Adopt-a-Monument Bulletin Issue 4
Adopt-a-Monument Bulletin Issue 4
Adopt-a-Monument Bulletin Issue 4
Adopt-a-Monument I s s u e 4
B u l l e t i n J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 8
Adopt-a- Community Archaeology Conference planned for 2009
Monument CSA has teamed up with East Lothian Council to help host an exciting national conference on Community
Bulletin Archaeology in Scotland. The conference will run over two days in February 2009 and will feature a
representative snap-shot of the diverse range of community projects currently underway across the country.
Opportunities will also be made available for groups or individuals to display stands of information about
their projects. The second day will include a series of practical workshops covering issues such as how to
find funding, legislation affecting projects, and recruiting volunteers.
The conference will provide a great opportunity for AaM groups to meet one another and to discuss projects
and share ideas and experience. Do you have any ideas for workshop sessions? This might includes subjects
where you feel you can offer your experience to others, as well as areas where you would like more
guidance for your own project. Email your ideas to Helen (details on page 3).
A d o p t - a - M o n u m e n t
P a g e 3
NEWS cont...
AaM Group nominated for archaeology award
AaM has nominated the Unst Archaeology Group for the prestigious
Marsh Archaeology Award. The award recognizes and supports
high standards of archaeological work undertaken by community
C a l l a n a i s S t o n e groups in the UK and is supported jointly by the Council for British
C i r c l e Archaeology and the Marsh Christian Trust. For more information
p h o t o g r a p h e d
J a n u a r y 2 0 0 8
about the Unst project visit
For information about the Marsh Award visit (l-r) Jan, Harry, Jean and Jan at Sandwick
Training Opportunities:
Scottish Museums Council Learning and Access courses:
Oral History—21.02.08. (Email [email protected])
Interpretation advice
Interpret Scotland is a cross agency initiative which supports the interpretation of cultural and natural
Adopt-a- heritage within Scotland. It produces a journal twice a year which includes case studies of recent
Monument projects, comments on contemporary issues, and advice on how to improve on areas of interpretation.
You can access previous issues of the journal at;
If you would like to receive a hard copy of the journal, please contact [email protected].
Adopt-a-Monument is grateful to Historic Scotland for continuing to support the work of this
Scheme over the coming year.
events or questions?
Helen at
h . b r a d l ey @ sc o t t i s h a r c h a eo l o g y. o r g .u k
A d o p t - a - M o n u m e n t