Fit Is The New Skinny AZ
Fit Is The New Skinny AZ
Fit Is The New Skinny AZ
Michael Matthews
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This book is solely for information and educational purposes and does not constitute medical advice. Please
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Published by Oculus Publishers, Inc.
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Sign up for my weekly newsletter and every Monday I’ll send you awesome, science-
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the biggest health and fitness lies and 3 free eBooks of mine.
IF YOU’RE LIKE THE THOUSANDS OF women I’ve helped and worked with,
you’re not looking to get too muscular or shredded.
You just want to be toned and lean enough to be in your bikini at the beach and
have people say “wow, I wish I looked like that!” And I created Fit is the New Skinny
to help you get there.
This is program is going to be quite unlike anything you’ve done before.
You’re not going to have to eat nothing but boring, bland foods for months
on end.
You’re not going to bother with hours and hours of cardio every week.
Instead, you’re going to eat plenty of food that you actually enjoy, your
supplementation routine is going to be simple but effective, and you’re going to
perform shorter, more intense weightlifting and cardio sessions…and your body is
going to respond better than you would ever imagine.
This program will not only help you build muscle and lose fat, but it will teach
you things most people will never know about how to build muscle, get lean, and
stay healthy.
Before we get to the program, though, I’d like to introduce myself…
My mission is to empower people to take control of their health and fitness
by following a healthy, enjoyable lifestyle that not only gives them the body
they’ve always wanted but also enables them to live a long, vital, disease-free
I’M MIKE. I BELIEVE THAT EVERY person can achieve the body of his or her
dreams, and I work hard to give everyone that chance by providing workable,
proven advice grounded in science.
I’ve been training for more than a decade now and have tried just about every
type of workout program, diet regimen, and supplement you can imagine. While I
don’t know everything, I know what works and what doesn’t.
Like most guys, I had no clue what I was doing when I started out. I turned to
magazines for help, which had me spending a couple of hours in the gym every day
and wasting hundreds of dollars on worthless supplements each month, only to
make mediocre gains.
This went on for years, and I jumped from workout program to workout
program. I tried all kinds of splits and routines, exercises, rep ranges, and other
schemes, and while I made some progress during this time (it’s impossible not to if
you just keep at it), it was slow going and eventually put me in a rut.
My weight remained stuck for over a year, and I wasn’t building any strength to
speak of. I had no idea what to do with my nutrition beyond “eating clean” and
making sure I was getting a lot of protein. I turned to various trainers for guidance,
but they had me do more of the same. I liked working out too much to quit, but I
wasn’t happy with my body, and I didn’t know what I was doing wrong.
Here’s a picture of me after almost six years of lifting regularly:
Not very impressive. Something had to change.
I finally decided that it was time to get educated—to throw the magazines away,
get off the forums, and learn the actual physiology of muscle growth and fat loss
and figure out what it takes to build a big, lean, and strong body.
I searched out the work of top strength and bodybuilding coaches, talked to
scores of natural bodybuilders, and read hundreds of scientific papers, and a clear
picture emerged.
The real science of getting into incredible shape is very simple—much simpler
than the health and fitness and supplement industries want us to believe. It flies in
the face of almost all the crap that we hear on TV, read in magazines, and see in the
As a result of what I learned, I completely changed the way I trained and ate.
And my body responded in ways I couldn’t believe. My strength skyrocketed. My
muscles were growing again for the first time in years. My energy levels went
through the roof.
That was just over five years ago, and here’s how my body has changed since:
Quite a difference.
1. Help a million people get fit and healthy. “Help a million people” just has
a sexy ring to it, don’t you think? It’s a big goal, but I think I can do it. And it
goes beyond just helping people look good—I want to make a dent in
alarmingly negative trends we’re seeing in people’s overall physical and mental
2. Lead the fight against broscience and BS. Unfortunately, this industry is
full of idiots, liars, and hucksters who prey on people’s fears and insecurities,
and I want to do something about it. In fact, I’d like to become known as the
go-to guy for practical, easy-to-understand advice grounded in real science and
3. Help reform the sport supplement industry. The dishonest pill and powder
pushers are the people I despise the most in this space. The scams are
numerous: using fancy-sounding but worthless ingredients, cutting products
with junk fillers like maltodextrin and even stuff like flour and sawdust (yes,
this happens), using bogus science and ridiculous marketing claims to sell,
underdosing the important ingredients and covering it up with the label
“proprietary blend,” sponsoring steroid-fueled athletes so they pretend
supplements are the secret to their gains, and more.
I hope you enjoy this book, and I’m positive that if you apply what you’re about
to learn, you too can dramatically transform your physique without hating your
“diet” or beating yourself to death in the gym every day.
So, are you ready? Great. Let’s get to it.
As you probably know, losing fat requires feeding your body less energy than it
burns. When you do this, you’re creating a negative energy balance or calorie deficit,
and the energy difference between what you eat and what you burn every day--
usually measured in calories--more or less determines how much fat you lose over
I know it’s trendy right now to claim that calorie counting doesn’t work or that
weight loss is actually about the quality, not quantity, of calories eaten, but these are
just marketing ploys to sell books, pills, and other frauducts.
Calorie counting itself does nothing. Calorie restriction is the key.
You see, the metabolism obeys the first law of thermodynamics. There is no
debating this.
When viewed energetically, your body can’t tell the difference between the
calories in a donut vs. the calories in a gluten-free, soy-free, cholesterol-free, fat-
free, GMO-free green juice.
This is why Professor Mark Haub could lose 27 pounds in 10 weeks eating
Twinkies, Nutty bars, and powdered donuts every day.
This is why study after study after study have conclusively proven that so long as
a calorie deficit is maintained, subjects lose fat regardless of diet composition.
Now, that doesn’t mean that macronutrient ratios don’t matter, because they do,
and we’ll talk more about that in a minute.
But the point I want to make here is that you must know how to maintain a
proper calorie deficit over time if you want to lose fat while preserving muscle.
So let’s look at how to do that.
First, we need to figure out, with a fair amount of accuracy, how much energy
you’re burning every day, also known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).
Here’s how I like to do it:
1. Use the Katch McArdle formula to determine how much energy your body
burns every day excluding physical activity, which is known as your basal
metabolic rate or BMR.
The result will be a fairly accurate measurement of your TDEE. Some people
will burn a bit less and some a bit more (due to fluctuations in BMR), but this is a
good starting point.
Now that you know how much energy you’re burning every day, it’s time to work
out how much you’re actually supposed to eat. If you simply ate your TDEE in
calories, your weight would remain the same.
I recommend a moderate calorie deficit of 20%. That is, eat 80% of your
TDEE to create a mild calorie deficit that will allow you to lose about a pound of
fat per week without feeling starved or burning up a bunch of muscle.
Oh and if you’re familiar with this type of calculation, you probably noticed that
my activity multipliers are lower than those found in the Katch McArdle and other
similar formulas. This is intentional.
One of the many things I’ve learned working with thousands of people (my
team has done over 1,100 custom meal plans in less than a year, not to mention the
1,000+ people I’ve personally worked with) is that the standard activity multipliers
are just too high for most of us.
Unless you have an abnormally fast metabolism, a standard Katch McArdle
TDEE calculation will come out too high and you’ll wonder why you’re losing little-
to-no weight despite being perfect with your food intake.
The multipliers I give above are much better for the average metabolism, and
can always be adjusted based on actual results.
I occasionally run into people that lose weight a bit too slowly or quickly on the
above multipliers, and in the latter case, also experience significant decreases in
strength and energy. These issues are easily remedied by decreasing or increasing
daily calorie intake by about 100 and reassesing.
Now that you know how many calories you’re supposed to eat every day to lose
fat without frying your muscle, it’s time to turn that number into macronutrients
(protein, carbs, and fat).
The common mistake I see here is too little protein and carbohydrate and too
much fat. And the result for many is a significant amount of muscle and strength
So let’s look at each macronutrient separately.
The goal while dieting for fat loss is to preserve muscle, and a big part of this is
ensuring you’re eating enough protein.
Fully addressing the science of protein needs would require its own chapter, so
I’ll keep it simple here.
I’ve reviewed a lot of literature on the matter and tried many different levels of
protein intake while dieting for fat loss, and what I’ve found works best is in line
with research published earlier this year and conducted by AUT University:
“Protein needs for energy-restricted resistance-trained athletes are likely 2.3-3.1g/kg of FFM [1
- 1.4 grams per pound of fat free mass] scaled upwards with severity of caloric restriction and
I’ve found this to be especially true as you get leaner. If you’re overweight or
obese, you can get away with something closer to 1.6 to 1.8 grams of protein per
kilogram of body weight, but if you’re trying to go from 10% to 6%, you will do
better with a higher intake.
So, if you’re around 25% or less, I recommend you go with 1.2 grams of protein
per pound of body weight. If you’re higher, you can go with 1 gram per pound of
body weight.
Alright, you now have your daily protein target. Let’s now look at dietary fat.
High-fat diets are really trendy right now because they (supposedly) are best for
maximizing testosterone levels and weight loss.
This is misleading.
Yes, switching from a low-fat to a high-fat diet can increase free testosterone
levels…but not by much. Not nearly enough to help you build more muscle.
There are two studies commonly cited as definitive proof that high-fat dieting is
superior to high-carb dieting.
The first demonstrated that when men switched from getting 18% of their daily
calories to 41%, free testosterone levels rose by 13%. The second, conducted a
decade earlier, had similar findings.
Now, that might sound nice, but here’s what high-fat hucksters don’t tell you:
small fluctuations like this do absolutely nothing in the way of improving muscle
This has actually been demonstrated in clinical research.
A study conducted by McMaster University was conducted with young,
resistance trained men following a 5-day weightlifting program and high-protein
diet. After 12 weeks, one of the primary findings of the study was that the
differences among subjects in the exercise-induced spikes in anabolic hormones like
testosterone, growth hormone, and IGF-1, which all remained within physiological
normal ranges, had no effect on overall muscle growth and strength gains.
All subject made gains, but the differences in anabolic hormone responses to
exercise didn’t significantly change anything.
A study conducted by researchers at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine
and Science is also particularly relevant. Researchers took 61 young, healthy men,
and for 20 weeks, administered varying levels of anabolic steroids and a drug that
inhibits testosterone production and then tested leg strength and power.
What the researchers found was that testosterone levels didn’t significantly affect
muscle growth until they dropped below or rose above the normal physiological
range, which is about 300 to 1,000 ng/dl. In terms of lean mass gained, subjects
down around 300 ng/dl weren’t that far behind those up around 900 ng/dl, and a
significant increase wasn’t seen until testosterone levels reached the 1,200 to 1,300
ng/dl range.
So, what does all this tell us about high-fat dieting?
Well, we can be damn sure that a tiny 10 to 15% increase in testosterone just isn’t
going to do anything for us in the gym. Going from, let’s say, 600 ng/dl to 700
ng/dl will do absolutely nothing in the way of accelerating muscle growth.
So we (literally) have nothing to gain with a high-fat diet.
This is why I recommend you get about 20% of your daily calories from dietary
fat when dieting for fat loss. To calculate how many grams this is for you, simply
multiply your total daily calorie intake by .2 and divide this by 9.
So that’s fat. Let’s now talk carbohydrate.
2. Multiply by your fat target (grams) by 9 and add it to the above number.
So, for example, I’m currently 188 pounds and my TDEE is about 3,000
And I’ve actually been cutting on those macros for about 7 weeks now and have
gone from about 194 and 8 to 9% to, now, 188 at 7% without losing more than a
rep or two on any of my lifts.
There are far too many myths regarding foods you “can and can’t” eat when
you’re trying to lose or gain weight. Instead of trying to address them one by one,
I’m going to keep it simple for you:
When it comes to gaining or losing weight, HOW MUCH you eat is what
matters most–not WHAT.
So long as you stick to your daily macronutrient targets, regardless of the foods
you eat to get there, your body will respond by gaining or losing weight accordingly.
Now, that isn’t to say that you should try to eat as much junk food as possible.
Remember that our bodies don’t need food just for protein, carbohydrate, and fat–
food also provides vital micronutrients that keep us healthy, vital, and disease-free.
For instance, the majority of my calories come from nutrient-dense foods, like
the following:
Bell peppers
Brussels sprouts
Baked potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Low-fat yogurt
Lentils, peas
Chicken, turkey
As you can see, that’s a lot of yummy options. I’m not trying to suffer through 5
servings of boiled chicken and steamed broccoli every day.
So, do yourself a favor when you’re creating your meal plan and stick to healthy
foods you actually like to eat. Use a website like CalorieKing to research their
macronutrient profiles, and piece your meal plan together meal by meal.
And don’t be afraid to include little indulgences–they’re just calories you work in.
For instance, I really like chocolate, so I often include about 100 – 150 calories’
worth of it as a dinner dessert.
Once you’ve reached your target body fat percentage, you have one more dietary
task ahead of you.
You see, restricting your calories--even when the restriction is moderate--
naturally slows your metabolism down. And the more you restrict your calories, the
faster your metabolic rate drops and lower it ultimately goes.
This is why very low calorie diets often result in rapid initial weight loss that
eventually stalls as the metabolism slows down to match energy burned with energy
consumed (its goal, physiologically speaking).
This, in turn, often leads people to cut calories even further and exercise more,
which in turn only slows the metabolism down more and puts the person under
more and more mental and physical stress.
One can only take so much abuse, though, so eventually most people “break”
and go in the other direction, eating everything in sight for days or weeks straight.
This often results in rapid fat storage that, in many cases, leaves people fatter than
when they even started dieting in the first place.
If you follow the advice in this chapter, however, you won’t run into these
problems. Yes, there will be some metabolic slowdown (it’s inevitable), but you can
fix it very easily.
What is the fix, you wonder? It’s gloriously simple: you gradually increase calorie
intake in a controlled manner. By doing this, you can speed your metabolism back up
to its normal clip without adding any body fat.
This is known as “reverse dieting” in bodybuilding circles, and here’s how it
1. Once you’re done losing fat, increase your current daily calorie intake by 100
to 150 calories, first by adding carbs (25 to 35 grams of additional carbs per
3. Increase your daily intake by another 100 to 150 calories, again by adding
7. Increase your daily intake by another 100 to 150 calories, this time by adding
That’s it.
By doing this, you will gain little-to-no body fat and, chances are, you’ll look
your best a few weeks into it: you’ll look leaner and weigh even less but the extra
carbs will fill your muscles out, giving you an even tighter look.
Now, chances are you’d like to see how this all plays out in actual practice, so on
the following pages you’ll find some sample meal plans that my team creates for
people looking to build muscle and lose fat.
1. It has you work primarily in the 8 to 10 rep range (70 to 75% of your 1RM).
3. It has you move up in weight once you hit the top of the rep range you’re
working in.
And as you’ll see, the workouts are probably shorter than what you’re used to--
just 45 to 60 minutes--but they’re intense.
Before we get to the workouts themselves, I want to touch on a couple other
Rest 2 – 3 minutes in between each set. This will give your muscles enough
time to fully recoup their strength so you can give maximum effort each set.
Before performing your first heavy sets, warm up by doing this:
Do 2 sets of 10 reps with about half the weight you’ll be using on your
heavy sets. Rest about 1 minute in between the sets.
Do 1 set of 4 reps with about 70% of the weight you’ll be using on your
heavy sets. Rest 1 minute.
Do 1 set of 1 rep with about 90% of the weight you’ll be using on your
heavy sets. Rest 2 minutes and then start your heavy sets.
So, let’s now take a look at each of the individual workouts you’ll be performing
while on this program, starting with the female favorite: legs and butt.
Barbell Squat
Front Squat
Hack Squat (sled, not barbell)
Leg Press
Barbell Lunge (Walking or In Place)
Dumbbell Lunge
Romanian Deadlift
Leg Curl (Lying or Seated)
Calf Raise (Donkey, Standing or Seated)
Calf Press on the Leg Press
Working legs is very simple. Rule #1: Always do squats. Rule #2: Always do
squats. Rule #3: You get the point.
The bottom line is that every leg workout should begin with either the back or
front squat, with the former emphasizing the hamstrings and the latter the
quadriceps. Next, I like to focus on the other major muscle group of the pair, with
the back squat my exercise of choice for hamstring emphasis and the front squat,
hack squat, leg press, or a lunge movement for the quadriceps. I then usually finish
with some hamstring-centric work like the Romanian deadlift or even the leg curl.
That leaves the calves—the most stubborn muscle group you can probably find
on your body and the embarrassment of weightlifters everywhere.
Why is this? Why are great calves are so rare, and why do many of the guys who
have them almost never train them?
Well, many cases of “baby calves” are caused by simple neglect. As with their
abs, many people forget to train their calves or think it’s unnecessary.
That’s not the whole story, though; there are genetic barriers to work through as
well, which explains why some people tend to have small calves that basically refuse
to grow no matter what they do, whereas others develop bulging calves despite
hardly trying.
The answer to this “mystery” lies in the composition of the calf muscle fibers
themselves. You see, there are two primary groups of muscle types: Type 1, also
known as “slow twitch” fibers, and Type 2, also known as “fast twitch” fibers.
Type I muscle fibers have the lowest potential for growth and force output.
However, they are dense with capillaries (small blood vessels) and rich in
mitochondria (which produce energy for cells) and myoglobin (which provides
extra oxygen to the muscles), which makes them resistant to fatigue. Type II fibers,
on the other hand, have a much higher potential for growth and force output than
Type I fibers, but they fatigue quickly.
Research has shown that the muscle fibers of the gastrocnemius—the calf
muscle we see and are primarily concerned with developing for aesthetic purposes
—can vary in composition from person to person. One person’s gastrocnemius
might be composed of as much as 60 percent Type 2 fibers, whereas another’s is as
little as 15 percent. And thus, the former will find it easy to add mass to his calves,
but the latter (me) will find it a slow, frustrating grind.
Furthermore, research has also shown that the ratio of Type 1 to Type 2 fibers
in various muscles is determined by how we primarily use the muscles. As the calf is
mainly used in low-intensity, endurance activities like walking, jogging, biking, and
so forth, there’s a greater need for Type 1 than Type 2 fibers, further predisposing
us to having pretty little “dress legs.”
Fortunately, our genetics don’t ultimately decide whether we are stuck with tiny
calves. With proper training, anyone can build muscular calves, but you should just
know that it may or may not come quickly depending on your DNA.
Now, speaking of calf training, some people say it’s like ab training: you don’t
need to bother with it if you’re doing a lot of squats and deadlifts. Well, I disagree
(on both counts, actually, but we’ll talk abs soon).
Unless you’re bringing better-than-usual calf genetics to the game, you’re going
to have to work these little suckers quite a bit if you want to noticeably impact their
size. If you don’t want bigger calves, then you can simply omit calf training from
the program.
I’ve tried a lot of calf routines, and I’ve learned a couple of things:
Like the abs, the calves seem to recover from workouts more quickly than other
muscle groups and thus can be trained more intensively.
I’ve yet to find concrete scientific evidence of this, but the anecdotal evidence
goes back decades. Arnold even noticed that his calves recovered faster than other
muscle groups.
The calves seem to respond particularly well to periodized training that includes
high-rep work.
Periodized training has you work a muscle group with various rep ranges, and
the calves seem to particularly benefit from the inclusion of higher-rep ranges.
There are various theories as to why this is but no definitive answers that I know of.
Nevertheless, success leaves clues, and this is one you’ll often come across in
talking with people who have built impressive calves and had to actually work for it.
Based on these two points, the calf routine I’m going to recommend works as
Do 3 calf workouts per week with at least one day in between each.
For the first set, point your toes forward. For the second, point them slightly
out (about 20 degrees). For the third set, point them slightly inward. Repeat
for the next 3 sets.
Use a 2-1-2 rep tempo: 2 seconds to full contraction, a slight pause while
contracted, and 2 seconds to release.
Once you hit the top of your rep range with a given weight, add 10 pounds.
While proper leg training alone can build a great butt (heavy, deep squats are
fantastic for this), I’m going to recommend that you also target your glutes
There are a few exercises I recommend you do for your glutes:
Here’s the legs and butt workout you’ll be doing every week as a part of the Fit is
the New Skinny program:
THERE ARE A HANDFUL OF MUSCLES that make up the bulk of the back,
and they need to be well developed, including the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi,
erector spinae, teres major and minor, and infraspinatus. Here’s how they look on a man:
Many people neglect back training because they rarely see their back muscles, but
this is a mistake. Not only does it result in an imbalanced look (everyone else sees
your back), it causes an imbalance between your “push” and “pull” muscles that can
lead to poor posture and even injury in the gym.
My back is a work in progress, but here’s what I’ve been able to achieve so far:
And here are the exercises that got me here:
Barbell Deadlift
Barbell Row
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
Front-Lat Pulldown (Wide-Grip and Close-Grip)
T-Bar Row (Barbell or Machine)
Seated Cable Row
Barbell Shrug
The deadlift is, by far, the most effective back exercise you can do, and you just
can’t beat it for whole-body development and strength. And that’s why you’ll be
doing it every week—every back workout you do will start with the deadlift. You’re
going to need all the energy you can muster to pull heavy weight.
The barbell row, one-arm dumbbell row, and pull-up (especially the wide-grip
pull-up) are almost tied in my book as each is a fantastic all-around back builder.
The shrugs are listed last because they only train the traps and are only included in
workouts if trap development is lagging.
In terms of programming your own workouts, I highly recommend that you
always start with the deadlift. From there, move to a wide-gripped pulling
movement like the barbell or T-bar row or front lat pulldown or wide-grip pull-up
(weighted, if you can), followed by a more narrow-gripped pulling movement like
the one-arm dumbbell row, close-grip lat pulldown, close-grip seated row, or chin-
Let’s now look at the exact back workout I want you to do as a part of the
program. I’m going to have you do additional work for your butt, so it’s actually
going to be back & butt:
Here’s the back and butt workout you’ll be doing every week as a part of the Fit
is the New Skinny program:
Your shoulders are comprised of three major muscles known as deltoids, and
here’s how they look:
It’s very important to develop all three heads of this muscle group, because if
one is lagging, it will be painfully obvious.
In most cases, the medial and posterior deltoids need the most work because the
anterior deltoids do get trained to some degree in a good chest workout. The other
two heads don’t, however.
Let’s use my own physique again as an example. First, check out the following
picture taken about 4 years ago:
I didn’t look horrible, but take a look at my left shoulder and how small it looks
compared to the middle of my arm (the middle of my bicep and triceps). Here’s
another shot from the same time period that shows it even more:
As you can see, my arm and chest completely overpowered my shoulders. Keep
in mind that I was training shoulders at that time–I was doing a lot of sets as a part
of a traditional bodybuilder routine (a lot of isolation work, 10 – 12+ reps, Drop
Sets, Super Sets, etc.).
Soon after I took these pictures, I began changing the way I trained and ate, and
after about a year of this new style of eating and training, I looked like this:
Quite an improvement, of course (I was thrilled), but let’s focus again on that
left shoulder because it’s still lagging. The medial head in particular lacked size–it
didn’t protrude enough to balance the size of my triceps.
I kept working at it, however, and here’s a recent shot of me:
I still think my shoulders need a bit more work, but I think you’ll agree they have
greatly improved and are fairly proportional to my arms, chest, and back.
The progress you’re seeing in the above pictures was achieved with shoulder
workouts based on the training advice that I’m going to share with you in this
So let’s get to how to best workout your shoulders. My list of favorite shoulder
exercises is pretty short and simple. These are the exercises I’ve used to dramatically
improve my own shoulders, and that will do the same for yours.
A good shoulder workout trains all three heads of the muscle, and focuses on
heavy weights. Just like any other muscle group, shoulders can benefit from higher
rep work, but you have to emphasize the heavy weightlifting if you want them to
Here’s the shoulder workout you’ll be doing every week as a part of the Fit is the
New Skinny program:
THERE’S A REASON WHY SO MANY people are obsessed with arm training:
defined arms are one of the most prominent parts of the body. If you’re going to
get a compliment from a stranger, it’s probably going to be on your arms.
While I think arms get a bit too much attention in the overall scheme of things, I
definitely agree that a physique isn’t complete without toned, developed arms. And
in this chapter, I’m going to show you how to get there.
Let’s start with the arm anatomy, and then we’ll talk arm training.
As you probably know, the largest arm muscles are the biceps and triceps, but
let’s look at them in a little more detail, as well as the forearms, so we know exactly
what we’re training.
The biceps (or, formally, biceps brachii) is a two-headed muscle, and underneath it
is the biceps brachialis:
While the brachialis muscle isn’t nearly as prominent as the brachii when
developed, it plays an important role in the overall look of your arms. It looks like a
mere “bump” in between the biceps brachii and triceps, but its level of
development impacts the amount of “peak” your biceps appear to have (ultimately
peak is mostly determined by genetics but increasing the size of the brachialis can
give the appearance of a better peak). So, when we get to the training portion of this
chapter, we will be including some work to target the brachialis.
The next muscle group to talk about is the triceps, or triceps brachii, which has
three heads:
As you can see, the three heads combine to form the distinctive “horseshoe”
that can become quite pronounced, when properly developed.
While the biceps are usually the focus of arms workouts, many people don’t
realize that the triceps account for a lot more of your arm’s size. Small triceps mean
small, disproportionate arms, regardless of the size of the biceps.
Last but not least is the forearms, which are comprised of several smaller
Forearms are like the calves of the arms–they aren’t the immediate focus, but if
they’re underdeveloped, it’s sorely obvious. Thanks to following the advice I’m
going to give in this chapter, my forearms have made quite a bit of progress over
the last few years, and I think it shows:
Alright, so now that we know what we’re going for, let’s talk about the general
dos and don’ts of arm training.
Now let’s get to the exercises, starting with the biceps:
Barbell Curl
E-Z Bar Curl
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Hammer Curl
By now, you’re probably not surprised that the list is short and sweet. These
exercises plus your heavy back training are all you need to build strong biceps.
In terms of programming, you have quite a bit of flexibility. What I like to do is
at least one barbell and one dumbbell exercise per workout for the biceps. Most of
the time it’s the barbell curl followed by the hammer curl.
Let’s move on to the triceps:
I like to start my triceps training with something I can push some weight on, like
the close-grip bench press or seated triceps press. There’s no real rule of thumb for
what comes next—I simply rotate through the other exercises on the eight-week
schedule that you’ll be following.
A good arms workout trains both the biceps and triceps and, indirectly, the
forearms, and focuses on heavy weights. Just like any other muscle group, arms can
benefit from higher rep work, but you have to emphasize the heavy weightlifting if
you want them to grow.
Here’s the arms workout you’ll be doing every week as a part of the Fit is the
New Skinny program:
I like to alternate between biceps and triceps sets to save time. I don’t superset
the exercises, but instead I do it like this: biceps exercise 1 set 1, rest 60 seconds,
triceps exercise 1 set , rest 60 seconds, biceps exercise 1 set 2, rest 60 seconds,
triceps exercise set 2, rest 60 seconds, and so forth.
MANY WOMEN DON’T TRAIN THEIR CHEST muscles because they aren’t
interested in having muscular chests.
What they’re missing, though, is that a “muscular” chest on a woman is nothing
like one on a man. A well-trained chest on a woman doesn’t “pop”—it simply gives
some shape and “perkiness” to the entire area, which most women gladly welcome.
The exercises that best accomplish this are few, and they maximally recruit
muscle fibers and allow for heavy, progressive overload without dramatically
increasing the risk of injury.
Here they are:
These are the exercises you must master if you want to build an impressive chest.
Period. Forget cable work, dumbbell flys, push-up variations, machines, and every
other type of chest exercise out there for now. They just aren’t nearly as effective as
the above core, foundation-building lifts and are only for advanced weightlifters
who have already paid their dues with the heavy pressing to build strong pecs.
I usually rotate between dumbbell-centric and barbell-centric routines. For
example, I’ll do a routine of incline dumbbell presses, flat dumbbell press, and
weighted dips for eight weeks and then switch to a routine of flat bench press,
incline bench press, and flat dumbbell press for the next eight.
A good chest workout emphasizes heavy pressing, and that’s what you’ll be
doing. If you can’t do dips, find out whether your gym has an assisted dip machine.
If it doesn’t and you still want to do 3 more sets in your workout, you can do 3 sets
of flat dumbbell presses.
Incline Barbell Bench Press – Warm-up sets and then 3 working sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 working sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press – 3 working sets
Optional: Dip (Chest Variation) – 3 working sets
Optional: Calf Training
of the fitness elite, the proof that you know the inside “secrets” of getting ripped.
Unfortunately, the amount of bad advice out there on how to get them is just
staggering. Some trainers say you just have to do special types of ab exercises…and
they’re wrong. Others say you just have to get lean and you’ll have an awesome
core…and they’re wrong. Others still say you just have to do a lot of squatting and
deadlifting…and they’re wrong too. And let’s not forget the quacks who say the real
secret is avoiding certain types of foods and taking weird pills and powders—
they’re really wrong.
Like most things fitness, the real way to get six-pack abs—for both guys and gals
—is pretty straightforward.
When people talk about “abs,” what they’re referring to is the pair of muscles
that make up the rectus abdominis:
As you can see, however, these muscles aren’t the whole story of the full six-
pack look that people want, however. There are other “core” muscles that must be
properly developed as well such as the obliques (external mainly), the transversus
abdominis (or “TVA” as it’s commonly referred to), and the serratus anterior.
How do you get these muscles to pop, you’re wondering? Well…
No number of ab exercises alone will give you a great core.
No matter how simple or fancy the exercises, they are not the “shortcut to six-
pack abs.”
Yes, ab exercises are necessary for developing a solid core, but it takes more than
weekly ab challenges to get the look you desire.
Just deadlifting and squatting isn’t enough.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the following: “I don’t train abs; I squat
and deadlift.” And these guys and girls usually have unimpressive cores.
The reality is these two exercises, even when performed with heavy weight (80+
percent of 1RM), just don’t involve the “show” muscles of the rectus abdominis,
the tranversus abdominis, and the external obliques as much as people think.
Now, don’t get me wrong: heavy squatting and deadlifting do help build an all-
around great core, but they aren’t enough on their own.
Just being lean isn’t enough, either.
It’s true that you need to have low levels of body fat for your abs to fully show.
They really start getting visible around 20 percent body fat in women and 10
percent in men.
But you can get very lean and still not have the abs you want because most
people’s cores aren’t naturally developed enough to have the cuts and lines that
make for a truly outstanding stomach.
What does it take to get a killer core, then?
A great core requires both low body fat levels and well-developed core muscles,
and that means doing two things:
Reducing your body fat percentage.
Your rectus abdominis doesn’t start showing until you reach the 20 percent
range, and the rest of the core muscles don’t pop until you get below it.
Just know that no matter how great your core muscles are developed, you will
not achieve the look you want if your body fat percentage is too high.
Regularly performing the right ab and core exercises.
Building a great core requires that you do both ab exercises that train your rectus
abdominis and exercises that train the other muscles that complete the look we
What are the right exercises, then? Let’s find out…
Cable Crunch
Hanging Leg Raise
Captain’s Chair Leg Raise
Ab Roller
Air Bicycles
Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise
Decline Crunch
I didn’t just choose these at random. Research led by Peter Francis, PhD at the
Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University showed them to be the most
effective for training the rectus abdominis and obliques.
One of the biggest ab training mistakes most people make is that they don’t
perform any weighted ab exercises. The result is the ability to do a bazillion
crunches or leg raises…but with abs that look small and underdeveloped.
The abs are like any other muscle: they require progressive overload to grow, and
that can only be accomplished by adding resistance to exercises. You don’t have to
add weight to all of your ab training, but you must do some if you want abs that
I’ve found that abs seem to respond best to a combination of weighted and
unweighted work. Here’s how I like to do it:
Do a set of a weighted exercise like the cable crunch, captain’s chair leg raise,
or hanging leg raise for 10 to 12 reps (you can add weight to the latter two by
snatching a dumbbell in between your feet).
Rest 2 to 3 minutes.
For example:
Rest 2 to 3 minutes.
Do 3 to 6 of these circuits two or three times per week, and your abs and
obliques will develop.
In terms of developing the rest of your core muscles, heavy compound
weightlifting exercises like the deadlift, squat, and military press get the job done
better than special “core exercises,” particularly when performed with heavy weight.
Nothing else is needed here.
YOU CAN CERTAINLY MAKE GAINS LIFTING 3 or 4 times per week, and
I’m going to show you exactly how to do this, but you will do best if you can
somehow work in five sessions every week.
If you’re going to train five days per week, use the following training template:
Day 1:
Chest & Calves
Day 2:
Back & Butt & Abs
Day 3:
Shoulders & Calves
Day 4:
Arms & Abs
Day 5:
Legs & Butt
If you’re going to train 4 days per week, use the following template:
Day 1:
Chest & Triceps & Calves
Day 2:
Back & Butt & Biceps & Abs
Day 3:
Shoulders & Calves
Day 4:
Legs & Butt & Abs
If you’re going to train three days per week, use the following training template:
Day 1:
Push & Butt & Calves
Day 2:
Pull & Abs
Day 3:
Legs & Butt
Your “Push & Butt & Calves” day consists of training your chest, shoulders,
triceps, butt, and calves.
Here’s an example of a three-day week:
Day 1
Push & Butt & Calves
Incline Barbell Bench Press – Warm-up sets and then 3 working sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press – 3 working sets
Seated or Standing Barbell Military Press – Warm-up sets and then 3 working sets
Side Lateral Raise – 3 working sets
Hip Thrust – 3 working sets
Calf Workout A
Day 2
Pull & Abs
Barbell Deadlift – Warm-up sets and then 3 working sets
Barbell Row – 3 working sets
One-Arm Dumbbell Row – 3 working sets
Barbell Curl – 3 working sets
3 to 6 ab circuits
Day 3
Legs & Butt
Barbell Squat – Warm-up sets and then 3 working sets
Leg Press – 3 working sets
Romanian Deadlift – 3 working sets
Hip Thrust – 3 working sets
Calf Workout B
This setup is quite different than the other workouts, but it follows simple
Your push day should include 6 to 9 sets for both your chest and shoulders
and 3 for your butt and triceps. Dips are great for this workout because they
train the chest, shoulders, and triceps, but you’ll have to build your strength up
to doing them.
Your pull day should include 9 to 12 sets for your back and 3 for your biceps.
Exercise 1: Set 1
Exercise 1: Set 2
Exercise 1: Set 3
Exercise 2: Set 1
And so on.
Finding your starting weights on the various exercises is more or less a matter of
trial and error. You’re going to find that in most cases, just the barbell alone will be
enough, or even too much weight. Don’t be discouraged by this—it’s completely
If you can handle the barbell alone and work in your beginning rep range of 8
to 10, then you’re good to go. You’ll quickly get stronger and be able to add weight
(and as a general rule, for every 10 pounds you add to the bar, you’ll lose about 2
reps; the same goes for each 5-pound increase on the dumbbells).
If however, the barbell is too much (many women find this to be the case with
the bench and military press), you have two options: you can start with straight bars
instead, which have fixed weights lower than 45 pounds (the weight of a free
barbell), or you can start with dumbbell variations of the barbell exercises.
You now know the core principles of the Fit is the New Skinny program and how
to ensure you get the most out of your training. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed
by all the details, I totally understand. Take a few minutes to go back over the last
couple chapters and let it all sink in.
Once you’ve started applying what you’ve learned, you’ll see how simple it is.
Making great gains in the gym requires nothing more than doing a bunch of “little”
things right in both your diet and training. There isn’t one great “secret” to building
a strong, muscular, and lean physique; you just assemble the pieces of the puzzle
efficiently and correctly and it all comes together.
Significant spikes in growth hormone levels (which aid in fat loss) and
catecholamine levels (chemicals your body produces to directly induce fat
And more…
The bottom line is that high-intensity interval training burns more fat in less
time than steady-state cardio.
But wait, there’s more…
In most people’s minds, cardio and muscle growth don’t go together very well.
And there’s some truth in this.
While I recommend that you always include some cardio in your programming
regardless of whether you’re bulking or cutting, there are right and wrong ways to
do it.
For instance, research has shown that combining both strength and endurance
training (concurrent training) can hinder your strength and muscle gains when
compared to just strength training alone. This is why I recommend that people split
their cardio and strength training into two separate workouts.
But, even if you do this, cardio can still have a negative impact on your muscle-
related gains.
Research has shown that the longer your cardio sessions are, the more they
impair strength and hypertrophy. That is, the shorter your cardio sessions are, the
more muscle you preserve.
Thus, keeping your cardio sessions short is important when we’re talking about
maximizing your gains in the weight room, and preserving your muscle. Only high-
intensity interval training allows you to do this while still deriving significant
benefits from the exercise.
Now, I often get asked about what my favorite HIIT routine is, and my answer is
cycling (recumbent cycling to be specific).
Well, not only is it convenient that I can bring my iPad and read or watch a show
or movie while doing my cardio, it turns out that cycling itself has special benefits
for us weightlifters.
These benefits were demonstrated in a particularly interesting study conducted
by Stephen F Austin State University.
What researchers found is that the TYPE of cardio done had a profound effect
on the subjects’ ability to gain strength and size in their weightlifting. The subjects
that did running and walking for their cardio gained significantly less strength and
size than those that cycled.
Researchers concluded that this was because cycling involves the use of more of
the muscles used in hypertrophy movements (squats, for instance) than running or
walking does. That is, it more closely imitates the motions that result in
hypertrophy, and thus doesn’t impair hypertrophy.
Therefore, I recommend cycling for your high-intensity interval training (the
next-best choice would be sprinting, as this too involves many of the same
muscles), and I recommend keeping your sessions relatively short (20-30 minutes).
If you don’t have a recumbent cycle available, the second-best option would be a
rowing machine. The third-best would be sprints on the treadmill or outside.
In terms of an exact protocol, here’s what you can do.
1. You start your workout with 2-3 minutes of low-intensity warmup on the
lowest resistance.
2. You then bump the resistance up to 4-5, and pedal as fast as possible for 30
3. You then reduce the resistance to its slowest setting and pedal at a moderate
pace for 60 seconds. If you’re new to HIIT, you may need to extend this rest
period to 90-120 seconds.
4. You repeat this cycle of all-out and recovery intervals for 20-25 minutes.
THE SHELVES OF YOUR LOCAL SUPPLEMENT store are packed with all
kinds of bogus junk claiming to deliver results that only steroids can achieve. You
know the claims…
Advanced time-release formula guaranteed to feed your lean mass for up to 8 hours!
Kick your testosterone production into overdrive and maximize your gains!
Assault estrogen receptors in your body and completely block muscle-killing
The products include pre-, intra-, and post-workout supplements, testosterone,
human growth hormone, nitric oxide boosters, anti-estrogens, aromatase inhibitors,
and the list goes on and on.
If you believe half of the hype you read in supplement advertisements or on
their labels, well, it would probably take a while before you realize the simple truth
of the matter, which is…
Most everything you see in the world of workout supplements is utterly worthless.
Yup…a complete waste of money. Not all. But most.
How can I say that so confidently? Well, I’ve not only tried every type of
supplement you can imagine, but I’ve also studied the science and am interested
only in what has been objectively proven—not “gymlore” and fancy marketing
You see, the supplement companies are cashing in big on a “little” trick that your
mind can play on you known as the placebo effect. This is the scientifically proven fact
that your simple belief in the effectiveness of a medicine or supplement can make it
work. People have alleviated and in many cases even cured a whole host of serious
illnesses, both mental and physical, by taking medically inert (useless) substances
that they believed had therapeutic value.
Thus, just because some guys believe that the shiny new bottle of “muscle-
maximizing” pills will work and then “feel them working” doesn’t mean they have
any actual value. Unfortunately, however, the placebo effect doesn’t seem to be
strong enough to help us build more muscle with pixie dust, despite what we think
might be happening.
And the sad reality is many (most, really) supplements hawked in gyms,
magazines, and websites are nothing more than that: pixie dust. That is, the majority
of ingredients in these products have never been scientifically proven to do
anything like what is claimed, or better yet, they have been proven to be flat-out
If you’re wondering how companies can even get away with such an egregious
scam, it’s simple: the supplement industry is completely unregulated. You don’t have
to submit products to the FDA to start selling—you just whip something together,
say whatever you want in your advertising, and voilà, you’re now in the supplement
business. Watch the documentary Bigger Stronger Faster if you want to see how
hilariously easy this is.
The degenerates running certain supplement companies set the standard for
unethical practices by doing things like spiking pre-workouts with
methamphetamine-like substances (yes, several large supplement companies were
caught doing this) or adding a dangerous chemical extracted from dynamite to fat-
loss pills (one of the same companies did this as well), and, well, they may get
caught…one day. And fined. Or not.
I’ve had the displeasure of meeting several of these unsavory types, and I wasn’t
surprised to hear jokes about their latest “pills in a bottle” for customers to snap
up; about how easy it is to just tell people what they want to hear and sell them
anything; about how large the drug bills are of bodybuilders they sponsor (yeah,
some supplement companies pay for their athletes’ steroids, but you’re led to
believe the magic pixie dust is the key to their physiques); about dishonest ways to
fudge ingredient dosages and nutrition facts such as “amino spiking” protein
powders, which entails filling them up with scoops of cheap amino acids that can
be technically displayed as grams of protein; and more.
That said, there are honest people and companies out there, and there are a
handful of supplements worth buying and using. Most aren’t the sexy fat-loss and
muscle-building crap pushed by sexy girls in the magazines, but they are
scientifically proven to help you in your journey to build muscle, get lean, and stay
So, let’s go through the common types of supplements and look at what you
should and shouldn’t spend your hard-earned cash on. And if these
recommendations don’t fit your needs you can find my entire list of supplements
recommendations here.
Protein is the nutrient most responsible for muscle growth and repair. It is
broken down into amino acids during digestion, and these are the “building blocks”
of all tissues in the body.
If you don’t eat enough protein every day, you will stunt your body’s ability to
build muscle, and retain muscle while dieting.
Now, using protein supplements such as whey, egg, and casein powders isn’t
necessary for making gains, but it is convenient. There’s also evidence that whey
protein, a byproduct of cheese making, is particularly good for post-workout
Unless you are in the lucky position of being able to have whole food meals
ready 4 – 6 times per day, you’re going to want to use protein supplements.
There are several popular types of protein powders, but I prefer 100% whey
isolate protein for my pre- and post-workout supplementation:
The first thing you need to know about fat loss supplements is that NO pill or
powder will cause you to magically lose fat.
Losing weight requires properly using diet and exercise to maintain a calorie
deficit over time, without causing too much metabolic slowdown.
That said, there are natural, safe supplements that have been scientifically proven
to speed up fat loss when combined with a proper diet.
Let’s go over each here.
Many companies try to sell you their fat burners by making the process of fat
loss sound overly complex.
They talk about increasing fat oxidation rates, preserving lean mass, supporting
the thyroid, inducing thermogenesis, inhibiting enzymes related to fat storage,
inducing enzymes that cause fat loss, manipulating hormone and neurotransmitter
levels, reducing water retention, improving nutrient partitioning, and more.
Well, the truth is, these are all aspects of fat loss, but this type of marketing is
little more than an attempt to dazzle you with terminology and scientific half-truths
in hopes that you just accept the claimed benefits at face value.
While there are notable exceptions, the majority of fat burners on the market
contain little more than a handful of cheap stimulants to make you feel like you’re
burning fat and a smattering of underdosed, unproven, or ineffective (and often all
three!) ingredients thrown in to pad the ingredients list and make you think you’re
getting a lot for your money.
This is why I created my own fat burner…
Caffeine helps you lose fat by simply increasing your body’s daily energy
As weight loss boils down to energy consumed vs. energy expended, caffeine
helps you maintain a calorie deficit.
Caffeine has other benefits for us fitness folk. It improves strength, muscle
endurance, and anaerobic performance, and also reverses the “morning weakness”
experienced by many weightlifters.
Now, you can get your caffeine from a beverage like coffee, but interestingly
enough, research has shown that the pure form you find in most pills and powders
(caffeine anhydrous) is actually more effective for improving performance.
Thus, I recommend you take caffeine pills.
2. Keep your daily. intake at or below 6 mg per kg of body weight. Don’t have 6
mg/kg before training and then drink a couple of coffees throughout the day.
3. Do 1 – 2 low-caffeine days per week, and 1 no-caffeine day per week. A low
day should be half your normal intake, and a no day means less than 50 mg of
caffeine (you can have a cup or two of tea, but no coffee, caffeine pills, etc.).
Green tea extract is a weight loss supplement made from green tea leaves.
It’s rich in antioxidants known as catechins, which are responsible for many of
tea’s health benefits, and which have been proven to help with weight loss. Research
has also shown that catechins can help reduce abdominal fat, in particular.
Catechins accelerate fat loss by blocking an enzyme that degrades
catecholamines, which are chemicals the body produces that trigger the use of fat
for energy.
Keep in mind that the fat burner I recommended earlier, PHOENIX, has a
clinically effective dosage of green tea extract so you wouldn’t need to buy this
How to Use Green Tea Extract For Weight Loss
If you look at the dosages proven effective in clinical studies, you’ll see that 400
– 600 mg of catechins per day is the normal range.
Each pill of the product I recommend below contains about 150 mg of
catechins so I take 4 per day both when I’m cutting and maintaining. (I take green
tea extract when I’m maintaining simply because it helps prevent fat storage and
promotes a generally leaner physique.)
When you take green tea extract doesn’t really matter. Research has shown that
absorption is faster when pills are taken in a fasted state, but plasma catechin levels
remain elevated for several hours after ingestion, whether fed or fasted.
Personally, I train fasted when cutting, and I have 300 mg 30 minutes before
training, and another 300 mg a couple hours before I do cardio later in the day.
You should also know that nausea is common if you take green tea extract on an
empty stomach. If I take more than 200 – 300 mg on an empty stomach, I get quite
Yohimbine is made from the Pausinystalia yohimbe plant, and it helps the body
“tap into” fat stores.
(Not a very technical explanation, I know–if you want to know exactly how it
works, check out this article of mine on how to lose stubborn fat.)
Assuming you’re training properly, most of your strength and muscle gains and
your body’s ability to recover properly are going to hinge on your diet and sleep
Building muscle requires that you eat enough protein, and enough calories every
day. It also requires that you get enough sleep every night.
The reality is the vast majority of “muscle building” supplements out there are
completely bogus. They will not help you get bigger or stronger.
There are, however, a few supplements that have been scientifically proven to
help you build muscle, get stronger, and recover faster.
So, let’s begin!
Creatine is a substance found naturally in the body and in foods like red meat. It
is perhaps the most researched molecule in the world of sport supplements–the
subject of over 200 studies–and the consensus is very clear.
Supplementation with creatine can help you build muscle and improve strength,
improve anaerobic endurance, and reduce muscle damage and soreness from
For some reason, it’s often claimed that creatine is bad for your kidneys. You can
rest easy—these claims have been categorically and repeatedly disproven.
In healthy subjects, creatine has been shown to have no harmful side effects, in
both short- or long-term usage. People with kidney disease are not advised to
supplement with creatine, however.
I highly recommend that you supplement with creatine. It’s safe, cheap, and
effective. But there are many types out there. Which is the best?
Don’t overpay for over-hyped forms of creatine pushed by million-dollar ad
campaigns and sold in fancy bottles. Creatine monohydrate is the best bang for your
buck, and is the standard by which all other forms of creatine are still judged.
Carnitine is a compound that your body produces from the amino acids lysine
and methionine, and it plays a vital role in the generation of cellular energy.
Research has shown that supplementation with carnitine can:
The better your muscles can recover from your training, the better your results
will ultimately be, and that’s why carnitine is worthwhile.
I used to supplement with both creatine and carnitine separately, but thanks to
what I’m doing with LEGION, I was able to combine them into one along with
corosolic acid, which improves blood glucose control and enhances the signaling of
insulin.1, 2
People will rush to store month after month to buy the latest fancy looking
muscle-building or fat-loss supplements, but few bother with supplements intended
to improve overall health.
Ironically, the “boring” types of supplements we’re going to discuss in this
section can actually do much more to improve performance than most of the crap
lining the shelves of GNC.
In this section, we’ll discuss a few supplements that are not only great for staying
healthy, but help keep your body primed for optimum performance levels as well as
efficient muscle growth and fat loss.
When you’re working out regularly and intensely, it’s especially important to
provide your body all the nutrients it needs to maintain a high level of performance
and health. There’s more to this than eating enough calories to build muscle or lose
Your body needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to perform the
millions of physiological processes that keep you alive and well. This is a basic
need, like protein, carbohydrates, fats, and water, and if it’s neglected, health and
performance can be severely compromised.
Ideally, we’d get all of the vitamins and minerals we need from the food we eat,
but this is easier said than done.
First there’s the issue of the ever-declining quality of soil and food (even in the
world of organic), which is making it harder to get adequate nutrition from our
Then there’s the fact that maintaining optimal levels of vitamin and mineral
intake requires a bit of planned dietary diversity, which can be done, but can also be
time consuming.
Personally, I prefer a simpler approach. I make sure the majority of my calories
come from nutrient-dense foods, like the following:
Bell peppers
Brussels sprouts
Baked potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Low-fat yogurt
Lentils, peas
Chicken, turkey
And I supplement with a multivitamin to fill any “holes” left by my diet. I use
and recommend the following:
The next type of general health supplement that I highly recommend is fish oil,
because it’s a great source of “omega-3 fatty acids.”
Omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid–EPA–and docosahexaenoic acid–
DHA) are an essential type of fat, meaning they can’t be synthesized by the body
and must be obtained from the diet.
Research has shown that supplementation with fish oil can…
Reduce blood pressure, depression, the negative effects of stress, and the risk
forkidney and cardiovascular disease, as well as stroke and metabolic syndrome
Improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity in people with impaired insulin
response and metabolism, and preserve it in the metabolically healthy
The next general health supplement worth using is good ol’ vitamin D.
As you may know, our body can’t produce vitamin D without sun exposure, and
this molecule plays a much larger role in fighting disease than we once thought.
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of developing a
wide variety of diseases, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, some cancers,
type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis and even the flu.
Well, according to research published by the Center for Disease Control in 2011,
8% of Americans are vitamin D deficient, and 25% are considered “at risk” of a
There are two ways to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D:
Spend 15-20 minutes in the sun every day, with at least 25% of your skin
Supplement with it
I HOPE YOU’VE FOUND THIS EBOOK helpful and kick some major ass on
the program.
While there are many other things you can learn about building muscle and
getting lean, you now know the fundamentals of getting ripped, and I think you’ll
be very pleasantly surprised with how your body responds to the diet and exercise
principles I’ve taught you.
Oh and if you liked this book, then you’ll love its “big sister,” Thinner Leaner
Thinner Leaner Stronger builds on everything you’ve learned in this book and
teaches you exactly what it takes to build the ultimate female physique.
In it you’ll learn things like…
The 5 biggest fat loss myths & mistakes that keep women overweight,
frustrated, and confused. (These BS lies are pushed by all the big
magazines and even by many trainers.)
How to build meal plans that allow you to build muscle, lose fat, and get
healthy with ease…eating foods you love (yes, including those deemed
“unclean” by certain “gurus”)…and never feeling starved, deprived, or like
you’re “on a diet.”
The lies women are told about how to “tone” and “shape” their bodies,
and what you REALLY need to do to have sexy, lean curves. (Hint:
Doing a ton of reps every day with light weights to “tone your muscles”
is a waste of your time.)
How to master the “inner game” of fitness and develop the self-
discipline and willpower it takes to build the body of your dreams (and
actually enjoy the process!).
How to get ripped while still indulging in the “cheat” foods that you love
every week like pasta, pizza, and ice cream.
If you want to be toned, lean, and strong as quickly as possible without crash
dieting, “good genetics,” or wasting ridiculous amounts of time in the gym
and money on pills and powders…regardless of your age… then you want to
read this book.
I’ve lived the fitness lifestyle for over a decade, have sold more than 250,000
books, and have helped thousands of people lose weight, build muscle, and get
For years now, I’ve been researching, testing, and recommending to others the
best workout supplements I could find, but it was a constant struggle to maintain a
list that met my standards.
What I’ve wanted for not just myself but others is simple:
Good taste
Apparently, that’s way too much to ask, because these products simply haven’t
existed. Most don’t even begin to come close to those standards. The egregious
offenders of the workout supplement industry (of which there are many,
unfortunately) do everything wrong:
They use a ton of ingredients that have not been scientifically proven to do
what is claimed.
They underdose ingredients that actually work and use the proprietary blend
to hide it.
So I did what I could. I found the best possible products for me and my readers,
but in the back of my mind, I knew things could be done better.
As my career as an author began to grow and my tribe at my blog, Muscle for
Life, began to form, I finally saw an opportunity to do something about the status
quo that I hated so much.
I decided to take matters into my own hands and, I believe, add real value to the
I think you know dubious, or even fraudulent, marketing claims when you see
I think you question how effective a product can be if it contains tiny dosages
of 67 different ingredients.
I think you don’t buy into A-list endorsements that are all about million-dollar
paydays, not the products.
I think you do care what you’re putting into your body and want to know that
the ingredients used are scientifically proven to be healthy, safe, and effective.
And so I decided that LEGION had to take a unique stand. It had to do what
nobody else seemed to be willing to do:
There’s absolutely no reason to use them for anything other than deception and
All the science behind effective ingredients and dosages is publicly available.
Everyone knows what works and doesn’t, and in what amounts. Claims of trade
secrets are bogus.
If a company isn’t willing to tell you exactly what you’re buying, it’s because it
doesn’t want you to know. Don’t support these companies. Force them to change
their ways.
At LEGION, we are 100% transparent about what’s in our products and in what
dosages. Not only that, but we also back each ingredient with scientific studies that
you can review. When you buy a LEGION product, you know exactly what you’re
getting and why.
The studies don’t demonstrate the benefits at all. In fact, some studies cited
actually demonstrate ingredients to be ineffective, yet they’re cited as grounds for
The subjects of the studies are elderly or diseased, not healthy adults. Just
because a substance improves a sick person’s condition in some way does not
mean it will have the same effects in your body.
The studies are animal research, not human research. While certain aspects of
the human body share similarities with animals like pigs and rats, they are not
similar enough to extrapolate animal research directly to humans. Animal
research points the way for human research.
Many supplements contain artificial dyes, known as azo dyes, such as FD&C
Yellow #5, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red No. 40, and others.
Like artificial sweeteners, consumption of azo dyes might not be as harmful as
some claim, but there is evidence that these chemicals can cause various negative
effects in the body.9, 10, 11, 12, 13
At LEGION, we never use artificial food dyes because they carry potential
health risks and add nothing but color. Do you care whether your pre-workout
drink is a natural shade of light red or a deep, toxic-looking crimson?
I didn’t think so.
Call us melodramatic, but we feel like we’re getting slapped in the face every time
we flip through a bodybuilding magazine.
Ad after ad features hulking freaks hawking one pill or powder or the other as if
it has anything to do with why they’re so big and lean.
How dumb do these marketers think we are?
At LEGION, we feel the facts alone should sell our products. Fitness models
who truly believe in and endorse certain products are well and good, but that’s of
secondary importance.
How annoying is it to buy a $50 bottle of product only to discover that it only
lasts 10 days if you follow the usage directions?
Half-filled buckets … ridiculously large serving sizes … recommendations of
several scoops per serving.
We understand, and we disagree.
Because of our commitment to using clinically effective dosages and safe,
healthy ingredients, we could price our products at the top of the market.
However, at LEGION, we not only provide you with—in some cases—4 to 5
times the effective ingredients per serving as our competitors, but we also ensure
that you get enough in every bottle to last longer than a week or two.
If you want to be toned, lean, and strong as quickly as possible without crash
dieting, “good genetics,” or wasting ridiculous amounts of time in the gym and
money on supplements…regardless of your age… then you want to read this book.
If you want to know how to forever escape the dreadful experience of “dieting”
and learn how to cook nutritious, delicious meals that make building muscle and
burning fat easy and enjoyable, then you need to read this book.
If you want to know how to build muscle and burn fat by eating delicious
vegetarian and vegan meals that are easy to cook and easy on your wallet, then you
want to read this book.
Muscle Myths: 50 Health & Fitness Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re
If you’ve ever felt lost in the sea of contradictory training and diet advice out
there and you just want to know once and for all what works and what doesn’t—
what’s scientifically true and what’s false—when it comes to building muscle and
getting ripped, then you need to read this book.
If you’re short on time and sick of the same old boring cardio routine and want
to kick your fat loss into high gear by working out less and…heaven forbid…
actually have some fun…then you want to read this new book.
If you want to know exactly how to make it through the “intermediate lifter”
phase smoothly, with an incredible physique to show for it, and then continue to
make gains and enjoy your training as an advanced lifter, then you want to read this
If you’d like to know what some of history’s greatest thinkers and achievers can
teach you about awakening your inner genius and how to find, follow, and fulfill
your journey to greatness, then you want to read this book today.
(I’m using a pen name for this book as well as for a few other projects not
related to health and fitness, but I thought you might enjoy it so I’m including it
Are you comfortable letting crooked politicians decide what your rights are? I’m
not, which is why I wrote this book. It helps you easily reach a deep understanding
of the Bill of Rights by walking you through the historical context needed to fully
grasp the spirit and importance of key amendments.