icer o5 the e6ecuti3e branch o5 the Go3ern4ent who shall assu4e judicial )owers or shall obstruct the e6ecution o5 an/ order or decision rendered b/ an/ jud,e within its jurisdiction* #rt* 7.7* #iso"eying re0uest for dis0ualification. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who0 be5ore the Buestion o5 jurisdiction is decided0 shall continue an/ )roceedin, a5ter ha3in, been law5ull/ reBuired to re5rain 5ro4 so doin,0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos* #rt* 7.:* (rders or re0uests "y e%ecutive officers to any $udicial authority * + #n/ e6ecuti3e o55icer who shall address an/ order or su,,estion to an/ judicial authorit/ with res)ect to an/ case or business co4in, within the e6clusi3e jurisdiction o5 the courts o5 justice shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos* #rt* 7..* /nlawful appointments. + #n/ )ublic o55icer who shall 9nowin,l/ no4inate or a))oint to an/ )ublic o55ice an/ )erson lac9in, the le,al Buali5ications there5or0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* Section (our* + #buses a,ainst chastit/
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7.<* !"uses against chastity; Penalties* + The )enalties o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication shall be i4)osed: -* &)on an/ )ublic o55icer who shall solicit or 4a9e i44oral or indecent ad3ances to a wo4an interested in 4atters )endin, be5ore such o55icer 5or decision0 or with res)ect to which he is reBuired to sub4it a re)ort to or consult with a su)erior o55icer? 7* #n/ warden or other )ublic o55icer directl/ char,ed with the care and custod/ o5 )risoners or )ersons under arrest who shall solicit or 4a9e i44oral or indecent ad3ances to a wo4an under his custod/* 5 the )erson solicited be the wi5e0 dau,hter0 sister o5 relati3e within the sa4e de,ree b/ a55init/ o5 an/ )erson in the custod/ o5 such warden or o55icer0 the )enalties shall be )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication* Title "i,ht CR !"S #G# $ST P"RSO$S Cha)ter One %"STR&CT O$ O( L (" Section One* + Parricide0 4urder0 ho4icide #rt* 7.=* Parricide* + #n/ )erson who shall 9ill his 5ather0 4other0 or child0 whether le,iti4ate or ille,iti4ate0 or an/ o5 his ascendants0 or descendants0 or his s)ouse0 shall be ,uilt/ o5 )arricide and shall be )unished b/ the )enalt/ o5 reclusion )er)etua to death* #rt* 7.>* #eath or physical in$uries inflicted under e%ceptional circumstances * + #n/ le,all/ 4arried )erson who ha3in, sur)rised his s)ouse in the act o5 co44ittin, se6ual intercourse with another )erson0 shall 9ill an/ o5 the4 or both o5 the4 in the act or i44ediatel/ therea5ter0 or shall in5lict u)on the4 an/ serious )h/sical injur/0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 destierro* 5 he shall in5lict u)on the4 )h/sical injuries o5 an/ other 9ind0 he shall be e6e4)t 5ro4 )unish4ent* These rules shall be a))licable0 under the sa4e circu4stances0 to )arents with res)ect to their dau,hters under ei,hteen /ears o5 a,e0 and their seducer0 while the dau,hters are li3in, with their )arents*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #n/ )erson who shall )ro4ote or 5acilitate the )rostitution o5 his wi5e or dau,hter0 or shall otherwise ha3e consented to the in5idelit/ o5 the other s)ouse shall not be entitled to the bene5its o5 this article* #rt* 7.@* Murder* + #n/ )erson who0 not 5allin, within the )ro3isions o5 #rticle 7.= shall 9ill another0 shall be ,uilt/ o5 4urder and shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to death0 i5 co44itted with an/ o5 the 5ollowin, attendant circu4stances: -* With treacher/0 ta9in, ad3anta,e o5 su)erior stren,th0 with the aid o5 ar4ed 4en0 or e4)lo/in, 4eans to wea9en the de5ense or o5 4eans or )ersons to insure or a55ord i4)unit/* 7* n consideration o5 a )rice0 reward0 or )ro4ise* :* B/ 4eans o5 inundation0 5ire0 )oison0 e6)losion0 shi)wrec90 strandin, o5 a 3essel0 derail4ent or assault u)on a street car or loco4oti3e0 5all o5 an airshi)0 b/ 4eans o5 4otor 3ehicles0 or with the use o5 an/ other 4eans in3ol3in, ,reat waste and ruin* .* On occasion o5 an/ o5 the cala4ities enu4erated in the )recedin, )ara,ra)h0 or o5 an earthBua9e0 eru)tion o5 a 3olcano0 destructi3e c/clone0 e)ide4ic or other )ublic cala4it/* <* With e3ident )re4editation* =* With cruelt/0 b/ deliberatel/ and inhu4anl/ au,4entin, the su55erin, o5 the 3icti40 or outra,in, or sco55in, at his )erson or cor)se* #rt* 7.;* *omicide* + #n/ )erson who0 not 5allin, within the )ro3isions o5 #rticle 7.=0 shall 9ill another without the attendance o5 an/ o5 the circu4stances enu4erated in the ne6t )recedin, article0 shall be dee4ed ,uilt/ o5 ho4icide and be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral* #rt* 7<8* Penalty for frustrated parricide' murder or homicide. + The courts0 in 3iew o5 the 5acts o5 the case0 4a/ i4)ose u)on the )erson ,uilt/ o5 the 5rustrated cri4e o5 )arricide0 4urder or ho4icide0 de5ined and )enaliAed in the )recedin, articles0 a )enalt/ lower b/ one de,ree than that which should be i4)osed under the )ro3ision o5 #rticle <8* The courts0 considerin, the 5acts o5 the case0 4a/ li9ewise reduce b/ one de,ree the )enalt/ which under #rticle <- should be i4)osed 5or an atte4)t to co44it an/ o5 such cri4es* #rt* 7<-* #eath caused in a tumultuous affray * + When0 while se3eral )ersons0 not co4)osin, ,rou)s or,aniAed 5or the co44on )ur)ose o5 assaultin, and
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II attac9in, each other reci)rocall/0 Buarrel and assault each other in a con5used and tu4ultuous 4anner0 and in the course o5 the a55ra/ so4eone is 9illed0 and it cannot be ascertained who actuall/ 9illed the deceased0 but the )erson or )ersons who in5licted serious )h/sical injuries can be identi5ied0 such )erson or )ersons shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or* 5 it cannot be deter4ined who in5licted the serious )h/sical injuries on the deceased0 the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on all those who shall ha3e used 3iolence u)on the )erson o5 the 3icti4* #rt* 7<7* Physical in$uries inflicted in a tumultuous affray * + When in a tu4ultuous a55ra/ as re5erred to in the )recedin, article0 onl/ serious )h/sical injuries are in5licted u)on the )artici)ants thereo5 and the )erson res)onsible thereo5 cannot be identi5ied0 all those who a))ear to ha3e used 3iolence u)on the )erson o5 the o55ended )art/ shall su55er the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )ro3ided 5or the )h/sical injuries so in5licted* When the )h/sical injuries in5licted are o5 a less serious nature and the )erson res)onsible there5or cannot be identi5ied0 all those who a))ear to ha3e used an/ 3iolence u)on the )erson o5 the o55ended )art/ shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or 5ro4 5i3e to 5i5teen da/s* #rt* 7<:* 2iving assistance to suicide. + #n/ )erson who shall assist another to co44it suicide shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or? i5 such )erson leads his assistance to another to the e6tent o5 doin, the 9illin, hi4sel50 he shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral* 'owe3er0 i5 the suicide is not consu44ated0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 shall be i4)osed* #rt* 7<.* #ischarge of firearms. + #n/ )erson who shall shoot at another with an/ 5irear4 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 unless the 5acts o5 the case are such that the act can be held to constitute 5rustrated or atte4)ted )arricide0 4urder0 ho4icide or an/ other cri4e 5or which a hi,her )enalt/ is )rescribed b/ an/ o5 the articles o5 this Code* Section Two* + n5anticide and abortion* #rt* 7<<* Infanticide. + The )enalt/ )ro3ided 5or )arricide in #rticle 7.= and 5or 4urder in #rticle 7.@ shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 9ill an/ child less than three da/s o5 a,e* 5 the cri4e )enaliAed in this article be co44itted b/ the 4other o5 the child 5or the )ur)ose o5 concealin, her dishonor0 she shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 and i5 said cri4e be co44itted
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 5or the sa4e )ur)ose b/ the 4aternal ,rand)arents or either o5 the40 the )enalt/ shall be )rision 4a/or* #rt* 7<=* Intentional a"ortion. + #n/ )erson who shall intentionall/ cause an abortion shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral0 i5 he shall use an/ 3iolence u)on the )erson o5 the )re,nant wo4an* 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or i50 without usin, 3iolence0 he shall act without the consent o5 the wo4an* :* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the wo4an shall ha3e consented* #rt* 7<>* /nintentional a"ortion* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall cause an abortion b/ 3iolence0 but unintentionall/* #rt* 7<@* !"ortion practiced "y the woman herself of "y her parents * + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on a wo4an who shall )ractice abortion u)on hersel5 or shall consent that an/ other )erson should do so* #n/ wo4an who shall co44it this o55ense to conceal her dishonor0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* 5 this cri4e be co44itted b/ the )arents o5 the )re,nant wo4an or either o5 the40 and the/ act with the consent o5 said wo4an 5or the )ur)ose o5 concealin, her dishonor0 the o55enders shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods* #rt* 7<;* !"ortion practiced "y a physician or midwife and dispensing of a"ortives. + The )enalties )ro3ided in #rticle 7<= shall be i4)osed in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod0 res)ecti3el/0 u)on an/ )h/sician or 4idwi5e who0 ta9in, ad3anta,e o5 their scienti5ic 9nowled,e or s9ill0 shall cause an abortion or assist in causin, the sa4e* #n/ )har4acist who0 without the )ro)er )rescri)tion 5ro4 a )h/sician0 shall dis)ense an/ aborti3e shall su55er arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* Section Three* + %uel
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7=8* )esponsi"ility of participants in a duel. + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 9ill his ad3ersar/ in a duel* 5 he shall in5lict u)on the latter )h/sical injuries onl/0 he shall su55er the )enalt/ )ro3ided there5or0 accordin, to their nature* n an/ other case0 the co4batants shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or0 althou,h no )h/sical injuries ha3e been in5licted* The seconds shall in all e3ents be )unished as acco4)lices* #rt* 7=-* Challenging to a duel* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall challen,e another0 or incite another to ,i3e or acce)t a challen,e to a duel0 or shall sco55 at or decr/ another )ublicl/ 5or ha3in, re5used to acce)t a challen,e to 5i,ht a duel* Cha)ter Two P'YS C#L $F&R "S #rt* 7=7* Mutilation* + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral to reclusion )er)etua shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall intentionall/ 4utilate another b/ de)ri3in, hi40 either totall/ or )artiall/0 or so4e essential or,an o5 re)roduction* #n/ other intentional 4utilation shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods* #rt* 7=:* &erious physical in$uries. + #n/ )erson who shall wound0 beat0 or assault another0 shall be ,uilt/ o5 the cri4e o5 serious )h/sical injuries and shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or0 i5 in conseBuence o5 the )h/sical injuries in5licted0 the injured )erson shall beco4e insane0 i4becile0 i4)otent0 or blind? 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 in conseBuence o5 the )h/sical injuries in5licted0 the )erson injured shall ha3e lost the use o5 s)eech or the )ower to hear or to s4ell0 or shall ha3e lost an e/e0 a hand0 a 5oot0 an ar40 or a le, or shall ha3e lost the use o5 an/ such 4e4ber0 or shall ha3e beco4e inca)acitated 5or the wor9 in which he was there5or habituall/ en,a,ed? :* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 in conseBuence o5 the )h/sical injuries in5licted0 the )erson injured shall ha3e beco4e de5or4ed0 or shall ha3e lost an/ other )art o5 his bod/0 or
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II shall ha3e lost the use thereo50 or shall ha3e been ill or inca)acitated 5or the )er5or4ance o5 the wor9 in which he as habituall/ en,a,ed 5or a )eriod o5 4ore than ninet/ da/s? .* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 i5 the )h/sical injuries in5licted shall ha3e caused the illness or inca)acit/ 5or labor o5 the injured )erson 5or 4ore than thirt/ da/s* 5 the o55ense shall ha3e been co44itted a,ainst an/ o5 the )ersons enu4erated in #rticle 7.=0 or with attendance o5 an/ o5 the circu4stances 4entioned in #rticle 7.@0 the case co3ered b/ subdi3ision nu4ber - o5 this #rticle shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods? the case co3ered b/ subdi3ision nu4ber 7 b/ )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod? the case co3ered b/ subdi3ision nu4ber : b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods? and the case co3ered b/ subdi3ision nu4ber . b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* The )ro3isions o5 the )recedin, )ara,ra)h shall not be a))licable to a )arent who shall in5lict )h/sical injuries u)on his child b/ e6cessi3e chastise4ent* #rt* 7=.* !dministering in$urious su"stances or "everages. + The )enalties established b/ the ne6t )recedin, article shall be a))licable in the res)ecti3e case to an/ )erson who0 without intent to 9ill0 shall in5lict u)on another an/ serious0 )h/sical injur/0 b/ 9nowin,l/ ad4inisterin, to hi4 an/ injurious substance or be3era,es or b/ ta9in, ad3anta,e o5 his wea9ness o5 4ind or credulit/* #rt* 7=<* :ess serious physical in$uries * + #n/ )erson who shall in5lict u)on another )h/sical injuries not described in the )recedin, articles0 but which shall inca)acitate the o55ended )art/ 5or labor 5or ten da/s or 4ore0 or shall reBuire 4edical assistance 5or the sa4e )eriod0 shall be ,uilt/ o5 less serious )h/sical injuries and shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or* Whene3er less serious )h/sical injuries shall ha3e been in5licted with the 4ani5est intent to 9ill or o55end the injured )erson0 or under circu4stances addin, i,no4in/ to the o55ense in addition to the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or0 a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed* #n/ less serious )h/sical injuries in5licted u)on the o55enderGs )arents0 ascendants0 ,uardians0 curators0 teachers0 or )ersons o5 ran90 or )ersons in authorit/0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 )ro3ided that0 in the case o5 )ersons in authorit/0 the deed does not constitute the cri4e o5 assault u)on such )erson*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7==* &light physical in$uries and maltreatment * + The cri4e o5 sli,ht )h/sical injuries shall be )unished: -* B/ arresto 4enor when the o55ender has in5licted )h/sical injuries which shall inca)acitate the o55ended )art/ 5or labor 5ro4 one to nine da/s0 or shall reBuire 4edical attendance durin, the sa4e )eriod* 7* B/ arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 78 )esos and censure when the o55ender has caused )h/sical injuries which do not )re3ent the o55ended )art/ 5ro4 en,a,in, in his habitual wor9 nor reBuire 4edical assistance* :* B/ arresto 4enor in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine not e6ceedin, <8 )esos when the o55ender shall illEtreat another b/ deed without causin, an/ injur/* Title $ine CR !"S #G# $ST P"RSO$#L L B"RTY #$% S"C&R TY Cha)ter One CR !"S #G# $ST L B"RTY #rt* 7=>* 6idnapping and serious illegal detention. + #n/ )ri3ate indi3idual who shall 9idna) or detain another0 or in an/ other 4anner de)ri3e hi4 o5 his libert/0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 reclusion )er)etua to death: -* 5 the 9idna))in, or detention shall ha3e lasted 4ore than 5i3e da/s* 7* 5 it shall ha3e been co44itted si4ulatin, )ublic authorit/* :* 5 an/ serious )h/sical injuries shall ha3e been in5licted u)on the )erson 9idna))ed or detained? or i5 threats to 9ill hi4 shall ha3e been 4ade* .* 5 the )erson 9idna))ed or detained shall be a 4inor0 5e4ale or a )ublic o55icer* The )enalt/ shall be death where the 9idna))in, or detention was co44itted 5or the )ur)ose o5 e6tortin, ranso4 5ro4 the 3icti4 or an/ other )erson0 e3en i5 none o5 the circu4stances abo3eE4entioned were )resent in the co44ission o5 the o55ense* #rt* 7=@* &light illegal detention. + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ri3ate indi3idual who shall co44it the cri4es described in the ne6t )recedin, article without the attendance o5 an/ o5 circu4stances enu4erated therein*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II The sa4e )enalt/ shall be incurred b/ an/one who shall 5urnish the )lace 5or the )er)etration o5 the cri4e* 5 the o55ender shall 3oluntaril/ release the )erson so 9idna))ed or detained within three da/s 5ro4 the co44ence4ent o5 the detention0 without ha3in, attained the )ur)ose intended0 and be5ore the institution o5 cri4inal )roceedin,s a,ainst hi40 the )enalt/ shall be )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, se3en hundred )esos* #rt* 7=;* /nlawful arrest. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 in an/ case other than those authoriAed b/ law0 or without reasonable ,round there5or0 shall arrest or detain another 5or the )ur)ose o5 deli3erin, hi4 to the )ro)er authorities* Section Two* + Kidna))in, o5 4inors #rt* 7>8* 6idnapping and failure to return a minor. + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion )er)etua shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 bein, entrusted with the custod/ o5 a 4inor )erson0 shall deliberatel/ 5ail to restore the latter to his )arents or ,uardians* #rt* 7>-* Inducing a minor to a"andon his home. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional and a 5ine not e6ceedin, se3en hundred )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/one who shall induce a 4inor to abandon the ho4e o5 his )arent or ,uardians or the )ersons entrusted with his custod/* 5 the )erson co44ittin, an/ o5 the cri4es co3ered b/ the two )recedin, articles shall be the 5ather or the 4other o5 the 4inor0 the )enalt/ shall be arresto 4a/or or a 5ine not e6ceedin, three hundred )esos0 or both* #rt* 7>7* &lavery* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or and a 5ine o5 not e6ceedin, -80888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/one who shall )urchase0 sell0 9idna) or detain a hu4an bein, 5or the )ur)ose o5 ensla3in, hi4* 5 the cri4e be co44itted 5or the )ur)ose o5 assi,nin, the o55ended )art/ to so4e i44oral tra55ic0 the )enalt/ shall be i4)osed in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod* #rt* 7>:* E%ploitation of child la"or. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/one who0 under the )rete6t o5 rei4bursin, hi4sel5 o5 a debt incurred b/ an ascendant0 ,uardian or )erson entrusted with the custod/ o5 a 4inor0 shall0 a,ainst the latterGs will0 retain hi4 in his ser3ice* #rt* 7>.* &ervices rendered under compulsion in payment of de"t. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 in order to reBuire or en5orce the )a/4ent o5 a debt0 shall co4)el the debtor to wor9 5or hi40 a,ainst his will0 as household ser3ant or 5ar4 laborer* Cha)ter Two CR !"S #G# $ST S"C&R TY Section One* + #bandon4ent o5 hel)less )ersons and e6)loitation o5 4inors* #rt* 7><* !"andonment of person in danger and a"andonment of one+s own victim. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ one who shall 5ail to render assistance to an/ )erson who4 he shall 5ind in an uninhabited )lace wounded or in dan,er o5 d/in,0 when he can render such assistance without detri4ent to hi4sel50 unless such o4ission shall constitute a 4ore serious o55ense* 7* #n/one who shall 5ail to hel) or render assistance to another who4 he has accidentall/ wounded or injured* :* #n/one who0 ha3in, 5ound an abandoned child under se3en /ears o5 a,e0 shall 5ail to deli3er said child to the authorities or to his 5a4il/0 or shall 5ail to ta9e hi4 to a sa5e )lace* #rt* 7>=* !"andoning a minor. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ one who shall abandon a child under se3en /ears o5 a,e0 the custod/ o5 which is incu4bent u)on hi4* When the death o5 the 4inor shall result 5ro4 such abandon4ent0 the cul)rit shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods? but i5 the li5e o5 the 4inor shall ha3e been in dan,er onl/0 the )enalt/ shall be )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* The )ro3isions contained in the two )recedin, )ara,ra)hs shall not )re3ent the i4)osition o5 the )enalt/ )ro3ided 5or the act co44itted0 when the sa4e shall constitute a 4ore serious o55ense* #rt* 7>>* !"andonment of minor "y person entrusted with his custody; indifference of parents. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/one who0 ha3in, char,e o5 the rearin, or education o5 a 4inor0 shall deli3er said 4inor to a )ublic institution or other )ersons0 without the consent o5 the one who entrusted such child to his care or in the absence o5 the latter0 without the consent o5 the )ro)er authorities*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on the )arents who shall ne,lect their children b/ not ,i3in, the4 the education which their station in li5e reBuire and 5inancial conditions )er4it* #rt* 7>@* E%ploitation of minors* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who shall cause an/ bo/ or ,irl under si6teen /ears o5 a,e to )er5or4 an/ dan,erous 5eat o5 balancin,0 )h/sical stren,th0 or contortion* 7* #n/ )erson who0 bein, an acrobat0 ,/4nast0 ro)eEwal9er0 di3er0 wildE ani4al ta4er or circus 4ana,er or en,a,ed in a si4ilar callin,0 shall e4)lo/ in e6hibitions o5 these 9inds children under si6teen /ears o5 a,e who are not his children or descendants* :* #n/ )erson en,a,ed in an/ o5 the callin,s enu4erated in the ne6t )ara,ra)h )recedin, who shall e4)lo/ an/ descendant o5 his under twel3e /ears o5 a,e in such dan,erous e6hibitions* .* #n/ ascendant0 ,uardian0 teacher or )erson entrusted in an/ ca)acit/ with the care o5 a child under si6teen /ears o5 a,e0 who shall deli3er such child ,ratuitousl/ to an/ )erson 5ollowin, an/ o5 the callin,s enu4erated in )ara,ra)h 7 hereo50 or to an/ habitual 3a,rant or be,,ar* 5 the deli3er/ shall ha3e been 4ade in consideration o5 an/ )rice0 co4)ensation0 or )ro4ise0 the )enalt/ shall in e3er/ case be i4)osed in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod* n either case0 the ,uardian or curator con3icted shall also be re4o3ed 5ro4 o55ice as ,uardian or curator? and in the case o5 the )arents o5 the child0 the/ 4a/ be de)ri3ed0 te4)oraril/ or )er)etuall/0 in the discretion o5 the court0 o5 their )arental authorit/* <* #n/ )erson who shall induce an/ child under si6teen /ears o5 a,e to abandon the ho4e o5 its ascendants0 ,uardians0 curators0 or teachers to 5ollow an/ )erson en,a,ed in an/ o5 the callin,s 4entioned in )ara,ra)h 7 hereo50 or to acco4)an/ an/ habitual 3a,rant or be,,ar* #rt* 7>;* !dditional penalties for other offenses * + The i4)osition o5 the )enalties )rescribed in the )recedin, articles0 shall not )re3ent the i4)osition u)on the sa4e )erson o5 the )enalt/ )ro3ided 5or an/ other 5elonies de5ined and )unished b/ this Code* Section Two* + Tres)ass to dwellin,
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7@8* ualified trespass to dwelling* + #n/ )ri3ate )erson who shall enter the dwellin, o5 another a,ainst the latterGs will shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* 5 the o55ense be co44itted b/ 4eans o5 3iolence or inti4idation0 the )enalt/ shall be )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* The )ro3isions o5 this article shall not be a))licable to an/ )erson who shall enter anotherGs dwellin, 5or the )ur)ose o5 )re3entin, so4e serious har4 to hi4sel50 the occu)ants o5 the dwellin, or a third )erson0 nor shall it be a))licable to an/ )erson who shall enter a dwellin, 5or the )ur)ose o5 renderin, so4e ser3ice to hu4anit/ or justice0 nor to an/one who shall enter ca5es0 ta3erns0 inn and other )ublic houses0 while the sa4e are o)en* #rt* 7@-* (ther forms of trespass. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall enter the closed )re4ises or the 5enced estate o5 another0 while either or the4 are uninhabited0 i5 the )rohibition to enter be 4ani5est and the tres)asser has not secured the )er4ission o5 the owner or the careta9er thereo5* Section Three* + Threats and coercion #rt* 7@7* 2rave threats. + #n/ )erson who shall threaten another with the in5liction u)on the )erson0 honor or )ro)ert/ o5 the latter or o5 his 5a4il/ o5 an/ wron, a4ountin, to a cri4e0 shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )rescribed b/ law 5or the cri4e be threatened to co44it0 i5 the o55ender shall ha3e 4ade the threat de4andin, 4one/ or i4)osin, an/ other condition0 e3en thou,h not unlaw5ul0 and said o55ender shall ha3e attained his )ur)ose* 5 the o55ender shall not ha3e attained his )ur)ose0 the )enalt/ lower b/ two de,rees shall be i4)osed* 5 the threat be 4ade in writin, or throu,h a 4iddle4an0 the )enalt/ shall be i4)osed in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod* 7* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos0 i5 the threat shall not ha3e been 4ade subject to a condition* #rt* 7@:* :ight threats. + #n/ threat to co44it a wron, not constitutin, a cri4e0 4ade in the 4anner e6)ressed in subdi3ision - o5 the ne6t )recedin, article0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7@.* 7ond for good "ehavior* + n all cases 5allin, within the two ne6t )recedin, articles0 the )erson 4a9in, the threats 4a/ also be reBuired to ,i3e bail not to 4olest the )erson threatened0 or i5 he shall 5ail to ,i3e such bail0 he shall be sentenced to destierro* #rt* 7@<* (ther light threats. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who0 without bein, included in the )ro3isions o5 the ne6t )recedin, article0 shall threaten another with a wea)on or draw such wea)on in a Buarrel0 unless it be in law5ul sel5Ede5ense* 7* #n/ )erson who0 in the heat o5 an,er0 shall orall/ threaten another with so4e har4 not constitutin, a cri4e0 and who b/ subseBuent acts show that he did not )ersist in the idea in3ol3ed in his threat0 )ro3ided that the circu4stances o5 the o55ense shall not brin, it within the )ro3isions o5 #rticle 7@7 o5 this Code* :* #n/ )erson who shall orall/ threaten to do another an/ har4 not constitutin, a 5elon/* #rt* 7@=* 2rave coercions. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 without authorit/ o5 law0 shall0 b/ 4eans o5 3iolence0 )re3ent another 5ro4 doin, so4ethin, not )rohibited b/ law0 or co4)el hi4 to do so4ethin, a,ainst his will0 whether it be ri,ht or wron,* 5 the coercion be co44itted 5or the )ur)ose o5 co4)ellin, another to )er5or4 an/ reli,ious act or to )re3ent hi4 5ro4 so doin,0 the )enalt/ ne6t hi,her in de,ree shall be i4)osed* #rt* 7@>* :ight coercions* + #n/ )erson who0 b/ 4eans o5 3iolence0 shall seiAe an/thin, belon,in, to his debtor 5or the )ur)ose o5 a))l/in, the sa4e to the )a/4ent o5 the debt0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod and a 5ine eBui3alent to the 3alue o5 the thin,0 but in no case less than >< )esos* #n/ other coercions or unjust 3e6ations shall be )unished b/ arresto 4enor or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 < )esos to 788 )esos0 or both* #rt* 7@@* (ther similar coercions; ;Compulsory purchase of merchandise and payment of wages "y means of to1ens.< 9 The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to <88 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson0 a,ent or o55icer0 o5 an/ association or cor)oration who shall 5orce or co4)el0 directl/ or indirectl/0 or shall 9nowin,l/ )er4it an/ laborer or e4)lo/ee e4)lo/ed
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II b/ hi4 or b/ such 5ir4 or cor)oration to be 5orced or co4)elled0 to )urchase 4erchandise or co44odities o5 an/ 9ind* The sa4e )enalties shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall )a/ the wa,es due a laborer or e4)lo/ee e4)lo/ed b/ hi40 b/ 4eans o5 to9ens or objects other than the le,al tender currenc/ o5 the laborer or e4)lo/ee* #rt* 7@;* Formation' maintenance and prohi"ition of com"ination of capital or la"or through violence or threats. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, :88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 5or the )ur)ose o5 or,aniAin,0 4aintainin, or )re3entin, coalitions or ca)ital or labor0 stri9e o5 laborers or loc9Eout o5 e4)lo/ees0 shall e4)lo/ 3iolence or threats in such a de,ree as to co4)el or 5orce the laborers or e4)lo/ers in the 5ree and le,al e6ercise o5 their industr/ or wor90 i5 the act shall not constitute a 4ore serious o55ense in accordance with the )ro3isions o5 this Code* Cha)ter Three % SCOD"RY #$% R"D"L#T O$ O( S"CR"TS #rt* 7;8* #iscovering secrets through sei=ure of correspondence. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )ri3ate indi3idual who in order to disco3er the secrets o5 another0 shall seiAe his )a)ers or letters and re3eal the contents thereo5* 5 the o55ender shall not re3eal such secrets0 the )enalt/ shall be arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos* The )ro3ision shall not be a))licable to )arents0 ,uardians0 or )ersons entrusted with the custod/ o5 4inors with res)ect to the )a)ers or letters o5 the children or 4inors )laced under their care or stud/0 nor to s)ouses with res)ect to the )a)ers or letters o5 either o5 the4* #rt* 7;-* )evealing secrets with a"use of office * + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ 4ana,er0 e4)lo/ee0 or ser3ant who0 in such ca)acit/0 shall learn the secrets o5 his )rinci)al or 4aster and shall re3eal such secrets* #rt* 7;7* )evelation of industrial secrets. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on the )erson in char,e0 e4)lo/ee or wor94an o5 an/ 4anu5acturin, or industrial establish4ent who0 to the )rejudice o5 the owner thereo50 shall re3eal the secrets o5 the industr/ o5 the latter*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Title Ten CR !"S #G# $ST PROP"RTY Cha)ter One ROBB"RY $ G"$"R#L #rt* 7;:* .ho are guilty of ro""ery. + #n/ )erson who0 with intent to ,ain0 shall ta9e an/ )ersonal )ro)ert/ belon,in, to another0 b/ 4eans o5 3iolence or inti4idation o5 an/ )erson0 or usin, 5orce u)on an/thin, shall be ,uilt/ o5 robber/* Section One* + Robber/ with 3iolence or inti4idation o5 )ersons* #rt* 7;<* )o""ery with violence against or intimidation of persons; Penalties. + #n/ )erson ,uilt/ o5 robber/ with the use o5 3iolence a,ainst or inti4idation o5 an/ )erson shall su55er: -* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion )er)etua to death0 when b/ reason or on occasion o5 the robber/0 the cri4e o5 ho4icide shall ha3e been co44itted* 7* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral in its 4ediu4 )eriod to reclusion )er)etua when the robber/ shall ha3e been acco4)anied b/ ra)e or intentional 4utilation0 or i5 b/ reason or on occasion o5 such robber/0 an/ o5 the )h/sical injuries )enaliAed in subdi3ision - o5 #rticle 7=: shall ha3e been in5licted? Pro3ided0 howe3er0 that when the robber/ acco4)anied with ra)e is co44itted with a use o5 a deadl/ wea)on or b/ two or 4ore )ersons0 the )enalt/ shall be reclusion )er)etua to death 1#s a4ended b/ P% $o* >=>2* :* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral0 when b/ reason or on occasion o5 the robber/0 an/ o5 the )h/sical injuries )enaliAed in subdi3ision 7 o5 the article 4entioned in the ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)h0 shall ha3e been in5licted* .* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to reclusion te4)oral in its 4ediu4 )eriod0 i5 the 3iolence or inti4idation e4)lo/ed in the co44ission o5 the robber/ shall ha3e been carried to a de,ree clearl/ unnecessar/ 5or the co44ission o5 the cri4e0 or when the course o5 its e6ecution0 the o55ender shall ha3e in5licted u)on an/ )erson not res)onsible 5or its co44ission an/ o5 the )h/sical injuries co3ered b/ subE di3isions : and . o5 said #rticle 7:* <* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod in other cases* 1#s a4ended b/ R* #* -@2*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* 7;<* )o""ery with physical in$uries' committed in an uninha"ited place and "y a "and' or with the use of firearm on a street' road or alley. + 5 the o55enses 4entioned in subdi3isions three0 5our0 and 5i3e o5 the ne6t )recedin, article shall ha3e been co44itted in an uninhabited )lace or b/ a band0 or b/ attac9in, a 4o3in, train0 street car0 4otor 3ehicle or airshi)0 or b/ enterin, the )assen,erGs co4)art4ents in a train or0 in an/ 4anner0 ta9in, the )assen,ers thereo5 b/ sur)rise in the res)ecti3e con3e/ances0 or on a street0 road0 hi,hwa/0 or alle/0 and the inti4idation is 4ade with the use o5 a 5irear40 the o55ender shall be )unished b/ the 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 the )ro)er )enalties* n the sa4e cases0 the )enalt/ ne6t hi,her in de,ree shall be i4)osed u)on the leader o5 the band* #rt* 7;=* #efinition of a "and and penalty incurred "y the mem"ers thereof. + When 4ore than three ar4ed 4ale5actors ta9e )art in the co44ission o5 a robber/0 it shall be dee4ed to ha3e been co44itted b/ a band* When an/ o5 the ar4s used in the co44ission o5 the o55ense be an unlicensed 5irear40 the )enalt/ to be i4)osed u)on all the 4ale5actors shall be the 4a6i4u4 o5 the corres)ondin, )enalt/ )ro3ided b/ law0 without )rejudice o5 the cri4inal liabilit/ 5or ille,al )ossession o5 such unlicensed 5irear4s* #n/ 4e4ber o5 a band who is )resent at the co44ission o5 a robber/ b/ the band0 shall be )unished as )rinci)al o5 an/ o5 the assaults co44itted b/ the band0 unless it be shown that he atte4)ted to )re3ent the sa4e* #rt* 7;>* !ttempted and frustrated ro""ery committed under certain circumstances. + When b/ reason or on occasion o5 an atte4)ted or 5rustrated robber/ a ho4icide is co44itted0 the )erson ,uilt/ o5 such o55enses shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to reclusion )er)etua0 unless the ho4icide co44itted shall deser3e a hi,her )enalt/ under the )ro3isions o5 this Code* #rt* 7;@* E%ecution of deeds "y means of violence or intimidation * + #n/ )erson who0 with intent to de5raud another0 b/ 4eans o5 3iolence or inti4idation0 shall co4)el hi4 to si,n0 e6ecute or deli3er an/ )ublic instru4ent or docu4ents0 shall be held ,uilt/ o5 robber/ and )unished b/ the )enalties res)ecti3el/ )rescribed in this Cha)ter* Section Two* + Robber/ b/ the use o5 5orce u)on thin,s #rt* 7;;* )o""ery in an inha"ited house or pu"lic "uilding or edifice devoted to worship* + #n/ ar4ed )erson who shall co44it robber/ in an inhabited house or )ublic buildin, or edi5ice de3oted to reli,ious worshi)0 shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral0 i5 the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ ta9en shall e6ceed 7<8 )esos0 and i5:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 1a2 The 4ale5actors shall enter the house or buildin, in which the robber/ was co44itted0 b/ an/ o5 the 5ollowin, 4eans: -* Throu,h a o)enin, not intended 5or entrance or e,ress* 7* B/ brea9in, an/ wall0 roo50 or 5loor or brea9in, an/ door or window* :* B/ usin, 5alse 9e/s0 )ic9loc9s or si4ilar tools* .* B/ usin, an/ 5ictitious na4e or )retendin, the e6ercise o5 )ublic authorit/* Or i5 + 1b2 The robber/ be co44itted under an/ o5 the 5ollowin, circu4stances: -* B/ the brea9in, o5 doors0 wardrobes0 chests0 or an/ other 9ind o5 loc9ed or sealed 5urniture or rece)tacle? 7* B/ ta9in, such 5urniture or objects to be bro9en or 5orced o)en outside the )lace o5 the robber/* When the o55enders do not carr/ ar4s0 and the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ ta9en e6ceeds 7<8 )esos0 the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree shall be i4)osed* The sa4e rule shall be a))lied when the o55enders are ar4ed0 but the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ ta9en does not e6ceed 7<8 )esos* When said o55enders do not carr/ ar4s and the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ ta9en does not e6ceed 7<8 )esos0 the/ shall su55er the )enalt/ )rescribed in the two ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)hs0 in its 4ini4u4 )eriod* 5 the robber/ be co44itted in one o5 the de)endencies o5 an inhabited house0 )ublic buildin,0 or buildin, dedicated to reli,ious worshi)0 the )enalties ne6t lower in de,ree than those )rescribed in this article shall be i4)osed* #rt* :88* )o""ery in an uninha"ited place and "y a "and. + The robber/ 4entioned in the ne6t )recedin, article0 i5 co44itted in an uninhabited )lace and b/ a band0 shall be )unished b/ the 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 the )enalt/ )ro3ided there5or* #rt* :8-* .hat is an inha"ited house' pu"lic "uilding or "uilding dedicated to religious worship and their dependencies. + nhabited house 4eans an/ shelter0 shi) or 3essel constitutin, the dwellin, o5 one or 4ore )ersons0 e3en thou,h the inhabitants thereo5 shall te4)oraril/ be absent there5ro4 when the robber/ is co44itted*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #ll interior courts0 corrals0 waterhouses0 ,ranaries0 barns0 coachEhouses0 stables or other de)art4ents or inclosed )laces conti,uous to the buildin, or edi5ice0 ha3in, an interior entrance connected therewith0 and which 5or4 )art o5 the whole0 shall be dee4ed de)endencies o5 an inhabited house0 )ublic buildin, or buildin, dedicated to reli,ious worshi)* Orchards and other lands used 5or culti3ation or )roduction are not included in the ter4s o5 the ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)h0 e3en i5 closed0 conti,uous to the buildin, and ha3in, direct connection therewith* The ter4 ,pu"lic "uilding, includes e3er/ buildin, owned b/ the Go3ern4ent or belon,in, to a )ri3ate )erson not included used or rented b/ the Go3ern4ent0 althou,h te4)oraril/ unoccu)ied b/ the sa4e* #rt* :87* )o""ery is an uninha"ited place or in a private "uilding. + #n/ robber/ co44itted in an uninhabited )lace or in a buildin, other than those 4entioned in the 5irst )ara,ra)h o5 #rticle 7;;0 i5 the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ ta9en e6ceeds 7<8 )esos0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional i5 an/ o5 the 5ollowin, circu4stances is )resent: -* 5 the entrance has been e55ected throu,h an/ o)enin, not intended 5or entrance or e,ress* 7* 5 an/ wall0 roo50 5lour or outside door or window has been bro9en* :* 5 the entrance has been e55ected throu,h the use o5 5alse 9e/s0 )ic9loc9s or other si4ilar tools* .* 5 an/ dor40 wardrobe0 chest or b/ sealed or closed 5urniture or rece)tacle has been bro9en* <* 5 an/ closed or sealed rece)tacle0 as 4entioned in the )recedin, )ara,ra)h0 has been re4o3ed e3en i5 the sa4e to bro9en o)en elsewhere* When the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ ta9es does not e6ceed 7<8 )esos0 the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree shall be i4)osed* n the cases s)eci5ied in #rticles 7;.0 7;<0 7;>0 7;;0 :880 and :87 o5 this Code0 when the )ro)ert/ ta9en is 4ail 4atter or lar,e cattle0 the o55ender shall su55er the )enalties ne6t hi,her in de,ree than those )ro3ided in said articles* #rt* :8:* )o""ery of cereals' fruits' or firewood in an uninha"ited place or private "uilding. + n the cases enu4erated in #rticles 7;; and :870 when the robber/ consists in the ta9in, o5 cereals0 5ruits0 or 5irewood0 the cul)rit shall su55er the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )rescribed in said articles*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* :8.* Possession of pic1loc1s or similar tools * + #n/ )erson who shall without law5ul cause ha3e in his )ossession )ic9loc9s or si4ilar tools es)eciall/ ado)ted to the co44ission o5 the cri4e o5 robber/0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 4a9e such tools* 5 the o55ender be a loc9s4ith0 he shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods* #rt* :8<* False 1eys. + The ter4 ,false 1eys, shall be dee4ed to include: -* The tools 4entioned in the ne6t )recedin, articles* 7* Genuine 9e/s stolen 5ro4 the owner* :* #n/ 9e/s other than those intended b/ the owner 5or use in the loc9 5orcibl/ o)ened b/ the o55ender* Cha)ter Two BR G#$%#G" #rt* :8=* .ho are "rigands; Penalty. + When 4ore than three ar4ed )ersons 5or4 a band o5 robbers 5or the )ur)ose o5 co44ittin, robber/ in the hi,hwa/0 or 9idna))in, )ersons 5or the )ur)ose o5 e6tortion or to obtain ranso4 or 5or an/ other )ur)ose to be attained b/ 4eans o5 5orce and 3iolence0 the/ shall be dee4ed hi,hwa/ robbers or bri,ands* Persons 5ound ,uilt/ o5 this o55ense shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to reclusion te4)oral in its 4ini4u4 )eriod i5 the act or acts co44itted b/ the4 are not )unishable b/ hi,her )enalties0 in which case0 the/ shall su55er such hi,h )enalties* 5 an/ o5 the ar4s carried b/ an/ o5 said )ersons be an unlicensed 5irear4s0 it shall be )resu4ed that said )ersons are hi,hwa/ robbers or bri,ands0 and in case o5 con3ictions the )enalt/ shall be i4)osed in the 4a6i4u4 )eriod* #rt* :8>* !iding and a"etting a "and of "rigands. + #n/ )erson 9nowin,l/ and in an/ 4anner aidin,0 abettin, or )rotectin, a band o5 bri,ands as described in the ne6t )recedin, article0 or ,i3in, the4 in5or4ation o5 the 4o3e4ents o5 the )olice or other )eace o55icers o5 the Go3ern4ent 1or o5 the 5orces o5 the &nited States #r4/20 when the latter are actin, in aid o5 the Go3ern4ent0 or acBuirin, or recei3in, the )ro)ert/ ta9en b/ such bri,ands shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II t shall be )resu4ed that the )erson )er5or4in, an/ o5 the acts )ro3ided in this article has )er5or4ed the4 9nowin,l/0 unless the contrar/ is )ro3en* Cha)ter Three T'"(T #rt* :8@* .ho are lia"le for theft. + The5t is co44itted b/ an/ )erson who0 with intent to ,ain but without 3iolence a,ainst or inti4idation o5 )ersons nor 5orce u)on thin,s0 shall ta9e )ersonal )ro)ert/ o5 another without the latterGs consent* The5t is li9ewise co44itted b/: -* #n/ )erson who0 ha3in, 5ound lost )ro)ert/0 shall 5ail to deli3er the sa4e to the local authorities or to its owner? 7* #n/ )erson who0 a5ter ha3in, 4aliciousl/ da4a,ed the )ro)ert/ o5 another0 shall re4o3e or 4a9e use o5 the 5ruits or object o5 the da4a,e caused b/ hi4? and :* #n/ )erson who shall enter an inclosed estate or a 5ield where tres)ass is 5orbidden or which belon,s to another and without the consent o5 its owner0 shall hunt or 5ish u)on the sa4e or shall ,ather cereals0 or other 5orest or 5ar4 )roducts* #rt* :8;* Penalties* + #n/ )erson ,uilt/ o5 the5t shall be )unished b/: -* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the 3alue o5 the thin, stolen is 4ore than -70888 )esos but does not e6ceed 770888 )esos0 but i5 the 3alue o5 the thin, stolen e6ceeds the latter a4ount the )enalt/ shall be the 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 the one )rescribed in this )ara,ra)h0 and one /ear 5or each additional ten thousand )esos0 but the total o5 the )enalt/ which 4a/ be i4)osed shall not e6ceed twent/ /ears* n such cases0 and in connection with the accessor/ )enalties which 4a/ be i4)osed and 5or the )ur)ose o5 the other )ro3isions o5 this Code0 the )enalt/ shall be ter4ed )rision 4a/or or reclusion te4)oral0 as the case 4a/ be* 7* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the 3alue o5 the thin, stolen is 4ore than =0888 )esos but does not e6ceed -70888 )esos* :* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ stolen is 4ore than 788 )esos but does not e6ceed =0888 )esos*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II .* #rresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 i5 the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ stolen is o3er <8 )esos but does not e6ceed 788 )esos* <* #rresto 4a/or to its 5ull e6tent0 i5 such 3alue is o3er < )esos but does not e6ceed <8 )esos* =* #rresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 such 3alue does not e6ceed < )esos* >* #rresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 i5 the the5t is co44itted under the circu4stances enu4erated in )ara,ra)h : o5 the ne6t )recedin, article and the 3alue o5 the thin, stolen does not e6ceed < )esos* 5 such 3alue e6ceeds said a4ount0 the )ro3ision o5 an/ o5 the 5i3e )recedin, subdi3isions shall be 4ade a))licable* @* #rresto 4enor in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine not e6ceedin, <8 )esos0 when the 3alue o5 the thin, stolen is not o3er < )esos0 and the o55ender shall ha3e acted under the i4)ulse o5 hun,er0 )o3ert/0 or the di55icult/ o5 earnin, a li3elihood 5or the su))ort o5 hi4sel5 or his 5a4il/* #rt* :-8* ualified theft. + The cri4e o5 the5t shall be )unished b/ the )enalties ne6t hi,her b/ two de,rees than those res)ecti3el/ s)eci5ied in the ne6t )recedin, article0 i5 co44itted b/ a do4estic ser3ant0 or with ,ra3e abuse o5 con5idence0 or i5 the )ro)ert/ stolen is 4otor 3ehicle0 4ail 4atter or lar,e cattle or consists o5 coconuts ta9en 5ro4 the )re4ises o5 the )lantation or 5ish ta9en 5ro4 a 5ish)ond or 5isher/0 or i5 )ro)ert/ is ta9en on the occasion o5 5ire0 earthBua9e0 t/)hoon0 3olcanic erru)tion0 or an/ other cala4it/0 3ehicular accident or ci3il disturbance* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* -78 and B*P* Bl,* >-* !a/ -0 -;@82* #rt* :--* Theft of the property of the -ational :i"rary and -ational Museum. + 5 the )ro)ert/ stolen be an/ )ro)ert/ o5 the $ational Librar/ or the $ational !useu40 the )enalt/ shall be arresto 4a/or or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to <88 )esos0 or both0 unless a hi,her )enalt/ should be )ro3ided under other )ro3isions o5 this Code0 in which case0 the o55ender shall be )unished b/ such hi,her )enalt/* Cha)ter (our &S&RP#T O$ #rt* :-7* (ccupation of real property or usurpation of real rights in property. + #n/ )erson who0 b/ 4eans o5 3iolence a,ainst or inti4idation o5 )ersons0 shall ta9e )ossession o5 an/ real )ro)ert/ or shall usur) an/ real ri,hts in )ro)ert/ belon,in, to another0 in addition to the )enalt/ incurred 5or the acts o5 3iolence
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II e6ecuted b/ hi40 shall be )unished b/ a 5ine 5ro4 <8 to -88 )er centu4 o5 the ,ain which he shall ha3e obtained0 but not less than >< )esos* 5 the 3alue o5 the ,ain cannot be ascertained0 a 5ine o5 5ro4 788 to <88 )esos shall be i4)osed* #rt* :-:* !ltering "oundaries or landmar1s * + #n/ )erson who shall alter the boundar/ 4ar9s or 4onu4ents o5 towns0 )ro3inces0 or estates0 or an/ other 4ar9s intended to desi,nate the boundaries o5 the sa4e0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, -88 )esos0 or both* Cha)ter (i3e C&LP#BL" $SOLD"$CY #rt* :-.* Fraudulent insolvency. + #n/ )erson who shall abscond with his )ro)ert/ to the )rejudice o5 his creditors0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or0 i5 he be a 4erchant and the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod0 i5 he be not a 4erchant* Cha)ter Si6 SW $%L $G #$% OT'"R %"C" TS #rt* :-<* &windling ;estafa<* + #n/ )erson who shall de5raud another b/ an/ o5 the 4eans 4entioned hereinbelow shall be )unished b/: 4st. The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 i5 the a4ount o5 the 5raud is o3er -70888 )esos but does not e6ceed 770888 )esos0 and i5 such a4ount e6ceeds the latter su40 the )enalt/ )ro3ided in this )ara,ra)h shall be i4)osed in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod0 addin, one /ear 5or each additional -80888 )esos? but the total )enalt/ which 4a/ be i4)osed shall not e6ceed twent/ /ears* n such cases0 and in connection with the accessor/ )enalties which 4a/ be i4)osed under the )ro3isions o5 this Code0 the )enalt/ shall be ter4ed )rision 4a/or or reclusion te4)oral0 as the case 4a/ be* >nd. The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the a4ount o5 the 5raud is o3er =0888 )esos but does not e6ceed -70888 )esos? ?rd. The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod i5 such a4ount is o3er 788 )esos but does not e6ceed =0888 )esos? and @th. B/ arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod0 i5 such a4ount does not e6ceed 788 )esos0 )ro3ided that in the 5our cases 4entioned0 the 5raud be co44itted b/ an/ o5 the 5ollowin, 4eans:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* With un5aith5ulness or abuse o5 con5idence0 na4el/:
1a2 B/ alterin, the substance0 Buantit/0 or Bualit/ or an/thin, o5 3alue which the o55ender shall deli3er b/ 3irtue o5 an obli,ation to do so0 e3en thou,h such obli,ation be based on an i44oral or ille,al consideration* 1b2 B/ 4isa))ro)riatin, or con3ertin,0 to the )rejudice o5 another0 4one/0 ,oods0 or an/ other )ersonal )ro)ert/ recei3ed b/ the o55ender in trust or on co44ission0 or 5or ad4inistration0 or under an/ other obli,ation in3ol3in, the dut/ to 4a9e deli3er/ o5 or to return the sa4e0 e3en thou,h such obli,ation be totall/ or )artiall/ ,uaranteed b/ a bond? or b/ den/in, ha3in, recei3ed such 4one/0 ,oods0 or other )ro)ert/* 1c2 B/ ta9in, undue ad3anta,e o5 the si,nature o5 the o55ended )art/ in blan90 and b/ writin, an/ docu4ent abo3e such si,nature in blan90 to the )rejudice o5 the o55ended )art/ or o5 an/ third )erson* 7* B/ 4eans o5 an/ o5 the 5ollowin, 5alse )retenses or 5raudulent acts e6ecuted )rior to or si4ultaneousl/ with the co44ission o5 the 5raud: 1a2 B/ usin, 5ictitious na4e0 or 5alsel/ )retendin, to )ossess )ower0 in5luence0 Buali5ications0 )ro)ert/0 credit0 a,enc/0 business or i4a,inar/ transactions0 or b/ 4eans o5 other si4ilar deceits* 1b2 B/ alterin, the Bualit/0 5ineness or wei,ht o5 an/thin, )ertainin, to his art or business* 1c2 B/ )retendin, to ha3e bribed an/ Go3ern4ent e4)lo/ee0 without )rejudice to the action 5or calu4n/ which the o55ended )art/ 4a/ dee4 )ro)er to brin, a,ainst the o55ender* n this case0 the o55ender shall be )unished b/ the 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 the )enalt/* 1d2 HB/ )ostEdatin, a chec90 or issuin, a chec9 in )a/4ent o5 an obli,ation when the o55ender therein were not su55icient to co3er the a4ount o5 the chec9* The 5ailure o5 the drawer o5 the chec9 to de)osit the a4ount necessar/ to co3er his chec9 within three 1:2 da/s 5ro4 recei)t o5 notice 5ro4 the ban9 andKor the )a/ee or holder that said chec9 has been dishonored 5or lac9 o5 insu55icienc/ o5 5unds shall be )ri4a 5acie e3idence o5 deceit constitutin, 5alse )retense or 5raudulent act* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* .@@<0 a))ro3ed Fune ->0 -;=>*2J
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 1e2 B/ obtainin, an/ 5ood0 re5resh4ent or acco44odation at a hotel0 inn0 restaurant0 boardin, house0 lod,in, house0 or a)art4ent house and the li9e without )a/in, there5or0 with intent to de5raud the )ro)rietor or 4ana,er thereo50 or b/ obtainin, credit at hotel0 inn0 restaurant0 boardin, house0 lod,in, house0 or a)art4ent house b/ the use o5 an/ 5alse )retense0 or b/ abandonin, or surre)titiousl/ re4o3in, an/ )art o5 his ba,,a,e 5ro4 a hotel0 inn0 restaurant0 boardin, house0 lod,in, house or a)art4ent house a5ter obtainin, credit0 5ood0 re5resh4ent or acco44odation therein without )a/in, 5or his 5ood0 re5resh4ent or acco44odation* :* Throu,h an/ o5 the 5ollowin, 5raudulent 4eans:
1a2 B/ inducin, another0 b/ 4eans o5 deceit0 to si,n an/ docu4ent* 1b2 B/ resortin, to so4e 5raudulent )ractice to insure success in a ,a4blin, ,a4e* 1c2 B/ re4o3in,0 concealin, or destro/in,0 in whole or in )art0 an/ court record0 o55ice 5iles0 docu4ent or an/ other )a)ers* #rt* :-=* (ther forms of swindling. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine o5 not less than the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused and not 4ore than three ti4es such 3alue0 shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who0 )retendin, to be owner o5 an/ real )ro)ert/0 shall con3e/0 sell0 encu4ber or 4ort,a,e the sa4e* 7* #n/ )erson0 who0 9nowin, that real )ro)ert/ is encu4bered0 shall dis)ose o5 the sa4e0 althou,h such encu4brance be not recorded* :* The owner o5 an/ )ersonal )ro)ert/ who shall wron,5ull/ ta9e it 5ro4 its law5ul )ossessor0 to the )rejudice o5 the latter or an/ third )erson* .* #n/ )erson who0 to the )rejudice o5 another0 shall e6ecute an/ 5ictitious contract* <* #n/ )erson who shall acce)t an/ co4)ensation ,i3en hi4 under the belie5 that it was in )a/4ent o5 ser3ices rendered or labor )er5or4ed b/ hi40 when in 5act he did not actuall/ )er5or4 such ser3ices or labor* =* #n/ )erson who0 while bein, a suret/ in a bond ,i3en in a cri4inal or ci3il action0 without e6)ress authorit/ 5ro4 the court or be5ore the cancellation o5 his bond or be5ore bein, relie3ed 5ro4 the obli,ation contracted b/ hi40 shall sell0 4ort,a,e0 or0 in an/ other 4anner0 encu4ber the real )ro)ert/ or )ro)erties with which he ,uaranteed the 5ul5ill4ent o5 such obli,ation*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* :->* &windling a minor* + #n/ )erson who ta9in, ad3anta,e o5 the ine6)erience or e4otions or 5eelin,s o5 a 4inor0 to his detri4ent0 shall induce hi4 to assu4e an/ obli,ation or to ,i3e an/ release or e6ecute a trans5er o5 an/ )ro)ert/ ri,ht in consideration o5 so4e loan o5 4one/0 credit or other )ersonal )ro)ert/0 whether the loan clearl/ a))ears in the docu4ent or is shown in an/ other 5or40 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine o5 a su4 ran,in, 5ro4 -8 to <8 )er cent o5 the 3alue o5 the obli,ation contracted b/ the 4inor* #rt* :-@* (ther deceits. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine o5 not less than the a4ount o5 the da4a,e caused and not 4ore than twice such a4ount shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall de5raud or da4a,e another b/ an/ other deceit not 4entioned in the )recedin, articles o5 this cha)ter* #n/ )erson who0 5or )ro5it or ,ain0 shall inter)ret drea4s0 4a9e 5orecasts0 tell 5ortunes0 or ta9e ad3anta,e o5 the credulit/ o5 the )ublic in an/ other si4ilar 4anner0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos* Cha)ter Se3en C'#TT"L !ORTG#G" #rt* :-;* )emoval' sale or pledge of mortgaged property. + The )enalt/ or arresto 4a/or or a 5ine a4ountin, to twice the 3alue o5 the )ro)ert/ shall be i4)osed u)on: -* #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ re4o3e an/ )ersonal )ro)ert/ 4ort,a,ed under the Chattel !ort,a,e Law to an/ )ro3ince or cit/ other than the one in which it was located at the ti4e o5 the e6ecution o5 the 4ort,a,e0 without the written consent o5 the 4ort,a,ee0 or his e6ecutors0 ad4inistrators or assi,ns* 7* #n/ 4ort,a,or who shall sell or )led,e )ersonal )ro)ert/ alread/ )led,ed0 or an/ )art thereo50 under the ter4s o5 the Chattel !ort,a,e Law0 without the consent o5 the 4ort,a,ee written on the bac9 o5 the 4ort,a,e and noted on the record hereo5 in the o55ice o5 the Re,ister o5 %eeds o5 the )ro3ince where such )ro)ert/ is located* Cha)ter "i,ht #RSO$ #$% OT'"R CR !"S $DOLD $G %"STR&CT O$S #rt* :78* #estructive arson. + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to reclusion )er)etua shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall burn: -* #n/ arsenal0 shi)/ard0 storehouse or 4ilitar/ )owder or 5irewor9s 5actor/0 ordinance0 storehouse0 archi3es or ,eneral 4useu4 o5 the Go3ern4ent*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 7* #n/ )assen,er train or 4otor 3ehicle in 4otion or 3essel out o5 )ort* :* n an inhabited )lace0 an/ storehouse or 5actor/ o5 in5la44able or e6)losi3e 4aterials* #rt* :7-* (ther forms of arson* + When the arson consists in the burnin, o5 other )ro)ert/ and under the circu4stances ,i3en hereunder0 the o55ender shall be )unishable: -* B/ reclusion te4)oral or reclusion )er)etua: 1a2 i5 the o55ender shall set 5ire to an/ buildin,0 5ar4house0 warehouse0 hut0 shelter0 or 3essel in )ort0 9nowin, it to be occu)ied at the ti4e b/ one or 4ore )ersons? 1b2 5 the buildin, burned is a )ublic buildin, and 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused e6ceeds =0888 )esos? 1c2 5 the buildin, burned is a )ublic buildin, and the )ur)ose is to destro/ e3idence 9e)t therein to be used in institutin, )rosecution 5or the )unish4ent o5 3iolators o5 the law0 irres)ecti3e o5 the a4ount o5 the da4a,e? 1d2 5 the buildin, burned is a )ublic buildin, and the )ur)ose is to destro/ e3idence 9e)t therein to be used in le,islati3e0 judicial or ad4inistrati3e )roceedin,s0 irres)ecti3e o5 the a4ount o5 the da4a,e? Pro3ided0 howe3er0 That i5 the e3idence destro/ed is to be used a,ainst the de5endant 5or the )rosecution o5 an/ cri4e )unishable under e6istin, laws0 the )enalt/ shall be reclusion )er)etua? 1e2 5 the arson shall ha3e been co44itted with the intention o5 collectin, under an insurance )olic/ a,ainst loss or da4a,e b/ 5ire* 7* B/ reclusion te4)oral:
1a2 5 an inhabited house or an/ other buildin, in which )eo)le are accusto4ed to 4eet is set on 5ire0 and the cul)rit did not 9now that such house or buildin, was occu)ied at the ti4e0 or i5 he shall set 5ire to a 4o3in, 5rei,ht train or 4otor 3ehicle0 and the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused e6ceeds =0888 )esos? 1b2 5 the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused in )ara,ra)h 1b2 o5 the )recedin, subdi3ision does not e6ceed =0888 )esos?
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 1c2 5 a 5ar40 su,ar 4ill0 cane 4ill0 4ill central0 ba4boo ,ro3es or an/ si4ilar )lantation is set on 5ire and the da4a,e caused e6ceeds =0888 )esos? and 1d2 5 ,rain 5ields0 )asture lands0 or 5orests0 or )lantin,s are set on 5ire0 and the da4a,e caused e6ceeds =0888 )esos* :* B/ )rision 4a/or:
1a2 5 the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused in the case 4entioned in )ara,ra)hs 1a20 1c20 and 1d2 in the ne6t )recedin, subdi3ision does not e6ceed =0888 )esos? 1b2 5 a buildin, not used as a dwellin, or )lace o5 asse4bl/0 located in a )o)ulated )lace0 is set on 5ire0 and the da4a,e caused e6ceeds =0888 )esos? .* B/ )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod: 1a2 5 a buildin, used as dwellin, located in an uninhabited )lace is set on 5ire and the da4a,e caused e6ceeds -0888 )esos? 1b2 5 the 3alue or the da4a,e caused in the case 4entioned in )ara,ra)hs 1c2 and 1d2 o5 subdi3ision 7 o5 this article does not e6ceed 788 )esos* <* B/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 when the da4a,e caused is o3er 788 )esos but does not e6ceed -0888 )esos0 and the )ro)ert/ re5erred to in )ara,ra)h 1a2 o5 the )recedin, subdi3ision is set on 5ire? but when the 3alue o5 such )ro)ert/ does not e6ceed 788 )esos0 the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )rescribed in this subdi3ision shall be i4)osed* =* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the da4a,e caused in the case 4entioned in )ara,ra)h 1b2 o5 subdi3ision : o5 this article does not e6ceed =0888 )esos but is o3er 788 )esos* >* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the da4a,e caused in the case 4entioned )ara,ra)h 1b2 subdi3ision : o5 this article does not e6ceed 788 )esos* @* The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 5i5t/ to one hundred )er centu4 i5 the da4a,e caused shall be i4)osed0 when the )ro)ert/ burned consists o5 ,rain 5ields0 )asture lands0 5orests0 or
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )lantations when the 3alue o5 such )ro)ert/ does not e6ceed 788 )esos* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* <.=>0 a))ro3ed !a/ -70 -;=;2* #rt* :77* Cases o5 arson not included in the )recedin, articles* + Cases o5 arson not included in the ne6t )recedin, articles shall be )unished: -* B/ arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 when the da4a,e caused does not e6ceed <8 )esos? 7* B/ arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 when the da4a,e caused is o3er <8 )esos but does not e6ceed 788 )esos? :* B/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the da4a,e caused is o3er 788 )esos but does not e6ceed -0888 )esos? and .* B/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 it is o3er -0888 )esos* #rt* :7:* !rson of property of small value * + The arson o5 an/ uninhabited hut0 storehouse0 barn0 shed0 or an/ other )ro)ert/ the 3alue o5 which does not e6ceed 7< )esos0 co44itted at a ti4e or under circu4stances which clearl/ e6clude all dan,er o5 the 5ire s)readin,0 shall not be )unished b/ the )enalties res)ecti3el/ )rescribed in this cha)ter0 but in accordance with the da4a,e caused and under the )ro3isions o5 the 5ollowin, cha)ter* #rt* :7.* Crimes involving destruction. + #n/ )erson who shall cause destruction b/ 4eans o5 e6)losion0 dischar,e o5 electric current0 inundation0 sin9in, or strandin, o5 a 3essel0 intentional da4a,in, o5 the en,ine o5 said 3essel0 ta9in, u) the rails 5ro4 a railwa/ trac90 4aliciousl/ chan,in, railwa/ si,nals 5or the sa5et/ o5 4o3in, trains0 destro/in, tele,ra)h wires and tele,ra)h )osts0 or those o5 an/ other s/ste40 and0 in ,eneral0 b/ usin, an/ other a,enc/ or 4eans o5 destruction as e55ecti3e as those abo3e enu4erated0 shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral i5 the co44ission has endan,ered the sa5et/ o5 an/ )erson0 otherwise0 the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or shall be i4)osed* #rt* :7<* 7urning one+s own property as means to commit arson * + #n/ )erson ,uilt/ o5 arson or causin, ,reat destruction o5 the )ro)ert/ belon,in, to another shall su55er the )enalties )rescribed in this cha)ter0 e3en thou,h he shall ha3e set 5ire to or destro/ed his own )ro)ert/ 5or the )ur)oses o5 co44ittin, the cri4e* #rt* :7=* &etting fire to property e%clusively owned "y the offender. + 5 the )ro)ert/ burned shall be the e6clusi3e )ro)ert/ o5 the o55ender0 he shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod0 i5 the arson shall ha3e been co44itted 5or the )ur)ose o5 de5raudin, or causin, da4a,e to another0 or )rejudice shall actuall/ ha3e been caused0 or i5 the thin, burned shall ha3e been a buildin, in an inhabited )lace*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* :7=E#* In cases where death resulted as a conse0uence of arson. + 5 death resulted as a conseBuence o5 arson co44itted on an/ o5 the )ro)erties and under an/ o5 the circu4stances 4entioned in the )recedin, articles0 the court shall i4)ose the death )enalt/* #rt* :7=EB* Prima facie evidence of arson. + #n/ o5 the 5ollowin, circu4stances shall constitute )ri4a 5acie e3idence o5 arson: -* 5 a5ter the 5ire0 are 5ound 4aterials or substances soa9ed in ,asoline0 9erosene0 )etroleu40 or other in5la44ables0 or an/ 4echanical0 electrical che4ical or traces or an/ o5 the 5ore,oin,* 7* That substantial a4ount o5 in5la44able substance or 4aterials were stored within the buildin, not necessar/ in the course o5 the de5endantGs business? and :* That the 5ire started si4ultaneousl/ in 4ore than one )art o5 the buildin, or locale under circu4stances that cannot nor4all/ be due to accidental or unintentional causes: Pro3ided0 howe3er0 That at least one o5 the 5ollowin, is )resent in an/ o5 the three abo3eE4entioned circu4stances: 1a2 That the total insurance carried on the buildin, andKor ,oods is 4ore than @8 )er cent o5 the 3alue o5 such buildin, andKor ,oods at the ti4e o5 the 5ire? 1b2 That the de5endant a5ter the 5ire has )resented a 5raudulent clai4 5or loss* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional shall be i4)osed on one who )lants the articles abo3eE4entioned0 in order to secure a con3iction0 or as a 4eans o5 e6tortion or coercion* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* <.=>0 a))ro3ed !a/ -70 -;=;2* Hclic9 here 5or the 5ull te6t o5 PR"S %"$T #L %"CR"" $O* -=-: #!"$% $G T'" L#W O$ #RSO$J HClic9 here 5or the 5ull te6t o5 PR"S %"$T #L %"CR"" $O* ->.. #!"$% $G #RT CL" T'R"" '&$%R"% #$% TW"$TY O( T'" R"D S"% P"$#L CO%" PROD S O$S O$ #RSO$J
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* :7>* .ho are lia"le for malicious mischief * + #n/ )erson who shall deliberatel/ cause the )ro)ert/ o5 another an/ da4a,e not 5allin, within the ter4s o5 the ne6t )recedin, cha)ter shall be ,uilt/ o5 4alicious 4ischie5* #rt* :7@* &pecial cases of malicious mischief. + #n/ )erson who shall cause da4a,e to obstruct the )er5or4ance o5 )ublic 5unctions0 or usin, an/ )oisonous or corrosi3e substance? or s)readin, an/ in5ection or conta,ion a4on, cattle? or who cause da4a,e to the )ro)ert/ o5 the $ational !useu4 or $ational Librar/0 or to an/ archi3e or re,istr/0 waterwor9s0 road0 )ro4enade0 or an/ other thin, used in co44on b/ the )ublic0 shall be )unished: -* B/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused e6ceeds -0888 )esos? 7* B/ arresto 4a/or0 i5 such 3alue does not e6ceed the abo3e4entioned a4ount but it is o3er 788 )esos? and :* B/ arresto 4enor0 in such 3alue does not e6ceed 788 )esos* #rt* :7;* (ther mischiefs. + The 4ischie5s not included in the ne6t )recedin, article shall be )unished: -* B/ arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods0 i5 the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused e6ceeds -0888 )esos? 7* B/ arresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods0 i5 such 3alue is o3er 788 )esos but does not e6ceed -0888 )esos? and :* B/ arresto 4enor or 5ine o5 not less than the 3alue o5 the da4a,e caused and not 4ore than 788 )esos0 i5 the a4ount in3ol3ed does not e6ceed 788 )esos or cannot be esti4ated* #rt* ::8* #amage and o"struction to means of communication. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall da4a,e an/ railwa/0 tele,ra)h or tele)hone lines* 5 the da4a,e shall result in an/ derail4ent o5 cars0 collision or other accident0 the )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or shall be i4)osed0 without )rejudice to the cri4inal liabilit/ o5 the o55ender 5or the other conseBuences o5 his cri4inal act* (or the )ur)ose o5 the )ro3isions o5 the article0 the electric wires0 traction cables0 si,nal s/ste4 and other thin,s )ertainin, to railwa/s0 shall be dee4ed to constitute an inte,ral )art o5 a railwa/ s/ste4* #rt* ::-* #estroying or damaging statues' pu"lic monuments or paintings. + #n/ )erson who shall destro/ or da4a,e statues or an/ other use5ul or orna4ental
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II )ublic 4onu4ent shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod* #n/ )erson who shall destro/ or da4a,e an/ use5ul or orna4ental )aintin, o5 a )ublic nature shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos0 or both such 5ine and i4)rison4ent0 in the discretion o5 the court* Cha)ter Ten "C"!PT O$ (RO! CR ! $#L L #B L TY $ CR !"S #G# $ST PROP"RTY #rt* ::7* Persons e%empt from criminal lia"ility * + $o cri4inal0 but onl/ ci3il liabilit/0 shall result 5ro4 the co44ission o5 the cri4e o5 the5t0 swindlin, or 4alicious 4ischie5 co44itted or caused 4utuall/ b/ the 5ollowin, )ersons: -* S)ouses0 ascendants and descendants0 or relati3es b/ a55init/ in the sa4e line* 7* The widowed s)ouse with res)ect to the )ro)ert/ which belon,ed to the deceased s)ouse be5ore the sa4e shall ha3e )assed into the )ossession o5 another? and :* Brothers and sisters and brothersEinElaw and sistersEinElaw0 i5 li3in, to,ether* The e6e4)tion established b/ this article shall not be a))licable to stran,ers )artici)atin, in the co44ission o5 the cri4e* Title "le3en CR !"S #G# $ST C'#ST TY Cha)ter One #%<"RY #$% CO$C&B $#G" #rt* :::* .ho are guilty of adultery* + #dulter/ is co44itted b/ an/ 4arried wo4an who shall ha3e se6ual intercourse with a 4an not her husband and b/ the 4an who has carnal 9nowled,e o5 her 9nowin, her to be 4arried0 e3en i5 the 4arria,e be subseBuentl/ declared 3oid* #dulter/ shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods* 5 the )erson ,uilt/ o5 adulter/ co44itted this o55ense while bein, abandoned without justi5ication b/ the o55ended s)ouse0 the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that )ro3ided in the ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)h shall be i4)osed*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* ::.* Concu"inage. + #n/ husband who shall 9ee) a 4istress in the conju,al dwellin,0 or shall ha3e se6ual intercourse0 under scandalous circu4stances0 with a wo4an who is not his wi5e0 or shall cohabit with her in an/ other )lace0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* The concubine shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 destierro*
Cha)ter Two R#P" #$% #CTS O( L#SC D O&S$"SS #rt* ::<* .hen and how rape is committed * + Ra)e is co44itted b/ ha3in, carnal 9nowled,e o5 a wo4an under an/ o5 the 5ollowin, circu4stances: -* B/ usin, 5orce or inti4idation? 7* When the wo4an is de)ri3ed o5 reason or otherwise unconscious? and :* When the wo4an is under twel3e /ears o5 a,e0 e3en thou,h neither o5 the circu4stances 4entioned in the two ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)hs shall be )resent* The cri4e o5 ra)e shall be )unished b/ reclusion )er)etua* Whene3er the cri4e o5 ra)e is co44itted with the use o5 a deadl/ wea)on or b/ two or 4ore )ersons0 the )enalt/ shall be reclusion )er)etua to death* When b/ reason or on the occasion o5 the ra)e0 the 3icti4 has beco4e insane0 the )enalt/ shall be death* When ra)e is atte4)ted or 5rustrated and a ho4icide is co44itted b/ reason or on the occasion thereo50 the )enalt/ shall be li9ewise death* When b/ reason or on the occasion o5 the ra)e0 a ho4icide is co44itted0 the )enalt/ shall be death* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* 7=:70 a))ro3ed Fune -@0 -;=80 and R*#* .---0 a))ro3ed Fune 780 -;=.2* #rt* ::=* !cts of lasciviousness. + #n/ )erson who shall co44it an/ act o5 lasci3iousness u)on other )ersons o5 either se60 under an/ o5 the circu4stances 4entioned in the )recedin, article0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional* Cha)ter Three S"%&CT O$0 CORR&PT O$ O( ! $ORS #$% W' T" SL#D" TR#%"
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* ::>* ualified seduction. + The seduction o5 a 3ir,in o3er twel3e /ears and under ei,hteen /ears o5 a,e0 co44itted b/ an/ )erson in )ublic authorit/0 )riest0 ho4eEser3ant0 do4estic0 ,uardian0 teacher0 or an/ )erson who0 in an/ ca)acit/0 shall be entrusted with the education or custod/ o5 the wo4an seduced0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* The )enalt/ ne6t hi,her in de,ree shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall seduce his sister or descendant0 whether or not she be a 3ir,in or o3er ei,hteen /ears o5 a,e* &nder the )ro3isions o5 this Cha)ter0 seduction is co44itted when the o55ender has carnal 9nowled,e o5 an/ o5 the )ersons and under the circu4stances described herein* #rt* ::@* &imple seduction. + The seduction o5 a wo4an who is sin,le or a widow o5 ,ood re)utation0 o3er twel3e but under ei,hteen /ears o5 a,e0 co44itted b/ 4eans o5 deceit0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or* #rt* ::;* !cts of lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party * + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or shall be i4)osed to )unish an/ other acts o5 lasci3iousness co44itted b/ the sa4e )ersons and the sa4e circu4stances as those )ro3ided in #rticles ::> and ::@* #rt* :.8* Corruption of minors* + #n/ )erson who shall )ro4ote or 5acilitate the )rostitution or corru)tion o5 )ersons undera,e to satis5/ the lust o5 another0 shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or0 and i5 the cul)rit is a )ubic o55icer or e4)lo/ee0 includin, those in ,o3ern4entEowned or controlled cor)orations0 he shall also su55er the )enalt/ o5 te4)orar/ absolute disBuali5ication* 1#s a4ended b/ Batas Pa4bansa Bl,* ;72* #rt* :.-* .hite slave trade. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 in an/ 4anner0 or under an/ )rete6t0 shall en,a,e in the business or shall )ro5it b/ )rostitution or shall enlist the ser3ices o5 an/ other 5or the )ur)ose o5 )rostitution 1#s a4ended b/ Batas Pa4bansa Bl,* -@=*2 Cha)ter (our #B%&CT O$ #rt* :.7* Forci"le a"duction. + The abduction o5 an/ wo4an a,ainst her will and with lewd desi,ns shall be )unished b/ reclusion te4)oral*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed in e3er/ case0 i5 the 5e4ale abducted be under twel3e /ears o5 a,e* #rt* :.:* Consented a"duction. + The abduction o5 a 3ir,in o3er twel3e /ears and under ei,hteen /ears o5 a,e0 carried out with her consent and with lewd desi,ns0 shall be )unished b/ the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods* Cha)ter (i3e PROD S O$S R"L#T D" TO T'" PR"C"% $G C'#PT"RS O( T TL" "L"D"$ #rt* :..* Prosecution of the crimes of adultery' concu"inage' seduction' a"duction' rape and acts of lasciviousness. + The cri4es o5 adulter/ and concubina,e shall not be )rosecuted e6ce)t u)on a co4)laint 5iled b/ the o55ended s)ouse* The o55ended )art/ cannot institute cri4inal )rosecution without includin, both the ,uilt/ )arties0 i5 the/ are both ali3e0 nor0 in an/ case0 i5 he shall ha3e consented or )ardoned the o55enders* The o55enses o5 seduction0 abduction0 ra)e or acts o5 lasci3iousness0 shall not be )rosecuted e6ce)t u)on a co4)laint 5iled b/ the o55ended )art/ or her )arents0 ,rand)arents0 or ,uardian0 nor0 in an/ case0 i5 the o55ender has been e6)ressl/ )ardoned b/ the abo3e na4ed )ersons0 as the case 4a/ be* n cases o5 seduction0 abduction0 acts o5 lasci3iousness and ra)e0 the 4arria,e o5 the o55ender with the o55ended )art/ shall e6tin,uish the cri4inal action or re4it the )enalt/ alread/ i4)osed u)on hi4* The )ro3isions o5 this )ara,ra)h shall also be a))licable to the coE)rinci)als0 acco4)lices and accessories a5ter the 5act o5 the abo3eE4entioned cri4es* #rt* :.<* Civil lia"ility of persons guilty of crimes against chastity * + Person ,uilt/ o5 ra)e0 seduction or abduction0 shall also be sentenced: -* To inde4ni5/ the o55ended wo4an* 7* To ac9nowled,e the o55s)rin,0 unless the law should )re3ent hi4 5ro4 so doin,* :* n e3er/ case to su))ort the o55s)rin,* The adulterer and the concubine in the case )ro3ided 5or in #rticles ::: and ::. 4a/ also be sentenced0 in the sa4e )roceedin, or in a se)arate ci3il )roceedin,0 to inde4ni5/ 5or da4a,es caused to the o55ended s)ouse*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #rt* :.=* :ia"ility of ascendants' guardians' teachers' or other persons entrusted with the custody of the offended party * + The ascendants0 ,uardians0 curators0 teachers and an/ )erson who0 b/ abuse o5 authorit/ or con5idential relationshi)s0 shall coo)erate as acco4)lices in the )er)etration o5 the cri4es e4braced in cha)ters0 second0 third and 5ourth0 o5 this title0 shall be )unished as )rinci)als* Teachers or other )ersons in an/ other ca)acit/ entrusted with the education and ,uidance o5 /outh0 shall also su55er the )enalt/ o5 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )er)etual s)ecial disBuali5ication* #n/ )erson 5allin, within the ter4s o5 this article0 and an/ other )erson ,uilt/ o5 corru)tion o5 4inors 5or the bene5it o5 another0 shall be )unished b/ s)ecial disBuali5ication 5ro4 5illin, the o55ice o5 ,uardian* Title Twel3e CR !"S #G# $ST T'" C D L ST#T&S O( P"RSO$S Cha)ter one S !&L#T O$ O( B RT'S #$% &S&RP#T O$ O( C D L ST#T&S #rt* :.>* &imulation of "irths' su"stitution of one child for another and concealment or a"andonment of a legitimate child. + The si4ulation o5 births and the substitution o5 one child 5or another shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or and a 5ine o5 not e6ceedin, -0888 )esos* The sa4e )enalties shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall conceal or abandon an/ le,iti4ate child with intent to cause such child to lose its ci3il status* #n/ )h/sician or sur,eon or )ublic o55icer who0 in 3iolation o5 the duties o5 his )ro5ession or o55ice0 shall coo)erate in the e6ecution o5 an/ o5 the cri4es 4entioned in the two ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)hs0 shall su55er the )enalties therein )rescribed and also the )enalt/ o5 te4)orar/ s)ecial disBuali5ication* #rt* :.@* /surpation of civil status* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall usur) the ci3il status o5 another0 should he do so 5or the )ur)ose o5 de5raudin, the o55ended )art or his heirs? otherwise0 the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed* Cha)ter Two LL"G#L !#RR #G"S #rt* :.;* 7igamy. + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall contract a second or subseBuent 4arria,e be5ore the 5or4er
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 4arria,e has been le,all/ dissol3ed0 or be5ore the absent s)ouse has been declared )resu4)ti3el/ dead b/ 4eans o5 a jud,4ent rendered in the )ro)er )roceedin,s* #rt* :<8* Marriage contracted against provisions of laws * + The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 without bein, included in the )ro3isions o5 the ne6t )roceedin, article0 shall ha3e not been co4)lied with or that the 4arria,e is in disre,ard o5 a le,al i4)edi4ent* 5 either o5 the contractin, )arties shall obtain the consent o5 the other b/ 4eans o5 3iolence0 inti4idation or 5raud0 he shall be )unished b/ the 4a6i4u4 )eriod o5 the )enalt/ )ro3ided in the ne6t )recedin, )ara,ra)h* #rt* :<-* Premature marriages. + #n/ widow who shall 4arr/ within three hundred and one da/ 5ro4 the date o5 the death o5 her husband0 or be5ore ha3in, deli3ered i5 she shall ha3e been )re,nant at the ti4e o5 his death0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or and a 5ine not e6ceedin, <88 )esos* The sa4e )enalties shall be i4)osed u)on an/ wo4an whose 4arria,e shall ha3e been annulled or dissol3ed0 i5 she shall 4arr/ be5ore her deli3er/ or be5ore the e6)iration o5 the )eriod o5 three hundred and one da/ a5ter the le,al se)aration* #rt* :<7* Performance of illegal marriage ceremony. + Priests or 4inisters o5 an/ reli,ious deno4ination or sect0 or ci3il authorities who shall )er5or4 or authoriAe an/ ille,al 4arria,e cere4on/ shall be )unished in accordance with the )ro3isions o5 the !arria,e Law*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II
Title Thirteen CRIMES AGAINST HONOR Chapter One LIBEL Section One* + %e5initions0 5or4s0 and )unish4ent o5 this cri4e* #rt* :<:* #efinition of li"el. + # libel is )ublic and 4alicious i4)utation o5 a cri4e0 or o5 a 3ice or de5ect0 real or i4a,inar/0 or an/ act0 o4ission0 condition0 status0 or circu4stance tendin, to cause the dishonor0 discredit0 or conte4)t o5 a natural or juridical )erson0 or to blac9en the 4e4or/ o5 one who is dead* #rt* :<.* )e0uirement for pu"licity* + "3er/ de5a4ator/ i4)utation is )resu4ed to be 4alicious0 e3en i5 it be true0 i5 no ,ood intention and justi5iable 4oti3e 5or 4a9in, it is shown0 e6ce)t in the 5ollowin, cases: -* # )ri3ate co44unication 4ade b/ an/ )erson to another in the )er5or4ance o5 an/ le,al0 4oral or social dut/? and 7* # 5air and true re)ort0 4ade in ,ood 5aith0 without an/ co44ents or re4ar9s0 o5 an/ judicial0 le,islati3e or other o55icial )roceedin,s which are not o5 con5idential nature0 or o5 an/ state4ent0 re)ort or s)eech deli3ered in said )roceedin,s0 or o5 an/ other act )er5or4ed b/ )ublic o55icers in the e6ercise o5 their 5unctions* #rt* :<<* :i"el means "y writings or similar means. + # libel co44itted b/ 4eans o5 writin,0 )rintin,0 litho,ra)h/0 en,ra3in,0 radio0 )hono,ra)h0 )aintin,0 theatrical e6hibition0 cine4ato,ra)hic e6hibition0 or an/ si4ilar 4eans0 shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to =0888 )esos0 or both0 in addition to the ci3il action which 4a/ be brou,ht b/ the o55ended )art/* #rt* :<=* Threatening to pu"lish and offer to present such pu"lication for a compensation. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine 5ro4 788 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who threatens another to )ublish a libel concernin, hi4 or the )arents0 s)ouse0 child0 or other 4e4bers o5 the 5a4il/ o5 the latter or u)on an/one who shall o55er to )re3ent the )ublication o5 such libel 5or a co4)ensation or 4one/ consideration* #rt* :<>* Prohi"ited pu"lication of acts referred to in the course of official proceedings. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or or a 5ine o5 5ro4 78 to 70888 )esos0 or both0 shall be i4)osed u)on an/ re)orter0 editor or 4ana,er or a news)a)er0
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II dail/ or 4a,aAine0 who shall )ublish 5acts connected with the )ri3ate li5e o5 another and o55ensi3e to the honor0 3irtue and re)utation o5 said )erson0 e3en thou,h said )ublication be 4ade in connection with or under the )rete6t that it is necessar/ in the narration o5 an/ judicial or ad4inistrati3e )roceedin,s wherein such 5acts ha3e been 4entioned* #rt* :<@* &lander. + Oral de5a4ation shall be )unished b/ arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod i5 it is o5 a serious and insultin, nature? otherwise the )enalt/ shall be arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos* #rt* :<;* &lander "y deed. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ini4u4 )eriod or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 788 to -0888 )esos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall )er5or4 an/ act not included and )unished in this title0 which shall cast dishonor0 discredit or conte4)t u)on another )erson* 5 said act is not o5 a serious nature0 the )enalt/ shall be arresto 4enor or a 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos* Section Two* + General )ro3isions #rt* :=8* Persons responsi"le* + #n/ )erson who shall )ublish0 e6hibit0 or cause the )ublication or e6hibition o5 an/ de5a4ation in writin, or b/ si4ilar 4eans0 shall be res)onsible 5or the sa4e* The author or editor o5 a boo9 or )a4)hlet0 or the editor or business 4ana,er o5 a dail/ news)a)er0 4a,aAine or serial )ublication0 shall be res)onsible 5or the de5a4ations contained therein to the sa4e e6tent as i5 he were the author thereo5* The cri4inal and ci3il action 5or da4a,es in cases o5 written de5a4ations as )ro3ided 5or in this cha)ter0 shall be 5iled si4ultaneousl/ or se)aratel/ with the court o5 5irst instance o5 the )ro3ince or cit/ where the libelous article is )rinted and 5irst )ublished or where an/ o5 the o55ended )arties actuall/ resides at the ti4e o5 the co44ission o5 the o55ense: Provided' however0 That where one o5 the o55ended )arties is a )ublic o55icer whose o55ice is in the Cit/ o5 !anila at the ti4e o5 the co44ission o5 the o55ense0 the action shall be 5iled in the Court o5 (irst nstance o5 the Cit/ o5 !anila0 or o5 the cit/ or )ro3ince where the libelous article is )rinted and 5irst )ublished0 and in case such )ublic o55icer does not hold o55ice in the Cit/ o5 !anila0 the action shall be 5iled in the Court o5 (irst nstance o5 the )ro3ince or cit/ where he held o55ice at the ti4e o5 the co44ission o5 the o55ense or where the libelous article is )rinted and 5irst )ublished and in case one o5 the o55ended )arties is a )ri3ate indi3idual0 the action shall be 5iled in the Court o5 (irst nstance o5 the )ro3ince or cit/ where he actuall/ resides at the ti4e o5 the co44ission o5 the o55ense or where the libelous 4atter is )rinted and 5irst )ublished: Provided' further0 That the ci3il action shall be 5iled in the sa4e court where the cri4inal action is 5iled and 3ice 3ersa: Provided' furthermore' That the
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II court where the cri4inal action or ci3il action 5or da4a,es is 5irst 5iled0 shall acBuire jurisdiction to the e6clusion o5 other courts: #nd0 )ro3ided0 5inall/0 That this a4end4ent shall not a))l/ to cases o5 written de5a4ations0 the ci3il andKor cri4inal actions which ha3e been 5iled in court at the ti4e o5 the e55ecti3it/ o5 this law* Preli4inar/ in3esti,ation o5 cri4inal action 5or written de5a4ations as )ro3ided 5or in the cha)ter shall be conducted b/ the )ro3incial or cit/ 5iscal o5 the )ro3ince or cit/0 or b/ the 4unici)al court o5 the cit/ or ca)ital o5 the )ro3ince where such action 4a/ be instituted in accordance with the )ro3isions o5 this article* $o cri4inal action 5or de5a4ation which consists in the i4)utation o5 a cri4e which cannot be )rosecuted de o5icio shall be brou,ht e6ce)t at the instance o5 and u)on co4)laint e6)ressl/ 5iled b/ the o55ended )art/* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* -7@;0 a))ro3ed Fune -<0 -;<<0 R*#* .:=:0 a))ro3ed Fune -;0 -;=<2* #rt* :=-* Proof of the truth. + n e3er/ cri4inal )rosecution 5or libel0 the truth 4a/ be ,i3en in e3idence to the court and i5 it a))ears that the 4atter char,ed as libelous is true0 and0 4oreo3er0 that it was )ublished with ,ood 4oti3es and 5or justi5iable ends0 the de5endants shall be acBuitted* Proo5 o5 the truth o5 an i4)utation o5 an act or o4ission not constitutin, a cri4e shall not be ad4itted0 unless the i4)utation shall ha3e been 4ade a,ainst Go3ern4ent e4)lo/ees with res)ect to 5acts related to the dischar,e o5 their o55icial duties* n such cases i5 the de5endant )ro3es the truth o5 the i4)utation 4ade b/ hi40 he shall be acBuitted* #rt* :=7* :i"elous remar1s. + Libelous re4ar9s or co44ents connected with the 4atter )ri3ile,ed under the )ro3isions o5 #rticle :<.0 i5 4ade with 4alice0 shall not e6e4)t the author thereo5 nor the editor or 4ana,in, editor o5 a news)a)er 5ro4 cri4inal liabilit/* Cha)ter Two $CR ! $#TORY !#C' $#T O$S #rt* :=:* Incriminating innocent person. + #n/ )erson who0 b/ an/ act not constitutin, )erjur/0 shall directl/ incri4inate or i4)ute to an innocent )erson the co44ission o5 a cri4e0 shall be )unished b/ arresto 4enor* #rt* :=.* Intriguing against honor. + The )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor or 5ine not e6ceedin, 788 )esos shall be i4)osed 5or an/ intri,ue which has 5or its )rinci)al )ur)ose to ble4ish the honor or re)utation o5 a )erson*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Title (ourteen L&#S EO(("$S"S Sole Cha)ter CR ! $#L $"GL G"$C" #rt* :=<* Imprudence and negligence. + #n/ )erson who0 b/ rec9less i4)rudence0 shall co44it an/ act which0 had it been intentional0 would constitute a ,ra3e 5elon/0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod? i5 it would ha3e constituted a less ,ra3e 5elon/0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 and 4ediu4 )eriods shall be i4)osed? i5 it would ha3e constituted a li,ht 5elon/0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4enor in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed* #n/ )erson who0 b/ si4)le i4)rudence or ne,li,ence0 shall co44it an act which would otherwise constitute a ,ra3e 5elon/0 shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods? i5 it would ha3e constituted a less serious 5elon/0 the )enalt/ o5 arresto 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod shall be i4)osed* When the e6ecution o5 the act co3ered b/ this article shall ha3e onl/ resulted in da4a,e to the )ro)ert/ o5 another0 the o55ender shall be )unished b/ a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 an a4ount eBual to the 3alue o5 said da4a,es to three ti4es such 3alue0 but which shall in no case be less than twent/E5i3e )esos* # 5ine not e6ceedin, two hundred )esos and censure shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who0 b/ si4)le i4)rudence or ne,li,ence0 shall cause so4e wron, which0 i5 done 4aliciousl/0 would ha3e constituted a li,ht 5elon/* n the i4)osition o5 these )enalties0 the court shall e6ercise their sound discretion0 without re,ard to the rules )rescribed in #rticle si6t/E5our* The )ro3isions contained in this article shall not be a))licable: -* When the )enalt/ )ro3ided 5or the o55ense is eBual to or lower than those )ro3ided in the 5irst two )ara,ra)hs o5 this article0 in which case the court shall i4)ose the )enalt/ ne6t lower in de,ree than that which should be i4)osed in the )eriod which the/ 4a/ dee4 )ro)er to a))l/* 7* When0 b/ i4)rudence or ne,li,ence and with 3iolation o5 the #uto4obile Law0 to death o5 a )erson shall be caused0 in which case the de5endant shall be )unished b/ )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 and 4a6i4u4 )eriods*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II Rec9less i4)rudence consists in 3oluntar/0 but without 4alice0 doin, or 5allin, to do an act 5ro4 which 4aterial da4a,e results b/ reason o5 ine6cusable lac9 o5 )recaution on the )art o5 the )erson )er5or4in, o5 5ailin, to )er5or4 such act0 ta9in, into consideration his e4)lo/4ent or occu)ation0 de,ree o5 intelli,ence0 )h/sical condition and other circu4stances re,ardin, )ersons0 ti4e and )lace* Si4)le i4)rudence consists in the lac9 o5 )recaution dis)la/ed in those cases in which the da4a,e i4)endin, to be caused is not i44ediate nor the dan,er clearl/ 4ani5est* The )enalt/ ne6t hi,her in de,ree to those )ro3ided 5or in this article shall be i4)osed u)on the o55ender who 5ails to lend on the s)ot to the injured )arties such hel) as 4a/ be in this hand to ,i3e* 1#s a4ended b/ R*#* ->;80 a))ro3ed Fune 7-0 -;<>2*
( $#L PROD S O$S #rt* :==* !pplication of laws enacted prior to this Code. + Without )rejudice to the )ro3isions contained in #rticle 77 o5 this Code0 5elonies and 4isde4eanors0 co44itted )rior to the date o5 e55ecti3eness o5 this Code shall be )unished in accordance with the Code or #cts in 5orce at the ti4e o5 their co44ission* #rt* :=>* )epealing Clause. + "6ce)t as is )ro3ided in the ne6t )recedin, article0 the )resent Penal Code0 the Pro3isional Law 5or the a))lication o5 its )ro3isions0 and #cts $os* 7>>0 7@7 0.@80 <-@0 <-;0 @;;0 --7-0 -.:@0 -<7:0 -<<;0 -=;70 -><.0 -;<<0 ->>:0 78780 78:=0 78>-0 7-.70 77-70 77;:0 77;@0 7:880 7:=.0 7<.;0 7<<>0 7<;<0 7=8;0 7>-@0 :-8:0 :-;<0 :7..0 :7;@0 ::8;0 ::-:0 ::;>0 :<<;0 and :<@=0 are hereb/ re)ealed* The )ro3isions o5 the #cts which are 4entioned hereunder are also re)ealed0 na4el/: #ct ===0 Sections = and -@* #ct -<8@0 Sections ;0 -80 --0 and -7* #ct -<7.0 Sections -0 70 and =* #ct -=;>0 Sections : and .* #ct -><>0 Sections -0 70 :0 .0 <0 =0 >0 15irst clause20 --0 and -7* #ct 7:@-0 Sections 70 :0 .0 =0 @0 and ;*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II #ct 7>--0 Sections -870 7=>80 7=>-0 and 7=>7* #ct :7.>0 Sections -0 70 :0 and <? and General Order0 $o* <@0 series o5 -;880 Section -8=* #nd all laws and )arts o5 laws which are contrar/ to the )ro3isions o5 this Code are hereb/ re)ealed* #))ro3ed: %ece4ber @0 -;:8 Title o5 acts re)ealed b/ the Re3ised Penal Code are: -* #ct $o* 7>>* Law on Libel and threats to )ublish libel0 etc*0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* :<:0 :=7* 7* #ct $o* 7;70 a4ended b/ #ct $o* -=;7* Law de5inin, and )enaliAin, the cri4es o5 treason0 insurrection0 sedition0 etc*0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* --.E--= and #rts -:.E-.7* :* #ct $o* .@8* Law ,o3ernin, coc95i,htin, and coc9)its0 now ,o3erned b/ #rt* -;; and s)ecial laws* .* #ct $o* <-@0 a4ended b/ #ct $os* --7- and 78:=* Law de5inin, and )enaliAin, hi,hwa/ robber/ or bri,anda,e0 now co3ered b/ #rts* :8=E:8>* <* #ct $o* <-;* Law on 3a,ranc/ now )enaliAed b/ #rt* 787* =* #ct $o* ===0 Secs* and = and -@* Law on tradeE4ar9s and tradeEna4es now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* -@@E-@;* >* #ct $o* @;;0 Law re,ardin, sus)ension on sentence0 etc*0 u)on &*S* citiAens* @* #ct $o* -.:@0 a4ended b/ #ct $os* :78:0 ::8;0 and :<<;0 )ro3isions ,o3ernin, ju3enile o55enders and delinBuent children0 their care and custod/0 now ,o3erned b/ #rt* @8* ;* #ct $o* -<8@0 Secs* ;0 -80 --0 and -7* The Chattel !ort,a,e Law0 now )enaliAed in #rt* :-;* -8* #ct $o* -<7:* Law )rohibitin, i4)ortation0 sale etc*0 o5 lotter/ tic9ets and lotter/0 now )enaliAed in #rts* -;<E-;=* --* #ct $o* -<7.* Sec* .* Law ,o3ernin, discretion o5 Go3ernorEGeneral in ,rantin, conditional )ardons0 now co3ered b/ #rt* -<;*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -7* #ct $o* -<<::0 Secs* -0 70 and = a4ended b/ #ct $o* -<<;* Law )ro3idin, 5or di4inution o5 sentences b/ reason o5 ,ood conduct and dili,ence0 now ,o3erned b/ #rt* ;>* -:* #ct $o* -=;>0 Secs* : and .* #ct 5or the )unish4ent o5 )erjur/ in o55icial in3esti,ations0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* -@8E-@:* -.* #ct $o* -><.* Law on counter5eitin, and 5or,er/0 now de5ined and )enaliAed in #rts* -=8E-=;* -<* #ct $o* ->><* #ct )enaliAin, cri4es a,ainst le,islati3e bodies0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* -.:E-.<* -=* #ct $o* -><>* Secs* -0 70 :0 .0 <0 =0 >0 15irst clause20 -- and -7 a4ended b/ #ct $o* :7.7* #ct )rohibitin, ,a4blin,0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* -;<E-;;* ->* #ct $o* -->:* Law on the cri4e o5 adulterio0 estu)ro0 ra)to0 3iolacion0 calu4nia0 injuria0 etc*0 now ,o3erned b/ #rts* :::E:.=* -@* #ct $os* 78>- and 7:88* #ct ,o3ernin, sla3er/0 in3oluntar/ ser3itude0 )eona,e0 and the sale or )urchase o5 hu4an bein,s0 now )enaliAed in #rts* 7>7E7>.* -;* #ct $o* 77-7* #ct )ro3idin, 5or the con5iscation and dis)osition o5 4one/0 articles0 instru4ents0 a))liances and de3ices in ,a4blin,0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rt* .<* 78* #ct $o* 7;:* #ct )enaliAin, will5ul destruction0 injur/0 or ta9in, or carr/in, awa/ an/ )ro)ert/ o5 the Phili))ine Librar/0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rt* :--* 7-* #ct $o* 7:=.* #ct )enaliAin, in5idelit/ in the custod/ o5 )risoners detained 5or or a con3icted o5 a cri4e0 now ,o3erned b/ #rts* 77:E77<* 77* #ct $o* 7:@-* Secs* 70 :0 .0 <0 =0 @0 and ;* #ct restrictin, the use o5 o)iu40 etc*0 now )ro3ided 5or in #rts* -;8E-;.* 7:* #ct $o* 7<.;* #ct )rohibitin, the 5orcin,0 co4)ellin,0 or obli,in, o5 an/ laborer or other e4)lo/ee to )urchase 4erchandise0 co44odities0 or )ersonal )ro)ert/ under certain conditions0 and the )a/4ent o5 wa,es o5 a laborer or e4)lo/ee b/ 4eans o5 to9ens or objects other than le,al tender currenc/0 now )enaliAed b/ #rt* 7@@0 and also ,o3erned b/ Co4* #ct $o* :8: and the !ini4u4 Wa,e Law0 Re)* #ct $o* =870 as a4ended b/ Re)* #ct* $o* @-7*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II 7.* #ct $o* 7<<>* #ct )ro3idin, 5or the allowance to )ersons con3icted o5 )re3enti3e i4)rison4ent0 etc*0 now e4bodied in #rt* 7;* 7<* #ct $o* 7<;<* Law 5i6in, )rescri)tion o5 the cri4e o5 libel and o5 a ci3il action arisin, there5ro40 now )ro3ided in #rt* ;8* 7=* #ct $o* 7>--0 Secs* -870 7=>80 7=>-0 and 7=>7* #ct a4endin, the Re3ised #d4inistrati3e Code* 7>* #ct $o* :-8. a4endin, #cts 7>7=* Law ,o3ernin, 4anner in which the death )enalt/ shall be e6ecuted0 now e4bodied in #rts* -@E@<* 7@* #ct $o* :<@= and ::;>* Law ,o3ernin, habitual delinBuenc/0 now )ro3ided in #rt* =70 )ar* <* 7;* General Orders $o* <@0 series o5 -;880 Sec* -8=* Code o5 Cri4inal Procedure* :8* Other laws re)ealed b/ the Re3ised Penal Code are #cts $os* 78:80 7-.70 77;@0 7>-70 :-;<0 :7..0 :7;@0 and ::-:0 which are 4erel/ a4endator/ laws on the old Penal Code*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II PR"S %"$T #L %"CR"" $O* -=87 S !PL (Y $G #$% PROD % $G ST (("R P"$#LT "S (OR D OL#T O$S O( P' L PP $" G#!BL $G L#WS W'"R"#S0 Phili))ine Ga4blin, Laws )articularl/ #rticles -;<E-;;0 the Re3ised Penal Code0 Re)ublic #ct $o* :8=: 1'orse Racin, Boo9ies20 Presidential %ecree $o* .;; 1Coc95i,htin,20 Presidential %ecree $o* .@:0 1Ga4e (i6in,20 Presidential %ecree $o*0 <-; 1Slot !achines2 and Presidential %ecree $o* -8:= 1FaiEalai Boo9ies2 and other Cit/ and !unici)al Ordinances ,a4blin, all o3er the countr/ ha3e beco4e ine55ecti3e and easil/ circu43ented in 3iew o5 the con5usin, and ina))ro)riate s/ste4 o5 )enalties i4)osed on 3iolations thereo5* W'"R"#S0 there is an ur,ent need to u)date these ,a4blin, laws 5or si4)licit/ and clearer understandin, and to standardiAe and )ro3ide sti55er )enalties 5or their 3iolations to 4a9e the4 4ore e55ecti3e and res)onsi3e to the )resent nor4s o5 conduct and beha3ior o5 the )eo)le* $OW0 T'"R"(OR"0 0 ("R% $#$% "* !#RCOS0 President o5 the Phili))ines0 b/ 3irtue o5 the )owers 3ested in 4e b/ the Constitution and in order to e55ect the desired and necessar/ chan,es and re5or4s in the social and econo4ic structure o5 our societ/0 do hereb/ order and declare to be )art o5 the laws o5 the land0 the 5ollowin,: Sec* -* Diolations and Penalties* + The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 de,ree or a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 (i3e 'undred Pesos to Two Thousand Pesos and in case o5 recidi3is4 the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 de,ree or a 5ine o5 ran,in, 5ro4 One Thousand Pesos to Si6 Thousand Pesos shall be i4)osed u)on: 1a2 #n/ )erson other than those re5erred to in the succeedin, subsection who in an/ 4anner0 shall directl/ or indirectl/ ta9e )art in an/ ,a4e o5 coc95i,htin,0 jueten,0 boo9ies 1jaiE alai or horse racin, to include ,a4e 5i6in,2 and other lotteries0 cara / cruA or )o4)ian, and the li9e0 blac9 jac90 luc9/ nine0 I)uso/I or Russian Po9er0 4onte0 baccarat and other card ,a4es0 )al9 Bue0 do4ino0 4ahjon,0 hi,h and low0 slot 4achines0 roullette0 )inball and other 4echanical in3entories or de3ices0 do, racin,0 boat racin,0 car raisin, and other races0 bas9etball0 3olle/ball0 bo6in,0 se3enEele3en dice ,a4es and the li9e and other contests to include ,a4e 5i6in,0 )oint sha3in, and other 4achinations ban9in, or )ercenta,e ,a4e0 or an/ other ,a4e or sche4e0 whether u)on chance or s9ill0 which do not ha3e a 5ranchise 5ro4 the national ,o3ern4ent0 wherein wa,ers consistin, o5 4one/0 articles o5 3alue o5 re)resentati3e o5 3alue are 4ade? 1b2 #n/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ )er4it an/ 5or4 o5 ,a4blin, re5erred to in the )recedin, subdi3ision to be carried on in inhabited or uninhabited )laces or an/ buildin,0 3essel or other 4eans o5 trans)ortation owned or controlled b/ hi4* 5 the )lace where ,a4blin, is carried on has a re)utation o5 a ,a4blin, )lace or
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II that )rohibited ,a4blin, is 5reBuentl/ carried on therein or the )lace is a )ublic or ,o3ern4ent buildin, or baran,a/ hall0 the cul)rit shall be )unished b/ the )enalt/ )ro3ided 5or in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod and a 5ine o5 Si6 Thousand Pesos* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4a6i4u4 de,ree and a 5ine o5 Si6 Thousand Pesos shall be i4)osed u)on the 4aintainer0 conductor o5 the abo3e ,a4blin, sche4es* The )enalt/ o5 )rision 4a/or in its 4ediu4 de,ree and te4)orar/ absolute disBuali5ication and a 5ine o5 Si6 Thousand Pesos shall be i4)osed i5 the 4aintainer0 conductor or ban9er is a ,o3ern4ent o55icial0 or i5 a )la/er0 )ro4oter0 re5eree0 u4)ire0 jud,e or coach in cases o5 ,a4eE5i6in,0 )ointEsha3in, and other ,a4e 4achination* The )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 de,ree and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 (i3e 'undred )esos to Two Thousand Pesos shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall 9nowin,l/ and without law5ul )ur)ose in an/ hour o5 an/ da/ shall ha3e in his )ossession an/ lotter/ list0 )a)er0 or other 4atter containin, letter0 5i,ures0 si,ns or s/4bols which )ertain to or in an/ 4anner used in the ,a4e o5 jueten,0 jaiEalai or horse racin, boo9ies and si4ilar ,a4e or lotter/ which has ta9en )lace or about to ta9e )lace* Sec* 7* Baran,a/ O55icial* + #n/ baran,a/ o55icial in whose jurisdiction such ,a4blin, house is 5ound and which house has the re)utation o5 a ,a4blin, )lace shall su55er the )enalt/ o5 )rision correccional in its 4ediu4 )eriod and a 5ine ran,in, 5ro4 (i3e 'undred to Two Thousand Pesos and te4)orar/ absolute disBuali5ications* Sec* :* n5or4erGs Reward* + #n/ )erson who shall ,i3e the in5or4ation that will lead to the arrest and 5inal con3iction o5 the o55ender shall be rewarded an a4ount eBui3alent to Twent/ Per Centu4 178M2 o5 the cash 4one/ con5iscated 5or4 the o55ender* Sec* .* Re)ealin, Clause* + The )ro3isions o5 #rticles -;=0 -;>0 -;@ and -;; o5 the Re3ised Penal Code0 as a4ended0 Re)ublic #ct $o* :8=:0 Presidential %ecree $os* .@:0 .;;0 <-80 -:8=0 Letter o5 nstructions0 laws0 e6ecuti3e orders0 rules and re,ulations0 Cit/ and !unici)al Ordinances which are inconsistent with this %ecree are hereb/ re)ealed or accordin,l/ 4odi5ied* Sec* <* "55ecti3it/* + This %ecree shall ta9e e55ect i44ediatel/ u)on )ublication thereo5 b/ the !inister o5 the !inistr/ o5 Public n5or4ation at least once in a news)a)er o5 ,eneral circulation* %O$" in the Cit/ o5 !anila0 this --th da/ o5 Fune in the /ear o5 Our Lord0 nineteen hundred and se3ent/Eei,ht*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II PR"S %"$T #L %"CR"" $O* -=-: #!"$% $G T'" L#W O$ #RSO$ W'"R"#S0 5indin,s o5 the )olice and intelli,ence a,encies o5 the ,o3ern4ent re3eal that 5ires and other cri4es in3ol3in, destruction in !etro !anila and other urban centers in the countr/ are bein, )er)etuated b/ cri4inal s/ndicates0 so4e o5 which ha3e 5orei,n connections? W'"R"#S0 the current law on arson su55er 5ro4 certain inadeBuacies that i4)ede the success5ul en5orce4ent and )rosecution o5 arsonists? W'"R"#S0 it is i4)erati3e that the hi,h incidence o5 5ires and other cri4es in3ol3in, destruction be )re3ented to )rotect the national econo4/ and )reser3e the social econo4ic and )olitical stabilit/ o5 the countr/? $OW0 T'"R"(OR"0 0 ("R% $#$% "* !#RCOS0 President o5 the Phili))ines0 b/ 3irtue o5 the )owers 3ested in 4e b/ the Constitution do hereb/ order and decree as )art o5 the law o5 the land0 the 5ollowin,: Sec* -* #rson* + #n/ )erson who burns or sets 5ire to the )ro)ert/ o5 another shall be )unished b/ Prision 4a/or* The sa4e )enalt/ shall be i4)osed when a )erson sets 5ire to his own )ro)ert/ under circu4stances which e6)ose to dan,er the li5e or )ro)ert/ o5 another* Sec* 7* %estructi3e #rson* + The )enalt/ o5 Reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to Reclusion )er)etua shall be i4)osed i5 the )ro)ert/ burned is an/ o5 the 5ollowin,: -* #n/ a44unition 5actor/ and other establish4ent where e6)losi3es0 in5la44able or co4bustible 4aterials are stored* 7* #n/ archi3e0 4useu40 whether )ublic or )ri3ate or an/ edi5ice de3oted to culture0 education or social ser3ices* :* #n/ church or )lace or worshi) or other buildin, where )eo)le usuall/ asse4ble* .* #n/ train0 air)lane or an/ aircra5t0 3essel or watercra5t0 or con3e/ance 5or trans)ortation o5 )ersons or )ro)ert/* <* #n/ buildin, where e3idence is 9e)t 5or use in an/ le,islati3e0 judicial0 ad4inistrati3e or other o55icial )roceedin,s*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II =* #n/ hos)ital0 hotel0 dor4itor/0 lod,in, house0 housin, tene4ent0 sho))in, center0 )ublic or )ri3ate 4ar9et0 theater or 4o3ie house or an/ si4ilar )lace or buildin,* >* #n/ buildin,0 whether used as dwellin, or not0 situated in a )o)ulated or con,ested area* Sec* :* Other Cases o5 #rson* + The )enalt/ o5 Reclusion te4)oral to Reclusion )er)etua shall be i4)osed i5 the )ro)ert/ burned is an/ o5 the 5ollowin,: -* #n/ buildin, used as o55ices o5 the ,o3ern4ent or an/ o5 its a,encies? 7* #n/ uninhabited house or dwellin,? :* #n/ industrial establish4ent0 shi)/ard0 oil well or 4ine sha5t0 )lat5or4 or tunnel? .* #n/ )lantation0 5ar40 )astureland0 ,rowin, cro)0 ,rain 5iled0 orchard0 ba4boo ,ro3e or 5orest? <* #n/ rice 4ill0 cane 4ill or 4ill central? and =* #n/ railwa/ or bus station0 air)ort0 whar5 or warehouse* Sec* .* S)ecial #,,ra3atin, Circu4stances in #rson* + The )enalt/ in an/ case o5 arson shall be i4)osed in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod: -* 5 co44itted with intent to ,ain? 7* 5 co44itted 5or the bene5it o5 another? :* 5 the o55ender is 4oti3ated b/ s)ite or hatred towards the owner or occu)ant o5 the )ro)ert/ burned? .* 5 co44itted b/ a s/ndicate* The o55ense is co44itted b/ a s/ndicate i5 it is )lanned or carried out b/ a ,rou) o5 three 1:2 or 4ore )ersons* Sec* <* Where %eath Results (ro4 #rson* + 5 b/ reason o5 or on the occasion o5 arson death results0 the )enalt/ o5 Reclusion )er)etua to death shall be i4)osed* Sec* =* Pri4a (acie "3idence o5 #rson* + #n/ o5 the 5ollowin, circu4stances shall constitute )ri4a 5acie e3idence o5 arson:
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II -* 5 the 5ire started si4ultaneousl/ in 4ore than one )art o5 the buildin, or establish4ent* 7* 5 substantial a4ount o5 5la44able substances or 4aterials are stored within the buildin, not necessar/ in the business o5 the o55ender nor 5or household use* :* Gasoline0 9erosene0 )etroleu4 or other 5la44able or co4bustible substances or 4aterials soa9ed therewith or containers0 thereo50 or an/ 4echanical0 electrical0 che4ical0 or electronic contri3ance desi,ned to start a 5ire0 or ashes or traces o5 an/ o5 the 5ore,oin, are 5ound in the ruins or )re4ises o5 the burned buildin, or )ro)ert/* .* 5 the buildin, or )ro)ert/ is insured 5or substantiall/ 4ore than its actual 3alue at the ti4e o5 the issuance o5 the )olic/* <* 5 durin, the li5eti4e o5 the corres)ondin, 5ire insurance )olic/ 4ore than two 5ires ha3e occurred in the sa4e or other )re4ises owned or under the control o5 the o55ender andKor insured* =* 5 shortl/ be5ore the 5ire a substantial )ortion o5 the e55ects insured and stored in buildin, or )ro)ert/ had been withdrawn 5ro4 the )re4ises e6ce)t in the ordinar/ course o5 business* >* 5 a de4and 5or 4one/ or other 3aluable consideration was 4ade be5ore the 5ire in e6chan,e 5or the desistance o5 the o55ender or 5or the sa5et/ o5 other )erson or )ro)ert/ o5 the 3icti4* Sec* >* Cons)irac/ to Co44it #rson* + Cons)irac/ to co44it arson shall be )unished b/ )rision 4a/or in its 4ini4u4 )eriod* Sec* @* Con5iscation o5 Object o5 #rson* + The buildin, which is the object o5 arson includin, the land on which it is situated shall be con5iscated and escheated to the State0 unless the owner thereo5 can )ro3e that he has no )artici)ation in nor 9nowled,e o5 such arson des)ite the e6ercise o5 due dili,ence on his )art* Sec* ;* Re)ealin, Clause* + The )ro3isions o5 #rticles :78 to :7=EB o5 the Re3ised Penal Code and all laws0 e6ecuti3e orders0 rules and re,ulations0 or )arts thereo50 inconsistent with the )ro3isions o5 this %ecree are hereb/ re)ealed or a4ended accordin,l/* Sec* -8* "55ecti3it/* + This %ecree shall ta9e e55ect i44ediatel/ u)on )ublication thereo5 at least once in a news)a)er o5 ,eneral circulation*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II %one in the Cit/ o5 !anila this >th da/ o5 !arch nineteen hundred and se3ent/ nine* PR"S %"$T #L %"CR"" $O* ->.. #!"$% $G #RT CL" T'R"" '&$%R"% #$% TW"$TY O( T'" R"D S"% P"$#L CO%" PROD S O$S O$ #RSO$ W'"R"#S0 there ha3e been ra4)ant and wanton burnin,s o5 residential houses0 )ublic buildin,s0 4ar9ets0 hotels and other co44ercial establish4ents? W'"R"#S0 to e55ecti3el/ discoura,e and deter the co44ission o5 arson0 and to )re3ent destruction o5 )ro)erties and )rotect the li3es o5 innocent )eo)le0 it is necessar/ that the ca)ital )unish4ent be i4)osed u)on arsonists? $OW0 T'"R"(OR"0 0 ("R% $#$% "* !#RCOS0 President o5 the Phili))ines b/ 3irtue o5 the )ower 3ested in 4e b/ the Constitution0 do hereb/ order and decree that #rticle :780 Re3ised Penal Code be a4ended: Sec* -* #rticle :78 o5 the Re3ised Penal Code shall read as 5ollows: I#rt* :78* %estructi3e #rson* + The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to death shall be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall burn: -* One 1-2 or 4ore buildin,s or edi5ices0 conseBuent to one sin,le act o5 burnin, or as a result o5 si4ultaneous burnin,s0 or co44itted on se3eral or di55erent occasions? 7* #n/ buildin, o5 )ublic or )ri3ate ownershi)0 de3oted to the )ublic in ,eneral or where )eo)le usuall/ ,ather or con,re,ate 5or a de5inite )ur)ose such as but not li4ited to o55icial ,o3ern4ental 5unction or business0 )ri3ate transaction0 co44erce0 trade wor9sho)0 4eetin,s and con5erences0 or 4erel/ incidental to a de5inite )ur)ose such as but not li4ited to hotels0 4otels0 transient dwellin,s0 )ublic con3e/ance or sto)s or ter4inals0 re,ardless o5 whether the o55ender had 9nowled,e that there are )ersons in said buildin, or edi5ice at the ti4e it is set on 5ire and re,ardless also o5 whether the buildin, is actuall/ inhabited or not* :* #n/ train or loco4oti3e0 shi) or 3essel0 airshi) or air)lane0 de3oted to trans)ortation or con3e/ance0 or 5or )ublic use0 entertain4ent or leisure* .* #n/ buildin,0 5actor/0 warehouse installation and an/ a))urtenances thereto0 which are de3oted to the ser3ice o5 )ublic utilities* <* #n/ buildin, the burnin, o5 which is 5or the )ur)ose o5 concealin, or destro/in, e3idence o5 another 3iolation o5 law0 or 5or the )ur)ose o5 concealin, ban9ru)tc/ or de5raudin, creditors or to collect 5ro4 insurance*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II rres)ecti3e o5 the a))lication o5 the abo3e enu4erated Buali5/in, circu4stances0 the )enalt/ o5 death shall li9ewise be i4)osed when the arson is )er)etrated or co44itted b/ two 172 or 4ore )ersons or b/ a ,rou) o5 )ersons0 re,ardless o5 whether their )ur)ose is 4erel/ to burn or destro/ the buildin, or the burnin, 4erel/ constitutes an o3ert act in the co44ission or another 3iolation o5 law* The )enalt/ o5 reclusion te4)oral in its 4a6i4u4 )eriod to death shall also be i4)osed u)on an/ )erson who shall burn: -* #n/ arsenal0 shi)/ard0 storehouse or 4ilitar/ )owder or 5irewor9s 5actor/0 ordinance0 storehouse0 archi3es or ,eneral 4useu4 o5 the ,o3ern4ent* 7* n an inhabited )lace0 an/ storehouse or 5actor/ o5 in5la44able or e6)losi3e 4aterials* 5 as a conseBuence o5 his co44ission o5 an/ o5 the acts )enaliAed under this #rticle0 death or injur/ results0 or an/ 3aluable docu4ents0 eBui)4ent0 4achineries0 a))aratus0 or other 3aluable )ro)erties were burned or destro/ed0 the 4andator/ )enalt/ o5 death shall be i4)osed*I Sec* 7* Pro3isions o5 #rticles :780 :7- and :77 o5 the Re3ised Penal Code which are or 4a/ be inconsistent herewith are hereb/ re)ealed* Sec* :* "55ecti3it/* + This %ecree shall ta9e e55ect i44ediatel/* %one in the Cit/ o5 !anila0 this --th da/ o5 $o3e4ber0 in the /ear o5 Our Lord0 nineteen hundred and ei,ht/*
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN The other )ro3isions o5 Re)ublic #ct .:=:0 a))ro3ed -;0 -;=< are as 5ollows: Sec* 7* 5 an/ section or sections o5 this #ct shall be declared unconstitutional or in3alid it shall not in3alidate the other sections hereo5* Sec* :* This #ct shall ta9e e55ect onl/ i5 and when0 within thirt/ da/s 5ro4 its a))ro3al0 the news)a)er4en in the Phili))ines shall or,aniAe0 and elect the 4e4bers o50 a Phili))ine Press Council0 a )ri3ate a,enc/ o5 the said news)a)er4en0 whose 5unction shall be to )ro4ul,ate a Code o5 "thics 5or the4 and the Phili))ines )ress0 in3esti,ate 3iolations thereo50 and censure an/ news)a)er4an or news)a)er ,uilt/ o5 an/ 3iolation o5 the said Code0 and the 5act that such Phili))ine Press council has been or,aniAed and its 4e4bers ha3e been dul/ elected in accordance herewith shall be ascertained and )roclai4ed b/ the President o5 the Phili))ines*
PINK NOTES: Rinchels Guide To Pass Your Law Subjects RPC BOOK II