Chamberhouse Farm, Thatcham, West Berkshire
Chamberhouse Farm, Thatcham, West Berkshire
Chamberhouse Farm, Thatcham, West Berkshire
Chamberhouse Farm
Thatcham, West Berkshire
Archaeological Watching Brief Report
Prepared on behalf of
Capita Symonds
Capita Symonds House
Wood Street
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 1UU
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park
Reference No.61300.04
February 2006
1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................1
1.1 Project Background ...................................................................................1
1.2 Location, Geology, Topography and Land-use .......................................1
1.3 Archaeological Background ......................................................................1
1.4 Fieldwork Objectives .................................................................................2
2 METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................................2
2.1 Fieldwork Strategy.....................................................................................2
2.2 Methods of Recording................................................................................3
3 RESULTS.............................................................................................................3
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................3
4 FINDS AND PALAEO-ENVIRONMENTAL RESULTS...............................6
4.1 Finds ............................................................................................................6
4.2 Palaeo-environmental Results...................................................................6
5 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................6
6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................7
Wessex Archaeology would like to thank Toby Gill of Capita Symonds for
commissioning the work and for subsequent help during the course of the work.
Wessex Archaeology would also like to thank Gavin Chaplin of BCL Consultant
Hydrogeologists Limited, who oversaw the experimental work, and Duncan Coe of
West Berkshire Council, who monitored the archaeological fieldwork, for their help
and assistance.
Susan Clelland undertook the fieldwork and compiled this report. The illustrations
were produced by Linda Coleman. Andrew Manning managed the project on behalf of
Wessex Archaeology.
1.1.2 The experimental work included the excavation of five ‘recharge’ trenches in
an area, which had previously subjected to archaeological evaluation and
shown to contain significant archaeological potential (Wessex Archaeology
1.1.3 A Written Scheme of Investigation covering the watching brief was prepared
by Wessex Archaeology (2005) and was approved by West Berkshire
Council in advance of the commencement of the watching brief.
1.1.4 This report contains the results of the watching brief, which was carried out
in late October 2005.
1.2.1 The Site lies within agricultural land, which is located on the Kennet
floodplain, immediately to the south of the town of Thatcham, Berkshire
(Figure 1). The Site is bordered to the west and north-west by a Site of
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
1.2.2 The Site lies at a height of approximately 66.50m above Ordnance Datum
(aOD), on the northern bank of a former palaeochannel of the Kennet. The
geology of the area consists of Quarternary deposits, which had been
examined in some detail in previous archaeological work.
1.3.1 The Site and wider Chamberhouse Farm area have been the subject of an
archaeological programme of fieldwalking and trenched and test-pit
evaluation. All the fieldwork was carried out in the late 1990s (Wessex
Archaeology 1998).
1.3.3 The wide spread pattern of trenching and test-pitting employed during the
1990s, detected at least 12 in situ possible Late Glacial and Early Mesolithic
flint and faunal flint scatters (c. 12,000-8000 BC), all of which were situated
on the northern bank of the former palaeochannel. These remains were
considered to be potentially of National Importance.
1.3.4 Situated within 20m of the proposed Trenches A and B, Early Mesolithic
flint had been previously recovered from two evaluation Test-pits, 11 and 12
(Figure 2). The flints were contained within peat, sealed by alluvium, at a
depth of approximately 0.70m-1.0m below the present ground level.
1.3.5 A total of five flakes/blades were recovered from Test-pit 11 and eight
flakes/blades, one core and one micro burin from Test-pit 12.
1.3.6 Evidence for Late Iron Age and Romano-British field systems were
identified along the southern edge of the palaeochannel. In conjunction with
a possible Romano-British midden site, enough material was recovered to
infer that a contemporary settlement may have been located nearby.
Throughout the evaluation, drainage ditches dating to the medieval and Post-
medieval periods were exposed.
2.1.1 The locations of Trenches A-E were identified in advance of excavation and
were excavated by a 360o tracked mechanical excavator with a toothless
scatters in test-pits 11 and 12). During recording of these two trenches, an
intermittent watching brief was undertaken during the excavation of the
remaining Trenches C-E and an additional small area, Sondage F.
2.1.4 In Trenches C-E, the same procedure was followed, except that
archaeological supervision was generally intermittent below the peat
2.2.1 All archaeological fieldwork was conducted in compliance with the Institute
of Field Archaeologist's Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Field
Evaluations (as revised 1999). All deposits revealed by the excavations,
including all natural deposits, were drawn to appropriate scales (1:20 for
plans, 1:10 for sections), and with reference to the Ordnance Survey National
3.1 Introduction
3.1.2 A visual survey of the Site, which comprises pasture, noted the presence of a
series of narrow concave drainage gullies, visible on the ground surface.
These modern drainage features were noted aligned north north east – south
south west and more commonly north west – south east.
3.1.3 A general sequence of alluvial deposition and peat formation was recorded
across the Site, with similar episodes of deposition occurring throughout the
excavated trenches.
3.1.4 Below is a summary of results by trench. Full details of all trenches are
contained in Appendix 1.
Trench A
3.1.5 Trench A was aligned north west – south east and was the largest and
northern most of the excavated trenches. Mechanical excavation proceeded
to a depth of approximately 0.8m below the present ground surface,
removing topsoil (100), alluvium (101) and a deposit of sandy silt (102) to
the top of the upper peat (103).
3.1.6 The peat (103) consisted of a brown black humic layer with un-decomposed
tree roots formed to a depth of 0.25m at the south eastern end of Trench A
and reaching a maximum depth of 0.6m at the north western end of the
trench. The south east facing trench section revealed that this peat layer also
rose from 0.6m in the south west corner, to 0.3m in the north west corner of
the trench. It is thought that a greater depth of peat developed where an
irregular curvilinear hollow was created in the ground surface along the line
of a probable palaeochannel.
3.1.7 Subsequent hand cleaning and monitoring of removed spoil did not reveal
any archaeological components. A five metre length of the north west end of
the trench was then excavated further, through the peat (103), clay sand (104)
to the top of the upper surface of the natural gravel (105), at a depth of 1.7m.
3.1.8 Due to the waterlogged nature of overlying deposits, truncation below the
water table and the depth at which this gravel layer was reached exposed
trench sides were subject to collapse. On heath and Safety grounds, it was
therefore decided that only the southern half of the trench would be
excavated to fully expose the gravel (105).
3.1.9 The peat layer (103) overlaid an alluvial clay sand (104) with a blurred
horizon indicative of rooting marking this interface, with two very thin bands
of very small sub-rounded flint pebbles, suggested an episodic deposition.
The clay sand (104) had a maximum recorded depth of 0.7m at the south
eastern end of the trench and 0.5m at the north western end. Water derived
grooves, probable remnant palaeochannels, filled by the clay sand (104) were
observed cut into the top of the natural gravel (105).
Trench B
3.1.10 Aligned north west – south east, Trench B measured 34m in length and was
2.5m wide. The method of machine excavation and archaeological
monitoring was consistent with that described above for Trench A.
3.1.11 The overburden was initially removed in spits to a depth of 0.6m, through the
topsoil (200), alluvium (201) and to the top of peat horizon (202) along the
length of the trench. Within the central fifteen metres of the trench an area of
disturbed, re-deposited peat and alluvium was recorded and was
subsequently proven to be a previous unrecorded hydrological test trench.
The top of the exposed undisturbed peat (202) was cleaned by hand and
removed spoil checked for archaeological components, none were recovered.
3.1.12 The trench was then excavated, in spits, to a depth of 1.4m through a series
of alluvial silts and gravel bands (203-208), generally indicative of natural
river gravels, to the top of fine sand and flint pebble deposit (209) at the base
of the trench.
Trench C
3.1.14 Parallel to trenches A and B, Trench C initially measured 30m in length and
2.5m in width. The method of machine excavation and archaeological
monitoring was consistent with that described above for Trench A.
3.1.15 The overburden was initially removed in spits to a depth of 0.45m, excavated
through topsoil (300) and alluvium (301) to the upper horizon of the peat
(302). The exposed peat was rapidly cleaned by hand and removed spoil
checked for archaeological components, none were recovered.
3.1.16 The trench was subsequently excavated in spits to a depth of 1.3m. Removal
of peat layer (302) was fully monitored while excavation of the underlying
alluvial and gravel layers (303-305) was monitored intermittently. Particle
size and the occasional small flint pebble inclusions increased in size and
frequency downwards through these layers. River gravels (305) with an
undulating upper interface were encountered at approximately 1.15m below
ground level.
Trench D
3.1.17 Trench D aligned parallel with trenches A-C was the southern most of the
trenches. The method of machine excavation and archaeological monitoring
was consistent with that described above for Trench A.
3.1.18 The overburden was initially removed in spits to a depth of 0.5m, through
topsoil (400) and alluvium (401) to the upper horizon of peat layer 402. The
exposed peat was rapidly cleaned by hand and removed spoil checked for
archaeological components, none were recovered.
Trench E
3.1.20 Trench E was orientated at an approximate right angle to the other four
trenches and followed a north north east – south south west alignment. The
method of machine excavation and archaeological monitoring was consistent
with that described above.
3.1.21 The topsoil (500) and alluvium (501) was removed in spits to the upper
horizon of peat layer (502), which lay at a depth of 0.4m below the present
ground surface. Removed material was checked and the exposed surface
rapidly cleaned and scanned for archaeological components.
3.1.22 The trench was then excavated through the peat layer (502), which
maintained a consistent depth throughout the length of the trench, and
alluvium (503), which was represented by thin intermittent bands of very
small sub-rounded flint pebbles, suggested an episodic deposition.
Excavation continued into the river gravels (504) comprising fine orange
sandy flint gravel with some manganese staining onto the top of the natural
gravel (505), which was encountered at 0.7m below ground level.
3.1.23 All spoil removed was checked for archaeological components, none were
3.1.24 Sondage F
3.1.26 The sequence of excavated deposits was similar to the sequences recorded in
adjacent trenches, with the top of the peat (602) recorded at a depth of 0.52m
below the present ground surface. However, one difference was the recording
of a second layer of peat (604) at a depth of 1m.
4.1 Finds
4.1.1 No finds were recovered during the course of the watching brief, either from
hand-cleaning of the excavated trenches/sondage or from the scanning of the
excavated spoil.
5.1.2 The recorded sequence of deposits within the trenches was broadly similar
and corresponded with the sequences recorded in the previously excavated
evaluation trenches and test-pits.
Appendix 1: Trench Summaries
Evaluation Trench A Max depth:1.7 m Length:32 m Width: 5.2m
Context No. Type Description: Depth: (m)
100 layer Topsoil/A² horizon – A light to mid brown, friable clay silt with very rare 0-0.3m
small angular and sub-angular flint pebbles. Occasional lenses of re-
deposited 101. Deposit becomes more compact downwards through layer.
Very sharp mower horizon. Moderate rooting.
101 layer Degraded chalk alluvium (tufa) A creamy brown sandy texture with peat 0.3-0.65m
and sand lenses throughout. Rare inclusions of small sub-rounded flint
pebbles. Diffuse lower horizon.
102 layer Active interface between 101 and 103. A very mottled (brown sandy and 0.65-0.8m
peat) grey white sandy silt.
103 layer Peat. A brown black humic layer with wood (tree) and root fragments 0.8-1.3m
present. Very rare medium sub rounded flint pebbles (no worked, flaked or
burnt pieces). Diffuse lower horizon.
104 layer Waterlogged grey cream clay sand. Rare small flint pebbles inclusions (no 1.3-1.7m
worked, flaked or burnt pieces). Small irregular moderate orange mottling
throughout. Moderate concentrations of Fe veins noted throughout.
105 layer Flint gravel (small-large sub-rounded –angular pieces) within a grey white 1.7m+
coarse sandy matrix. Water derived grooves truncated gravel.
Trench excavated in spits for use as an overflow tank
200 layer Topsoil/A² - Dark brown friable clay silt with very few grit sized – small 0-0.35m
flint pebble inclusions. In creasing compaction towards base. Sharp lower
201 layer Degraded chalk alluvium. A cream brown chalky clay silt with peat lenses 0.35-0.6m
and lenses of concreted chalk with Fe derived veined orange mottling.
202 layer Peat. Dark brown black humic peat with a shallow upper horizon of mixed 0.6-0.75m
brown and cream mottled clay silt with peat lenses.
203 layer A narrow horizontal band of cream white sandy silt with veined Fe staining. 0.75-0.82m
204 layer Narrow gravel band comprised of c60% small – medium sub-angular flint 0.82-0.9m
pebbles in a creamy white sandy matrix with occasional fine veined fe
205 layer Dark orange coarse sandy gravel (flint) 0.9-1.2m
206 layer Mid yellow orange gravel sand with abundant flint pebbles. Coloured sand 1.2-1.25m
was mottled in appearance.
207 layer Mid-Dark yellow orange sandy flint gravel (40-50% flint pebbles) 1.25-1.35m
208 layer Yellow brown coarse sandy flint gravel (c70% flint pebbles) 1.35-1.4m
209 layer Yellow fine sand with abundant flint pebbles 1.4m+
A previous trench truncated the centre of this ‘recharge’ trench. Layers 205-209 are thought to be the same depositional
context recorded as a series of deposits to facilitate a detailed description.
300 layer Topsoil/A² - Mid brown friable clay silt (very grainy) with considerable 0-0.3m
rooting. Very rare grit sized – small flint pebble inclusions. Deposit
becomes more compact towards base. Occasional flecks of re-worked 301
301 layer Weathered alluvial silty clay chalk. A very mixed, mottled yellow, grey 0.3-0.45m
brown deposit. Of varied compaction occasionally concreted. Sharp upper
and lower horizons.
302 layer Peat – Brown black humic deposit. Diffuse lower horizon of grey white 0.45-0.65m
peat and creamy silty sand.
303 layer Light white grey alluvial sandy clay with mid blue grey rooting. 0.65-0.9m
304 layer Waterlogged alluvial layer. A mid white grey clay san. Less compact than 0.9-1.2m
overlying layer 303 and comprised of larger particles. Occasional roots and
snails (same snails as found within the topsoil. Occasional but increasing
numbers towards base, of small flint pebbles.
305 layer Yellow orange sandy flint gravel. Gravel comprised of pea grit sized at top 1.2m+
becoming increasingly larger and brighter in colour towards base of
exposed section. Upper horizon of deposit formed a distinct bronze band,
thought to be due to post depositional mineral and water transfer through
400 layer Topsoil/A² - Mid –dark brown frequent manganese and rooting. Lenses of 0-0.35m
underlying 401 and occasional small flint pebbles.
401 layer Degraded chalk. A mixed silty chalk deposit with yellow brown 0.35-0.5m
homogenous silty lenses and occasional small – moderate orange mottles,
concreted in places.
402 layer Brown black humic deposit with a diffuse lower horizon becoming mid- 0.5-0.65m
light grey silty sand and peaty mix.
403 layer Grey cream silty sand with small – moderate mottles. Waterlogged deposit 0.65-1.2m
with two very thin bands of very small sub-rounded flint pebbles,
suggesting an episodic deposition.
404 layer Yellow orange coarse sandy flint gravel. Layer 404 was reached at 1m at 1m+
the northern end of the trench and 1.2m at the southern end.
500 layer Topsoil/A² - Mid –light clay silt. A friable coarse grained deposit with very 0-0.3m
few inclusions, becoming more compact to base. Occasional small lenses of
reworked 501.
501 layer Degraded alluvial chalk. A mottled appearance formed from the peat and 0.3-0.4m
both coarse and fine grained sandy lenses. Sharp upper and diffuse lower
502 layer Peat. Brown black humic deposit with un-decomposed roots. Merges with 0.4-0.55m
overlying deposit forming a very diffuse upper horizon. Diffuse lower
horizon appearing as a mid grey band of peaty clay sand.
503 layer Creamy grey alluvium. A waterlogged clay sand with occasional 0.55-0.7m+
horizontally banded small sub-rounded flint pebbles. Small moderate
orange mottling throughout and fine Fe veining.
504 layer Fine orange sandy flint gravel. A gravel fan overlying 503 with moderate 0.55-0.65m
manganese staining. Does not extend through the length of the trench.
505 layer Creamy orange coarse sandy flint gravel with very little manganese. 0.7m+
nn 167000
0 1 km
70 m O.D.
65 m O.D.
0 1 km
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