Philippines: Act No. 613 of 1940, Philippine Immigration: National Legislative Bodies

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Philippines: Act No.

613 of 1940, Philippine

Publisher National Legislative Bodies
26 August 1940
Cite as
Philippines: Act No. 613 of 1940, Philippine Immigration [! 26 August 1940!
available at" htt#"$$%%%&re'%orld&org$docid$(ae6b)00'&ht*l [accessed 1+ ,une
-no''icial transcri#t& As a*ended b. /&A& 110! /&A& 1()! /&A& 144! /&A& )0(! /&A&
+49! /&A& 02+! /&A& 1901! /&A& 4(+6! /&A& )1+1! /&A& )+01 and P&D& )24&
1his is not a -N2C/ #ublication& -N2C/ is not res#onsible 'or! nor does it
necessaril. endorse! its content& An. vie%s e3#ressed are solel. those o' the author
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its 4e*ber 5tates&
5ection 1& 1his Act shall be 6no%n as 71he Phili##ine 8**igration Act o' 1940&7
B-/9A- :; 8448</A18:N
5ection 2& Officials. = A Bureau o' 8**igration is established under a Co**issioner o'
8**igration! %ho shall have t%o assistants! a ;irst De#ut. Co**issioner o' 8**igration and a
5econd De#ut. Co**issioner o' 8**igration& ;or ad*inistrative #ur#oses! the Bureau o'
8**igration shall be under the su#ervision and control o' the De#art*ent o' Labor or o' an.
other e3ecutive de#art*ent %hich the President *a. subse>uentl. deter*ine&
C:448558:N9/ :; 8448</A18:N
5ection (& Appointment; term of office; compensation. = 1he Co**issioner o' 8**igration
shall be a##ointed b. the President! %ith the consent o' the Co**ission on A##oint*ents o' the
National Asse*bl.! and shall hold o''ice at the #leasure o' the President& 2e shall receive
co*#ensation at the rate o' ten thousand #esos #er annu*& Ad*inistrative head #o%ers as such
= 2e shall be the ad*inistrative head o' the Bureau o' 8**igration and shall #ossess the
#o%ers generall. con'erred u#on bureau chie's& 2e shall have charge o' the ad*inistration o' all
la%s relating to the i**igration o' aliens into the Phili##ines and shall have the i**ediate
control! direction and su#ervision o' all o''icers! cler6s! and e*#lo.ees o' the Bureau o'
8**igration& 2e shall issue! sub?ect to the a##roval o' the De#art*ent 2ead! such rules and
regulations and #rescribe such 'or*s o' bond! re#orts! and other #a#ers! and shall issue 'ro* ti*e
to ti*e such instructions! not inconsistent %ith la%! as he shall dee* best calculated to carr. out
the #rovisions o' the i**igration la%s& 2e shall sub*it a re#ort to the President! in %riting! o'
the transactions o' his o''ice! annuall. or o'tener as the President *a. re>uire&
D9P-1@ C:448558:N9/5 :; 8448</A18:N
5ection 4& AaB A##oint*entC ter* o' o''iceC co*#ensation& = 1he t%o De#ut. Co**issioners 9
shall be a##ointed b. the President! %ith the consent o' the Co**ission on A##oint*ents o' the
National Asse*bl.! 10 and the. shall hold o''ice at the #leasure o' the President& 1he ;irst
De#ut. Co**issioner 11 shall receive co*#ensation at the rate o' nine thousand #esos #er
annu* and the 5econd De#ut. Co**issioner shall receive co*#ensation at the rate o' eight
thousand 'our hundred #esos 1( #er annu*& During the absence or disabilit. o' the
Co**issioner! the ;irst De#ut. Co**issioner 14 shall act as Co**issioner! and during the
absence or disabilit. o' both the Co**issioner and the ;irst De#ut. Co**issioner! 1) the
5econd De#ut. Co**issioner 16 shall act as Co**issioner! and the De#ut. Co**issioner 1+
%ho shall so act as Co**issioner shall #er'or* the duties o' the latter in addition to his o%n
AbB No #erson shall be a##ointed Co**issioner or De#ut. Co**issioner 10 unless he be a
naturalDborn citiEen o' the Phili##ines and is at least thirt. .ears o' age&
8448</AN1 8N5P9C1:/5 19
5ection )& AaB 1he #osition o' 8**igrant 8ns#ector 20 is created! a##oint*ents to %hich shall be
*ade u#on the reco**endation o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration in accordance %ith the
Civil 5ervice La%s& 21
AbB Fhenever he shall dee* it necessar.! the Co**issioner o' 8**igration *a. a##oint! %ith
the consent o' the #ro#er De#art*ent 2ead! an. >uali'ied e* o' the <overn*ent to serve
as Acting 8**igrant 8ns#ector 22 Acting 8**igrant 8ns#ectors 2( shall have the sa*e #o%ers
and authorit. as 8**igrant 8ns#ectors& 24
5ection 6& Po%ers o' 8**igration :''icer& = 1he e3a*ination o' aliens concerning their right to
enter or re*ain in the Phili##ines shall be #er'or*ed b. 8**igrant 8ns#ectors 2) %ith the advice
o' *edical authorities in a##ro#riate cases& 8**igrant 8ns#ectors 26 are authoriEed to e3clude
an. alien not #ro#erl. docu*ented as re>uired b. this Act! ad*it an. alien co* %ith the
a##licable #rovisions o' the i**igration la%s and to en'orce the i**igration la%s and
regulations #rescribed thereunder& 8**igrant 8ns#ectors 2+ are also e*#o%ered to ad*inister
oaths! to ta6e and consider evidence concerning the right o' an. alien to enter or reside in the
Phili##ines! and to go aboard and search 'or aliens on an. vessel or other conve.ance in %hich
the. believe aliens are being brought into the Phili##ines& 8**igrant 8ns#ectors 20 shall have the
#o%er to arrest! %ithout %arrant! an. alien %ho in their #resence or vie% is entering or is still in
the course o' entering the Phili##ines in violation o' i**igration la%s or regulations #rescribed
thereunder& 29
:129/ 94PL:@995
5ection +& A##oint*ent and 5alar.& = All other e*#lo.ees o' the Bureau o' 8**igration (0
e3ce#t as other%ise #rovided in this Act shall be a##ointed b. the 2ead o' De#art*ent! u#on the
reco**endation o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration! in accordance %ith civil service rules and
regulations! and the. shall receive such salaries as *a. be assigned to the* con'or*abl. to the
#rovisions o' Co**on%ealth Act Nu*bered ;our hundred and t%o& (1
A558<N49N1 :; 8448</A18:N 94PL:@995 1: :G9/1849& F:/H
5ection +DA& 8**igration e*#lo.ees *a. be assigned b. the Co**issioner o' 8**igration to
do overti*e %or6 at rates 'i3ed b. hi* %hen the service rendered is to be #aid 'or b. shi##ing
co*#anies and airlines or other #ersons served& (2
B:A/D :; C:448558:N9/5
5ection 0& Decision o' the Board& = 1he board o' Co**issioners! hereina'ter re'erred to in this
Act! shall be co*#osed o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration and the t%o De#ut.
Co**issioners& (( 8n the absence o' a *e*ber o' the Board! the De#art*ent 2ead shall
designate an o''icer or e* in the Bureau o' 8**igration to serve as a *e*ber thereo'& 8n
an. case co*ing be'ore the Board o' Co**issioners! the decision o' an. t%o *e*bers shall
5ection 9& Aliens de#arting 'ro* an. #lace outside the Phili##ines! %ho are other%ise ad*issible
and %ho >uali'. %ithin one o' the 'ollo%ing categories! *a. be ad*itted as noni**igrants& (4
AaB A te*#orar. visitor co*ing 'or business or 'or #leasure or 'or reasons o' health!
AbB A #erson in transit to a destination outside the Phili##inesC
AcB A sea*an serving as such on a vessel arriving at a #ort o' the Phili##ines and see6ing to enter
te*#oraril. and solel. in the #ursuit o' his calling as a sea*anC
AdB Alien business*an& = An alien entitled to enter the Phili##ines under and in #ursuance o'
the #rovisions o' a treat. o' co**erce and navigation A1B solel. to carr. on substantial trade
#rinci#all. bet%een the Phili##ines and the 'oreign state o' %hich he is a national or A2B solel. to
develo# and direct the o#erations o' an enter#rise in %hich! in accordance %ith the Constitution
and the la%s o' the Phili##ines he has invested or o' an enter#rise in %hich he is activel. in the
#rocess o' investing! a substantial a*ount o' ca#italC and his %i'e! and his un*arried children
under t%ent.Done .ears o' age! i' acco* or 'ollo%ing to ?oin hi*! sub?ect to the
condition that citiEens o' the Phili##ines are accorded li6e #rivileges in the 'oreign state o' %hich
such alien is a national& ()
AeB An accredited o''icial o' a 'oreign govern*ent recogniEed b. the <overn*ent o' the
Phili##ines! his 'a*il.! attendants! servants! and e*#lo.eesC
2igher than high school& = A student! having *eans su''icient 'or his education and su##ort in
the Phili##ines! %ho is at least eighteen .ears o' age and %ho see6s to enter the Phili##ines
te*#oraril. and solel. 'or the #ur#ose o' ta6ing u# a course o' stud. higher than high school at a
universit.! se*inar.! acade*.! college or school a##roved 'or such alien students b. the
Co**issioner o' 8**igrationC
AgB Prearranged e*#lo.*ent& = An alien co*ing to #rearranged e*#lo.*ent (6 'or %ho* the
issuance o' a visa has been authoriEed in accordance %ith section t%ent. o' this Act! and his
%i'e! and his un*arried children under t%ent.Done .ears o' age! i' acco* hi* or i'
'ollo%ing to ?oin hi* %ithin a #eriod o' si3 *onths 'ro* the date o' his ad*ission into the
Phili##ines as a noni**igrant under this #aragra#h& An alien %ho is ad*itted as a noni**igrant
cannot re*ain in the Phili##ines #er*anentl.& 1o obtain #er*anent ad*ission! a noni**igrant
alien *ust de#art voluntaril. to so*e 'oreign countr. and #rocure 'ro* the a##ro#riate
Phili##ine consul the #ro#er visa and therea'ter undergo e3a*ination b. the o''icers o' the
Bureau o' 8**igration (+ at a Phili##ine #ort o' entr. 'or deter*ination o' his ad*issibilit. in
accordance %ith the re>uire*ents& (0
D:C-49N1A18:N :; N:N8448</AN15
5ection 10& Presentation o' une3#ired #ass#ort& = Noni**igrants *ust #resent 'or ad*ission
into the Phili##ines une3#ired #ass#orts or o''icial docu*ents in the nature o' #ass#orts issued
b. the govern*ents o' the countries to %hich the. o%e allegiance or other travel docu*ents
sho%ing their origin and identit. as #rescribed b. regulations! and valid #ass#ort visas granted
b. di#lo*atic or consular o''icers! e3ce#t that such docu*ents shall not be re>uired o' the
'ollo%ing aliens" AaB A child >uali'.ing as a noni**igrant! born subse>uent to the issuance o'
the #ass#ort visa o' an acco* #arent! the visa not having e3#iredC and AbB A sea*an
>uali'.ing as such under section 9 AcB o' this Act& (9
5ection 11& 1he 'or* and *anner o' 'or a #ass#ort visa and the 'or* and validit. o'
such #ass#ort visa shall be established b. regulations&
5ection12& A #ass#ort visa shall not be granted to an a##licant %ho 'ails to establish
satis'actoril. his noni**igrants status or %hose entr. into the Phili##ines %ould be contrar. to
the #ublic sa'et.&
5ection 1(& -nder the conditions set 'orth in this Act! there *a. be ad*itted into the Phili##ines
i**igrants! ter*ed 7>uota i**igrants7 not in e3cess o' 'i't. A)0B o' an. one nationalit. or
%ithout nationalit. 'or an. one calendar .ear! e3ce#t that the 'ollo%ing i**igrants! ter*ed
7nonD>uota i**igrants!7 *a. be ad*itted %ithout regard to such nu*erical li*itations&
1he corres#onding Phili##ine Consular re#resentative abroad shall investigate and certi'. the
eligibilit. o' a >uota i**igrant #revious to his ad*ission into the Phili##ines& Iuali'ied and
desirable aliens %ho are in the Phili##ines under te*#orar. sta. *a. be ad*itted %ithin the
>uota! sub?ect to the #rovisions o' the last #aragra#h o' section 9 o' this Act&
AaB 1he %i'e or the husband or the un*arried child under t%ent.Done& .ears o' age o' a Phili##ine
citiEen! i' acco* or 'ollo%ing to ?oin such citiEenC
AbB A child o' alien #arents born during the te*#orar. visit abroad o' the *other! the *other
having been #reviousl. la%'ull. ad*itted into the Phili##ines 'or #er*anent residence! i' the
child is acco* or co*ing to ?oin a #arent and a##lies 'or ad*ission %ithin 'ive .ears
'ro* the date o' its birthC
AcB A child born subse>uent to the issuance o' the i**igration visa o' the acco* #arent!
the visa not having e3#iredC
AdB A %o*an %ho %as a citiEen o' the Phili##ines and %ho lost her citiEenshi# because o' her
*arriage to an alien or b. reason o' the loss o' Phili##ine citiEenshi# b. her husband! and her
un*arried child under t%ent.D one .ears o' age! i' acco* or 'ollo%ing to ?oin herC
AeB A #erson #reviousl. la%'ull. ad*itted into the Phili##ines 'or #er*anent residence! %ho is
returning 'ro* a te*#orar. visit abroad to an unrelin>uished residence in the Phili##ines& 40
AgB A natural born citiEen o' the Phili##ines! %ho has been naturaliEed in a 'oreign countr.! and
is returning to the Phili##ines 'or #er*anent residence! including his s#ouse and *inor
un*arried children! shall be considered a nonD>uota i**igrant 'or #ur#oses o' entering the
Phili##ines& 41
5ection 14& Persons %ith dual nationalit. = 1he nationalit. o' an i**igrant %hose ad*ission is
sub?ect to the nu*erical li*itations i*#osed b. section thirteen o' this Act shall be that o' the
countr. o' %hich the i**igrant is a citiEen or sub?ect! sel'Dgoverning do*inions being treated as
se#arate countries& 1he nationalit. o' an i**igrant #ossessing dual nationalit. *a. be that o'
either o' the t%o countries regarding hi* as a citiEen or sub?ect i' he a##lies 'or a visa in a third
countr.! but i' he a##lies 'or such visa %ithin one o' the t%o countries regarding hi* as a
national! his nationalit. shall be that o' the countr. in %hich he shall 'ile his a##lication&
D:C-49N1A18:N :; 8448</AN15
5ection 1)& Presentation o' une3#ired #ass#ortC in the case o' the children = 8**igrants *ust
#resent 'or ad*ission into the Phili##ines une3#ired #ass#orts or o''icial docu*ents in the nature
o' #ass#orts issued b. the govern*ents o' the countries to %hich the. o%e allegiance or other
travel docu*ents sho%ing their origin and identit. as #rescribed b. regulations! and valid
i**igration visas issued b. consular o''icers! e3ce#t that children born subse>uent to the
issuance o' the i**igration visa or a reentr. #er*it in case o' children born abroad during the
te*#orar. visit abroad o' their *others as #rovided 'or in #aragra#h AcB o' section thirteen o' this
Act the i**igration visa or reentr. #er*it not having e3#ired! and returning residents as re'erred
to in section thirteen A'B hereo'! #resent une3#ired reentr. #er*its as #rovided 'or in section
t%ent.Dt%o o' this Act! shall not be sub?ect to these docu*entar. re>uire*ents& No child shall
ho%ever be e3e*#t 'ro* these docu*entar. re>uire*ents unless the alleged *other shall have
#roved her state o' #regnanc. be'ore the consular o''icers in the case o' children born subse>uent
to the issuance o' a valid i**igration visa! or be'ore the i**igration authorit. #rior to her
de#arture 'ro* the Phili##ines in the case o' children born abroad o' *others %ith valid reentr.
#er*its" Provided! ho%ever! 1hat in the latter case should the *other beco*e #regnant a'ter her
de#arture 'ro* the Phili##ines the 'act o' her #regnanc. shall be #roved be'ore the consul
o''icers %ho shall issue the a##ro#riate certi'ication 'or #resentation to the i**igration
authorities u#on her return to the Phili##ines& 42
5ection 16& 1he 'or* and *anner o' 'or an i**igration visa and the 'or* and validit.
o' such i**igration visa shall be established b. regulations&
5ection 1+& No i**igration visa shall be issued to an i**igrant i' the consular o''icer 6no%s
'ro* state*ents in the a##lication there'or or 'ro* the #a#ers sub*itted there%ith or other%ise
has reason to believe that the i**igrant is inad*issible into the Phili##ines under the
i**igration la%s P8h163&
8448</A18:N G85A5 ;:/ I-:1A 8448</AN15
5ection 10& An i**igration visa shall not be issued b. a consular o''icer to an i**igrant %hose
ad*ission into the Phili##ines is sub?ect to the nu*erical li*itations i*#osed b. section thirteen
o' this Act until the consular o''icer shall have received 'ro* the Co**issioner o' 8**igration
the allot*ent o' a >uota nu*ber to be #laced u#on the visa 'or the i**igrant&
5ection 19& Pre'erence in allot*ent o' >uota nu*bers = 8n allotting >uota nu*bers! the
Co**issioner o' i**igration shall accord #re'erence to i**igrants %ho are the 'athers and
*others o' Phili##ine citiEens %ho are t%ent.Done .ears o' age or over! and the %ives! husbands!
and un*arried children under o' t%ent.Done .ears o' age! o' aliens la%'ull. ad*itted into the
Phili##ines 'or #er*anent residence and residing therein& 5uch #re'erence shall be accorded onl.
u#on #etition *ade there'or under regulations #rescribed b. the Co**issioner&
8448</A18:N G85A5 ;:/ N:NDI-:1A 8448</AN15
5ection 20& 8n case o' #rearranged e*#lo.*ent = AaB A #ass#ort visa 'or a noni**igrant
re'erred to in section nine AgB o' this Act %ho is co*ing to #rearranged e*#lo.*ent shall not be
issued b. a consular o''icer until the consular o''icer shall have received authoriEation 'or the
issuance o' the visa& 5uch authoriEation shall be given onl. on #etition 'iled %ith the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration establishing that no #erson can be 'ound in the Phili##ines %illing
and co*#etent to #er'or* the labor or service 'or %hich the noni**igrant is desired and that the
noni**igrantJs ad*ission %ould be bene'icial to the #ublic interest& 1he #etition shall be *ade
under oath! in the 'or* and *anner #rescribed b. regulations! b. the #ros#ective e* or his
re#resentative& ;iling o' #etition under oath = 1he #etition shall state 'ull. the nature o' the
labor or service 'or %hich the noni**igrant is desired! the #robable length o' ti*e 'or %hich he
is to be engaged! the %ages and other co*#ensation %hich he is to receive! the reasons %h. a
#erson in the Phili##ines cannot be engaged to #er'or* the labor or service 'or %hich the
noni**igrant is desired and %h. the noni**igrantJs ad*ission %ould be bene'icial to the
#ublic interest& Acco* docu*ents =1he #etition shall be acco*#anied b. a certi'ied
co#. o' an. %ritten contract or agree*ent entered into 'or the i**igrantJs service and shall
contain such additional in'or*ation as *a. be dee*ed *aterial& 5ubstantiation o' all the
allegations *ade in the #etition shall be re>uired and the allegations that no #erson can be 'ound
in the Phili##ines %illing and co*#etent to #er'or* the labor or service 'or %hich the
noni**igrant is desired and that the noni**igrantJs ad*ission %ould be bene'icial to the #ublic
interest shall be established be.ond doubt b. convincing and satis'actor. evidence& 1he title
78**igration Gisas 'or NonD>uota 8**igrant7 shall be understood to re'er onl. to section
t%ent.Done o' the sa*e Act& 4(
AbB A##roval o' #etition& = 8' the Board o' Co**issioners 'inds that the #etition co*#lies %ith
the re>uire*ents o' the #receding #aragra#h and that the #etitioner has established the 'acts
entitling hi* to the authoriEation! the Board shall grant the #etition and the Co**issioner shall
so in'or* the #etitioner and #ro*#tl. trans*it authoriEation to the consular o''ice at %hich the
i**igrant is to a##l. 'or a visa& 5uch an i**igrant! u#on receiving a visa and 'or
ad*ission into the Phili##ines! shall be e3e*#t 'ro* the #rovisions o' #aragra#h 'ourteen o'
section t%ent.Dnine AaB o' this Act e3cluding aliens co*ing to #er'or* uns6illed *anual labor in
#ursuance o' a #ro*ise or o''er o' e*#lo.*ent&
5ection21& NonD>uota i**igration visas *a. be issued b. the consular o''icers to other
i**igrants clai*ing nonD>uota status u#on the recei#t o' satis'actor. #roo' that the. are entitled
to such status&
/99N1/@ P9/4815
5ection 22& iling of application; iss!ance of permit. = An. la%'ull. resident alien about to
de#art te*#oraril. 'ro* the Phili##ines %ho desires a reentr. #er*it *a. a##l. to the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration 'or such #er*it& 8' the Co**issioner 'inds that the a##licant has
been la%'ull. ad*itted into the Phili##ines 'or #er*anent residence! he shall issue the #er*it
%hich shall be valid 'or a #eriod not e3ceeding one .ear e3ce#t that u#on a##lication 'or
e3tension and good cause there'or being sho%n b. the a##licant! it *a. be e3tended b. the
Co**issioner 'or additional #eriods not e3ceeding one .ear each& 1he Co**issioner shall
#rescribe the 'or* o' #er*it& A##lications 'or the issuance or e3tension o' #er*its shall be *ade
under oath and in such 'or* and *anner as the Co**issioner shall b. regulations #rescribe&
1he #er*it! u#on a##roval o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration! *a. be *ade good 'or several
tri#s %ithin the #eriod o' one .earC Provided ho%ever! 1hat the holder thereo' shall be re>uired
to #a. the 'ee re>uired under section 'ort.Dt%o AaB A(B o' this Act 'or ever. tri# he *a6es& 44
CANC9LLA18:N :; 9N1/ANC9 D:C-49N15 ;:/ ;/A-D
5ection 2(& An i**igration visa! or a #ass#ort visa! or a /eentr. Per*it! obtained b. 'raud or
%ill'ul *isre#resentation o' 'act shall be sub?ect to cancellation b. the issuing o''icer or b. the
Board o' Co**issioners&
P:/15 :; 9N1/@
5ection 24& "electe# from c!stoms ports of entr$. = 1he Co**issioner o' 8**igration shall
designate #orts! 'ro* a*ong the #orts o' entr. designated b. la% as #orts o' entr. 'or custo*s
#ur#oses! at %hich aliens *a. enter the Phili##ines& 5uch #orts shall be designated b. the
Co**issioner as unli*ited or #orts o' li*ited #orts o' entr.& At li*ited #orts o' entr. onl. such
classes o' aliens *a. enter as *a. be #er*itted b. the Co**issioner under regulations
#rescribed b. hi*& 2e shall also have #o%er to close #orts so designated %henever he should
dee* it to be advisable in the #ublic interest and u#on su''icient notice to the #ublic&
D919N18:N :; A//8G8N< AL89N5
5ection 2)& = Period o' detention o' aliens& = ;or the #ur#ose o' deter*ining %hether aliens
arriving in the Phili##ines belong to an. o' the classes e3cluded b. the i**igration la%s! the
Period e3a*ining i**igration o''icers *a. order such aliens detained on board the vessel
bringing the* or in such other #lace as the o''icers *a. designate! such detention to be 'or a
su''icient length o' ti*e to enable the o''icers to deter*ine %hether the. belong to an e3cluded
class and their re*oval to such other #lace to be at the e3#ense o' the vessel bringing the*&
B:A/D5 :; 5P9C8AL 8NI-8/@
5ection 26& 9ver. alien %ho *a. not a##ear to the e3a*ining i**igration o''icer at the #ort o'
arrival to be clearl. and be.ond a doubt entitled to land shall be detained 'or e3a*ination in
relation thereto b. a board o' s#ecial in>uir. &
5ection 2+& AaB Co*#osition& = 9ver. board o' s#ecial in>uir. shall be co*#osed o' a Chair*an
and t%o *e*bers! %ho shall be a##ointed b. the President o' the Phili##ines alone and shall be
re*ovable at his #leasure& 1he Co**issioner o' 8**igration *a. assign to such o''icers duties
and 'unctions in addition to those #ertaining to the* b. reason o' their *e*bershi# in the board&
At #orts %here it is not convenient or necessar. to organiEe #er*anent boards o' s#ecial in>uir.!
the resident *a. designate an. other e* o' the <overn*ent to serve as a *e*ber o' the
board o' s#ecial in>uir. %hich *ight be organiEed therein 'ro* ti*e to ti*e <5d4B1>K.&
AbB Board #o%ers& = A board o' s#ecial in>uir. shall have authorit. A1B to deter*ine %hether an
alien see6ing to enter or land in the Phili##ines shall be allo%ed to enter or land or shall be
e3cluded! and A2B to *a6e its 'indings and reco**endations in all the cases #rovided 'or in
section t%ent.Dnine o' this Act %herein the Co**issioner o' 8**igration *a. ad*it an alien
%ho is other%ise inad*issible& ;or this #ur#ose! the board or an. *e*ber thereo'! *a.
ad*inister oaths and ta6e evidence and in case o' necessit. *a. issue sub#oena and$or sub#oena
duces tecu*& 1he hearing o' all cases brought be'ore a board o' s#ecial in>uir. shall be
conducted under rules o' #rocedure to be #rescribed b. the Co**issioner o' 8**igration&
A##eal to Board o' Co**issioners& = 1he decision o' an. t%o *e*bers o' the board shall
#revail and shall be 'inal unless reversed on a##eal b. the Board o' Board o' Co**issioners as
herea'ter stated! or! in the absence o' an a##eal! unless reversed b. the Board o' Co**issioners
a'ter a revie% b. it! *otu #ro#rio o' the entire #roceedings %ithin one .ear 'ro* the
#ro*ulgation o' said decision& At the conclusion o' the hearing o' an. case! the board o' s#ecial
in>uir. shall at once #roceed to deliberate and decide on the *erits thereo'& 1he decision shall be
#ro*ulgated and the 'indings and reco**endation! in #ro#er cases! sub*itted not later than t%o
da.s 'ro* the date o' the deliberation& 5hould the board o' s#ecial in>uir. need *ore ti*e to
*a6e a %ritten decision o' 'indings and reco**endation in vie% o' the nature o' the case! the
chair*an thereo' shall re#ort the case to the Co**issioner o' 8**igration %ho *a. grant an
e3tension o' ti*e i' he considers it necessar.&
AcB Fho *a. a##eal& = An alien e3cluded b. a board o' s#ecial in>uir. or a dissenting *e*ber
thereo' *a. a##eal to the Board o' Co**issioners! %hose decision in the case shall be 'inal& 1he
decision on a##eal shall be #ut in %riting and #ro*ulgated not less than seven da.s 'ro* the
ti*e the case is sub*itted 'or decision& 8n a##eal cases! the alien shall have the right to be
re#resented b. an attorne. or counsel %ho shall have access to the record o' the board o' s#ecial
in>uir. in the #articular case on a##eal& 4+
49D8CAL 9KA48NA18:N :; A//8G8N< AL89N5
5ection 20& Designation o' e3a*ining tea*& = 1he #h.sical and *ental e3a*ination o' arriving
aliens shall be *ade b. *edical o''icers o' the <overn*ent designated under order o' the
President to *a6e such e3a*inations! %ho shall certi'. 'or the in'or*ation o' the i**igration
o''icers and the boards o' s#ecial in>uir. an. and all #h.sical and *ental de'ects or disease
observed a'ter an e3a*ination b. the* o' such aliens& 5hould such *edical o''icers be not
available& #rivate #h.sicians *a. be e*#lo.ed 'or e3a*ining arriving aliens& the necessar.
e3#enses there'or to be chargeable against the a##ro#riation #rovided 'or the Bureau o'
8**igration& 40
9KCL-D9D CLA5595
5ection 29& AaB 1he 'ollo%ing classes o' aliens shall be e3cluded 'ro* entr. into the Phili##ines"
A1B 8diots or insane #ersons and #ersons %ho have been insaneC
A2B Persons a''licted %ith a loathso*e or dangerous contagious disease! or e#ile#s."
A(B Persons %ho have been convicted o' a cri*e involving *oral tur#itudeC
A4B Prostitutes! or #rocurers! or #ersons co*ing 'or an. i**oral #ur#osesC
A)B Persons li6el. to beco*e! #ublic charge
A6B Pau#ers! vagrants! and beggars"
A+B Persons %ho #ractice*. or %ho believe in or advocate the #ractice o'*.C
A0B Persons %ho believe in or advocate the overthro% b. 'orce and violence o' the <overn*ent
o' the Phili##ines! or o' constituted la% and authorit.! or %ho disbelieve in or are o##osed to
organiEed govern*ent! or %ho advocate the assault or assassination o' #ublic o''icials because o'
their o''ice! or %ho advocate or teach #rinci#les! theories! or ideas contrar. to the Constitution o'
the Phili##ines or advocate or teach the unla%'ul destruction o' #ro#ert.! or %ho are *e*bers o'
or a''iliated %ith an. organiEation entertaining or teaching such doctrinesC
A9B Persons over 'i'teen .ears o' age! #h.sicall. ca#able o' reading! %ho cannot read #rinted
*atter in ordinar. use in an. language selected b. the alien! but this #rovision shall not a##l. to
the grand'ather! grand*other! 'ather! *other! %i'e! husband or child o' a Phili##ine citiEen or o'
an alien la%'ull. resident in the Phili##inesC
A10B Persons %ho are *e*bers o' a 'a*il. acco* an e3cluded alien! unless in the
o#inion o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration no hardshi# %ould result 'ro* their ad*issionC
A11B Persons acco* an e3cluded #erson %ho is hel#less 'ro* *ental or #h.sical
disabilit. or in'anc.! %hen the #rotection or guardianshi# o' such acco* #erson or
#ersons is re>uired b. the e3cluded #erson! as shall be deter*ined b. the Co**issioner o'
A12B Children under 'i'teen .ears o' age! unacco*#anied b. or not co*ing to a #arent! e3ce#t
that an. such children *a. be ad*itted in the discretion o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration! i'
other%ise ad*issibleC
A1(B 5to%a%a.s! e3ce#t that an. sto%a%a. *a. be ad*itted in the discretion o' the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration! i' other%ise ad*issibleC
A14B Persons co*ing to #er'or* uns6illed *anual labor in #ursuance o' a #ro*ise or o''er o'
e*#lo.*ent! e3#ress or i*#lied! but this #rovision shall not a##l. to #ersons bearing #ass#ort
visas authoriEed b. section t%ent. o' this ActC49
A1)B Persons %ho have been e3cluded or de#orted 'ro* the Phili##ines! but this #rovision *a.
be %aived in the discretion o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration" Li*itation on authorit. o'
co**issioner& = Provided! ho%ever! 1hat the Co**issioner o' 8**igration shall not e3ercise
his discretion in 'avor o' aliens e3cluded or de#orted on the ground o' conviction 'or an. cri*e
involving *oral tur#itude or 'or an. cri*e #enaliEed under sections 'ort.D'ive and 'ort.Dsi3 o'
this Act or on the ground o' having engaged in hoarding! blac6D*ar6eting or #ro'iteering unless
such aliens have #reviousl. resided in the Phili##ines i**ediatel. be'ore his e3clusion or
de#ortation 'or a #eriod o' ten .ears or *ore or are *arried to native ;ili#ino %o*en& )0
A16B Persons %ho have been re*oved 'ro* the Phili##ines at the e3#ense o' the <overn*ent o'
the Phili##ines! as indigent aliens! under the #rovisions o' section 'ort.Dthree o' this Act! and
%ho have not obtained the consent o' the Board o' Co**issioners to a##l. 'or read*issionC and
A1+B Persons not #ro#erl. docu*ented 'or ad*ission as *a. be re>uired under the #rovisions o'
this Act&
AbB Not%ithstanding the #rovisions o' this section! the Co**issioner o' 8**igration! in his
discretion! *a. #er*it to enter an. alien #ro#erl. docu*ented! %ho is sub?ect to e3clusion under
this section! but %ho is =
A1B An alien la%'ull. resident in the Phili##ines %ho is returning 'ro* a te*#orar. visit abroadC
A2B An alien 'or te*#orar. ad*ission&
5ection (0& An. alien see6ing ad*ission into the Phili##ines *a. be re>uired to testi'. under
oath on *atters relating to his ad*issibilit.& 1he burden o' #roo' shall be u#on such alien to
establish that he is not sub?ect to e3clusion under an. #rovision o' the i**igration la%s&
8448</AN1 29AD 1AK
5ection(1& A ta3 o' t%ent.D'ive #esos shall be collected 'or ever. alien over si3teen .ears o' age
ad*itted into the Phili##ines 'or a sta. e3ceeding si3t. da.s& 1he ta3 shall be #aid to the
8**igration :''icer or! in his absence to the Collector o' Custo*s! 'or the account o' the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration! at the #ort to %hich the alien shall co*e! b. the *aster! agent!
o%ner! or consignee o' the vessel bringing said alien to the Phili##ines! or b. the alien hi*sel'
%here collection 'ro* the *aster! agent! o%ner! or consignee o' the vessel shall be i*#racticable&
1he ta3 i*#osed b. this section shall be a lien on the vessel and shall be a debt in 'avor o' the
<overn*ent o' the Phili##ines against the o%ner or o%ners o' the vessel! and #a.*ent thereo'
*a. be en'orced b. an. legal re*ed.& 1he Collector o' Custo*s shall! u#on the re>uest o' the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration! %ithhold clearance 'ro* an. vessel %hich has been declared in
de'ault o' an. obligation incurred under this section& )1
C/9F L8515 AND PA559N<9/5 4AN8;9515
5ection (2& 1he *aster! agent! o%ner or consignee o' an. vessel arriving in the Phili##ines 'ro*
a #lace outside thereo'! or de#arting 'ro* the Phili#D #ines 'or a #lace outside thereo'! shall
'urnish to the i**igration o''icer in charge at the #ort o' arrival and at the #ort o' de#arture!
such cre% lists and #assenger *ani'ests and such other in'or*ation concerning the #ersons
arriving or de#arting on the vessel as shall be re>uired in regulations #rescribed b. the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration" Provided! that the Co**issioner o' 8**igration *a.! in his
discretion! e3e*#t an. vessel or vessels 'ro* the re>uire*ent o' this section C(25,:&
1he cre% lists o' inco*ing vessels shall be dul. visaed b. Phili##ine consular o''icials abroad&
5ection ((& 8t shall be the dut. o' the *aster! agent! o%ner! or consignee o' an. vessel arriving in
the Phili##ines 'ro* a #lace outside thereo' to detain on board an. alien sea*an e*#lo.ed on
such vessel until the i**igration o''icer in charge has ins#ected such sea*an! and to detain such
sea*an on board a'ter ins#ection and to re*ove such sea*an i' re>uired b. the i**igration
o''icer in charge or b. the Co**issioner o' i**igration to do so& No sea*an e*#lo.ed on
board such a vessel shall be #aid o'' or discharged %hile the vessel is in a #ort o' the Phili##ines
%ithout the #er*ission o' the i**igration authorities ib0E&
5ection (4& An alien sea*an e*#lo.ed on a vessel arriving in the Phili##ines 'ro* a #lace
outside thereo' *a. be #er*itted to land te*#oraril. under such regulations as shall be
#rescribed b. the Co**issioner o' 8**igration&
:BL8<A18:N :; 1/AN5P:/18N< G9559L5 8N CA595 :; D919N18:N AND
5ection ()& 1he cost o' *aintenance %hile on land! *edical treat*ent in hos#ital or else%here!
burial in event o' death! and trans'er to the vessel in the event o' return! o' an. alien brought to
the Phili##ines and te*#oraril. re*oved 'ro* the vessel 'or e3a*ination b. order o' the
i**igration o''icers! shall be borne b. the o%ner or o%ners o' the vessel on %hich the alien
ca*e& )(
5ection (6& An alien brought to the Phili##ines %ho is e3cluded shall be i**ediatel. sent bac6!
in acco**odations o' the sa*e class in %hich he arrived! to the countr. %hence he ca*e! on the
sa*e vessel bringing hi*! unless in the o#inion o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration! i**ediate
return is not #racticable or #ro#er& 1he e3#ense o' the return o' such an alien shall be borne b.
the o%ner or o%ners o' such vessel& 8' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration 'inds that i**ediate
return is not #racticable or #ro#er! or i' the vessel b. %hich the e3cluded alien ca*e has le't the
Phili##ines and it is i*#racticable 'or an. reason to return the alien %ithin a reasonable ti*e b.
another vessel o%ned b. the sa*e interests! the cost o' return *a. be #aid b. the <overn*ent
and recovered 'ro* the o%ner! agent& or consignee o' the vessel& Fhere return to the countr.
%hence the e3cluded alien& ca*e cannot 'or an. reason be e''ected! the Co**issioner o'
8**igration *a. direct the alienJs re*oval to the countr. o' his nativit. or o' %hich he is a
national! and the cost o' such re*oval! i' re*oval b. vessel on %hich he ca*e or b. another
vessel o%ned b. the sa*e interests cannot be acco*#lished %ithin a reasonable ti*e! shall
li6e%ise be at the e3#ense o' the o%ners o' such vessel& )4
D9P:/1A18:N :; AL89N5
5ection (+& AaB 1he 'ollo%ing aliens shall be arrested u#on the %arrant o' the Co**issioner o'
8**igration or o' an. other o''icer designated b. hi* 'or the #ur#ose and de#orted u#on the
%arrant o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration a'ter a deter*ination b. the Board o'
Co**issioners o' the e3istence o' the ground 'or de#ortation as charged against the alien"
A1B An. alien %ho enters the Phili##ines a'ter the e''ective date o' this Act b. *eans o' 'alse and
*isleading state*ents or %ithout ins#ection and ad*ission b. the i**igration authorities at a
designated #ort o' entr. or at an. #lace other than at a designated #ort o' entr.& ))
A2B An. alien %ho enters the Phili##ines a'ter the e''ective date o' this Act! %ho %as not la%'ull.
ad*issible at the ti*e o' entr.C
A(B An. alien %ho! a'ter the e''ective date o' this Act! is convicted in the Phili##ines and
sentenced 'or a ter* o' one .ear or *ore 'or a cri*e involving *oral tur#itude co**itted %ithin
'ive .ears a'ter his entr. to the Phili##ines! or %ho! at an. ti*e a'ter such entr.! is so convicted
and sentenced *ore than onceC
A4B An. alien %ho is convicted and sentenced 'or a violation o' the la% governing #rohibited
drugsC )6
A)B An. alien %ho #ractices #rostitution or is an in*ate o' a house o' #rostitution or is connected
%ith the *anage*ent o' a house o' #rostitution! or is a #rocurerC
A6B An. alien %ho beco*es a #ublic charge %ithin 'ive .ears a'ter entr. 'ro* causes not
a''ir*ativel. sho%n to have arisen subse>uent to entr.C
A+B An. alien %ho re*ains in the Phili##ines in violation o' an. li*itation or condition under
%hich he %as ad*itted as a noni**igrantC
A0B An. alien %ho believes in! advises! advocates or teaches the overthro% b. 'orce and violence
o' the <overn*ent o' the Phili##ines! or o' constituted la% and authorit.! or %ho disbelieves in
or is o##osed to organiEed govern*ent or %ho advises! advocates! or teaches the assault or
assassination o' #ublic o''icials because o' their o''ice! or %ho advises! advocates! or teaches the
unla%'ul destruction o' #ro#ert.! or %ho is a *e*ber o' or a''iliated %ith an. organiEation
entertaining! advocating or teaching such doctrines! or %ho in an. *anner %hatsoever lends
assistance! 'inancial or other%ise! to the disse*ination o' such doctrinesC
A9B An. alien %ho co**its an. o' the acts described in sections 'ort.D'ive and 'ort.Dsi3 o' this
Act! inde#endent o' cri*inal action %hich *a. be brought against hi*" Provided! 1hat in the
case o' an alien %ho! 'or an. reason! is convicted and sentenced to su''er both i*#rison*ent and
de#ortation! said alien shall 'irst serve the entire #eriod o' his i*#rison*ent be'ore he is actuall.
de#orted& Provided ho%ever! 1hat the i*#rison*ent *a. be %aived b. the Co**issioner o'
8**igration %ith the consent o' the De#art*ent 2ead! and u#on #a.*ent b. the alien concerned
o' such a*ount as the Co**issioner *a. 'i3 and a##roved b. the De#art*ent 2ead& )+
A10B An. alien %ho! at an. ti*e %ithin 'ive .ears a'ter entr.! shall have been convicted o'
violating the #rovisions o' the Phili##ine Co**on%ealth Act Nu*bered 5i3 hundred and 'i't.D
three! other%ise 6no%n as the Phili##ine Alien /egistration Act o' 1941! )0 or %ho! at an. ti*e
a'ter entr.! shall have been convicted *ore than once o' violating the #rovisions o' the sa*e Act&
A11B An. alien %ho engages in #ro'iteering! hoarding! or blac6D*ar6eting! inde#endent o' an.
cri*inal action %hich *a. be brought against hi* n9.#/A1iv&
A12B An. alien %ho is convicted o' an. o''ense #enaliEed under Co**on%ealth Act Nu*bered
;our hundred and sevent.Dthree! other%ise 6no%n as the /evised NaturaliEation La%s o' the
Phili##ines! or an. la% relating to ac>uisition o' Phili##ine citiEenshi#&
A1(B An. alien %ho de'rauds his creditor b. absconding or alienating #ro#erties to #revent the*
'ro* being attached or e3ecuted& )9
AbB De#ortation *a. be e''ected under clauses 2! +! 0! 11 and 12 o' #aragra#h AaB o' this section
at an. ti*e a'ter entr.! but shall not be e''ected under an. other clause unless the arrest in the
de#ortation #roceedings is *ade %ithin 'ive .ears a'ter the cause 'or de#ortation arises&
De#ortation under clauses ( and 4 shall not be e''ected i' the court! or ?udge thereo'! %hen
sentencing the alien! shall reco**end to the Co**issioner o' 8**igration that the alien be not
de#orted& 60
AcB No alien shall be de#orted %ithout being in'or*ed o' the s#eci'ic grounds 'or de#ortation nor
%ithout being given a hearing under rules o' #rocedure to be #rescribed b. the Co**issioner o'
8**igration uDA?8B-10&
AdB 8n an. de#ortation #roceeding involving the entr. o' an alien the burden o' #roo' shall be
u#on the alien to sho% that he entered the Phili##ines la%'ull.! and the ti*e! #lace! and *anner
o' such entr.! and 'or this #ur#ose he shall be entitled to a state*ent o' the 'acts in connection
%ith his arrival as sho%n b. an. record in the custod. o' the Bureau o' 8**igration& 61
AeB An. alien under arrest in a de#ortation #roceeding *a. be released under bond or under such
other conditions as *a. be i*#osed b. the Co**issioner o' 8**igration&
5ection (0& An alien ordered de#orted shall! at the o#tion o' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration!
be re*oved to the countr. %hence he ca*e! or to the 'oreign #ort at %hich he e*bar6ed 'or the
Phili##ines! or to the countr. o' his nativit. or o' %hich he is a citiEen or sub?ect! or to the
countr. in %hich he resided #rior to co*ing to the Phili##ines&
5ection (9& 8' de#ortation #roceedings are instituted %ithin 'ive .ears a'ter entr.! unless
de#ortation is *ade b. reason o' causes %hich arose subse>uent to the alienJs entr.! the cost o'
de#ortation 'ro* the #ort o' de#ortation shall be at the e3#ense o' the o%ner or o%ners o' the
vessel b. %hich the alien ca*eC i' that is not #racticable! in such case and in all other cases! the
cost o' de#ortation shall be 'ro* the a##ro#riations available 'or the #ur#ose&
5ection 40& AaB 1he Co**issioner o' 8**igration shall have the #o%er to e3act bonds in such
a*ounts and containing such conditions as he *a. #rescribe"
A1B 1o control and regulate the ad*ission into! and de#arture 'ro*! the Phili##ines o' aliens 'or te*#orar. ad*issionC
A2B 1o insure against alien #assengers liable to be e3cluded as li6el. to beco*e #ublic charges!
'ro* beco*ing #ublic chargesC
A(B 1o insure the a##earance o' aliens released 'ro* custod. during the course o' de#ortation
#roceedings instituted against the*&
AbB 8n lieu o' such bond! a de#osit in cash *a. be *ade %ith the Collector o' Custo*s in such
a*ount as the Co**issioner o' 8**igration *a. re>uire&
AcB Fhen the conditions o' the bond or cash de#osit are 'ul'illed! or! in the case o' a bond or
de#osit given to insure against an alien beco*ing a #ublic charge! %hen the Co**issioner o'
8**igration shall decide that the li6elihood no longer e3ists! or in the event o' the naturaliEation
as a Phili##ine citiEen or the death o' the alien in %hose behal' the bond or de#osit is given! the
bond shall be canceled or the su* de#osited shall be returned to the de#ositor! or his legal
re#resentative& 8n case o' 'or'eiture! the #roceeds o' the bond or the cash de#osit! as the case *a.
be! shall be de#osited in the Phili##ine 1reasur. b. the Collector o' Custo*s&
L9<AL8LA18:N :; /958D9NC9 :; AL89N5
5ection 41& AaB An. alien in the Phili##ines at the ti*e o' the #assage o' this Act concerning
%ho* no record o' ad*ission 'or #er*anent residence e3ists or can be located *a. a##l. to the
Co**issioner o' 8**igration 'or legaliEation o' his residence in the Phili##ines& 1he
a##lication shall be *ade in the 'or* and *anner #rescribed b. regulations issued b. the
Co**issioner& An. alien in the Phili##ines! %hose record o' ad*ission 'or #er*anent residence
does not e3ist or cannot be located and %ho shall 'ail to legaliEe his residence in the Phili##ines
as #rovided in this section! shall be #resu*ed to be unla%'ull. %ithin the Phili##ines& 62
AbB 8' the Co**issioner o' 8**igration 'inds that the a##licant =
A1B entered in the Phili##ines #rior to the e''ective date o' this ActC
A2B has *aintained a residence in the Phili##ines since he enteredC
A(B is a #erson o' good *oral characterC and
A4B is not sub?ect to de#ortation =
the Co**issioner shall *a6e a record in the Bureau o' 8**igration 6( that the a##licantJs
residence in the Phili##ines has been legaliEed&
AcB An alien %hose residence has been legaliEed in accordance %ith the #rovisions o' this section
shall be dee*ed to have la%'ull. ad*itted into the Phili##ines as o' the date o' his entr.&
5ection 42& AaB 8n addition to the docu*entar. sta*# re>uired b. e3isting la%! there shall be
collected and #aid into the Phili##ine 1reasur. the 'ollo%ing 'ees 'or services! as indicated! 'or
aliens see6ing to enter or re*ain in the Phili##ines under the #rovisions o' this Act"
:ld 'ees Ne% 'ees
A1B A##lication 'or noni**igrant visa AP10&00B P(0&00
A2B Pass#ort visa 'or noni**igrant A20&00B )0&00
A(B A##lication 'or #rearranged
e*#lo.*ent visa A00&00B 100&00
and 'or each de#endent A10&00B (0&00
A4B A##lication 'or s#ecial noni**igrant
visa )0&00
A)B A##lication 'or nonD#re'erence
>uota or nonD>uota visa A10&00B )0&00
A6B A##lication 'or #re'erence
>uota visa A40&00B 00&00
A+B A##lication 'or i**igrant visa A20&00B )0&00
A0B Certi'icate o' residence 6) A)0&00B 00&00
A9B Du#licate o' certi'icate o'
residence A40&00B 00&00
A10B Du#licate certi'icate o'
legaliEation or residence A40&00B 00&00
A11B 8denti'ication certi'icate o'
Phili##ine citiEen A10&00B 100&00
A12B /eentr. Per*it or s#ecial
return certi'icate A20&00B )0&00 66
A1(B A##lication 'or e3tension or
reentr. A)&00B 20&00
A14B 93tension o' reentr. #er*it or
s#ecial return certi'icate A20&00B )0&00
A1)B Du#licate reentr. #er*it or
s#ecial return A40&00B )0&00 6+
A16B Certi'icate o' arrival and identit. A10&00B )0&00
A1+B Du#licate certi'icate o' arrival
and identit. (000
A10B 9*igration Clearance Certi'icate A20&00B )0&00
A19B Du#licate e*igration clearance
certi'icate )0&00
A20B All other certi'icates A)&00B 10&00
A21B Alien cre% list visa A20&00B )0&00
A22B ;iling o' *otion o' a##eal or
#etition 'or rehearing
or reconsideration A10&00B 2)&00
A2(B Petition 'or a*end*ent o'
i**igration docu*ent A10&00B 20&00
A24B ;or ever. *onth or a #ortion
thereo' o' e3tension o'
te*#orar. sta. A10&00B 20&00
A2)B ;or ever. .ear or #ortion
thereo' o' sta. be.ond t%o
.ears as noni**igrant student A)0&00B 100&00
A26B Discharge o' *ilitar. #ersonnel
in the Phili##ines 'or
te*#orar. residence )0&00
A2+B Petition 'or bond or re>uest
'or %ithdra%al o' bond )0&00
A20B Petition 'or cancellation o'
alien registration o' docu*ents A10&00B (0&00
A29B Petition 'or change o' status
'ro* one noni**igrant categor. to
another or change o' e* A10&00B 60&00
A(0B Petition 'or a##roval o' school
or course 'or noni**igrant student (0&00
A(1B Faiver o' ob?ection o' #rior
e3clusion or de#ortation
under 5ection 29AaB 100&00
A(2B Faver o' ob?ection o'
e3clusion under 5ection 29AbB 100&00
A((B Petition 'or #er*it to %or6 (0&00
Provided! ho%ever! that all aliens ad*itted as religious *issionaries under this Decree shall be
e3e*#ted 'ro* the #a.*ent o' *onthl. e3tension 'ees that are due 'ro* te*#orar. visitors
AbB No 'ee shall be charged 'or a #ass#ort visa granted to a 'oreign govern*ent o''icial or his
'a*il.! attendants! and household hel#ers! and e*#lo.ees! nor shall a 'ee be charged 'or a
#ass#ort visa 'or a noni**igrant in transit to a destination outside the Phili##ines& 60
/94:GAL :; 8ND8<9N1 AL89N5
5ection 4(& 1he Co**issioner o' 8**igration shall have the authorit. to re*ove either to their
native countr.! or to the countr. 'ro* %hence the. co*e! or to the countr. o' %hich the. are
citiEens or sub?ects! at an. ti*e a'ter entr.! at the e3#ense o' an. a##ro#riation available! such
aliens as 'all into distress or need #ublic aid 'ro* causes arising subse>uent to their entr. and are
desirous o' being so re*oved!& but an. #erson thus re*oved shall 'orever be ineligible 'or
read*ission e3ce#tC u#on the authoriEation o' the Board o' Co**issioners obtained #revious to
e*bar6ation 'or the Phili##ines&
5ection 44& AaB 8' an. vessel or aircra't arriving at a #ort o' the Phili##ines 'ro* a #lace outside
thereo' 69
AlB ;ails to sub*it to the i**igration o''icials at the #ort o' arrival the cre% lists! dul. visaed!
and #assenger *ani'ests and other in'or*ation re>uired b. regulations issued under section
thirt.Dt%o o' this Act& +0
A2B ;ails to #roduce or satis'actoril. account 'or ever. sea*an or #assenger %hose na*e a##ears
in such cre% list or #assenger *ani'est = the #ilot! *aster! agent! o%ner! or consignee o' the
vessel or aircra't shall be sub?ect to a 'ine o' 'i't. #esos in the case o' each #erson concerning
%ho* there such 'ailure& +1
AbB 8' an. vessel or aircra't arriving at a #ort in the Phili##ines 'ro* a #lace outside thereo' and
having an alien on board=
A1B ;ails to #revent the landing o' such alien in the Phili##ines at an. ti*e #lace other than as
designated b. the i**igration o''icersC or
A2B /e'uses or 'ails to #a. the cost o' *aintenance and other costs! as re>uired b. section thirt.D
'ive o' this Act! o' such alien %hen te*#oraril. re*oved 'ro* the vessels or aircra't 'or
e3a*ination b. order o' the i**igration o''icers" or
A(B /e'uses to receive such alien on board 'or re*oval 'ro* the Phili##ines i' he is e3cluded! or
to #a. the cost o' his re*oval! i' b. another vessel or aircra't! as re>uired b. section thirt.Dsi3 o'
this Act! or
A4B 4a6es an. charge against such alien 'or the cost re'erred to in clause A2B above! or 'or the
cost o' the re*oval o' the alien 'ro* the Phili##ines i' he is e3cluded! or ta6es an. securit. 'ro*
the alien 'or the #a.*ent o' an. such costs = the #ilot *aster! agent! o%ner or consignee o' the
vessel or aircra't shall be sub?ect to a 'ine o' 'ive hundred #esos 'or each and ever. violation o'
these #rovisions in the case o' each #erson concerning %ho* here is such violation& +2
AcB 8' an. vessel or aircra't arriving at a #ort in the Phili##ines 'ro* a #lace outside thereo'
brings on board an. alien bound 'or the Phili##ines %ho is not #ro#erl. docu*ented as re>uired
b. this Act! the #ilot! *aster! agent! o%ner or consignee o' the vessel or aircra't shall be sub?ect
to a 'ine o' 'ive hundred #esos in the case o' each #erson brought& +(
AdB Fhenever the Co**issioner o' 8**igration shall 'ind that there has been a violation o' an.
o' the 'oregoing #rovisions o' this section! the Co**issioner o' 8**igration shall collect the
'ine and *a. en'orce through the Collector o' Custo*s! its #a.*ent against the vessel in the
sa*e *anner as 'ines are collected and en'orced against vessels under the custo*s la%& 1he 'ines
shall be de#osited in the Phili##ine 1reasur.& No vessel shall be granted clearance #ending the
deter*ination o' the >uestions o' the liabilit. to the #a.*ent o' such 'ine or %hile the 'ine
re*ains un#aid! e3ce#t u#on de#osit %ith the Bureau o' 8**igration +4 o' securit. su''icient to
cover the 'ine & +)
AeB No action or #roceeding 'or the en'orce*ent o' an. 'ine 'or an. violation o' the #rovisions o'
this section shall be instituted *ore than 'ive .ears a'ter the violation is co**itted& +6
P9NAL P/:G858:N5
5ection 4)& An. individual %ho =
AaB Fhen 'or an i**igration docu*ent #ersonates another individual! or 'alsel.
a##ears in the na*e o' deceased individual! or evades the i**igration la%s b. a##earing under
an assu*ed or 'ictitious na*eC or
AbB 8ssues or other%ise dis#oses o' an i**igration docu*ent to an. #erson not authoriEed b. la%
to receive such docu*entC or
AcB :btains! acce#ts or uses an. i**igration docu*ent! 6no%ing it to be 'alseC or
AdB Being an alien! enters the Phili##ines %ithout ins#ection and ad*ission b. the i**igration
o''icials! or obtains entr. into the Phili##ines b. %ill'ul! 'alse! or *isleading re#resentation or
%ill'ul conceal*ent o' a *aterial ++
AeB Being an alien! shall 'or an. 'raudulent #ur#ose re#resent hi*sel' to be a Phili##ine citiEen in
order to evade an. re>uire*ent o' the i**igration la%s" or
8n an. i**igration *atter shall 6no%ingl. *a6e under oath an. 'alse state*ent or
re#resentationsC or
AgB Being an alien& shall de#art 'ro* the Phili##ines %ithout 'irst securing an e*igration
clearance certi'icates re>uired b. section t%ent.Dt%oDA o' the Act or +0
AhB Atte*#ts or cons#ires %ith another to co**it an. o' the 'oregoing acts shall be guilt. o' an
o''ense! and u#on conviction thereo'! shall be 'ined not *ore than one thousand #esos! and
i*#risoned 'or not *ore than t%o .ears! and de#orted i' he is an alien& +9
5ection 46& An. individual %ho shall bring into or land in the Phili##ines or conceal! harbor!
e*#lo.! or give co*'ort to an. alien not dul. ad*itted b. an. i**igration o''icer or not
la%'ull. entitled to enter or reside %ithin the Phili##ines under the ter*s o' the i**igration
la%s! or atte*#ts! cons#ires %ith! or aids another to co**it an. such act! and an. alien %ho
enters the Phili##ines %ithout ins#ection and ad*ission b. the i**igration o''icials! or obtains
entr. into the Phili##ines b. %ill'ul! 'alse! or *isleading re#resentation or %ill'ul conceal*ent o'
a *aterial 'act! shall be guilt. o' an o''ense! and u#on conviction thereo'! shall be 'ined not less
than 'ive thousand #esos but not *ore than ten thousand #esos! i*#risoned 'or not less than 'ive
.ears but not *ore than ten .ears! and de#orted i' he is an alien& Dis*issal b. the e*
be'ore or a'ter a##rehension does not relieve the e* o' the o''ense&
8' the individual %ho brings into or lands in the Phili##ines or conceals! harbors! e*#lo.s or
gives co*'ort to an. alien not dul. ad*itted b. an. i**igration o''icer or not la%'ull. entitled
to enter or reside herein! or %ho atte*#ts! cons#ires %ith or aids another to co**it an. such act!
is the #ilot! *aster! agent! o%ner! consignee! or an. #erson in charge o' the vessel or aircra't
%hich brought the alien into the Phili##ines 'ro* an. #lace outside thereo'& the 'ine i*#osed
under the 'irst #aragra#h hereo' shall constitute a lien against the vessel or aircra't and *a. be
en'orced in the sa*e *anner as 'ines are collected and en'orced against vessels under the
custo*s la%s" Provided! ho%ever! 1hat i' the court shall in its discretion consider 'or'eiture be
?usti'ied b. the circu*stances o' the case! it shall order! in lieu o' the 'ine i*#osed! the 'or'eiture
o' the vessel or aircra't in 'avor o' the <overn*ent %ithout #re?udice to the i*#osition o' the
#enalt. o' i*#rison*ent #rovided in the #receding #aragra#h& 01
5P9C8AL P/:G858:N5
5ection 4+& Not%ithstanding the #rovisions o' this Act! the President is authoriEed =
AaB Fhen the #ublic interest so %arrants =
AlB 1o %aive the docu*entar. re>uire*ents 'or an. class o' noni**igrants! under such
conditions as he *a. i*#oseC
A2B 1o ad*it! as noni**igrants! aliens not other%ise #rovided 'or b. this Act! %ho are co*ing
'or te*#orar. #eriod onl.! under such conditions as he *a. #rescribe
A(B 1o %aive the #ass#ort re>uire*ents 'or i**igrants! under such conditions as he *a.
A4B 1o reduce or to abolish the #ass#ort visa 'ees in the case o' an. class o' noni**igrants %ho
are nationals o' countries %hich grant si*ilar concessions to Phili##ine citiEens o' a si*ilar class
visiting such countriesC
A)B 1o sus#end the entr. o' aliens into the Phili##ines 'ro* an. countr. in %hich cholera or other
in'ectious or contagious disease is #revalentC
AbB ;or hu*anitarian reasons! and %hen not o##osed to the #ublic interest! to ad*it aliens %ho
are re'ugees 'or religious! #olitical! or racial reasons! in such classes o' cases and under such
conditions as he *a. #rescribe&
;:/98<N <:G9/N49N1 :;;8C8AL5
5ection 40& Nothing in this Act shall be construed to a##l. to an o''icial o' a recogniEed 'oreign
govern*ent %ho is co*ing on the business o' his govern*ent! nor to his 'a*il.! attendants!
servants! and e*#lo.ees! e3ce#t that the. shall be in #ossession o' #ass#orts or other credentials
shoving their o''icial status! dul. visaed b. Phili##ine di#lo*atic o''icials abroad! unless the
President orders other%ise! and that their na*es shall a##ear on the #assenger lists o'
trans#orting vessels re>uired b. section (2 o' this Act! and 'urther! that an. alien ad*itted in the
status o' attendant! servant! or e* o' a 'oreign govern*ent o''icial %ho 'ails to *aintain
such status! shall be de#orted under the #rocedure #rescribed b. section (+ o' this Act& 0(
APP/:P/8A18:N ;:/ 9N;:/C949N1 :; AC1
5ection 49& All su*s available 'or the #a.*ent o' the salaries o' the o''icers and e*#lo.ees o'
the 8**igration Division under the De#art*ent o' Labor and 'or the sundr. e3#enses 'or said
8**igration Division 'or the 'iscal .ear ending ,une thirtieth! nineteen hundred and 'ort.! are
*ade available 'or out the #rovisions o' this ActC and there is a##ro#riated! out o' an.
'unds in the Phili##ine 1reasur. not other%ise a##ro#riated! the additional a*ount o' one
hundred 'i't. thousand #esos or such thereo' as *a. be necessar. 'or the #ur#ose o' out
the #rovisions o' this Act during the 'iscal .ear ending ,une thirtieth! nineteen hundred and 'ort.D
one" Provided! 1hat a##ro#riations 'or the Bureau o' i**igration 04 'or subse>uent 'iscal .ears
shall be included in the annual general a##ro#riation acts CLr%L(&
<9N9/AL D9;8N818:N5
5ection )0& As used in this Act =
AaB 1he ter* 7Phili##ines7 *eans all the territor. and %aters sub?ect to the ?urisdiction o' the
<overn*ent o' the Phili##ines&
AbB 1he ter* 7alien7 *eans an. #erson not a citiEen o' the Phili##ines lB92E2&
AcB 93ce#t 'or the #eriod covered b. section ))! the ter* 7consular o''icer7 *eans an. o''icial
acting 'or the <overn*ent o' the Phili##ines! designated b. the President 'or the #ur#ose o'
issuing visas to aliens as re>uired o' aliens b. this Act&
AdB 1he ter* 7un*arried7 %hen used in re'erence to an individual as o' an. ti*e! *eans an
individual %ho at such ti*e is not *arried! %hether or not #reviousl. *arried&
AeB 1he ter*s 7child!7 7'ather!7 and 7*other!7 do not include a child or #arent b. ado#tion unless
the ado#tion too6 #lace be'ore 4a. 1! 19(9&
1he ter*s 7%i'e7 and 7husband7 do not include a %i'e or husband b. reason o' a #ro3. or #icture
*arriage ta6ing #lace a'ter the e''ective date o' this Act&
AgB 1he %ord 7#erson7 shall be construed to i*#ort both the #lural and the singular! as the case
*a. be! and shall include #artnershi#s! cor#orations! co*#anies! and associations& Fhen
construing and en'orcing the #rovisions o' this Act! the act! o*ission! or 'ailure o' an. director!
o''icer! agent! or e* o' an. #artnershi#! cor#oration! co*#an.! or association acting
%ithin the sco#e o' his e*#lo.*ent or o''ice shall! in ever. case! be dee*ed the act! o*ission! or
'ailure o' such #artnershi#! cor#oration! co*#an.! or association&
AhB 1he ter* 7vessel7 shall include civil aircra't as %ell as %ater cra't&
AiB 1he ter* 7sea*an7 *eans a #erson serving in an. ca#acit. on board a vessel or civil aircra't&
A?B 1he ter* 7i**igrant7 *eans an. alien de#arting 'ro* an. #lace outside the Phili##ines
destined 'or the Phili##ines! other than a noni**igrant&
A6B 1he ter* 7i**igration la%s7 shall *ean this Act and an. other la% herea'ter enacted relating
to the entr. o' aliens into the Phili##ines! and their e3clusion! de#ortation! and re#atriation
AlB 1he %ords 7the President7 re'er to the President o' the Phili##ines&
9;;9C18G9 DA19 :; AC1
5ection )1& Fhen this Act shall have been a##roved b. the President o' the -nited 5tates! such
'act shall be *ade 6no%n b. #rocla*ation o' the President o' the Phili##ines and this Act shall
ta6e e''ect on the one hundred and t%entieth da. a'ter the date o' such #rocla*ation" Provided!
ho%ever! 1hat the #rovisions o' this Act creating the Bureau o' 8**igration 0) and
a##ro#riating 'unds 'or its su##ort and *aintenance shall ta6e e''ect on the date o' the
#rocla*ation aboveDre'erred to! announcing the a##roval o' this Act b. the President o' the
-nited 5tates&
/9P9AL :; 9K8518N< LAF5
5ection )2& 1his Act is in substitution 'or and su#ersedes all #revious la%s relating to the entr. o'
aliens into the Phili##ines! and their e3clusion! de#ortation! and re#atriation there'ro*! %ith the
e3ce#tion o' section si3t.Dnine o' Act Nu*bered 1%ent.Dseven hundred and eleven %hich shall
continue in 'orce and e''ect" Pro%i#e#! 1hat nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to
a''ect an. #rosecution! suit! action! or #roceedings brought! or an. act! thing! or *atter! civil or
cri*inal! done or e3isting at the ti*e o' the ta6ing e''ect o' this ActC but as to all such
#rosecutions! suits! actions! #roceedings! acts! thing! or *atters! the la%s or #arts o' la%s
re#ealed or a*ended b. this Act are continued in 'orce and e''ect" An# pro%i#e#, f!rther! 1hat as
to such #rosecutions! actions! suits! or #roceedings or as to such acts! things! or *atters! the
#rocedure #rovided 'or b. this Act or b. the regulations #rescribed thereunder shall be 'ollo%ed
in so 'ar as the sa*e *a. be a##licable ;l0Fn',L0&
AB:L818:N :; D8G858:N :; 8448</A18:N
5ection )(& 1he Division o' 8**igration o' the De#art*ent o' Labor is abolished and its
'unctions! duties and activities! together %ith its a##ro#riations! records! e>ui#*ent! and other
#ro#erties are trans'erred to the Bureau o' 8**igration herein created and the President is
authoriEed to *a6e the necessar. ad?ust*ents incidental to such trans'er con'or*abl. to the
#rovisions o' this Act&

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